THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2,' ' 1007. BUSINESS CnANCES. " $1,106 Orient tore. well establlabad, good trade, rent $30; this I bargain. , f ' tVX Con feet lonery, 1c mam, tobacco, rent $15, two living room; till to money - ker. Diamond Realty Co. 53 AMir, Boon 10. Splendid Qcccrtunlty ' T r-t Into rood paying Utnlnm, and alio food bargain In ml estate; 12-rewn modn boarding and roomlnr house, lot 60x100 (vs ml Int. a., I for .2tK. bonaa full of board era, clearing ITS per month; ran. be botifht (or . . g.l.ono; all rorniture incinoea except piannj f 1.000 will handle, balance eesy payments; . plsco wlU par for Itaalf. Chicken Ranch - 6H acres, mail bona, ban 23x30. lerge woorf.bed, t chicken booses. SM chickens, 8 Incubator, and brood, baggy, harness, eae cow, aU garden track; (ran for $1,800; bait cash; thl place fcj V nil from Eatacsde ear : line. . . OTTO. CROCKETT 4 HABKSON. . 133Va First St. ' ' ONE of the beat hotel propositions ever of. rered In thla city) bow building. 100 rooms, new furniture, rooma all electric llxhtei; now W steady boarders; It la money-maker; price - gftfloo, II. two or toss will handle It; place will a for Itaalf. Several nice grocery etorre raughtg la price from $700 to M.OflO 4 Invoice!; ooa of Uiera t per cant discount rr Invoice. Also a splendid lea cream parlor and confectionery- on Wesblngton nt, 475; aplendld locality. And flret-claaa restsn raat: only ana la towa of $2,000 population, for $375, and It la a treat barrsln, , OTTO. CROCKETT HARKBOlf, 133V First St. - .... J hi. I " 1 In A CHANCB rOR A OOOD BUSINESS ... .... LOCALITY . flood atora building, 88x40, airaly aifraated la a thriving suburb: rood atock, choice -groceries and confectionery. . Will aell vary reasonable or exchange for food property. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 5J,nnn HOTEL, t-atory brick, central. $37,500 Buslneea block, e-atory. ' $3,000 Boomlng-boose, M rooma, ' 12,500 E.t.bllsbed boalneaa. ' $1,400 Bonmlng-noose, SO outside Sc. aw. 1.000 Half Interest la restaurant 5SO Ouifectloaerr and clears. 8.100 Half lntere.t la eetabltebed bustaeea. All tba above ara snapa; bar many other I xcellent proposition. v Western Realty Company ' B10 Buchanan Bldg., 2WJV Washington. . ... Mam 6297. OR 8ALB Carpet cleaner, beat, larrest, aioat to data la the city) will nana invoice; a snap r taxen at ooca. Aoanee a ii. care JoamaL - HAVB openlnc for partlea. with amafl or I Urre capital, la heavy mennfactnrtnv enter ' price, ' to eatabllah la Portland; will atand cloeat InrratlRatlon. ' Pol partlraUrt ad-I a rasa v iss, tore jonrnai.; KMPT.OXMBNT and real aatata bnlaeaa. dotal . (230 per month; too moch other baetoeaa; I . VBat aeu; iav cam. s North Third at, CROCEBT atora and meat market, mvolca I : aboat 11,900: rood location; dolnr rood bai- oeaa. Addreaa at once, K 800,caro JoornaL FOR . SALE Two eeta of bUckamtth toola and atork; a pood boalneaa for tba rtrht party, cad or write, jura, raut, uota, or. FOR 8ALB $20,000 Good op-to-data stock of I clothlnr. Bboea. dryrooda, rurnlablnra, ate., I ' In a rood rrpwlnr town la Idaho; bet corner I locatloo; thla la a aplendld epportonlty fori . anyone wiuitnr a gooa payinr Dnaiaeaa; food '-reaaon for aeUlnf; wtaa to aeu qaick and . will therefore aaclfico aoma; will uke 2-3 I cosli and balance on food security. Addreaa I W 802. rare Joornal. . ' ., CHEAP FOR CASH 3-cbalr barber ahop for I aale. : boo waamnftoa ai. COOO paylnf reataarant, with oompleto Beta I of atenalla, aada foontaln, two lea cream-cone I machine. tc; eatra rood location; eneap . thla week. For cotnpieta imormatioa apply ".. of owner, six w uiiama btb. A OOOD reataurant for aala or rent. Morrison st. . . 288 East I IM BUYS paying batcher shop st 21et and Division ats., as owner baa other baalnees to atund to. . Address D 809. care JournaL FOB SALB at a bargain, a good, clean, new atock of groceries snd fixtures In s good l cation: owner lesvlng Portland. Call 487 O. Washington St., after o o clock. i fob sai.h OB EXCHANGE Corner drnratore. tba only one In good valley towa; clean atock and flxturea," with fountain; pay mg piece; cheap rant, or will cell building. O. W. - Turner, 8034 Washington at. FOR SALB OB TBADE Werj-etocked eoontry .tore, with buildings and premises; value , $3,000. What have yoa to trade J Beaaoii for selling, poor health. . Address Lock Box 236. Oregon City, Or. A GOOD grocery atora; value aboat $1,000, for , e'f. ieieun, X9 in ana rruix. HOTELS OCR SPECIALTY- p., If yoa wish to buy or sell s hotel or room- . tng bouss In or out of the city, come to ns . and we will proenra yoa a purchaser without puoueiry. . O. S.v ARNOLD A CO, . : ., , (Sncceaaoia to P. L. Aoatln A Co..) Tbe Original Hotel Brokers. 126-128 Ablngtoa bldg. A BARGAIN Confectionery snd cigar store . ooing big Duaineaa: beet location in town; , $20 per month; laaae good for over two yeara; beat reaaons for selling. Inquire of Aldon Candy Co., or write Q. U. Turaey, Wood- ;:' porn, ur. Rooming House for Sale $4,800 bays furniture of 40 rooms, 6-year I lease, rarniture ail new ana wilding strictly modem; only 6 blocks from Portland hotel; I la paying net $160 per month profit; patron uea oy peat people. f. V.. COMPTON, " Phone Pacific 1843. . 100 Ablngtoa bldg CONFECTIONERY atore, 151 North Sixth at., , a bargain; $425 worth of atock and fixtures; , au tor gauu u taxen at once. FOR SALB Home bakery and confectionery. , Ice cream parlor.. 1667 Bass Line road, phone iiuor uo9. t A BARGAIN A new aawmlll.'inclndlnr eierv. . tbmg to make It a flrat-rlasa aawmlll; present if capacity 80,000 feet per day; 15,000.000 feet i or rirrt-ciaaa - aaw timtwr on place with 20.000,000 ; feet tributary to it. Investigate l mmw. AuursM u ov, care journal. 6H0B shop for aale cheap; only one here; lot i. di wort; population nuu; rent is. Address 1 Box 177, Condon, Or. FOB SAiE At a bargain, one of tbe beat Kylng livery barna lo eastern Oreroa; owner ivlng on account of alcknees. Call at once S3 Kaleigh bldg.. Sixth sod Wssblngton sts. 1250 CIOAB snd confectionery store, cheap if aold - at- eoce. 679 Williams sr.. MEAT market for sale: one of the oldest and .. beat eatabllabed meat markets in tbe city ' corner location, west side; beat trade; owner desiring to retire. Address H 308, Journal. GROCERY - and .i merchandise, .