THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, JUNE . 2, 1607. 1 sociEfYM ' (Continued from Pace Forty-six.) 1 erred by the hostess, as til ted by Mrs. ',. Eager, Mrs. Leber, Mr. Howard. Mia i Jocelyn, Miss JiteClure, Miss Osburn and -the: Misses Fetey. . .The; following v women were present: Mrs. W. W. ;. Spaulding, Mrs. James Loton, Mrs, Alice Wlester, Mrs. J. D. Corastock, Mrs. . Clyde Sager, Mlas Myrtle B. Moffatt, Mrs. welter Dunford, Mrs. Joseph Burk, v ;Mlss Jean McClure, Miss Oaburn, Mrs. 'Stacey Matlack, Mrs. John Stewart, r Miss Helen Spauldinir. Mrs. W. H. Pat- terson, Mrs. Ks L. Whittlesey, Mrs. E. ',,'E. McClure, Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Mrs, fitlmson, Mrs. Dove, Mrs. C K. Fety, Mrs. W. I.. Howard. Ma. O. O. Bailey. Mrs. Fred Bay, Mlas Fety, Miss Tho - mine FetD, Mrs. Henrietta Mundt, Mrs John Barnard, MIhs Julia Jocelyn, Dr. . Mary Thompson, Mrs. John Leber and . Mrs. William Parsons. ;''- The Four Leaf Clover , Launching : club save a pleasant. boating trip down the Columbia on Decoration day on the launch Constitution. Among those who ' furnished entertainment "were . James ' n-it. . MIA . M. . .. ... ... , 1 I . I TT . ' who sang. The . club expects to make Several such trips through the summer. Those making the party were Miss B. K. Tatham. Miss McNelL Miss fitra Miss McTatham. Miss Klrkpatrick, Miss , Weber, Mies Stuart. Miss Davy. Mlas Moaner, Miss Marshall, Mr. Dunne, Mr, ; Howath, Mr. Pannell, Mr. Kees, :.; Mr, . Trine, Mr. Cain, Mr. Mlnnlnger, Mr. 1Lfltnh11 Mr Marn Mr UIIIm ir. , u. uw. w , ... m . . ,1 ' u. a.,, arson, Mr. Bauragart . and Mt. Lager ' - Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams enter tained a few friends Mondays evening in celebration or their third wedding an nlversery. . The rooms were decorated .wit)-, red flowering hawthornes and ferns. Whist was played and the prises. a recent novel and an embossed leather cara case, were won oy, Frank .Jr. ' Georges and Mrs. Anna Simpson. . Re freshments were served at the card' tables by Miss Alva Rhoades. Miss Cieota Button, Miss Mabel Parker and MJas Jessie Williams. . The guests for the evening were Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Woolsey. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.- Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Georges,' Mr and Mrs. W. G. Green, Mrs. Anna Simpson, Mrs. ' Frank Ed wards. Miss Lulu Horton, Miss Char lotte Stone, Henry T. Wheeler, George D. Hawk. Frederick Peebles and. Will- lam F, Brown, r ., ' The Hee Hee Kalaganie club spent the afternoon and evening of Decoration day at Clackamas- Games, singing and boating were Indulged In. and a general good time Is planned for next Monday, at the residence of Miss Amies Spencer, 77 Jrvlng street, x : :'y:y:J: Mrs. H. & Reed was the hostess, en tertaining the Monday Evening Social club at five hundred last, week. Re freshmsnts were served In the dining room, which was ' prettily decorated with carnations and. ferns. Marshall street. The home was prat tlly decorated with ferns and rosesj The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Simpson . of St. Mark's pariah. The bride wore a gown of white ehlffon over satin, in .sunburst plaiting, and carried J3rlde rosea. Only the relatives snd a few friends were present The wedding march was played by - Miss Grace Owen. Tho out-of-town "guests were Miss Mabel Breeae of - Seattle, Mlas Grace Owen of Tacoma, Mr, and Mrs. Sweltser of Lewlatown,' Montana Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hayes of Vancouver. The bride's bouquet , was caught by Miss Mabel ' Breeae. . 