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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
Ir is V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1907. ': v 1 L h - f";v. Compiled by Experts for uPJLXJlX JL JUL M XM JL V V U? & International PORTUflD PLAYS BRIII JIGI TO BEIT ffflS STIR STRONG CREW III IIUTO CUIIG: OF FIELD f.lEETl AfJflUAL REGATTA CONTEST FRIDAYS ERRORLESS GUI BATTLE riELSOIJ .Shuts Out Commuters in Kumor.ilas It Mill Will Be 1 1 Hill Military Academy Ath- VahcouTer's Senior Four Ex- Race Run Over ;Two-Milo : Prettiest Contest on Local -Pulled Off in Opposition to Grounds This Season. Squires - Burns Fight at Corvallis. . wet Championship ient Spot for Spectators.; 4 ! ; PITCHER CALIFF IS BRITT HAS ALWAYS INDIVIDUAL MEDAL THIS YEAR'S RACES TO ! TWENTY-ONE CARS 1 : '; IN HIS BEST FORM WANTED ANOTHER GO GOES TO LOCAL BOY BE ROWED AT SEATTLE ALREADY ENTERED Red-Headed Randolph Is Knocked Off the Mountain "Spltbair' Ho gan. Takes His Place, Bat Is Clouted Nearly aa Badly. Encounter Would Broke Vast Inter I est -Brns Has Taken Possession of Jeffries' Old Training Quarters to Fit nimself for Australian. , TESTJCRDAT'S RESULTS. Oakland 0. Portland I. ' ' San Francisco 4, Los Angeles I. PC. .660 .676 .491 .101 i standing of the Clubs. 1 'w Won. Lost ,L8 Angeles ......... II 17 .', 'Ban Francisco ....... 80 II ' ' Oakland , , .. IT 18 ;PorUand . If IT . i Think of the Beavers playing an er rorless ram! No, it's not a dream. That's what , ' they did yesterday really and truly. And not for only ono Inning-. They did ' lt for- nine. -' ' The Portland ball players got down : to business yesterday and showed what ; they can do when well, sometimes. ., Pitcher Callft deaerres much of the , credit. Cailff reminded the fans of his numerous shut-out fames last year. 'He and his perfect support downed '.the Commuters In one-two-three, order ' ilnnlng- after Inning, and not until the .'eighth, when Cailff weakened Just a ; little, did an Oaklander make the ao- ' 'qualntance of the keystone sack. t la the eighth Cailff rare three bases on balls and It looked as If the visitors i were g-oing- to tally. But they didn't Lovey Lovett was there with , the big mitt to grather In a low, dang-erous fly put away by Heitmuller and the same , ended with nine bis gander eggs for the men from the south. , . Xaadolph Kit Hard. . The Beavers knocked Pitcher, Ran dolph out of the box In the fourth and "Splt-Bair Hogan went In In his place. , Hogan was batted for four hits, one of them a beautiful three-bagger by 'Bas- sey. . ' - , -v.. . The run in the fourth began with a ' ii i 'unit mi inn I 'i' iiMi ii i lieri iiQiswrumriir k'lj' , ' A " i . t ; y'Z ' i i - ; E , v ' 1 ( " ' f - ) Mays Work, Also Brings Team Cup I Bawers, Fattlson, Lalng and Moore to H. M, A Cspiores Three Runs and Broad Jump Kellog and Jay Also Distinguish Themselves. Will Be Members of the Crew Canadians Enter " Oarsmen in Every Event on the Card. V Change of Date Is Blade on Account of the Hunt Hub ' RacesTime Should Be Fast, as High Power Cars WUI Run. f " By W. W. Naughton. (Baant Newa by Loofcit LeaMS Wire.) San Francisco, June 1. -For several days past there have been rumors to the effect that BatUing Kelson, who hasn't "turned a wheel" In nearly two years, Is to be brought here In a hurry from Hot Springs and signed up with Jimmy Brltt so that the enemies of Pro moter Coffroth, who has arranged a Fourth of July con teat between Squires, the Australian champion, and Tommy Burns, mar be able to "stage" aa oppo sition . pugilistic event on tne national holiday. The report has been denied weakly, but It crops up again. The story goes that the desirs to spoil the Colma attraction as far aa possible has Its well-spring anlmoalties engen dered among ths members, of that turbu lent, organisation known as the fight trust and that Billy Nolan, who man ages Nelson and detests corrrotn on account of a wrangle over moving pic ture money, has lined up with the ant!- Coffroth forces In the attempt to bring oonf ualon to the plans of the Colma promoter. TIM Old Hgnt Trust. As to the Jars snd jealousies which beset ths old fight trust and made It !rJrSB'"c4E HAVE SANFARA BREAKS Doming lurinor le mnj man uibi it w C.