- estsbllshed 18 . years, largs suburb, doing $60 per day; price Invoice $3,200: good will worth price alone, .. Uall A Co, Coaoord bldg.. Second and Stark. FOR SALE, i by owner, , candy nod clear etore two) living roam la rear, $200. - in Madl- aoo st , ..r-w" j -:. .- .. kSl'EttlKMCKD msnufaetarer. wants good sales svanarer with $2,000 aa partner, -t make ami sell an article having large demand and good . pruflt. U 808, care Journal. . .. .. ., , ... MKAT market for snle; good location. Inquire Monday morning, 873 East Morrison St. . $:s TAKES bait tntereat ta boalneaa that WIB ,: f yog $4 par day. Call reog, i. tOS 6 talk. A . BUSINESS CHANCES. ; Salocn , FIto years' ea eo dolnf food boslBeaa; on ooa of tba principal au-eeta la heart of city. . ,., Aa'd frolt atora and waiting room, clear Inf $200 monthly; will trade for property or caw, . . . t i Hotel ' At Baaaldo, 40 rooma; newly faralahed tbrouhont; hot and cold water la it rooma; bar In connect loo. Hotel coat $12,000 to ddiiq ana eijaip. win aacnnco tor fT.nuu, baring more ImportaBt baeineas elaewbero which damanda ontlra tlmo and atteatloa. Heat Market And grocery store doing araraga baetneaa or sz,ouo nor month; only reaeoa (or sailing, owner leaTlog city. , ;.:h ... - . Saloon Ht tba boalneaa dlatrlct tA years' laaae; will guarantee boalneaa of I M0 par aionta. owner leaving city. Restaurant tirat class, 4 years' leaaa, with aa a vac re baalnaao of from $11)0 to $18$ par day. Owner mast retire on acconat of falUnfl BOB1UU Cljar Store Aad poolroom, oa Belmont St., with aa av- erasa oueiness or gxa per day; low rani. rrios f 1,700. , owner leavknf us '"Ft Hotel v.- At Hood Rlvar,' Oregon; 80 rooma. neat It I rarnianea, ooing apienJia Dnetneea, oat account of 111 health will eacrtfles. Roomlne-Honse t9-room boardlngbouae dolnf aplaadld baa. I inees a an ruled au tba time; low rent; clear ing (zoo monthly; only reaeoa ror celling, geiung too old lo gtteua to tns Daeinoea. Clar Store Oa ens of the principal streets, doing s. food boelneas; tV, yeera' laaae; low rent; owner leaving city. Will invoice, Saloon Centrally looted, doing baalnees $48 per Bay. Kent $178; 6 year.' leaaa. , . Roomlne-Honse A- Oeatrally located: all rooma rented steady. with siceptloa of I or 4 rooma held for traaclent trade. - - - -Saloon-' Close br'al Baat Horrlaon, average busl eaa $38 per day; 6-year laaae. . c Family Hotel - The atoat fashionable family betel la the city, on Waahlnrtoa st, 80 rooms, elegantly faralahed; all filled. Owner retiring from active boajnese. Grocery Store Doing alee boalneaa, for aale cheep, own er htertag city. Cigar Store And lee cream stand, clearing $100 per nwnta, ror saw coeap It taken at once; caa . leaaa. . Restaurant v Doing ' average boalneaa of $80 per day; must no aoia at once; owner leaving city. Hotel v 80 rooma. nicely furnish ed and an filled; a years' tease) tnit IS a snap. Restaurant On First st,, clearing 200 per month. Owner compelled to sail account of 111 I neaito, Iftycstincnt Company. $80, 881, 832 LUMBER ZXCHANGI BITTLDINO. Telephone, htaln 2279. Cor. Second and ttark. A CHAKCB OF A LirETIMB. 4;. ONLY $2.200.00 ; rOB A NEW $3,000 STOCK OF GROCERIES. , In new corner building, everything modern nd In beat location In city, doing $100 and ,. better per day; moat be sold this week, owner going to Alaaka. Will aacrlnce entire atock;. new flxturea, borae, wagon, 8 years i tease, .ore., xor sz.wu; or invoice u pre ferred. If yon want aa A Mo. 1 baalnees at a bargain that will stand investigation see uus at once. Address Wi Journal. Restaurants Fine reataurant and . lunch eoonter, doing Pr day bnalneaa; mu.f aell oa account oi otner onaineas; price auao. I700l Fine location downtown,' clearing $150 per saonia. . - $1,250. Fine location oa Waahlngtoa tt, aalas run ning goo par day; a anap. Confectioneries . 8830. . Oa Waahlngtoa at., 8 fine rooms, cheap I rent, doing a flue boalneaa; a bargain, $1,400. Fine location downtown. ' 8 fine rooma, I clearing $8 to $10 per day; most sell on account or otner nn.ineaa. Olve as a calL Wa have the best In all lines of buslnese chance. Rooming Houses ' $1,400. 80 rooms, fins location, good lease, clear ing $126 per month. $1,600. SO rooma, lease, making big money.; $5,000. 80 finely fnxnbbed rooms, food lease, terms. $9,750. 100 rooms, Al furnishings, 4-year leaae at szoo per montn; income si, sou per montn; muat be sold; can make terma. ' Wa bave tbe beat Give ns a eaU, The Veteran Land Co. 165H Third St FOB bale commercial hotel in prosperoas I town oi i.iMi, u mues irom Ban rrancisco, enjoying an Al busmen and excellent bar trade; aecommodationa for 100 gueata; np-to-dately furnlabed with all lateat improvements; long leaae; eontlnaoua lllneae In family rea son ror1 selling, price; caan, balance terms. Address A. B. Stevens, owner, 1U40 mission St., nan rrancisco. OOOD BUSINESS ' CHANCES. ' $700 Confectionery and Ice cream parlor; with living rooms, good location; lease and low rent; terms. , $500 Blackamlth eho" 2 lota, honae and tools; on good trading point excellent chance for blacksmith. $2,500 One of the beat rooming on Washington atreet; 4 years' lease; low rent Big mosey maker. ' F. Fuchs yS2H4 Morrlaon at. WB have a floe bargain in a rood r.ylni restaurant lor faoo; It clears yon $250 a month. Tbla la a money maker; restaurant worth $3,000; will sell quick lor, essy -terma; clean 8400 a month. Another that take In $100 a day for 5,000, term. C. S. ARNOLD A CO., . Succeeeor to P. L. Austin A Co., 851 Morrison st, room 10 and 11. SMALL erocerv with Uvlnr rooms: will ex change for any thing of value. Price $200. Address, M 807 Journal. PARTNER retiring leave, aplendld opening for aalesnian In euceeaaful manufacturing and wholeaale bnsinesa; good salary, $1,000 nec- caaary. Addroa N 808, care Joornal. WELL located corner eirar. ice eresm. confectlonety etore; rent $16; atore