THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, .1907. wmm EGGS THAT ARE HELD I0 NOT ARRIVE IN BEST OF CONDITION PRICE OFF With the Trade PRUNE HI ?ulet for exports the past week. The act that millers have already eold all their auppliea for the , aeaaen waa the cause of the small number of off era TITE'SEE-SAW. MATERIAL RISE that came. ' Local trade la quiet; gro RATHER HAZY cere hava purchased their early require- HOW EXPECTED a J'le.oXUiK'. menta before the laat advance. : ; WOULD BUT. HOPS' CHEAP ALL SORTS OP POTATOES ARE EXPECTED TO SHOW SHORTAGE THIS MONTH LI ' ( Latest Market Reviews mmmttmwORm CHICAGO DOWtl, LIVERPOOL UP SOAKING RAILJ IS NOW WANTED ' ' ' ' vlsalSBBBSBBSaSBBSBBSBSBs , Packers Offer, to -Buy at High ; : " v Price, but Are Selling ; H Considerably Lower. , J ' By Hyman H. Cohen. :. ' Although growers ud ImIki be ' " Hevs that prloes on . prunes , will rule . , rather nigh this leuon, there la m t yC no visible ground for their belief, one way or the other. 'It la known . positively that Santa Clara, California, ; , ' . growers have been offered aa .high aa '., and i oenta for- their coming crop by packer. - Under . ordinary , conditions thla would , juetlfy .the trade to believe that prospects were - rood for a high price but the packera Mm to be playing a double game bare. Jt U stated that while 'they are offer- Ins aahla-h aa 4 eenta for the Can fornla product 'they are Bailing at 114 and t l-t eenta - That la for last year1 a crop. ' There la a difference of but half cant between bid and new prunea, If the former remain of good quality and why the packera ahould offer 4 Vi eenta and aall for a price under that amount, la hard to explain at thla time. " Some growers contend that the pack- bra are offering ths. higher values with the aole object, of caualng the growera to get excited and hold their 1907 crop while the packera unload their great surplus of last year1 a growth. Thla latter .view eounda Quite reasonable and thla sort Of game haa been played on the producer In other marketa besides prunea. According to Hugh Delacy at a meeting of the Santa Clara prune growera, Armaby and company had re ceatly bought prunea from the growera at 4 cent and were aeiiing some or laat year' a at t (-4 and I T-l eenta Thla assertion caused much comment among the growera. sMaaeaaaaaaaa) EARLY SPUDS FOR ALASKA Oregon Growers Plant More of Thla Varietv Than In Other Seasons. Potatoes are advancing la price both lie re and la California, Owing to the .amall auppliea remaining of old stock. .New potatoes are coming In so alowly that there will ba a very goo demaad for old onea all thla month. As high ea I eenta a pound waa offered for strictly fancy atock bare during the week., New potatoes are ao scares J a California that It ia stated that there .will not, be sufficient stock to aupply "(the San Francisco market during the present month, v Oregon new potatoes will be In mar ket withta a few weeks. According to "prominent dealers aa well aa. growera there will be larger auppliea than usual of early atock.' ' Thla will-be In demand A rora Alaska ana"good prices are ex pected. The Alaska trade prefera Ore rgon -potatoes to tboes of other placea and la always willing to pay 'a alight TpremlunT, for them. H "j( STRAU'tERBIJCS ARE HIGH BrruJl Arrivals and Liberal Demand v Keep Values at Top Notch. ' The course of the strawberry market during the past week' was not at all surprising when the amall recelpta are known. Arrivals from all sections the paat . week, were comparatively amall for the flush of the season and for good stock prices never went below 10 cents. " and it waa only on a few occasions that valuea went that low.. It, la not practl cally certain that the. atrawberry crop will not be up to the average, although It la expected that last year's production will be reached. Dealers Make Offers for-Stock, bat Cannot Close Any Deals. t During the paat week there waa an entire absence of bualnaaa In the local bop market. There seemed to be soma effort among the dealers to take in few email lots, at low figures, but growers were not la a hurry to sell at tbeaa figures, especially aa they are several eenta below what old hope are generally worth after the new onea make their appearance. - v . 