THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, JUNE ; X 1907. ess: .1 . THEATRICAL WEEK III METROPOLIS T T T , .,' , . .. . .. ...J , ... . , .. N KW YORK, Jan l.-New York Is acrase over . grand opera not the New York that plume itself In the '"diamond horseahoe" at the Metropolitan or raves -over Calve at th Manhattan, but the New York Of the eaat aide and the Harlem. Right now on the verge of 1og days, when the regular Broadway aeaeon la giving up the ghost and they are paint ing new foliage on the "root gardens there are two theatres running grand opera, and another that will probably stay open all eummer. '. These companiea are playing at popu lar prices and packing the houses with thousanda of people, many of whom saver before got any nearer to grand opera than a barrel organ. Out" at the west end In Harlenn this week "Car men" in English Is being done; at the People's : theatre on the Bowery Isaac Abramaon, who bopea to become the Hammerstetn of the east side, launched his enterprise with "II Trovitore' few nights ago and made such a hit that he declares that h will give a seaaon of. grand opera, if he' has to build a theatre to do so. A thirl com' pany of Italian artists will make their debut at the Acaaemy or music wun a repertoire. tha is expected to , nave , a long run."'.'. This thirst for grand opera Is inter esting and significant to those whose fforts are directed toward the musical education of the masses 'and they hall It as a sure sign- eX "popular artistic ad vancement. "r- V -.i. t-y , -: Oscar Hammeratein is responsible more than anyone else for the new awakening. When' he conceived the ea of. starting an oppoaluon to 'the MetronolitAn he ' based his . ohanoes - of uoceae upon a long and close observa tion of the audiences of his vaudeville theatres. He found that operetta acts on the vaudeville bills made immediate and emphatic hits. , . , . ' . problems would hardly b4 proper in family , newapaper. "The Hypocrite" has power and vital Interest and these questions earrlel it through to success. Besides, it Is a picture of a phase of English middle class life which Jones painted in uncompromising colors. It must have made the Britishers squirm in London, but it tickled the Americans here to , whom its characters are fa miliar,, YY.Y Marlowe and Sothern Separate. ( One of the Interesting pieces of news that drifted over from London was the announcement that the Joint starring of j una Mariowe and . H. Sothern will end with their English tour and that they will be featured separately next season in this country. When Lee Bhubert was asked about the report he said that nothing had been settled yet. It' is understood, however, that the novelties of . headline proportions for ' rumor is correct and that alias Marlowe He learned by ' careful study of vaudeville patrons, that the bigger part of them bad little or no knowledge of grand opera snd h then decided to give them a fair sprinkling of grand opera in his vaudeville performances and later the 'encouragement he received in this venture prompted him to open the Manhattan opera house. . And now the shrewd lesser managers are following in his footsteps. - In these .day a "Chlmmle Fadden" is taking his "Belle of Avenue A" to hear "RlgoJetto" and "TrovatorV Instead "of ,' the "White Slaves' and you are more likely to hear "La Donna Noblle" . or the "Miserere" whistle on the Bowery than "Waiting at tha Churoh.MY ..,.,, Klaw and Erlang era Campaign. ( v j Mara Klaw Is on his way home from Europe, where he has been gathering in use ; In the advanced vaudeville cam paign which Klaw A Erlanger and their allies expect to have running in , full blast next season. Klaw s prise pack' age, however, is a new play by Henry Arthur Jones, .which the managers say is the boldest thing Jones has ever done. . -v- Y.Y Yi'Y,-1 It involves religious and social que tions and has a powerful love theme besides. The play