The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 41, Image 41

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6v' Mrs ferny- Svirtgg
(S) ,
Y. ..... y
THMJB ara women who nevsr
low shoes, as they- prefer
V to keep the ahapa of thai
anklet . to real solid comfort
At least, ao far aa coolness la concerned.
M girl, tot Instance, whom X know
fcaa bar ahoaa made to order, a trlfla
Jtaher .than. ' euetom-made footwear,
why t Just to preserve tha ahapa of
th aalf whara It mart aa Into tha ankle,
ad also to prevent any . enlargement
Of tha -ankla Jointa .These 'high hoee,
p "boota." aha wears ail summer, and
ha daolaraa that aha really doaa sot
uffar from tha beat
iLdtL course of. self-abnegation In
the cause of irmmttrr i mi rt.y, .
those davotaaa who worship at tha
brine of Beauty herself, but. Ilka tha
poor, whom wa always have with us,
thara ara thosa who oonsldar comfort
first Why not strlko a happy medium
and andeavor to ba both oomfortablo
atd beautiful t
First of all, tha majority of us will
not ba martyrs to high shoes to tha
summer, Wa Insist upon low ones In
fashion's latest cut tan, brown, black,
white, gray and tha different eolora to
match our towns. Evan If our anklas
do play ua tricks' and turn upon, tba
lightest provocation, or without any
raason whatever, wa still persist In
wearing low shoes.
Me one need ba troubled with weak
ankles for any length of time, after
having mads up tha mind to a thorough
ooqrsa of strengthening exercises. ' It
will not do, however, to practice an ex
ercise one or two days, or a week, and
than omit to do so several days In suo
aesslon; such a course wl ba quite use
The Berlin Dietary .
t'INDLT give me the 'Berlin fljetyr.
Ia this the regimen which you
desire t It Is the Bcnwenlnger-Oertel
system.. !'..
Morning A cupful '-of . tea and coffee
with a little milk, altogether six ounces;
three ounces of bread.
Noon Three to four ounces Of soup;
seven to eight ounces of roast beef, veal,
game, or not too fat poultry; salad or
a light' vegetable; a little fish cooked
without fat) an ounce of bread or fari
naceous pudding (never more than three
ounces); three to six ounces of fruit
fresh preferred, for dessert. ' If it is
hot weather, or no fresh fruit is eaten,
six to eight ounces ut light wine may ba
AfternoonThe same amount of coffee
or tea aa In the morning, with at most '
alx ouncea of bread aa an exceptional
Indulgence. - ,
Evening One or two soft-boiled eggs;
an ounce of bread.1' perhaps a small slice
of cheese; salad and fruit; six to eight
ounces of wine with four or five ounces
Of water.
1 trust that this treatment will prove
satisfactory. . r.. """ .
One Hip Larger Than the Other
hcht hio la a rreat dal iarr than -
ohix aiar iuib erwwaaeey
ba a UtUe hisher thaa me left
tt Ans mrtA the lari4 filn una .
. A. W. I-
if rwwKCTM-"- ,in..i-.i. .n, ,' 11 .
I . " .mmmm tv m v m ipnam.) i., ,m 1,11.1m, m .a
., ' , I ' v . . . '
S-: - J?
if r.'-v. i. "T
- if .'7 ' I" ';i" Aw'
irinii,,:i iniin' "ill
'T- e.J ' n ""a J1 f J ' 'i m
In'correct standing and sitting posi
tions often have the result xou describe. -You
would better take strenuous meas
ures to retrieve aa soon aa possible. Bee
a doctor about your condition. In all
' probability he will recommend a brace.