1 A feature of the market this Week was the announcement made by Klaber, Wolf A Natter of the companya Inten tion to, oatabllab a branch house In London early during the coming week. About a year ago this subjeot waa taken up by the firm, but the Saa Franolaoo earthquake caused the project to be abandoned. - According to Mr. Nettar of the firm, the aolo nurpoae of the branch houae would' be tqfurther the sale of Pacino coast hops. When the orancn ia established H will be the only one operated there by a Paclflo coast firm. BEAN KING LIKES VALLEY uan Camaiillo Pays Visit to Oregon Is Mnch Impressed. ISseeUI Dltnateh to n looraaLt ' Salem, Or- June 1. The California "Bean Kins." Juan E. Camaiillo of Cam arlllo, California, waa In the capital yesterday, and remained for one day, the guest of Louie Lachmund, the weir known bop man. The Camarillo brothers own .a large ranch, probably tne largest In the world, for It contains ' 10,000 acrea, of which S.S00 acres are pleated In beana. Mot only do the owners en' gage In the raising of beana, but they also turn their attention to tne euiuvat lng of all aorta of f rulta except orangea Camaiillo ranch la located some CO miles north of Loa Angeles, and has scboola, churohea and amuaement reaorta Just a miniature city. These adjuncts are made necessary oa account of the great force of people they smpioy. vThe distinguished California planter was much Impressed with the Oregon coun try, and especially the Willamette val ley, and sees a great era of develop ment for this state. linn HOW EVIDENT Exchange' Asked Price of Bonds Advance, Although They Are Offered Lower BUTTER MARKET MOVES Higher Prices Come as a Result of Greater Demand Than Supply, There "ls little wonder among the ' trade that creamery butter valuea ad vanced during . the week. There was never- a seaaoa when demand for stor age waa ao great aa thla year. The out put of the creameries la greater than la recent years, but the demand Is fully twice aa heavy. The Fuget aound cities have been very heavy buyera la thla market of late, owing to the small of ferings from the east. Seattle as a rule buys liberally of both eaatera egga and butter, the trade there not caring mucfi for home quality. t SHOULD SHIP ALL EGGS Poor .Stock dknsed by Holding for Large Supplies by Shippers. Egga are generally lower In value at the close of the present week than they were seven days ago. Lower ' prices were made In large lota by deal ers who had received too liberal aup pliea. Egga that arrived during the week were generally of poor quality, because most country shippers had held 'until they accumulated large auppliea. The trade haa laeued a warning against this manner of shipment Eggs that are kept thla kind Of weather soon deteriorate In quality, and are there fore aold at a lower range of-value than if received ia a fresher atate. Strictly fresh eggs bring a premium over other quality. It coats lust aa mucn per case to ahlp E casea by expreaa as It does for two. This showa there Is no saving- but a loss la the holding back of ablpments. .. , .. . ; WHEAT AND FLOUR QUIET Little Doing in Either Market Here i During the Past Six Days. ' Vjrai wheat and flour were quiet In jKh local market during the paat week. Wheat values held their own; blueatem ranging from 80 to 0o, but no sales were known over these amounta. There la but 'little wheat being offered. The flour market waa exceedingly F. MISSLER - (Bremen, Oermeny.) - 810-ail 81ST IT, OA1TESTOJT. TBX. BANK i- - (Vnlnoorporated) , Remittance of Money to ; and from' Europe. ; roxziav vomer sxchajtob. Tloket of flea for the steamers from and ";.;. . v to Europe, ,.,.' -.- . -' By -Hyman H. Cohen. While thee seem, to be a legitimate demand with legitimate sales on the local exchange - of Home Telephone atock at the record price of I42.S0, there Is evidently some manipulation in Home bonda. ; Yesterday the aaked price aa Hated on the exchange had . advanced I16Q to $85. It waa a fact that thla same Issue was being, offered to the trade here around 179. This offering of Home 6a at $79 waa never Hated on the local exchange, the price there of lata not ahowlng any loss 'from $82.60. The bonda In question were offered o an official of the local exchange by a California houae through lta local con neotlona. Thla lack of demand for . telephone bonda' doea not necessarily mean that they are not good investment Home eharee are paying 6 per cent. In ordi nary tlmea this would be considered very good investment but In these days when much larger sums are constantly being made ia other ventures there la a lack of Inquiry for low Intereat bonds and stocks. During the paat week several aales of Home telephone stock were made at $42.50, the second price. Brokers at tribute the general lack of call for bonda to the fact that the company will not have a majority of Its Instrumenta In operation for some time. Official prices: BANK STOCKS. Bid: Bunk of California. ....,....