The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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suppLAnr m
I-- f-
Western Union Officials
Rev. , W. P. F. Ferguson
That Would Do Away with the Bhils,
, ; Telegraphy and Drags :v :
Would Be But Little More Startling
iv Plan Use of Barclays in
'f ! Event of a Strike.
Makes Sensational Charge
. Against' Politicians. ;
in an tne Marvelous Things Pone
; by People Who Hare Tril
This Wonderful . Na ' ..
, System.
How Prominent Men and ' Women
Use It .to Influence tha Minds of
. Others Heal Themselvei and Oth
, erg of Chronic Diseases, Nervous
... Disorders ' and Habits as If bv
Telegraphers' Plaocs Will Be Filled
President's, Wife Allowed , to Ride
With Invention of Vice-President I
Down i Streets of Panama , Dowing
Magic Anyone Can Do It Dis
tance No Barrier One' 'Person'!
' an . - -x a . a at h
ot Company If Agreement la Not
to Baa Women .Whom She
: ' Reached.
Thought Were Respectable.;
. control uver Anotner now ruliy
ftxpiainea. v,
: 'aaa mi ii ii in 1 1 mi nowin un 111 n mn
hihi ' 'ft 1 v
(Fabllcbcni Pres. by Special Uand Win.)
New York, June 1. Strike clouds
which have ben hoveling; over the
of flea of tha Waatarn Union Telegraph
company for aoroa weeka aeam to hara
; bean almost dissipated tonight, and tha
surprising Independence and lndlffer
, anea of tha Weatern Union officials to
tha etrike talk could ba traced largely
to tha new machine for' tha transmis
sion and receiving of meaaagea which
la rapidly being Inatailad by tha Waat
arn Union.
While tha machine la not absolutely
1 new and has been used experimentally
mom una. Work all nlgbt for three nighta la
vmi.e nas wwaD part of tha plan of tha United Railway!
5 w::
Seen of.Nisbt .Work Alone Front Street, Where JUllt, Are Being Id by the United Railways.
; tha present erlsia.
Xaohlae to topples Oparatoza. A
' The machine, which la known aa tha
Barclay, named after John C Barclay,
for tha construction of their Front
etreet road In order not to Interfere
with tha Front, atraet merohente on
buay daye. Tha four blooka from Mor
' vloe-prealdeat of tha Weatern Union, rlaon to Oak etreeta, tha heart of tha
and Ita Inventor and former owner, ob wholeaale dtatrict, waa left for the laat
- vlatea tha neoeeatty of trained operatora, and tha Una waa flrat completed from
any peraoa capable of operating any Oak atraet to tha terminal yarda and
' ordinary typewriter being qualified to from Morrleon to Carathara atraet ba
eaa tha machine, which. It la claimed, rora work In tha ongeated dUtrlot waa
has greater aocuracy and apeed than can
ba poaelbly attained by tha moat skilled
operator. .
; adncea Bxpenaea.
Mr. Barclay .who sold hie patent to
' tha Waatarn Union, elalma that tha vae
of tha machine will reeult In a CI per
sent reduction of operating expenaea,
' while tha efficiency of tha service Is
Increased 10 per cent. Tha earing in
expanaa oomea from tha fact that girl a,
paid from, II to tl per weak, oaa do the
work of operators who average III a
"week, Tha preceaa Is simple to look at
X message la tapped off on what looks
like an ordinary typewriter. ; Through
this machine runs a. tape and on thla
tha letters of tha Morse alphabet are
Impressed In doU and daahes. Tha
, taper Is then run through an electrical
machine by which these dots and dashes
are transmitted to tha receiving and
t of tha line directly on a typewriter.
It la claimed that with SO machines
already Installed Imthe New Tork office
one aeventh of the' company's business
Is now conducted by tha machlnea
Friday Is always the busiest day for
Front atraet merchants. Accordingly
work waa not begun on the foar blooka
until Friday night. .Than a force of 10
men fcnd 11 teams was put to work and
kept buay all night They rested un
til yeeterday afternoon, whan they be
gan again and worked all night laat
sight They are working today aad will
work all night tonight By rushing the
work through In this way the offlciala
of the company expect to have the track
laid and the atraet la condition so that
pavers can begin relaying the pavement
by tomorrow -morning. The cement will
nave time to naraen so tne street can
ba used again by next Friday, when the
next buay day cornea.