and 4 nice rooms. . ooa nuuimi avs. . a aaa wuua ave. car. - , BARGAINS IN RO0MINO-HOU8E8 BY HATFIELD A SMITH. ldS44 FOUBTH ST. 24-rooin houae.' nice lawn, central....... $1,700 17 rooma, brick bunding. .you 12-room bouse, $30 rent................. 600 19 rooms, rent $60, running full........ l.lftO 21 rooms, transient, one iioor.. moo IT room on Waahlngtoa St.. ......... TOO 'Nice boarding boose; a snap..... 600 25-BOOM HOUSE. BENT ONLY $75. ' Good transient bouse, electric lights, bath, etc.; running water la most of tbe rooms; price $1,400; terms.. M, Cadon.u, 270 Washington at) room t. $250 $2,000 HOTEL la beet town In Oregon; a anap If taken at once. 610 Buchanan bldg., 2S0i Waahlngtoa at Mala 6297. . FEW DOLLARS will stsrt prosperoas mill order onaineas; , we furnish catalngucs and everything neceaaary; by our easy method failure lmpoaaibla: Mllbura-lUcka7 858 Pear- ana sb. vaiiuwoa t ! BUSINESS CHANCES. BOOMINO-HOURR BAROAINl . DKVUN A FIBEBAUOU. , 0U-B Bwetland Bldf . If .wm want to buy a roomlng-honas er bare one for aale, ' yoa will Und it worth your while to call on Tie. Below ws call your attention to a few of the plaoss llaud with aa. r :;,: ALL norSRKEKPlNO. 9 ronma, all nicely fnrnlahed for bouee keeplng; furniture nearly now; cloas In; oa .11 1 U uvi. .WUWW W1H am nice boms hero and make $33 over expeaaee every month. Bant $6, with 1 year's lease; t room modern-, elegantly fnrnlahed spper flat; beef of carpet.; Iron bed. and silk floes mattreeeee; all new $ months ago; patties leaving city; will sell at a . bargain; ox celloat location, oa Sixth a treat; rent only $40. Price $t00. KI.EGANTLY FUBNI8HID FOR A BOMB. 10 room., near the High achool; one of tba beat located and moat elegantly fnrnlahed placea la thla let; overlooking beaotl. ful larga lawa; with abnndanco of roes bti.hea; Axmtneter earpeta and tba vary beat ' of furniture, all nearly new; tbla clears over, $90 monthly and owner occupies boat ronma; rant $58. Plica $1,250. ' JUST WHAT TOU ARB LOOKWO FOB. Il4nnm bonas, exceptionally wall located; near High ecbool; all outalda, eunay rooma: beet of earpeta and furniture; nice lawa and shrubbery, Tbm bouaa la well arranged for a rooming bonaa; rent $58. Yon caa ea.ll make $00 above oxpenars In thla place, and It Is snap at the price, $T0o. ...,, - A BIO MONBY MAKER, 18 rooma, all nicely fnrnl.hed throarnonti corner location and all outalda, ennny rooms) tbla place la abeolntely clearing $100 a month above the rant, which la only $78, aad owner oeruplee rooms; wretl located; I. gnod close-in neighborhood. Call at office . hit iricv ana ivran. ) Devlin & Flrebangh 08-50 Bwetland bldg., cor. fifth and Waah. Both phoaea: 14M; A 8944. Here Are a few of our many bargains ore have oa band: 165-room hotel, cheap rent. 1 years' laaae: a Una bargain for $11,000. Caah re quired. 173-room notei. ones nuiiaing, eiz,ouv. Tt rooma, ateam beat and hot water In cluded la the rent; rent only 8300; 8 yeare- teaae; a.ouu will taxe u taxen ni onoa. Terms. 824oom hotel, elegantly faralahed, splendid . dining room: all Roger Bros, silverware; . $18,000. $8,000 will handle this, or will take nartner with 85.000 rain. 46-rnom honae, a good money maker; $4,600. in roomer a good buy; eaay terma: $2,600. 88-room boose. In center of city; $2,800. ' 40 rooms; new brick building; rent $120; 12,800. 7 S-room hotel; a working maa'e place; good dining room and bar; bar alone paya the rent: $8,000. Will trade for farm or will sell hotel without bar or dining room, either, to suit porchaaer. , A good country hotel; toe baildlnf on Main at.; $3,600 will boy It; eaay terma; ' good eaatern Oregon town. Another, In a thriving Oregoa towa; coun ty seat; $4, TOO; will exchange for part of suburban property. A fine bargain at the east; yoa caa clear . thla hotel la seaaon. Terma oa all of theee and a good many mora; call and inveatlgate; It surely will plcaaa you. - , We have aereral farina which we caa trade for hotel or rooming-house. a S. Arnold & Co. Baeeeeeor to P. L. Auitln A Co., Original Hotel Broker; removed to 861 H Mor i rlaon at., rooms 11 aad 12. CB0WM BC8INRSS BZCHANOB. BEST BANK REFEBENCB. Ko office charge. Commlaaloa only. The name ealla your bnslnaaa. . Only a few of many bargains. $425. 10 rooms In housekeeping sites, nicely far nlBbed; rooma slwsye full; clean $30 a month. Owners have ether builnees aad must sail. $700. 10 rooms In housekeeping snttea, beautifully fnrnlahed; rooms all light snd airy; ons of tbs best homes on the west side; large yard; leaae; terma. $850. IS rooms in housekeeping suites, very nicely furniabed, modern, excellent location, cheap rent; clears $46 a month; termaV $950. 20 rooms In housekeeping, central location; thla la a good boy; clears $60 a month; $600 will band Is it - . $1,000. - 18 rooms to housekeeping; furniture and earpeta are the beat; tbla la a beautiful place with lawn and rosea; $UO0 cash, balance eaay terms. $1,250. 20 rooms within 8 blocks of Portlsnd hotel; rooms sU light and well arranged; furniture and carpets In good condition; clears over $100 a month; terms. -$1,850. 22 rooms, apartment-bouse, beautifully fur nished throurliout awell earpeta; tbla boats Is clearing $86 a month; $1,200 takes It. $2,250. 