$ Bankers' A Lumberman's. ,-... 104.00 Mercntntt' Nation! Oremm Trust 8TUia. ... Portland Trust Co United States National......... 900.00 -. . -.".tlSTSD SBCUEITIBS (BONDS). American . Biscuit Co, Oi. ...... 98.30 City A Suburban 4a.. Home Telephone 6s.......... O. R. N. a....... 97.00 o, w. p. a Br. es..... loo.oo Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. 6a... 97.00 Portland By 6s... MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Aasoclated Oil , 82.00 Home Telephone .............. 89.00 Pacific BUies Tel. ft TeL, pfd. Pujat Sound Telephone.. 't....' MININO STOCKS. LakerW ..... , Manhattan' Crown Point........ .98 Potlcle aflnlnv ..,.., ,19V4 Waanoufal Kite na loa .85 . ' . UNLISTED STOCKS. 7antna Bay Telephone.., 6.00 ' Oregon City Mill ft Lumber.... ..... Alaxka Petrolenm .IT Brltlih Columbia Amal. ....... .024 Caaeadla .22 14 Mammotk 1 .00 ' Morning 08 Standard Consolidated 07 Tseoma Steel 08 C0ECB S'ALSIfl DISTRICT. Bullion t .09 Copper King .................. .10 Happy Day .0414 0. K. Oonsolidatsd...... .04 ' Snowahoa ..................... -.40 Snowstora . S.85 !i 8ih:I u(h!t Proxa the Chicago Tribune. LACK OF CARS HOLDING BACK ALL LIVESTOCK SHIPMENTS Aaked $350.00 , 1M.00 lflO.OO 120.00 100.00 98.00 88.10 100.00 108. V) 100.00 99.23 8K00 42.50 100.00 40.00 , .15 .80 .81 .26 10.00 4.00 .45 . .05 .I4 .0614 . .IV ao .12 ' .08 ' .0514 .80 8.00 JTEW TOKX OOTTOir XAKKET. : Opes January ......1198 rebruarr . . . ... March ........1208 June ..,.., .. . July ,.,11S0 Aucuat ,.rt,.iioo Bentembta ....1189 October 1176 Norember Deoembar Hlfh lilO .1209 1206 Low 1182 1186 1158 1108 1192 ' ....11801 11HO ..'..UvL. 1200 1145 1142 11M 1178 1179 1182 June 1 . HAS 1204 1204 1229 : 1141 1142 1182 .1176 1180 . 1183 May 81 1206 1203 : 1224 1244 use 1156 1166 HOT 1191 1196 rar tosjc BAmt stateuxst. - New Tofk.-June 1. Bank statement: ' . Beaerre Increaae .................., 2,90,425 Beaerre. leas V. S. dacaeaae ........ 2.920.000 Loans .......,..,lS,541.6uO Specie , 738,400 Lesals ' 248,700 Depoalts ...... . 15,654. 100 Circulation .80,700 r TorelfS. Zxehaace- Batea.,.' J-.-'- .: New. York. June L Forelan axchaaae rates: Sterling, demand, ' 486, 60 days, 488; franca, 818.55, leoe 132: Berlin, 96 8-16: Ant wero. B17Vi: Zurich. 616tk.lsss 116: Stock. kola, 26.26. .' . , ' 1 ..ia - - By Hyman.H. Cohen. Portland Union Stockyarda, June 1. Livestock recelpta: .Hoga.' Cattle.. Sheep. Past week 677 1.786 1,91$ Previous week .... 221 1,717 t,82t Year ago 87 481 1,827 Previoua year ..... 192 2,87$ 4.208 The movement of livestock the paat week waa neither aatiafaotory to ahlp- per or seller. Even the buyer was dis appointed with the arrlvaia in the local yards during the six daya. The arrlvaia were curtailed oa account of the lack of cara with which to ahlp. The car situa tion haa been growing ateadily worse of late and much complaint Is being made by livestock men at a result. There la aome talk of bringing the matter offi cially to the attention of the atate rail road commission. The .congestion of stock at thla end waa even worse than elaewhere and yard officials and men were . compelled to work late Into .the nights to get out the atock deatlned for ootalde points. . . . Sheep Movement Zs wot 80 XeaTf. V' Shearing-of sheep in the inland em pire Is fast coming to an end.