The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 29, Image 29

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Mataia Hill
' H Boll nun water., W I
jlu elwtrlc llfht nd . J f
Hae excellent. car serrlre. - v
Ilea beautiful view of rivsrs, mountain.
oii or tbt tsw bsutlful boulevard.
... Ha central location oa tba penlnaul,
Where ill th Improvement art going in.
Hae bleb and bMltbtal eocstfon.
Hu building restriction (do suscke). ' '
It la tba bast residence lor t loo In tba city.
Tsk look today. 8t. John -ear, get off
ai ureeiey station, agent OB tn ground.
1 ' 60S Chamber of Conmarca bldf.',
- FOR "AX I A modern 6-room hens North Poct
' land; eaey terms; or woo Id take vacant lot
' aa arse, psyment. u. i. Le, room so, Hal'
Ulug., OXO TV OLDgWD St. . ,
11,000 TAKES a beautiful building lot oa wait
- bios; nna view at tna mar ana mounttlns;
Out front: on car Una: hit terma. M. H.
Lee, room 20, Raleigh bldg., g23ta Wash
ington at. ,t , , ; i
GOOD room hous, nlc lot, aaar flunnystdt
ear Una, for only BLSoO; U cssh, balsnc
so sun. b. mo, room so, Hslelgb bldf.,
9oy nuaiagwa at, -
MODEL room hous, city monthly paymenta.
mall tract from 1 aera op to it, aa
U wanted, sultabla for garden, frolt rais
ing or chkken rancb; nesr tba city and ear-
iiuva, wan watered ana unner cultivation
races ana tertna' to suit customer, .
APHJNX, AOINCT. 806 Surk it.'
' esautlful boma la Bunnralds. , 10 rooma.
. nodarn, eorner lot, at treat sacrifice; alao
a -room nous ana ion ib tna aiinarM, one
eorner, and fine bar, tine plaee for chickens.
si Auaaiy Biag. , -
A SNAP New S-story S-room boo, modern,
Situated oa corner lot 60x66 feet. 83.000!
. balaneo of lot can be bought for (400 i going
; quica si una price gouo ea ana -0 per
s. u. uowee, no nixta at.
If ODER If 6-room boaaa with fall basement on
lot ooi ioo recti this la a alee little boma wltb
. . fruit trees, roaea ant, hsdgs fence; It la near
1 a oobooi and half a block from csrun. Borne
one wUl aet this baraln at 12.100; 00I7 balf
eaaa. m 1 v. tiowee, ' oa Bixta at. V bona
Mala B18S.
4H-ACRI tract, food benr land, aaar carina,
K B07. care Journal. '
r-BOOkt bonae, nnflnlihed: lot 00x100; IB mln
a tee ear ride; SO0. J. P. Oeder, eorner
OraaB aro and Seat Aakeaj.
' And good S-room bouee, eome alo frail
treea and other email fruit. trlce BleOO.
i. i. Oeder, corner Orand are aad Caat
FOB BALaV Seaattfal enbarbaa boaao; gToaada
ItOaUTs . oorner and alley; T-room bonae;
batb; 100 roae taebea ana beautiful abniu-
' bery; to bearing fruit treea j large ban and
enickea aooee. . Faona Baat 4078.
FOB BALB Hooee end 6 Iota In Fetrrlew, It
mtlea eaat or Foruand; Mrs,. . woodoooaa,
eblekea-bouae and parka; bargain If taken ai
oaee. Alao larae atoreraom and mill bond
ing oa let 110x160. , CaU or addroaa 889 Bod
aey are., elty. 1
A BHAP Partlee going eaat: 11.000 for B-room
boaaa, 1 lota, frulta and flowere. 420 Bixtb
are., north, Lenta, Or.
U ACRES, $000; balf aaab; B mllee eaat, near
paaa Line; TSxlOO oa Helxhta for 4 banga
- Iowa, B3.B00; tenoa. Poatoiflce Box 1B.
t LOTS. Bt. lobaa, centra 1, 129x100
only 11,200; balf caih, balanea to aolt. Boom
B0, S68 fltark at. , .
IBTINGTOM ,7SO bay aew etrletly mod are
'. B-reom booae; paneled dlnLnt-rooin, core ceU
Inga, fireplace, furnace, gaa and electricity,
alec ted wood rob flnlah; oatalda alfceplng
veranda; 76-foot front; ft neat loeatloa In
Irrtngtaai owaer going ooatb. Mala lMt.
ftOatETHIIta dolaf at Oleawood Park. Com
, la and lot a tu yoa aboat it. Boom 28,
ma atari at.
0x100 LOT, Bt. Jobna. 1 block from woolen
, mUbv only 800; bait caea. Boom 88, 868
Btark Ot. s
' 118 aeraa of excellent land, T . title from
tbla city, on a good: road, 75 acre under fin
tat of cultivation. SO acre good greea tim
ber, 10 aero orchard of teeorted frulta; good
iu-room none, Dara soxev witn so-root poet,
''good chicken and bog bouaee, all otbullS
lnga; two cow, bout rreeb; 00 ehickena;
. surrey, wagon, i rake, mower, plow, narrow,
ana- an terming implement mat are a
on a farm. Price 16.000.
40 aero. Sli mile from Tancouver and
half mil from good country towa;83 acrea
ander cultivation, 10 aero of good groaa
. timber! fenced and croaa-renoM; living atroam
and la a good neighborhood. Only 1,000.
40 acrea, on mil to country town and
' five ' mile from railroad itatloa; S acre
alaahed and seeded, 2H acre timber! new
8-atory boa, main part 26x28 and kitchen
izi2 ; com gooa swai tana; enapi oeo xoia,
Onlv xnoo.
100 acres, 1 telle from Tancouver, 8
mllea to country towai 82 acre nnder eulti-
vatioo, 11 acre of hop, good family orchard
or aaaortaa rruita; xair oouae, oam asxaw,
honhouaa. larae woodabed. elxar factory and
' all outbuilding; 60 acrea fenced; 1800 worth
, of timber, living stream through place; on
a good road, bandy to school and m a fin
ebrhborbood; bargain. Only $8,000, half
cash. , '
Thompson & Swan
Ottlaans' Bank bldg.. Vancouver, Waab.
aeo ctm. 114 mllee of Jefferson.
. mile of frontage on Santlam river; 140 acre
clearod: eboice tana, wim oeea iwaca or
chard in Oregon, a good prune orchard and
choice . family orchard, including applee.
cherries, peaches, almond, walnut, mulber
ries, etc.l fin home of 10 rooms; would cost
to build now IU.0O0; water system conveys
save to all part of grounds; feed mill, run
by water power.- With a lltti Improvement
tbla place would bring .100 per cr. Our
prtc 50, Including all Implements and ma
chlnerv. Easy terms.
ssS ct, mostly river-bottom land, Juat
north of Salem; owner naa maae enougn
money, and retired to city life. What la not
plow land 1 covered with timber that, if
worked Into wood, will pay for ft farm.
. Near the. new Salem electric Una and la a
short Mm tbl place will command 1100 per
acre. ' No better farming land in th (tata.
