W - WOMEN'S CLUBSM NDMQRK .'u ':v'-.'::.; 'r..;v'v. ''":" "-'- ''--'" .''-.v-..vf.v ..' '': ' ' ' lV'. v1-: ' V':V I '' ' ' ivffV ' ' ; ' '' T"'- -' ''' '"" 1 Edited by Mrs, Sarah A. Evans. Report of Pendleton's Thursday Afternoon Club. "Second Having completed the same course of " study, she. was granted the Mine decree of A. B. or A. M. . Third The opening of the cones door on February ft, 1835,'to colored men end women. . 1 And last but not least In Ha influ- ; ."-The laat year of the Thursday After- ' noon club was one Of splendid activity. Our year-book, or rather folder (for we hav progressed beyond rlbbona and I nce upon women, the founding of the , dainty lace), Is a very businesslike ar- pioneer woman' club of this country. fair. It gives all the necessary infor- The hlatory of the club as related by matJon the ' regular meetings lorjMrs. Comings la an Interesting one, out .. the year with subjects ror each srter- too long to repeat at this time, surnce noon, etc. There are standing commit- it to say. that It waa the outgrowth teas on library, education, schoolroom of a desire among a few young college '''decoration, domestic science, forestry, women for greater Intellectual growth banauet and Tear-book. ' I than the college waa giving them, and I The club maintains five departments J perhaps with a desire to keep pace with V Shakespeare, hlatory. German, civics their brothers In this respect At the and restroom. " The - domestic scienoe l nrsc meeting a consmuuon was auopieu department carried on a most success-1 Beginning as iomows: ui .uk Un v. n Mil. I "We. the underalra ; . - . . . . . i ler of Portland aa instructor. Our class numbered 10 members, with some gen tlemen on chafing dish evenings. A Shakespeare class, consisting of 25 members, ' was another delightful line of work originated by the ciud. "We, the undersigned members of the female department of the Oberlln. Col legiate institute, associate ourselves to be called and known by the name or the Young Ladles' Association of the Oberlln Collegiate institute for the pro motion of literature and religion." The " " ., . th. -,h article relates that, "in 1840 the name The largest undertaking of the club -h.,.rt , ,h t-i... i.i..r.r the art exhibit given for tne puDiw : , ".rih. j.t waa changed 1 to the Ladles' Literary w" u" v,;.,. society, and that ai .-wZZ.;::rZZ f cents was imposed upon u, mu. u w t- Vu th i ,h tha members for absenco or tardiness, tures for the schools, h tthjjj; club undoubtedly, had the effect of producing a generation of Oberlln the Current Literature dub, the teach- womm who note(, tnroughout tn. rs ana scuow '""'" country for being on tlme. : : ' Another excellent thing waa the es- , : , UblUhment of reatroome . conveniently It It kt .1 near the centers of business, where the wivea and children of farmers, tired Effective Plan - With a daya-ahopplng. may rest and . . . . . oat their luncheons.. These rooms are Fof Civic Betterment tUraKhdtr,HMdothe?nesJ The "Society tor the Protection of couches. UvatorlM M"r Passenger's Rights.- composed of about conveniences and hav, been a great f promlnent N,w york WOIn,n wUn ! - . success.. ' . - 4. ' Mrs. John Fowler Trow as president, la On special days, such as Fourth of pMp,rlnf; t0 mak- a thorough investiga- , July, the horse show (an annual "). tion of m thlnri pertaining to street - circus day and during tha district fair, transportation of passengers In the city these rooms are always crowded to their tnd ,u environs. Five committees have fullest capacity, as well ars the benchea bMn appolntej; on t0 attend' to the In front of the buildings, to observe the v, MOther to the subway, and passing parade. - ' another to the surface lines. Another 1 . We had the pleasure of listening to wm lnTMtlgate tranafer avlla. and an- ... most delightful Scotch entertainment, other wm ook uttr th . aTenue nder the auspices of the club, which ,Ugei. Th6 cauBeg for overcrowded . also left us with a, neat sum In our club carg( for 'Brooklyn bridg breakdowns. ..treasury. , ' , ' v -.' . :. the car ahead changes which are a great Perhaps thO Very best WOrk SCCOm- inMnT,mp. the illr nf the rare nil pushed for olvle cleanliness In both thft lark of courtesy on the part of con- town and county waa the setting aside actors, are some of the matters which of two publls -cleaning days. By en- tn- ioclety wlu COMi,jer with a view to listing the hearty support of the mayor )mpr0lnt transporUUon aervlce. Jf, , and city council, the public