THE OREfGON SUNDAY JOURNAIJ,, PORTLAND. SUNDAY ; MORNING, JUNE 2, 1007.. 25c $SSS&1 Collars "for 1 5c 1,000 ' wprrien's' exquisitely beautifal VJapanese Drawnwork Turnover Collars; hand-drawn' in vari-' ous unique and attractive designs, regular ise " t values, fort .v:.;.;vv;.-.v.vv. ; ;;;;.;:;yn;;v; jC- Established .1850 FIFTY-SEVEN , YEARS ' IN , BUSINESS Established 1830. Oood Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Arc Always . the Lowest 50c White Kid Belts for 25c ' Whit Kid B1U for 8umraer dresses, with whits buck- lea; SOo values for.... JW Hearr Corded 811k Belts, all the new shades of black, 'in. whits, red, blue and brown; re. Ito to iOo vala., for 1.10 whits and glovs-tUting Kid : ' '-.. ;, s Oftr Belts 'OV A Gigantic Double LvcHt The Most Sensational Offerings of the Year Look for; Carnival Bargains in Every' Department v ... U : I .i ; : i . mm. 150 Tailored Suits, Values up to $30 at $8.95 85 Silk Suits Values $35 at $12.75 'mm wmmmmm ' This extraordinary sale Includes 150 Tailor-Made Suits fa PonyrJacket and Eton styles. The colors .are black, navy, tan, brown and gray, lso an endless variety of fancy mixed ma- terials in striped and checked designs. The i , - 7 skirts are all made in the newest plaited effects. H li II g 'Sold regularly to $30.00.- June sale price. ..v.. Vr- " 85 Silk Suits of finest quality chiffon taffeta silk, in black, navy, 4 brown, green and fancy striped effects. The assortment com prises Jumper Suits, Fancy Waist Suits, Princess Suits, Prin cess Jumper Suits and Two-Piece Suits, made and finished in the most perfect and up-to-date 6tyles. The skirts are all made in the newest plaited effects. They a- A '. are sold regularly to $35.0qC June sale p i 2 7 Ji t $ )A Tilark Hpatliprhlnnm Skirts 1 M 180 Petticoats of finest quality rustllnf 'Hettherbloom Taffeta, In black only. Mads with extra full flounce, trimmed with a deep, ruffle and row of 1 4?Q . ahlrrinz; sold regularly at $23, for this sale only...;'. $1.25 fowhes, Silk and Lisle Open Mesh Gloves at 75c Fownes' celebrated EngUsh" open-mesh Silk and Lisle -Gloves, all mesh and some silk palms, inr white, black, tan, gTig, brown, navy,: beige, mode, etc Siies fi, 6ft and 7. - The kind thft you have always bought at yg $1.50 Lawn waists , at &3c Ea. $1.75 alues at Mc A0O Novelty White Batiste Waists, made with aHover embroidered fronts, in three-panel effect, separated by clusters of harrow tucking. Newest elbow sleeves and stock collar, made with fine tucking and edged with Valenciennes late. The tack has six rows ,of fine J n . t . CI KCl tn- Vila al Anlv : . V 300 Novelty WWte Lawn Waists, made : with : allover embroidered fronto In tiiree-panel effect, separated by clusters of nsrrow tueking. Newest elbow sleeves and stock , collar,, rnade with ftoe tucking and edged with Valenciennes Uce. The back has six rows of fine QOr tucking; sold regularly at $1.75,,for this sale only.'... 7uy June Whiti Sale of IMdermuslms EVery Garment Reduced Monday morning we begin our annual Jons Sale of Undernrasllns with a sale that IS 'a sale. Although the prices on every garment are reduced and are the lowest of the year, it is the famous Llpman-Wolfe standard of quality that makes the greatest appeal to Portland women. No cheap, sweat-shop garments are ever sold in the Llpman-Wolfe Store, although every other Portland store c amies lower-priced undermuslins than we do. : Every garment possesses, a uniform excellence of fabric, style and workmanship. Corset Covers, 32c to $9.25 Drawers, 29c to $12.00 Gowns, 68c to $16.50 Chemise, 59c to $11.00 ' Skirts from 90c to $3375 Some SL Great June Undermusliri Bargains $1.25 Corset Covers 75 c Women's fine nainsook Cor