The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 19, Image 19

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In EnrUnd, la of ImporUac to motor
Utfl and wbMlmtn Uk. A hn, frtshu
n4 by t .dof, gw aroia a hirhway
attle to ' attend the automobile raoea,
but combined bualneaa with pleaaure
and brouaht back with him , aeveral
to Mllwaulde, and from" ther to the
ing of the street and will present a
statement to the city council ahowir t
that th street can be oiled at far
xpena than It takea to water them.
Clackama. Lewis BusseU. of ,th Auto
club Will have th entire road poated
with arrow Indicating th' direction In
whloh th run 1 to b taken. Ther
is no set time or place for starting.
Th club member are dally expect
ing a representative of Barney Old
field, who will mak arrangement with
them for the racing meet which they
have planned to hold on th Irvington
track. Th appearance of th worhT
champion auto racer on a Portland
into (.na apokaa of a bicycla en whloh
a youth waa taking a apin. - Tha eyollat
waa Hbrown and Injurad. tha wheal
Urge contracts for tha rebuilding of the
automobliee or aererai or seauie a en
thuelaatlo autolata. , , . , V
Arrow Poated for Auto Excursion
amaahad.. Ha auad tha han'a owner for
d&mara. Now two learned Judrea hare
decided that nnlaaa tha cycllrt can ahow
that It la the hablt-of the has to fly
into apokaa of wheela It eannot. be al
leged that the owner nuit keep aald
ben looked or chained hnoe nonault
Notice to Advertisers.
, lata Body to Work
Oiling of Street.
- Good, atrong, well-written and die
tmii unnr for - advertiaementa of all
!-. ; -i, 1 t t it ' ' t
' (Special Dfipateh to The Jeoraal.)
Vancouver. B. C, June l.ln tha
opening laoroaso matoh of th season,
played her this afternoon, th new
Weatminater defeated th Vancouver
by th score of six goal to fodr. Th
playing waa very loose, neither team
kina imVM vnur edvertislnr brine re-
aulta. '' Bookleta, follow-upa. newapaper
', The Portland - Automobile club , will
mak a run today to Deep creek, on th
ada and catalogue work my specialty,
Jamea M. Reevea, phone B. I42S for In-
track will be an event of th greatest
Intereat, not only to local motorists, but
to other. , ',
: Th Auto club la gathering statlatlos
aa to what th city pay for th water
r Perklna Back From Trip.:
A. D. Perklna. trMn nt th Pull.
tervlew.' ;.. ; ,, : . :: . "
Claokama river. The route will be
over th Moniaon bridg to Grand ave
nue, thence to Mllwaukle avenue, along
. I 't , i .,. . .a
man AntO Car contna.nv. tiu ntitrniA
Xl M.-Da via. II on ballot waa Jobbed
displaying form. Pour thousand people
from Seattle. . Mr. Perklna went to Se
In the primaries. "Bnama on somebody.
which they will run paat th golf link
witneeaea the match.
j ST- j af-V
........ ,
, 4 ar'
. i
." ' Arrived!: . ; I
fvvvvvvTTvevfvvvvvvvvvvvfvvvvvvvvvvv evvvvvvvfvvfvvfvvvvvvvvvvv
-, ! '"
WW'S .1
J "Tonriat
Ranabout, first chr ' to . be , unloaded for Ux aw aency at
V-1 t 10S ' Seventh." atreet.' 1:, ''C'. " 'v;
II nn i
f -. Mexico is enjoying a good roada boom.'
ne auiu .racing icver aaa aprnu
fan to Algiers. , ... ' r , t
ie output of Cleveland's factories Is
- expected to exceed 8,00p cars thla year.
; In New fork atate the registration
figure for motor cara have passed the
4 40,000 mark. ;. .. -.'; , -! (
V-, ailver cupe were awarded win-
; nera of the hlll-cllmblng contest of tha
. i Bridgeport, Connecticut club on May 30.
. Five delivery auto, trucka art now In
; use for tha delivery of books to tha aub
atauona 01 vne cnicago puoiio iiDrary. '
to Par la race, which atari une I, have
agreed to atlck closely together while
crosalng China and tha pobl aeaen ang
to go iwiy armea - . . . , , -.
The Cblcaao Automobile club I push
ing work on It handsome sew.- dub
house at lymouth plaoa. with tha view
to throwln it open to the use of tha
Olldden tourist upon their - arrival la
tha Windy City.