Only 140 Pr acra. : .,
A choice T-ao tract lust U mile out
beyond Forest Grove, right-on the railroad;
' Ilea beautifully; all cultivated and the beat
of land; aom cheap buildings, foundation for
a beautiful home place, nana to town; ,ouu.
, B. at. uuon. uu., wi Aioer oi.
STWE FARMS 100 acres. 8 mils from Port
. land; 100 In cultlvatloa; fln houae, good
barn; orchard and other Improvements; run-
nlng water; ear lln run through placs; Just
me puce to piai in o auu iwaere . iracu,
station on place, and only $200 per acre, oa
good terms. ;
Fine 20-acr tract, near Ltnta school;
in cultivation; $S0O per acre; caan.
A real snap 10 acre aaf Dent, $3,000;
. . 11.000 cash. - L '
, Fln 40-acr tract, iVt mile from Lent
mostly all In cultivation; fins bouse snd barn;
running watar; hit of fruit; no gravel; th
best of toll $1,600 per acre.
Fln new T-room bouae, modern In every
way; lot 60x100; some shad .tree; East
' 27th, 1 block from Sunnyslde car line; $3,400;
'.. 81.000 eaah. , ' '
" Fine T-room ' housej Eaat " 82d ! St., very
sigotiyi just nnisnsa; moaern m very way;
: $3,860; $1,000. cash.
Fine lot, Eaat 28th t., on tar line; will
make lovely Bomer i,sw; gouu caan.
ibwKF'to loan in sums or sewo ana $8,000,
lSr fit, in. imam JL JSA . , !T.
411 Commercial bldg. Pnon Pecifja 1199.
ONS) of the beet Urge stock farms In the
-, WUUmett valley; 812 acrea for $6,600; 80
acre ander beet of cultivation, balanca lay
wen; no waat una on toe wnoi tract
good creek run through th plac: -good
s: B-room house, 2 good barn beeldee sheds for
machinery; 8V miles to railroad station,
; poatofflc and a tore; good school U mile;
, will tak part or all city property. T-;- -J.
M. CAMERON CO., 412 Commercial Bldg.
7 "12,000 cords oak wood: 60 scree fin hop
land; ISO acre in cultivation; 140 acre. In
: crop; en mil to railroad, clone to good
. town, on Bne country road; only $2S per acre
I. for land, crop and all: bouse, barn, etc, It
la a bargain; , Investigate at once.,, Address
.' K 801 Journal.''.,-. . , : -. Ci . ;
, ..A:..f: v POB BALA. - v -
., llomcstead reliaqulahmeat of 100 acre, 60
, acres fine lsd, bslanc timber! rnnplng
wstsr; hous and other amall building; good
well;, one acr inclosed with picket fear;
80 young fruit trees, year old on county
' ' rndj neighbor clo; B miles from railroad.
72 mile east of Portland; find cbsnc for
you to get good home cheap; prlc $W'Io
' enlr rnom 4, Odd Fellows' , bWg., First and
.AluYt St. ... ... ' , i
$ 860,
' S40 aeraa fine laiul. all level, eaatlv cleared;
. Vi mllra from railroad, good location, beet
of toll, 28 mllee from Portland; price fit
per acre; gooa terme. . - ' , ,
- H.fXXWloO acree 3 mllea from railroad.
; (n Clark county. Waab., 22 mile from Vao-
coureri 10 acre la cultivation, 100 acre
' river bottom, family orchard) new. B-room
rnatm bouee, coat in0; email barat 9 bead
, of cattle, B rowa; all farm Implementa; BO
acre fenced; fin noil; inveitlgat tbla before
ouying, 1 -; y ., v'1 ,, ',JV?(
1 (IT 1 acre In Clark county. Waab, IU
' acre bearing orchard: S-room bouaat SO acre
-. level and eeelly cleared, balanc rolling, floe
piaca aoll; price fl.soo; good terma, gooa
location. - ;',';'( ''
. SI. TOO M aereo. IS mile from Portland,
In Weabtnrton county. 6 mllee from Beaver-
ton, 2. mile to rellroad; ail rencen; an
'level: 12 arroa In cultivation; eome timber;
balance eaally cleared; family orchard: on
acre lino grapea; 4-room Bouee; email nanie,
fine eprlDg, on main county road; fin loca
tk.n; b. r. D. near aebooi; boat ft hi
. give gooa teraia, t ; -.
Sl.tOO S4 a err. 1U mile from Wiahougal,
Clarke countyl 18 acre In cultivation! eome
rruitt gooa o-room roatie nouae; largo nem,
rnati ana paintedl ail rencea witn c.wiree;
, fin location; new mower and rake; plow.
narrow, email tool or an iaa; faw aea
baUnce S yeara, a per cent. , c ; .
140010 FTa, near Tancouver, IU acre
Clcerva; balance alaanea ana (eeaea;
eouoty road) near acboolt fine ooll; term.
, 15008 aero. 4H mllea from Tancouver,
new S-room bouee, saw barn, all fenced t all
level, B. P. D. ; near chool and ebureb; oa
maw oouaty. roaa; tol M a (sap; girt term.
7 ee eon tao - r-t,.
4 mllea from railroad sod boat landing; SO
. acre cleared, torn timber, balanca eaally
cleared, 1 acre bearing orchard; S-room bousei
near school: tin aoll; half eaah. balanc
B years at B per cent; will Pike part la ex
coange tor city property. .,
200 acres In Clark county, Wirt., B mile
rrom noat unaing ana railroad ; loo acrea in
fine atate of cultivation, toot gra timber,
balanc pasture, all fenced wltb post and
wire; S sere bear lug erebard, S acre apples,
eberrie and paara, balaac prance; new
7-roora house, coet 11.800; . one larre barn
60x100, fruit dryer, mllkbooM with fine spring
water in it, oioer utouiraing, Diacaamitu
abop and toola; personal property goea wltb
place; gooa teami a wagon, 1 new; l hack,
new; 1 top buggy, new; new Oabora binder,
all ktndi of farm Implementa: 14 mllrb oowa,
1 fin bull. 4 bud young hoes. 128 ehickena.
new cream separator, with tread power; 80
tone nay, ouv nusneis oat, om wheat and
apads; near school, R. F. D t this n beerni
ful place, beat of black soil; price only 849
per acre, including personal property! lv
terms, .
12.40040 acrea IS mile from Portland
1H mil from the Portland Salem Electric
car) S3 mile from R. B. atatlon; 2 mllee
from boat landing; SO acrea la cultivation ;-6
acre nne nop; o acre green timber: e-roem
bouse,, small barn, good well at door; team,
new wagon and harness; cow and calf; 8
dosen ehickena; farm Implementa! beet of soli;
Bv F. D., 14 nil to school, i mil to church.
' Tb abov plac ar aU guaranteed
Abov bargains ar but a few of the farms
on oar list. Wo bar the largest list ef
farma of any firm In Portland or vicinity.
Price rang from S300 to 130,000. Writ
or call it ott are In the market tor farm.
Really Co.
- 10S Second at Portland. Or
And BOO Mala St.. Vaaoouvoc, waah.
