mum ' ( . .1 EUMCF JWZDOCK- ST ATWTOCK COVmmS ., ; '! V THIS WEEK AT THE , THEATRES. ' ! J18- UESUB CARTER At th HelH fSiumday and Friday-nights' and ' Stl,rd3r ntine, In "DU Barry' tnd Saturday nlht in "Zasa." tJIftOFLB-OIROFJUA."--At tha Marquam, ty tha San Franolseo opera . company, all weak, beginning Monday nttfht with tha usual matlneea , '"NEVER AOAIN"-At. tha Baker, by tha Baker stock oompaqy, all week with' tha usual matinees. ; DARKEST RUSSIA" AU the Sta r, by tha Star stock company, all : week, beginning Monday night, with matinees Tuesday, Thursday. r Saturday and Sunday.' -'n -$.. BINS OF THE FATHER" At the Xyrlo, by tha Allen stock company, all week, with matinees Tuesda y.'.Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. VAUOEVIUUE Xi the Grand, all week with dally matinees. DECIDEDLY the most important event of the week in theatrical , circles has to do with railroads, or rather, with one particular . railrsad, tha Southern pacific. - That" road's failure twice during the week to send Its trains into Portland on schedule - time, and the consequent i breaking into the engagements of two . of the most important attractions of the year, may hav important results, so , far as , Portland's theatrical interests ' are concerned. Early In the week Miss Henrietta Crosman and her company, traveling over the Southern Pacific from the - couth, failed to reach Portland on time, . and one .night of her engagement here ' was - lost. Then Miss Annie Russell I and her company, traveling by the same . route, were delayed and one night of ner engagement also lost. Both were Important engagements, the financial loss to ls Russell's company , being , especially, heavy because' of the large numoer of people with the or animation. The 1 management of the Helllg. of 0uree7suffered atsoy-Tn Because of Portland's remoteness it naa missed the opportunity of seeing many of tha most prominent stars and some or the, moat important shows. Managers are said to be reluctant about ending expensive organisation to the northwest becsuse of the posslbla finan cial I oi resulting from the irregularity ,of train serrlee. The events of the lt week may, accordingly, make them even more timid In sending such com " to this seeUon..-r .". au week UeUl .patrons wlU bar t a a : 1 i ' WW the opportunity of seeing Mrs. Leslie carter in -pu JBarry" and "Zasa," Next week Otis Skinner In a romantic drama entitled "The Duel" will appear at the Helllg. as will Lew Dockstsder and his minstrels. During the Carter enga niinireis. curing tne carter engagc - ment ths curtain wlU rise promptly at o clock at evening performances and at t o'clock at matinees, With "The Strollers" as the bill, the Ban Francisco opera company scored an other triumph at the Marauaro during me week, racked bouses have been regular at each performance since the reopening of the Marquam. This week the company will offer the old stand ard, G!rofle-pirofla, considered by many the most tuneful of all comic operas. After a long run of romantic plays, farce and other attractions, ths Baker company last week revived an old pas lorai play. "The Dairy Farm," and scored an immense suocess. It is' just mo Kina mat Baker patrons want at In lervais, and was cordially received. ima week "Never ' Again" will be of- rerea at the Baker. It Is a laughable wee iransiatea rrom the French and has never been presented in the north west The Allen stock company at the Lyric presented 'Tolly Primrose" to orowded bouses during the week. Ik Is a dalntv Comedy that is always wall received. ana the Allen company received vnllm ea praia ror Its efforts. "Bin of the Father" Is the bill at the Lvri- thim week.' "' . t With several really eanable addltlona Ui fltar atook oompaay Is scoring heav-, THE OREGON SUNDAY A I M 5 a JM FEANClCO AT THinfticWAN, GJCANP, RUBY . V. ily at the Star. Miss Margaret Pitt, as leading woman, and Raymond Whit aker as leading maq won many admirers with the