Thla plan of doing . the work waa
agreed upon after a consultation with
the commission man and wholesalers
oa Front street who said they preferred
to have tha four blocks dona at once.
Five Cup Prizes for Schools
Making the Best General
Appearance in Line.
r, t "
An order for too more "Barclays" has Final Arrangements for Competitive
been placed, to ba- mstauea in omees
over the entire system.
Parade Have Not Been Completed
But Will Be Some Day This
Week. ' - ' i
A meeting of all tha committees and
workera having in charge tha rose show
ana nesia June zo and 21, baaVbeen
called for tomorrow evening at I o clock
in the Chamber of Commerce bulldlnc
when final arrangements will be com
pleted in tha different departments eon
nected with the work.
President XX w. Rowe stated laat
evening that the encouragement and
liberality from all classes presages an
unqualified auccesa for the floral car
nival. Those In charge are - making
every errort to arouse Interest both in
and out of Portland and theyconfl-
(Spedat Dispatch to The JoormiU dently expect that 100.000 guests will
Moscow, Idaho, June Tha govern I be In Portland during tha two dava
ment closed lta case against Ketten-1 Dataa for tha fiesta were selected
f bach, Kester and Dwyer In the federal that advantage might ba taken of the
f court this afternoon. The laat witness y7lw m bf th raIlr05'J
I a Tnhin Mimui ftwtti nm. tot tn convention of tha Oregon De-
t V TannahllV wunael for the t- veiopm,nt j,,,,, whIch mMt( la Po t.
i fendants, who waa called to prove that jUM 10 and jv
nerenaanta Kettennacn ana Kaater ware i. m.. .... ..i
B. r. Cannon, : Brant Wlckeraham.
Kester Kettenhach Counsel
Will ; Call Their First
! Witness Monday.
Defendants Kettenbach and Kester were
; officers of the Lewletoa National bank
, r and Robnett the bookkeeper. The court
i bad called attention to tha fact that
1 nothing had bead placed In evidence to
ahow that .the., defendants were eon-
a nected with' the bank. , "
. Tannahlll. waa unable to ear. he knew
- of the relationship of defendants to tha
bank, but he believed one' was , presK
' dent and the other cashier. Associate
Counsel Moore said tha case must ba
" ' a weak one. alnce tha government would i
resort to the unusual- method of Intro-1 Circulars signed by a committee of
ducing.deranaantr counaei 0"Mi.M(- Boandinavlana are being scattered about
ster up the govarnmahrs bvldenoe. the city: reminding the votera of the
I e-defensa will begin the presenta- fact that 1$ yeara ago Dr. U M. Davis.
I0 bt evWencaMonoay turning, and catof for cduncllman at large, de
f baa' asked that Mary J. Harris, who .,.. i i JTU.,.
i ha r v . .. Ji , uverad a few remarks in the city coun-
than. An effort will ba made to lm- flU hlca n Y M 1 .n MmD"r'
peach certain parto her testimony, l. to th i effect that it would not be ad-
Several witneaaea ware Introduced yiaable'tflflet.the street cleaning to con.
; this forenoon for the purpose of prpv-lng-,
conspiracy. Their testimony ap
parently failed to Connect Kettenbach
and' Kester . with the 'purported crime,
although It did implicate Dwyer. j
Frank Morrison of Clarkaton. "Wash-
: ington, teeunea mat . vwyer naa ' ap
proached him in It 01 with a proposl-
! tlon to go Into partnership. He aald
I be had an arrangement with Kester to
? acquire timber and one fourth of all
i that was acquired would be his .share.
He declined the' proposition. . ,
Charles McDonnell, i P. W. Custer ' and
Professor, Robert Krobn has arranged
the detail for the Thursday or "School
Children Parade." Arrangements for the
monster competitive parade on Friday
have not been entirely completed.
The children's parade will be contem
poraneous with the. exhibit of the Rose
society at the Forestry building, on
Thursday,. June .20, and will move at
J. -SO p. m. f rom the corner of Park and
Jefferson streets.
Five eup prises will be awarded to
the schools making the bast .'general
appearance. Three bands will be as
signed at propee intervale in the long
column. Tha Judgea will be General
Owen Summers, Colonel C. U. Oanten
beln. Colonel James ' Jackson, : Colonel
R. C. Oublts and Colonel George T.
Willett They will Inspect the parade
at varloua vantage polnte and the re
viewing stand.