20 rooms on Waahlngtoa St., one of the beat locationa In the city; all of the beat hardwood furniture; velvet and B. B. ear pet.; long leaae, cheap rent. If yoa are looking' fur something good, aee this. i Remember, - ' We bave bosmese houses In all parts of the city for sals. Don't fail to call en as before buying. . Kememoer, ' XCm . wa rarHM with eaati looktne1 Site bargain, every day. Don't fall to list your house with as for a quick sale. ' CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 88 Balelgh bldg., Sixth and WUbmgtoa at. Phone Main 6921. FOB SALE A first-class, good-paying lunch counter, good location; wiiutake real property In exchange. Addreaa w sia, care journal. DO yea want a safe and sound Investment I Bverv dollar Invested will be secured by a dollar's worth of property worth 100 per cent on ths dollsr. No mstter whether the prlcof I tots go np or down, my proposition will eon tlnue to be sound, ssfe and sure, as it is a ' necessity, not a luxury. I want $1,000 to 8400.000. Come In and talk It over with me, and then figure It ont for yourself. You will find that It I O. K. Turner, 803 Washington at. FOB SALE. 8800 Meat market in good valley towa near Portland: no opposition to this shop. which does sn excellent business sveraging , $400 . per month. Illness of owner 1 only reason for sale. R. L. Cate Phone Ex. TO. 220 Stark St. FOB SALB Confectionery store with lee cream pur lor.; good business ana location, inquire SSCi First St. A RELIABLE man can secure s business which 1. guaranteed to clear $250 a month; la clearing over $285 at present; an investment of $2,000 required: experience not necessary; money secured. Uaii iwi aourtn sc. 11 OOO WILL buy interest in established Dull ness that will pay big return, on inveatment; bualneea grown beyond present capital; beat proportion in Portland taday. It will pay you to look Into thla. Addreaa A sob, journal, THE Creaeent Cleaning A Pssm, Parior; par- ties going east, ov nr.i i. C0NFECTI0NEBY atore. With rooms upstair. A chance to mske money. Price $800. Ad dreaa Y 808 care JournaL FOB SALE Grocery store, 6T5 First at, llv- Ing rooma; a money maxer. GROCERY, confectionery, ice cation, low rent. Kennedy Lumber Sxchange. Tnickox 825 GROCERY and delicatessen Good caah trade; light housekeeping end apartment houaea all - around It; a money-maker. 826 Lumber Ex change. A GOOD paving grocery, established trade, de sirable location, cie.n .iocs, ions; lease, low rent: will Invoice stock; about $3,000 will handle. Apply Kennedy Mlcxok, Lorn ber Exchange. . ON THE MARKET. Highly Improved business property,, paying 6 per cent net oa over ssw.wu, can oe nao for $250,000; only $50,000 caah. balance long time; principals only; , no agents. r Address ,D 815, cere JoarnsL ' BUYS-borne bakery ..and confectionery etore ana axiures. - inquire iw aset eemu st- city. . aaJR maaaagaaaanasali 1 mwi..iaaaaBKaaaaacaaawaea FOR ALE REAL ESTATE. Best largam IRVINGTON TSxlOO In cboleeat locality, en . IJ an cock st.,. between gist and Z2d: will maks bargain price for, quick sal, ,, Owner, 214 ,'Ltmbag Kicbjuigt bUg, .. .. . FOIl 8A,E REAL ESTATE. LOOK THKSB UP. ' $1,100 5-roora bouaa, larga tet, does car; aKju cam, Daianct f 10 per month, $1,800 t-rontn houas, t Iota, close to car) rruii weea , no were, nice garden, poultry. Iiu... . . . . J . . --w, , a,v raw, nuan in .uii. 1,800 6-room boaee, 2 'lota, 100 feat from can a beautiful cosy bomoi half eaeh. $1,700 s-room modern cottage, electric ltKhtavJind fixtares, 100 feet from ear; half caan. a v.. . ... , Alao many other bargains la booses, lots and acreage. Office open days and evenlnge. . SAKEK . ROSU, . ' '" ' LsBrolwood. I FOR IALbV Two lots 00x88, $700 eachj 1H block, south of Hawthorne ava. on Kaat 15th at. For paftlcnlars taqulra of Bunnyaldo Fuel vo a,aai suai. WILL SBCrlflco for cab baantlfal 100x100, sear Piedmont, , Addreaa M 80S, , Cars Journal. Olva phono. No agants. ' TWO modem 8 room eottagaa, 1071 Baat Waah lngton at. $200 down, balance $10 par month ana in tercet 7 per cent. At r. ttmita, owner, -18 Commercial blk. . u , m mssm .a m ' . a . ewv t nwaoi km new aw aiaviy luimninj, a bargain sickness, cause of selling. 482 is I Waahlngtoa St. , FOB BALE Sacrifice by modern 11 -room borne, built 4 yeara, cement walks and baae ment, gaa, electric and xaodera , furnace; . plenty fruit; neat stable; lot 100x148; good car and aslgliborbondi easy pay 1 v ' manta. . Phone Baat 4807. A Mtra Amttm nlaararalt antt.aa. laarn. rosea. Bull Ban water. Good location for working man. $1,250; 8050 caah. Addreaa, O 809 Journal. $1,200, OWNER will aell for cash, 4 lota fronting weat at Oekley Oreea. No agents. rnone s)sst 40u, 4 LOTH on Willis boulevard, between Woolaey , ana Dandy ate., on eaav terma, ny owner. weo rmt at., or none stain otto aner a p. au. A NICB 8-room bonaa, 807 Baat 10th st, north price $1,600, and food terma. Phone Wood. lawn 1001. ' IF yoa want a modern realdenca, walking dis tance aad Bear earjine, and nave f2,000 eaao, I hud ima: Two thoroughly modern houses, one 10-room sad one 6-room," on a $3,000 lot, for. $8,000; 82,000 cash, balance 6 per cent, . ' LSIXIKllH KKlbll vu4 818 ft Waahlngtoa St. OENUINB 8NAP AT WOOOMBBB FOB $300. . Two beaut If nl lota.each 60x100, value $500, two short blocks from carllne. Yoa caa have the whole looxioo for $300 If yoa get your mnwy op perorv v etmeaaay. , ' CALL EARLY MONDAY. H. W. LF.MCKB COJfPANY, Sixth and Washington ats. FOB SALB by owner who lives oa premtsae. axrra urre lots, aiou ana np; saay naymentei alghtly location; 6-cent fare to city; building reamciion gsw, mu on or aoareaa Mrs, 1. w. Brock, Lents. Or., hit. Beott carllne. BETWEEN HANCOCK AMD B0HCYLER. Bear Irving ton and Broadway carllnee. , iiajxus tor f i,iw. Must be sold st once. LAFAYETTE REALTY CO, 8131a Washington st IF yoa want a line S-room home on the finest quarter block on Eaat Barn. Ida st. we can sell ft to yon for $500 down snd mske terms on balance of the payments tbat will make it eaey on yoa ana put yoa in posseeaion oi i a fine borne. Bee na quick, for snch prop-1 erty 1 not often offered on sucn Terms and each a price aa we aak for this. . BTJCHTEL A KERN8, 882 Baat Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALB. 68.000. Aa elegant new borne, strictly modern, 1 1 rooms: lot 60x200: easy terms. Ree owner. 1801 Eaat Morrlaon at.; Uke Sunnyelde and alt. xabor carllne; near Pretty man ava. FOB SALB OK BENT 6-room) houae with bath and baaement; 2 full lota. Star Boxwood Co., foot of Montgomery. Phone Mala 2143. C. -R. Donnell & Co. BBAI ESTATE. , Boom Iii2u8 Stark st -, , . Homes, vacant lots, acre tracts; best loca tion; terma. Make date by phone Woodlswn I 120. w. li. nust, Aroor Loaga ataiion. Howse Handles Houses SNAPS ABB MT SPECIALTY. I Befuae to Handle Anytblnr Else. By "snap" I meaa Income property, paying 10 per cent per year or better; If yoa are looking for a anap study this: On Eaat Ankeny. close In, a 12-room doable houae. aeparate basements, hatha, and porchea, on lot 60x80 feet, now renting for $40, and all lor ss.oou witn terma. M. D. HOWSE. Phone Main 6188.