. K early every one has one hip slightly
higher than the other, but when the
defect la marked. It may lead to curva
ture of the spina , - r,
Teeth Are Yelhw -
' Kindly fell me what to e for jny teeth,
Which are very yellow. I ara not sure . :
whether it 1 stomach trouble" or neglect, I
seldom me powder. . ' a. M. C
.. Stomach trouble will not turn tha teeth
yellow, tho'ugh it, may cause them to
blacken and decay. I ahould say that In
your case the condition is due to neg- ,
lect If you do not clean your teeth prop
erly, tartar wiil form, an eventually .
you will lose them. Begin over again by
going to a dentist and letting him give
them a thorough cleaning. Then, If you v
' ; ... .'...-.. -
lass unless you pledge yourself to "tola
. ona thing J do." i ,"'
, ' , Ona of the , best . aJkla-atrengthah-lnr
exercises ia to stand, on tha tips
of tha toes and atratoh upward- until,
' every muscle la tha foot and ankle
; responds oountlnf up to 100, tf possl :
hie. You. may not bo able to do this -at
first; it Is not ao easy as It sounds,
, but "practice makes perfect," and a
dally observation of this simple rule
will accomplish wonders with weak '
ankle la addition to this exercise,;
fry to walk oa your tip toes, keep
ings your poise as long as possible, .
Another, excellent exercise la to
strengthen the musoles by tha down-'
ward stretch.' This may be dona at
odd moments when one la engaged In
sewing, reading, writing er any of
the hundred and ', one things for
wbloh one occupies 'ia sitting Instead of
' standing position. , The exercise Itself
may be so acquired that It will become
"second nature" to one, and It Is done
aa follows i Point the toe downward,
and keep It in this position, aa If try
ing to - reach an objective point
. Stretch all the muscles gently at first,
pointing first downward, then slde
wlse to the right and left Gradu
ally , Increase the effort until you
' can stretch the muscles without pain
and with a treat degree of tensity?
In a few months yes, even weeks may
accomplish wonders you will "see a
great change wrought
The rotary motion la also valuable
do not care for powder, get a good liquid
or paste . preparation and brush them
welt at least, twice a day, and, if possi
ble, after each meal. Never allow bits
. of food to remain in the crevices, but
extraot them with dental floss. Never '
pick the teeth with any sharp Instru
ment .but use a wooden or quill tooth
pick. Wash the mouth out frequently ,
with lukewarm water and an astringent ;
' inouth wash. You cannot expect to hava
aealthy or pretty teeth unless you take
good care of them.
The Cause and Cure of Moles
Kindly tell me what causes moles to ap-
tt,a nn th. far.- I- tha akin in Door 1
1 neok.
tionT J have a few oa my faoa and. ne
and they eeem to keep coming. In the laai
nonth two more have come, on my cheek.
U thf -anything you would ftdviw m to
co w injr aiua vo awp win iroiiicwwuii
swli Vi Ae MU
I do not quite understand your ques
tion. Moles are not evidence af poor
condition of the skin. They are luually,
present at birth and stretch as one
grows older. Nothing will remove them
but electrlo or X-ray treatment .Are
you quite sure that the spots of which
you complain are molest ,
Vichy and Kissingen
Do you personally know of any one ben-' .
anted by the viohy and kUsinsea Alter :
-, ' - JarS Wt JkCe
1 have personally known of many
whom these saltshave benefited and
' also of many others whose conditions '
have only been aggravated. They may :
make you thin, or they may make you
stout All depends upon the Individual.
Tell me for what you wish to use them
and I win try to help you further, ,j
A Quartet of Questions
How much water ahouldone use with the '
Vaucalre remedyt .Enouso to make a slaw -f
ul or halt a laT '
If it Is Impoaalble for one to take (he rem- .
edy at noon, when one baa a very light -.
lunch, would you adviae the uae of the tab- .
lite of the aame name, or do you think it .
would be juat aa well to co without r
Can you au ir rest anv particular malt ax-'
- tract or tell me how to purchaae the aamef
cu mo now 10 purcuwi
bought by tba pint or quart
like aSy prepared medlctnef
think the following matbo
van 11 d pougnt oy oa pint or quar or is
It put up
mathod of
keepinc auperfliioua hair. tn ; eubjectloa a
' mooa oner Appy ammonia full atrength; tat
It dry ana wet wall with peroxide. Alter
nate eaoa nism wim pumice axon.
a. xx a.