Squad of mounted police.
Grand . Marshal H. C. Campbell and
Officers aad members of Rose so
ciety in carriagea.
Directors of school board in
Wealthy Retired Army Of
ficer Forfeits Money to a
Philadelphia Woman.
1 4 t
-(Hearst News by Loarest teased Wire.)
e Tork,'June 1. Rev. W. P. F. Fer-
guson, editor of the Defender, aays
some pretty severe things about the
congressional party which visited the
isthmus of Panama recently. He says
'cpeaaing or the visits Of congress
men, i mar rroterlr ' mention a., few
Incidents that ehow- the moral Influenoe
or such visits. -, I waa in Colon when
tha ateamer Panama arrived there In
the early part of last month with: a big
party occongressmen. The greater part
or the company appeared to be self.
respecting gentlemen of whom any
American cltlsen might properly . be
proud. There waa,- however, a minority
contingent of. a very different sort
These fellows rushed from the steamer,
where, according . to report, - they had
by no means been deprived of liquid
refreshments, straight- to - the nearest
bar. I found seven within ten minutes
after the ship had arrived at her dock
lined up against the bar of the Uni
versal, on Fifth street ,
"Some of this same : party ' of con
gressmen gave an exhibition of Anglo
Saxon civilisation tn thla city by
'rough-housing one American- disorder
ly house and drinking $10 worth of
champagne in another.
Zjeeted From CMnmlll.
"Another congressman became so
disgracefully intoxicated at the Tlvoll
while the party waa here that be waa
ejected from that resplendent govern
ment glnmlll and waa foroed to spend
the night elsewhere. All whom I hard
refer to thla and the matter was com
mon talk for a week considered the
courage of the hotel management the
only remarkable-feature of the
The matter was patched up the next
morning." . ,
In speaking of Panama bo says:
"One of the reaaona why Panama
rives at flrat the better Impression
than Colon. Is the fact that now the
most of the vicious resorts have been
forced to aeek the aeclualon of the aide
streets. Thla was not tha case for
marly. Central' avenue, the leading
.etreet of the city. , formerly was
How Every Man, Woman and Child
in the World Can Have "The 8e.
ereta of Magnetic Force, Ilealth
and Power" , Abeo- ,
luteljr Pre,' , - , ,
I-'. ."! ;ii 'y
Real Estate
Operators i;,
. Get in do as others in
this neighborhood have
fore - Losing Consciousness and
houses. Mrs. Theodora Roosevelt
when she visited thla olty with her
.Ordered Butler to Call Cab to husband last November, rode down
. i - (Central avenue, bowing light and left
uvum ta woman, manr of them Americana.
whom aha doubtleas supposed to be
ladlea of the city and wives of Ameri
can gentlemen, dui wb wmrm in puim
Beant.' Hm bv ' Iimri lmtA nrm
New :Tork,. June 1CaeUla William of fact one of the most remarkable ag
Wheeler, a well-known clubman and ft,n ? ff . ,m'?nV!w
wealthy retired rmr of floor, living at bl,1 A?m" JJl
oar- LN0- " W-t Jlfty-flrat street ha. left by th.PanLnT government of
v. ur uia cinuiirumiwa a th eitv locatina all aens oi vice on
Marching brigade of II eompanlaa of "u" orougni against mm Dy.aira. Bland side streets."
school children, representing It schools: ampoeu, a Deauurui young woman of
maximum to any oompany, 100. Mlal-1 Pittsburg. In her ault" which waa filed
mum 14. last November in the supreme court in
Professor Robert Krohn, commanding this city, Mrs. Campbell alleges that
and directing school brigade and drill Captain "Wheeler had lured her to hla
squads. ' bachelor Quarters and aiihtatiMi h tn
Squad Of S0 children in garland drill. I Indignities. Although she asked for
Squad of 10 children in wreath drill. 125,000 damages, only 11,100 was paid
Alternating S-minute exerciee. in aettlement. Captain Wheeler al-
ear guara pawon oi police. I though forced to compromise, filed an
Line of march North on Park to answer in court denvin h.r ,.
Salmon, east oa Salmon to Sixth, .north lira Camnbell la the wif. Ae tr.nn.
on Sixth to-Plna. eaat on Pine to Campbell of Plttaburr. She la n
Fourth, south on Fourth to the re- old and a blonde of atriBBe- ainttr.nM
""' v bwuuu I Hr nusoana aid not know of th mt.