Seaman company, and are in creasing the list at the Star. The com pany attracted considerable attention In "Wedded, Dut No Wife,", and will of fer "Darkest Russia" this week. r 1 MONOLOGUES. Mrs. Leslie Carter . at Heilig This . Week. . .. One of the . most notable theatrical events of the season will be the appear ance of Mrs. Leslie Carter at the Heilig theatre next Thursday and Friday even ing and Saturday matinee, June 6, 7 and j v- r-, ' 4 hr Watet success, "Du Barry1 t: David Belasco. The part played by Mrs. Leslie Car ter Is that of the milliner's girl, Jean- ette Vaubernler, a fascinating young woman or lowly parentage, who at tracts the attention of King Louis XV of France, just at a time when he has wearied of the art! fidelity of tha ladles of his oourt. He Installs Jeanette as his favorite at Ver sallies, and amid the luxuries of the most magnificent court the world has ever known she reigns as supreme as though she were la reality queen of the French. An engrossing love story Is introduced at the very opening scene of. the play. Cosse-Brissao, member of the King's guard, falls in love with Jeanette and she reciprocates his affection. Cosse Is banished by the-king, but: here turns In the third act of this play, ostensibly to . km tne king. Tne young seiaier Is shot while on the balcony in front of Jeanette's bed-chamber, Into which he staggers. Jeanette, now the Countess du Barry, hides him in her bed, while the king and his spies search the palaoe for the wounded soldier. ;l , The sensational incident ti the next act occurs when Jean du Barry, a brother-in-law of the, royal favorite, at tempts to reveal ... tha . hiding place . of Cosse. last act of toe Inusense . JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNINO, JUNE 2, H ! OPEfc A CO lift HKMK! r'U drama Is divided Into three scenes, the first pictures Lady du Barry at her re treat at Louveclennes, after the death of Louis XV. The next scene shows ths one-time favorite In prison, await ing the verdict of 4 the tribunal, while the final scene reveals the condemned woman in the death cart on her way to the guillotine, surrounded by a hootiag. jcscruig muu oi revolutionists. .. , ' On Saturday evening Mrs. Leslie Car ter will be seen in the clay in which she achieved such a brilliant success several years ago, "Zasa." She origl nated the role of Zasa and her Interpre tation ox ii nas never been approached. The heroine of the play is a child of the slums who becomes a music hall singer; whose life, first as the mistress of Du fresne and finally as' the favorite of the fans stage, is of Intense dramatic in terest. The advance seat sals will onen next xuesaay, June t at the box office of the Helllg theatre for the entire engage ment 'Girofle-Girofla" at the Marquam With the performance , this afternoon and tonight tlte San Francisco ODrS company win witnarawf that riot of fun and music which Harry B. Smith and Ludwlg Englander termed "The Stroll ers" to make way tomorrow nla-ht for airofle-Olrofla,' one of the ver best of standard comic operas. It will be the offering at the Marquam' for the week commencing tomorrow nlgbt . ' , The opera requires a east of superior vocal excellence and comedians of more than average ability. The book la from the pens of Albert Vanloo and Eugene iLeterrler and too Male br the eau. .... . ' r 7. CO. 3! A brated comaoser, Charles Lecocq. The English translation was made oy Campbell Clark. . ' . ' All the members of the capable com pany at the Marquam will, have exceN lent parts. ' Miss Hemmi, who has de lighted her old friends and surprised her new ones, will have the title role, Girofle-Glrofla. Some of the mcst beau tiful music of the opera will fall to Miss . HemmL "See' How It Sparkles, See How It Flows," one of the most entranclngly beautiful waits songs, will be among the many delightful r utsber that. Miss iiemmi wm give. : . 