The amount of water to be used with
. I : 4 .-
v ... . '
CT ( U.:..v?.,
'aft r-11
tot ankles defective In atrength. Sit
erect, and point the foot with an upr
ward curve, describing a circle, not with
the leg so much aa the foot bringing all
the muscles of the ankle into play. Do
this first with the right foot then with
the left alternately, in order to rest
the muscles, and persist In dally prac
tice, no matter whether you "feel" like
It or not
A strong solution of aalt water la a
arrest etreigthener of weak muscles.
This regimen must be followed regu
larly, however, morning and evening
and .between times. If convenient to
do so. In order' to tone up depleted
nerves, weak mufclsa and, conse
quently, defective circulation. The
salt bath ahould be followed by an
oil rub, or, better still, a massage
which will do a great amount of good.
It ts sometimes necessary to 'give
ankles thai have a tendency to turn
an opportunity to regain their
strength by wearing supporters. -These
come in very thin rubber or In
webbing, and they are adjusted.' of
eourse, under the hose. Even at first '
when one Is taking the exercises pre
scribed It will be a good plan to wear
the "anklets- 'afterward. , until the
muscles grow stronger, when all sup
ports ahould bo dlsoarded. ao the re
the Vaucalre remedy la wholly a matter
of choice. It ia entirely Immaterial, and
depends upon your personal taste. 1
1 knqw nothing of the tablets te
wbloh you refer. No matter how light
your lunch, you can pour aome of the
remedy Into a small bottle, and take It
' with you. By no means omit it .
Malt extracts are made by several
standard companies. Malt plain or com
bined with iron, beef or wine is to be
recommended. These may be bought
by the bottle at any large druggist's,
and oome in several sises.
Your treatment for superfluous hair Is
excellent but rather harsh. It would do
well In esses of thick, obstinate hairs.
Do not use it on the face.
To Darken the Eyebrows,
Kindly fell me of a pure and harmless lo
tion that will turn my eyebrows and laahas
a dark brown, aa they are light red, and I
am vary anxious to nave them dark.
Use the Chinese eyelash stain. Unless
your eyebrows are very light Indeed,
however, I should never advise dyeing
them. Be careful In the uae t of the
V Chinese. Eyelash. Stain.
Gum erablo. ................ ......... 1 dram .
Indian Ink ttieeeseieiteis dram
Boaewatar 4 ounces
Powder the ink and rum and triturate
small quantities of the powder with the
roaewatar until you set a uniform black
liquid, and than add lbs remainder of the
Skin Loose Around Finger Nails
Kindly tell me what to do for my finger. .
The akin around tha nails peals off. Cut- .
ting makes no difference B. K.
Cutting, indeed, does no good, for it la
the chief cauee of the trouble! Never
cut the akin around your fingers, but
. push it In with an orange-wood stick.
For the present, soak your fingers, also,
In warm olive oil. and the condition will
soon be relieved. - - -, ,
Entirely Too FuBlooded
.I am extraordinarily full-bloodad, and
nave done everything I have evr haard of
. i iu my 11 ui soma 0100a. laouftn 11 may
sound atrange, I know I oould get a good '
. ccaitlon In a large otfloe If it waao't for 1
oign ooior ana cumins faoa: and. belne- a
blah color and buruln
young man (20 yeare of
Upon mraelf to benefit
yeara of age), muoh depends
eflt my future.
t llfa and nalt
I lead a very quiet life, and neither drink
Her smoka. and cannot aeeount for tha
amount ana thickneae of my blood.
At time the throbbing ia my body a
"ii ';'
'TiVN it.
juvenated musolaa will, ba brought
Into use. pf"
Many people ara under the Imprea
elon that they suffer from weak
ankles, when the root of the trouble
Is badly fitted shoes-yes, and even
hose. Very ehort hose not only wear
out quickly, but they cramp the toee
and make one generally uncomfort
able. Add to this shoes that do not
fit properly, which ara either too
broad and throw the foot forward too
much, or which are too narrow and
cramp the toes. Too high arched In
steps or too low onea will ruin tha
ahapellest foot and Injure the ankles,
the muscles of whioh will become dis
torted if abused. ., , I
Exaggerated .teals, perhaps, causa
more trouble than any other thing
about shoes. The present-day footgear,
with high Cuban and French heels,
causa no end of trouble, with the
result that the natural arch of the foot
la exaggerated, and, la consequence, all
the muscles of the foot and ankle be
come strained and tense, '
The proper way of walking, too,
should be acquired, aa this will obviate
ankle dlflloultlee greatly. A straight
forward awihg from tha hip and a firm
placing of the foot letting It fall nat
urally, will correct many muscular
, Aa to the feet themselves, they de
serve a great deal better Care than la
usually given them, and. If this were'
done, ankles would not rebel and cause
ao muoh trouble aa they do.