Spain' Initial automobile ahow, which
wasyopened at Madrid on May 4 by King
Alfonso and closed on May II. proved
a complete Buoce, attracting thousands
Among recent recruits In tha rank of I from all part of Europe and . insures
tha autoiata la Captain Lewis, maater of I It repetition next year.
whaling veaael of New Bedford, Ma-1 A clever fad of motortata living In
MPhuaett. - I tha suburb of many of th large, cltlea
xn automoDiie raotorie or u war-1 ia to have tha beat motorlne? rout from
man empire have turned out cara valued I the city to their bom printed on the i
I "G" Cadillac
20 H; Miso"
at 164.401.000 in th laat flv year.
. Automobile are- being auoceaafuQy
used in tha campaign of th .Camden,
New jeraef., z. M. c. A, to raiaa a
1250.000 building fund.
; All told, 17.000 mile of roads, com
' prialng llt. routes. ar covered by the
New England section or th A. A. A.
HOT blu book.
' - 'A movement haa been started for the
erection of a large exposition building
in Harlem, New York, specially for the
coming auto ahow. .
A a result of th remarkably cold,
damp spring season the limousine body
reverse aid of their calling card for
th guidance of friend who motor.
K. Q. William, th newly appointed
chief engineer of th Long Island Motor
Parkway, la a Tale graduate and haa
charge of th tunnel which I being
constructed In .Washington In connec
tion with the new Union terminal rail-
road atatlon. : ?
In removing nut be careful to guard
agalnat twisting th end of th bolt or
atud off. ' If too large a wrenoh 1 used
or too great leverage la applied, . th
amount of atrala on th nut .cannot be
haa enjoyed an unprecedented popularity accurately estimated and an accident 1
for April and May.
Level ha a billiard table and brimful
of unique sight, Holland offer ' un
usual 'advantage for the tourist who
seek recreation abroad. - s
Not only have tha Chicago motorists
likely to occur.
In handing down a decision Involving
th decree of cara to b exereised. th
8t Louis court of appeala make . th
point that th car devolving upon the I
chauffeur la aa great, . if not greater,
arranged to give the orphane of their I than that required of motormen oper-
city an outing, but th old ladle of th
publla lnetltution as well.
. Apparently th - heavy demand' for
auto In Pari ia over for a time, cara
of well-known maker being advertised
for sal on four month credit.
A Wisconsin newspaper has deviaed
the novel advertlalng plan of printing
extra edltlona and diatrlbutlng them
' within it territory by automobile.
" - Twelve entries have been received by
th Automobile Club or America for the
' sealed bonnet conteel next month, which
- will laat four day and cover 100 mile.
, Motortata who are, seeking pleasure
in new and distant heads will find them
lis Hawaii, where tha road are of coral
and shell and Ideal for automobile tour
Ing. ..- !
Determined to retain th Olidden
trophy, if possible, th Buffalo Automo-
; bile club will enter at least four cara
and probably aeveral more In th com
lnar contest.- :. .
In lieu of a pony engine to switch
freight car on it Biding a Cleveland
company use it five-ton automobile
truck with thoroughly satisfactory re-
Th Vanderbilt cup race muet be ran
over publto highway again thla year.
aa no section of th Long Island Motor
' parkway will bo completed until No
vember. ;v. ...S;;: A ;i
"' A a result of the clashing over apace
allotted In th Boston show, the motor
boat and car will no longer vie with
each other there for compliments, but
will be exhibited eeparately,
A neat and handy way to lubricate
tiro tube when replaotng them la to
distribute talcum powder by mean of
a small powder blower such as may be
had at any drug store.
; There have been so many motoring
accident of . late In Germany that the
kaiser haa ordered th chauffeus of the
Imperial ears to drive mora alowly to
set a good example. y, i.,
: : According to latest atatlstlca there
re more than 10,000 automobile In use
tin v alMtrla ilrut Mn. .. '
Th Automobile . day held by Craw
ford jvllle, Indiana, proved the largeat
event of it kind ever held in th Hoo
ler . atat. It waa attended by thou
sands from cities and, towna for a ra
dius of 10 mile and SO cities were rep
resented by th machine in the gala
L. L. Lane, aa extenaive ou operator
of Big Spring, Texaa, who la alao In
teres ted in the aug coach bualneaa in
th wast, ia driving a motor ear from
Detroit to hi horn town for th pur
pose of testing its adaptability for a tar
purposes. His rout covers over
mile. '
A atmpi test of th different grade
of engln oil 1 to heat a pan of glass
and holding it at an angle aee how
far a few drop of th oil will trickle
before evaporating. Other thing being
equal, th oil that run farthaat with
out vanishing will be beat for th en
nine. - ' -
Searchlight automobile are th latest
addition to th Austrian army. They
carry two men and a light aufflclently
powerful to lllumln aeveral - mile or
country. Kxperimenta are under way
with a tranr jort car, fitted with two
40-hore power motors, separated so
that one can be used if the other be
disabled. -
Philadelphia society women turned out
In fore at a carnival to aid poor pl
leptlce. The event waa managed ex
actly Ilk a horae ahow. Tha fair con-
test? it ranged their car before, the
grand atand, and their point were
Judged for beauty of design, appoint
ments, finish, etc The affa)r netted
several. thousand dollars:
Connecticut In a few year will have
aome of tha finest roads In th coun
try. . Th state la about to create a
bond issue amounting to 11,000,000 a
year to run aeveral year, th money
to be spent for Improving the hlgh-
waya Th atate will take over the
Undoabtedlj' the freateat automobllo proposition ever offered. See
lag ia believiaf. All the old auto-own era aa well aa prospective cob
tomert are urged to come and get a demonstration. . ,
An Unusual Offer '
X am fully convinced that It la only a question of time until prac
tically everybody who baa occasion to travel over the roada will use
automobUea. You will admit it ia quicker 'and more pleasant ' I can
prove that it ia the "cheapest method," despite the prevailing opinion
to the contrary. To hasten the time when "EVERYBODY" will use
automobiles, and to ahow my abaolote confidence in the SINGLE
CYLINDER "CADILLAC," I have decided to guarantee it "free of
repairs for one year." '; See me and get my proposition. Fully 14,000
Cadillacs making good throughout the world.
