1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE t, 1907. Mi Hew . Gyroscopic Railway '" "it-- if f i! j : i . , " V V. H 1 1 ' w k; n nU . v.:';v." ( vv;..-CT., " - : 1 - t 4 TH NBW CVKOCORlCi'MOHOiRAlL Th Hug Rllwir GtrrUfM f th Putur Th SlngtJJn Rllwy of th rufwr Tk ... . nw fttm rinwr Miiwy wun im uroin snwrini Apywrniv i bllev ' tht tin utomobll of th I fmou Brainaa torpedo, the ecrt of praent type will b an oddity, and tfct wich U M jealoualy guarded by th ray Invention will b In almost unl- versa! use. .s some of Its advantages I . ,. K- .-. hi. over the present style. I will say that ' 7 hV v vZ.u" It cannot tip over;' there Is less dan- "" the ."I,,B, "fivr"nent ser of Bklddin it .in fv. . 1550.000. more than four times as much much greater Incline and there Is aa as erer be'or Pld y any govern- absence of side motion." ment for an invention. So, fearful have The possibilities and Importance f B'" BS?J!" Wr. Brennan. InvenUon In the mnZlZaltJZir.ZZ27 mm ff iiivu t-iivjr iswiwv tv iaa w wsj tdiu able to them In case of hostilities that they constructed a special factory for the construction of the torpedoes of the Brennan design and prevailed upon the inventor to become superintendent at an enormous salary. Of late years, (Copyright tv Curtis Brown.) , m ONDON. Judging froen atatements I mad to m by Louis Brennan In ' 1 the course of an Interview at the . JLBavage club, the publlahed accounts , of bis new invention, the gyroscopic mono-railway have conveyed only a hint Of Its wonderful possibilities and of the , probability of their fulfillment in the near future. Go eomprenensiv are tneae potential uses that they Include the do ' mains of war, of commerce and of pur pleasure and so great are they that they contemplate the complete revolution of raany features of our Individual and national life. I found the Inventor "recovering" from his triumph when, at the request . of the Royal society, he demonstrated his Ideas., before the leading scientific men of -Great Britain. He is a short, thick-set Irishman, with Jron-grey hair and a ruddy complexion. His speech still gives a hint of his nationality,1 d ,t spite the fact that he left Ireland when h was but nine years of age and prac- tically all his Ufa has seen spent away from ther. iV.j . "When my new Invention la brought - down to a commercial basis, which time . s not far distant" said Mr. Brennan, ) "men will travel In railways with , the : same comfort now found on the biggest of ocean liners in A perfectly smooth sea. Each train will then have Its con cert room with its orchestra, its prom t enade. Us smoking room, Us bath rooms, fitting rooms in fact every- comfort and convenience w now find at borne, , for I look for th construction, aa a complement to the Introduction, of my Invention, of much larger cars than are now the rule on our railroads. T.arfr Paaaencrer Cara. ' '"'ToKlnstanee I have drawn plans ; for a passenger car on hundred feet In length and twenty 'feet wide and do not consider that) an excessive ea tlmate'Of the slse'of the railway coa,ch of the near future. Of course w are limited In this country as Well as In other thickly settled countries, as to the sis , of our coaches because any Increase in slie, particularly width, would Involve a oomplete reoonstruo tion of the entire railroad systems. But it is not here-that I look for the field for my new invention. It is in India, in Africa,- in Canada and even In parts tit the 'United States, where . there are almost' unlimited fields for railroad expansion, "That a much greater width of car : than now obtains is possible with my in : venttoq I have clearly demonstrated with my model car. It Is built to one eighth 'seal and full slsa would be 40 feet long and 11 feet wide. Railway travel ing will then become one of the luxuries of life, instead of one of the lnflic . tions. Ther will be no- lateral motion ; to the train and no thud as the wheels of the cars pass over th Joints of j tne tracK, of warfare are perhaps best demon strated by th almost frantic efforts of the British government to obtain exclusive rights.' Negotiation with this end in view were carried on with Mr. Brennan, and the War Council went " ru.i. .T.j ,1 I I however, Mr, Brennan has had an ar- -""'1"-J ""'I'l imvwrj i ,.,. with the rnvernment whera- th disposal of th inventor. The In- f'TrSSS'i.r 7k bMaTe..,SVS factory and two thirds to the perfect-JI-JE? w.l61. th !? 