'Mr; and Mrs. Brown leave tomorrow for Lewlaton, to make their home. ... -':-'. There was quIetNiome wedding at 636 . East Burnslds street May 28, at the bride's home, when William A. Mc Klnnon of Albany and Mlas Mettle A. Peebler were married. Rev. Henry A. Bard en performed the ceremony. After the ceremony a-wedding dinner was served. V Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. T., W. Klhi Dolph J. Taylor. Harry Taylor, Mr. Vameson, the bride's sister. Miss Mary Feebler, Frank layior, A. Van Nortwick, Clyde Peebler and Diners were among ins fu,n. Mr. uiu Mra McKlnnon will visit . friends la Albsny. : ' :, .. ' V"'', Miss Eva F. Ealdern and Walter A. Packard were married at the home-of the bride's parents. 2t( Crosby street May 17. br Rev. Henry A. Barden, The bride was attended by her niece, Flor ins Farmer, and the groom - by Tils brothsr. R, C Packard. After the cer emony an elaborate dinner was served. There were present the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Saldern, the groom's mother, Mrs. Helen M. Packard. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Healey, Mrs. A, L. Shane, J. H. North. Masters Norman Healey and Donaia ration ana Miss uori jea- ley and the bridal attendants. . O. C. Thayer and Mrs. Alma Thomas were married at 'the M. B. Parsonage In Spokane. Washington, May t5, Rev. Mr. Davis officiating. . The bridegroom 4s a well-known traveling man and the bride has long resided In Portland. Mrs. Minnie R. Wolcka and Sherman H. Webber were married Friday even ing at the brides home In Portsmouth by Rev, John, Bentiien. . . WEDDINGS.- and Mrs. Harry Starr Attlx of this city, was married to Cyrus G. Brown of Lew latown, Montana, Thursday evening, - at Vie heme of the .bride's parents, til COMING EVENTS. I The Eaat Side Athletlo elub has sent out invitations for a shirtwaist party at the new Rlngler.hall Wednesday even ing. Everest's orchestra will play. The Satroneases are: Mrs. W. T. Masters, Irs. M. M. Rlngler, Mrs. J. E. Werleln, Mrs. C. .C. Newcastle and Mrs. F. S. Bennett : The committee consists of M. M Ringler, Frank Brobet, C. M. Peter son, L. CThompsoiiFrank Howell, L. B. Smith and Dr. W.W. Bruce. The summer dancing and card party to be given by the Swastika club of Corinthian chapter, O. E. 8., promises to be a very enjoyable affair. . Rooms have been set aside for card - playing, so that danoers will not be Interfered with. Mr. and Mrs.; J. N. Brown will have charge of ihe card rooms. Mem bers of the order of Eastern Star are Invited to attend. . . - , -..' .:.y- The Woodmen of the World wUl close a successful campaign on Friday -even- leal in ' their Woodmen temple. The comhiittee in charge ef arrangenjf nts has outlined a program, including whist, refreshments, dancing and ths award of prises to the victors in the several contests. General Organiser Day launched, the movement to build UP th order, socially and numerically, with good results. Several members of the camps offered prises for attendance at the meeting, and for applications. Bev eral of tho business houses gave prises for tug-of-war. pillow fights, wood saw Ing and nall-drlvlng contests, and tbeee have helped the members to work. All who have attend nd 10 of the aeries of 14 meetings will be entitled to two seat at a banquet next Friday night The beautiful drama entitled "EJisa both of Thuringln" will be preoented by the students', of St Francis' academy at tho Empire . theatre Monday night June 10. Tho event promises to be one of importance, t .' , -- The eurrent topier department of the Women's club will have its annual plcnlo at the Oaks Monday, meeting at First and Alder streets at 10:41 in ths morning. All. members are urged, to attend. - ',: ' iC- ENGAGEM ENTS. J.; K ' Mr. and '.Mrs." T. Posner announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Sara, to ur. Samuel Morse Oellert. They will receive from to 8 next Sunday afternoon at 163 Johnson street. I: PERSONAL ! ' Mr. and Mrs. A. P. jOohler are visit ing Mrs. C. E. Stone, Mrs. Lechler's aunt In Marysvlllo, California. . Miss Juanlta Mae Miller, daughter of Senator M. A. Miller of Lebanon, Is vlaltlng Mrs. Frank M. Miles 1 or 1ST Eugene, street this week. Miss Alice Hallaran of Eureka, Cali fornia, Is tho guest of Miss Margaret Mann. Mra R. F. Henley recently visited friends for several days In Portland on. her way from Pendleton to San Fran elsoo, where she will Join Mr. Henley, who preceded her to the Bay : City to make their borne. ?