Fourth. Continue south on Fourth to soda in which Cantain wn.i
u.jl. If. Ji. . I ... . .. r 'e ' v
Institute Club of People's Institute
Has Planned Wonderfal Event
For Worthy Cause.
The Institute dab of the People's In-
tractors who would hire "niggers. Chin,
amen, Scandinavians and auoh rif-raff '
until long after tha ault waa filed, atituta is arranaina for a wonderful
Campbell anu hla wife are now la Pitta- children's fete, which will Interest ev
burg with their two children. erybody in Portland, either as a par-
Mrs. Campbell s mother, Mrs, . Robert tlclpant or spectator. The f unda da
A. Gardner, waa once socially prominent rived from the fete win sro to the var
in .Pittsburg. The daughter met Cap- ioua departments of the Institute, euch
tain Wheeler, who la about SO yeara old aa manual training, kindergarten, sew
n e)ntertaanlngf talker, at the WaU ing and cooking claases, gymnasium
oorf-Astorla. and athletic work, and also to tha chll-
Mre. Campbell says aha went to hla dren's playgrounds of the Institute dub.
studio tosee his pictures and after In Multnomah club grounds will be
reaching the, captain's apartmenta waa given Jessie I Gaynor'e Mother Goose
persuaded by him to take a glass of opera for children, The House that
wine.' She became dirty and the Idea Jack Bullf one of the most beautiful
IV? '."."V ine wine waa arugged.1 of entertainments.
Professor F. T. Melntvre. a well-to-do
scientist of this cltv. haa created aaen
sation in the hypnotlo world. Through
delving down in the realms of nature's
mysteries he haa discovered a delicate
but powerful system that aeema des
tined to revolutionise .the theories of
tha moat noted authorltlea on Mind
Force. Some people look upoa him aa
a man possessing a stranre power, for
he haa told them now to Influence people
inr ana near ana, to neal themselves
ana others of their lUs aa If by magic.
Ha telle them how to project their
thoughts, develop a powerful mentality
and build up the mechanism of the
body and brain. Doctors and magnet
Ista who have teated the workinge of
oia new discovery aamit inst it sur
passes anything in the history of psy
chlo power.
In explaining the method Professor
Mclntyre aays: "I am convinced that
everybody can accomplish the thlnga I
have done If they understand the sys
tem. It would be a grand thing if every
man, woman and child in this country
learned tha use of this wonderful sys
tem. There ahould ba no more disease,
iramonuuy, arunaenness, aesponaenoy,
separations, poverty or failure In Ufa
I have aent free illustrated pamphlets
to people In many parts ot the world,
which explain tha DrlndDlea of mv new
discovery, and I And they can do the
eame wonderful thlnga I have dona, and
for which soma persons think I possess
a apeclal power. I have aent these
printed pamphlets . nut without - env
charge whatever, as I am anxloua to
nave every one try the wondera of this
new discovery. The letters received
from persona who tried it are the same.
Many are loud In their exclamations of
surprise and thanks, and say they never
areamea suon tnmga - possic-ie.-, l re
ceive many fine presents and enloy
worainr ror tne upnriing or mankind
ana science, ine xina letters received
from grateful hearts more than pay
for the interest I take. I will send a
copy of my free book to every ceraon
who writes ma without any charge.
Professor Mclntvre has a basketful
of letters, from people in many parts
ot we wona. xney are, inaeea. start
line. Mr. James Kuhal. a nmmlnint
businees man of Chicago, writes the
"I never dreamed euch things pos
sible. If I had only .known thla sooner.
This system haa made- a different man
of me. I shall aive us business and
make more money through the uae of
mis system tnan i can in ray business.
