The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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trials are needlessly lengthened In
the following of fatuous forma by
courts aggravates the condition and
contributes to "inclvlsm." There
isbiM4 tnr amine tnrpt adT an are frescoes, furbelows and legal
v. wnrj Kirooir mnralnc. at The Jnernai noun- mi . ... .
S, ruth aa4 Tamblll atraata. Wtnn I m lua practice, me eiiuuu
. Batarml at the poetofflce at Portland. Or.. atlott Of which WOUld not hinder, but
tranamnaioa uroaca tba Bialla aa eeooao-ciaaa
,r AB tfapartmwini raartiao' bf tbli Banker,
tha evwiiot the department roa want.
Trla) Bljimln 8 par la I ariaartlalaf Arnry.
. Franawlrk BalMtng. 121 flfta areaee. Nav
... lark Trlbana HalMlnc, Chlcate.
etabacrtptloa Tarma br aiall to aar eddraae
, to tba UnltaS Stataa, Canada ar Mextea,
' - AILT.
. Oae w. SB 00 t Ona Hoath I .80
oa raw..... ,iS foi moath I m roan without opinion or means to ar
hasten Justice, and trials that drag
out. a weary dozen of twenty weeks
would en,d in two. We apply a test
to talesmen that not only disgusts
them, but often eliminates the best
and selects the worst. An intelli
gent man with a moderate opinion
is an infinitely safer juror for both
sides thau the ignorant and stupid
OR THE LAST. TIME before the
polls .open tomorrow The
Journal calls upon good citi
zens, regardless of party, to
for the reelection of Mayor
One raar .$1M I Ona oo...
I am glad to think that I
am not bound to make the
world go right, but only to
discover and to, 'do, with
cheerful heart. theVork that
God appoints. Jean Ingelow."
Victory is absolutely assured pro
vided the better elements of . Port
land's citizens do their duty and go
to the polls. All the signs point to
rive at one. Frequently we admit an overwhelming triumph for the
testimony that has no more bearing forces of morality and good govern'
6n the' issue than has the Pythago- ment.
rean theory on the price of pork. No party Issue enters Intd the eon-
Our practice is the product of alteBt. The question is simply whether
single profession, end creations of a (the people desire to retain in their
single class, no matter how excellent I service an official who has proved
or intelligent . its units, are himself incorruptible,' honest and
always overglven to one idea. We fearlessly loyal, to their Interests;
have drifted' Into It through the er- whether the one barrier which now
roneous idea - that courts . should stands between a reckless, improvi-
never be popularly discussed, an dent and machine-ridden council and
Idea that, with the -rowth of pres- the sacred rights of the people, is
ent faults, will disappear, and cor-1 to be-removed; whether the saloons,
rectives be applied. I the, gamblers and the slums, all of
them lined up solidly behind Mayor
ADDRESSED TO "CATTLE." Lane's opponent, are to triumph at
the polls over the forces of decency:
R. DEVLIN in the emergency whether the choice of Portland's
of Ms losing eampalgn en- chief executive is to be given over
deavrrs to turn the attention to the corporations and the snecial
is to be placed once more under the
rule of a political machine.
These are the Issues. On every
one of them Harry Lane represents
Just. what every good citizen should
demand la r municipal government.
We have no word of disparagement
June Is the matured youth-time
of the year. It is the favorite bride
month. May was beautiful, but in
clined to rudeness. June is the
maiden not only developed,' but re
fined,' overflowing with' long, deep
Hymns to KnqwV I A Sermon forToday
. ',' .The Love of God. ,
: ' V - ' By Oarald Tersteegen. . -
i f XtlJa said that Emerson called this
"tha supreme hymn." and that Holmes
thoughts of sweet tenderness, ready I arreed with him in this estimate. It
for the marriage.' June is the quick- H'SSX
ly developing month. Now mother John Wesley. Tersteegen was a Qer-
nature says to' air plant life, "Get 2" "yo, who wrote over loo hymns.
w- w mm iurn gat mm w, t urn iiica-uca on
, - The Unseen Hand.
- . fiy Henry F. Cope.
'Tha aword of tha Lord and of .did
1 eon," Judges .
rHB , mlghtteet and the ' eternal
' the right. - True, things do not V
alwaya look that way. Sometimes
Napoleon's sneer about God al
busy now, these long days; the chill NoVm the aide ofth. largeet
R. DEVLIN'S Incomplete an
swers and partial , explana
tions were well deferred till
the close of the campaign.