-"... SEE "WHITE' ELEPHANT Everybody In Bangkok Turns Oat to ;y'-, View th Vevr Arrival. Amid general rejoicing what was ex pected to be a new white elephant was landed In Bangkok, says tho Times of that city. Its arrival being witnessed by royalty and largo crowds of people in holiday garb. ; Between 4 ana s o'clock tne landing near the grand palaoo presented a very pretty sight Tho roadway from the corner of tho palace wall was lined with troops to tho water's edze, . while la front of these wsro the llctors and ban ner carriers. , A pavilion was erected midway between the river and tho pal ace' for the king and his suite. The raft on 'which the new elephant with his mother arrived from Ayuthia was moored, to tho landing. At 1:10 o'clock the strains of tho national an them heralded the arrival of tho king, who came in a motor ear. His majesty, who was looking very well, at once pro ceeded to the roval pavilion, with him belne? several' young ' princesses and prince. The . crown prince was also present Tho pavilion was surrounded, by high official , or tne army, and the navy. , r' ; --.,.' . The preparations for the landing of tho elephant were at once begun, and in few momenta tno weird conch shell music told- tho- waiting . crowds '- who could not see that the elephant was on terra firms. The animal, which is about nlna months old and surprisingly woolly In appearance, showed a very playful disposition as It was led to the front of the royal pavilion for his majesty to see. Afterward . accompanied by Its mother and two of the elephants al ready at Duslt park, flanked by banner bearers, and to the sound of drums. It was taken In procession slowly to Duslt park, large crowds following. L, MAKE HABITAT GROUPS Most Minute Details Are Reproduced :';'.; - ".. tA Great Expense. ' Stuffing tho skins of birds and of animals is no lonrerthe method used in up to date taxidermy. , The latest thing la the manikin system. to the method employed In the preparation of . the so-called habitat groups, showing blcds and animals In their natural surroundings. v In making these groups expenee is not spared. ' Fleoes of reck, stones, shells, trees. plants and oven earth are brought from tho localities whoso general characteris tics are to bo produced. The artist who Is to paint the background goes- to tho very plaoe Itself and paints from nature. If leaves or small, soft twigs aro to be reproduced, plaster impressions are taken of tho real objects and melted wax Is run Into these moulds, so that every lino and vein Is shown. Tho wax leaf or twig Is then sprayed with paint says a writer In Fur News, tho operator using an air brush so as not to put on more paint than is necessary. In some instances tho leaves aro punctured to represent Injuries Inflicted by Insects. The finished leaves ars at tached to the stems of the plants or trees so skilfully that they have every appearance of growing there. Two men and two women aro employed at tho museum continually la this branch of the work alone. - r ' . i .' In representing water, sheets of cel luloid aro . used, which are so strong that when plaeed In position In tho esse they will bear tho weight of a man. This substance Is need ' to great ad vantage In this branch of the work, as It may bo cut to any shape and may also bo bored full of holes to admit the stems of water grasses, cattails, eta, without danger of breaking, , Faked Coronation Scene. From the London Chronicle. 