'I5'004 ln tt his new invention. About nine v ...l b worm. nr. cren- months ago he severed his connection nan, however, refused to be bound to .ith th rnvmmnt ph.ntut.iv ..4 any on government or territory, but rather than place another man at the .u ut wtiiiw auvwrnmeni cer- head of the xactory and reveal to him the secrets of th construction of the torpedo the war office has closed lite factory Indefinitely. For his contribu tlon to the safety of the nation Mr. Brennan has been made a Companion of the Bath. The Inventor was born in the little town nf f!aatlebar In th west of Ire land. At the age of 9 be was taken by his parents to Australia, whore be studied for and finally became a civu and electrical engineer. In 1(10 he came to England with his torpedo and laid it before the war department wltb the result that after exhaustive tests he was paid the record price he de manded and became a comparatively rich man. He says he has been at work on the problem he now claims to have successfully solved since he was a boy of 14. He worked at it off and on without success until nine years ago when he hit upon the virtues of the gyrostatlcs as applied to balance. Since then he has worked steadily and pa tiently at experimentation and con struction along these lines- - I SAYS SHAKESPEARE v WAS NOT RESPECTABLE Mil fep mm mm$$mm- BolTOlr Castle, the Ancestral Home of the Duke of Rutland, Which Will Become the New Shrine of Shake pearean Devotees If Dr. Blelbtreu'a Theory as to the Authorship of the Immortal Works Finds General Acceptance. ' 7V . B. E. B. Wyndham. (Copyright by Curtis Brown.) ZURICH. Since Dr. Carl Blelbtrou startled the literary world a few month ago with his book, 'The True Shakespeare." In whleh he attempts to prove mat me rea.1 author of th plays was Roger, Earl of Rutland, his novel theory has been vig orously assailed and subjected to much ridicule' by English Shakespearean scholars. But the erudite German doc tor's belief that to th peer and not the pleblan belongs th credit of producing the Immortal works has not been a bit shaken by these attacks. I have met with no objections to my -theory," he told me today, "which I could not readily answer. They leave unshaken the evidence adduced in my book on which It la based. 80 much at tention haa it attracted In Germany, where Shakespeare's works are quite as muoh admired as in England, that the book has already reached a third addi tion." 'What sort of man do you picture Shakespeare . to have been?" I asked. The real Shacksper not Shake- spear seems to have been a personifi cation of Falstaff," he replied. "Even bis bust at Stratford bears a strong re semblance to this type. Probably, he played the part of Falstaff himself. If so, this would account for the fable that Queen Elisabeth favored William Shakespeare, the poet Of this there Is no proof whatever. It probably arose out of th tradition that she laughed so much at Falstaff that she wished to see him In a new play a wish that was gratified in 'The Merry Wives of Windsor." A Mediocre Comedian. "Of Shackspefs capacity as an actor we can judge only by the evidence of Rowe and Betterton which is that he was a very mediocre comedian. He was so little esteemed by his fellow actors that On of them. In his last will, left to three others, substantial tokens of his esteem to Shacksper only a trifle. What we really know of the man is his life as a financial business man. He had no less than five lawsuits, involv ing property. As a money lender , he sometimes sued his debtors. He bought many estates In his life. In 1697 he ac quired New Place. A little later he had paid the debts of his bankrupt father and obtained a coat of arms. And this at the very beginning of his career eith er aa an actor or as a so-called poett "How did he get the money T As a third-rat actor he could have earned only an insignificant Income, As a poet he would have earned, as even Sid ney Lee must admit, about 20 a year. His so-called managership of the Globe theatre of which Ben Johnson, by th way, makes no mention would have given him greater profits only during the last six years of his life, and we know only that he sold his share to three other partners. "How be became a comparatively wealthy man as early in his career as 167 when he was only 11 remains a mystery. The credulity and lack of sci entific research 'displayed by the sup- Sorters of the Stratford myth is shown y the persistency with which they quote the fable to account for it that Lord Southampton one gave him 11,000. These 'experts' seem to be unacquainted with the original text of Rowe's biog raphy which contains this story. It is evident from that that Rowe himself doubted he had heard that Davenant told It. Davenant was an Inveterate liar. Apparently his concoction of th Story was based on th allusion made by the braggart Falstaff In the play to a thou sand pounds, which Prince Hal owed him. They told Vicar Ward that h bad n art at all He was so indifferent to education that his own children could not even write their names. ' He wrote so poor a band himself that It seems lmpoaslble, judging by th five auto graphs