PboM Main S404. , ,
WE 1NTITB yoa to visit tb land "Where
Rolls the Oregon," th laad of pletureooa 'al
leys, where th aoll 1 rich, producing crop
thst surpass anything in the world. Port
land, th City of Dee tiny and Boeee: It com
merce, tb greatest In the northwest, from
where too products of tb Inland empire float
over tb crystal bosom of the Columbia to tba
greet Pacific and to the market or toe world
It population baa grown from a mere 40,000,
'ta 1880, to a city or over aoo.ow la 1807.
, In tbla empire we offer In one eoot:
27 section of th richest whsst land la tb
- world; $10 to $15 per acre; 83,000 acta of
sagebrush land, go per acre
Further on there ar hundred of hot
toads, homestead rellnqulshmsots, desert land
claims, timber claims. These can be located
with a trifling' expense. Fsrms ranging from
if Improved land, la th midst ot th great
Willamette valley at low prices.
BOO acre with over a mil of river front.
railway ttatlon on the place; Just tb plac
for a hop or fruit-growing colony, -
For farm ot other lavtmnt yoa shouiS
Bet fall to see
The Dunn-Lawrence Co.
leOtt First. BU Portlaad, Oregon.
FOOD FABM FOB BAUD 168 acre, fln land.
on Willamette, Bear county seat, hair mil
to boat landing, tour mllea to atatlon l half
In cultivation, 100 acre pasture, balanc fin
timber, mostly aacooa-growtn nr; tare gooa
barns, two bonae. four wells; running wstsr
In pssturs; free delivery, phone for house;
hair or an tor so per acre, joun m. uroogs,
Albsny, Or. -
FOB BALE 27 acre fertile valley land, fine
improvement, stock, implements, sto. ; water
and fuel. AOdrees Bos . 70, uvermora, Ala
mda county, 'Oal.
FULL Information regarding wheat wad la
Alberta, western Canada.
214-215 Chamber of Commarot, Portland, Or.
BUT your farm aear Portland: rich aotli price
avsncing; sena tor my Dig aesenpuv usx
or call. . Q. W. Dixon, Canby, Or.
100-ACRB farm, alt clear, level, on county road,
Linn county, $28 per acre, with Improve
ments; 82,600 ' cash, balanc term. Room
29. 268 Btark t- . : , ' '
800 ACRES 600 acre In cultivation. 830 acrea
In crop; will snmmertsllow 160 acres; plenty J
ox water, lair ouiiauiga auu only lg jnltea
from railroad station, 1 mil from good
school; price, Including crop and fsrm Im
plements, $10 per acre, oa very easy terms.
Will consider psrt tr. de; guaranteed as rep-
reaeaieu. jxaarca axoae AsooaugB, AlgntSUl,
narrow iaj. , vmvu
100 ACRES, 60 cleared, on bench of Chahalsm
. mountain, S miles north of Newberg, very
. nicely watered with S springs, 26 acree in
fruit and hop; can't b beet for fruit, bop
vr ojtb, aa, v. veaiey, newoerg, ,uregoa.
CHDICH ,10 acres, apples, cherries, berries,
7 grapes, omiainpa, . lire stream, 2 acrea tlm
- ber; 8 miles from city; stock and tool;
$3,000. ' . '
20 acres B miles from city, highly Im
proved, una building; 6 minutes' walk to
canine, ai.ow. ,
20 acres 8 mile from rtvw, west lid, I
, : 82ft THIRD ST., BOOM B.
100 ACRES, fin new hous oAS reoms, good
barn and nennouss; all in crop, consisting of
whsat, oats, barley snd potatoes; fine or
chard; 2 mile of railroad atatlon; on paa
of mares, weight 2,600; one wagon, two seta
narneea. au farm tooia. no cnicaena. one J.r.
, aey cow; price, with, crop and personal prop,
erty, $7,000; or will trade for Portland prop
erty, but moat be worth tb money. For
further information can at or addre 60 Baat
Etgntn , norm, rortaaaa. , j ,. k
BALE Fine dairy farm at DUley, Waeb-
ington county, eiu acres; a mile to tnllk
factory; trm. X. xt. Uttlehals, Foroet
WHEAT land In Alberta, Canada, 160 to 10.000
acr. trices wiu not remain eo tow aa they
ar at present.'
S14-21S Chamber of Oonrroeroe, Portland, Or.
tract- of 4 - acrea, wltb 4-room bona.
bars, woodabea, garden tool ana chicken
go with plsce; close to good ebool and
tZ Mil Mnn antl.m.M. AA.. .11..
outh of Oregon City.- Price only 8700.
. V A.- M0FHNKB, .
a-208 Commercial Block. " -
A BANCH of 80 acre . near Bnxton,
wasnington cvuuxy, on lav new rauroaa; Hg
house, barn, plenty water; $300 eaah, balanc
, o time, B per eaat, laajilr MB Meridian at.,
Montavllla. t ,
, -W. W. Esuey
' Corner geoond and Waahingtoa Sta.
fV'v98o Acres
J About B0 acres m cultivation, aboat 4
acres crop, about 40 acr vetch and oats,
beat varieties of fruit, s-room bouse, wood
shed and toreroom. new barn 40x48, hen
' houae, smokehouae, boghous and eiber bnlld
Ings; 14,000, bslf cash, balanc on tlmo;
; I bora, 10 cow, bogs, all sold to buyer of
novo piace at a low price; milk check from
, 10 trlpper amounted to 897.87 laet mouth;
, place will carry 20 oow. .
' 100 AcrCS
' Ftrst-claa lend, 47 acre in cultivation,
'' balanc scattering oak grube; a good B-room
. cottage, modern; a good barn and other ace
, oaeary , buildings;- nne orchard, . on a good
county road; B. F. D. mall; a phone In the
l bouse, 4 mile from North Xsmhlll; fin
wstsr at th bona and running watar oa th
- plac. Prlc. f 8,000; term. . .
; : Best Buy Near City f
: ' . 87 acres, 40 clear hi crop and meadow, 20
acre of good timber, creek of ever-running
1 watar, good well by bona, good orchard,
fln soli, no rock or gravel, a new two-etory
hous, new barn, all stock and Implementa!
also household goods go with plac; 10 mln-
' uier waia trom u, w. r. canine, on a dm
gravel .roaa, 1 hour a rive into the ettyi
place lie well to be cut Into acreage: land
adjoining la selling from S20Q to 300 per
acre, rric on this, giro aa acr ror a
i short time, aa owner want a go way; term
on pari.
! .'''. Acres
' IT clear, fln family orchard, 1H Bcr la
all kinds of berries, a good 8 room boase.
fair barn, chicken hous, te. ( a creek of
ever-running watar on place, good well by
i bouse, aU good soil, bo reck or gravtl; lo
cated 1U mile from Oroaham carllue, '10
mile from city, fln gravel road all tb way,
aw r. v, ana pooo una.
