The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 54, Image 54

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I 'MW,
' ' Silverton Boy Receiving Thorough Instruction in Oregon
; , Conservatory of Music Owing to. Successful Efforts
in Journal's Contest Experience in Salesmanship
JVolfc y
Lloyd Riches of SllTerton, Ambltloui Boy Who Owes His Recent Success
to the Last Scholarship Contest Conducted by The Oregon Journal.
The Journal presents today -a letter
, from one of Us success? ul scholarship
graduates In the Education-Vacation
contest of 1906. This is a sample of
many letters reoelvsd, as a result o
Inquiry, from) all the young people who
' competed for scholarships last year.
Twelve months ago The Journal ln
( augurated the first of Its annual schol
arship contests and It was the first
time that an Oregon newspaper had at
tempted to Increase Its circulation by
employing college, students , to solicit
for subscriptions. Incidental to the
purpose of the newspaper to multiply
the number of Its readers and to the
needs of the students, to provide them
selves with money and tuition, the col
and with sufficient fores to be reason
ably successful, he or she can com
mand a position as first-class salesman
or sales woman anywhere.
Oalas lelf-BeliaBce. :
One year ago I had llttleJfeelf-reliance
and I felt 111 at ease and not yenr con
fldent of . success when I presented a
proposl tlon before a - person. . Now I
feel at ease and confident of success
until after one has refused Ine seventy
times seven, and then I sometimes com
mence all over again and land them.
I made many friends while canvas
sing, who have been the best of friends
since, some in a business way and
many In a social. In fact, many people
know me and speak to me, whom I find
leges and technical school cooperating u difficult to oall by name.
in me nierprw. wr nf "- ? The last gain that I think of Just
uea. mroufu ui ut7 " ."- now. but the smallest by . no . means.
leeianw, , 111 me w.uui. was the commission of new subscribers
rsnge ? gave some attention to . the 1 1 m, thA . nnm,matnn nn
scnoois or nigner eaucaon. iarre -mount each dav. but tiken all
Tweaty-Serea Contestants. I together was quite a substantial sum.
Durinr the crosress of an educational I When I received my soholarahlp I
contest. The Journal prints sketches of I found that I could not commence my
the contestants and stories of their ad-1 studies until January 1,1107. I wrote
ventures while circulating through to the Oregon Conservatory of Music
their localities to gather subscriptions. I requesting them to postpone my - stud-
These articles are supplemented I les until that date, which they very
with nntu about the achoola for whose I kindly did,' I have been studvin Bines
scholarships the contestants are strtv-lthen and nave made fine progress. 1
lng. . i I found the school a much .larger and
In the first educational contest given I better equipped Institution than I ex-
by The Journal, 27 contestants endured I pected, every branch of music being
from start to finish. Every contestant I taught and having a teaching force of
who remained through the last two 1 19 competent instructors. They have
weeks of the contest oerlod was award-1 treated ms with the finest courtesy.
ed the scholarship of his choice. And, and have taken the greatest cars to
besides the scholarships, they received Instruct me thoroughly as X advance,
cash awards, to aid them An defraying The Institution Is the best of Its kind
expenses while at school amounting to in Portland, if not In the Paclflo north-
1760. -These were augmented by cash I west, and I hope to have the honor of
commissions, paid every day-on the de-j graduating from It some day. - -livery
of subscriptions at The Journal! r Tisakful for Other Tavor. '-'
office, which ran Into the hundreds of . T 1.1 . v.
lUbl to the srtugent. Tb caah com-l i a -i-J
mUslons earned by the suocessful can- fop th. th h4v. tr..ttlA
h ,!JSTv. nm.rin I cwn,n-10 Portend.- , When I came to
J!"" v n . commence my studies, I , inquired of
-Mm . Smith th AltmtlatlAn snafiasra i
ew ciprnroiw. I he had a position that I could . fill, and
Lloyd Riches one of the 27 winning in one week, and a half he put me on
ontestaats of last .summer, writes I a paper route;.. I could not make all
of " the advantages which have I my expenses from it. so I .was siven a
resulted to mm rrom participating in 1 chance to solicit ' for the special Fifth
the exciting quest for contest votes. I Anniversary number of The Oregon
Soys and girls,. ana young men; ana Dally Journal. Now I have one of the
young women, with ambition to earn I larger routes, which more than oavs
. ' for themselves the education which Is I my expenses and leaves sufficient time
necessary in this flay and age of the I for my studies.. In fact, r they have
world, wui De mteresiea in tms letter treated me. as you told me thev would.
ana snouia aaaress me contest junior, when requesting me to enter the con
'The Oregon Journal, Portland, Oregon, test, as a protege of theirs, and .as such
making application to enter tne eouca- 1 say hurrah for The Oregon Dally
, tlonal contest which is to be lnaugu
rated eoOn by this newsDaber.