- - 66 BUth St. M. D. HOUSE, solicitors' snd salesmen's bead quart era; eastern msnufscturtng firms repre sented; reel estate quick aale. negotiated; p tltlons circulated. 66 Sixth st. Main 6188. KINO ST., 60 feet from Wsahtngton, lot 64x loo. see owner, wn Abington bldg. $2.X CASH Residence, eaat side; property will be worth 1-8 more by end of year; vacant lot 100 feet from houae Bold for $2,100; house could be rented tor $22; owner wants the caah for lumber boalneaa. Main 1943. $3,100 STRICTLY modern 6-room hooae near .Irvlngton racetrack; paneled dtnlng-room, 4 costs of enamel work, fancy hardware, se lected wood, screens, etc.; 60x100 lot, sooth frontage. Main 1942. FOR SALB One tot on St. Johns esrlms; a euap; part time. Addreaa T 809, Journal. BEAUTIFUL balldlng site, 100x100 feet 1m , provements all paid; leaving city; very cheap, $850. Owner. Phone Main 8334. BUY THIS $1,076 will bay my colonial 6-room house snd bath, two lota, one block from Mt. Scott ear; this house will rent for $12. Act quick If yoa want it at that price. In quire 826 Flrat St. NEW modern 10-room hones, lot 75x152, street st both ends, xa.oou; easy terms. M. U. I -Tower, University station. , FAXON PABK lota 100x200, in enltlvstton. level snd sightly; prices $3Q0 to $378. 0. B. Addlton, tents, or.; sit. neott car, no. 100 ACRES cord wood and saw timber, 6 mllea oat good road.; well watered; sawmill mile; 2Vi miles to railroad; $33 per acre. o. U. Addlton, Mm, ur.; oc tare. . 1 - SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. Fine corner, unobstructed view, alia RBillO only $1,500. 208 Fourth at TaL Pacific 2125 or Mala 899a ' - . IF yoa want to bay, sell or ecchange year property, cau on or naareaa ueo. w. xornsr. 603 waaDington at., rortiano, or. 3.600 JUYSBood VMtr.! NEW houae,. Ea.t 27 and Alder, $3,400; In stallments. inariesan at ix., en uimmercisi, SEVERAL nice lots In one of Portland' most . beautiful euburba for sal at a bargain. Ad dreaa Postornce box 244, Portland. Or. CHOICE residence lot on Atnaworth ave. J. L, Fowler. Willamette Iron A Steel Owner, works TWO 6-room hoases, lot 60x60, one cor.s will sen very cneop. enaver, ana uameid ave. Phone East ac.41. : y,.-. ..... ., FOR BATjB 8 Lot. 80x190. rood 4-room home. large b.rn, woodsbed, chicken bouse; In qntet little town ' In heart of Wlllsmstta valley; rine location, rnce, 11 taxen' soon. sauu. Aoareaa, i. u. winn, xmena viata, or, LOOK THESB UP 100x100 corner, Glenwood Park, improved streets, water laid; a bar- rain. Room OT, mark at. 1 ' i .,, Through. an EX CHANGE" AD you may trade a not-needed piece of jeweliyl for.' jlIliWZ needed N piece ; of furni-V tnre. . Try The Journal want columns.' 'Rate one cent a word. ' WB FOR SALE REAL ESTATIV THE8B PRICKS ABB EIGHT. soom modern hoiiae, lot loos 100 to I kind, of fruit, nice lawa, Bull ctua water; for tba low price of $2,100; Vi caah, balanos a ysars st i petant. . . ., T-room booia, lot 60x100 In Woodlawa; $1,800; H caah. ..v . t .-,:j- jur ' t-room bones,' lot 60x100, lovely yard la nlos . locality; baaement, nice . barn, city - water; for tba price of $1,000; $400 aaa, balanos long time. , .. , ,, H . t acres la cultivation, soar Wataoa statloa, , oa Bataceda ear Hue, running water; thla la 8 Bailee ont. Thla will make yon a good noma; tor the pnea of; ami give food . terms oa in is. ... aerea at Jeaalnrs 6dra. ararlooklog th I river, Jat the place for a lovely home. Price, llt tlmo oa part. 'V.,. , .t ..;.; i 183 acres, It miles from city, ' two-story ihotiae, new barn, lota of fruit of aU klnda; 8 running springe; One ecbool bonaa oa place. . Kalaed last year. 800 buabela potatoes, 10O0 buabels oats, 80 tons bay; In fact this Is ons la too old to continue to work It; baa lived on this land for 37 years. Now corns If yoa want a good buy sod a good homo. Price $70 per acre; $2,000 cash, balance years at per cent. . ' One acre ' near Lents, small house, $060. , no rocks oa this; H acre In Woodlawa, S-room bar! fin hr had nouae; an la strawberries now! this is una. Will ecu for $2,600 on your owa terms. . 60 seres, 40 la cultivation, good 6-room houae. large barn, ' all klnda of fruit; all farming tools; one team of horses, eowa and calvea; In fact everything yoa would aak for that Is fair; thla la 10 miles from I rortiaad; for .the price of $120 per acre. .OVi aerea, 8 seres la high stats of rul-1 tivation. new 6-mom, Mil klnda of imii ana vegetables; rood borae ana oargy, cow, 130 chickens. This Is miles from city; running water on place. Thla Is known ss Maple Leaf farm, it yon want a lovely home cloae to city, this will salt yoa aad .. we win gtaaiy a bow yoa mis. We are the exclusive ag enta for the above property. BEAVER REAL S8TATB CO., Booms 8 snd 4 Odd Fellows' bldf. - First and Alder ats. ' y ' FIrland . t0 BmsTI cottage near eat; $229 ea.h, I balance .810 nor month, I $1,100 3-room bonaa, 1 acre, cloae ta $800 1 caao. oaiance fiu per montn. $1,800 6-room modem house, t lot; $600 1 caan, 9o per moatn. $l,r30o 6-room modem houae, 4 tots, hear car; aiuv caan, oaiance szv per montn. $2,5Ni 6-room modern bonaa. 1 lots. ear; $1,000 cash, balance $20 oar month. $2,400 New 6-room modern bones; $1,100 cash, balance terma; moat be sold this week. $2,100 New 6-room modern, houae; $800; easn, paiance eaay. We have aoma choice lota and acre tracts em eaay terma. Call and aee our list. " FIBLAND BEALTY CO.. , Flrland station, hit. Scott carllne. UT. SCOTT BARGAINS. $3,000 Mode ru - 6-room bungalow, t tots, near ear, school; $500 ea.h, balance easy. nsn acre, near car; gsu caan. , $1,800 Modern 8-room boose, good tot, neat car; g300 caah, balance 810 per month. $750 One acre,, cleared, saay terms. $1,600 6-room modern bungalow. Bear school and atatlon; $400 eaao, $15 per month. $675 4-room honae; part, cash. $1,500 Nice 4-room modera boose, 1 tots; small payment down,' . $450 Small houte aad lot, aear ear; $50 cash, balance $10 per month. $800 S-room bouse, t Jots, fenced: $300 cash, balance $10 per month. Lota near ear, all cleared, $3 per month. Good homes; acre tract a, en easy payments, B. A. Churchill ' Phone Tssor T31. Laarslwood Station on Mt. Scott Oarllna. $3,000 Quarter block t-5n..uliJl,.,,re.i. 