He Is no doubt sincere . la " saying
that he desired to discuss "the con
structive policy of government," and
"establish economic principles," be
cause in inis manner me peoples of yoters from himself and interests, and whether our fair city
lumua coma nave Deen somewnai ai- what be represents locally to the
venea irom me interests, tne sa- president and his policies. He tells ought to be lower, others should not
Joona, the "north end" and the an- them on postcards that if they want be changed and still others should be
wiwu. - j.aDow u uoi vVVxni- lo see Kooseveit policies carried out raised. With fine discretion, it
tion to everything Mayor Lane has they must "vote the whole r.epubll- wants the other fellow's duty low
V aV at . J 1L . S a. . A, Al A.1 I I
oukow iu u vue iDlreBl ol me can ticket." Mr. Devlin knows tbia ered and its own Increased. Evwy
people. No doubt It was embarrass- is not only an absurd plea to make, protected interest wants the same
i V aV 4 A Vf fAw1 1 y.aja Tk A ajM m 9taa I . - A a a . at at. ...I
" " pui one inai ii neeaea in municipal kind of "revision." and In the
supporters to bring the discussion elections tends to bad city govern- end it will be millions of money and
down out of the clouds of theory to ment. for he has plainly told us so millions bf employes arrayed to do
me wim grouna m jocai ibcis ana m his book.:, Such atf appeal Is an feat real revising
condition.., v V ; ln.nlt to ihe intelligence of voters. Tne bleo of th l8 M
The question as to his campaign If they want Republican members of t lf not thaa the prob.
fwBf .Sr". f taTS" X,BVjlf ?T " cant they lem of railroad regulation and super-
that this is none of his affair; Mr. have them without any regard to MmM
PnVa hue nllra rhare-a of thla and afn la movn x. .....itJ 6
of . the business and Mr. Cake Is men? Although Lane .is mayor,
' careful not to tell Mr., Devlin, good haven't they Republican councllmen
inan, Is opposed to the Improper use now,1-elected a year later than he
pf money in campaigns, but it his was. by great majorities! And
tnachine manager ahould collect speaking of United States senator,
tooney from . improper, sources and perhaps the masses of Republicans
use it In improper ways, how can will prefer to choose the next sen
Mr. Devlin, good man, prevent it, ator rather than have one thrust
or know anything about It? . , upon, them by A Cake-Devlin ma
' Mr. Devlin acknowledges that "na- chine. It Devlin's appeal be true,
;tionaI politics have ho place In mu- then lf ;llly" Smith or "Dollar
klln.l . 9r tt ..... OIltH J 1
su. ,w,. ruiBB .w wuuuum. tM means, and the good of all the
elBWruy - oraceno.aers. are every nepuoncan snoum vote jor peopie Jn tn, COUQtry the Object of
revision. It Is an enterprise in which
I, m.j
Thou hidden love of (Sod,- whose height.
Whose depth unfathomed, no . man
'" knows. :(;';
T aaa tmtn tm9 YaAii.Aua tlvlia
iniy i sign ror tny repose;
storms are past the - hot harvest
time is not far ahead"; and she
as to the "personal character of his (feeds all her children lavishly yet
opponent which has never been wisely, giving them of her plenteous
Questioned, but Mr. Devlin has the rich milk their flu.
misfortune to be backed by all that Now turns our part of the earth I My heart la pained, nor can it be
Is undesirable l city affairs, all that most squarely to the sun and briefer t . ?" r
is menacing to a proper admlnistra-jgrow the hours of darkness. Very Us there a thing beneath the sun.
ttnn nf tha nnonle's hnslness. It is I early, while almost everybody Is lnl . "V
- w w r i i-' anaraT t
a fact, undisputed and indisputable, bed and in soundest sleep, the out-1 Ah, tear it thenee,"and reign alone,
k. rA la anlldlv ion. I nt-Annrm wnrtd harlna (n iwakan THe Lord Of every motion there!
fcunv vm. uviw vv. - ' I " , ""o I Than ahall m timmr fmt Aaa.,.
porting him.- It is a fact, undls- Sweet and pure are the dawn-breath. to Tha oSE ras??. the. ' '
puted and indisputable, that the cor- of June; beautiful beyond the power I " .''r ..,. n that some omnipotent per-
" L i.tlM.t." iaalra Lf hnm.n I A. rn.h i..r. 0 love, thy sovereign aid impart, , son steps down from a throne in the
vuraiuuua auiu tuw w. -v- " " o i To aave ni from low thouahted ear-1 neavens and Plunges Into the battle; it
battalions aeema to have truth in it
But era long we see the large battal
lona arept away before the strange, un
accountable ' and lrreelstlble- power of
n Insignificant body having truth and
God on Us side. ' .
