THE OREGON .SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1907. rr- CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. so so 291 i Kcrrison, Bet. 4th and . stn streets .SO 600 Mt a Aa Honest Pronnaltlna. . Th fear of bumbuf prevent many people irons caning unoa gooa nMian. Mr. i via, to frort ola cUlrvoyantpowere, (Itm This Swcrn Statement to All .' I( dors hereby solemnly acre and tomato to mat no raarge u a fall to leu your cam, occupatloa and what yon called for. II , will tell yoe whom and when Tou will marry and aow to win tba on yoa lor. Melvtn, aa a matter of dvartlment thta work, will glv bl celebrated , A: Readings for SO Cents Never before la tbe history of occult eclenr baa a aiaa at tlelvln'a professional standing . consented to place bl eervlce at tbe disposal , of tbe public for euro nominal eonaliler. ' tins. Realising that tbl city baa baea over rea wttb pretender and that man of tta ' brat eltlaana are anxious to visit a genuine clairvoyant and pslmltt, Melvln ha decided to place bl eooaaltattoa fee within reacb of ' ii . . . . . i Mr. Melvl ha nade a life Btudy of hi ! work ana la prepared la aaviae yon ana lit jo to natter wbat your troobloa are. la bit capacity there U no guesswork, ' Ymry procedure Is definite and exact and the result la certain, if on bare already nade a mints ka. tbrowa awy J"' Bwner and lost confide nee through dealing - with Bmch-edvertlerd and eelf-etrled palmists and clalrvnraats. and tbalr rbeen claD-traD meth ods, atari from tbe beginning and eooaatt Mr. IXSURAKCE. ISAAC L. WBITI. fir bMMM, - lei bide .., ,.. . , , ., . , ,, Hi She. BANKS VTTZ9 STATES YATXOVAI, . BAjTX 0? rORTLAlfB, OBJtOOW. nonnweet Corner Third end Oat Street. f Mil CD ST Traaaac W. L. PaOK. Insursar employers' liability, earety tmode, burglar and accldrat Mauraac. Phone Mala t2a. t04 Fill In bldf. IAS. Mel. WOOD, erorkyra liability aad to. I I da. I iet Oeaeral Bankta Baala. DR Ana IsaUHD A reliable la Alt Cltiea af the united Stat and In rope, Hongkong and Manila. Collection mad ea favorable Term. President.....,,, ,...J. 0. AINSWUllTil ICsshlsr , R. W. BCHMrrn VIce-ITeeldeut....... R. LB A BAHNES lAselatant Caehter W. A. IIOLT .: Aaatatant Csshler A. M. WRIGHT ' . " AOS TILTOM, BAVKEBS YerUaad, Oregoa, CHAIR AND TABLE Simple Manner. ABC, sail a. wvira-, aisnvTWi liaitiillw n WW dividual accident security bond of all kinds. - none 7. so VcKsy bldg. 1 4hf VJPJa 'I w. if. La do. c. n. LAim. Kstahllabed IK. ATlIEll AND FINDINGS. CHARLKS U MART1CK 4k CO.. rroat and Oal r., learner ana Mine er every deemptioa j all porpoaeat eole and tap eatterai flndlnee. . r - . Tranaaet a Oeneral Baaklna Itoatnaea. . lATINO BANK prPABTMFftT. ' alnf keek 1 tm nod ea aaelnaa denoatra. Inrereat pajd on time depoelra. ' ' .. M UOXAVTS1 ATI01At BAlfK Pertlaad. Orefea. . rnB waiBu.....,..rreineoi B. W. BOTT.. Ca ablet C. CATCHING... f.. eoood Anel.tent C'aahle I R. I.. DDRnAM. ........ .......Tke-rToaMen j 6E0R0K W. HOTT.........Aaltant Caebler LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for aale AH klada. Iaetodla appro red roreet re eerie ecrlp for eareeyed, na arrayed, timber and prairie (rererament lead. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. .MONUMENTS. NEC EINOSLET. - J6 Pint at. Pvrtlaad leadlnt Barbie and granite work. Traaaacto a Genera 1 Panklnr Baalneaa. trafra and letter of Credit laroed Available to ' , AH Parte of tbe World. Collection a .apeclalty. TXS BAKX OF CALIFORNIA TetoMlahed l(of. Read Office. Oaa mnolaoa, Oallfemla. Capital paid ap 14.000.000 nrplna and andlvlded profHa.....flO.IU.STS Oeaeral Baakln and Raetianc Baalaea Tranaacted. Inrereat ea Time Depoalta. K, A VINOS fiRPARTMENT Areoant nay b eneaed of (10 and apward. , Portland Breach Cbamner of Commerce DntMlne. Wf. R. MACRBA.. Manarer I 1. T. B0RTCH A ICIX. ...... Aaeletant Manaeer FIRST KATIONAt SAVE Portland. Orafm Oldeat Katlooal Bank, ea tbe faeUM Oaaat . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. DBPOSIT8. fH.OOO.OOaOS. ,v ; A. L. MIf.t.S. ......... ,...,.,,..',pree1detit W. O. ALTORD. .Aeeletaet Oaahler I. W. NBWK1RR Caehlef B. f. KTETENfl, Second Aaatatant Oaehlar. At a coat of mora than $50,000 the central mualcal "Plant" ha been eatab- a wo Amcies uomDinra in One la hat fan. The Inatrument la virtually perfected and In a ahort time It 1 ex- pee tod th company will ba ready to In . houaeholda where anara mm la I Oiiar 1U musical ware to the public at a premium th combination chair At n0 00,t th houaebolder. ftat and table ahown her would ba found !w,ll,r w rHttUMnl troprlotor may axcaedinfly uaeful. Like the foldlna telharmonlo Inatalled.' connected hoif. It ran - Kei inotenrlv ' than . I by wire with tha central inatrument or either purpoaa raqulred. ... Tha Improved I -mmtaa, and by almply puahlnr muale. Tha Inatrument that will be placed In tha home la a. amall affair. and can eaally ba hidden by a grouping i iiuwiri or punua pianiB, r our MONUMENTAL BRONZR ' CO. Moat darabi grave beadatooaa. Rooai 1Z SCI Rtark at. BIUSICAL. TIUJSfT1 dOMT ANTES ' TBI WEBBER STUMO MaadoHa. beaj. faltar Jaetroctloae. 4Wyk Waablmtoa at, PIANO, vlolla, cornet, trombone, clarinet. Pro. feaaor B. A. Smith. 854 12th at. Mala 4T0S. mAchtnert. Melvta. II will teU jro f dltloa and what yoa may i frankly year coo- yoa may aipect. If notblna ran ba dona for yoa, ba will not take' one cent of t oor mosey. - Be doe ot adrertlee one thtnf and do I anotber. bat elands ready to aaake aood every ; llae of tbl adTertlaetneat. ' ADTICI ON BrSIKEHS, LOVE, COURTSHIP I ,-v;'.:. : ,s-t . AND MAKKIAGE,' ' Re will teech yoa to faednate any ea yea 'V antra, even tbough thoneanda of tnllae awar; bow to make yonr enemlee yoor friend ; . nakea yoa aacceaafal la yoar baalnrea aad aoaltlvelr eomplata yoor bualnea la aa day. - nia extraordinary power of aecond atxbt. , . rooiblned with a eu per lor knowledge of occolt . forrea, eneble hint to reed liumaa life with voerruig occwracy iron iBiency w ouj i i Learn What Is Before You Hie advice pertaining to lov. law, boat. area, wiua, eatatee. baying er ceiling prop r erty. apecnlattoa, lovaetmenta, Barriagea, dl vorcaa, etc, la eneqnaled. He reanltee tue ' eeparated, ranaea apevdy and bappy marrlagoa wiut toe one yoa love, givea truuirut rrvoia ,' Una of all krre affalra, reatoree kmt affeo tlon, eettlee lovera' fliiarrele, telle how to wla tbe Baa or woman yoa love, niakee yoar ba . band or wife trae to yoa, overcome all one. - ailea. and Bake a pereoa at a dlataace think wf yoa; tails yoa name of friends aad enemlee . who to rroe and who la false; telle- yoa i wnoat and wbea yoa win Barry, giving names. da tee, facta and location, taking no fee la advance, accepting bob galeae eatlafactloa ia alvea. B. TREKKMAN eV CO-Mtalo. aawmlll. Iee , glng nachlnery; hydraulic plpaa, raatlafl ail - kinds repaired. 1H Nona Foarra at . THFJ H. a ALBER CO. ecood bsod ' Ma chinery, sawmill, ate. Hi Oraad are. ... A. J. PATJT-. 100 Drat at., a eomplet line aaw-1 OEORGB H. RILL.. Bill machinery: also englnea and boiler. leebjsBaj ii , i as, , sat ii0m00miar.itjim,0 i0i00iia000,ii S "RTXAJfD TRVST COMPART OP OREOOW-The Oldest Treat Oomoaay M f-' HESOURCK OVER 12.000.000, Oeaeral Banking. Two per cent Interest oa rteck ee " eoaata (even bendrede) ea daily balaacea of $800 or aver. Letter- of credit aad lehanre n ell parte nf th world. Uselnrs accounts, Tim certificate. S ta 4 per eentt ahort -cetl pedal cvrtlflcetee. $.VX) er ever, m to 4 per rent . Call for Book of "ILLPTRAT10NS." rVMitheaat Corner Third en Oak Rtreeta. Phone Private Exchange 72, RR!T. I. COI1CN. .................. President I H. f PITTOOK...,. TTce-Preoldeeit B. I. KB PAOET. aecretsry ( j. a OOLTB A AaehrUat Recretary SEOVRtTT SATTHOS ft TEXTS T COXPAKT 2 Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. - ' . Tramwcte a Oeneral Banking Bnalaea. 8AVIN0" DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed ea Time aad Saving Aceonata. Acta aa Tmetee for Eats tea. . Draft aad Letter ef Credit Available on Ail Tart ef th World, . ..r, C P. ADAMS ..President I U A. LEWIS ..flrvt TttO-Prealdeat A. L, MILLS ....Second Vlre-Pree1deat I R. O. JUBITl. Seoretary . OBO. E. RUHBBLL Aaalstant tteeretary lajai i i i no . ' ' "; '' ' - .-".j. fcv r S IRLX OTAEAWTrX ft TRUST OOarPAJrT-24 WMhtsgtoa Street, MORTOAUB LOANS ea PortUnd Real Berate at Loweet Bate. i. . Till Inaored. A tie tracts rnrnlsbed. J. THORBtJRrt ROBS..., ...... ....President I JNO. B. AITrHIROK...!. ."...Reeretary 1 metr m n nww wes rt...n a. I aaa saj eevnm a naa m MH..T ICW-g'rfiaWIW J li li BlJpRnjtfil,MilUtlMtilATllWreT MONET TO LOAN. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS SALARY TTIArf ' HBADQITARTERR. LOANS TO EVERT ONE WORKINO. " LOWEST RATER IN THE CITY. REBATE give if paid before due. Oct IIS, pay back 11.00 per week. Get fin, pay back ft.SO per week. Get 120, pay back 11.00 par week. Oet 140, psr hseh $8.20 per week. OTHER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. STATE SECTJRITY CO., ... 104 DEKUM BLDO. Boar a. b. to f P. au St tarda y, tin I p. m. i MONRY TO LOAN Oa tin proved city aroperty er far betiding ' perpoaea. for from S to 10 yearr time, wlra privllece to repay all er pert ef baa after j two year. Loan approve: from piaa an i IM ORRIS BR0TKZRS Chamber ef Oeaawroe BaOdlng. ' MaalHpal. Rafrroad aad Pnblle Sets It Corpora tloa Boad. DOWjnirO-HOPXIjrS COMTAXr laUWUked 1-X0XZRS. ,-,,,.L'. .'. v irroCKS. BONDS, ORAIX Boagbt aad Sold for Cast aad ea Margin.', Privet Wtree. : ' " BOOM 4 CHAMBER Of COMMERCE. Phoae Mala ST. s CHAIR AND TABLH C0M9INKD. ' article of furniture would probably b I I moat 'appreciated in the kitchan. ' Whea I the tabj la not raqulred It can ba quick ly converted ' into a chair by almply turning back the top. The large apace required for the table la thua dlapenaod with, an additional chair being alao pro vided. Tha top of the-table in this I combined piece of furniture aJao con atitutaa the back of tha chair. mm . WA ! 7 3,BCI I.V il -ISnJ ' . A m Pfil 7 -: WM '11 1 I - Mm A, j XI , a. & w r im cf 11 XX gride' of : rnualo ' will 1 be .vallabla grand operai pipe organ,' oroheatrai or piano, ... ,-: s, i. : : Canadian Pacifi(5 Excursions . ' On June a, 7 aad $ Very low exourelon : rated will be in effect via the! Cana dian Pacific. If your. tlckta read via thia "great acenlc route," you may see tbe Fraaer and Thorn peon river canona. The VaHey of the Illeclllewaet,' , Albert . canon. ., -.-... . . The Great Glacier of the Selktrka. Banff the BeautifuL , . ' . For ratea and full particular apply at the local office, .ltt Third atreet. . u u ' It 0 Jr. Morrow VM-Leao KAXSI TXJBAJT nonia TA . . . Throngk - the xtervetia aya- .- ayatazn. It Urn jrarely getaoie oonpeiuuk -Contain no olla er fata or any arug tnat ia injurloua or .iaoi to prvauoe a nabit IT IS THE CRXATEtT TONIC IN TUX WORLD Eacn Dottie conuino a month'a treatment and coata . ., i.v at any nrat-claaa drvg atore. Prepared by th ANTI-LEAN UEDICINE CO. Oregonlaa ldg, Portiaad. Or. . , i Orerbeck, . Starr & Cooke Co.! t6 sUnf, PR0YI8I0JTS, COTTON, STOCKS AND -BONDS. . . . WI DO m BTSictlt owsiauBBiua aumar a. SCIENCE NOTES Oonllnaoa Markets by Private Wire. Oalck Rervlee. REPBRENCBR Udd ft Tfltee, Baafeara, aad United BUtea National Bank ef Portiaad. RUBBER STAMTS. money advaaced a balldlng progreaaea; gee taken en and reniarea. -FRED H. iTTtONO. FinancUl AgeH. r. 0. STAMP WORKS. 4 Aider t.l pbea Mala 110. Rahher etampa. aesls, etoeena; nag rise. ' trade ebeckat brass alga sad plate. . glvea. . In Confidence There Is abeolately ' aa aocarate method , whereby be oaa keep tbe fall list ef the won derful Uilnc that hare bcea accomplished and are aow day by day being broagbt around to brighten tbe aad beart of the many who have -been fortunate eaoogh to call oa him, almply . because tbe aetore of the bnndred of differ ent things that bl wonderful power baa ae . compuaued, aucb aa winning the love of yonr heart's desire, or bringing about all manner of privet affalra, hi so astounding and ef each a great secret net or that after tbla eeerct power haa once gained yoor desire yoa aatar . ally feel a hesitancy about area treating yoar v bosom friend, knowing that yoar great bappi aeaa Is simply tbe eanae of hla power, out there have baea many who, eat of pure grati tude and appreciation, have .allowed them- aelvea t ley aalde tbl prld of secrecy and taken him' Into their confidence ef bspplnesa. Whll lis bold all auca Information secret . which la strictly, prof esskmal, aever revealing to a living mortals, yet be feem tboagh It I a duty te blmeelf and to' tbe virtoes of the power he ejosssssec to g)a yoa a little eat line of ble record which bee barn brought around . dnrlng tbe laat year enamf. December, 100A, by him. Yet be reveal no aanjes or tecrat, only th bare facta. . V 721 marriage ; 142 ae para tlon a, without aav after trouble, came by the mutual consent of opposing partlea; located 10 burled treaasirea; located It wllla and 11 deeds; eueeeea In g a bat- lea aio pensions; reunited lis eeparated; mn helped 182 Investors; there have been 714 esse of such print aature that he doe pot feel Ilk classifying; In fact. It eafrice to only ay there I o heart so aad or wiah too CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa aalarlee, tnaaranje policies, ptanoa. rnraltore. waraeoaee rereipra, etc. i eny deserving pereoa may ssiara a MV - aval advance, reps ring by easy weekly ef irrnmniT rnaxaiimeora. NEW ERA IOAN ft TRTTST COMPANY, 208 AMagtoa bldg. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PWOPt.B aad ethers noon their ewe names wl timet aecor lty; ebespeat ratea, easiest paymentet office rn oo nnnetnal cine; aare voerssir hy yetting nor terma fl ret. TOLMAN. 228 Abtngtae bldgH WANTED Notee.' ajiortcaga er euntisets ea y kind ef reel eetet ta Or roe and waan I06U Third at , Booriyq. ITW BOOPINO. gatterln. repalriag aad geaaral lobbina. J. LnalL Sit Jefferaoa at. Pa. 1424. "' BIOK3 AND 8HOW CAltPg. , " FOSTER ft KLElSEsV-SIONS. Wa have bnllt aa the largeat lga boat (a th city by flrt-ela work end keeping ar premise. Oar price are right. Ptfta aad Everett t. Phoae Bichaage SB. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT Portland Slga Oa, SST Stark at. Phone raeine loae. fcigtoa; seeoad inortrsgea pitretieaed ff arell H. IB. Noble. BIS Dsmmerci! bib. DON'T bo- w ofiev on aate ontll y Button Credit Co. - SIS Dekam bldg. ' MONET to toaat ' large loea apectaltyi ah . nallfling loana; loweet retort fire In are nee. wiuum u. uect. aia railing eidg. CRESCENT l)AN CO., 42S Mohawk bldg. Money to lead oa eaev-psvment plaB to wage- earners; etnetiy eonnnenuai. - MORTOAOB leen at eorrerrt rata) a . Biiseina. Colombia Treat vompaay, ; Lamber Exchanre bldg. , r ' MONET to loea ea an klada ef aeeortty. WO- llssi Hon, room a Waahtagtoa bldg. ' TO LOAN Sum to salt ea chattel aeeortty. i A. Frame, 814 the Marqnam. 8TEXOGRAPHERS. P0BLIO stsDofrsphsr and trpawrlta. Mala 1ZT1. tu pekam bug. Phoa SAFES. "PORTLAND SAFE CO.- eol geata far Bsc-ling-Mall-MarvIn aafea and Manganese Steel ' 8s fe Co.'s bank aafea; 20 second-head fir. roof aafea aad tank seres, very caeapi see proof aa them or writ a. M Beveatb at. DIEBOLD Magaaeee Safe La rr llae carried. Lock-Oat Opened. Jacks, Jails, Metal Fur : nlrar. Bonest price and Oooda. . Berk 1. m. davio, ea Tnira v phone. STREET PAVDfQ. QDICR loan oa TI aecnritle. R. W. King. 45 Waahlngtoa bldg. Mala 8100. . ON ssortgag. 2200 to tS.OOOt east as para only. warn, lawyer, aiiasy Diag. A TOAN for th asking Salary er ebattoL Tbe LeattvCe.. 410 Dekum bldg. WARREN Ooaatreetloe Co., atrset pavtag, Biae- walka aad eroaalnga. S14 Lamber axcaaage. - Air Brakes for Autos. AJr brakea may replace the preaentl me.thod la general use on automobllea, the compression betrur aecured direct from the motor 'cylinders without the uae of ny compression machinery. . It la estimated that approximately one I a ) - e . a a I aiu vi sue vnsi m w r or a A I 51 CK 51 I II II I would be reaulred to work the com- 1IIUJIIU l.WII pressor. By the direct method thlg loss would he entirely eliminated. 1 - i, - t t. , . "'. i 'j - . Quickly and Permanently Cured - TRANSPORTATIOlf. EXCURSIONS S TRIPS B. sV sTpokaaa, rtu 14, U Jmly IS, M Aag. , QMOa, sTTUy IS. sTOBLI BOTXTB. U. 0. enattoy.:... .rae 1 S. a rraaldaat... ..... 4 aV JsL AXAJBZA BOTTTB. ' Brown Sugar in Mortair, Bxperlments are being made with brown sugar, which ia eaid to greatly lncreaae the adhesive properties of mortar. Equal part of aand and lime are mixed. . , . ' Electrlo Bath. Aa electric bath la which the patient ia oeiugea with eiectno sparks a foot long ia announced to work wonder by I You Can Pay When My Experience . : TWENTT-TTVBJ years tjf suo ceaeful . practloe la lien's ZMaeaaea enable 'me to appl the proper : methods and medl olnea.1 treat Varicocele, Hy droeela, Contracted Disorders, Specif io Blood Poison, PI lea and Stricture restoring all af fected organs to normal and healthy action la tha shortest possible apace ef time. . . My Fee $10 Za rraoh eases aat corns to ma be fore complications develop. . ,.: ..;"? tkafwar, Bitg, laraeatt and way porta. l announcea to wotk wonaera py stoAUag p. aa. , - olebrated French aclentlata. . Hardening ar m m srV.I m mm " mm Mtw mt susLiaie ae.. is as I ireauneoi. CAB -TBAjrOZSOO BOXTTB. S a. at. rxom SeaMila. . , Auto Bon by Springs. The Kew Tork Inventora are building an auto which they declare will have TBS Barber Asphalt Paving Oa. ef Portland. ornee aoe Worcester pis. ?. 