40 Acres
Firet-elaea land. IB to SO aera. m eulttva-
. Hon and pasture, 8 acre a stumps, 2 acre
In garden, balance timber, clover, etc.; fln
orchard, lot of amau fruits, has water at
hous and barn, good 4-room house, Breplaoa,
houae painted oatald and Ineide, large barn
40x64, wood houae, bicka bouse, oa a good
road, B. F. D. man, spaa or Boreas, wsgoa,
S eowe. bos. 1 plow, 1 spring tooth harrow,
rakes, plow, axes, chain, S croseeat saw,
hay fork, harpoon fork, potato fork, pointed
ahovel, wagon, aew mowing macbtn and
other tools or farming Implement. Price
22.800; H down, balaac S years, agreed
40 Acres
II In cultivation, balans In tump psctnre,
11 AI soil, smsll house, good barn 86x00,
bed rUcaed, ebickea Bona.. H
arehard. amod watar at house and
2H aer
id nam.
good mad. milk and mall route, 4H mile
from R. ft. and boat landing, S3 mile from
Portland. Price, $3,200, H down, balaae 4
per cent.
Good aoll, SB In crop, 10 more partly
clesrsd and la pasture, balanc timber and
brush land, nice creek ef living water and
several fln (prlnga, about S acre of choice
beaverdami choice roaea and other flowers
about tba house; til kind of small fruit and
berries good orchard, good boo, bare 89x40,
both la good condition: enickea nouae, are.;
B AI cow. 1 belfer coming fresh next fall.
60 chlekep, J bog, harness, .wagon, top
buggy, mower, hors rake, plows and all
kinds of amall toola; also boose bold goods; S
mile from railroad and town, about SO mllea
from Portland) B. F. D. mall. trie, ss.uw.
11,000 down, balanc on tlm, B per cent.
' W. W. Espey
Boom Sit Commercial Bldg.,
Corner Second and Waahingtoa.
fenced: . to ACKE9 xMJLxr' v'"1
MKklntosb & Bliwpll
420 Commercial Bldg.
Phone Paciflc 2514 ,
' PLACES ' "
T8 acre of very .richest creek bottom land,
oa tb Lackama. Clark county; beautiful
T-room residence, good barn, choice fruit and
berries; a enap at $4,600; will exchange for
oeeirabi city income-bearing real estate.
$3,600 beautiful 60-acre place, balf In cul
tivation, balance paatur! good B-room real
dance, verv fin barn, living water, choice
fruit; lightly place) half mile railway tta
tlon ana steamboat landing: u best place
on tbla (id of Cascadea to grow apple or
cherries i th aoll and cllmat ar apaclally
adapted to fruit; plac ta all furnished with
stock, rsrming implements, gooa crops.,
The Dunn-Lawrence Co.
" ," ' 148V Firtt St.
100' ACRES of stump lsad, about S sere
Cleared, 8 mile from Bridal Tall, $12.60 aa
sere I one hair casn. -
200 acres nsar Ion, 120 acra cleared,
810.60 an acre.
20 acrea near Saa Jose, Cel., all la fruit.
en electric carifnes snap tor quick saw.
214-21B Chamber of Commerce, PortUnd, Or.
$8.000 For 40 acr, wall Improved, near
xn fino 120 aera. fln sofl. good building,
B0 crea in- crop; 3 mile from lectrle ears.
$10,000 On easy terms, for on of th best
and well Improved 120-aer farm, inslds
' ' m . . M Vt !.... -lk Muk aoub aaett
1 mi IV IrVIA $7WVMH$i W4UJ wvy wva mms
vach lncry. k - - .
For food farms at b-rrlft prlcta, m
F. Fnchs
821ft Morrlsoa st.
Cholc 10 acr; nw 6-room bonae, good
well; 6 seres In vetch, H acre In timber; an
Ideal farm for berrlea; all fenced; 1, mils
to Lsnts. $8,600; terme.
10 Union avenue North.
FARM for sale; 100 acre. 20 head cows,
, 10 fresh, 2 borsea, wagons and all farm
; machinery, Beat S-room hous; no agent or
trader need apply; $4,600; part cash and
tb rest on your Own time. Apply to the
owner, Hugh Brannsn, Diiley, Oregon. ' -
SB ACRES on county road nesr city, 4 mil
rrom ear ana B. r. raiiroea station; zu acres
In crop and tin land; 12 acres timber snd
pssturs; deep lake adjoining; bass fishing;
moderate bouss; fln large new barn; spring
wstsr piped ta hous and barn; old orchard;
this I a lovely bom; cheap; part eaah.
11T acre fln land on S. P. railroad, near
Mllwauklet some good timber; will cut about
8.000 enrda of wood: cart Caah.
Alao smsll tracts, 10, 20, 80, 40 acres aad
I . V 862 Eaat Morrison St
. $800
$1.760-MI ACRES pear Lent, hous, bam.
enicxmnous ana wtnamui; gooa eou; lerms.
" 120 acres, 14 mils sst from Portland, 24
acres cleared, balance brush paatur; . all
fenced; prlc $7,000: terms.
240 scree, 10 allies north of Tancouver,
120 acrea good timber on the tract and bal
ance easily cleared; price $7,000; terms,
826 Lumber Exchange.
ACRES wen Improved m mils to court
nous, Oregon city; a acre . au xioos er
Smsll fruit, 2H acre young srahsrd: Wll
olt electric lln compelled to pass right by
plac. . Fair house, bsra sod chicken bouss;
good well, and spring; owner will raise prlc
after berries are ripe. WIU hare to go In
side of 10 day to set berrraerdn. t 82.100.
This Is a great bargain: for further partlcB-
aara iBfuua, , jraaa rortar, xt washing toa
. , COUiURii vinvr iibuii
. 4S0 acrea, (loodnougb Hill, near Columbia
; river 110 acree plow land, good house and
new barn, good stock, fruit snd bay farm,
fln for garden, corn, puts; nou better tot
gray or mciona: an per acr.
100 acre, S-room bone, barn, well Snd
Springe, IT acre orchard, 140 eultivatablo
land, ISO acres of growing crop goes with
tb piece; good ' proposition for a commercial
raaroi iO acre.
' Com our new llat of moneyamskln
rarm at prices ranging from 10, 812.60. (IB
nu bp pvr acre, situated in the beat n
I "uniry id ua tinitea ctatee.
B. 6. COOK A CO.. 2S1 Aider St,
118 acre,' all good land. 08 acrea- eultt
vsted snd in crop, balanc paatur and tlm-
w(, niiraiM o.uiiv soras ot gooa wood on
' tb land; watered by good wells and aprlno1
excellent roada on two old of fsrm; nlci
choolhoo and beautiful church bouse within
. bslf mils; good T-room bouse, fln new tram
pern, all painted; good orchard and outbuild
Ings. This Is a beautifully located farm IB
mile from Portland. 1H mile from boat
landing on th Willamette river and balf
""a 'rom me new naiem electric line now
"""'nt into Portland; farm and crop aew
t V'rWV.
ail Ablngtoa bldg. ,
ft lafaA HPT! M .ammat LsmI I..a1 .ta. .-
psrtlally cleared, about th aame dlstanc
, irom eonrtoouaa a at, Jobna; think - of It,
,10 acra for about the prio of two wildcat
iota; easy term.
TOO 2tt acre black rich aoll on Oregon
siir ear nne, eiearea; oont Busanaeratand,
yaw pi in acre ror fioo.