5 v Probably the most notable faked liv ing picture ever produced was that which purported to give a representation of tho actual soeno inside Westminster Abbey at the king's coronation. , . : v The production waa tho Work of an inventive Frenchmen, who had special scenery of the abbey painted and repro ductions of ths historical costumes made. . Then a number of French aotors were "made up" to represent tho king. tho aged primate and other central fig ures, and remarkably lifelike they were. plaoe at a quiet little Tillage in Brittany and tho films wers sent to London for reproduction In one of the leading houses of entertainment The man agers, however, made no attempt to Im pose on tho publlo and openly confessed that the scene was a "fake." V-'N; . 2OSTI I I 1 " '(' Don't let your child suffer with that cough when you ran -cure It with Bal lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis. Influensa, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and try it i. j. LAugner. uynana, miss, writes: I have two children who had croup. , I tried many different remedies, but I must say your Horehound Syrup is the beat Croup and Cough medicine I over usee. uoia Dy au druggists, v ' If Yea IVsst lo See the Newest ta Weirisj Apparel Visit C:e Style S:cre Remarkable alues in 9 ' Ladies Silk" nits Silk Suits worth up to $38.00, Monday, only 16.50 Even at these prices our easy terms are at your disposal . the same as ever.;"'., .'-v-: Ladies' Sffli Suite ol the Cighest Type ot Style and Qaallly. This Seasoa'g Most Favored Models on Sale Monday at Less Than Hall ol Their Regular Prices Silk Suits worth up to $38.00, Monday, only $16.50 All necessary altera tions " executed free of charge In spite of these prices.;' ;', 'i ; S mm ' e '."'' .4 r ' a W ' I M M t. Monaay wui marie tne most sensauonai selling 01 Laaier nign-uass tux suits f ' ' in the newest styles, materials and shades, regularly sold up to $38.00, at, only. . plu. ' Princess Jumper Suits, in navy blue silk batiste, white polka dots, trimmed with ; bias folds of same, piped with white, also in plain brown, marked down Monday ; Jpl mttm3t m twm B4ese aV (tm4-m Ds1s4m ft4vatt trA flrsa Kills ' ' ' - - ' bodice, belt and skirt trimmed in solid colors to match stripe, priced for Monday. . MU."nV I , Jumper Suits, princess effects, in black and white block checks, full plaited skirt, a grx neck and sleeves finished with folds, piped with black, reduced for Monday, only. eplOJuU Jumper Suits, in metal shades) in fancy checks, skirt of side plaits, neck "and ' ' i r A of black velvet ribbon. ; Monday, only ,... ......piv.yw box plaited skirt, in fancy plaids, stripes and .solid colors, pastel green, marine blue. skirt finished with rows Silk Shirtwaist Suits; yoke and sleeves of white Venise lace, strap effect over shoulder, full ' tobacco brown and metal shades. AU sizes. Marked down for Monday . : (Mi? If A tonlyW,;;.;...... Prudence bids you to see these garments and consider the' values, which will prompt ";, you to open an account with us. j The Store Where Yonr Credit Is Good WaSMllfltOII aild Teilth ; You Are Hoi Going Blind : ' If yem can selp It Our skillful fitting and adjusting of glasses will help restore , your vision. Our stock is replete ' with the newest and best from the best makers. ' Strength, - stylo and lightness aro com bined In our perfect fitting - Torlo lenses. ,, Wo test your eyes and guarantee a per? feet .fit. iT,i:ii,f'.; s : Read as long as You Wish Without tiring your eyes. .' A' high-power reading , glass will help you do this. Sin . gle 'and double-lense glasses from 2S3 up. " ' Smoked Glasses, framed ...83o up Smokes Glasses, rimless ';.60onn . . Cut Prices in Perfumes OZUBAT HZSVOTXOsTS TSXWMXU Azorla Colt King Violet Breeze Cut Rose . , Tfts IVee 28c Buys the Regular 75c Quality TOILET WATER - Carnation, Rose, Heliotrope, V.olet, Lav bender. Regular- 60c special 870. . ; FLORAL EXTRACTS V ' Carnation.' Mignonette, Heliotrope, .Violet, ; Crabapple, White Rosa, Jockey Club., Reg- ' ular 86o special 19o. , --.ry ; m The Color of Your Skin ' . . . . ... . .'