1H hope eaane ; be apeedlly j MONET Maaed to anlarled peonle Just on yonr realised fay the force of thia wonderful Dower. 1 ..n.?.a-. ...n .u - rr evatem la the- beat for railroad men, clerks, bookkeeper. tttrr men and ill other arn plorea; boelneea etrlctlv cooflflenrlal. F. A. Newton. CU Bnrhsntu bldg SSS Waahlngtoa. -I BOW TO OVERCOME ALL TROUBLES. ' . Tour Wish and Object la Ufa Can B Ob- tabled. - " i- i. Tb AU-Wlae Creator did not eadow 'yoa with high Idea, noble aspirations, deeire for bapplnesa and retura for that great love Crav ing within your beart without at the same time placing wltbln yoar reach th mean of Attaining thMtt Hailn, Vmi MmM n. ImIm a ning u yoa wer not capable or attaining I uhclb Himir loan ornce, is nira at.. spnirruALisM MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, reliable SnlrlMal read' inga daily at sua Aiisay oiag.j circle i ues- daye and Friday at S p. m l Zbe. Phoa Padfle 2835. - MONET to loan on teat tate. chsttel mort- gsgea or personal aeenritynote booght. L C. w. raiiett, no reaton oiab- MRS. SHAVER, Sptrltaal . ld at, corner Tenth. reader. 420 Bora- TYPEWRITERS. it A , SECRET TOTJ SHOULD KNOW, THB There I a rower latent wlthla every Indi vidual, which. If properly applied, will nable eecb person to attain th height or hi or bar v ambition. Melvln can ton yoa bow to control and ea that power to gain success and bapplnesa. If yoa wish to eucceed la any bualnea under taking, consult him sow... He canput yoa oa tbe right road. 'If roe desire to wla la love. or be reunited with eoroe from whom eome trouble or estrangement separatee you, he can ' aad will help you to gala tb desire of your beart. Are you area or Ming poor and living 7 a 'tram nana-to-moatir- existence t ir couanlt him and b will bow yoa a better i : Wy. - i . Tb wis as every mean to Compass vlc . tory; thousands have heea helped. If yoa are j , la trouble or any aina, unuappy, sot satlsrted la life, have domestic love or business trou ble, yoa will be told bow to overcome them au. vau today. near Alder, established 1870; eld pd re- nanie; any amount loaned ea watcnea uia- aaeuQS, jewelry ana oesissins, s OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAXS. DB LtLLEBBLLB PATTERSON. apeeUllat ea , nervona. acate and efarenle dlaeaaee. Offlo 217 Fentoa bldg. Phon Pacific 1190. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg Third and Waahlngtoa sta. : Phoa Mala 3. Eiamlnttloa free. PLUMBERS. FOX CO ftanltar Matn and Salmoa. Blambera. 281 Seeoad. bet. Oregoa pboae Mala 2001. DONNKRBERO it BADBMACHEB removed fa . Na B03 Borasido L PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. .JLow..Fcc F. - KEAD1N0 THIS WEEK. ' REMEMBER THE If AMI. 50 c BRACH CO. Th Pioneer Pslnt Oe. ew ria Phone ISS4. PRINTTNO. I THB MODERN PRINTER! Artistic artotlag. 24 KDssel bldg, Foorta and Mornaoa. Pboaa Padfle 1B2S. . THE BENSON. ' " 281 H Morrison., near Fifth. Hours, 10 I - - to 8 p. m. -Sunday. 2 to 0, , tf . . PHONE MAIN 7246. ' BAMONA. TRUB PSTCHIC. A a matter of adrertlseroent and to eon-1 J. vine you that I am one of the few prophet nd dead trance medluma that has been in Portland for an roe time, my charge will lie reonced irom so to 1. Tins small fee wui .. prove to yoa my wonderful power to read you and foretell events that will happen to . yoa tor year in tbe future, witboot you ' speaking one word I win tell . you name of yourself, - friends, relatlres, tell you Jant whet yoa cam for, tell you of love, sick ness, dee tha. business, anecnlatlod. Invest ment, etc. r My wonderful power to beat . tha alrk bar been demonstrated and tested for year. Are you rick) lot should come ,' at once; It coets nothing to see and consult me. am permanently located at my own bom. 2S2 Beveatb at., betweee Main and j Madlaoa sta. Ko sign. Phone Mala 7033. - i . . .,.AIwaya Consflt the Beat. - PROFESSOR KHIMO. Oreateat living astral dead-trance clairvoyant of th age; adviser oo bsalnesa and all af fair of Hfet tell your full nam and. what yoa called for. whom- you -will marry, how . to control the oa yoa lore, evea though miles away: .reanltee tbe operated: give secret power to control: dor all others advertlae to do. lino re 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Office No. S and 4, Grand Theatre