- A large portion of the stock to be shipped haa already been sent away and arrlvaia here are decreasing. During the alx daya the run of aheep into the yards totaled 1.918 bead as against 1,826 head week ago, 2,827 head this week In 1908 and 4,206 -head for the aame period in 1906. The smaller arrivals than ex pected enabled the trade to move every thing at former weeks valuea . BUg-ht Increase In Cattle Bnjn, During the past week there waa a fractional Increase la the run of cattle over that of at. week ago. Thla week'a totals were 1,786 head as against 1,717 head a week ago, 431 head a year ago and 3,378 head for thla week In 1906. Hogs showed an Increaae In arrlvaia but the run was not a whit better than demand and rrlces ruled steady and un changed at laat week'a figures. . Official livestock prlcea: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, 8T.O0; atockers and feeders, $(.006.26; China fata,$6.25.60, ' Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steera, $4.254.50; best cowa and heifers, $3.25 8.60; bulla, $2.0003.60. Sheep Sheared, mixed, $4.6005.00; lambs, Sc. , Arrivals of W Week. During the week the following arrl vaia were shown in the yarda: ' Sunday H. A. Balne, passed through the yards with a car of horses going to Seattle; I Jordan came in with a car of horaea going to San Francisco; John Twaddle brought -in-a car- of horses from The Dalles; . James McQueen brought in a carload of horaea from Elgin, Oregon, going to Honolulu. Monday J. Kuhnle brought up a small bunch of cattle on the ateamer Mascot; F. B. Decker shipped la two cara of aheep from. Oervals; J. W. Roed of Carlton came in with a carload of hogs and two cars of sheep; A. 7. Hunt shipped la teri cars of cattle from Mer ced, California, going to Tacoma; F. J. Fraser had In two cara of cattle from Williams, California; F. Snipes brought in two cara of cattle from Red Bluff, going to Tacoma, ' ,V I Tuesday Meehan eV Cobb sent In a car of bogs from Eugene; Ik Miller of Mlllersburg had in a ear of sheep, bogs and lambs mixed; J. C LKnergan sent in 29 cars of cattle from Los Banoa, Call fornla, conalgned to Frye-Bruhn com pany at Seattle; George Brown of Cor- vallls had in three cars of cattle and two of aheep; R. E. Morris of Rowland ahlpped in a car of aheep; W. R. Wet sel ahlpped in 11 cars of cattle from Oxslls, California, going to Tacoma. Wednesday P. - Bums and company of The Dalles had In three 'cara of cat tle from Heppner; Frank Dlngea of Junc tion City brought la a double-deck car of sheep; J. C. Davis of Shedda had in a car of bogs; John Howell of Sauvles Island drove In a bunch of cattle; J. P. Hoffman had in a car of milk cows from Lebanon; "VyVW. Perclval of Inde pendence brought in a car of hogs. Thursday Beckley Brothers ahlpped In two cara of aheep from Dlllard; 8. L. Overton of Brownsville bad In a car of bega; Mr. Bodlne shipped in a mixed car.ef sbeep and hogs, from Corvallla. : Frlday-J. C. Davis of Bhedds had In a car of hogs; Mr. Brown of Oakland bad in a car of cattle; I. N. Ed ward a of Junction City was in with a car of hoga on the market; W. H. Morgan brought up 66 bead of cattle from his ranch on Sauvlea Island; O. A. Overton came la with a car of cattle and one of cattle and hoga . mixed from Row land; Mr. White brought in a car of horaea from Elgin. , , Believed Stock Market Will Soon Begin to Swing Up ward in New York. 444444 X Baa rat Hews by tonseat Lsaeed Wire. 4 a New Tork, June 1. Foreign 4 markets were heavy. Paris was 4 weak and uneettled, while Berlin 4 was Irregular. Another failure 4 occurred at London, and that 4 market was heavy, although con- 4 sols were firm. Americana at 4 London mads general losses. The 4 bank statement provided the 4 usual weekly surpnae. Tne toss 4 . la the bank surplus reserve 4 'amounted to $3,908,435. Loans 4 : Increased : by $13,641,400, while 4b deposiU Increaaed $16,564,100. 4 The gain In easb reported was 4 $962,000. . BHEARIXQ NEAR A CLOSE. Wool Clip In Morrow County Is Neat an End Heppner Sates June 4. (Special DlaDatch to Tne Joamal.1 Heppner, Or.. June 1. Sheep shearing In Morrow county is coming to a close. Wool la coming In ateadily to the Hepp ner warehouses and there will be many thousand pounds on nana for the wool sales June 4, and 6. The N. S. Whet atone machine cloaed down after shear ing about 60,000 bead of sheep. EASTERN MARKETS HOLDING Cattle and Hogs Are Steady Sheep , . Are Strong. en. 1,000 Cblcaao. June 1. IJTeatock reeelnts v - . Hoi. Cattle. Bb Chicago 9,000 800 4, Kanaaa City 8.000 1,000 Omaba 6,000 10,000 1,080 nora are neea?