It has brought back mv slant I can
see without glasses, and. work without
I Hundreds
of Lots
them, too. It haa overoome - my back-
-The Scandinavian of Portland have v " w. nvP9' Mrs. Oaynor-o mualb Is well-known to
not become reconciled, although r. ..?LM fh! V'1!1 moalo lovers In Portland, while the rare
IMVia haa A-rrtraaiiA1 hla anrrnw a hla I , .... cm
ignorance, and they still remember the
resolutions adopted at. a mass meeting
protaetlng against tha Inexcusable oon- f n't ' 5," fi1,! hfr way ent work such as a children's opera
duct of tha oounoiiman th electric button- and touched It -ll..Z Vu". , Z.
re I nuvMiu w a u aavub iua fv;ja, nuuv
Tha butler responded and Mrs Camnhn
ordered him to call a carriage. When
FE0M ANGRt PARENTS -p-'tment..
the rn.7. . .n mln over with fun and jollity. : For the
escorted M?s. Campbell ick to " !dultli"th Uad,n ri,f: Mr.. Gaynor
A . w MWs I V. a aa rfH ft a. PI SAma aa'Vltvla.ll'sb 1vlna anil
Former Editor of Inter-Mountain
Elopes With Society Writer
of Denver Post. '
wardness and I can now handle mv
customers in fine shape. I did not
know I waa so full of the magnetism. I
think your system wonderful."
Mr. Eugene Devenaon, Baton Rouga,
"I writes: 'navmg tried your sya-
vain i unneHimiiniriT oronounce it tn M
and to do aH you claim for It" 1
Rev. E. G. King, pastor Christian
cnuron, upper xaae, cat, writes: "l
cannot recommend your system too
highly, and I am willing to answer any
InnilfHaa In ra.ar4 I
Dr. H. 'A. Lounsbunr. Wheatlv. On
tario, Canada, writes: "I have thor-l
ougniy inveatigatea tne methods and In
ventions of Professor Mclntyre, and can
eay mat nis system is scientific and
surpasses anytning in the line of thera
peutics inat naa come to my notice."
Fred 8. Brett Apartado 286, Guada
lajara, Mexico, writes: "I have done
wonderful things in-Influencing people
wim inn eysiem. nave naa over fie
persons under mv control, and mm.
several nriant "tomcal inn." and the I penea tnem to ao siartune- thinaa. t
music generally la or a very high order. 1"" "efyooay to try it. xnis sys
While written for the regular theatre "VS,,!" J:",yv .
Here is a chance for
you. Election day will
cut no figure, with me.
I shall be here to give
full particulars. But,
boys, get in the band
wagon, and buy, sub
divide and make a com-'
- - . . . -', -' , ;
petency for life. This
will be sold by public
auction in the xorridors
of the
la as clever as It Is beautiful, brim-
At II A. Me. Tuesday
June 4
stage, its scenes and setting are dis
tinctly pastoral, and It la to have lta
Thla free book la full of atartllna- a.
pianauons ana pictures, snowing that
any one can master. In a ahort time, tha
Financial Situation Is So
Complex That Forecasts
Are Impossible.
Pirtl!hra' Press by' Spatial Leaicd Wire.)
C'nlcago, jyne l. wnerai Baron Ku-
(Betnt News by Lonrest Leased Wire.)
Denver, June 1. After a romantic
courtship of more than two years.
James Kelly, general passenger and
ticket agent of the Moffat railroad, and
formerly managing editor of the Butte
Inter-Mountain, and Miss Erlyn Brown,
first out-of-doors presentation In Fort-4iower to control and mr th n.n3a
ocners. it oescriDes the strange phe-
uuuiciib, i f-ayciuc una xiypnotio in-1
fllllliMl Armt U-jkltnv D.n.l.. L . 1
I r T . , IU.WIIU uvun m uia ivi cgluuuu. ( . -T, ' ' a. . .wm Mill I
vuvvcuct uciicrm v-iurnea to uem. From behind bushes and trace and rocks ouaaesuve xnerapeuwes, personal Mag-
ocratlc Headquarters WlU Keep Ta ??SZ KS
i i nfiusrn inmiaanna nr miiaai ai eswei ts
160 Acres
Down Fraudulent Voting.
party, because It is "Jack's Birthday." iii VThV h hi vi.Tt!.-r;
and Bo-Peeps. BorBlus and Jacks snd of .the Inner or dormant forces of con-
jiiia win do mere, bh weii aa every centration,. . lores . or charaoter, - will I
other child of Mother Goose. power, memory, determination, ambi-
Mrs. A, E. Hockey, .chairman of the " entnueiasm, inspiration, continuity
Circular letters sent out bv Mar
t roki, after a day's outing at Lake Oe- traWlshers Press by Bpeelat Leaked Wire.) former actressy who for seVeral. years J lane's campaign managers to addresses children's department, and Mrs. War- of thought and the ability to throw oft
i neva, returned to the city andytonight New York. June 1. Taking into con- has been odety editress of the Denver taken from the registration lists have, ren Thomas, chairman of the chll- the evil effects of disease and despond-
mttnnAaA M f rtsn tt. '-whArA A AimtSnnliv ilrlasatlnn tha manv mnA AnmnlAV In.