'St boose, one view, 3 block from ear- -room line. 85.500 Eight-room house on East Ankeny, electric lights, gas, furnace, etc.; a beautiful home. sd.inv ' Seven-room house oa East Main, gas, elec tric lights, all modern improve ments, corner lot 60x100; $500- down, balance on monthly installments. $800 Four-room boose, Mt. Scott carllne; ale little home, rent for $8. The Veteran Land Co. 165V. Third St v tlTTLE HOMES ON BAST PAYMENTS. $1,000 R-room houae, full lot $1.000 6-room house, lot 100x106. S00 6-room bouse, lot 60x100. $1,000 4-room house, tot 60x100, 1.850 New modera bona. low. lot 40x120. 1 J 900 4-room bouse, lot 25x100. I OnO K.eonm holla, lot 67x110. $1,100 6-room house, tot 80x100. I 81.100 4-room boase. tot 80x100. $l,200-r-o-room house, tot 60x100. Otto, Crockett & Harkson 183V. First St I OWNER lesvlng city desires to sell heme; modern. 6 rooms, rruit, lawn ana osrn; a FOB - SALE. - ' Good modern house of 6. rooma, baaement, toilet and bath; lot 60x110, plenty of room liSe. 'TS'' and "V"; Thaan for caah r0B 8ALE-6-room cottage, corner tot all mod "r si Mi-Ii-Vi Zmln. ' 'rn taProvementa. bath, gaa and electric; 1 or terms. BOB Missouri avanns. I hi.v em it r.n wti... inn. fiSx-iutlTSlJl0 w"tl - house, lot 60x100, and aldewalka in: located on fca.t iwtn street, I eioas in. for tooot Part time roo wim.m. North, A bargain at $2,800; terma. I . J?? w' Ioe 1 rut um- 882 WlUlsm JAMES GIBSON. Phone Main 2466. Boom 11T Ablngtoa bldg. NEW 6-room honae for sale; also air full tot. In North Mt Tabor, 2N6 Olllbam ave., aee owner at residence, no agenta; muat be sold; price $2,200. This is the cheapest horn In city. Take Montavllla car. $3,000 BY owner; T-room, modern hoose: lot 1 60x100; fruit; term. 016 Height ava. Phone Beat 8849. 1 4-ROOM cottage, Laurelwnod, $000; eaay term; near car uue. oij inira at., room 0. I LIST yoar city property with a. Hsv eastern clients ready to H. E. BAKNUM LAND CO.. il 4-215 Chamber of Commerce, , roruana, Oregon. WB bar a couple of good bays in Income I , paying city property; on at $23,600 and one. 9,000. look these up. - New etore ' building, ' living rooms over head. Liveliest suburb of Portland. $2. TOO. " Five-room cottage, Beat Morrlaon street, Sunnyside. - Bargain If aold thla coming week. Bring in your city property that yoa want aoia quiex. H E. BABNUM LAND CO., 214-216 Chamber of Commerce, r Portland. Oregon, BARGAINS TODAY. $350 for a 60x100 lot on improved 100-ft . treet. . tl.loo for a rood 4-room house will buy new. an-to-data honae. for a modern 6-room corner hanaa. xnia ia real o-room snap, see tall 12 000 Yon can't-naer'Vdnnlfeafa thi. g Aow, ion cant near duplicate . thl for lav. r ', It you are looking for good horns cheap, H0MB LAND CO.. ; , - xo Vk ru-st St. . . BEST buy In ' Yernonj corner tot 60x100 feet lnclnrting Improvement.; 1 block from ear Una. Phone, Woodlawn OIL, " - - A SNAP. New 6-room cottage, close to esrlma. lot 80x100; prlct $1,650; easy terms. -"HARPER A O'DONNELL. Phon Main. 8743. Benson bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, faralahed, $1,600. 208 Fourth 1. .vi. racna iu or mam Otfwv. ; K. BEAUTIFUL, large 4-room strictly modern . bungalow, - 3 block from carllne; , terma. Summit Investment Co., Borthwlck t and 1 AUUHpirurui .... r uuut s.ast 04U4.' BALL A BROWN. Real Eatata. , ' Handle farms, timber, residence and bort-1 neag property; nave tarma and city property for trade; If yoa have any to sell list with as; 11 yoa want to ony can and see as. Boom 28 Balelgh bldg., Sixth and Washington. T7xl00i CARNEB, Olenwood Park, Improved street, water laid. Room 20, 288 Stark at, 100 FABM3,mall tract and tots; bargain no v, w. s. eiectric . una.. v. a. aa Hun. beats, ' mrgunv in. sii. ovoit car. oo, . P- LOVELY conn try home, on Estscada ear Una. 10c car rare, a seres suiiaoie tor garden, no roexa, runnmg water turougn tne place; $2,000, easy terms. Address P 201, Journal. - HAVB all kinds of farm, and city property ror aaie, at an price, nnu eaay payments. I BOX 100 FOOT lots, SDOve graae; streets graded, Csll snd see ns. ' dealers In real estate, I , water in; $500; terma; improvement go with Bmitn at nornoacs, vanoy,,ur."- . : . , ;. 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 mi 1 I '. uniix aim iiiinu, inwm ,iv wr uvqid: dbtii ; fine lot 46x94 on Lincoln St.. near Mariner-1 it are.: t feet above Price $476, I NEW a, A, awejiuae, v ..wiuiuwcisa. uivca. A FOR DALE R3AL ESTATE. $8,000 A KICB lot overlooking the eltK on all f (Jollega at.; fine for two i doublo Hate; wilk- in dl.l.nMI ha anlv lot fOT Sals OS atreat; nothing so bandy or, tie. lr able- fur mooay. ' M vvrna tavwtarn borne of t large roams on louiiuu in one ioca i oaru rf field avs.l charming ejaw, gooo neifuiaa-. ) hood, and strictly all modern; house could not he built tot to money. (.- $t,B0o 8 room cotuge near Baat Taylor ana twin at.; line piaoa rcao aw, .uw, ' food terms. . .. $2,000414 seres oa the Bart mad. near Hontavllia carune; a wonra building site; no tmnrovementa; lots ad : iulnlnr Balling for $360 to $300; Will auks -hJB), full tOtS. ' - , : ' , ' ... j $8,000 bays 110 lots In an addltloa lmms ' dlately adjoining Balls Craat, one of Koae City Park's most popular addlttona; take theaa lots, sell them and realise 400 per cent a the coat pries. , B. a COOK CO., i . vv. ","a , a fear din at thla Dries. $2.200 Lot 60x100 on Sevier st, Ins lo cation for flata. ' . $2,000 Modern t-roont honae and full lot, aear Union avenue. Very attractive noma. l.WW 1W0 TOlllia VH VI.J . ,i Tw. ' $3.600 T-room house; lot 60x126; walking - ai.isnce, A ana p. $3.800 Modern -room houas ssd two lots; 'Improved. . $5,000 Splendid 11-room bona., beautiful iswn, trait snd tiowera; lot wiiau. $0.600 Attractive T-room houae, west aids, ID swan reaiaence section. 16.000 Heantlful home an Broadway. $10,000 Two nice booaes on Johnson tt., lot 00x100. Will aell separate. $18,000 One of ths most beautiful homes on Portland Helrbta.