The man who. takes tin the strurrle
for truth, who puts his hand to the
sword for the oppressed, for the right.
And himself holding a ' two-handled
weapon, and lf he arrases flrmlv tha ona
That strives with thee my heart to h.ut 11 M houh there were an ora-
hkviciiv nana granping ine otner. tl(
who flghts worthily, in nttlne? battle.
never flgha alone. Often he may aeem
to stand with none tQ aid, but One
mightier than he is With him. '
ball of politicians, nor parties. Its
solution should not be left to . "the
Interests" nor to, the foes'of "the
Interests." It ought not to be the
Immediate and sudden product of a
presidential election and a pew con
gress. The whole question ought to
be divorced from politics, and go to
a body of the character, of the Inter
state commerce commission, where
science, economics, statistics and
deep and wide investigation woul '. be
pxr. uevun election ana io tut portray , is . uui timrjuai ; coraomeu i wnaae cms seir-wiu tnrough an ; my.
peated charge that they have con- painting an poem by Ctofl's own I hn5, .J!.;
XIV a M Sv . aV V laa V aa aafatk Ail Tld IVaaeMjSr sk aalaaf an aaa a 9 4t aa, . aaaa flnfl SB 1 a a. . . ..
iriouioa ncaTiij w u,p v. iu u , v ub puu uw jtiaxt n. tny autftous ehlld.- that I
paiyn fund baa wrar been adequate- clear Juaa, akr- wbaii i,ha.';-. first Caaaelwa' majr, "Abba,' rather, er
iy met. Ana iv is a xaci, iun; iiains streaa on ocean s cjieea growa i E.h mom..nt drkw frora tarth
undisputed and equally indisputable, into the great; sun." -; 7 ;; j: My heart, that lowly waits thy call;
that never before In the history of A Sunday, rest-day,' la June In Bp. iZZ thyOod. thyAiir
mis cuy nas any canuiuatai uu uw 1 wregua augai to u voboou iioib 1 xo reel tny power, to hear thy voloe.
a thoroughly organised political ma- to all who will try to think of It and r10 v. e an my choice,
.LI.. ,v.l V lot la h.Vln M I M A...J . . I. . lull. ' T .4 at,. as
cuiuv aa iuai wuwu vau ... iiyiouw 11, 111.1.1a. avvv vu nauvi m
Devlin. and fragrance and divine beauty and I OentenCe Oermonfl-
Good citizens, your duty is plain. 1 jove-llfe all around you into your
Go to the polls tomorrow and cast souls. ' Rut away sordid and selfish
your rotes for Harry Lane for mayor, and gross and all unclean thoughts;
lf you will look and listen and get
flclent moral courage and open in tune with the God-song all about,
straightforwardness to declare them- you will be thankful that though
selves fully and freely, and answer j your earthly days are brief you have! call to Improvement
any and all proper questions without been permitted to travel this way,
By Henry F. Cope. ' '
No soul can grow without solitude.
. a a
Often a hot old town is due te
cold old church. . .
e e .
Every oeqaalon for pessimism Is a
Is that every time a man steps out for
right and truth he places himself In ao-
cord with eternal spiritual forces that
give themselves to him and his work.
It Is not that Ood comes to fight for a
man ao much aa that a man finds htm
battle, he sees that where he thou&
none had been serving the heavens had
long been waging the contest '
It is so easy, like old Elijah, to think
that you alone are left to witness for
truth, to feel the loneliness of standing
for things noble and worthy, to be
come oppressed with the hopelessness of
in minority in which you And your
sel. When real and concrete thlnas
press upon us and their uproar is In
our ears we become deaf and blind to
the greater forces that from tha baarin.
nlng of time have been working for the
Every great reform has looked like a
losing movement; It has begnn with
most Insignificant minorities: It has
met with violent and well-organised op-
reservation or evasion.
t : '
and that in each of your years there
came a June, a foretaste of heaven.