J. F. Ccmpton
100 Ablngtoa Bldg.
. MS0 8H sera near Besvarton. good aoll
but anlmproved. . Soma alashed Umber en tb
pise, asw a-room bouse . and small barn;
$t00 8 88-100 acre near Lenta, 10 min
ute walk from ear Una. Tbla property will
aoon sell aa lota.
$372 14 H acre aear Beavertoa, tbla Is
gooa stump una; uncleared j email cabin on
- 12000 8 sere t Stanley station on" Bs.
xacaua ear una, hair cleared and In eulti
vauoa, balance In atumpa and brush; 10c
car i are; ao minute rMe rrom Portland.
Phone Ex. TO., 120 Stark at
12.200-21 ti acree near Blllsboro; IS scree
ander cultivation; balanc In paatur and wood
gooa o-room nouae almost new; outbuild
ingi leomplet. U fairly good condition. Plenty
of fruit tree, also small fruits; good well
O0...plc,! Property I on rnrsl delivery and
milk rout; telephone in bouse, stock and
Implements with place, $800 additional.
$8,18078 8O-100-. acres near Hjllaboro, 10
u cultivation, k acre gooa paatur;
6-room houae and S bams; on milk route;
H mik from school. Will sxchangs for
ron is na property. v
$4,00040 seres all In eulttvatlen.
Beaver ton; good bona and barn;s nlc or
chard; about T acres beaverdam land. v
$4.400 OT 81-100 acree; 1 mile from Reed
vUie, oa Hlllaboro-Port land reed; mostly ta
cultlvatloa; running water on plac. Sals
r,0J 10 -n ". $1,000 eaah, balanc
to suit t 7 per cent.
88.00080 acres nesr Besverton, on
roa road: 48 acre In cultivation; t In
ber; good a-room hous and all other
In tlm-
other Im
provement complete l well on piece; 1
acre fruit trees; close to Bslem line. $2,000
eaah, balanc S year at B per cent.
Pnon Ex. 70.. 226 Btark at.
1 1 Acres
Ho rock or gravel, all highly cultivated,
! J", fro,,, H " 'a "raw!
berrlea. 1 acre hi raapberrlee. IU acres
In Loganberries, balance In blackWrie.
Kapes, asparsgus, potato and grata; bona,
rn. outbuilding; beautiful stream ot water
flow aoToss land, water piped Into houae;
nice piece for fish pondj a very sightly
plscs, overlooks Willamette rivet; good aide
walk and Improved road to electric earllna
and boat landing, 8 minutes walk to either,
16-mlnat car service; yoa sa hsvs your
team, automobile, launch, steamboat, (treat
car . or steam car. any one or all, aa yon
eboossj nothing bsttst ot thl kind now
zii aoington piag.
limber .
Mackintosh & Bldwell
y 43o" Commercial Bul'dlng: " '
Pbon Pacific 2814.
W can locate you a few mora good claim
S miles from river and rati. Batisfaetiaa
' guaranteea. - ,
10.000.000 FEET aocond growth eholc red fir
timber nsar O. W. P. electric line; more
rn um purcnasm, piana roaa to Timber; land
label snd esslly logged; 0 years to remove
timueri ft per i,vw stumpag.
17,000,000 1 fancy yellow fir, on Columbia
river; sawmill complete; three donkey n-
a" iiuina irom nun to aeep water dock:
Ann . 1. ... ..... . '
on Lwis river, hsvs several preposition
running from 10,000,000 to 60,000,000 with
sawmill In connection; can mak prlc and
ivrniB vus win .uici ca. yon.
80,000,000 feet large fancy yellow fir tlm-
ner on uuumma river; tana ana all goes'
large sawmill, logging outfit, flume, ate;
0. 0. BHAT.
Mala 1943. 806-7 Ablngtoa bldg.
W offer yoa very advantag throngb onr
Oysxem ot experx vkbwiiisiioiis wmcn snsblss
you to aetermine tue suitability of a tract
without ependlng time or mooey. If our
general report .inuicat mat ws have what
yoa want our estimates by two and a half
ere are esslly verified.
828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
- 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle.
To th Owner of Timber Land; We want
timber lands in large and email tract, ilngl
claims, In Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
It moat bo direct from tb owners; ws don't
wsnt say option until w see what yoa bare
to offer at your lowest net cssb price; send
us your descriptions, kind of timber and your
estimate It you hsve It.
Write as snd find out what we can do for
you. W are In th msrkst at aU tuna ,'or
any deal that la rlaht.
, oREnd nans..
IT-IS Fenton bldg.. 84 Sixth at, Portlaad.
TO OWNERS' of timber claim and timber
we will buy roT'cash any good timber trib
utary to tna neoaiem river, win oesi witn
owner oaty; write, giving full particalars,
Nebalem Tneestraent Co.. 823 Chambar of
commsrc building, Portland, or. .
CERTIFIED scrlp.i sny sta. lowest Biioss.
Howtll, 33 Chamber of Commerce.
I will locate you on valuable timber land
which have . been held under th railroad
grant, wrjts ror particulars.
G, W. MARTIN, Qlendal Oregon.
RELIABLE timber cruiser wants position: am
xpertenred; will furnish references. Address
. v uo, care journal.
TTMRER LAND!!. . .' '
' Intending purchaser desiring' to bo loeated
upon lands with heavy timber la the land
grant of the Oregon A California railroad tn
eouthern Oregon can secure the ssm by
acting quicsiy. ixcatxu tses including sll
Mvnw,. .twiur; ' . 1 . iv.wu.nie, AU
dress,- J. E. Vsrdln, Grants Paas, Oregon.
FINE timber locattona; railroad and govern-
, ucuu Leu at once, won t last long. 33
waieirn nuig.. cor, pirtn nnn Washington.
' If you are a boarder
the people who write the
"boarders wanted' ads
should be your favorite
authors. Read these
w it i ti n g s in today's
WE went timber In say sissd tract or In any
. locality. liav any number of application
, ia purcna irom eaatera client.
Ti t, i n i,, v .wr,
214-218 Cbsmber of Commerce, portlaad, Or.
" W hare om special bargain la timber
214-216 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,- Or,
ARB yea Interacted In A P. rsiirosd lands 1
W csa locate you on qusrtsr sections that
' will eruta 10.000,000 feet of yellow , and
ugar pin. Call at 861 Va Morrlaoa at., be
, tor p. m., Monday.- Lara Benoeier.
W offer for quick sale 80.000,000 feet of
nr; on good stream, prlc $06,000. A gooa
logging proposition. Mstropolltsa Timber Co.,
nu awetisna oiog.
OORbEB ssid ss-aiea forrntr,bar
ad stoat b; apvclal rata to basin-!
sum eu Hawthoro. r Baat Ta.
BEST work and light barn, prices lswtt
we take your old barn In aicbang for
aew, Keller Harness go-. north Blxth st.
ONE pair bay horses, wslght 2,700. and two
arivmg norsee, j.ioo snd 1.200; nlc sty nan
' horse, gentle for ladles: one bay mare.
weight 800 pounds. Wells brickyard, 830
Mllwaukl St.; tak Ssllwood (sr.