. moei sets me eraay sad makee It impoaalble
for me to work.
. I have drunk vinegar, stinted myself of '
food and have even uaed leeches to loae a
little blood, but all to no avail. &Xt
The best thing for you to do would be
to consult a physician as soon as pos
sible. AU your symptoms point to some
organic complaint probably an affection
of the heart Do not be alarmed, but
take sstps to cure yourself immediate
ly. It is not your blood which is at
fault but your liver, your kidneys, or
in my opinion, the most likely your
heart Do not try any more of the
remedies you mention, but follow your
doctor's advice implicitly,' -
Enlarging the Eyes
. Kindly let me know if there Is a harm,
leas remedy to enlarge the eyes, and how te
apply It. BKADBR.
Unfortunately, I know of absolutely
nothing that will enlarge the eyes.
Their slse Is fixed bv the sockets and
the surrounding flesh and skin, and no
, u
ireauneai wm cn&nge mem. juven
It could. I doubt If any unnatural !
crease in alsa would davalon thai
beauty proportionally. You can beau
tify your eyebrows and eyelashes, how
ever, and thus make your eyes more
attractive. J3ut after all It ia the ex
pression which confers their chief
Outside My Province
ANXIOUS. I am soVry, but you must
have mistaken my department I am
afraid the answer to your question
comes under the heading of neither
health nor beauty. I hope to oerve you
better at some future Jtlme, ...
Troubles With the 'Vaucaire
- -7 Remedy
, About iaat July or August I began tak
ing ihe.Vaueaire treatment whleuyou
eramend. I have taken it auit- J
ever aince up to about a month ago. It waa
ivw wum pvxora a sou
iment but I attvk Ia th
ef a
taken ao long to 00 ate about vanlthed like
1 roagia , MABSLXiB B.
t have need ten bottles of Dr. Vaaoalre'S
remedy without reeuit. Thle waa Iaat aum
mtr. 1 am M yeara old. Kindly Inform me
if my age is against me. If aoC I am win
ing to try again. Mrs. J, B.
. Kits, aome sewoog the Taucalre j
m. .una, ivu. uuia Dciora 4 nouoea any Ira
provement. but I atuck to tha .ta
y the improvement eama, Atvint .
h ago I decided I would stop. Inalde
week all tha lmnmv.m.M r.lK k..
Jr' -u..
Tf, y;
Practice tJzeJ&aryjMoiui Jjregctently
edy is very slow la lte rasulta. If ,dls
continued before 1U effect la complete,
the benefit derived from It will disap
pear, but In the end the cure is perma
nent Fifty yeara is not too old for it
to show results, but the older one la the
longer It will take.
If possible, drink malt extract with
your meals and practice massage and
deep breathing. For further directions
see answer, to '(Discouraged .and
"Marie." V
When One is Otherxvise III
there Is, or recently has been, any consti
tutional trouble it would be best not to
try any other remedy. Especially must
ons who haa just recovered from tuber
culosis be extremely careful. Massage
win ao nsitner 01 you narm. nowevsr.
Use cocoa butter or warm alcohol as an
application. Practice deep-breathing ex
ercises, and wash the bust with cold
water or vinegar.
For auperfluoue hair, see answers to
several others in todays columns. You
FY." J JPrtli:ulri? nU wlh the
delicate skin of the face.
arntot Criticise Proprietaryt
St F. IX I am very sorry, but t can
not recommend or disparage any pro
prletary article, such ae are the creams
you mention. You would better make
your complaint to the manufacturer or
the seller of the goods.