In existence, that h could bav written a manuscript of any length. Bn Jonson never taw th manuscripts of the plays, for be says h 'heard' from . actors they were written without blots. The stupid editor of the Folio say , the same thing, although w know that aome of the plays were remodelled three times, showing th struggle for perfection. Therefore the manuscripts seen by th actors were certainly only; copies." , , ."Have you seen." I asked, "some of ttre objections which Professor Dowden urges against th acceptance of your tneory that Rutland was. th real Shakespeare? He says If that were th case he must have written "Venus and Adonis' when only 17 years of age, -and 'Love's Labor Losf when h was between 14 and 18. , "On must b quit Ignorant of the extraordinary precocity of that genera tion." said Dr. Blelbtreu, "to lmagln that a youth of 17 would then be in capable of producing such a -work as "Venus and Adonis.' It becomes easily possible when we consider what Lop do Vega, Raf faele, Ceaare Borgia and Hid ney did when they wer still mer strip lings. I grant you It would seem In credible that boy of 14 or H could have written 'Love's Labors Lost But In assigning 1690 as the year in which mat piay was "probably written, Pro- "Liflsffidlct a speed of at , least 200 1 - vwraa ain nniir. jm. . mvinr in una : wssr lyand tear on the rolling stock, economy in u' cost ! construction ana. main tenance. The latter . feature may be small in; amount, but as I am giving 'you increased comfort and greater I speed, X perhaps may be . excused If I , do not-effect a very great saving In I the expense. T That has not been one Of my objects, but I believe It is one ' of th inevitable consequences. r "Ther Is no limit that I , know of -excepting ; the' sis of the cars to the carrying capacity of the cars. My model car carries a load equivalent i to 10 tons.' That there Is no danger ,' of tipping I bav proved ' by dropping ; a load equivalent to three ton on th ; right side of th car. The only effect was the immediate righting of the car. t Tb principle of th invention Is, ; of course, applicable to motor cars as well, and la- bound to l result in the ; revolution of ' automobile construction , Irr ;tne next few years.,. In ; IQ years , he Is to receive a royalty equal to f per cent on th total cost of all sucb railroads constructed by them. me eagerness or the British war office will perhaps be understood when it is pointed out that a track for Mr. Brn nan's car can be laid, at the rate 01 20 mnes per day, thus enabling an army to keep In railroad communication with Its base of supplies through a whole campaign, irrespective of dis tance. Practically no roadbed is neces sary for th railway, so marvelous Is tne adaptability of these cars to the condition of the ground over which they travel. They run with equal ease up mu ana down, on th aid or the hill sloping at an angl of 46 degrees, and arouua ins snarpest or curve, T PEER WHO BELIEVES IN GUNS f 0mmm-v mmtmmm-mt ysjra --s '..VV) Will Become Public Property. Speaking of bis arrangements with me - Britian government Mr. Brennan was naturally reticent, but . he told me I such of his plans as were bound to be-1 come public property within the next year or so. - 'Th army council," he said, "haa placed at my, disposal the former Bren nan torpedo factory at Chatham, and during the next 18 months I shall con struct a full-sised complete car embody ing my Inventions. For all intents and purposes th email car with which I have made my trials is a satisfactory demonstration of thelf practicability. but the larger ear will be put to the very severest of tests. Mr. Brennan's invention, as he ex plained - it to me, consists in a new means of applying the familiar scien tific principle of gryostatic action. That I uie spinning of th gyroscope would en-1 aoie bodies to maintain an upright po sition was already known, and so also was the second or precesslonal move ment, which operates against permanent stability by shifting the center of gravity. Mr. Brennan reasoned that if this -adverse influeno could be neutral Ized enduring stability would be In suredt and his Invention was accord ingly based oh such automatic accele ration of the . precesslonal movement as would torevent Its interference with equilibrium. But, even so, some lateral movement remained, and this was ef fectively dealt with by th simple process of using two gyroscopes spin- s '.yV 1 i 7 M- r fS-. 1 7.-. :: " -li 1 M 1 I s o I . "SA lit W I.. . 'Al V ,777" -J .1 - ' - inn - . '7 7 -vv ! 4 ONDON Major - General Lord Cheylesmore believes that the na ' tion that doesn't learn to shoot is going to get left And he be- nlng in opposite directions, so that any cel ."Vt " l"! "'?l?tt' mnvAmtmt In nn WmiM h nmn.t. I Ce,T ttrUCUOrt ltt th rt Of hitting by th. other. The gyroscope. Vort li arj!:1:? "? V AT." rflrtinm vt at -Vila nsk h Annn.l f I A I " ii IU" avwm- VMuwua, waa n vm ass VLUvniilVII Iwl -.