' .1 Uoyd Blches, through the contest of
7 : last year. Is , now , supporting himself
. while studylnr tnustc. His own state-
v.v inent follows: v
. Editor i Educational Contest Dear
6Jr.--In ' response to your; recent In-
quiry regarding the scholarship course
: with the Oregon Conservatory of Music,
the enterprise of Oregon's greatest Three - Yonthfnl Of fenders Severely
newspaper, The Oregon Daily Journal,
Journal , and the Oregon Conservatory
or Music. . Tours sincerely, " '
Scholarship Contestant or 180.
; 1 m 1 h i'i 1 . ' '
Lectured by Judge Cameron for
Expectorating on Sidewalk. ,
t I will answer your query to the best of
my ability. , ' ,
, ' ' ' ' Oalaed Wide Experience.
'In securing the scholarship I not
only gained It, but also gained several L. Burns. Robert Burns and Ed Se-
other things wJiich have been and wUl jcord, messengers employed by, the X V.
be or great oenern 10 me. t.. were before Judare Cameron vn
.. -When you requeued me to enter the terday on charges of expectorating on
contest from my home town, Silverton, the sidewalk; and' smoking cigarettes.
. X did not think I would have much of The appearance in court of the trio of
a show against .the contestants in large lads was due to the arrest of, Albert
cities, but I found out this much, that Richardson, who was detected in the
In the small town I had advantages act of . "taking; a long draw'? 1 In front
1 wjiicu aij ... rivm cuumuiiiii vi large ci iiie weaiern union oince. ,
. cities did not have. First, I was the! Judge Cameron has received a num-
niy contestant an my town, wagp. uiere Der or complaints of the conduct of the
; were several in the larger places. Sec- messenger boys, and ' Thursday ; after
ond. I knew almost every person in the noon, fro:4 his window- in the Chamber
town and had many mends who were qr Commerce building, noticed Richard
personally Interested in me. and lastly, son smoking a cigarette.-. The' lad was
. there was a large surrounding country, taken into custody and In the police
coverea -wiin lour ' rural . iree oeuvery 1 court was aiiowea to go upon nis prom
routes, to work In. So much to the ad- lse t) Inform against; any of his corn-
vantages and disadvantages of my ter-lpanlons whs used tobacco,
, rltory, e ? ';: r- '-A .r1 The youth kept hi word, and : hence
- The work I found rery pleasant, al- the arrest of the Burns boys and Se-
though aa every one realises it Is not cord. The lads were given. their 11b-
. always smooth, sailing, . but running up erty after a severe lecture . and stipu-
' against a snag once In A while only latlng to take 10 days In the event of
. helps one develop character and worniiuiure onenses.
the harder. - The benefit I found very 1 .."
great Indeed. -..'." I - Farm help Is so scarce through the
Successful .salesmanship is one - of I agricultural sections -of Connecticut
the hardest to gain and the one in most! that farmers are uniting to pay the
demand of modem requirements. If a j expenses of advertising for and bring-
iwyor girl is able to present Jits or ling to some central point men and wo-
ner paper and proposition oeror a pro-j men rrom tne seaporta, . where lmml
pectiv subscriber la a pleasing style grants are obtainable. ? ,ky- v
i--.l-.-i : T?-;;;;.i -'Jv. j"- i;':''--:-y- ' y . - -.- i A : it.','' -.
srj v
vff.-.nAnthftf thrV vearj Soritii? is also the season for house renovating, for
r " Changing, refittingrand beautifying the homer Jothmg adds to the :
joys and happiness of life so much as a comfortable home."; A home well fur-;,,
nished is the cornerstone of happiness. ; Prospective brides should study, this ;
, question, as it means a great deaf in'the future. There is no place where bet-tm-
onoortunitv is offered to become oosted in home furnishings than at Gads-
bv's. Every style and quality is there shown, and each article has the price marked in plain figures.
. y . ? 1 ' . J 1J .l!.41.. n1 1!krl1 Vrt't teTm V
you cannot maKe a misiaKe, as our.gooas arc sum sunuy u t.,.
can be arranged to suit .customers. -o yX'yPy'Vh.
The Only rurnitiire Store That Owns Its Own Building No Rents
':''. - to Pay That's Why We SeUrCheaper v.
x . -
$5.00 Down and $1.00 Per Week
better machine cannot be built 'Highest grade eccentric-driven high 'arm It
embodies all of the improvements applied to Sewing Machines in the last
iauarter of a century. It is -fully equal to ANY machine on the market, no
' . . .. ' J ...:.(. i: J ....1,Mt. .nmnt.f. In
matter wnat xne price; eqwippcu wmi uuu cci miauminio, wimms ui
every way. Perfected type of ball-bearing stand, entirely free from noise.