IS called "The Gall leans' tVlctoryY in four acta. " The aoeses are In England and the central figure is a Christian preacher who re forms a woman and works out other intricate , problem Enough is con veyed in the announcement . that this new play Is Jones' Vboldest effort" to make New Yorkers sit' up and take notice, for "The Hypocrites,': by the same author, which has been running her all season, went pretty far in its exposition of a delicate family situation. wmi .a' detailed discussion of its will appear . at the head of her own company in the fall in a repertoire of Hhakespeareaa plays., . n ' Mr. Sothern is to be seen in several ciassio productions, as usual the gos sips have been busy over the announce ment and hunting a cause, for the Bothern-Marlowe alliance has generally oeen considered a happy one front managerial standpoint All in All their London engagement was a success and the honors went chiefly to Miss Mar lowe. . who , in addition to her - artistic achievements ' was received with open arms and widely feted by the best Lon don society.' '. Bom of the whisperers of the Rial to hint that this might have stirred up Jealousy enough between the stars to make twinkling on the same stage un bearable, but Bhubert saya that the plan for them to star individually was prac tically agreed upon even if they made a nit abroad. ATTHEPLAY . I 1 1111 (Continued from Pag Forty-eight) Barren Vender... Mr, James A. Gleason Postman.... ........ .Mr. Lynton Athey Bouillon. ........... ..Mr. Lynton Atl y Desires, a maid ....... Miss Ethel Jones ' , -, ' ; A concluding performances of the dainty from the standpoint of a curloaitv comedy-drama "Polly Primrose," which! seeker but from a historical point of I X.":... 7i. "L " " view. Th instruments of tortur that tltlsl Ml mnA Armm m a tatias VI of work. Bale of seats now open for now 10 cau, even to next weeki thty may b. ordered by at tbva- ? ' telephone. .. The long street of concessionaries' v w . 1 - I attractions has not been completed, but . . . . i vx iu bwim wui oe occupied mis ,-VVKtUl KUSSia " at tUO Star. - , week. Today the marvelous "Spray of T)arkest Russia" wiU be th attrae- W1" D.op?ne1. t0. tM Public It tlon thia week at tha stu " wonaenui electrical extra vagansa, T?" hleplcUng scenes and tableaux of eUb- starring vehicle for many years. HeUig. The following criticism from the Den ver Times of April t, '07, concerning) Lew Dockstadera minstrels, which come to the Helllg theatre, June 1 and li, will ba of Interest to Portland theatre goera. Hermann.' , Tk. n.b. .vi. . in i . . . . Russia has always been - a nrollf to .:: .vX 7", m field for the dramatist There Is luit.lXzE 5 urrtlon.- by Tolstoy-and "Ivan, the L Kf.v.LLlfl Terrible." used by - Mansfield, but "uarxeat Russia" la. considered by au- will be Introduced for that purpose from time to time, and there will be enter- "B. R. O." signs at both matlne and thoritlea. as coming nearer to the heart I"."-!!"" a"9 w,u night perfor lances with the weather of exlsUng conditions in th tend of 1 tor every one, the strength of the Lew Docketader pUy. Th crulty of th aristocrats STuEK AS A SONG BIRD Lew Dockstader. with bis mlatlt evening assassination of officials Is amply ex- 80 -l0 Of Law In Montana Joke clothes, his whiney speech and his ao-l posed in 'Darkest Russia." That Rua-1 .. . ,', nt t-i.i. centrio songs that opened th week at aian officers and noblemen do not hesl- .; v' m sTWawure. the Tabor. - . m ppiy . uie cruei nc on me i. m Montana th. stork is bv law "Dockstader lives up to his Teputa- bacxs Of women and glrla, as well as of classed among-th singing birda This tion for originality .with his newspaper Shop locale for his monologue. Stepping into the shoes of an imaginary editor of an imaginary Denver paper affords hlra th opportunity for a number of local quips and. ternary references, most of which ,tak wall.'