supporting Lane. But they haven't! him, in order to "carry out Roose-
in this connection urged Lane's eleo- velt's policies." A candidate who
tloa in order to support Bryan or makes such an appeal only proves
Gray or anybody in particular for that he regards the rank and file of
any federal office, or. been spokes-1 bis-party as men of very slight men
man of a machine, but have confined tal or moral development
themselves to showing that the elec
tion of Lane would be best for the PORTLAND'S REPUTE ABROAD
people of this city as a whole, aside
from any party consideration, and
a great many Republicans agree
with ! them. If "national politics
have no place in municipal affairs,"
why has Mr. Devlin put municipal
affairs out of sight tn some of his tion.
HE National Municipal league.
which is a strictly non-partisan
body, declared in April, 1906,
as follows:
In Portland. Oregon, the reform
forces are triumphant in every dlreo-
The present mayor is thorough-
a politician or the beneficiary of pol
itics has no more business man a
baby in a bughouse. It is a prob
lem that ought to take the turn and
travel the road the railroad problem
Is traveling, for no problem so com'
mandlngly affects the weal of so
many and is fraught with more vital
consequences to the republlcjthan is
this problem of the tariff.
postcard appeals and begged votes going In his endeavors to give a good
I auminiairauon. - ine moat
GREAT need these days is men
of not only Inflexible honesty
but of moral courage In . of
fice, men who in advance
dare openly to declare themselves
- -,m marked improvement noticeable has
Roosevelt's policies"? Does he sup- been in the granting of franchisee .for
nose that Intellleent votara da not nubile . utilities. Thia is now being
' . . . ' . done very cautiously and prudently,
una Tnar I Jina la arrvfnar anr In. -1 v. - ,-..f .
tally. "Roosevelt's policies" to a far reversion to the city that are decidedly " on aI1 matters In WHICH the
rreater extent than Devlin could Z.STr2Avn "r" iercBlu
depended on to do? - have come to stay, and is so popular Observe in Uils connection that
" t v.. i 'v .a that ' onI7 w,ae guidance to ef- while Mayor Lane can point to his
It Has long been customary, and fac a very greaflmprovement In pub- C M1M ' mrtA ttK ft
-.m a ..!.- in ; ii aff.i..' " . , " promises of two years ago and to a
were politicians, for a candidate to This is the verdict, and It would f01 hw'n that these prom ses
fool as many people as possible, es- be all the m6re emphatic today, of naTe Deen IU "J Ke;
pecially by diverting their attenUon clear-sighted, patriotic, Impartial Promises insist mostly in generall
from matters of real importance to and unpurchasahle tribunal, having ties. About the only specific promise he
tha allrd virtna and rlort an In view and at heart onlv tha Hvl maK8 wun reierenoe 10 arnouug,
grandeur of their party: but for- improvement of cities and better- by whlc!l we 8upPM h9 means 11-
ments of municipal government If
In this election "the desperate and
tunately this is becoming more dif
ficult yearly. " ,.-'t ,
censed' or. winked-at and fined
gambling, but this promise is easy
combined opposition of malign t0 make, for such gambling would
forces," as the opposition to Mayor
Lane has been characterized by a
prominent citizen, should : prevail,
not be tolerated by the public now,
whoever was Elected mayor. The
day of public gambling is over, as
everybody knows, and nobody fears
or counts on its return. But with
respect to other evils that have been
suppressed, Mr. Devlin is silent. He
fHE TRIAL at Boise seems to
. have almost as much terror for Portland would fall to a far lower
the talesmen as for the prison- plane In the estimation of the orean.
- ert- Nor is Boise the only hZed forces of good government
; place where Jury service Is coming throughout the nation. Thia .cltv
'. to be regarded as an alternative to ought to see to it that It maintains I has not PromlseJJhAthe jlotma:
be as strenuously avoided as js the! the good name abroad that it ha chlnes would kept 3Ut of com
' '. plague. The same hostility to Jury eained. and not return, as PhNarf.i. mission, or that the saloon boxes
duty, was manifest In the Ruef case, phla has done, to Its "wallowing in
wnere tnere were eight weeks of the mire."
: nightmare before 12 men of the sort
- desired by. counsel to try the case
.': were finally unearthed.
- -: With -eight weeks required at San
' Francisco, and with several weeks at
JBoise, for the ttrst step in the trial,
It is no wonder that we har of citl-
would not be restored.