achoole and after bonn wltn tn, heads, of the ' academies and local -newspaper I combined railroad system, a marked lm tbrough their help and cooperation we proVement la not evident, the society cleaned tn city aiieye. will take the case into court, fully pre v-nt .lota, streets and cellars. What would , burn waa . consumed,' the rent was carted away. As we have no pub lic scavenger the city provided us with five teams and wagons. ' We divided the city Into flvs wards with a com mittee of It onx each, and every man, woman and child went to wort We kept aa account of the loads of cans and otner rexu m Ur, 0rtgon hM been ortanlMd les, be ashamed to Ull you f"? than a year and what work they have were), and when JJ2i accomplished has all been since October was in prqti. - .. ." last wed ones torn down, but what pleased fc The club consists of U members who w iSos? was tho spirit of good will fucted .j ' P" which prevailed. And arter renaieion pared to sustain the cause of the peo ple against the corporation. t It H Report of ths ' Work and Win Club. The "Work , and Win Club" of On did the gram twice a month during the past sea' son. They have secured the use of, pa pered, painted and furnished a pleasant club and reading-room, where they have already established a JOO-volume public library, and are caring for the same un til It may become self-supporting or un til the town will vote a tax to hire President W. and W. a all the towns In the .county same.- .. 1 1n library work we hav not be?n Jdle for, we are working together with the city council for t a Carnegie library. w have made uo one traveling case ana JT arge box of,JuvenU book as "Vt iihrarV ? . '.7iMMna Hhrarr 1 permanent librarian. " ' Th. work that w hav Uken C-lMldering the small membership and Zi . tA- which will be I the snort time they have been organ orcucUv of the best results Is the Ised. the member feel that they hav K nf m. "model room" In one of reason to be proud of what they have V Pitv schools. The board of directors I accomplished during the past winter, our cuy scooojs. v I uu vvwim i.iwupvpu r --u4 ,,a thk nriviiera oi seieciuis; a .. room for th purpose of decorating It ..i...u. mA UA hm ninlnlv but fcr-1 . a-iu av 9 w . . m m rrL. a maam Annasin la V:tr trUrVni S Congress of Mother. . towa Th subjects ar on American jjstened to Rev. Burdette. M.tnrv anri literature and Include w v' """ "Wash In e ton Crossing the Delaware," I On the Sunday during the session of 'Concord Bridge," VThe Ship Constitn- th Mothers' congress, which just closed tlon," "Mount Vernon," "Battle of Lex- at Loa Angeles, . Bev. Robert J. Bur- Ington." "Courtship 4t Miles Standlsh" dette preached a very effective sermon (a beautiful etching inr sepiaX.' with por- ahd one long to be remembered by the tratta of Washington and Lincoln, a mother who heard him. He took for lara-e-lsed bust' of Lincoln, one of I his text Timothy's tribute to his mother Longfellow and a cast of Paul Revere. I Eunice and Grandmother Lois, saying In a um fiaa- has been promised us, and part: with a few palms and other potted! "Thy Grandmother Lola and thy plant will make this indeed a. model Mother Eunice. Two good mothers-r room." We bave another large picture, one the daughters of the other. ; No subject "Stratford on Avon," which wonder. Timothy wa uch a son as we will keep for our future clubhouse, commanded the esteem and the love of W have Instructed our city marsnot i faui, one orine nomesi ngureg in me to strictly enforce the fcntl-eipectora-1 world's gallery of great men, A Chrlst- tlon ordinance," which is a law gained like man among the heroes of faith. A tr our president several years sgo, and great man and a busy man; but he finds - it needed looking after again. time for a long, thoughtful letter to We hav been agitating the matter Timothy. And as soon as he begin the of th removal of the stockyards out- letter, he straightway falls to thinking id the city limits, bcauurying me or tne young man s motner and grand depot grounds and raising a cemeUry mother. Why, the gospel of Christ had ' fund, all of which takes time, and we been preached only about JO years, and " cjxoect to accomplish much more along here la a pedlgtw of three generations these line next year. I ui Liinsuano, una wio iniru jb a preacn- Our regular work has been .mlscel-1 er. And that led the greatest preacher laneous In character and included, be- In the world to thank God for grand ' sides the literary program, several de- mothers and