-ij-, . , , that of th plan of th wheel, and only 1 F""'ln? JP""l?rpn..n" 'n carry- a. . fraction of the motlva -th.l'ng out tnai iaea win nis own DOys at. vehicle is needed to keep. them ravolvl ""f ""' "c"u"lui "'f7 . ing. -Indeed. If the power wer shut I Yhlch nc longed to Lord Beacons- off altogether: he says, they would oon- new". wePOn the lads are using tlnu to revolve for a long time by"r "BW war minaiure nnes their own tmoatus. In his model thal caliber, sighted up to 100 yards revolving disc are only flv Inches (n I an designed to oonform to th service diameter, and It carries an eleetrlo j condition as applied, to rifles used to storage battery, though any; other kind I th Held, i1 .'77 V .'J v - of ' power can be used. ' , -v ' I Lord Cheylesmore is chairman of the Mr. Brennan js , the Inventor of .the J National Rifle . association, and fee rf Lor4 Cheylesmore, Teaching His Sons to Shoot.""" led to the altar. Jotces in th unofficial title of "The Shooting Man's Friend." Under his guidance the civilian rifle dub move ment haa been developed until now there are upward of 1.000 In existence, with an aggregate of 70,000 members. In addition ha has taken an active part In the organisation of schoolboy' rifle clubs and competition. ?7? Semd in the Guards. . He served in th Grenadier Guard a When a mild mutiny broke out tu th regiment and it was banished to the Bermudas Colonel Eaton, as he then was, was appointed to th command. and the "vexed Bennott" knew , him for a considerable time. . Here h met the beautiful Miss Elisabeth Ormond French f Kew Tork, whom, in 1J, haj In marrying an Amer lean woman h was merely following the excellent example set by his father, whose wife was. a former belle of New Orleans. Ten years after Miss French became a British ' soldier's bride, his brother, the second baron, died unmar ried' and the pretty American girl be came a peeress. The peerage is quit a modern creation, being one of eight conferred la commemoration of the jublle of Queen Victoria. Lord Cheylesmore, who Is now 80 and on the retired list. Is still, as he has al ways been, a busy man. He is a mem ber of the London' county council and before that served two terms as mayor of Westminster. He haa dabbled in journalism, for he founded and' edited for many, years the; Guards' Magaxln. Stories Are Pure Myths. The supposition that the Stratford actor was on terms of Immediate friend ship with Southampton is pure Imagina tion. It is founded on nothing more substantial than the dedication of 'Ve nus and Adonis and 'Lucretia to this nobleman., This was In 169S, before Shacksper had appeared on th. stag. Th date usually assigned for that fa 1 KQJ mnA AWATC that la Auhlftue. In 1591 he must have been, if w trust aor Dowden assumes too much. It Rowe, a horse-boy! Th easy, familiar I Jts on no more substantial foundation stvle of these dedications is such asjtnn th mention of a clever horse might be naturally assumed by one no- wnicn was exhibited about that time, bleman addressing another. It is not B0 earn horse mad a greater at all the form whloh, following th f?nt,0J ,,n al for witchcraft In custom of that tim. an obscure author I8T " " 1 far more probable that would adopt in addressing a titled pa- w" ln tbat year th play was writ-' tron. ten lt Bm to me absurd to assign 'That the Stratford actor was a the most elegant of Shakespeare's eom- fiiend and partisan of Essex Is another "dies to th outset of Us career. It fable. It originated in the allusion to w 'n 189s that love's Labors Losf Essex in the prologu to -Henry V.' and was first published. . u - the notorious fact that "Richard II In Beerbohm Tree's contention that no its first revolutionary form was per- one could hav written Shakespeare's tnrmaA tnf th. hainaflt tit the ROnBDirSy P'yS but an BCtOr IS rldleillntlB. Moil tors before the outbreak of th fcssex Bouclcault says 'Shakespeare was th riot. Nor would a man in Shaoksper's I " poets ana th worst of play- clrcumsUnees always cautious and wngnw. wuit true, and what other hnalnAaa Ilka where tnoner was in-1 great dramatist except Moliere wu w ' volved have risked offending hie gra-I "actor.. "That Rutland was a constant clous queen by the terrible veiled at- naant at playhouses we know from ' tack on Lord Leicester in Hamlef Sidneys memoirs." - - , (which embodies the secret family trag- " , , ' . edy of the house of Essex) and the Earl of Rutland the Author. ' - ' glorification of Southampton's forbid- t ....:. .. . den marrlage-o disUsteful to th t i T f 7?