The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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docks. The iur crowded up on th
www atoK-oi to coucb itrtet dock
this morning and forced th of fie
or tn steamer Alliance from it fort
Manager Baumgartner decided to re
move temporarily to Greenwich dock;
where the Steamer will berth when she
arrive this afternoon from Coos bay.
district Forecaster Beala announced
this morning that owlna- to the unsat
isfactory service
the i river sauce at
RiDaria. On tha Snake rivr. will ha Am.
Cnr-n TIavo Twmrltr Vsirn TiA nea the end of this month. Prim. HatM To Th nt oh art H
wiuiuvjgiiuiivnu ana BnaKe river readlnn will thenrav .ai,u .auawuuvu
i rortn be taken at Pasco, whence Co-
jumoia river readings are also sent
! out. Pasco lies near the confluence
of the two river U miles from the
Snike river gauge and 1 mile from the
Columbia river gauge.
Drowning in Willam
ette River.
by a Schoolmate for
Putting on Frills.
? 1.
Two of Occaptdit Rescued In Kick
CoMters.Hre to Buck Hard North
rasters Off Shore.
The steamship Columbia. Captain Po
of Time by Men Employed on File I ran lost eight hours coming up from
I fill n ' FlnrflltftA riftCttllM A (h .rnn m
urn-era uorKing on ws nwuirm northeasterly winds. She reached Alna-
i,- . nmtjt. worth dock early this morning. Other
i.iv coasters are alua . Into. Th llllmni
rhlch will be In the harbor tonight
should have arrived yesterday and the
Believes He Will Be Liberal Prime
Minister, of England- Rulers JLrts I
Alarmed by the Frequent Pit of
Princes Victoria. "
(Journal Bpeelal Service.)
London, June I. The members Of the I
Prince of Wales' household are much
Seven boys narrowly escaped drown-1 F, A. Kllburn, due to arrive yesterday,
lng Saturday afternoon a short dls- will not get In before tomorrow night
: tan below the foot of Swan Island, The Columbia hrouarht nearlv Xno tm.
when the steamer Harvest Queen, tow- sengors, too cabin and about 100 steer-1 'n"d at tha accounts which have
Ing the schooner Expansion,-ran over age. Amonr those who cam north p16"1 reclvetl from various sources of
their rowboat. Those who witnessed tne were a number who had grown Imnsti
' accident from shore say the boys were ent with the strike trouble In the Bay
entirely to blame, since the steamer's I City. They say conditions are certainly
whistle was mown tnree times ana ma ana there are no indications of an
then every effort was made to stop tne early Improvement although so far a
heavy, tow when It became evident mat the streetcar strike . Is concerned it
the !oings of the prince's eldest son,
little Prince Edward, or "David," as he
Is called at home, at the Oaborne col
lege for naval cadets.
The other day a certain well-known
woman who. has lived all her life near
the boys did not Intend to get out of I seems a victory for the employers, I Sandrlngham, the king's Norfolk home.
the wav.
The Harvest Queen strut the boat
full broadside and turned itover ,11k
a chip of wood, spillingtn occupants
into the water. Some of them were
, dragged under . the moving boat, but,
being able to swin, they aoon got out
In clear water. A bunch of life pre
servers were thrown from the towboat
. but only a couple of the struggling
boys were able to reach them. Their
partners managed to keep afloat until
seme meit driving piling for the North
ern Paclflo bridge picked them up In
a rowboat that luckily was at their
disposal. Two of the boys were rescued
with difficulty, and would have gone
down for the last time In a few mo-
. ments.
The schooner Expansion was lumber
laden bound down the river from the
mills of the Portland Lumber company.
None' of the boys gave their names to
those who brought them ashore.
As far as can be learned, no accidents
occurred on the river yesterday, al
though hundreds of pleasure craft' were
la commission. All boats, whether oper
ated for hire or not are required to
carry lights after dark and to be
quipped with life preservefa
since more cars are gradually being put
into commission,
Yaquina Bay Residents Rush
View the Leggett,
' (Special Dlapatrb to 'Dm Journal.!
Albany, Or., June I. The steamer
; Francis H. Leggett loading at Taqulna
with - lumber under charter to the Cur-
ties Lumber company of Mill City,' Is
said to be one of the largest vessels
Owner of Fully Equipped Craft
(pedal TXspateb to The J annul.)