bMr.i SB2Vh Wash., aear Park at, Plion Mala 1207. OOII.BE8 BROS., printer Card. b11Ihad. ate. Pboae Mala 18BS. 148 First at - - REAL ESTATE. PA BRIBE., W ATKINS CO., 290 ALDER ITT. Reel estate, rental, loan and Insurance. We make a epeclalty of handling rental and property tor resiaente ana non-residents. uetaTjusnea ibiz. rnoae jnain io. HEADQUARTERS for eew and rebuilt type : writer ef all mskss; see ear window I If yoa ere going to buy a new typewriter see ae be fore buying; we can save yoa money; w hare parte for rerwlrhut all machines) state agente for tbe Visible Post we bay all kind if typewriter. Tb . Typewriter aicoaag. '., B. J. anise, manager, a tots at. BLiCkJENRDERrBR Typewriter Agency! sag. pllraWepalr. Raleigh bldg., ntn aaa wB. PtlBLIO 8TENOORAPHEB. TRANSFER AND -HAULING. a O. PICK, office 8S rtnrt t., betweea Stark , and Oak ate.) phone '808. Planoa and fnrnl ' tor moved and packed Jor shipping: None dlooa brick warehouse with . eenarato, Iroa room. Front and Clay tv ." OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 Worth Sixth t," phon Mala 60. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAOQAOB TBANSBER CO. Storage. 824 Stark at. Mala 407.- , PENINSULAR ' Expree A Baggag Tri 347 Alder t. Phoa Mala 2171. Clew mW vai.viA mmm-m m mm aao. o.., ! ! ! wi i? no angina, the motive power being fur- VmattfUa atay x SO al'bed by aprlnga, - which, aa they un- - visa, r eajjraoiea u opora.1 on us City Cfllce, S4I WMhlagtoa SI ' principle of clockwork. Kach .aprlng will be 10 feet long, S inches wide and 1-10 inch thick, aad in the process of unwinding la to turn tha rear wbeela 14 tlmea, eaual to a travel of 4,760 feet for the auto; each epring to give out one nair noraepower, aad, with a suf ficient number of aprlnga, the rest is I With stop-over privileges. The beat pronounced .easy, The winding up is I ef everything via to oe fluickiy done at a power station. Chicago & North-Wtstern Ry. Eiectno Mnsio. THB DOTJBLB TRACK LIKB. Announcement la a rain made that wlthla a ahort time the long-promised Address R. V. Holder. Gen. Agt, 111 electrical mualcal inatrument, the tel- Special Low Rates East June 6-7-8 Contracted ' ' Disorders . Every case of eon traoted disorder , I treat Is thoroughly . cured. , My patients have . no relapaea. When I pronounce a case cured -Uhere Is : not a particle of in fection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there ia ' not ' tha ellghteat danger that the dlaeaae will re turn. Ko contracted disorder ia ao trivial aa to warrant uncer tain method ' of treatment, and I So-Called 'Weakness' My curee ef thia die-, order"ara permanent and lasting. No ton loa v that aumulate temporarily, but thor-,r e u g h 1 y scientific treatment for the ra.' moral of oonditiona reaponalble for the functional derange ment "Weakneaa" la merely a symptom at Inflammation er con geation In the proe tate gland, aad un der my ; owa original local treatment this gland is promptly re- SB. .YATXiOB, . tha Teeadlng apeolaUat . Third street, Portland, Or, Ho! For Astoria o on FastSteamerTcIegraph Daily (exeept Thnrsdaya). LeaveaAldet street dock T a. m. ;, Hon MAZaf mbl harmonic, ia to be in full operation In New York. This is an inatrument for the transmission of tnuslo from a cen tral keyboard to the homes, hotels, I reatauranta ana puciio places of a city. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Saadereoa'e Oom pound Savla and Cottoa Boot Pllla. Tb beat nd only reliable rtaiedy for ! LATKD PBRIODS. Care the most ahWsi-lshssah Bl Ae. n I rrk $2 pf box. naiWd fa puis wrapfkr. Addrwa Dr. T. J, FIBC III fin 9HnH, rwllllO, VfffOaaai peclally aoiiclt those stored to lta. normal CtTslltrilUtlon And mooo that ntW Am. . ...i. .