,ln Pari and the number 1 Jrrowing ao trunk roads, leaving the branches in the
rapiaiy mat ii inreaiens io upset ail
tha nrlnt tredltlona of eopletv
PSSfe8 lon campaign for the repairing
oritreet of New Tork CKyj waged by
automobillsts, Is at laat- bearingrrult.
1 gangs of workmen berng jbustly em
ployed in patching tip the asphalt .
f The pollc i commissioner of New
.Tork City have forbidden their motor
, cycle officer making any speed Of over
92 mile an hour, although their new
machines can do 70 miles easily,
..' New atylea In cara create all aorta of
new fads. The latest in New York ap
pears to b th carrying of a foot
. woman on the rumble aeat or a run
about Instead of-a footman or a chauf-
; feur
-Inatead of the usual annual parade the
Long Island Motor club of Brooklyn
will devote . It machines to giving . a
day' outing to the orphans of the city,
winding up with a lunch at Coney
Island. ' '-:.-'-i-:-
', With . th . expenditure of f 10,000,000
on roada, and Governor Magoon la
pressing the matter. Cuba promises to
become a paradise for autolsts and the
annual races at Havana a Mecca for
tourists, - "r-"; " -:.vv.:' .-."
Gates Mill hln.' which is to be used
for the Cleveland hill climb next Sat
urday. ia eteeper than famoue - Dead
car :ot th countle or municipalities.
Convinced that It would be unsafe to
permit 02 entries for tha Kaiser's cup
race to cover the course in a single
day. Emperor Wllhelm ha arranged for
two-day contest on . the nrat oay
ther will be two elimination trials, 44
cara to participate in each. . On th
second day the 40 or less "surviving"
cars will compete in the race proper.
The danger of taking a fair alnger
automobtling is Illustrated by th suit
entered In Maasachusetta by Miss Me
luslna Marx of Boston against Robert
M. Wallace of Bprlngfleld. Maasachu
setta, for 116,000. While riding together
the v machine" struck a fence, shocking
diia Marx ao severely, she claims, that
she has been unable to sing sine.
Should nrleats us automobile la th
Question which ' has been submitted to
,the yope and is creating a good deal
of controversy lit ecclesiastical circles in
Rome. The decision of hi holiness, who
holds progressive view. Is expected to
be in favor of the automobito. Cardinal
Caseetta own , an automobile and is
often seen riding around the city In It
T. A, Ujx or caiiicoon, w : I qrx,
1- secretly constructing some remark
able automobiles, to be used in a dash
to th south pole, by Dr. Frederick A.
Isxgesf ea Uie Cotsf-sThe WhoIeNortliwesI Host Send
Acloaoblles lo Portland to be Repaired end Rebollf
Auto Car Co.
, The largest, best-equipped factory west , of
New York for the building and repairing of au
tomobiles and all parts. Is equipped with all
modern machinery for both wood and iron work,
and with the finest milling and gear-cutting ma
chinery on the coast and can build you anything
that you want from an automobile to tops, glass
fronts, dashes, fenders, springs, wheels, bodies, ,
gears, axles; steering-wheels and all parts of an
automobiles; also all other machine work, tools,
milling and patterns. :
An inspection of our work will convince you
that we have no equal in this class of work west
of New York; ; - ,'
Tel. Main 41 6th and Everett Sts.Tel Main 41 v
An Immense Shop si 63 Everett Street, Covering
One-Foorta Clock
20-H. P. LIGHT .TOURING CAR, tonneair detachable, will carrvJivepepplei .M3heTe-An.
automobile will go, makes an exceptionally high-powered and nobby runabout, with tonneau
detached. PRICE $1,400. This is the best powered, most stylish, best designed and best
built car in its class. Don't take our word for it, come and let ua ahow you. 7-.-
8-10-H. P. RUNABOUT, the most economical automobile built PRICE $700. Equipped
with folding rear seat, $725. ' , ; -
40-H. P. SIX-CYLINDER 120-inch wheel base, double ignition system, magneto and atorage
battery, which practically eliminates ignition troubles, as you have one entire system in reserve.
