ft- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY ' EVENINO, JUNE ; 3. 1907. v 11 14 FIVE HUNDRED THOUSARD TORS OF LIGNITE COAL INSIQHT ONLY FIFH-FOUR IILES FROIil PORTLAND. The property of the Consumers' Coal Company consists of 840 acres of coal land with-tre-mendous deposits of coal under every acre. The mine was opened TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. It is located two miles north of Kelso. Washington, on the Northern Pacific Railroad and the COWLITZ RIVER. The' mini is three-quarters of a mile from the river bank and railroad, connected by a tramway, already graded. The river at this point is NAVIGABLE FOR STEAMERS. SCHOONERS AND BARGES, within a few hours of the dty of PORTLAND. SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS have already been spent in developing this property. It is not a prospect but a REAL. RICH AND HUGE JUNE. THREE THOUSAND FEET OF TUNNEL have been completed, penetrating a solid vein of coal EIGHT FEET WIDE. A shaft sunk 60 feet below the Iowa tunnel, shows ANOTHER VEIN EIGHT FEET WIDE; three-quarters of a mile north of the main tunnel is STILL ANOTHER TUN NEL. 200 feet long, showing 8 feet of SOLID COAL Nobody can tell the quantity of coal there is hidden under this area of 840 acres. The buried wealth is beyond calculation. The coal is UfcAn, wiinuui a anam, orui uwva iuw IS AS PERFECT AS ANY LIGNITE COAL EVER FOUND IN THE WORLD. Read the analysis made by two parties at different times. By September first this mine will be producing TWO HUNDRED TONS OF COAL A DAY. .At the present price of coal in Portland, this will mean an aggregate product of SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS EVERY DAY. PAUL BAUMEL, ' Amyer and Antlyit, 207 Alder Street Portland, Oregon, April 25, 1907. Mr. J. H. Johnson, Dear Sir Analysis of your sample of coal gave me the following re sults, via.: Moisture JO Volatile combustible matter ... 41.90 Ftted carbon 29 JO Aah 19M Sulphur 20 Lignite 100.00 One hundredth part of raw coal gave of coke 49 JO. The coke was composed of Ash 0.00 Carbon 60.00 Yours respectfully, PAUL BAUMEL. OREENLEY ft- CRAWFORD, Analytical Chemists, Assayers. , Portland. Oregon, March 4, 1907. The sample of coal deposited by Mr. R. C. Chlsm, 329 Chamber of Commerce, City: On Analysis Contained, Proximate Analysis. Per Cent. Moisture 1M Volatile carbon and hydrocar bona, tit 41.75 Fixed carbon S3.29 Ash .2.00 Remarks: Agreeable to your re quest we may say that as a fair grde of lignitic coal this product should find a ready market GREENLEY ft CRAWFORD. This coal an be sold in Portland at-FOUR DOLLARS PER TON AT A PROFIT OF ONE HUNDRED PER CENT SOLD AT THE PREVAIL ING PRICE OF EIGHT, DOLLARS, THE PROFIT WOULD BE FOUR HUNDRED PER CENT, The most , conservative estimate that we can make will yield the owner of stock in this tremendous profit-producer a FAIR PROFIT OF THREE s HUNDRED PER CENT. 4f AT LAST, PORTLAND HAS A CHANCE TO GET OUT OF THE GRASP OF THE RAILROAD AND COAL TRUSTS. At last, Portland has the opportunity to get back some of the money that her people have so submissively given over to the coal; barons. At last, every person in the city has the opportunity to become a part owner in a great coal mine: has the opportunity to ; participate in its gigantic profits, limited only by the amount they are to invest; has the opportunity to prevent the coal famine, to be relieved of the incon venience of car shortage and be independent of the coal barons and their rule of exorbitant prices. Do you realize what it means? Coal, mined on the properties of the Consumers' Coal Company is brought down a three-quarter mile tramway; is dumped upon barges in the Cowlitz river, over the Northern Pacific tracks. Here the company owns a 380-foo water ront. The barges are towed to Portland, unloaded and delivered at prices that will force the railroad and coal trusts to take notice. Their competition iwuT never fj1 ? af JJ J bucket. Their long hauls; their labor of producing and carrying through the mountains; .mf.Sj. 2$S be of no avail. HERE WILL BE A HOME PRODUCT; MINED AT HOME, SOLD AT HOME AND CONSUMED AT HOME: WITH AN ENORMOUS SURPLUS FOR EASTERN AND PACIFIC SHIPMENTS. on rs By January first the output will reach FIVE HUNDRED TONS A DAY, EQUAL TO FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS A-DAY. ' Coal mined on this property can be shipped to Portland by RAH., BARGE OR BOAT WITH ALL OF THE GREAT ADVANTAGES OF CHEAP RATES. The demand for coal in the Pacific Northwest is so great that these mines will be kept busy twenty-four hour in the day from the moment they begin operations. It will follow the general rule of coal mines, NINETY PER CENT OF THEM ARE FINANCIAL SUCCESSES OF GREAT PROPORTIONS. An investment in a coal mine cannot fail under any circumstances. r? II 1 V I I -A OFFICERS OP THE COMPANY t President. . . . .... J. H. JOHNSON Vice-President. . ..D. CALBREATH Secretary. ; ... . . J. C. LEE Treasurer . Commonwealth Trust Co. Director .D. L. KEYT Director ............ A. A. BRACE THREE HUNDRED PER CENT PROFIT ON THIS INVESTMENT IS NOT PHENOMENAL. T IS LEGITIMATE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE, FAITHFUL TO FACT, and yours WITHOUT AN EFFORT. You not only make yourself rich, but help to crush the coal trust, kill the possibUity of a coal famine and help develop a magnificent industry in our midst. Only 50,000 SHARES ARE FOR SALE. WHEN THIS ALLOTMENT IS GONE THERE WILL BE NO MORE OFFERED. THE PRICE TO ONE AND ALL IS PAR VALUE, $10 PER SHARE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO STOCK WHEN THE TOTAL OF 5,000 SHARES HAS BEEN SUBSCRIBED. THE SALE WILL BE A SHORT ONE, AND THOSE WHO ARE AT ALL INTERESTED SHOULD MAKE IN- QUIRY AT ONCE. .... k- AS EVIDENCE OF THE CONFIDENCE WE HAVE IN THE PROPERTY, WE WILL AGREE TO PAY THE TRANSPORTATION OF ANY BODY WHO WISHES TO INVESTIGATE THE PROPOSITION, TO THE MINES AND RE TURN. WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION OF PURCHASING UNLESS THE INQUIRER SO WISHES AFTER A CAREFUL INSPECTION. TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY MORN ING AT 8:30 AND RETURN IN THE EVENINO. CALL AND SEE US ABOUT. THIS IMPOR TANT MATTER AT ONCE. LJ Commonvcolth Trust Co. , Fiscal Agents , Commonwealth Duildir.