mothers. Ughtful musicals, Tennyson's song cy- "Paul must have known when he was ' de "MaudV and Ibsen's "Pear, pynt," a boy that priceless treasure of a with Grieg's orchestral suit were, per- grandmother. The dear, sweet, 'old ' ' baps, the most charming. While a study fashioned grandmother, who loved the of "Our Common Birds" and "Eastern title and the dignity that went with It. v.; Oregon Flora" called forth much praise. She didn't shine In her general knowl The history department with JO mem- edge of bouse ventilation, practical bers, has done excehent work. . .The plumbing, village sanitation, general 'Bay slew course In French history and sewage and 'filtration systems as ap a study of art has proved .exceedingly plied to great cities, and a great many - Interesting and instructive. other wonderful things which were not Th purely social , side of our club Invented until grandmother had passed ' life has not been neglected, as our last on to the world where all things are banquet was a notable event, and nn known; but the entire neighborhood 'May 11 we were entertained with a shook their heads and looked sadly at luncheon and delightful literary pro- the doctor If his diagnosis differed ever ' gram by the Woman's club of Weston so little from grandma's. And her chll (20 miles away) and almost every dren, and your Uncle Jim is another, member was there. And the generations don't improve much The last meeting of this Jear was on that styl of training, do they?' our annual reception. May 16, at which. "But they do a little. For If every we entertained two other local clubs, I succeeding generation of mothers were the Weston club and a large numoer cr not ,.wlsrthan th generation which ' other guests. bore them, the old world would stand While we have not done all that we still. Add to the old-fahioned grand- havo planned, we feel that we have done mother the new-fashioned mother, who welL -considering our iimuea memocr- p nai justmed granamotners wisdom ship, a our active members number only 14. Several have moved out of town and others on account of Illness have been Incapacitated and unable to assist:-'-' MRS. JAMES A. FEB, President The Oberiin Women Have Much to Be Proud Of. In Club Notes, the official organ of the Ohio clubs, an illuminating-article is given on ' ."The Pioneer Woman's Club." v, It Is written by Emilie Royce Comings, sn U77 member of the L. L. ;-S. She says: -v-1 - - . "Th lub women of Ohio have great reason for expressing prldeand satis faction la . four1 historical events eon nected with Oberlln college, probably the- four most Important events in the progressiva march of. woman's present attainments both ln club and civic life. ' . "First Th founding in 18SI of . an institution of higher education where for the first time woman could sit In the classroom-' with ' her - brother and study Latin, Greek and Hebrew books. i I clean, living, clean ' thinking; to th best and nobleat and the purest la thought and word and deed; let hers be the life of aa handmaid of the Most High. '..: -. , : '; "Th mother wisdom may differ, but the mother love is alike th world over and through all the generation. I hav known I do know' many women whose dally lives bring into my mind beautiful pictures of the Christ-life the truest ones I know. Singing over the hum blest service as though it was th high est .joy. That's mother. . Staying at home when she wants to go out that the others may go out and enjoy them selves better without her. , . That' mother. Sacrificing this hope, that comfort that desire, and that rest for people who forget to say, thank you. That's mother.. , , . "But maybe and it would be done, too, if I wss St th gats maybe the good Lord will ahut out a lot of fam ine for about a thousand ? years1 pro bation, while mother gets a little rest end has th best and most of every thing: brought to her by angels who just love to see mother enjoy herself. But then, " going to heaven wouldn't make her any lea of a mother, and she'd be at the gat every minute of th hourleas day, watching for 'the children. , So I guess I'd hav to let them In, anyhow. But some of them wouldn't enjoy It, if mother was along." The Great Author Objects to "Harem Civilization. Israel ZanarwilL th well known Jew ish novelist has written a letter to the London Time, In answer to its asser tion that the recent disturbance made by th suffragettes showed women' un fitness for th ballot Mr. zangwiu remind the Times of the Bristol riots, th "Manchester massacre," and