set Covers, daintily trimmed with two rows of insertion I and feather stitching, lace edge beading ' and ribbon, etc.; regular $1.25 71? values for; I JW 75c Corset Covers 49c Women's fine Corset Covers, trimmed with one row of Point de Paris lace insertion and lace edge, beading and ribbon; regular 75c JQ value; ssle price.... ..ivC $3.00 Walking Skirts for $1.95 79c Drawers for 55c Women's Cambric ' Drawers, cluster tucks and embroidery ruffle; also deep ruffle trim med with lace and insertions; 75c values; sale ' CC price .VJC $1.25 Night Robes 86c Women's Cambric Gowns, neatly trimmed with hem stitched bands, torchon lace or, embroidery,' circular and square neck, short sleeves; slin-over style: $1.25 value; for OUC 35c Drawers for' 29c Women's Cambric . Drawers, with deep ruffle and cluster tucks, full sizes, open only; regular 35c values; 9Q sale price JC $1.65 Gowns for $1.15 Women's Cambric or Niln sook Gowns, V, circular or square neck, short sleeves, slip-over and open front styles, daintily trimmed with lace, insertion, embroidery and ribbon; $1.65 1 IE values; sale at....epl.l) Women's Cambric Walking Skirts. 19-inch flounce trimmed with 10-inch embroidered ruffle, two cluster tucks and dust M QC ruffle; reg. $3 values, our sale price. $3.25 Cambric Skirts for $2.49 Women's fine Cambric Skirts, with deep flounce, trimmed with dainty lace and inser tion in practical vet superbly elegant 40 A ft styles; regular $3.25 values, for .J $2.00 Chemise for $1.59 La. $2.00 Gowns for $1.58 La. Women's fine nainsook gowns; square, circular, slip-over styles; trimmed with fine lace, insertion and embroidery, hem stitched, short and flowing d CO sleeves; $2 value, sale pries... v a .DO $3.00 Gowns for $2.39 La Women's extra quality nainsook gowns, circular and V-shape neck, daintily and prettily trimmed with fine laces,' inser tions and embroideries; short dJO Oft and flowing sleeves; $3 values. $LOiJ Women's hand-made and hand-embroidered Chemise, made of good quality nainsook, scal loped edges, eyelets and fancy front M Cft designs; $2 regularly, sale price.... ylel $1.25 Chemise for 98c La. Women's hand-made and hand-embroidered Chemise, made of sood nainsook and percale, with scalloped edge, embroidered front;, QO eyelets or, tape, $1.25 values;' special..., yOC French Undermuslins ; Reduced This June Sale Is the time when we make an entire clearance of all our . French Undermuslins in xrder to make room lor new importations. We have marked them at prices tnlt will surpass any effort ever made at an underwear clearance sale. All are fine, beautifully hand-made garments in distinctive and dainty designs. It is needless to tell you that all are faultlessly made with true French exactness that the laces are fine and full and the embroideries infinitely dainty. Chemise ....98, 1.22, fl.3S, f 1.49, f 2.39 to fll.00 Corset Covers.. fl.42, fl.65, f2.1g, f2.70, $3.45 to f9.28 Drawers....... ",-...f 1.S5, $2.00, f2.39, f 3.25, f4.00 to f 12.00 Skirts..... ...$2.90, $4.50, $6.00, $8.00 to $33.75 Oowns. ...I ........ ,$3.1S, $4.00, $5.85, $7.20, $9.00 to $10.50 Italian SUk Vests. . . . . .'. ..... : $2.70, $3.45 to $5.4Q Milan Straw Sailors Values to $1.50-for 95c Tlia beat values ever .offered in - fine quality "Milan Straw Sailors. They are trimmed with all-silk ribbon bands and have an indescribable air of verve and girlish grace; regular- values, to $1.50 for....;.............. VoC Sale of LaVifla, W. B., Nemo and C. B. Corsets at Glearance Prices L Values $3.50 to $8.50, $2.75 Values $1.75 to $4.50, $1.4? LOT 1 Annual June Clearance Sale of La Vida, W. B, Nemo and C B. a la Spirite Corsets, made of . imported coutille, brocade and ; batiste, medium and high