- Grand view, - - $16,000 Magnificent borne on Hawthorne eve; run quarter corner; walking aisiance. Be photo, BlkhtERMAN A TAt'OHAK, 803 Buchanan bidr. tSH Waalnxtou st. bet. Fourth and Fifth. (MOD BTTYS IN HOMES. ' 11,290 For lota near Union aveane aad Fortiana boulevard, eaay lermer. , $2,000 On eaay . terma fur good 6-rooa houae with nice fruit traea, weat aiae. $2.400 New strictly modcra a-room an Ea.t Coach: Ana bur! eaay terms. and Ankeny; lessed aad bringing good la-1 - aoane. Half caan. F. Fuchs 221 H Morrison at. $4,750 FOR 12 lots en Atnaworth avenue, near Tnion; Improved streets; these lota are worth T . 1 aon 1'. ia !. B. l.kM, a. tm. nried stri?: toeludlnV iroo-Thonae. Thla , li a ansn. 'I $1,600 will buy thla 6-room. modera boose; brick basement, plenty of fruit, large lot. Improved street. . $1,830, S-room cottage, within walking dm taaeo: on Bast Ninth St.; this la a alee home; on Imnroved street. DIAMOND BEALTY CO., 26$ Alder, room 10. I T-ROOM bonaa, modern new house, oa 83th. t blocks south of Hawthorne: lee than worth; $2,400; $800 down. . 6 rooma modern. T4S Clinton at., a Tii walking distance, on 8 esrllnae; new 1 yesr ago; sx.too, ft? csan, T-room cosy suburban home, fall lots, SOOxlOO. all In fine abane: east front sl ander cultivation and fence, 1 block 1 of Flrland etatkm on Mount Scott carllne; $&0b asu caao, J. M. CAMEBON CO., Boom 413, Commercial Bldg. $1,T00 TAKES 6-room modern boose near Wll-1 nam ana Mseoa; bargain. - fax Williams I . avs. . ' . .. $2,600 BUYS .new 6-room house, ' thoroughly modern, run lot, Eaat noji.a.y ana weiaier I sts.; 8500 down. 820 per month, , J. F. COMPTON, 0 Ablngtoa Bldg. $2.tO0-tPLBDID T-room boase. 4 feet above etreet; summer kitchen, beautlfnl Uwn, I r. ..l .. I. to ann. BoruoDery ana iiowere; sa laeai noma ia 1 . oiTeooht macokeoob. 618 Bwstland Bldg. $2.600 NICK, new, 6-room cottage, modern; ,11 11H Villi. GUPKH Wl, !,.,, , !! W, , rv , ru . Ll... B 111 li Ml. W1W, U1.L. w HVBIfl aitu M I esrs. Eaar terms. 1177 Alblna ava. Phone I , woodlawn 123. . j ' " A SIGHTLY realdCBC tot 60x100 with Bull Run water, cement walka and curbs; all paid for and leas than two blocks from car line; only It minute from heart of city. a4oo terms. ' COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Coach bldg. - $40 WILL handle a tot which we can sen for fh tVLlV&J? ,bT.r?.S'nlV'; than two blocks. from, car line .and only 13 minutes from the city. AU Improvements psio. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. j Couch bldg. COUNCIL CBEST. four of tbe choicest tots. with sn elegant view of the valley, H. P. Palmer, 223 Falling bldg. block from car line. Call Woodlawa 1008. CORNER lot snd honae for sale. Bast 17th; ti iTin atreet, neuwooo. $3,600 T-BOOM modern house, Hollsday nark $3,200 6-room cottage, tot 60x160; Wil lsmetts station, $1.600 6-room cot tare, lot 60x100. elOesBnchanan bldg. 2864 Waahlngtoa. ANOTHER BIG BARGAIN. ' Fine bulldinr alts 100x100. weat aide, north of Washington, splendid location, $3,000; or will divide, fart caan. owner aeeires to real la at thl sacrifice. No agents. Address, i. aus csre or tfoormu. $950 TAKES 6-room boose, full lot. well lo- , cated; would trade tor land. 883 William BV. . $U) DOWN: $6 A MONTH. ' . Fin building lot., $278 to $400 oa above terms, rirteen minutes rrom pusiness can tor. Three esr lines. Now do not say cannot own a home. N - ' , MOULTON A SCOBEY, 601 Colombia bldg,, .865 Washington t. , CAN'T BEAT THIS! Corner 100x100, Improved street t blocks rrom car line, near piedmont, at the eacri flce price of. $1,000 If taken now.. Exclu.lvely ' tor ssie oy . MOULTON A SCOBEY. 601 Columbia bldg., 365 Washington t -90R SALE A str-rdoa house; flva mlate ,.wsik from postotrice, u voa Journal. CHEAP 8 beantlful lot 160x100, 100 feet irom Ainswortn sve., racing east. . GREGORY HACGUEGOB, 1 Swetland Bldg. QUARTER block: fine home, two blocks from ",.. .,, mlAit . pi,mnnt; mmt ha aoirf carllne; thl side af Piedmont; must be sold at once; house built only year ago far A borne; two bedrooms, and bath downstairs) two , large notches; I3.8O0; terms., Palmer van Aiauue, text railing niag I LOTS from $100 np; easy payment. Miller, 80 wygaat t - -.. .-I.-- $8,000 UP-TO-DATB T-room house Hollsday' saurtion; eaay terma, jam at., tola ia sn ex ceedlngly low price, considering location and tyi or Duuaing. . .1 J. F. COMPTON, . 100 Abington Bldg. - A GOOD BUY, . , " gl, OOO 40 aerea, 8 acres cleared, 8 acre . slushed; two bouse on place, bam and other 1 outhaiioinra;-maii orcnaro ana eirawberriea; running water and well; on, good road; terma. ' Notthweatern Realty . Co., 311 Commercial blk., Portland, or 404 Washington t. Van couver,- vtaan. . PARTLY furnished bouse, bargain;, alao well - aitnatea reaiaence lot, ooxiuu, three 1 blocks from carllne; city water, only 8150. .$15 down, balance easy terma. Call corner . Villa avs. snd Broad t At v. ear, or phone Tabor 114. - - - - FINE realdenca tot. three block from carllne, cllv water. 60x100. only f 150. 115 down, h.l j nce eaay terma ;. atm partly finished houae at bargain. Call corner Villa ave, and Broad St., at. v, car, or pnon isoor ii. BEST BUY la Portland, TSxlOO, corner, 8 feet . a Dove graae, isvei, iruit trees: grsaea street, water In I Improvements go with, lot., . $ blocks south of Hawthorne ave., on 43d at. 'owner at 843 East 44th St., sooth. Phone T.hoa :2fta. Prlra 865A: terms. . ' : ' ' lots: .owner on grouna, o4a Ea.t 44th wt, annth . Phone Tabus. 54. 3 hUl eotith rt uivunrni ava, .... $650; modern ap-to-date 8-room house, one block W toruus, stomm 111, e,w, o&t nuuAlsaar. JOn SALE REAL ESTATE. low Mills?; ' V- '- '$550-. I KIOB KEW COTTAOB AT SEASIDE; LOT 60x100; a .tone', throw from ocean; $360; ; FUHNITUHB ALSO FOB. BALE. , ' -'ism . TWO B-ROOM HOCSES, MODERB, AT 5.0ATai1B BLOCK! BBNT ,0! ' INTIC8" thS the ' SflTTT AND BAST WABHINOTOrf. 8-B0OM MODtBN, NEW, C0BNIB LOT; SPLENDID $25D ROLL A DAT PABK. T ROOMS, SOXlOOl ALL NEW, UP-TO-UATB CKMENT WALKS, LOOK THIS UP. ,. .! .1.- v. ,T ... 7' 420 Commercial BWf . 