- wiin s.tuo jerc over. Re eeiptt a year ago were 18,000. Mixed. (8.08(9 elptt 8.87 heavr. llxht. fS.10& Cattle ateadr. Sheep strong. r.'IS.l 6.4i,, 20Q6.85; tough, 8S 10; YAMHILL WOOL TO BE SOLD JUNE EIGHTH 8peela Dispatch to The Journal.) McMlnnville, Or- June 1. Tue Tam hill county farmers have formed a wool pool. It will be sold Jby sealed bids, Saturday, June 8. This has been done far several years and, those who enter the pool realize more from their , wool aa a result. . - OBTAIN WHEAT BID AFTER A FULL WEEK San : Francisco' Market Awakens From Sleep $lQp for December. fHearat Mews bv Loosest Leased Wire.) San Francisco, June 1. For the first time in over a wee!: there was an effort to get bids on wheat futures, but all that waa accomplished was In the way of $1.59 per cental being aaked for De cember delivery.. .The spot market was practically at a standatill, with quota tions largely nominal, v v December barely aold 4e,per cental higher. With May option cloaed out the spot market ahould have aome recovery, Oata were full and easier, but without quotable ; change. The only particular change la beana very recently. has been In llmaa, and these have been sharply advanced. Flour was very firm for the home product, and there has been a fur tber advanos at the north. . Butter - was without any further change.. . The recelpta were comparative ly . light, but on the preceding day a large. quantity was received. ; The market was Quiet. , - The fruit market ".was . fairly active. Royal : apricots . . wars ; received from Riverside county and sold at $1.75 0 2.00 per crate, these being claimed aa the firat of the seaaoa in thla market. Some consignments have been marked royal, but were seedling. t A quantity of seed lings i were received from Newcastle. Soschella valley cantaloupes ' were in freer supply and. caespsiy ,. Thar wars three carloads of Central American bananas received on Friday.! Straw berries did 'a little better In prices. Cherries, aalde from extra choice black tartarlan and Royal Annes, were weak. Bay summer squash brought $8 per targe cox. xne southern article la about done and was scarce yesterday. Cancers paid ltte per pound for green peas, and choice went to the trade at $0. Only extra choice . otrlng and wax beans brought the outside quoted prlcea Moat of the Mexican tomatoes were repacked, The prlcea on new potatoes and onlona represent wharf business. Old potatoes have been arriving alowly and the mar ket Is drawl n j on warehouae stock. 4 - The week closed on a dull and gen erally weak market for poultry. During in ,weea tnree oanoaas arrived from uie essi. i MORE PICKERS WANTED Strawberry Men Are Still Crying for Help to Save Their Crop, v ' Hood River, Or., June 1. Althouch grewerf are reeelrtns bis prlcea for their berrtM thmv are willing to divide some of the proflta-wlth pickers apa many growers ralaed the price of cather'.ns the fruit todar to a cwnta a ha. Thla is the hlsheat Dries tc twld bum a in Oregon for picking strawberries and' aires the picker so Increase of 60 to To tama per day.. Fruit ahlnoera and srowerar aav that mm inn 11 would not ho : nntt.fdl. tn v ueh a high price hat that aomethlng must be eons to market the fruit for which . tbara la auch e good demand. mean a heavy loas. ralhire to do an will The hm totntfna-Mi .whlh baa-heretofore eome from the Willamette valley haa so far failed to. pot to aa appearaace. asd growera an-- anxtoualy Jt;lto. Utelr ar rival. It hoped that the anakiuneemeBt of better par will . brine" them . to iha mma. Cooler . weather haa eased up the ' altuation somewhat, too. - todar. but arnicas al uHm la the next ear r two SMSt satcbea vUl save fHserat Hews bs Lsauraat Leased Wire.) Wall Street. N. T., June 1. Although the stock market has displayed much hesitation the laat two days snd by Its uns and downs has indicated public doubt aa to bow the president's me morial day speech should be Interpreted moat financiers seem to think that the speech Is not entitled to have sny effect whatever on the market For every bullish feature I it there Is a bearish one aad vice versa. A very material advance in the stock market is expected within the next 80 days, regardless of what may happen later. It is admitted that when the tar iff war geti In full awing and when tight money oomes In the autumn an other point of view may bavs to be taken but the operators sre concerning themselves, now with the immediate fu ture. Never before in the history of the oountry was the public so rich and so free of financial scares. It has kept out of the stock market so long that It has forgotten bow it suffered four years ago. It Is even now begin ning