-a VWUiUIWMUB . mu functional activity la the laat in g reault -" eaaes that other doe- , tors have beea un able to cure. Varicocele ' X uae neither knife, Ilgaturea nor cauatle in my treatment for Varicocele. I poal- ' tlvely cure Lhla dis order in one week by an absolutely painless method ' and without detaining the patient from buaineaa. Strlctnre My method of curing stricture is new and entirely original No cutting or dilating The atricture ia dis solved and entirely removed and all af fected membranes ar thoroughly cleanaed. Advice Free Come and have a pri vate talk with me con cerning your ailment. Even if you : are not prepared to undergo treatment at thia time. Z aaa always give help . ful suggeatlona to men who axe dlaeaaed or weak. , If yoa cannot eome to Portland write for particulate of my system- of home . treat ment. ' : Colombia River Ocenery uoTrisATom ixxm gnoAxxsa. Dallr eervlce betweea Portland aad TV. Dalle, except Bandar. hMvlna Portland .at T a. Bl, arriving about Bp.., carrying freight aad passengers. Splendid aceoaaoMda tlone for outits tad livestock. Dork foot ef Alder et Portland! foot Ooart at. Th Dalle. Pboa Mala 914. Portiaad. J. W. OQTLBEB, real eatate and loan: eetae- Habed IfSS. 146 H nrst at., room u. SPHINX AOENCT, dealer. In reel estato ad rental. S0S4 Stark at. Mala Clod. FOR FARMS OP EVERY DERORIPTTON, W. W. ERPET, SIB Oammerelal bldg. SHOWCASES AND ITXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every descrtptlont bank. War nd store flxtare made to order. Tbe Lutae Manufacturing Co, Portland. '' - B. H. BIRDSALL. designers srent M. Winter Lumber Co. T Hsmtltne bid. Main fiMO. PR EH TKST- " i". ' FBEB TEST. CONSULT THB RESTIT WILL BB THE i . CHEAPEST IN THB END. ; la order to eoavtno yoa tliat I am the , taoat wonderfully developed clairvoyant la Asaerlca, I win give you a ; i PREg TEST. PROP. NIBIA "r 80844 Wssblngtea st MlfS MAT ANDREWS Card reaJUag. 29. Slath U ooroer Mala. .. w ti- ESS PROPESWa WALLACE. Pnetland'a fsvorite elttlrvorant. pslrolst and fiia; readln. 25c til Morrhwa, corner " Wrsaia. ; . J IS canta. Classified Ads In Tbe Jourriaibpeach the people in the great Oregon country at the right time. " Rates for Classified A ' . ' Advertisements Count alz worda to the Una) ' One cent a word each tnaertion. - More than two insertions, B cents per Una each laaertion. By the week, JO centa per Una ( daya). No advertisement taken for less tbaa ' OL8EN-ROB TRANSFER CO Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Rhea screen. General transfer and atorsge; aarea. piano nd fnrnttnr moved, pecked aad shipped. zua us I at. jsoin pDonea. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brusn, eoan. 11 per month. . Portland taandry Tewel Supply Co, Ninth end Coaen. Phone 410. ' WHOLESALE JOBBERS. , tub nREGON CHEG8B CO. (INC.) CHEESR. BrTTEK. bums, etc., aairy proa acts noagnt or handled on . commission. ' izo -irth at. (SwetUnd bldg.), Portland, or. M. A. OUN8T CO., DISTRIBUTORS OP FINE CIGARS. . - , PORTLAND. OSEOdN. . ' iv mm NO FARRELL. arodoca and mission merchant. 140 Front at.. Portiaad. Or. Phon Mam im nnitnoN rilRNITDRB MANTJFACTDRINO OO. Manufacturer of furnltur for . tle trade. ; Portland. Oregon. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocere, maaa. - faetorere and eommlastoa msrctisBta. Fourth snd Oak t. '.: . s FCBNITCRR manafacturtng and special order. L. Baveaaky' furnltur factory. SOT rroat at. ALLEN A LEWIS', commission and produce ner- ebaata, rroat no uana ate., rortiaao. or. WHOLESALE crockery and -glaaawar. Hegele m Co, Portiaad. Oregoa. Prael, ). W. SIMPSON. S0 Waabtngtoa st Whole- . eel dealer ta grain and bay. . EBHEME and other drug habits are positively cured by HABITiNA. nvt aypoarrmia or internal use. rSainplo aent to any drug habitue by FTVpA maiL Regular price S2.00 per bottle '' at your dmgglHt or by mall in plain wrapper. Delta Cfccaalcal Co SL LonJa. Ale yor rati by Skldmor Drug H3., Ul Third St., Portiaad, Orgv JOURNAL YANTS PAY, BEST mm CGee Wo 7wbrai. eUJretehafy. BJTW Tarraat'a Extract Oopeib la OA nsseWe,afcaBdcersstfAearfn gonorrhoes. glesK wnisaa . ate. uay to toka, eoavenieat to carry. Fifty soar ao sfi a.. Prioafl, as Row a Martin'. . UIO Waahlnatoa ..Portland, Oregon l er by mall frora . Tb Tarrant 44 Hudaoa L. Ww , tork. Honrs 9 A.M. to 9 P. M. Sqnday. 10 A.M. to I tf.M.Only StSr?I.THE DR. TAYL0K co.ii Morrison Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon ff f vvfvvvvw vet ttttt.t rvrfffff y The WelLXaawa Ballaale CHINESE mmk mm J . Mh doctor Hat mid it lift ta&j mt root bc1 btrb. aad to that rndf Qc6rt4 anS to ctviaaT " uit wuiiu amm wuuuerini rwmsaf I iia. BO MEROVRT. POISONS OR DIWOS T8ED WITHOUT TUX AID OF A KMIx's. ffa rnsrsBteea , to tir. f-. t -.m. Lnng. Throat, Rbsamstarav .Wei-vpasuesa, Nervnns , fl.hl'ltv anm.t, ' tUm-J . tri-. .rnvaimi sivo uimg menofloa,v remaia w sta res ana ah meat inseisea. ' ' A SURE CANCER CURE Just Reoeived From Peking, Ohm Safe. B aad BeliabI. .. W Ton ABB AFFLICTED. v D0NT