.'' ' i -'' "The first part is muaically ,alr. but to those who expect a number of lively Jests it Is somewhat dull, Jo Natus, a male soprano, whose voioe Is un usually clear, sings an old song, "Keep on the Sunny Bide," satisfactorily, but the beat ballad singer is Gus Reed, basao prof undo, with his pleasing 'The Pledge of the Golden Brew." Lock stader's appearance is ' heralded . with mmn, snown le su reaaera ot news-1 la tha niult.of i nir .,..,4 w.. papers. Buch a1 scene is one' of th ledalator in which tha hnia thriung climaxes found in "Darkest I tur toinad. .' ': Y .. fmt. I w.,.wm, . !?p!!.tl.h" '0"?? Ah "" amendment The hocse resolved itself into committee of the; whole for th. consiaerei en of th amendments. Th committee eras about . to arise and report progress, when a Lewis and Clark representative saw an opportunity to spring a Joke at the ex pense or a Cascade county colleague common people to revolt and which has forced them to prganlse th douma. Ail the horrors tof Russia v have a searchlight thrown -on them-In th at traction this week at th 8tar theatre. '1th this bill the company will add four new people, Raymond Whittaker, Uirnrn , Pitt. i:narla ' Cnnnnra and Lillian C yield, all well known locally, I mMad Stork. To mak it more effee as they have played her with th Bea-I1. P" w and Informed the man atocK organisation at tne Empire, i piwoauvt or nis pur Wedded, but No Wife" wUl be th pose inw juc an amendment in- . .... -.1 A. Iki. . a .....j. I cArW tha atrtrlr In tha mmtMtuI .1... a great fanfare of trumpets in the first I , v ,1.. Jr that la tA maka it . ni., ,ul , V. a. , laa I """W Will V aaiB4 1U UISUIVCS v I " v mm v a wawvavs Vi IliW Harry More, interlocutor, soon descends to the uninteresting. - "The boss" sings some good parodies at the close however. "A short dancing turn and another burlesque, called th "Hot Air Bub way," complete th olio. . C R C" rtortttith aid WUBln.tOaSU. Toe Hedjg Toeatre M FhBt ! Mala Om '. t. rAiraUa, Manages. SlMetlon Vozthwesterm Theatrical AssooUtlon. Q. HeUig, yreeldent. CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS 1 ill Imw. ss . ;. H ; . ? H no i i Lb . v. 11 hi fllUWUAY; TUESDAY, JIWE 10, 118 IN THE INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS MM! PRICESLower Floor, 2.00. 91.50; Balcony, f 1.00, 7Sf, 50. . Seat Sale Opens Friday, June 7, at Theatre. li N as M EZSSSZSSSSZZZSSSX ;cszsszas8gzzxxanasiMCMag rzxzzzzxzzzxzzxjxxjxzxxwzzz zzxzzzxxzzzxxzzzzzxsixzm m Nartccath and VuhlBfti.Sts. The Heiug Theatre Fheaa . Mala Om t. PAJrau, Blanages. J L Direction VorthwestVrn Theatrtoal Association, O. Helllg , FresldenS, IMS. M HE11 CMTE1 TI1URSDAY, FRIDAY NIGHTS TIIRTr n O SATURDAY MATINEE JUilli 0, 1,0 thla dramatisation of th popular love I law to kill, a stork at any season of atorv of Bertha M. Clav. Seats are now I tne year, on sale at the box offio for "Darkest f Not seeing the joke, the ' Cascade Russia." ...... ' : I eounty member assented to the amend' , ment. which was duly offered, to the . . i ,k. ...... . , . . ... . 4 .v.. O..-J "k siurs m inciuaea in IM THWfUK m smgingnbirdclaas and therefore en- a .... .... ... n v. viii nt I titled to proteotlon from SDortamen and Otia Skinner in "The Duel" at Heilifir.l viii. viiih tha maniHmmt , if tha I their shotguns. The Cascade county T.a ow Grand offers this week. The first per- v-h" maiia me aaopuon or 7" Z r farmanee of the new brosranr- a tarts oeoianng mai ne " 'j, I w - n. mjh;.. i. aJtnougnt it a splendid sten. present his latest romantic drama suo- . 1 Then another mmhr mm cess "Tha Duel." at the Helllar theatre, comedy act which set New York laugh-f. mml8r Vm Helena, cess, me uuti, ai in Heiug ineaire, winter It is "When Caesar lawyer, made a somewhat extended Monday and Tuesday nights. June 10 Ln sneach ltw aunnort f tha .m-m. and 11. The advance seat sal,-will B0" ?r- . Jfldinisrfni-liiT.h ooen next Friday morning. June 7. at onara ma wco.raAna.r- r.J-v: : J m "7" , ' ! th. ho . th- mil vknr. eon. The act is a mixture or minn Jrf, .n" "". "i - , . 