bust; short, medium and long' hip, with- whalebone and steeTfillings; the regular $3.50 to $8.50 rfjO T values, for .............. . . I D LOT 2 La Vida, W.'B., Nemo and C. B. a la Spirite Corsets, made of import ed coutille, sateen and batiste ; medium, short and long hip; medium and low : bust; tegular ; $1.75 to. A i A( $150 values, oh sale for..i. sj)JUKr 700 Un trimmed Hats AH the Late Summer Styles $1.50, $2, $3 ValsM 45c Leghorn Hats Milan Shapes Fine Chip Hats Hair Braid Hats, Positively the last opportunity this season for such remarkable Un trimmed Hat bargains. Such ex traordinary values ss were never before given. Everyone is a new 'summer shape, including fine Mi lan, Chip, Leghorn and Hair Braids. Providing you are here by 8 o'clock sharp you will find a complete assortment of colors and stales; values' up to! $3, on JIJ $1.50 Parasols 98c Great June Sale of White LinetCPar asols, size 20 iiv white enameled fr a m e s, hem stitched, also dain tily made with' in sertion; choice , bleached handles as smart a para sol as you v ever saw. Regular $1.50 value, Aft for..vr,.. 5J5C 300 White and Fancy v Men's, Vests $3.00 Vaiues $1.75 800 Men's White and Fancy Vests, made of fine Pique, Ox fords, Mercerized Oxfords and Dimities. This is manufac turer's representative line of samples. Each vest is finished and tailored in the very best possible manner and is such as we have sold regularly for $2.75 to $3.00. While d-f lft they last Monday ... ; ; . . . ..... ... ....... nP 3 22-Jnch Covert Jackets $10 Values $3.98 Ladies 22-inch Covert Jackets: in a medium shade of tan, made col- larless, with velvet and braid trim- mings, fly front and fitted back, trimmed with two straps over each shoulder and finished at each end with 'braid ornament; new' coat sleeves with braid-trimmed Jcuf f s ; entire jacket satin-lined. Sold reg- ularip at $10.00. June t O Q Salerice v.. .;nvv. sP Jji Y O Black Lace Lisle Hose Reg. 50c Values 33c Pair 1 100 dozen pairs women's fine grade imported black lace Lisle Stockings, Hermsdorf dye, new ' and exquisite patterns, and our regular 50cf, OO 1 values; for this great sale OOC Womenys snmifeerUnd'rw Reg. 50c Values 23cXa.' i , . .' , I ... ' 11 ! Biggest "values of the summer ia. Women's fine , Swiss ribbed Lisle Thread Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain. or trimmed with, lace or crochet edge; umbrella, drawers to match; regular sOQ 50c quality; extraordinary, value at.......M)C 25c Linen Handk'fslZc 10,000 all linen hand-embroidered Initial Hand kerchiefs, very "daintyy initial and very sheer. They created a great excitement at a lcl l 02 sale, but were never before sold as low as.,lfcC 50c Beauty Pins for 18c a Pair Gold-filled Beauty Pins, neat satin finish, bradeil edge and embossed;- regular S 60 and . 600 1 or edge pair.' SetiOv S, I 75c to $l!00 Belt Buckles. for-38c Zal Big-rest values ever shown French gray, roes void, green bronss finish, beautiful designs, r a pr never, offered le.a than 76o and l before,, 35c to 50c Hats-Pins for 19c Each This assortment contains aniens of pretty patterns very newest Idea,, wonderful viiues io at . . ..... 75c Sterling Waist Sets for 38c Set Thre sterling pins to the set In pretty floral, Isend and scroll patterns;' regular . 75o veJies, , jgj. $2.00 to $2.50 Bracelets for $1.48 An aiisortment of the best number, offered this sea - son plain bright and satin. - flnfsb, ; in etched, scroll and other designs for women, misses and babies. All at the one low J 5 f-JJUg $1.00 to $1.50 Ribbon Brooches for 48c The latest novelty in pretty brdochjps for the ,bnc.H or front of the ribbons, AH new deslgrte In' rn gold, bright flntsb, green gold, etc Sale price only. -