In regard to campaign expenses
Mr. Devlin is lamentably lame and
unsatisfactory.' A great deal of
money is being expended In his be-
HB TARIFF "revisionists" are half, and when asked where it comes
all out on dress parade. Some from he says that, only his own
demonstration of that sort Is money was used In the primaries,
OW, IT IS reported, it is Uncle
Joe Cannon who must step
lively to get out of the way
of the presidential band
wagon and escape the swirling swipe
of the executive big stick. And not
only is administrative wrath to be
visited upon old Uncle Joe, because
he has Intimated a preference for a
presidential candidate different from
the president's, but Chicago Js
threatened with the loss of the na
tional convention, and being consid
ered as hostile territory, merely be
cause the big windy town fs In Uncle
Joe's state, whose delegates to the
national convention he may to some
extent control, he being; in fact one
of the favorite sons. Why Illinois
should not have a favorite son as
well as Ohio is fully explained by
the simple fact that the president is
for the Ohio favorite son and no
other, and he Is going to see to It
that Ohio makes his choice its favor
ite' son.
The -president is very bnty these
times, pulling here, pounding there,
yanking yonder, kicking elsewhere,
here illuminating the scene with a
dee-lighted show of teeth, there
frightening the wits out of Republi
cans with the shadow of the descend
ing big stick; busy, strenuously busy.
In New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa, everywhere, forcing the party
a year in advance to name his choice
for president
There will be a good deal of buck
ing and kicking, but It probably will
be of no avail, and perhaps It is
best so. If the Republican party is
to have a combination -of Emperor
William and Presldenf Dial, it would
better be Roosevelt than some oth
ers, even Uncle Joe. But that Chi
cago is to be denied the convention
on Uncle Joe's account is really
funny. It Is like grabbing the old
man's slice of cake and thea kicking
him because he tried to pick up a
"With greetings to, the- 800,000
Catholics of the northwest" the
Catholic Sentinel issued Thursday its
thirty-seventh annual number, a
finely illustrated edition of 38 pages, faults always ere far-sighted.
filled with articles of much interest
and value to Catholics throughout
this region and to its people general
ly or wnom uatnoiics rorm so large
a part The Bentlnel has always
been a faithful and able church pa-
They who grow in. grace surely win position: Us auooortera have oftan baan
grow more gracious, , faint hearted, and vet ultimately it haa
overcome always. As men have fought
on they have found an unseen hand
grasping the sword beside theirs. -
We all need thla aense of Ood with
use, helping us 1n our Uvea This gives
courage and confidence. It does not
mean reliance upon heaven to do things
Folks who alwava an imm. . I tQT u" " means entering on tne tnings
nit. a. rJV.V.,.1?0klB,r "" that look impossible because we know
that. If they are light every great force
In the universe will eooperate with us.
This la the fine sense In vjrhlch the
human enters into partnership with the
divine. This determines whether we
n you eanaot stand ridicule you
never wiu earn applause.
Zt ta no nee preaching about harrl
neas with vinegar In your volee.-
a-. e a
The less religion In some men tha
more theology they can hold.
i nare a more enaction m truth than I may caii out wora divine or not. it la
In the eareeaee ef af eolation. . I to be Judged, not by whether It Is pleas-
e e I ant or looka respectable, but by whether
Tea are not llkelr to ma a .M.i,t It ! the work In which we know the
..a V.. 1 . M . 1 1 . .. . . . . . - . . I T A all mam law 1. 1 m ... . ....
per aaa uu a.eyi yca 111 na uvtbiuv i inim py twisting scripture texts.
ment with that of the region In
which It la the recornlaed - church I " " "7? wna weir eyee
tney always open tneir mouths wider.
organ. . , a
When a ehuroh really has a worthy
work she will not want for workers.
It is evidently time for the auditor
to retire lf he cannot remember so
Important a part of his duties as to strength that has no objective In sarv-l fared forth facing fearful odds i their
Lord of all can lay his hand to the tool
or weapon alongside of our hands. .