9 1 u.v m i .v.. wt im mwHiiaui doim. ana n. aaa.rtiui sou ' meiuui wuiuu win ,n mi. i . - ' , weather period to a nioety. (? ' ' ,,,,rT T m . it snouia - i-tL - nr.iui.-. rL-i-.H.M i. -AMaii i mj sua. uicaiia ui nrniflcisa aininii ina The Prince and the Pauper" at the .ketch which win amuse both canitai-H'"Iunt ' the.ruei hunters.- still . 1 1... .-a i.k... .n t, i. ni.v. , nuinr nn memDsr arose to sec Baker. ' Harry Booker and company and has m.ot!on and told of the visits . .......I -.. I AV rn tAi U In .aa.(- a - Next wee Marx Twain s aengntrui been a . laughing hit from the time I "" v" aoae play, "The Prince and th Pauper," it, left 7 th east until It struck th co"niy' .. J will be th bill at the Baker theatre. Pacific coast Everyone knowe what! " urn tn cascade eounty rep It has never been presented ln " Port- U walking delegate 1. and realises the "aenUtlv realised that a Joke waa be- iand and wiy unaouoteaiy d one or comedy possibilities of such a.charac - uUruIWi mwco the most popular attracUons of the sea-jter on the stage. This is the special J n. ;rma" ';that b flight pro- son. - : - v- laAda attraction of tha hUL . I J' cnn was aeai to teenth snd Washington streets. a- dosen favor of ' "Sina of the Father" at the Lyric The 'nlav will be oresented bv' Ollla I - Miiia and MeTiauiiv ara hlank-faAal " atreaties until half Coonar. erobablv the arreateat child ao-iaina-ara Mil duieera. who add ,a bit epeocljes had been made in traaa In Am-rlniL " anil Oeorrl. Wnn4. I 4nbln. Aliir,,-hw. am nt varlatlnnl 1 ta adoption. : '. . "rrnT'. .nr.. " - r ''Ti" -?-w.r . i Fioaii Mr utrfc ... .... V xnorpa, lornwnr oaiug -uppon wun i xn ' uurxes, jonn i ana iao, nave a . - -" . ,, ' u rr'ljrrtrenc Roberta,., It will be seen here clever comedy skit, which is reported h became especially bitter in his re- for one week.. . . la- a hit in other ciUea. Qever Con- P1""" wlcn caused nia colleagues to V r h ker la the stage-name of a Juggling "J"" we mor oeiermineo to put monologlst who has a reputation fori""" uirougn, wmcn was delivering roods. This wiU be discomfiture of the Cas JFor th fifth week of its successful first appearance in this city, and. if caT "Psenwuvs. ; : mtinncnt at the Lvrlo theatre, the h. la half aa rood as hia nress notices ' iM 0111 " amenaea was recommend. nnnniir Allen atock eomnanv haa select- .i. ha la. then tha -, natrons of the ed for passage and passed on third ed a melodrama of the better sort that Grand wlU b well satisfied. I - , . rlnft .dspit-vMr. Stork's speech In has pleased in, all the large cities of Mile. CanUreull is an operatic soloist protest, and it went to the senate. Here the eaat. Th play U "Sins of th who lives up tathe name and will ren- tf,, ,.MrVT,, fttempt to' It h. orlsrlnal nlot and coun- rfar a number of selections of merlL WU .-th bill With the objectionable ...nlnf Mnotli , altnntlnna that ara I .,T.. IHA Tit-rtm" 4a th. (Unotratod anna-1 amendment t, Inain.1 ant thrlUlna-. and an abundance f TTr-rt-rllr Rnherta. and "The Stolen ' went to the governor, as did Mr, of lan fnn. ' Ipiir la th. funnv atorv of the Grandi- Stork, but the governor was as obdu . "Sins of the rather' .will open to scope. morrow evening ana run tor on ween, with the usual matinees, Tuesday, I the last performances t the current Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Every bill, which Includes grand opera seleo- detall of the proaucuon wilt be tne tions In French, a magician, comedians same as in the original production in and other entertainers. New ' Tork. i The drama has, been- ex- . '-1t'", ie ' Y. ceptionally well cast, and all therfavor- c ' .tt rt Th. n.V It players of the company will be Succesafnl Opening Of The Oaka. seen to advantage. ' 'Portland people have ahown that they prefer a park with lemonade and plain Cortaln AT 8 Ttalanry BY DAVID BKLASCO Cqrlaln AT 2 SATURDAY NIGHT ..7 A 7 A TUN, 7th jfjf PRICES BOTH EVENINGS AND MATINEE Lower Floor, $2.00, $1.50; Balcony, $1.50, $1.00, 75c; Gallery, 50c; Boxes, $12.50. ADVANCE SEAT SALE, WILL OPEN NEXT TUESDAY. M JUflb 1U A. M.n Ai 11.11-1U inbMXBt. . !ssa srgggag-tsggaagggggggggggg'.M MO. ysla . BAKER- t he: at an Third and Yamhill Sts. GEO, I BAKER, .Manager. I I I I Portland's Fashionable Popular Price Theatre and Horn Of the Famou j ! ; Baker , Stock Company. 