DELATyi nn.ivs sura MiMisiin "I If yoa cannot .can. writ far armotois blank ana circuur. jneios eenrs in sumos. CONSULTATION FREE TEX a EX WO CETJfZSX MIDICOIX CO, ? cms sw, vw, ssusnoau. Portiaad, Orsgon. Flaaae atoatiea Tbb Paper. Fook Sang & Co. I 44'r I MT TU CHONO, Mgr. i231 Alder St. Portland v Pore, Beautiful Jadt T I and Blsrnet Rlna-e of ail descrlptiona made to or. der. . American oame engraved v in . Chlnea charactera ton pure a-old ad-luck ring anaraved with tne three cardinal Chine charactera vtas Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. Charsea reaaortabla and orders of an design promptly executed and sent pre paid to any part ef the United State. i POSITIVELY CURED OUR FEE IIS MOST CASES , v vyauMibw rise e Tta.iw la Forrtlaad. 1 Ton are In no way obligated to take Our treatment by calling to inveatlgate our methoda. or writing ua, nor will this consultation or our opinion coat you one cent. We want the hoses isverrtlg-atlon of any afflicted man la seareh of honest treatment. ADVICE FROM A WELL KNOWN SPECIALIST - When you eome to our office you can have the poaltlve assurance that you ace ua per .'sonally, and we are reaponalble for all contracta or promises. WEAKNESS I " If discouraged because you have failed with others, we aak you to call and aee us. To those-J men . who . suffer the . loss of power, deatroytng yonr life, hap piness aad health, causing lose of Bleep, v no vitality, pains In yonr back, vertigo, dlaalneesi denote one thing ond that you must consider amounta to notnmg . lens than deatroying your Ufa Toa oaat kS sp very much longer ander that oon- tianal atrala. There ia one way oat of it. Oonsnlt aspeolallat who does no thing else ut enra these diseases. we wui giaoiy . consnlt with you free of charge and give yot onr candid aad honaat opinion TKBM ', andNsure you, charging you a Tery low fee. Delays are dangerous, so don! waste any time, but call a onoe. ;v- -v; ; iv. , We Don't Patch Up-WE CURE FOREVER During the' many years that we have been among you we have never made a alngle failure in a case that . we treated, and each year we have made a more per fected meana of treatment, and today we can announce to the reader. that our JTEW CTSTZK la a sura, aare.. and secret meana of treatment, that will CTJ7UI rOBi XTEB any case to which lta uae. la called for. We' solicit ; particularly stubborn caaea that haya failed to get relief or that have' been pronounced be-'. yond the reach of human aid, and have loat all faith . of-, ever being cured. .-, r'i.-'..,-r;i' y ?-:-. Our - directlona tan alwaya be followed without In- convenience or any publicity, and, aa well, without ' lost of time or any pain, and no after effects, ao do not put off treatment another day. Office Hours: ; a. in. to t p. m; f to 1:10 p. m. . to 13 m. only, suaday.r. VARICOSE VEINS Thia la an enlarged con dition of the veins (usually more noticeable on the left aide) caused by mumps, bi cycle riding, and dissipation. In time it aapa t a man's mental and ' phyalcal atrength if neglected. We Cure Thia by absorp tion, without pain. . BLOOD POISON May be either,, hereditary or con tracted. The former causes eciama, rheumatlo - pains, scrofula, eto. The latter i begins with a small pimple, followed by sora In the mouth or throat, which have the annearanca of white patches, apots of aorta on the X body, face or scalp,, falling hale And eyebrows, and later on other terrible symptoms, such as paralysis or loco motor ataxia, canceroua arrowtha. da. cayed boneg and flesh. Wa sraarantee if .. II ,to eure you absolutely so as to tSmtZZ ,11 appear agaia. n ATA iTTiTr. i ni i - a ri-?r fc. "ACCEPTED It Is a fact that' We atand without a aupeiioV in SZ8ZASS8 OF SCEH, and, therefore, when you get. our . opinion, - which wa will gladly give you rpxtfBV you obtain . information that : is not to be . had elae where, and which, if followed,, will be the means of making you a atrong and hearty., man, full of tha rOXCS of 'true manhood, ' without; which, you cannot,) reaenvtoe level inai you anouia. . ' . We do not care who has treated you and failed to restore your loat nerve atrength, we can give it to L you in a short time and for a 'very amall outlay of money, wnicn you can pay ua aa aoie in amaii amounta. , Write If you eaanot caO. ST.LOWSIKDISPEM ;dourxB noon m tamxxxji unxzTT ivrrvHmHtmrvfTmH Sa1