With a eonaciousness like thla. one
ean attempt any thing; nothing la longer
impoasibie. The practical question is
not, "Can thia be doner but "Ought
this to be doner Is It such a task aa
will enlist the cooperation of the eternal
spirit, of truth, end right! With, the
Reaven heeds not the prayer for ery of Gideon on their lips, menrhave
which he IS himself tne leaamg can- Tou may know a man's power when
didate.. Thf auditor has been la of- e wow tKr thingathat provoke Wm.
flee very long time, and It it manl-
hands have . fallen from, their aworda.
but the unseen hand has carried, them
An until tn Mita I. watc
fest that he needs a vacation, a
chance to rest up, rather than to be ,
elevated to the mayor's seat
Every maa who Is for Lane for
mayor owes, it to himself as a citi
zen and to the city la which he lives
and to the cause of good govera
ment to go to the polls and vote to
morrow. Every vote counts and
every vote may be needed. -
One great railroad president how
Insists that more can be accom
plished by conferences between the
railroad managers and shlppr-s than
by legislation, whereby the public
discerns that legislation itself iz net
without Its virtue.
If Uncle Joe Cannon's residence In
the White House depends on his get
ting there as the candidate of the re
actionaries, he needn't bother- him
self about laying In a supply of fire
wood for the place Just yet
If, as appears, tariff revision Is a
germ disease, the problem with sci
entists Is. how did the little microbe
ever become tough enough to make
its way into Uncle Joe Cannon.
usually popular on the eve of land that the Democrats have not
sens who halt like a balky horse as a presidential election. It Is the published their campaign expenses.
they approach the Jury box. After tariff this time, because knowledge These are poor evasions. Nobody Is
that come '.long weeks of conflne-
ment, the isolation from home, bus!
jiess and the world, the interminable
drag of ' the proceedings, the long
drawn-out nervons strain, the cease-
Jess badgering of ; witnesses, the
nerve-racking wrangling; o? counsel,
the oratorical fireworks at the fin
ish, and last and 'worst of all, in cap
ital cases, the terrible alternative of
voting, si possible death' penalty on
la fellow being. : It Is a gamut of
St'lf-lminolatlon from yrhich it is only
iuinan for men to flinch. v
7he universal knowledge . that
that American-made goods are sold asking now about the primary ex
far cheaper to foreigners than to
Americans is becoming widespread,
with dissatisfaction: to "match. That,
more than real change of heart.
probably accounts for so many sud
den conversions and the present re
vision matinee. -It
does not mean, however, that
there will be a revision that will re
vise. It is more of a dust thrower
than a real house ,cleaner, 'J Thus,
the National Manufacturers' associa
tion, so much Quoted for "revision"
declared that, .while some duties
penses, but about the campaign ex
penses. And why should the Demo
crats, whom nobody has accused or
suspected of spending any money be
yond the barest legitimate campaign
expenses, make a public statement
first, when Mr. Montague has re
peatedly proposed and stands ready
to do so lf Mr. Cake will do the same
simultaneously? : ?
The peopb need men in responsi
ble offices who have nothing to con
ceal about ai-y matter whatever that
Is the people'g business, mea ef auf-
VERT SEASON, every month. If an engineer or train dispatcher.
has its charm, its peculiar at- after wrecking a train, excuses hlm
tractlons. A lover of all of "elf by saying he forgot, he does not
nature's moods and displays iu the same breath ask to be made
can find something pleasing evea in I president of the road.
the damp, drlpplngrdays of an Ore-
gon winter. But June,, now for this It looks as it number it 0n the
year begun, is perhaps the favorite ballot would be an unlucky number
month with the majority of people in this time, sure enough,
northern latitudes,. Though la this . M -
region there may be chill, rainy As between the home and the sa-
days in June, we are usually not dis-f loon, which are you going to. vote
appointed in expecting for the most 'or tomorrow?
part days of exquisite cllmatlo de-
llghtfulness, days of, such moderate! V It will be no desecration of the
warmth, and delicious fragrance, and Sabbath to resolve to rote right to-
brlgbtsome beauty of .all nature, and morrow.
youthful but comprehending happl.
The Almighty, who would have lore
and peace and righteousness to nrevaiL
Ton cannot establish year I""" ',urtn" wo'ib
in heaven by dodging your taae. hSr&
exist, but men must he thetr realisa
tions, their visible hands. God's work
waits for you to put your hand to tha
sword; you will find hia already there.