1 1 1 1 t Closing Week of the Baker Theatre Commencing ; Sunday Matinee, Today, June i i BT SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH DANIEL FROHMAN. AM a ... ...... ( 1 S A screaming fare In three acts adapted from the French. On of th brightest, cleverest conceptions ever staged. Fun, clean , and witty, music and, merriment. "Always leave them laughing, when you say goodbye Stag under personal direction of Mr. Arthur . Macklejr. ' . '.. -Cattavs Saturday. Brentnt; ptieawi aso, 8o, so. , Matinee, ISo, u. I ' Next attraction: SUrtlng Sunday, matinee, June , little OIXIE COOPER, on of th greateat child actresses in the world, supported by ; a seleot company la Mark Twain's beautiful play, "THE PRINCE AND ,1118 PAUPER." Y.-JY. MXSSXSUSSSrSSSZSSHZXSSSlKESZaE8RSaCSU HCZZXSSCZ3E igacxngsasa .samxzxxsxzxzxsxxmxzsaxxiswm GRAND Theatre Phone Main 2020. San Francisco Opera Company LAST TWO performances: The Strollers Xatlne Today a SilS, Tonight at S:15. 2 a n H 3 n WEEK COMMENCING JUNE I, WITH MATINEES SUNDAY. BATURDAY AND GRAND REVIVAL OF THE COMIC OPERA OEM, yrotle-lifo sTr m Week of June 3rd, '07. Grand Opening of the Reorganized Star Stock Co. M 66 PXESENTXNQ TH3 ORXAT NIHILISTIC DRAMA, ' 1 DARKEST RUSSIA" THE CAST WILL INCLUDE MISS MARGARET PITT MR. CHARLES CONNERS MI88 LILIAN C FIELD MISS MINNIE GERSCHEL MR, CHAS. C BVRNISON MR. RAYMOND WHITTAKER MISS EUNICE MURDOCK JMR; SIDNEY DIAMOND MR. WILLIAM DIEL ; ' MR. C BARNHARD PRODUCED UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF FRANK D'CAMP. , Statu Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at too. prices IS ana 80 Casts. Bvery Zvenlng at SdS. Prioe 10, so and 30 Cents. Wtck of June 1 0 "BELLE OF glCHMON D" SKZSzssasszx nvWrYVVVBrsjl' '.. . ( .. .... . ......, : ., H GRAND I The V A line VI 1 1 C IlE I IIVC For the Entire Week I tXVuLil ILLIj Vli L UAL of JWt 3d, 1907 , BY CHARLES LECOCQ. H Ea Filled to the brim and overflowing with wholesome comedy and beautlfulB melodies. . Q bxats srow sxzxzara at vmm box omen. PXZOXS Evenlngi. tower floor, TSo. Balcony, Mo. Gallery, I Be XCatiaeei JMwt floor, Boo. Baloony, tie. XmXXXKXmMiiMmmXXmmmXmZXWEmZXm fled the stork with the singing bird class. So the law still stands. The building industry of Berlin and rate as the two houses had been- and I vteinltv la ..riouslv effect ,bv th. This afternoon and evening , wll be j tnereaiter trie Montana statutes classl-l lockout of Jt 20.000 bricklayers and ma. sons which : recently went into effect. The cause of lockout la the men's de mand for an eight-hour day. The men, it is said, have funds . amounting to three-quarters of a million dollars and are well prepared for a long fight Among those who will be seen in NO LIQUOR IN THE PARK "Sins of the Father," are Miss Verna Bun Run to one of the beer garden jeiton, Marie xnompson, unariott ann variety with all sorts of vigorous drinks. OPEN 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. A OlUt SXW OF iU STAB , ACTS, SGBABS9 Y -Th Favorite Eastern Comedians Jamesand Sadie IE0MK AND Richard Anderson E ' "Mile. Manhattan" om "WHEN CEASER CS HER A UZAX, COMEDY TBSAT. . SPECXAli A9SE9 FIATV-US Harry Booker Co. p-VBsxarTrsTG "tm waxhtc MILUR & McCAULEY , Black Face Singers, Talkers and 'rl Dancera John HIE BURKES Ma ' In. a Clever Comedy Skit ' CLEVER C0NKCY . Juggling Monologuist - MLLE. CANIAREIIL ' Operatic Soloiat ' FREDERICK ROBERTS "Dear Old Dixie,. GRANDA5C0PE Th Stolen Pig." M M