Automatic lifting device, automatic belt replacer, colonial quar- dOC ff
ter-sawed oak case. Gadsby's price I .) U y
$5.00 Down and $L0bPer W
Remember This Machine is fully guaranteed for 10 years. It is
the best'Jsind of economy .to buy a; good niachine .when you can
buy it at sucn a low price. , ;
J - The Great
. ' ' ''''-v.f Ty
t " 4: The. oven Is absolutely air tight!
x - '' "f !"'. --beat can be applied aa needed.
rarlV 'XnfillSIl IJininU " W?r front is separate from oven.
' . . - .. ' mo waier. cannot anpci leraperaiur.
. . g-i" " ; Patent anti-ciinKer , grate is suit-
i firiTTI 1 ITlTf v able for either coal or. wood.
1 kMl
' . any
r i i j -a... ... . "v i ne -maieeiio. naa uo nix oven r
uc "aul" acr"' bottom which can be v guaranteed j
rately or h en suited WKffiV
Weathered oak, wax gyV?
finish or Polden oak 8t, psrts are of heaviest gaugs ,
nnisii, or uiuen tiaa, tel UMfd Jn ranre construction.
polished. Prices as - ,. 1 ;
follows; Buffet,
$30; China Cabinet,
,$25; Side Table,
$10; Chairs, $4.50
cacn ; extension ryin
ing able, 8 feet
long, $20.
Firebox Is heavier - than that of
any other range on the market. -
Gaidsby's Hye-Piece Parlor
Suite $27.50
;w ...
' .V -..l .
' Leader Range
All are guaranteed for 10 years. Leader
, Range, with highr clpset and duplex grate.
( , sprmg-Daianced oven aoora: rinjs is a
m haavv nKatnt'tl AnA s4iiraKls rtniva
made of . the best ' quality cold-rolled "!
r ; steel; .adapted- for wood or coal: oven
V W I If . ' thorouirhlv bracedand bolted: asbestos-'.
' ' " - ? M ' " W m : lined ' throughout:' elaborately trimmed:
ThissuDerb suite is superb both Inf quality ' and appearance. ; Jl' , V ; , , - J section plate top. -Gadsby's (oq aa
It rnncist Af fivi. maiv nieM.. unholstered in beautiful " - . " 1 P'aKp f Y"w'uu
UfRiCHTlN U, -' -.' velour. The frame is piano-polished mahoganized birch and ' FnilCCSS JJreSSCr - - -
sa jy- .1 l - the fillings and springs are unsurpassed , ine most tractive, princess Dresser in golden oak,
5 n...if
S suite that you can put into your house for the price. ' ; . birdseye maple .so mahogany, .
iih Gkdsby. price . . . .... . . ..... . ... ... ..'1 $27.50 French mirror 18x36 )A f
- We have pretty three-piece suites as low as. . . I . . $17.50 ,"cn"' : ' v Y
r . V . ' ';, .'.vSame size-in-white maple xr. Pacific '
oak finish, with, mirror f PA . Vfl
17x30 inches, special. . IU
Folded, Measures iex2mx44lnaa
TTrtlf1 n von r an nack in trunk.
rrice . J i . . . . . . . . . . .fiwivw
Royal Axminsters, yard .... , . . .... . $1.60
Wilton, Velvets, yard . . $1.60
Burlington Velvets,, yard ,t . .$1.25
Philadelphia5 Mills Brussels . .$1.05
Smith's Tapestry Brussels. .90
Arlington Extra Ingrain. .$1.00
Penrose 2-ply".Ingrain. . ; ; 90
Union Ingrains . ....... r . . 55 ,
Granite - Ingrains' .'. :i . . .50
Cork Carpet . .V. $1.70
Inlaid Linoleum $1.80
New Spring Patterns in
'V'rf'"--.""'.' -' '.r"' J' '',
1 .
u 1
' English Linoleum . . 70
Oil Cloth, best. . , . . . ; .50
Japanese Matting "... . ,'. . :25
Panama Matting ... f .......... . 40ifi
Chinese Matting 4 ...'.....'..'... t .20
RUGS: r ;n . : ANapolcon Beds '
Firth Brussels, 9x12,' each.... ........ ..$20 . In 'mahoganys and qiiarter-sawedr
lapestry, 8:dxl0:b ....,.,..,. ..lo .'oak; beautiful creations, in full size
35 S
Bargains in Side-
Smyrna Reversible, 9x12 , ... ... 810 - and threequarters ' tlssir- AA .Oak Sideboards iadsbylH
Ingrains, all sizes, at bottom prices.- -j ' , at.....s........;i.....ij,Ul price is 6nly '.',:-,'?! .".$20
V The .. ;
Store That
u ; vvv r tt -; v M VLDlt '
I ' . .
i t
Store, That
i.v, '.' " r" ;' -J."'-.- ,.'
; for '
Less V
. .