to put . Its surplus money Into atocks. nolle vtn Bay 8rtocks. Those peraons who believe that a great national oalamtty is impending are afraid to buy atocks but the majority of the publlo has no patience with such pessimism. It is willing to be cheerful for a time even at the risk of losing soma of its money. Well street only plays with the surplus of. stocks and bonds anyhow and the surplus Just now Is rather large, but Is being absorbed rapidly In amall doses hers and there all over the country. The men who are arguing for a higher market are will ing to admit that business is Blackening In soots but the atock market has been Buffering from exceas of business, and If bualneaa slackens there will be more capital for the stock market The people cannot buy stocks if they are using all their money in bualneaa - The peasimlsta point to the destruc tion of winter wheat but the optimists say that the spring acreage will be all the larger for that while every acre of winter wheat destroyed will be turned into aa acre of corn. The corn acreage will thus be ao enormous that while it is growing at leaat the Wall 1 street bulla can point to it with pride, True, froat may nip it in the autumn but Wall street is not , going to wait till autumn to dlsoount the corn crop, Wheat Market Is Sagging in the United States Fine Weather Is Cause. July.. September beeembar CHICAGO WHtHT VALUES. June I, . .87 11 .evw ... 1-00 1. Mar 81. Lose $ m $ .on k i.ooi .01 a 1.01 5 .001 1MM. 4 JM)4 Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr Jc Cooke Co.: ' DBSCBIPTIOaT. Amalgamated Gstpe Am. Car a round., en do preferred ,, Am. Cotton Oil, com.. Am. Loeomotlro, com. Am. Sugar, com...... & u. t . .. AM.. U Ul.l , . WIU , , . 00 prererred Anaconda Mining Ce. Am. Woolen, com... . 1 . m Huwu, mm......... do prererred........ Baltimore A Ohio, earn f Brooklyn Kapld Transit do preferred. Canadian Pacific, com ueeuai Lestoer, com... Chi. A O. W., com.... ChL. MIL A St. Paul.. Chi A N. W., com.... Chesapeake A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron, eom., Colo. Southern, com. . do 2d preferred do lat preferred Delaware A Hudson... Brie, eom.....,,....... ao 2d , prererred do lat preferred..... Illlnola Central Looiaville A Nashville. Manhattan Railway .... Mexican central nr.... M., K. A T., com do Dreferred DlatUlera , Great Northern ........ Mo. Pac National Lead ......... New York Central .... N. T. Ontario A W. ... Norfolk A West com. .. do preferred North American Northern Pac, com, .. Pae. Mall 8. S. Co. .. Penn. Railway Poo. Q., U A a Co. .. Pressed St. Car, com. .. do preferred Beading, com do Zd preferred do lat preferred Bop. I. A St., eom. ,. do preferred Bock Ialand, com. .... Bl. b s & r., com. . do 8d preferred do lat preferred .... So. Pact lie, com. ..... do preferred Southern B y, com. ... do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iroa . Texas a Pacific Tol,. St. L. A W. com. 'So preferred Union Pad He, com. ... V. s. Kubber, com. . do preferred ....... . 8. Steel Co., com . do preferred Wabash, eom. ........ do nreferred Western Union Tl. Wise. Central, com. do preferred Total sales for 6S I esv. H H 80 80 'ii" 'ii" 3S 38 68 SB 'ei" i8K m 'ib" 1264 1MK lUM 18 38' 'w" 22 U 22H alia 43 iei' iaa" 31 81 85 86 Ho ' iioi. 81 8IH 125H 128H 72 12 ibi'4 ioH 82 H 83 4 (Pub! latere" frees by Special Leased Wire.) e I Chicago, June 1. In wheat after a 4 I short period of strength to begin with, . there came very weak apota, aad the e market oloaed at a decline from to 4l Uo. Improvement of weather appeared I to bs the only substantial reaaon for 4 the weakness, nut oa tne otner nana 4 there was no startling news of freah 4 damage, and the bulla need to be fed 4 daily on sensations or they pine and 4b leave the herd. 4l Corn had a Mc decline, aad oats fell A I off from Mo to He. Provisions, notwithstanding some rea sons for strength, displayed weakneaa quite as marked as was being displayed by the grains. The market for wheat naa a nrm start The weather in the weat and northweat waa extremely favorable, In asmuch aa there was plenty of mois ture and somewhat higher tempera tures. The publlo cables were without special significance, changes in prices abroad alnee tne previous aay oe lng light Receipts in the southwest wero ss consplcuoualy heavier than thoae of the year before, aa has