The easiest large car to operate ever built, from 40 to 60 miles an hour without changing
win PRTPF. 33.000
1 4
MODEL N 15-H. P. FOUR-CYLINDER RUNABOUT, shaft drive, pressed steel frame, 84
inch wheel base, dust pan under engine, all working parts protected from mud and dust, 3-inch
tires, from 4 to 40 miles an hour. PRICE?70O. I ;
MODEL R 15-H. -P. FOUR-CYLINDER RUNABOUT, 30,-inch wheels, running board,
large fenders, oil lamps, tail lamp, storage battery, more roomy body than Model N, little heavier -car
all through. If you want a runabout, come and see the Model R. PRICE, $850. J
All prices f. o. b. Portland or Spokane. We can make immediate delivery, on above models.
. Distributor Oregon, Washington and. Northern Idaho. , .
Ham hilUat Worcester. Maaaachuaetts. I Cook, who la known chiefly for'hia aa
,acea.:-:., ; ' Xi't" I hiarheat peak in --North .-America, H1
rtavinr cassea tfwr- ruu , mar. m i automobiles wiiiDe xaanionea jiae a mo-
Automobile dub of Buffalo Is asserting I tor : boat, so that spaed, can bo made
mor"-!otldly than ever that it ha I either on land or Ice, J - .
larger membership than any club In the I xh legislature of Nevada ha under
country except, we Auiomooue yiu.n 01 1 conaid-ratlon a measure for th regula
.- After all th dlacuaalon as to rout,
dates, .starting placeav etc,, the fate of
the aurveylng committee for . the uiia
den tour in becomlnr stuck in the mud
60 miles beyond J . Erie; Pennsylvania,
seemed a climax to trouble. 4 0
V For keeping aluminum parts bright
end givfng them a thorough polish, use
first ptmic. stone, then a mixture of
soap and emery flow, appHed with a
brush. Turpentine Is good for tlnal
burnishing. . . . " -
Being already well provldM with good
road i, the . Royal Automobile, club and
Motor Un on of England ar devoting
their energies to , !;iat-laying and are
thla week holtUng a conteat to ascertain
the best method.
r Owing to the dinner from marauding
lands, th contestant In the Peking
tton of automobiles Which would limit
th speed of motor 'vehicles to 10 mile
ant hour In the cities and 20 miles In
the country, with a 10-mlle-an-hour limit
for all place . after nightfall Heavy
fine are provided, eapeclaUy for failure
i j atop machine when signaled, . for
which a Jail sentence, may be imposed.
The first of the three toura for the
Rowe touring trophy, which wlU be par
ticipated in by the member of the Au
tomobile club of Maryland, wilt be held
ttno.7. The run will be from Balti
more to Ragerstown and return,, a dis
tance of i50 miles.. A particular feature
of ihe conteat is that It. will be directly
opposite to the condition of th Olidden
tour, in that no professionalism wUl
be allowed. -..
A recent declaion of the king's bench,
Momobile Supplies
Bicycles br Motorcycles
You Are
Thinking of
r . Your
; Be
V tv:.;, .i..jy,..v... v .... t .
Ballou &
86 Sixth Street, Opp. Wclls-Fargo Building
A Western
Car Built
Roads and
Let Us De
monstrate to You That
Claip. for
Our Cars
is True
THE TOURIST factory is only five days away by BOAT.
We are hot dependent on the railroads to deliver our cars.
MODEL K 7 (Our leader, the most popular car on tHe
coast), two or five passengers, two-cylinder, horizontal opposed,
full 22 B. H. P. Immediate Delivery.
" MODEL H 7 rFive or seven passenger, four cylinders, 35-40
B. H. P. Demonstration and stock cars will be here the week of
June 11. ' ' -
Temporary Location 108 7th St. ' Opposite Public Libr?ry
Yes, It Was 93 Last Sundayand There
Are Hotter Days Coming
Cheer Up! ROLRSON solves the problem
canoES '':LP1
Launch repairing of all descriptions.
Launch Trimmings always in stock. '
- ' Gasoline Engines for tha builder.
v N 182-4-6 Morrison Street
'. t,
. ii
. li
ii ,