Astoria, Or., June S. A fish boat
marked "W. 89." containing a net oars
and sails was picked up on Chinook
beach Saturday afternoon by Andrew
C. Anderson, a fisherman employed by
the- Warren Packing company. The
only thing in the boat to indicate owner
ship was a demijohn marked Qua Han
sen. It looks like the boat had gone
adrift from Its moorings.
Four Steamers Sah With Two Thou
sand From Pnget Sound.
ISpaeial Dispatch to The Journal.)
Seattle, Wash., June S. The Nome
season Is formally opened with the sail
Ing of the Ohio, Victoria, Umatilla and
Pleiades. The four of them took about
2,000 passengers and approximately 15.-
000 tons of freight. The Olympla sailed
yesterday. The President will sail
Tuesday and the Yucatan Wednesday.
aii wun ruu cargoes and passenger lists.
Big crowds have gathered at the docks
to watch the ships depart
Besnkr tlnar Doe to Arrive.
Alliance, from Cooa Bar , . . . Jnn ft
ever In that port With a carrying ca-1 AKI"2"'' I""" 8"n nd wsy.Jnne 4
e n.r i Knn (Win th. .,.... 5o,D0k: an Prdn 1 way Jane 4
' ! Y'' K'ea. from San Francisco... Jane T
ia u uujsci ui rautu luicrm vj in. u, w. tiaer, rrom Ml) fKlro and way. .Jane 11
frequenters of the famous resort Oolunibla.froni Ban rranclaco Jane 13
A special excursion Is being run by TlLZ 'tllJZlV"- 7?
the nnrvalllH a- Kantern railroad on Run. I wiZ:. ".VV J"' !7
i tiiwueiiii, inn ormil. .Jul, 77
day for the purpose of giving an oppor Nnmantla, from orient Ancaat 1$
tunny 10 view uus vessel wnue loading Keralar Lbura to Suri
wun ner large cargo 01 lumoer ana urn- I Aiiuinea, ror unoa Bay mt g
ber products, coiumnia. roc Ban Frandneo Jan S
m. ixiiuui u, iuc n.n rr.n, ana war...jnne S
Roannk. tnr Han PmIm mnA - , .
water on lower docks Numantu. tor orientT...".;. I
uta Klea, (or Son rranclaco Jnne 10
O. W. Elder, for San Pfm an.1 T... t-i
Columbia- River Continues Crowding ,, for orient ".'.'.jniy 27
Slowly the Willamette is still rising
as a result of backwater from the
Columbia, and District Forecaster Beals
predicts a height of 20 feet next Fri
day. That will probably be the limit
of the present . flood since there Is
as a rule little danger of extremely
II gh water after June 10 under the
conditions now existing,
The Willamette 1 today beginning to
lap upon the lowtr docks and freight
in being handled mostly on the tipper
IflVER ji
Biok Baadaeheand relieve all the troubles met.
dent to a bilious state of the ay.tem.auoh as
Sid dm, Ksnaea, Provsiaaas, IHatre after
eaUn(, rain la the Bide, ka. While their moat
tas been abown la ouiug
vewaarkable sooeeaa has 1
- "fieadacha, yet Carter's Litila Liver Pflls are
equally valuable in OonatlpeUon. enrlng and pre-
Tenting uuaannoylngeomplalnt,wtilie taey aiae
' crraetaUdiirdeno(theaUMnaabjitlmnlattbe
Hrer and regubu the bowels. XTBoUtbeyealy
Aeh they would be almost priceless to those who
Buffer from UilJ digressing oomplalnt; butforto
Bataly tbeirgoodoeas doe notend bere.and those
who once try them will find these little pills vain
able in so manr wajs that they will not be wrt
, Jinf to do without tbem. Bat after all sick b4
Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
w make our great boast. Our pills oure it while
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and!
very easy to take. One or two piUs makes doe.
They ar strictly vegetable and do not grip os
pars, bat by their gentle action pleas all who
Cairn XEienn co, tvr teat
araDia, lor orient junt jg la Port.
J. MsrboK.r, am. tr.. at Csrroirs Point
Vols. Br. ah., at Elerator dock.
Jordsnbill. Br. I., st R. A W. mllla.
Zlnlta, Br. bk., at Greenwlrb dock.
Tllus, Ger. bk.. at Knappton.
ftretnclyde, Br. atr., at Unnton.
Washington, Am. bsrrr. at Ellsworth, 014
miles abor Vancourer.
Slntrsro, Am. sh., at Stella.
Wban Ho, Chines Junk, at th Oaks.
John Palmer, Am. bkin., at Kalama.
Expansion. Am. sch., at Aatorla.