. . -. . . .. '' - j . IS a good index to your health. The beau tiful women of France owe their velvety complexions to their diet of fruit Juices. Woodlark Grape Juke Is suet) a food. It builds up the system, clearing the complexion at the same time. Pure Concord Grape Juice contains no al cohol or-coloring. Prescribed .by physi- . clans. - - , Pints 880 Dozen pints poien quarts. Quarts' 606 ..83.80 .88.00 '-: Don't Give Up Please the Children With an AtVarlum. A' new shipment of : beautiful fan-tail gold fish, each, . . . , .85o Glass Globes. ...... ...... 8O0 p Terra Cotta Castles ...... ....... .19o up Fish Food .C 100 The agency for the celebrated Mark Cross Leather Goods has been secured bj this firm. . These London manufacturers have a world wide reputation for producing leather goodaof superior merit, their curing and tanning process being such as to give their leather articles an unsurpassed finish, with wearing qualities offered by no other brand. The tans and shades peculiar to this firm are duplicated by no one else here or abroad. Be Up to Date And carry good hand Damage when you travel. It's a mark of gentility. Our .Suit Cases and Traveling Bags please the : moat fastidious. Well made, elegant in appearance. Full line of Bags, Suit Cases, Toilet Rolls and other conveniences for the away-from-home trip. - ' A MW MOWS SAYS Tho unparalleled sale of beautiful feather . weight Suit Cases continues. Made of bamboo, wicker and woven reed, water-proof, leather-bound, durable and light just tho thing for summer; :'-? "' - .-A ;-&a i : .... 14-ln. Bamboo, leather-bound Suit Case;' regular 17.26 special...... 8A10 I4-ln. Bamboo Case, straps all around, shirt fold; reg. $4.25 pec. $3415 ' 26-in. Japanese reed, leather corners, . double-aotlon lock; reg. $7.00. . special 4 . ......... 84JI9 It-ln. woven reed, double-action lock and bolts; reg., $3.60 special. .$1.78 Just the thing to wear with a white - linen ault.': A beautiful show ing of White Wash Belts, hand-embroidered, tucked, stitched and deco rated in shadow work. . -y:-, ;-, Reg. 8 60 quality special.,. Ble ' Reg. 11.15 quality special.,,,. 81.07 Reg,. 6O0 quality special,. , . 890 V, Reg. $1.86 quality special,' . . .81-0 800 STEW STTXES Leather Baits, a bewitching assortment"' just re ceived, selections of -our New York -buyer. . Full lino of novelties of every description exquisite Hand Bags, Card Cases, Bead Purses, Link Chain Bags. . . ' , ; 1 1 1 " V ' '.'A -.- " ; mh-Floor Salesroom Veterinary Instruments Dairymen's Supplies Farmers' and. Horsemen's -Requisites r, Chemloal Olasswaro, Graduates, ' Beekers, runnels, Glass Tubing,' Assayer'a Snppllea, Scales, Oroelblso, Zraporatlna . Slake a, MufSes. Electrical Medical Apparatus Wall Vlatoa. ........ .....830.00 f80 878 Batteries ....83 P Vibrators ........ . ' 838 840 Travelers' Sample Cases, tor . Liquids and Oils $1 to $3 . IVhy C Swear The, first thjng In tho morning when a Gillette Safety Raaor will bring " , a smilot Tho two gen tlemen demonstrators In, our window . gavo " you -a few pointer on shav- . inc. ' Now examine tho Raa- ' ors for yourselt Try ' one 4 a week... Get your ' money back If you are , not satiafled. That's tho way w , prove their worth. " Price 8S ; up."" For Aching Feet Don't Go Ori Your ' Outing , Without an Emergency Surgical Case. It's a necessity, for' ' accidents wUl happen. ' Contains , mustard plaster, , gause , , band- ages,, absorbent cotton, adhesive plasters and safety -ptps; packed compactly. Price ' his MAsfcR's voicr walk be- Trying , to cause you ;y have a sprained ankle or ' limb. Our . Elastic Hosiery will ' help you.. Consult one of the specialists on the . second ' floor. In our Surgical Department, and have an . elaetio garment fitted to your -- needs. Such a sup "J port will relievo the ; pain and assist in' a permanent cure.' ' .Private fitting rooms. attendants. ' Every- garment guaranteed In . ' fit and quality. ' Wristlets. T8o and flMl Knee Caps. 88; Anklets, 83; Leggings 93 1 ',' Garter Hose, 83; Knee Hose, 8500 