-V,T explicable on my theory that the Earl of a u0pfp ' "i.. f?17. th Rutland was the author of th plays fL0- Af't b ot Vxm and poems. Rutland was th bosom shakn!. m?" 7 ,V v friend of Southampton and the stepson- l!.??!!"0," ""Mave ao, in-law Of Essex. Th Rutland theory , ' ,V . " Z J .? "TB anowieajre accounts, too, for th. Intlmat knowl- X'tV J' edg of court secrets revealed In veiled ?cl "d penmark which they die form In -Midsummer Night's Dream' P1?'.! 5n'end,ed -,WM x!a,im Leicester's ambiguous double courtship PT"bble' ,t0 "a3r iBut Butler to the queen and th Dowager Countess hadfca,m5le opportunities for acquiring of Essex. 1 "vv- iiuuiuiaiiun, 19 Biarteu on ma s'"u tour ui curope in ia. . tim visit- Real Friend Was Usurer. I ta ,Uy, Verona. led law In the university of Padua. Ha intimate friend and patron of the Strat- accompanied the Earfof Essex in his ' ford money-lender. Shakespeare's real expedition to th Asores, which would bosom friend, as w learn from Rowe, account for the knowledge shown in was tne usurer combe, ine wretched "The Tempest." He also fought in HbU. verses he wrote for Combe's epitaph, land, which would suffice to explain the : which are quoted by Rowe., and his own reference to Dutch life in the Shake- miserable epitaph at Stratford, testified pearean works. From 1601 to' 1603 ho as his own production by the sexton was Imprisoned, and during this period Dowdall, are the only well-authenticat- no single Shakespearean drama; ap- -' ed evidence we possess of his literary peared. In 1603 he went to Denmark to ' pursuits. His last will and testament attend the baptism of the Danish crown contains no allusion to literary prop- prince as the representative of James i, erty of any kind. The cltlrens of Strat- therebv aooulrinar a knowledge or rvm. ford knew him only as a business man. mark and local color for "Hamlet." He actually met Gulldenstern and Rosen- He has several hobbies. His collections ??1" " " m8n u"-'' "a " . of medals which Includes no fewer lnea v" " ouaaea- than eight Victoria crosses, nearly 150 Waterloo and Crimean decorations, be sides numerous orders ' and other dis tinctions conferred on British subjects pearean dramas ceased. Dr. Blelbtreu has not advanced bis theory lightly, and it cannot be lightly dismissed. He Is a prodigious worker. in-' r 1. ! v-u mi u luuuouj . U MI,IHMI,t. lble. He Is the author of many notable Its kind. He also possesses what Is said to be the best collection of mezzo tints ever rotten toeether bv a nrivata m. I w " '" " sm. fhlnt tosretner Dy a private en- contemporary German writers on liter-. thuslast, One of his treasures commemorates a dream. Several years ago he dreamed ture and history. He has mad a pro found study of English literature and has written a history of it,. But his h ... . . .v.- a. T " """ " iT Li U trT. admirers regard "The True Bhak3- St ,nv mil ?na. Tth 1m . If Pere"' " hu treatest achievement. unexnLd v?cto?v A dl! or fJiJjt S,nc Ks PPa they hav. dubbed, TLVZ yAL,. t 1 I him, 'The Columbus of Literature." the race was run, and everything turned ' out as Lord Cheylesmore had witnessed A.,.i r..,T 1 1 It In his sleeping vision. Whether or AncesCT V,asue. no he backed his dream Is not known, J If the German professor's theory but the' matter so impressed the late I should gain goneral acceptance. Bel voir Count Glelchen, an artist of no mean castle, the ancestral seat of the Rut ability, that he immortalised the event I lands will dlanlac StratfordVon-Avon aa by transferring it to canvas and there the shrine of the devotees of the man it stands today, a striking illustration I who whoever he was "wrote not for of either the long arm Of coincidence I an age but for all time." It would Inn or the reality of clairvoyance. Itself well to that, purpose. Of all th Lady Cheylesmore Is tall, with beau-1 stately homes of Enaland there is nnna tlful blue eyes and fair hair. Bh tsi which surpasses Bel voir In rrandaiir m famous for her Jolly little dinners, at j beauty. At present it la closed becans which ah often has the honor of en-1 the present duke, who succeeded ta th ' tertalnlng royalty. .he Invented a I titles and estates only last year, had t highly original industry In Ireland to I cut down expenses . in order to av help out the poor peasants. They were! enough monev to naw the hnv, At employed In making not ordinary dolls, dues. ., - -: ',: .: -7 ',7. :; : i ; but puppets bearing ridiculous resent- ; The ,"Rutland aro brainy " folk and blanc to well-known people. She re- some of . them bav . playe4 no lnmn mains true to th stars and striae and sdIcuoub -nart in th mkin Identifies herself with everything Amer-j history, but they w thlr tho.V,.? ' 7"a .n seuing or American of , broad acre and big fortun t , candy and Ice cream at fashionable ba- to fortunate marrWgea than a,, saara. -j-;-v , . lelaa. ' . A.-