other tumults that attended th efforts of English - worklngmen to get the , suf frage, and says; W should rather be grateful to these women for the fem inine mildness of their methods." He adds: "Th objection to female fran chlse is so antiquated that it has been abandoned even by such an oriental people as th Jew, the Zionist con gress, which is th nearest approach to a Jewish parliament permitting women deputies equally with men. But Eu rope still persists In retaining this ves tige of the harem stag of civlllsa tlon." at H Proves Her Faith iSJTI In a Practical Way. Miss Mary S. Anthony divided her estate of 112,000 equally between Anna Shaw and Lucy Anthony, to be used for suffrage work. She directed that part of it should be used for work in New Tork state, and named Mrs. Crossett Harriet Mav. Mills and Isabel Howland as the persons, In whose hands she would like to hav th girt ror Mow York placed. Th executors have written Mrs. Crossett that they would be glad to turn It over at once, but under the present law It must be held for a year to meet any possible debts or other claims against the estate. It is now deposited with the Security Trust company or Rochester, and will be come available a year after Miss Mary's death, , Practical Disadvantage Of Not Having the Franchise. Mrs. Laura Howie, secretary of the stat library board itt Helena, Montana, is having experience of the practical dlsadvantages'of being without a vote. The attorney general has given It as his opinion that she Is not legally quali fied to hold a state office because she is not a voter. She ha been secretary of the board for years, and has given good satisfaction. Now she and all the other women serving' on different state boards find their positions endan gered. A test case will be made and taken to the suprem court as soon as possible. -' it it n An Astoria Club Doing Good Work. The Astoria Reading club has spent & I vcry pleasant and profitable year study ing English history and reading Shakes peare's historical play and other selec-I .1 V... T71 1 V. J . ,H I with the regular lesson. Th club has used Walkers "Essen tials In English History" for a text book. . Th club expects to continue this same course of study, next year. where it was the best and has cor rected it where it was faulty, and has Improved upon It in a score of ways as science and study, experiment and In vestigation have again and again trimmed the wick and replenished the oil in the lamps of knowledge, and we have today such a race of mothers as the world has never known until our day such mothers as can be surpassed In all the practical wisdom and strength and glory of motherhood, only by their own daughters. "What the mothers of their grand sons will be, depends upon th wisdom and the love and the righteousness of the mothers of today. Gloriously they will make, or terribly will they mar, the men and the women-that will come marching out of thewomb of tomor row. God keep the world, from idle, frivolous, wicked mothers. , For a a good .woman Is surely the best and loveliest creature of God on earth, so a wicked mother is the most tenable.' "Good daughter of - a good mother, choose ; for th boy and th girl aa though you were the angel of God sent on the earth for that deed. Let the mother sanctify; her life bef or God to TROPICAL PLANT COUGHS Way of Freeing Itself From Coating of Desert Sand. , From the New Orleans Times-Democrat. "I heard a cough and looked behind me nervously," said a huntsman, "for I was stalking-gazelles in .that. lion col ored waste, the Sahara desert, and hav-1 lng gotten rather too far- south.: I ex pected at any moment to become a pin- -cushion for the poisoned darts Of th dread Touarega 'But there was no one there. The I flat desert quivered in the sunshine, and here and there, a dusty plant stood wearily. But though I commanded the landscape for a radius of SO miles, not living creature was la sight . "Anntlia, i iwiitD'h T iviin, amunif I quickly. The same plant yellow with dust, drooped In the dry heat' That was all.- ;.' 'T.- ''.. 1 ..;:. "Hack! Hack!" "on my left this time. I swung i around again. ' A like plant met my eye. The thing was growing rather ghastly, ' - . 