and.; Thigh Hose, 810.00. Send for self-mess-' urement blank. " - Ml Jhat Pain .'C'-- ' " - . ''-V - . . ' t-, With nature's own remedy. - Where 'there ; 1 a disease' you will find the blood con f gested and stagnant Tho Lambert-Snyder Vibrator promotes the circulation, rellev ing this condition.: Rheumatism. .. Sciat ica, Lumbago, Stomach Trouble, Constipa tion all are greatly benefited - and ' fre quently cured : Money -back if not'satls- -fled. FBICB f 3.80. - RAG-TIME MUSIC Bunion Protectors of pliant leather; shields the joint, stops pressure.; Price,, each, 80e , Leather Ankle Supporters 8LM ' -Arch Instep Supporter for - flat foot,, strong, . carefully ' shaped, sold ' on ' ap- ; proval .. . ,-. .................. . .'. . ..81.50 , Electrio Insoles for Rheumatism; 'pro tects tho feet from too sudden changes. Price .' 85o ' Akin's Foot Comfort for perspiring feet j Price SOo fake a Camera Along When in 'the, country you will find beau- , tiful bitl of soenory you will ) want to bring, back for future pleasure. . Beautiful enlargements 'made by our ' skilled arUsta from 4xS negatives in black rand white, sepia. andbluo tones. An as . sortment of thjs exquisite' work shown In .; our' Photograpnlo" Department rv Lantern ! Slides and Transparencies made from any Negatives. Bring yours In. , Lumlert ; Films .' " ' Exquisitely Clear an d' transparent' : , En t largementa of a perfect nature made from ' negatives-produced on this film.' All sises. , For your outing. 'That's what chine to help aloni rou want Rain Take along a : Victor Talking Ma- y days, the long evenings, are all c noose your records sometning to Men a& women Here You Are ' Wearing out beautiful hand-made pillows ; on the porch, canoeing and camping, whei' our Japanese Air Cushions -would answer every purpose perfectly. ; Made of rubber, collapsible, different shapes 85s. v - yi ns:, the rood times. oODortunlties to help keep tilings moving. please the different tastes classic, popular, operatic, dance muslo anything you like. Visit the Gift Room and hear them all. Machines and Phonographs ' $10 up. . - j GARDEN HOSE Will Withstand Pressure of Bull Run Water Mains Now ia the time to-buy. Get your money's worth. ' Every foot of hose we sell guaranteed for one year. A full line of all supplies, including Sprinklers, Nozzles, Hose Keels and Easy Menders of every kind. We give a nozzle free with every fifty feet of Hose. ' ,, : . ; WHITE CROWN HOSE ' Best quality made; guaranteed for two years. .................. ..$15.00 White Cotton, -inch...; ...?--00 ; Columbia, $4-inch. ..... i ,...f3.75 White'Cotton, 84Jnch. 9 4.50 Columbia, W-inch...........M,25 1 Woodlark," J4-inch,....,...f6.00 Oregon, f-inch ..fS.OO Woodlark, -inch.f T.00 " S ArnT-proof Red, 4-inch.i..f 10.00 Shorthorn, -inch; regular $12.00; special........,...,... ,...8.00 "Summer Trip" Necessities ahould "be provided ' before ., leaving the city. Here are a few you'll want: i Swimming Wings; should always be worn ; 'while learning to swim; will bear up 160 pounds In weight 85o and 880. ' , v Seamless Rubber Bath Caps, two shapes 500 and 75c , , Rubber-lined Sponge .Bags 5o to 8130. Rubber-lined " Toilet Cases, in sillt, linen and cretonne 81.88 up. '.;;, Hot Water Bags, all slses TSo up. & 1 Bath Mitts 180 up.'-; 4S Artificial Eyes ) , Artificial Eyes, German reform. . new selections ' Just", arrived, complete, .... assortment ' , Ordered taken': for special eyes. Perfect fit. ' guaranteed. Microscopes,. Accessories and Stains, com plete stock always .on hand of B. A L.; also Lelt Microscopes. . i , Bathroom Scales for home ueei" physi cians' offlcee, .hospitals, athletlo clubs and sanitariums. Platform, self - adjusting weights, SIS) with measuring arm, fao. - , Do Your Ordering by Phone Private Exchange V or Home Alt 39, 100 Salesmen to Fill Your Orders : WOO . We Want Your Monthly Accounts ' . ; . Free Delivery in City Canadian Money Taken zt Full I';.'.