FOB SALE Cheap, a spaa of ehestout geld
ings, naxeu mas sua tall, wen metcuaa,
thorongbly city broke, six yeara old; beat
ruad team In Oregon. "Also practically new
concord top buggy and splendid set of buggy
harness. Must be seen to b appreciated.
Writ lock bog No. 468. city, or call oa 0.
P. McDermott, Mount Scott ear line, Bassl-
wua station, 9Z walnut st.
TEAM FOR SALE Two horse, new set bar.
bsss, except on collar; on nsna scraper,
one 12-Inch plow, new; on half Mcttea har
row, good aa aew; on aet lead bare, 1 log
enema: j-fiB. van at 964 Worth anta at,
Bear Going; tak Alberta car to 26th (t.
FINB combination saddle and driving mar.
also gooa top buggy, rubber tires, almost
a& Third sU room A
T0UNO Bound bay bore, weight about 1,000
pound. 111 sionasy morning at etaoi. sec
ond and Mala ate., or Sunday, 8:80 a. .
II. A. Mill. Pattoa road sod Montgomery
HEAD Including t fln
Smith ft.. Montavllla.
drivers. Call 688
A FINB pslr ponies, wslght about 1,800 pounds,
ride or arive, wen mstensa; sum ngnt nar
aeaa for them and a tin cart. 212 Allsky
A BBAND asw top buggy, cost to build $700;
tb tlnett thing oa the coast; your price ic
mln, or will exchange for vacant lot. 0war,
212 AUsky bldg.
FOR SALE Good work team, harness and top
delivery wsgon, for $226; slso 6 good driving
horses ebssp; 4 bugglss, 1 camp wsgon, $
sets of harness. Must ssll. as ws seed th
room. Ptron'g Btablea, 14 Ualoa are.
IJRITINa team, 4 and B year, 18 band high,
prjc ,xv; aiso nice prowa war, vw wv
also hsve good team, 4 an4 6, will drive
stnglror double, Including carriage, price
$300; BnotV bore for lady, 4 yeara old, ana
rubber-tlreotniggy and harness, $198. Pstsr-
soo's Stables, 4 Union ava., corner Aah.
aw mm laaimae ittnmmmmmammmmmmmm
DON'T stand In your own llghnd It om-
bodv act shead of you. W VU. for this
com tag week, offer some very music
below cost, at 10c per copy, and mauJker
i ... 1 ...J. . , dim JlMnnnl. J?
Bargain In Victor Talking machine; eora
lists stocg or Kaison s gout ammni rm,
stsst Bdlson phonogrspbs. Soma flrst-clss
violins; on third -off regular prlc.
190 Third at.
VICTOR Talking Machine and records! Steta-
wsy (or other) pianos, anermsa. vwy va.
Sixth snd Morrlsoa sta., opp. P. O.
FOR SALE Fresh oow tad alf, part Jsrssy s
good milker. Pbon last 4W7T.
FINB young Durham sow, fln milker.
Bat MadJaon et. .
P0R SALE Cholc cow, fresh milker, Jersey
and Hoiateini cair a wees old. t. r. Lynas,
uureiwooa tuon, ni, aeott caruno.
for sale miscellaneous.
. tint t
vyAw) sp
, To Housekeepers Th Ohio Steam Cooker
cooks everything to perfection snd psy for
itseir in rrom on to tnre moatn oy saving
26 per cent in groceries, meal and fuel bllla;
nothing to burn, dry up or boll over; for
canning fruits It redncs th work to one
half; no stirring, no burning, and the fruit
canned by the cooker is simply delicious;
fits gaa, oil, wood or coal stoves; all over
one Burner; 11 yoa- want u you can our
one with $1 down and $1 a week. Call at
874 first at., or ring np Paclfla 2664. W
wiu onnf you one.
8INOEB snd Wheals Bad WDsoa sewing ma.
enin ornce. wo sou, lease ur root now ms
cfalneet old msehlnes tsksa la Bart narmsnt:
second-band machine $5 and np; ether ssekss
of new mscblns $28 snd up I needle for all
make of machlnee; ell clods of machine
repaired and guaranteed. B. B. Blegal, ageat.
wx mornson st, raua stain sis.
$$$$$$$$ 232 FIRST, NEAR MAIN. $fM$$'t
ws wsnt your trsds at tn Liouar ror
toves, furniture of every deacriptlon; your
01a rurniture taxen m oxenang, or th high'
est cash prices paid: new aad good aa asw,
Phono A 2327; Main 6374.
er can xish rront at. we buy ana sell rar
aiinre, eiothing or any aid thing.
rheumatism. Bold by all druggists.
BILLIARD AND POOL tablee for rant ar Bar
sals on say peymeute.
49 Third st, Portlaad.
OLD BOOK STORE rsmovsd ts 168 Fifth Sod
XII Second at.
8HOWOA8ES and fixture, new and seeond-
band. Carlsoa A Ksllstrom. SS9 Coach t.
FOR SALE Runabout Oldsmobll, cheap.
quire an nrst at., coovr Hhsrman st.
OWING to dissolving pgrtnsrshlp, a bomer
Pigeon squab plsnt must b (old it ne third
It cost Gso. B. Bouts. Kalama, Wash.
MOTION picture machlnee, film, stc, for rent
bought, sold, exchangsd, Newman, 146H 6th.
A LARGE launch for aal cheap. J,
back, optician, 178 Foarth t
D. Da-
80 H.- P. BOILER and ngin complete; good
power for aawmllL John Carmody, 103 Front
t. ; ' ,
FOR RALE A 20-foot gaaollne launch, with
house: must b sold thl wsek. Address K
300, JournsL
SOU SALBJ Good 'camp wsgon, a bargain If
taxen st once, iau reteraon s stscies, 14
union svs.
FOR SALE Tb only aet of abstract book In
Bkanianla county, Washington. Lowte O,
Connnt, Room 10, 268 Stark at.
GASOLINE engine, new, 8-horaepower borlson-
tsi lswib; must sen; coat $soo, will tak
$190. Address X 808, car Journal.
FOR SALE T-ptec psrlor suit, antlqus; TS
year oiu. pnon i s nor ens.
FOR SALB Cheap, motion picture machine,
Alms, etc.; complete outfit B. 811 Journal.
Whst bar you to trsds for 160 acre of
Irrigated land In Oregon on railroad and
river transportation. Price $3,600, Will be
worth $10,000 ta on year. Address N SOL
ear Journal. 1
649 ACRES pralrl lsnd $2,600; mortgsg on
same; -win traaa to equity ; onng ob your
tradeoi this' land located In Washington;
Minus polls A Bt. Paul surveyed snd grade
take est by land: price $10 per acr. , Alsx
ander Land Co.. 6S5 Sixth st
EXCHANGE Automobile, a-seated; WIU ax-
change Tor property ta ot aear rntflaad.. T
807, care JournaL ... . '
GOOD driving mare, weight 1.000, black; al
most new, rubber-urea buggy; sail I -MO. er
xchang for real tat. tut, to tjSVi Third
t- room aV
' ,, . .' . - EXCHANGE. - ..