William Olaen, Am. acb., at As'nrla.
Makswelt, Am. bktn., Wolli.cs Slough,
Blsmond Bead, Am. bk.i VanconTer.
Emily Reed Am. ah., at Portland Lombsr Co.
Btratbyra, Br. str., at Rainier.
, Northland, Am. atr., at drydock.
Bark. .Nor. str., at Oceanic dock.
Irene. Am. srb., at St. Helena.
Hyndrord. Br. str., at O. K. h N., Albina.
Columbia. Am. sbp., at Stella.
King Cyras. Am. sch., at Astoria.
Virginia, Am. sch., at Inman-Poaleea,
Abbie. Am. ach., at Ostraodrr.
, Churchill. Am. sob., at Knappton.
Antelope. Am. sch., at Astoria.
Mlleboune, Am. acb., at drydock.
Excelsior, Am. atr.. at Portland Lumber C.
Sue Elmore, Am. str., at Snpple's yard.
Numaotla, Oer. atrM at Montgomery N0. 1
Jim Butler, Am. atr., on the way un.
B. F. Whitney, Am. bk., st St. Johns.
Wm. Renton, Am. ach., at Astoria.
Washington. Am. barge, at TTnlrerslty Mill.
Cssco, Am. str., at Irving dock.
Columbia, Am. str., at Aim worth dork.
, Alliance, Am. atr., at Greenwich dock.
Lnmbst Carrion Ea Route.
ElwenVAm. en., San Pedro. -
Lucille. Am. ah.. Ban Franelaen.
Mabel Gal. Am. sch., Han Francisco,
aetrierer. Am. bktn., San Francisco,
Aurora, Am. bktn., San, Francisco.
Slots Ana, Am. str.. Ssn Francisco.
W. B. Home, Am. srb.. Sin Pedro.
J. B. Stetson, Am. str.. San Francisco,
Cbnreblll. Am. sch., San Francisco.
E. F. 8andera, Am. sch., San Pedro.
Cliehalla. Am. bktn., San Pedro.
Nokomis, Am. sch., Ssn Pedro.
Alumna. Am. acb.. San Francisco.
Wslscot, Am. barge, Ben Francisco.
Qulnault Am. atr., San Francisco.
Beboui. Am. sell, San Francisco.
Nome City, Am. atr., San Francisco.
South Bay, Am. atr., San Francisco.
, Za Bout With Cmnt and O.nersl.
Bnccleocli, Br ah., Ilamborg.
Brenn, Fr. bk., Hull.
Conway Castle, Br. bk., Antwers.
Dslgonar, Br, sb., Hamburg.
Europe. Fr- bk., Antwerp.
Genariee Mollnoa, Fr. bk., London.
Ben Kerrller, Fr. ah.. Hamburg.
Laennec, Fr. ah., Swansea. . ,
L Filler. Fr. bk., London. ",
Martha Bona, Fr. bk., Hamburg.
Mozambique. Br. ah., Newcastle, gv
Samoa, Br. bk., Shields.
Slam, Ger. ab., London.
Socoa, FT. ab., Newcastle. B.
Viacenne. Fr. bk., Glasgow.
Marecbael Tnrrene, Fr. bk., Hamburg.
Vllle de Mulbous. Fr. bk..- Antwerp"
Guethsry, Fr. bk., Antwerp.
Plerrl Lotl, Fr. bk., Antwerp. ,
Walden Abbey, Br. sh., Antwers.
Glenesslln, Br. sh, Antwerp.
Versailles. Fr. bk.. Ilth.
General de Belsdeffre. Fr. bk., London.
General de Negrler. Fr. bk.. London.
Coal Bhipa a Bout.
Relen. Fr. bk.. Newcastle. A.
Col. de Vlllebois Marenll. Fr. bk., NewcssUe.A
uiaTeraoQ, or. inwcoiun, a.
Wlllacott. Am. bk, Newcastle. A.
Tramp Steamers 2a Bout.
Ascot. Br. str, Bnenoa Ayre.
African Monarch, Br. str, San Francises,
Tellus, Nor. str, San Francisco.
Maori King. Br. atr., Shanghai.
Henrlk Ibsen, Nor str., Saa Francises.
Queen Alexandra, -Br. atr, Madras.
Kallbla, Br. atr., San Franclsce.
Manshu Mara. Jap. atr, Sallnaa Cms.
Mackinaw, Am. atr., Seattle.
Bon 'Mateo, Am. atr., ' Saa Francisco.
Oil Carrier Za Xoute.