'As I regarded this last plant a cough came from It Believe me, the plant coughed.' It shook. all over, and then, tightening up as a man does when he is about to sneese, It gave a violent cough, and a little cloud of dust arose. "I found out afterward that the plant was the coughing bean, which Is com mon in many tropical countries. In tho long, dry heats this weird growth's pores become choked with dust and it would die of suffocation were it not that a powerful gas accumulates Inside It, which, when It gains sufficient pres sure, Explodes with a sound precisely like the human cough. The explosion shakes th plant pores free of their dust and ihe coughing bean is In good health again." . - " Involute.; Rare pearls are burled la th sea. Gems are hidden in tne sarin's deep) .breast: ''.,' .v Leaves screen th - rose, and tenderly I The mother bird secludes her nest; But love, and love alone, conceals A wonder tha) no sign reveals. ' : W catch tho sparkle of its fosm. The far-off rainbow gleam eludes;,: Above the warm, sequestered home , - , Dovelike the spell of heaven broods; Yet with more fragrant old on fold Love veils ltg Inmost heart of gold. - , a-vAda Foster Murray, trOOCL Insurance The best ,v policy of life insur ance you could take out on the baby's life is a deed to Council Crest Park property.; The pre mium is low, and its face value ' increases every day, while the dividends grow far in excess of " " " any other policy of its kind. r' j- . i .:. -,c -.''. . :t 11 I -' .--a . - ,,.. ' '-; S 'eiJSS'S ' "1" ' t there's a reason For the rapid increase in values in Council Crest Park. Look at Portland Heights property -a few years since, it could have been bought for a song. The Crest o ershadows the Heights in , every respect; hence investors with foresight are buying up Council Crest property for practi- , cally a song now, toet history repeat itself. ' N go out today And meet our agent in the red tent. He can show you every lot and give you the price and , terms. Phone any day to .Main 550 or Home A2537 for us to take you to Council Crest Park. ;.' H. W. Lemeke Gonipany Sixth andVWashington K ; : -: ' ' s- ... -:r .... ; - f , t . . - "7 yfTEMNON was a giant statue of a heathen deity in Egypt so con-r j JL V ; JL structed that when the first rays 'of the rising sun struck , it it gave forth a musical note. For three thousand years it has bepft one of the wonders of the world. - . , i How much greater then li the work of that wonderful "Wizard Edison" the Edison Phonograph which fives forth not s tingle musical note, but evry note in the whole gamut and every sound that can be heard ; which gives it forth not alone at daybreak, but all day long and at nightfall which, instead of being in one isolated and hard-to-reach spot, is right on : the center table in your own living room, where tha family circle can gather around it This is the real wonder of the worldto employ a great inventive genius to produce the greatest amount of amusement for the greatest num ber of people. .'.'' : '..' - . i--' ' The Edison Phonograph is th vocal Memnen of th Twentieth Can. .... tury. And there are a numbe of dealers anxious to show it to yon, ; ..-';;";r''.;;:;':V '.:1,, ' ' . National Fhonograpb Cdmpanr ' 7S Lakcatd Av, Oraaac N. J. . Dealers with established stores wanted to sell Edlsoa) Phonographs ia 'very tows not covered. - Flowering Plants-Postpaid j We haVf thousands of strong rooted flowering bedding plants at the following prices, mail or express charges prepaid: Sweet Alyssum 50 per dozen, Asters 25V Carnations Tie), . . , Cosmos 40, Geraniums T5e, Heliotrope 60 Lobelia 30, '. , . P-cjes 60s),), Petunias 80, verbenas 40 Cobia Scanden, o - v- climbing plant, -grows 40 feet in :t( season, 25 each, v " Send cash with order. No. C O. D. shipments.1! ; n r " PORTLAND SEED CO.tsiSssMlS: xTroiri Dr. L. A- PILRCL, of the OpmAirSanitariiim There is no more nourishing,' healthful, life giving food than good, wholesome, pure meat. People of consumptive or anaemic tendencies should eat flesh foods ; but the greatest care should be exercised to see that the meat is ab- . solutely healthful when slaughtered, handled 7 under sanitary conditions away from the dust and insects and in all ways properly protected. If each housewife were compelled to look into'these details for herself, she would k have little time for anything else; but, fortu nately, the federal government has taken this responsibility off the individual hands by plac ing scientifically educated inspectors in places of responsibility to see that only healthful meats are offered the public By asking for ; government-inspected meat ' and refusing, to accept any; other, the housewife insures her family a strengthening, healthful diet. ' 1-l j fc A OPLN AIR SANITARIUM . 1 .i'.ii".., . '...-..'.