' BO acre good laad, all fenced; ST aero
, cultlvttsd., 12 scree nearly ready plow;
bouae, bera, orchard,' bop booae, living wstsr,
' 8,600 cords good wood; on good road, con
venient to both river and rail transports Moa;
IB mile from Portland; $4,600.
BOO acre, abeep, goat, or rattle ranch, all
good rolling bill land, watered bv aortas
and ttreami bouse, barn, orchard; 80. acre
cultivated; beautifully located la Yamhill
seuatty; 4 alls from railroad station; wilt
' sxebsngs. -
HT Abington bldg., Portland, Or.
OLD book bought and old at 16S Fifth et.
ad Sll Seoood St. By land Bros.
WILL cxchings Dlssterlng. brick
sidewalk , work for horse. Address
WANTED To do boos painting la sxchangs
for Bora. , fboo Tabor 648.
TWO fln seven-room bouae to exchange for
good bop ranch or atock ranch, r, u.
Uaeea A Co., 874 First St., PortlsnA
TO EXCHANGE Cheat of tools for diamond
ring. Address V 801, care Journal.
WILL ' trad flrst-elaes talking aiaehln for
good bleyci. Portland Pnonogrsph Agsacy,
12B Seventh at., near wasbingtoa.'
WILL trad a good piano for carpentering snd
painting, rnon stain issu.
TO EXCHANGE Farm near Tancouver, Wash.,
for ronml.ig-nousa, Lrsu iir uonanx. Boom
10, SOS SUrk M. .
A. REINER, th prsetlrst furrier, lets of Lewis
building is bow loestsd la th tor at 663
Wssblngtoa trt, eonier ITth strset, whore
baa securea xeora convenient saa com
morlkma anartera. Fur work la all branches.
Sealskla garments remodeled Bad red fed, ex
port fitter, 80 years' experience. Order work
specialty; sstlmates cheerfully given! U
work don st Bummer pries. Now la ths
tlm to attnd to year fur.
rheumatism. Bold fay all druggists.
m a, . . k . . , - 1 . , - 1
msa. EBgllsh. rreaca, Bpealah, Bwedlsk bb
ItaHaa dletfcMar1ee fnrslra boob
klads. Schmal Co., 228 First at,
of all
SUITS pre sea while yoa trait, BO. Ladles"
esirta praaaaa. sue. eunevY, inoiej bjxxib St.,
aext to vacua, raono alaia worn.
MANLT visor reetored by Dr. Boborla Ns
uioouioa. on awata s treatment, gi; 11
months, St sent securely sealed by mall.
Atents, Woodsrd. Clark A Co.. Portia a A Or.
MOLES, wrinkles. tmrf1aoas aalr
No ebaree to tslk H ovor. Mr. M. D. HIIL
room 836 Fleldner bldg. Pboao Psdfls 188.
BAI.M OF FIOS for all female dli
624 I
Baat Belmoat. Pboao East 40S4.
MANICURING, fac masreg and aealp treat-
aieat. Try roosa 1. Boaw wasningtaa at.
MRS. BROCK, gvidnst mssseaesi esblaef
osra. salt flow, alcohol ran, cream meesagoi
re fere nees.
law Boveata ST.
Msla 496a.
TURKISH BATHS, SOB Oron1an Mdf.l tadlo
ears, gentiemea Blgnta. ataia laoa.
BACK date of maraa
Book store, 291 Alder et.
DR. T. J. PIEBCB. spedsHst dlsaaa of
wwuivBj, an irrvauiantiw prmiwi ma -
porarei mdldn by mall. Office 131 First
St., corner Xsmhlll. Portlaad. Or.
DON'T be dull and Inectlve; Serine Pill car
II weakness! $1 a box. B for $6; full guar-j
antee. A duress or call . 4. U. Ulemaseoa,
aruggist. pruaa, or.
MISS RAYMOND Masse see. SftfiA. Morrtstm
stM room 14. Pbon Msla 6911,
DR. MRS. J. O. MACKIB, osteopetk snd slee-
trooatbl ladle treated la the forenoon: gen
tlemen la th afternoon, Boom 23, J46M
Bixta st. , ..
YOUNG (dcntlfls mssaauts clvss elsetrlcsL sl-
eoholle and medicated -Jtreatment, also tub
nstns. t suisign oiagsivata ana wssn-
xngton sta, . v
TOCNO lady give trostmssta. 833 H TsmbUl,
room 8,
LADIKS Dr, Sanderaon'a Co. Savin and Cotton
Hoot pills are the only ear remedy ror ae- 1
leyed periods; by mall. $3 per box. Address j
Dr. Pierce, 481 First St., Portland. Or.
DB. BINS' CHOONG. ' fm Dorter Chinese
aiedlrjoee; oil Chtaes tee, carta la car for
an pjesaee. 11 Id, Bet. Xamblll anal Taylor.
GENTLEMAN, middle-aged, Cttrlstlsn, omJ
means, desire acquaintance of refined lady;
object; matrimony. T soo, ear journal..
EXPERIENCED masseus give treatment for
neumatiim. Washington Bt.
MISS LI BOX, 281 M Alder t., room 4 Max-
aare ana macnetia treatments. ,
LADIES! Dr. La Franco' Compound; aare,
speedy reguUtori 26 cents, drngclet or mall;
booklet free. Dr, L Franco. Philadelphia, Pa.
MADAM A. LUCKBT, now located la ber le-
gsnt new quarters, is prepared to meet her.1
old patrons and recelv new one. Fac nir
. . . . . . , . . (
sin treatments and special sttsntlon to
, lumbago, rbsumathm and nervousness. 146Vs
rront st. slain 2011.
MADAM VASHTI and assistant glv bath and
massage treatment. 301 ft nurd St.
WB TRACE and handl specially English and
Irish heirs ana estatee. Gray a nicnarason,
attorney, 618 Chamber ot Commerce, Port-
Una, or. .
CONFIDENTIAL otrMPOndlng club for honest.
sober, single people. Aaaras Mrs. a. v.
WUbr, 406 Third st
LADIES1 Ask your druggist for Cblchoster
Pills, ths Dlsmood Brand. ror 26 year
known a' beet, ssteet, slwsy rsllsbls. Take
no other. Chichester Diamond Brand-Pill
ar sold by drnggtat vrywbre.
PERSONAL Young man dastre acquatntanc
or young iaay. . UDjsct matrimony. Aaar,
g 801 journal.
WORKING man, middle ago, desire acquaint
ance or uay. uajeet matrimony. Aaar ess
W 801 journal.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chiropo
dist, rormerry 01 win 'intra st., m bow stj
iuo plus t. rnon pecuio na.
WEALTHY lady, 43, own fln farm, would
marry, uonnoeatiai. a. ., box bo, xoieoo, u.
MARRIAGE PAPER Highect character! incor
porated; 11th Fear; ,ow member; paper
ealea; eend 10. I
Denver, Cow. -
L. Lore. Bos lflOO.
A PARTICULAR matrimonial agency for par
ticular people, introauctioni oy msu to nest
clssses. socially and financially. Oonflden
tlal Information free (sealed). Walter Mc
Donnell, 4SS Madison st, Chicago.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist snd -ehtropo-
(iist, formerly ot zui1 inira sr., 1 bow at
830 Pin t pbob racinc nsu.
Cancer cured without a knit. Asthma per
manently curea. ,.