W. 8. Porter, Am. atr., Saa Francisco.
' ' ' si '
and therefore has known all tha royal
family since she was a girl, took her
son to Osborne.
The little boy. who. like Prince
"David," waa entering college for the
nrst time, had been laid up with the
measles, and so the young prince had
several weeks' start of him. 'The
anxious mother naturally wished to see
the dormitory where her son waa to
As she entered the long, bar apart
ment she witnessed a terrific struggle.
A rather fat boy was pummellng an
other on the floor. The "under boy"
was purple In the face with rage and
making determined efforts to get up
ana ao ror tne rat ooy.
The atruggle lasted a long time, the
under boy being severely punished but
refusing tOyShed a tear. To the amass
ment of the anxious mother the under
boy turned out to be Prince David, the
future king of England, who has been
accused of putting on frills.
The Prince of Wales, on hearing of
the Incident from the anxious mother,
merely remarked: "It will do him
Among the American hostesses who
will be especially honored by the king
this season is Mrs. Lewis Harcourt,
nee Burns, whose husband, Mr. Balfour
seriously prophesied at a dinner party
the other night will fine day be a
Liberal prime minister of England.
" Mrs. Harcourt has obtained a promise
from the king to pay a -eek-end visit
to Nuneham, the magnificent old seat
of the Harcourt family. No date has
yet been fixed, but the visit probably
Will take place after the Ascot races.
- Nuneham Is now fitted with electric
light end msny modern Improvements.
Mrs. Harcourt who has Just returned
from Paris, where she has been visiting
her brother, Walter Burns, and his
bride, nee Cavendish-Benetlck, Is as
popular ss her husband with both
Liberal' and Unionists.
Very few people who were present at
the rather quiet wedding of Miss Beat
rice Knollys, a niece of Lord Knollys,
King Edwsrd's lifelong friend and sec
retary. to Sir Capel Wolseley realised
the pathetic opposition to the marriage
which nas been offered ty the Knollys
There was no question about the
bridegroom, who is a popular and
charming man ofmuch culture, but un
happily he Is British consul at Arch
angel, that terrible southern post in
Russia, where the czar's political of
fenders are compelled to live a life of
absolute boredom through terrible win
ters. -
They are the best class of political
prisoners. It Is true, and they are al
lowed much freedom, but theirs Is the
only society offered to Lady Wolseley
arter ner lire in England, and it wa
for this reason that the match was
Both King Edward and Queen Alex
andra, who is expected back In London
from her cruise in the royal yacht on
Wednesday next, are considerably wor
ried about the health of Princess Vic
toria of Wales, who Is with her other.
II Is an open secret that the prlrfeess
Is subject to f ts, but unhappily these
paroxyms are becoming more and more
frequent and her royal highness caused
her mother the greatest snxlety at
Athens recently.
Tomorrow Morning: lLo'Clock
In Corridor of Chamber of Commerce Building
Quickly and Permanently Cured
You Can
My Experience
TWENTT-nVB years of eno
ce awful practice In Men's
Disease enable m to apply
the proper methods and medi
cines. I treat Varicocele, Hy
drocele, Contracted Disorders,
Speelflo Blood Poison, Piles
and Stricture restoring all af
fected organs to normal and
healthy action In the shortest
possible space of time.
. My Fee
$ i o
In such ease
as come to me be
fore complications
Port Natal, June 1. Arrived, British
bark Iveroa, from Portland.
Lizard, June S. Passed, French bark
Corn 11 Bart, from Portland.
Astoria, June 2. Left up at 11 a. m,
bark E. F. Whitney. Arrived at 1:30
and left up at 7:10 p. m., steamer
Columbia, from San Francisco. Arrived
down at 8 and sailed at 7:30 p. m
steamer MavericK. ror Ban Francisco.
Astoria, June 3. Condition of the bar
at a. m,. smooth; wind northwest
miles; weather foggy. Tides at Astoria
toaay Mign water, S:Z8 a. m 7.8 feet
7:13 p. m, 7.0 feet; low water, 1:83 a,
m, s: jeet; i:vs p. m., u.i reet
Every case of con
tracted disorder Z
treat Is thoroughly
cured. My - patients
have no relapses.