Superfluous Hair Removed byt
I wlih Some information in regard to
superfluous hair on my upper Up being
removed by electricity. Can you recom
mend a physician who you know can eue
eeaafully remove the hair by thla proo
aaaf rhav ara v.rv thlnlr ana varv Ana.
-a. tnere not aanger of leavini
nlttad and urllor than
operation extremely painful.
. many hairs can be removed at one sit-
ling 7 Mrs. B. i-
The euro is absolute and permanent
but is necessarily, though not extremely,
palnf uL If . performed by a competent -surgeon,
no traces of the operation
should be left and the lip ehould be
smooth and not pitted. The number of
treatments required depends upon the
thickness and frequency of the hairs. I
am sorry that It ia impossible for me to
recommend any eurgeon to you. In
'your city there eho'" be many good
ones. Ask your own doctor or druggist
to give you the name of one of these.
Use Dr. Faucaire's Remedy
MRS. M. LA .As I must so often
say. I cannot 'give any opinion on the
mertta of a proprietary article. Z always
advise Dr. Vauoalre's remedy, so fre
quently given- In these columns, to de
velop the bust If it Is not possible for
you to take this, use massage, with a '
good cream. Ablutions with cold water
will also tend to harden the bust If it
Is flabby.
Wants Another Stain
MRS. A. VAN B. I cannot give my
opinion of any proprietary article, but
leave you to make up your 1 mind a
to the purity -nd imUessness of a
hair ataln of Viti"v vou "cannot, ret
any more slnoe the food and drug law
baa been passed." Loth sugar of lead
and sutphur are dangerous drugs. For
this reason, ana v it ns prwvea
unsatisfactory in many cases, I no long
er recommend the physician's prescrip
tion. Since vou cannot get walnut ,
skins, the following will prove quite aa
'-?s Henna Hair Stain.
Take one ounce of henna leavea eteea
in a pint of boiling water for twenty
mlnutea. Lt ataad until It gets oold.
Btrain the liquid- .Apply to the hair by
the aid of a email sponge. The henna
will aometlmea ataln the acalp. but the
atain can easily ba removed, by soap and
watar. '
i For Outstanding Ears
read yo
ah, itlr-fftlnna
for tee care
d you teu, me wnere a couia
evtoe for outstanding earaf
a patent dev
X regret to say that I can give no ad
dressee to any one. Most, physicians
supply stores In large cltiea offer a
choice of these devices. Ask your own
doctor to recommend one of these ,'.o
. you. . . . .-. -
To Remove Superfluous. Hair
Kindly tell me something that will remove
uperfluoua hair. I do sot care to bare It '
removed by electricity, as thla Is toe ex- .
pensive. I wiab something that will act la
jure to. akia,
tSlnce you do not desire electricity, and
i S t
f ifd of Injuring the skin, the
pumice treatment would be best for
J?"- Oct at the druggist's a five-cent
;.kiwof Pulo (not the soap, but the
IZ'J'Z. "tone) and rub it well on
!h Parl affected but not hard enough
2 SU" p,J,u Then PP' eld cream
' f "llV? Possible redness or eUng
VlRhi?111! f Atment Is not permanent
nothing but electricity or the X-ray j,
;hatnd?,u,t "nawed whenever
the hairs Teappear.
Not in My Province
O. P. F. Your BlMrr mtta v.... vUn
sent 10 me ny mistake, as a 1
these columns will assure you
Jery hea nothing to do wit
btautr or health! I am sorr
J!Bt t0 P br "tteteke, as a glance at
rou that pet
with either
mistake haa cummA vm. nv
and hope to be able to serve you better
at aome future time.
Body Covered With Hairs
.m,?.-01" te sowed with long hairs,
tS'Ji' tfZX "ro of ereet mortification
1? K'ldlyglva n,, , rmdy for re-
?T tha- Our family nhyalclan aald he
would remove them, but f would have to
unowgo traa until t. and f do not Sail to do
ih"r5 SU Jfnow o remedy that
would permadantly remove them and yet not
be too eevare to apply to the teadereet parte
of the body? E. P. D.
The wiaest thing yon could do would
be to follow your physician's advice.