Dean the ease for month a. and tha elevator stock hers and at other centers were no mors la demand from mlllera than be fore. To the widely prevailing feeling that with bug damage, premature warmth la March, followed by so much freeaing weather sine and other unfa vorable occurrences there was little hops of anything but a poor yield must be ascribed the continued demand. The new feature of bull damage to the snrlns- wheat waa enough of a novelty to be one of the reasons for the early firmness. Local receipts were 18 ears compared with 188 year before. Minneapolis and Duluth received 48$ ears against 189 laat year. Liverpool reported futures from Hd to Hd higher; Paris was H higher aad Antwerp without change. Broomhall reported shipments of 780,000 buahels for -the week vompared with 848,000 bushels laat year. Australian shipments for the week were $78,000 bushels compared with 128,000 bushela the year previoue. Broomhall eetlmated that the world's shipments xor tne week will be 10,830,000 bushels. Liverpool stocks of .wheat Increaaed 188,000 bushels and 'flour decreased 4,000 bar rela since May 1. Near the . end of tne session July wheat got down to 8740 and at the cloae it waa 97 a. Corn had a firm opening at from Ho to o over closing figures of the day before. When weakness struck the wheat the other cereal waa similarly affected ao that from S4o and 84He for July corn at the beginning of the ses sion it slumped to 834o Inside the firat hour. Local receipts were 888 cara, which waa even more than the large estimate. Out of this total mentioned 750 cars were of contract grade. Shipments were 284.000 bushela. Liverpool reported fu tures Hd higher. Weather in the weat waa more favorable than of late. While the market continued rather heavy to the end it did not follow its leader in the extremity of that cereal's weakness and at the close July corn was S$He, or He down sines yesterday. Trade in the oats pit waa not up to the level of the last few daya Trade dragged and the pries did likewise. Hop Yards and Wheat Fields , IVeed More Moisture; to Insure Crops. . . Another good rain a soaking one Is badly needed la every part Of the Pacific northweat at this time. The ground is too dry already and vales rains atart aoon the wheat -crop will suffer from drought Thus far ths crop Is in the beat possible shape. The plant la free from vermin of any kind and with proper weather from this time forth a heavy production is expected. To properly till the land for potato eulture more rain la needed la the Wil lamette valley. Without additional moisture within the next week ft so the heavy inoreaae la the potato acre age will be out down considerably.. At this time the potatoes sre doing welL. New ones expected within a week or tWO. ': : , As stated in a previous report ths bop yards still lack cultivation, Ths abaencs of work In the yards is shown oa all sides la every dlstrlot Ths vines made very good headway Just af ter the recent rains fell but ths mois ture has not been sufficient be keep' tbem growing well unless ths yards are worked more. Strawberries were very badly hurt by the recent hot weather, ths lack of pickers in every district causing enor mous losses to the growers aad cur tailed ths output to a considerable ex tent Local sherries are ripening fast anal with continued warm weather will goon bs shown la abundance. Prunea are looking well and la fact ths proapects for all kinds of fruits except strawberries were never bettvr than at this time, . Apples at Festival. (Special Dispatch to The JearaeLf Hood River. Or- Juas 1. In ths course of ths strawberry festival given by th olttsens of Hood River la honor of the delegates to ths stats grange and visiting members, each guest was presented with a Newton or Bpitaenberg apple which bad been kept for ths oc casloa since laat October by A. I. Ma son, an erithualaatlo member of ths or der at Hood River. Ths apples were perfect $( of them fining a bos, and were pronounced to bs ths finest ths grange members had ever seen.' Irreroeot Cottea KarkaS, UvemooL J out 1. Oottoe futures closed SUA I points ap; middlings 10 points lower. v , HAPPY SCIENTISTS Afternoon Scenes in Reading Boons . - of the First Ouurclu ' 138 H 1! 81 88 24 i 81 63 78 111 87 40 138 30 83 87 W 23 88 8 39 U4 16S!ltt"4 om. ,.l da7227.800 123 121 iie 8 ol 100 08 34 18 87 87 lUJllQfc 46 133 22 33 shares. 