Thla helping hand la always unseenf
spiritual things are strange, indefinite,
and often apparently unreal. , Ood can
not be reduced to figures nor to material
elements. This hand that works with
ours may mean one thing to one and
another to another. What we all need
la to simply grasp the great fact of tha
spiritual forcea that strengthen every
good resolve, that give vigor in every
good work, and give victory at last te
tha light x.
e e ,
The man who actually has free salva
tion always Is anxious te pay some
thing tor its extension.
e e
Zt never ha been explained why the
Sunday drwsle looka wetter than
Monday downpour.
What a paradise this world would be
lf every maa was aa good aa ha would
have the rest of us be T ,
e a , ..
Some Christians faithfully obey tha
Injunction to watch; but they wear Out
their eyea watohlng for faults In their
a a.
When a maa Is guided wholly by his
paat he runs around In a circle like
hen trying to find out where to go by
following ita tail.
Precautions Against Electric Fires.
If your dwelling is electrically light.
ed never place wood, clothes or other
Inflammable" material against the wires,
meters or switches; never use an eleo
trta wire --a clothesline, and see to
It that your dwelling Is kept free from
rata, as these pests often gnaw tba In
sulation from the wires. The amount
of loas from "electrle fires" In the
United States In one year, aooording to
tne Saturday Evening cost, la S1,000,-
ness, and musical exuberance of ani
mate things, that dreams of para-
dlse seem in large part realized.
If June acts up to, her role, plays
her proper part, the breezes will be
neither chill nor stifling, the sun's
rays will suggest light clothing, but
will not scorch, the flowers will un
fold their myriad beauties, the
warblers will earol most Joyously.
the grass and grain and al? planted
things will grow luxuriantly, verd
ure will assume its richest hue of
emerald, sky and ocean will com
pete for depth and strength of azure
expanse, aud, lUs will be dolifht
All Lane men make sure to 'go
and .vote. .'
The Lamb-Like Investor.
What can bar dope to protect Inno
cent . Investors . against the mining
sharks and against themselves? We
have repeatedly pointed out several de
sirable things that can be done, says
the Engineering and Mining Journal,
but the moat Important of all, namely,
the education of tha public, la not easy
to -aecompusn. . i, .
The average Investor does not know
bow to protect Himself against hia
own stupidity. The communications
received an the groplnga for Informa
tion by the more intelligent although
the latter class In most cases appar
ently parted with their money era.
rieuslav . . . . '
A Hint to Hajmrnersteln. L.
The late Maurice Grau. after tie
work he did, should have retfred with
half million but ho didn't It is
the same Old story. Gallhard. who.
after SI years' service, will retire from
the grand opera at Paris In Decem
ber, la also not in the list of .Paris
millionaires, and millionaires v'm Paris
count their millions In franca onlv.
There. Is mora money. . the Musical
Courier thinks, in . running a Vaudeville
tnoatre. :, ..-.,-, -.
Savings Acc ounts
"-' i 1 11 " 11 ' " 1 '" T ' '" I II "I II ' I I. .
.' ' . " . J 1- 4 . .:,.., . ; . v.- .. r '
You. can start a savings account with one dollar and
we will pay you 4 per cent annually, compounded seml
' annually. - . f ' ' , i
Systematical saving will start yon on the road to
wealth. ' h -
2J?4? Commercial Savings Bank
An East Sid's Dank for East Side People
;Vv.y r:C v:( " " .'I! I ill in ii ,., .i.iii I Ml m ,, in. n"jr..i';-.V; .':'
;CEO, W. BATES. President, J. S. BIRREL, Cashier
Each and AIL
These things I saw upon a Bummer's
A brook that loved and lingered by
: A bird on bough, that gave song
, thanks for ahower
Of Bun; alow sailing Its cerulean way,
And brightly twinned upon the neither
A single cloud craft;' and, with day's
last hour, , .
A lonely beaoh where rugged rocks
gave dour
Resistance to the waves, with smoke ef
' spray.
Such fellowship there la In nature each
ijouna up m ail, and an xn eaciwtne jpf
the high fvr
Creatleh epic woven rune by rune I
In brook and flower, yearning waves 1
' ' - and beach, ' .'... : I
Quotidian thaumaturgy of tha sky, 1
And restless tides that follow on I
; the moor. 1
Worth f 1,000 a Word!.
Tha aln ttiat-.TnM PitIhii la
la well known among us aa "Father, X
cannot teu a n, -or yjungiana expects
every man to do bis duty." It eoit
11,000 a word, or ts.OOO In all, and
was the famous "Railroad Crossing-
Stop, Look and Listen." . x
- " " , ' ' .'