4 vrveh rtf A m Artisan rfttom im i iL. .l. s..a.ui I IPetrrid.
f w avew.w .v.. uu as I IIUCUUBsJ 111 I U.m VUiUIUiCU HiVUKLIUIa, f. va.V I -w
f"lT.lnie!SmLClm" indeed.-ene of the moat amas-
Post, elooed thla afternoon and were I in many instances, been returned un
, I openea to Democratic
Is a Catholic and Mies I with notifications that tl
i panimeat of plalna, battle, and mk lrnV llrm t m ."".a" .niw.l-;"p a aL e "X 'r carriers. . v
I halUva bloodshed.. Sunday nleht tha . T.i ,.,.7. """" --""n"w wai airara mat return oi inese unopened Clrctt- h.. h.- tha h..,t. ta . of It m ha fhonlrful I nnl.i. ....r,C:
Japanese war hero and his suite will on tmm.,t- ora- nf J nriria!.?"!0 ? ?.V,1ral ?Won that .some of - . Miss Martin haa been Identified I roa . flnanolal and social auocesa; It
headniia.i-tara . "V. " ' i' " " . " inaeea.-na or tne i
i iil ... . . I au vticu avi wavaa e a sa nwiatua vum- i lrtsTiv . mraraarind TWtrm .Mf tka -
.miss wivn notincanons tnat tne parties can- mittee under them. . : -T.i' mKiZZZim
Miss Margaret Martin of Chicago will I cover, and all who receive free copies I
l Vualna- nraaantad with tha uaual nrmm. I ..... , I
- , , . or roiuciapca la pernaps itn ai me pree- I Rrown
ian at any previous time hurrie
express positive opinions Rev j
lata course OIi.prices. Preabvterlan rhiiwh tla tha Vnt rh. thnaa h a.nn k. w ..T." L '" . "VT.Cr ?.-rVL'rt"l' "-
All that can be said about the prevail- nZ'ui an.. V ZZZZZTZZ T" taeopera from ita; first produe- - ' iT,iT
On the Sandy Road,
east of Rose City Park,
one mile north of Mon-tavilla.
t start for Seattle, whence they will sail
I for Ydkohama.
1. "hit It U B'rown'" I'V If"1lent : UT wok w5l kwnT to the '
tic at th- BrWB . ? PL.0" BJren t? ,tn J!irl.trara. In Last, and also in southern California, y ? , i.i, . -a .v..
VimVM. A Ti OV VTnTTM close of the ek as It w the begln: n . WTfl - trmnjw ; r.VL:,, 'tt J,. h A- . P aerful book rlti a postal "or letteTtS
OF STAGE BTOAWAl but one vray ot look,n' upn he flnan-
B A XT TQ Uf A m?Tk nT guard aaainst ani ittemt .7 uT',." .1"""' 2Z1 S?"S. "l"1" 2rr.ul J r letter to
jjin io xuaxjiuu JX li,n - fra.Mnia; ".Vivrr: if "?,'u..'r: ..7n"r." p-. 7 r01???0!--. : Mcintyre, Dept. mo.
( (Special tUpatch to Tha Journal.)
J Klamath Falls, Or., June 1. Those
h injured la the disastrous runaway of
'the stage Wednesday, are getting along
; nlooly and their Injuries have proved
less serious than at first thought. The
I funeral of the driver, George Galbreath,
who was fatally injured, waa held at
i Poe Valley yesterday. : No one can tell
- the cause of the runaway. It waa the
y worst 'accident that ever occurred en a
Klamath (Ufa
clal affairs that was, that public - con-
oaence naa Deen so severely snaxen tnat
there waa no buying power in the mar
ket.' Special liquidation waa apparent
ttvtav ir i TIT? -nrTiT It thl 5Sa 1 M, ' wtcher Toy Shop" and "The House That Jack No. 128 West Thirty-fourth street. NeW
LMOII MADE BEEK f,!,tb, i?011 wl 'Provided with a BuilV during the last two seasons. York. N. Y. All who Write will receive
' , 'l,t..' ,th voters who cannot be found The grounds are fo be donated br the "! .n on disappointed. It Is
s ., North Bank Ralls Past Irrlgon. .