2 33 by Overbeck, July Reptember .. December .... - 49 ber ..... 80 88 r 41 41 Lew, 7 W 100 88' M 60- il 89 41 Owe. T 100 ft vayvut STATES QQVIKOTrarT 8KHTPJ. Kew Tork, Juas 1. Government bonds: S 'i Date, t Bid. Asked. Twos, registered .......... 1905104 J04 do eon Don 1980 104 100 2 Threes, -registered .......... 19H 103 . 108 da aounos .............. r 191$ 103 lO Threes, small bonds , ..1918 107 four, regiererea, new-.... jat Fours, reglatered. eld ...... 1907 128 do con dob 182S 12S IVm re. regtatared. eld ...... 19VT 99 do coupon ..,.,,.....,. 190T 101 rears. Phllloninea .. 1804 100 W Twos, PauaMrtesisteaad .... . 104 4e eauvoa ...... ..M ,l. 129 129 129 101 K4 Official quotations Starr & Cooke Cb.: Official Chicago .prices by Overbeck, Starr Open. High. 99 99 100 lot 101 103 CORN. fair 84 B4U September .... 84 84 December ..... 81 81 OATS. Jnlr September December MESS PORK. July .168T 1645 161T Septsmbar ....16SS 1688 1640 LARD. July 9J8 92T 91T Keptember .... 4S 847 883 October 933 833 933 SHORT RIBS. July 887 B8T September 803 908 ixvz&pooi, esAnr xarxzz. Liverpool, June 1. Official prices: WHEAT. . . June 1. July Te 3d September .......... 7a 4d CORN, i July 4s lld September 4s 10d 44) A 89 B 41B 1630 B 1640 B 91T B 935 833 N 877 893 877 883 Mar 81 Gain. 7a 8d 7S 4d 4a lld 4s 10d d d a i Xinaespolis Wheat kterket Minneapolis, June 1. Wheat, cloae, 99c July. From ths New Broadway Magaifn An elevator at the rear of the Firat Church of Christ Scientist on Central Park Weat New Tork, takes you to ths large free public reading room on the third story. Ws entered shortly after ths rooms were closed for ths aft ernoon.' v-r , - ,( There were still BO or mors people present, aad as wo moved from group to group I caught vividly a reflex of the spirit of Christian Science health, and happiness. Voices are pleasantly sub dued, but merry greetings paaa from group to group. Eyes are bright faces freah and smiling, handclasps hearty and sincere all Is animation, content ment and good will. , Ths Scientist looks yon straight in the eye, cheerily, hopefully, sincerely, and he must be a dull or bitterly preju diced man who can go forth from this buoyant atmosphere unatrengthened, un enlivened. uneJevated by Its Invigorat ing, refreshing atmosphere. There is no contrast no harshness, no snobbish ness, no spirit of aloofness or selfish ness, no aacetlsm. Surely this Is a pleasant religion; and Its worshipers are happy looking, healthy looking. prosperous looking! people. ordinarily there are few men present la ths reading-room. But Saturday aft ernoon you will find hers a orowd of men from all walks of life aad all ave nues : of aotlvlty la this great city brokers and financiers from Wall street, manufacturers- and merchants - from middle Broadway, men of the. profes sions,' excluding none, men from ths editorial sanctums of our great news papers, men at the heads of our lead ing Industrial and commercial enter prises. . : . ' ' xj They seem to prefer ths restful, spir itual atmosphere of these rooms to the amusement of ths Saturday afternoon matinee. Duluth Wheat Market Duluth, June 1. Wheat close: July 31.01 bid. the presidency. In Illinois' the Republicans ars prepare. lng for aa It-months' hot campaign, la which the principals will bs ths aspir ants for Albert J. Hopkins seat la ths senate, ths candidate for governor snd ths minor stats offices, congress and the legislature. Not the leaat of all ia the atruggle for control of the Illi nois delegation to ths Republican na tional1 convention, carrying with It ths chance to nominate Speaker Cannon for AmericanWationalBantt SAN DIRCO, CAL. SBamUBBBBBBUBmaUSBBUBBBBBBBBBBB Capital; (paid ap) tioo.000. arurpMs aad Va. rroflta f40,ooa. Officers and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Pres.; R. M. Powers, Vlce-Prea; H. E. Mills, Vlce-Prea; Chas. L WlUlama, Cash ier; L. 3. Rice, Assistant Caahier; E. Strablmaa. - ; Send Ts Tons raciflo Mortbwest Xtsaas -.4 Send Us four Visitors for Good Trealcent San Dieno's Mncral Resources 'The mineral weal Y. of San Diego county, though known to be great is largely undeveloped, and offers an eirelUnt field for the prospector and capitalist From one group of gold mines at Hedges over two million dollars lave t'.r taker out , Valuabls gems ars found la great varieties i.i r t r . county.