There la no remedy that could help you,
except the electrlo or X-ray methods,
both of which would have to be guided
by Another person. Do not attempt any
remedy yourself, a-j, can understand
your natural repugnance, but you will
have to overcome It In this case If you
wish the condition to be removed. Do
aa your doctor teUs you, and his treat
meat will probably be effective.
" Growth of Superfluous Hair
?hS dsytw looking la the mirror f
t?Sn.?Lhad arpwth of hairrVery light, on
jnjupper lip under the noae and on my Jaw
1 tha aa. r haw. n.ub K.n .i. 1 -
' before, and fee) worried. I never bad a
,-uu-ucr w nair growtn, mat 1 know ef. ai-
inougn ua nair on my bead is quite thick.
, u in Bumona mt
meal and uae orange-
flower cream. I have found them very go
I read In the paper, tn answer to 'J.
V." something Ilka my oaaa. Ourht I
wash my face after ualng the cream, and If
o, wnn wnicn, warm or 001a waierr 1 neva
no blackhaada, but quite a few pimples oa
my cheeks. I wash la cold water.
The sudden growth of superfluous hair
where there is no previous hairy ten
dency aeema to Doint to the effect Of a
cream. I cannot understand this, how
ever, as neither almond meal nor tha
orange flower cream will produce such
a result. Are you aura that you hava
been using absolutely nothing elset
Suppose you try this system of washing,
and see if it will not help yqu:
Wash first In water aa hot as you can
aland, really steaming the face and
opening every pore. .In this water place
' a small toilet bag containing almond
meal and powdered orris root. Then,
, as quickly aa possible, dash very cold
water on the face. Then rub the parts
1 affected with the down with cold water
in which a few drops of ammonia have
bean placed. Finally, dry by absorption,
holding the towel very close to the face
and not rubbing at all.- Read my article'
on "The Bight Way to Wash the Face"
if you wish any further hints. It ap
peared April 28,
. Prescription Already Prepared
I brought Dr. Vaucalre' s preecrlptlon to a
druggist, and he told me that he had the
prescription all prepared. I bought a bottle,
and It la olive green in color. Is this the V
proper color for the medicine, and will it. be
aa efficacious ' coming all prepared as It
would be If freshly made up? Also, la It '
perfectly harmless? I am In very good ..
health, have a very good complexion, and
do not want to take anything that would
injure my ciooa or aua in nnjrwax n,
: As tks already made up Vaucalre pre
scription, both in tablet and liquid form,
la a proprietary preparation, I can pass
no opinion on its merits. I would ad
Vise you, however, to prefer the freshly
prepared medicine compounded from the
prescription. In that case I can testify
that the remedy is absolutely harmless,
and will not injure you tn any way.
Follow your own Inclination in tha mat-'
ter, but remember that tha fresher a
medicine la the better It ia aa well.
sons have written me In regard to the
j young girl afflicted' with ectema. To
' these t wish to say that while I thank
them tor their interest, I cannot for
.. various reasons recommend any pro
prietary remedy. She la bent oft in the
handa of a competent physician, woe)
- will doubtless adviaa her well,
.sJii I t.. ' ... I
r 1
e t
To Make Skin Smooth and Soft
GIVE ms a sure sure for blackhaada. Mr
akin la very fair and thin. Can you
tali me what to do to keep It froo)
shapplng and being ao rooghf Tell me of
something that will clear jt PSa4. sakM
It took soft and smooth. Mrs. W, O. F. .
Any of the several blackhead cure
riven In today's Issue of the paper wM
be of service to you. Choose one aadi
.use it patiently until results appear.
After washing your face, bathe wlta
the followiig, which will soften it and
prevent roughness. To prevent chap
ping, use the orange flower cream given
to flA Reader."
Wash for Delicate Skin.
Boraolo acld..-..........-.wldram
Distilled witch hsitl-i-.u-iu. I ounces
Roaewatar f ounces '
Dry Skin and Prematura. m
Can you give me a remedy tor a very dry .
skint 1 am only M, sut my face la really
Setting very wrinkled. I have alwaya had
. clear, smooth complexion, but sadly lack
. Ing in oil to feed the tissues, and, no) '
doubt, this is the cause of the dry ap
pearance. F. V. B7
.Try first of all the following lotloa
for premature wrinkles:
Ixt4on for Premature Wrinklta.