When I pronounce a
case cured there Is
not a particle of In
fection or Inflamma
tion remaining, and
there Is not . the
slightest danger that
the disease will re
turn. No contracted
disorder is so trivial
as to warrant uncer
tain methods of
treatment, and I es-
My cures of this dls
order are permanent
and lasting. No ton
ics that stimulate
temporarily, but thor
oughly : .scientific
treatment for the re
moval of conditions
responsible for the
functional derange
ment "Weakness" Is
merely a symptom of
Inflammation or con
gestion in ths pros
tate gland, and -under
my own original
local treatment this
gland la promptly re-
th Leading socialist
peclally solicit those stored to Its normal' fVmenitattnfv a.ntf'
cases that other doc- .... .mi... IXOTimiailOIl ana
Astoria. June 3. galled ud it I a. m.
bark Agate, for Ban Francisco. Arrived
at 8 and left up at a. m., steamer Al
liance, from Coos bay.
San Francisoo, June S. Arrived,
steamers Hyades and Whittler, from
Portland, and schooner William Olaen,
from Astoria. . , .. v ,
San Pedro, -June I. Arrived, bsrk
Louisiana, from Columbia river'. L
Custom House Employe Returns to
, Old Position.
Astoria, Or., June S.-harles Haddlx,
who asked for and was granted a 60
day leave of absence from his duties
as inspector of customs to, accept a cos!
tion in Chicago In the government ser
vice, returned last Friday and resumed
his duties here Saturday morning.
The gasoline launch Eva returned
last night from Cape Horn after having
delivered a cargo of gasoline for the
mines back of the, landing. The larger
steamers are unable to land at Cape
Horn because or the docks being lnun
dated by the high water.
A repairman is wanted' by the weather
bureau for the coast telegraph line and
examinations will be held on July 24.
Applicants should write to th United
States civil service commission. Wnsh
ington, D. C, for blanks, form No. 1093.
The barge wasntucna was towed to
the university Lumber . company this
morning, wner her cargo of shingles
will be discharged. The tug Samson
proceeded to Vancouver for some minor
Very little work was done alone? the
waterfront this morning. A gang of
longshoremen went to worlc on the
steam schooner Excelsior with th un
derstanding that they were to get time
and a half, but Inquiry revealed the
fact that this Is not a legal holiday In
the strict sens of th word and so they
knocked off after dinner, preferring to
go to the polls rather than working for
straight' pay. ' A i----. .
The steam schooner Daisy Freeman
sprang a leek, yesterday while going to
sea and had to be towed back to Astoria
with her cargo of lumber water-logged.
tors have been , fin
able to cure.
I use neither knife,
ligatures nor caustlo
In my treatment for
Varicocele. I posi
tively cure this dis
order In one week by
an absolutely painless
method and without
detaining the patient
from business.
functional activity la
the, lasting result.
My method of curing
stricture Is new and
entirely original. No
cutting or dilating
The stricture is dis
solved and entirely
removed and .all af
fected membranes are
thoroughly cleansed.
Advice Free
Come and have a prl-'
vate talk with me con
cerning your ailment.
Even If you ' ar not
prepared - to undergo
treatment at this time,
I can always give help-
' ful suggestions to men
who are dlsessed or
weak. If you . cannot
come to Portland writ
for particulars of-my
system of horn treat
ment, , j -
Hours 9A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays 10 A.M. to I P.M. Only
the BR. TAYLOR coJ
' x
234& Morrison Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon t
Ou ft md aot W
Most Cases $10
M Tan
We want to impress upon every, weak man
that we can make him strong, vigorous, healthy,
aiert and tree from every taint of disease and
weakness. We have limited our specialty in prac
tice to only a few of the more important disor
ders, so that we could ' understand these thor
oughly. uur experience . along this line for
twenty-six years qualifies us to say positively
that such troubles as Night Emissions, Lost
Vigor, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Contracted Dis
orders, contagious Blood Poison, Stricture and
weaknesa" can be cured cerfect v ao as to itav
. j e " . .
la or- curea. ui course, we use auterent methods than
L .Hie ordinary physician. Most of these are orig-
'. inal witb us and were devised for just such cases
as tne ordinary courses oi treatment tail to reach. s ,
PAY US FOR CURES A cure with us means a lifeloatr cure.
We offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but every ease
that comes to us we make a Careful Examination and Diagnose
without charge.' No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get
uynnuii auuui nis irouoie.