1 jFncne Paclflc 2451-r WB can show yon a real bargain In a strictly wot ra piimf iu e iriana near car, i $060 Neat t-room house, 1 lot, t block from Laurel wood .tat ion; 8200 cash, balance $16 per niunth. . , , . . $1.400 6-room bouse, t lota, near beat ScfaooL on Q. W. P. Una! lino aaah kalaaca $18 per month. . - -$1.600 6-room modern hoese fca Ana be 11 $2. TOO A .well modern cottage, t bta (oor- ' - " .Hau,i, aau wu, waiaww terma. , . . $2.800 Strictly modera f-roora hoese, en corner, la lvsnhoe; a swell home; caah or terms. .... Tracts, 1 to 20 acres, from 8 to 20 miles of Portland. See as aboat farma and farm land. Call and read ear Hat. , FIBLAND REALTY CO., U First st.,. Arcade bldg., Portland. Or. I 6-ROOM BWdsra hOOSS OO E.t Soooad St V . V .- P" or ina rrrer ann weal fortiana ; part caaa U block, soutbesst earner Union ava. and .Main st.l st a bargain: part caah. U block and 8-roont modern bonaa la caster of East Port Und; $600 cash, balance S per cent , 4-4 "aerea la Upper Alblna, hoanoed by Broadway, Hancock, Tneoover and Wheeler at.; this tract must be seea to be appreciated: a good location for some large tnaUtatloa; ' a grand view from thla tract, . Some good .business property oa Union aad Grand - aves. :, .a. BTJCHTEL A KERNS, 862 Eaat Morrlaon st i i I, i , i i i I $1.000 8-BOOM eettsge, let 80x100; sightly location at Lonx Beach. $1,600 T-room boaee and Aroem cottage, tot 60x100, Seaalde. $1,800 6-room cottage gad d lota, 60x100 each. - $2,600 T-room boose, ' modern, corner, tot EOilOO; room for another honae. $2,250 Lot 85x100 and good modera 6-room eottsre. $4,000 Fme modern T-room boose, let 80s 100; fruit flowsrs, shrubbery, choice roses. $6,000 T-room honae, modera In every re spect; choice resldsaoa section ; a splendid bargain. - - . KENNEDY A HICK0K. - 825 Lumber Exchange. BUYS I of aa acre yust over the hill frooi the Orphans' home, weat Side, at heed of Bancroft sve., - only 6 minutes' walk to threes carllne; 25 mlnatea' walk downtown; nothing Uke It on the market 8500. a little farther out atonr the survey of the Salem Una, will buy. a fall acre of a fin land as yoa ever saw, snd all la cultiva tion. Whv wait until Drtce nut n pnrchase of desirable acreage oat of your reach I Pay ' for this ss yon like. a. B. cook a co., i- Aider at IDEAL MOUNTAIN BOMB. 41 acre., xood bulldlsra, water aystom. orchard, mostly cleared; yoa get tbe benefit of the Bfe work of former owner; no plaoa mors charming for mountain life; take yoar family here for the snmoier. mske money and ' Improve a home for all time Instead of heavy expense end Idleness elsewhere. js. a. uuunv. uu zsi Aiaer st. -BOM bow house, concrete fonndstlon, lot ,,ii., . . . tv. ea.h. balance monthly payments. i We hsve one of those 6-sere tracts left ror gooo; eaay payment.. A Baantlfal Home Houae of 8 rooms, both. pantry, hot and. cold water; bice lawn, fruit trees: rraded atreet - near car. 10-mlnnt service; lot 100x125; $2,200; $500 cash, bal ance terms. AYLSWOBTH A EPTOW. Phone Tabor 670. Take M on ta villa ear. NEW S-room modern hooss Bear Hawtbome are., lot 50x90, $3,000. Good 8-room modern bone oa East Sixth st, tot ,60x60, corner; bargain, 83,500. T-room modera boas oa xood carllne. cloae la, tot 60x100, $3,200. . . llATFIKLIl BMIXU, 165tt Fourth st NOTICE It will pay yoa to see tba bargain In choice building tot on and near H.w t borne ve.. before on buy. (We are own , era.) We purchased this property before the ' boom and can aell you a fine building lot , cheaper than anyone on th eaat aid. Tim price aame a cash. Interest 6 per cent Will loan you money to build on any lot we sell, M. E. Lee, room 20, Balslgh bldg., 823 Waabtngton t ' .. $600 WILL buy-from owner 8-room boose and full lot on Marlon at., Sellwood; two block from carllne. Palmer A Van , AlsUnsv 323 railing bldg. ' . v - , FOR BALE One lot, two block from Baat An keny st. Phone Sellwood 114. BY OWNER For sale or exchange for Im proved, modern T-room bouse, choice location. Address D 807. care Journal. MODEBN well-built boose, 6 large room, cret Dsaemant, Data, gaa; least zotn it north; terms. Owner. Phone East 4677. ' OOOD SNAPS FOB INVESTORS. 8-acre tract on the penrnsula; all qlearet and ready for platting: af good mooay-maklnff 1 proposition; lie In good location,! moat b old toon; also good building tots aad homo. . C Ae Zygowslil Office, Willamette itatlon, St. John ear. 6-BOOM bouse la coarse of construction, eld gent naan t got in money no nniaa 11; max me sn offer It. 80-acre farm; $3,600; will trad for hosal, rooming house or city property, 340-.cro and 40-acre farm In th valley, will trade for anything. &;S.' Arnold & Co.' - Sneceasor to P. L. Aoatln A Co. Original Bote! Uroker; removed to 861V Morclsoa st ,.- .Boom 11 and 13. -. . . , . $1,600 BUYS five-room house,. East Portland cs.n zuu; oaiance aa rent, 1 , $4,600 beys representative- Portland hocnei weat siae. $5,000 bay nlM-room mod.rn bouss) west d. r Id 1 STRANGE A HARLAND, iiiiuwihiii a... OS INSTALLMENT PLAN. . 60x100 tot snd fine six-room bouS comDleted: sll conveniences: ene-fobrth ci balance $25 or month. Buy thl and stop1 paying rent Sphinx Agency, $05 Vh Stork t. 60x100 LOT, four firs-room flats; price $8,000; win pay ia per rent net, on inveatment;' located on west glde la good realdenca dis trict and on car line. . ' , SPHINX AGENCY, ' " .- 1 805 V Stark at ' ARE' yoa looking for a homer We have, one to auic you: any part ok iuv uuy xivairau. Eome . flue residences in . Holladay'a add., Irving ton, Ea.t Burnalde st. Upper Alblna: also a few good places oa th weat side, Sphinx , Agency, 806V Stark st. - 6-R00M modera bonne , oa Colleg etreet, for sale on terms. M. xj. uf, room zu, naieiga -bldg., 8231 Washington t. - $2,650 GOOD 6-room house on Msrgnerlte ave., one-thira caan, oaiance time to snit. aa. ai. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bldf., 823V4 Wssh- lngtonr st. - -; " ' ' i: 1 . "' SNAP $2800 caah; TH scree: 14 mil from Boss City park. 24S Stark st TAKES frag 60xl00-foot tot Bear H.w. tnorne ave., easy terme. si. m. Le, room 20 ttaldga bldg., 828V, Waahlngtoa gt, . 1