7" Teddy" Webb, as Bolero, father of Olrofle-Olrona,j baa a comedy part to his liking and one that, with the single exception .of . Ko-Ko in "The Mikado," is his ravonte1 part. . Carl Haydn will be heard as Maras- quln, Florence Slnnott as Paqulta and Qeorge Kunkel, the tall comedian, will be seen to advantage as Morzouk, Tha atoor cnier. aiauaa aeatty, tne Pedro. Amiee Leicester as Aurora, wife of -lero, Mr. Wallersted as the pirate chief and Meivm Stokes as tha attendant will complete the osst. - The box Office Of the Marqusm Is open dally from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. and seats ar j now readr for "Girpfle- airona." . This afternoon and tonight that, de lightfully melodious piece, "The Stroll ers." will be heard .for the last time. Never Again" at the Baker. V One of the funniest farces that h been Seen in Portland will be presented this weak bg Bakat stock company, 1C07. ii. in cSlNS OF THB J' "Never Again" is the title : of , this laughable, piece and It will be given its first 'production in i the northwest at the , matinee at the Baker this after noon, it will be the bill at the noou far Third ..street house for the ' entire week. .'v-...'.v :- 1 "Never Again"; Is a translation from the French, the originators of , scream ingly funny plays. Its success wher ever It has been produced has been Dhe nominal, and Portland will be no ex-t ceptlon. Manager Baker may always be relied upon to give patrons of his house tha -very best -in theatrical attractions and he has expressed his confidence that, although it has never been seen here before, this play will provide an aounaance or merriment for his pa trons. V- '' ;;. , . '.J.'.-.S . ti - The Baker company has scored many Druuani successes this season, but this, the last of faring, v will undoubtedly ap proach or even excel the former tri umphs. Those who enjoy laughter ana rina entertainment in a show that causes no end of it . will' find "Never Again-, entirely to their liking. The play affords . members of : the company excellent opportunities for brilliant acting and all the old . favor ites of the Baker company have parts that will please .their friends. The company hag been greatly enlarged for this production. . , AH Baker patrons remember the re markable suocess with whtoh Mr. Baume nas handled ' those - German character parts that have been assigned to him. and. remember It with great pleasure. In this play he has a German character part that will undoubtedly b tha mna pojfaar la iwhlch ha baa appeared. - ; ' " . ; AUEtf : STOCK CO;; if- , "Never Again" will be seen at maU inee and - evening - performances today and will be the, bill at the Baker for the entire week. The following is tha t!Mt:Pr::.i-: K-:,f.,'-j"' r v -. Fedor X Vlgnon, a young sculptor, .....Mr. Donald Eowlea Maud, an English model.,., . . . . . . . , , . ...... . .Miss Ethal Jonaa Victoria, a inaid... .Miss Volberg Algren Dr, Planohette, doctor and landlord, ' ..Mr. Howard Russell Marcellne, the sculptor's wifei . .Miss Maribel Seymour Gaston RIbot, her father, incline to v oe gay. . . . .Mr. William L. GnPNum. I Mrs. Rlbot, his wife and a model wi mother-in-law. .. ....... ;.Mrs. Mlna Crollua niMmt Herr Helnrich Katsenjammer, 'Der ureat Jtatsenjammer' ,- V . . . . . . . , ) . . . . . . Mr. Edcrav Dmimi Octavle Katsenjammer, hla wife..., . . , . , . . . Miss Louisa Vn Mr. LavTlUe., ..... Mr. Leo Lindhard Mrs, Lavrille..,,i..Miss Lueile Webstar - Owners cf a Kindergarten Boardin !?.:::' . School. ;if-3''?'''r;.''".'v Velvalee ...... .. .Miss TEthel Holm Toby.. ,,'4i, Miss CamUIe Kearna Marie. ,.i,.......,...Mlso Inx Wllnm- Harry.. . , .. . . ... . .Miss Alice Cammack f-.AJi:;,v.; The'tr. Pupils. v;'"?. v First Musician....... Mr. Orrin Piniwv Second Musician. . . .Mr. Edward Wilcox Seraph In. the Janitor.. Mr. William nm. Chanols, the milliner. ,-. Mr. Wm. Harris i - y - Aumors or me x,ettera - - , Mms. A Prudence, s. , elalryoyant. . -; C .....Miss Elizabeth Chaneey jrContlaued on Page Forty-nlaaj I t '