It will not cost you anything to call at our office and consult us.
ouu uj p iu uuiug n ins save you mucrr time ana money, tpa it we
cannot cure you we win nonestiy ten you so, and you will not be
uuuer any iinanciai ODilgadon lO US
: OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING is suDerior tn mv in tM rnn
try, and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fail to
effect a cure in any case we take. If vou suffer frnm neo-W trnnt
want of money or from unskilled practice here i an nennrtenif. t
bci. iuc services oi a sKiuca specialist, a graduate physician, with years
?;ii.PVl!wV,5r,e?ce "V-rting complicated and special disorders of
mew uHLi, 11 win cost you nothing to talk to us, and we may be
mc means oi restoring you to neaitn ana nannine whv m .it
today? Our offices are very private. You see only the doctor.
Our fee being so low it enables manv who are afflicted t nmeH,.
the highest scientific medical assistance. . Terms made to suit if neces
sary, so that any one need not go without treatment
j Hours: 9 a. tn. to S p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 a. n. to
12 noon. -- 1 - .: :- - ,
St. Louis ST Dispensary
coxurxm szoon ato TAicaTxx& irum, roBruuro, ouoov.
Yon can
be sure to get
the right paint for
any nse without fuss,
bother or uncertainty.
This quality mark pro-
;uu iu uuyiujc sou
using. Let us sejid your
Get tl nig Paint
is a simple - matter at any store
. where yon find the
paints, enamels,
tains, varnishes
sold under the '
i - famon . :
KIND . Aeme
a cotrvof the comolete new
paint guide "The Selection and Vmt, ' of
Paints and Finishes." If your nearest dealer
cannoljsupply you, with the "Acme Quality" kind, we will.
e as tw
Ton oca xtow male you arrangemants to rlsit th
Or any other iint-fn the east, this summer, and take advantage of
the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by
: A B
Chicago. ....... . . .$71.50- $85.00
St Louis ......... .$67 JO $81.00
St Paul ,..$63.15 $81.40
AD'reet routes both ways.
Omaha. . . . . .$60.00 $73.50
Sioux City...,;... $60.00 $73.50
Kansas City...... $60.00 : $73 JO
B One-way through California.
Tickti wUl be on tale Jun 6. 7, 8; July 3, 4, 5: :
August 8, 9, 10; September 1 112, 13
aa?a&x o atamaatow.
;. 0,n,rl anger Agent. city Ticket A rent,
mx4 and. WasAlxurtoa attrta,
' Distributer.
(Jooroal SDCctal Berries.)
Topeka, June S. William Randolph
Hearst's American . Society of Equity,
which in th guls of a farmers' and
laborers' organization la In reality a
part of Hearst's political machine, la
fighting for supremacy in Kansas with
the Farmers' Co-operatlv union, which
is. In reality; a union of farmers, pure
and simple, with tremendous political
possibilities. hi. : , , ..
Unable to dominate this vast and
8he received her cargo at the Eastern I agents, ha organised his own "farmers"
V Western Lumber company last weekj I society, TXi American Society of Equity,! ties x
th tiearst concern, takes In all classe
having a vote, or awpectlng to have one.
Th Co-operative Farmers' union takes
In none but farmer. ' i-'-M
At Emporia, . organisers ' cam Into I
neaaon collision, j uag ineorn Finn f r, gMldraoB,e OonDsoad laeta
representing the Farmers' union and! Iw asd Cettos Boot puis. Tb bmtA
Former Stat Buperintendent of Instruc-1 V k J aoa OTif reiisbi temwiy fge do.
tlon Oaine. stood lit. befnn . r, I a C hAKu. PSElODB. Core tb Boat
"T , M z . ... 1 i ODSlinat ease is s t 10 Sara
gathering of farmers -and -called each j Fries tS pat bos, milled la pis la wrappw.
other liars and other choice name. The I Mrev Dr. T. i. PiEBca, 181 first street
rival rT . between tha two oraranlutlnna I a-wuane, wrasva.
Is most bitter and Intense between them.
They are gathering In every voter In i
the state. . , :
Th Illinois Allied Printing Craft
union will . hold Its fourteenth annual
convention In Peoria, beginning June 19.
Attorney. Henry S, Westbrook. Bu-1 The gathering will be in th nature of
chanan Bldg. Collections, abstraots, tl- J a Jubilee over th victory forth elght-
xanunea; consultation ire. nour oay, x
Oli WimOW " 111 rr ru I
I 'j annviiiit. aimm) I i V C ! 17i,
vwwaasasaasi wilttfl i. i I irw-ll-h''! Iv 1
1 1 hssbassfed bySllDoejseC stothers foetbetv i I I V 11 xTNI
i 1 eblldraa while Teething for ores Fifty ye. YjrJ fmJ W I I Itl
i It soothes the child, soften th gums, alia; 3 1 . , trmJ W I