M M yTXmXE FB-U-OBMAMOIS BAXT AT SlSQ, T:30 AJfB t:IS. Prices Matinees, slot Including Sundays, 10 Cent to AU Beats Boxes. Bveaiags and Sundays, 10 ana SO and Box Seats SO Cents. Mra3srzssisairirzarz2sssaigsiasazs3arjzszss SSSSL1U LYRIC THEATRE Seating fc Murphy, Prop. Phon MAln 83 Mom A-lOaS. dorff. SorreSt Seabury, Irving Kennedy, rt .hnwd what, it felt bv the remark- Ralph Belmont, Harrr Blanchard, Char. 1 ,ble attendanc at the Oak during th les Ann ana m. n. uuageon.. , , first three days of the big Dark this -nure li Isn't a line in "Sins of the j season. ther" that will hurt - anyone. It is big, clean melodrama that teaches a The Oaks was opened on Thursday and the. Immense throngs on that and THE ROSE CITY'S FAMOUS 'PLEASURE PARK Bowling Alleys Mile-a-Minute Figure Eight Six-Lap Mile Roller Kink, 25,000 square feet of skating .sur face New Scenes in the Old Mill Giant Whirl Free Swings and Hlde-and-Seek House for Children Chutes Downtown prices at the Restaurant which will aoon announce the finest Table d'Hote Dinner in Town Animal Show. pointed moral and abound In truths. I following day expressed Portland's ver dict in plain terms. The crowds were almost double the else of those during j the corresponding period last season. The big hit at the park so far is Schllsoni's Imperial Hungarian Hus sars, a band composed of 0 youthful musicians. Which Is receiving a daily j ovation. So frequent and enthuslastle are . the - encores . that the . band play almost continually from 8 o'clock in th evening until closing time. Critics and indeed the , public are unanimous in pronouncing It th best band for park purposes that has ever ..been heard in this city. , " v .;- Conspicuous among ih attraction Is the strange old Chinese, vessel . Whang- j Ho, that was used for years by the j ceiesuai .empire in xnaaing pirates. Great crowds are, visiting this Strang This afternoon and evening are th BASEBALL X ATHLETIC' PARK, . V ' Com Taugaa and Twenty-fourth. May 28, 29, 30, 31 ; June 1, 2. Oakland vs. Portland Gam called at S:80 p. m. dally.. .. .. Qaraes called at S:S0 p. m. Sundaya, -1 ' f 1VABZXS' BAT PBZBAT. - ADMISSION 254 AMKAatana1 JKe. Children ionlcraft dally, for it contains many things Concerts Today by the Hungarian Hassan L MATnrBa, s O'ciocx. March, The diplomat .......... .Sousa Walts, Blue Danube...... ......Strauss UvBrture, . Poet and Peasant. .... .Suppe By th Suwanee River. . ...Myddleton : Intermission, w Selection, A Wedding Day. .. ..Reckling - Th Jap' a Tattoo. ......... .Laurendean Masurka. , Sweetheart. . . ..... . .Kamialt .Kng Cotton March.. .Sousa v : zvzarijra, o'oiiOCK. March, Seoond . Regiment Connecticut, . ................. . ......... . Reeve Walt The'ArUsfs Life....... Strauss Overture, Nebuchadneszar. Verdi Grand selection from Faust... .Gounod , if - . Intermission. ' Coronation March. from Th Prophet. Meyerbeer --Th Capture of Santiago. , . . . . .Peters Intermesso. Cinderella, ......... .Powell American patrol..,. ... ....... Meacham , Spray of Life Most mystifying, beautiful, inspiring spectacle ever seen on the Pacific coast, ' Cost $5,0(XX FEATURE Of thej Avenue open tonight Come out with the children ' .land enjoy tha flowers, the music and the lights. " Cars First and Alder. . ; Boats Foot of Yamhill Whang-H6. Historically authentic display of war curios. An instructive exhibit Ministers of the city are coming out to. see it Animal Show I Pleases many. The Chutes Faster than ever.'. 11 , FIFTH WEEK WEEK OF JUNE 3 P. R. ALLEN PRESENTS Miss Verna Pelton FIFTH WEEK And the Allen Stock Company in the Prominent Melo Dramatic Success ..... '; ..:'i Y 'Y'jrf51 INS of the I. r M s FATHER I i 99 Matinee Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c Every evening at 8:15 o'clock. Price 10c, Z?z Jand 30cJ; Reserved seats may be ordered by tj!:;!.cr.? WOET THE LYHiC TlAr ' n I! H M t Boa Seats tie, - to s that ar not ohly lnterestlnt. 1 r-