t ' iSperlai Otopatrt u The anraal l V
' Irrlgon, Or., June I. By. Monday
'' noon, June i, the traok on the North
bank railway will be laid to a point
' eppoalte Irrlaon, and on - the evening
' or that day. if all goes well, the track
laying outfit will be west of CeoUdge.
c I or tne letter camera. Everv narann nn I r... i. , ..... uvun. ...l
ixi. .t v... fc. r r a ,! I .w. i... .. . . ' --" I . .""""'t auiuu kiuu
" i-vtww mj MWHBW, uwawu nH,, - , m, mi Willi 1 1 1 w un mw T n A nnl wt 1 1
W'ashlnaton. June 1. Tha Brtwcn h. vi. .
on a larse scale a, the opentegt the j sVor.kmen of America -havlnz failed to a ballot at the election tomorrow "
week and the general average of prices carry out tho orders of the Minneannita t k. i w ... .
fLnwi0 ot,T?X' eion touched convention, were expelled today by for-J adherente of Mayor Lane are urged to
the lowest point In the year. malordr of the American Federation! be present through the entire orooaa.
m. iier part ot tne wee, now-lor IDor from association with the from the time tha nnlla oia .m SI
. .. i i . .. . . r: - hi.
aent by mall, postage paid, abaolutely
tdlvotl. irftv that tha Ahlant rtt ih ,-.
W"-W "T" 1 -W- St r srx W--y- rXWtwM I ... ----- sa v
JLW JUAltUJi iHirUollO po,ea wltnarww w,tn a view to meet
Ml IDtlUlfeDUV bulla MAj. . t. .
ever, there was encouraging evidence organization.
ma i mis sort oi linuidatlon had abated. The conve-tlon'a mandate waa that
if indeed it had not ceased altogether, the brewery workmen ahould not admit
na wnue noooay couio oe sure that it to membership men from other branches
waa over lor good it waa felt that A Inr tha lnriuatrv anoh aa flnmu anrl.
,M!r hib ior nope existea man ror neera and teamsters.
some time previous. , The action of the convention haa been
ignored br tha -workmen and therefore
Former Senator William PV Ufa ain nfl President Gnmnera todaw ravalrail tho
Chicsgo. is an avowed candidate to sue- eharter at OiaVUnited Brewery .Work -
oenacor Aioert J. Hopkins of Illl-1 men ei America,
nnin. tne contest Will be decided at 1 Beer mamifaeturM b the evnallad
a general primary to be bald la April I organlaaUoa will hereafter be eonsldered
" , , i . v i a aoa-uatoa sreauc-.
ballot boxes are sealed. Many of the
(Re rat News by Lonrest teased Wire.)
Washington, June 1. It Is reported
win recall at an early day 140,000,000
or 150,000,000 which . were placed In
national depositaries with the under
macnine worxera are known to be un- at the treasury department this after-
avrupuHHj. ana wouia not nesitate to noon that tha secretary of the treasury
compllsh Mayor Lane's defeat.
Indications are not lacking that a
great fight is Impending for the Dem
ocratic nomination for P governor In
North Carolina. Among the aspirants
are Locke Craig of AshevtlJe, former
lieutenant uoverttor Doughton, ex-Congressman
Fred Woodard and Congress-
tamu wuuam w. autcnia.
The -Portland hotel orchestra com-
menced lta outdoor concerts laat ann.
standing that the deposits wer only Ing. Herr Waldemar. Llnd,- eonduetlng.
temporary. , . V -i The muslo Was of a high order and
It is admitted among those Who die- Irreatlv annreelatal hv tha a-naaa .a
cuss this proposition that while the ao-1 well as the crowd tnat gathered on the
tlon will not affect the market. It may sidewalk In front of the hotel. The
. j Wl raisinr interest rates i concerts mark tne opening of the sum-1
ress- for speculaUon. OXfiolals who. talk on mar season and wlU continue to weU to
v Jtbesutement in the absence of Mr.Cor.J ward neat. xaU.,-v - n J
' '" . ' i a ' '
J. Vhyte Evans
7 Chamber of
CapL II. J. Meagher