Alura to. grains
Almond milk (thiok) .m..-... 1 ounces
Roaewatar s euaoee '
Dissolve the alum la the roaewatar, than
pour gently Into the almond milk with
constant agitation.
The wrinkles, however,-arise from
the dry skin, and so If this doea not
have a marked effect you would bet
ter treat the skin Itself, maasaglntT
It with lanolin that has previously ,
been warmed. Thla will supply oil
to the tissues,- and thus probably. N
feet a cure, , - - , .
Changing the Nose by Plastic )
Kindly tell me If you think X could have 1
tne anape 01 my nose unprovea by piaaua
surgery, 11 ia very net. 19 wuom
go for treatment T Do you think
have uaed to build It UDt
M. CJf.
Plastlo surgery might improve lh
shape of your nose, as it can do won
derful things, but be very 'careful to)
whom you trust yourself for the opera
tlon, aa an unskilful, man may ruin
you for life. Parattlae Injected under
the skin will fill up hoUowst nbut lis
time It turns yellow, and then there Is)
no help for the condition. It la alsa
extremely painful. If your nose la aoe)
noticeably flat, I would not advise you
to tamper with Its shape. The whole
process ia expensive and usually causae)
To ReducTfhick Lips
X have very thick line. Oould von 1
gest something that would reduce fbemf
,r.-.- jo. :
Olycerite of tannin, rubbed well Into)
the lips, night and morning, will shrinle
them in Urns. I know of nothing elaa
for the purpoee, but thai is ax cell eat.
Do not bite your lips or rub any oil eg
fat upon theauw. v - . f
.i ..v
Cocoa Butter for Message
butter for massage or not Doea a
haly to growf Does it do Mykoodf
Cocoa butter Is an excellent massaca
cream, but will grow hair If there is el- "
ready xtndency m that direction. J a
this case, uae pure almond oU or lh 1
following formula: , 71"
- vrange-jfiower LTeam.
g'',"' aweet almond
. d- nnnnaa
T ua w
..H,i,.MiMtMmw. s - vrams
.........ot..... ..... s . araros
. . . mil ..... m .jam.
o.W..w..-v;-."1i dTtT
81! off hr:;;t 3 "
Melt the first three Ingredients, add the 1
glycerine to the orange-tlower water and
dlasolva the borax la the mlxturei thae. i
pour It slow, inu, tot utaimd tots, uum
ring oontinuoualy. . I
Used Peroxide Wron gly ' t
I rubbed peroxide alt over my Ub tw '
ynornlnga. f took a rag and put It to tha '
bottle and thenrubbed'lt on Ky lip quite
ong time an over tny faee. and even now
: r,- r;r"""t. tor a
Ir T M ; , .-"'"'a. t is im aimost av
months since then, and still f eaa aoe a
still f eaa aoe ad
ia unvou Hu.
ma Li irm iixiia arwita An n.u r.u .
that will drive that away. Tbi limVspl3
eama on my handa, too. -., t v - M.IX
The diaastxoua results you' mentlott
are not atrange, considering the strenu
ous methods you have uaed. I almost
hesitate to give you the right directiuns.
aa your akin will for some Urns be in an
extremely ansltive condition. Yoa
should have poured a little pure perox
ide into a saucer, and rubbed it on gen
tly with a soft cloth, afterward apply
ing lanolin to remove tha sting. You
' do not say for- what you used it Im
not forget that it is a powerful bleach,
but that It Is very hard to remove a
perfluoue hair by Ha means.
Do Not be Impatient '
- 1 ant using the formula for tha eyhr-iw
.. grower. I would like to know how lung u .
must be used. , alia. 4. T. ai. X. B.
The length ef time you must uae te
grower will depend entirely upon t
previous condition of your eyebrows, .
they were simply not very t) -'., t
action will be siMJedy. but if t
quite scant It may tU t v
time. Do you not nv. 1 .
ment whatever? lit.'
give have a!is-
. and I s't - '
SO ia J t