181 H First t.
WILL xebng my atock of groceries snd fix
ture for real estate, or will sell st Invoice;
lea cream parlor, living rooma. What have
you 1 Addre Q 818, care Journal,
PIOOOTT, FINCH A BtOGEB, attomeye st
law, 4 Malksy bldg, eorner Beoood and Mor-
ERNST KRONER, architect Plana aad spdfl
eatlooe; also building superintendence.
Montana Assay ornc. ua Mctrtaoa at.
Ageat Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobiles, Cad
Ilia and Knox. , Temporary socaUoa Clak
Oarage, 18th and Aider sts.
mbroMery Every Dae.
. 8S Wasblngtoa t
pu'tujr Dioi.ilnor, pct"-e t
t a, ltibiero. a.
MIIW O. GOULD, 817 gwetland bldg. Aewti ,
vnq oairaaa eovereo.
MANICURING, face and scalp treatment; bu,
and massage. llOij Ponrth et.
H?TBi A KILHAM. lOa-lll Peeimd ml.
piana onoas msrarsctuved: s seats for June'
Improved Loose-Leaf ledgeeel see tb aew
nrek l(. baal the tterket.
$04-808 Everett at. Israeet batcher supply
boas oa the coat. Writ for catalogue.
BUTCHERS smppLIFS Adnmh A. Dekm.
iBi-iss nrst st., eerrlee fell lln and
plete asortment st lowest msrket prlrea.
JOHN A. MELTON. 204 Foarth t Office aet
a tor fixture built and remodeled! ibowcasee
4 counters. Phone Mam 178T. ;
I B. MELTON fflesv store flxtewei SMaeral
yowoing. i nrst sv. roao atam sivhx
riant en Cos at: boring ana Harding et.! phone
Best 280; carpets eleensd. refitted, sewsd sad
laid; ateam ssd compressed sir peeesee; r
Bo va ting mattresses sad fssthara a ipeclalty.
j0TCB BROS., proprwtora of tb metric Oeea-
tog work! earnere aieaaeil mat kM. hatH are
ad eomnresssd-alr sleaamg! carpet reflttlnf
our specialty! work pnarantaod. PaOBO Mala
S672 and A 2671. S70 Great at.
J llr..V.T. itf?J!,:LBD,T",!TJ J""
I 7 lr Ki-niju, vuiruviHiM, pariore avo avrvw
bldg.. 163 Id at. Pbon Msta 1301. .
i'". aja, m. m. auu.
Moal sw s'Mdusr biag. , Both pkoass, ,
DR. FLETCHER, foot peelallet. Allsky bldg.
rnowsa raciiio gxne ana a-hsi,
, '583 , II IBBSgXaBSBBBSl
CLOTHES cleaned and pfessod. ft not nn fa.
uoiquo tailoring bub Btark at,
B. W.
TURNER, dyer; garnet dred Bpedal
S06 Jefferson st Msla SB1A
THS OFFICE fS Waahtagtoa at.
in. ami vigneux. ,
SEB Ssm Tlgoeox at Tbraoug Csfa, Sixth aad
nuniBfin ax, s-
Bog f-reot, laeeosaora to Fultoa Weed O.I
nr. k. SlabwooO. seek Tel. Mala 1B8B.
FOR prompt' ds livery ef alsbwoed n Main
46TO. Oak. aah. fir and weal. .. Portlaad
Wood A Coal Co, 16tb and Sevier ata. ,
Hoose end hlacksmtth ens Is. aaka. ehae.
coal, kindling-. Pboao Mara 1018.
X F. B. JONES A) CO., -, ,
.Wood and Coal. 181 Bast Wstsr at, :
ft EG ON FUEL CO. Is bow taking order for1
wwn sua rneu lor ruturo aouvory. as ALaev
et. Main 69.
CARNEY'S Veterinary Hospital for horse and
oogs. urn u ilea a at. Phoo Msla 146.
hors hospital. 10 North Sixth at.
Than, aad Bat. svs.t Social, faawy sad step
dancing taught I 6 aastatsnt t see here; class
Bod prlvat Iseeoas dally., Wsstern academy
hall, Socoad and Morrlsoa ata. Pacific 1630.
MAUAMB ANOELES f4J nfth. Pseifl 862.
MK8'TaP0.H.A,I' P'" "mv. win
1 w
auamb tuttlb. raahlonable dreeemaker;
I pnesw awaeonaeie. ats lain ax. xa. aaaia eoiii.
I , ' ' '" ' '
I DRESSMAKING All kmu ot sewmg oon res-
tmsbly. 818 Osntmibeln. ,
.,. ,
T A UGH AN, experienced dressmaker.
snot v... nali. .. tti, ,1. 1 s,.. .01,
892 H Eaat Burnsld st Phono Baat 6217.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by th
aay. rnon Esst tun. 1 - ,
MMB. BALDWIN, dressmaker, 12B Oraad avtw
pnon KSSt 4T93.
DB. W. B. KNAPP hss fotanksd
Offlc 10 Hamlltoa bldg.
NEWELL A GOSSETT, cnelneere snd carveoca.
offlc 83 Washington bldg, cor. roorth and
Washington. Main Bora. '
Wssblngtoa and tOtk sts.. FUedaer bldg. 1
Bookkseplng, Saorthaod, Type writing aad su
English branches tsugbt. both day aad Bight
FINANCIAL aid to six worthy young Jsdlea
who wish to tak a shorthand course. Apply
st one t offlc. BIT Commonwealth bldg.
Sixth and Burnald ata.
Commonwealth bldg,, Sixth and Ankeny at. '
Phone Mala 8001, A-8001. Telegraphy,
typewriting, penmanship, Spanish teaguag.
Individual Inatructkm. , ... ..
St. J. WALSH CO, Sll Stark Bt
Elecrrie aad Gaa Fixtures sad Bupplhev
Ms stela. Tiling, Grstee and Dogtrona.
PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Enghssse. satrse
tors. repairer. Metrl wiring, supplies. 4 .
Flrat cor. Stark. Mala 659. R. H. Tat, saga.
Coe tractors, slectrle supplies, motors aad dy
namos: ws Install light and power plaat.
MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 291 Bast Morrison
t. Fixtures, wiring, re pah-tag. Baat S12S.
and Evarott sts. rtiose ataia auw.
MRS. a Bv SEIP-Radtnge dally. 16 to S;
circles Tuesdsy, Wednesday, Thorsday Frl.
day. S p. m. sharp. 26o. $03 Allsky building.
Third and Morrlsoa at.
Stationary and marine: eleetrt aeralp
- ments; lanuehe; aeesorts wholessl sad
retail; engine repairing. -Baterao MachUsry
Co.. 183-4-a, Morrlsoa st
SHEPriELD saa rise seaisee. Any Bvooet
Falrbaaka, Mors A Co, First and Stark
rtsoa ts-Kvrythlng la th hsnlware !.
tty to quote price. 74 S'i'ii at,