-R. Zacharlag of the University of ' Oregon throwing the 18-pound hammer. Zacharlas la a likely candidate for the P. N. A, track team which will be sent to Jamestown in September. In the Trl State meet on Decoration day he threw the hammer 165, feet, I Inches, breaking the northwest record a pity the game of cross purposes which was played throughout that practically fightlesa year should be perpetuated. As to ths Nolan-Coffroth suit for sn accounting, or whatever It Is, the mat ter, I understand. Is In ths courts, and It Is only fair to sssume that a lust decision will be rendered when ths time cornea This thing of attempting to kill off one fight by arranging another for the same date Is something which concerns the public, however, and aa such it Is A NEW GYMNASIUM RECORD FOR MILE S. (ftpaetil DUpateh te Tbe VnarnaLt Corvallis, Or.. June 1. -The strons bunch of athletes from the Hill Military academy of Portland . won the cup at I the first annual tnterscholaatld track meet neia unaer tns auspices of the stu dent body of the Oregon Agricultural I oouege nere this afternoon. Mays, tne star athlete of ths same team won the Individual medal, having a- iciai oi xv points to bis credit. Kellog of Baker Cltv and Jar 'of I Pendletoa were other particular stars of tne aay. Both of these men won three first events. - The meet waa close and spiritedly contested throughout. Baker I City, with but two men, Portland High I wun tneir strong team of point winners, I combined with ths champion Pendleton l team, made matters Interesting for their rivals until the last. The track meet i was a decided success In every respect y. Crowd Zs Xarge, A large crowd witnessed the contest. and a banner of each high school waa waving on the field. The best of feel ing prevailed throughout, and enthusi asm ran high as the Juniors made rec ords that would have been creditable to collegiate athletes. Jay, In the high Juris, nrobablr haa i no equal in uregon. In the pole vault no is also above ths averase athlete. ills, work was ths most spectacular of aay. Tne meet went far above the Coach Archie Hahn Agitates Scheme I Beats Record of Bear-' Catcher In and Student Body Resolves to Carry It Out. Special Handicap 6a the " Oakland Track. " Promotes Vot Known. No matter which angle the matter Is viewed from It looks queer. To begin with, It cannot possibly be a money making venture, for no sane match maker would think of selecting a date walk to Donahue. . ' "TKinnT" stole aen. j ond, Mcredie flew out and then Bas-1 tbe privilege of sporting critics to com iiw, wno naa auaaeniy isarnea to niti"-" ... . In the right spot, knocked a liner which -netted him two bags and sent Donahue , cantering home. Moore singled and - stole, second. - Carson, who has suddenly i got his ' range finder, singled, bringing in Baseey. Moore crossed the pan on Heltmuller'B Juggle of Carson's hit ' Ca lift fanned and Lovett sent Carson around on a three-swat scoring himself a moment later on Hailey's fumble of 'Shinn's grounder. ;. Then "Spit-Bair' Hogan went to. ths mountain, McCredle; Bassey, Carson and Cailff all scored safe bits off his twisters. Bassey made , his three- bagger Immediately after McCredle's (Special DUpttrt to The JooraaM I (Journal Special Service.) Paolflo University, Forest Grove, Or I San Francisco, June 1. Santera broke June 1. Paclflo university Is to have a! the California record for a mils at Oak- new gymnasium Jo ooat In the hood of 115.000 or 120.000. This scLeme ' which haa hm in anin. I Porse bad been offered With an addi- neighbor- land today In the special handicap for Young, La Grande,' second; Mlllerlng! 4-year-olda and up, for which aa MOO ialend City, third; distance, 10 feet " By A. Qarvey. ' Vancouver, B. C, June 1. Vancouver will send a strong senior crew to the annual regatta t the North Paclflo As aoclatlon of Amateur Oarsmen, which will be held at Seattle July , The Officers of the dub. are highly 'elated over ths showing made by the -club rep resentatives at the Victoria regatta. They realise that the crew la the strongest that has been turned out of the club . for several years - and It is safe to say that It will take a speedy crew to pull away from tne locals, Norman Bawers, who - last seaaon mads such a . remarkable showing , In ths singles and who was ' looked upon a coming champion In- ths singles. has forsaken the singles for this year and will devote all of bis time to the senior four oared crew. Bawers will stroke. the crew. J. R. R. Moors Is a strong oarsman and pulls a strong oar In No. I - seat Charles Lalng, in No. 1. seat. Is well known in athletic circles on the coast He la the holder of the amateur heavyweight", boxing ; and wrestling championships of tbe province and has been rowing in the club Junior four for two seasons. This Is his first season In ths senior boat Other acambers ef Crew, In Thomas Pattlson. ths club bas-a expectation la point of success, to the I strong and reliable man la the bow locai managers, and au of the schools will send representatives to a. similar meet neia here next year. . unuaary of Zvents. XOO-yard dash Glass. P. ' jl first; waiters. Island City, second; Dart roruana nign, twra; time, 11 flat 150-yard run Maya. H. M. A. first! Breeding, Portland high, second; Bur- nap, uorvauis, third: time, 1:07. Pols vaultJay. Pendleton, first: tlon for some time, was actually crys- taiisea yesterday afternoon at a meet ing of the student body, when Coach Archie Hahn laid the plan before the that has already been preempted by an' "ebi'r for consWeratlon. single In the seventh and tallied the . big fellow, making Portland's only ; other run. The official scorer speaks In .(this wise:,- : v, : , ' . , . PORTLAND. ' Vs;.'. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Lovett cf. I 1110 0 iriinn, se, ........... 6 0 0 0 5 Casey, 2b. .... f Donahue, lb I ; 1 0 t 1 McCredie, rf. I I 10 0 .Bassey, It t 1 S t 0 Moore, c. ... J ; 1 0 4 0 Carson,., lb. ..4 1 2 12 0 , Cailff, p. (tiftiiiui 9 v ie v v ? ' Totals ....81 - IT 14 -0 f - OAKLAND.' -. ' AB. R. H. PO, A. E. . , Smith, 1C : .... Van Haltren, cf. J Heitmuller, rf. 'jr.agan, as. .......... iPliss, C ............ . riaiey, zo. ' tUgOT, ID. ... ! Devereaux, tb. , Hogan, p. i ToUls . I.......... 80 0 -4 24 U t SCORH BT INNINGS. i Oakland ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , Hits . . ........0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 14 esse 1 I 1 1 8 10 0 ; 0 0 Portland Hits 00010010 10110111 9 'bi-r SXJMMART. ' Struck out By Cailff. 11: by Ran dolph, 2: by Hogan, 1. Bases on balls tOif Cailff. 8: off Randolph. 8: off Hosan. j X. Two-base hit Bassey. Three-base ' hits Lovett . Bassey. Double play '; jjonanue to uasey. ttacrince nits Bas- ' sey, Cailff, Lovett 3. Stolen bases Don 'ahue, Moore, McCredie. Hit by pitched .' bail . Smith. First base on -error- Portland. 1. Left on bases Portland. : :; Oakland. 6. Innlns-s pitched Bv , Randolph, 4: by Hogan, 4. Base hits i Oif Randolph, 6; off Hogan, 4. Time of t game One hour and 4b minutes. Urn plre Derrick. I : : i J :l : ' ' ' - '...:.::vx.-'. .-. , " 1 -a . i ' r V ' r I ' ' : 1 William CallfTv who helped Port land win the Coast league pennant .last' .year. Callft has been, out of form this year until yesterday? Trhen he held the Commuters down to four hits. v ' other In his line of . business. Incident ally, one of the queerest points in this queer business is that while it Is com mon talk that the matching of Nelson and Brltt for July 4 is to be gone through with, no one Is quits sure who Is to be the leading promoter of the event - ' It is claimed that the details of the bout were arranged by Billy Nolan and Willis Brltt and that assurance is rortn coming that a permit for holding the fight in San Francisco-will be granted, but In the name of what person or club ths permit Is to be issued, or Just where the contest Is to take place, is being kept a secret, t- -Manager Must Be Ashamed. 'The evident disinclination of the club manager or head promoter to disclose bis Identity suggests that he feels he will be a party to a ratner unsports manlike undertaking. There has never been any particular demand for a Nel-son-Brltt return match, the impression left by that affair at Colma two years ago being that the question of superi ority was definitely settled -at that time. Aa proof of this It may be cited that while fanciful and fabulous purses have been offered for all kinds of fights, not oven one of the rich Nevada mining camps has named a price for a second meeting between the Dane and ths na tive son." ' 'Britt however, has been persistent in seeking another meeting with the Norseman, and. to do him Justice, he bas always seemed to be sincere in his de sire to tackle the only man who has ever knocked him out If the two men ever do meet It will doubtless be in 20-round bout wherein Brltt can use his cleverness as an offset to the Dane': penchant for close-in work. With both men allowed ample time to train, something which Is absolutely necessary when It Is remembered that the fighting qlallflcatlons of each them has lain fallow for practically two years, and with the attendant circum stances such that the public would be led to believe that the old rivalry be tween ' the pair bad been aroused, Britt-Nelson match would appeal to fol lowers of Queensberry sports. But as long as someone can point to the fact that Battling Nelson has per sistently turned a deaf ear to Brltt for two years, and that BatUing Nelson re cently turned down an offer of a purse of 140,000 to box Joe Gans at.. Ely. un favorable comment would be of neces sity Invited were Nelson and Britt brought together with what might right ly be termed indecent haste. Burns at Harbin Springs. Tommy Burns has gone to Harbin Springs, Lake county, to train for his fight with Bill Squires and will have the use of the gymnasium erected for Jim Jeffries when the big fellow first went to the mountains to prepare him self for his contest with Gus Ruhlln. Most of the equipment put In place for Jeffries will be available for Burns, but Tommy says he will dispense with the 600-pound sandbag with which Jeff used to toy when he needed a. foil for his Immense strength and superabundant frlsklness. j . , ; "Nothing out of the way for me, said Burns. .''Straight road work and plenty of bag-punching and sparring. with perhaps an occasional hunting trip for atversion win about nn tne mil" As for Sparring partners. Tommy will have enough of them to form a drill corps. He has arranged for the services Billy Woods, the colored heavy; George Brown of . Oakland and ' Jimmy Burns, otherwise George Memslc He Is In- hopes of securing Bob Ward, who used to assist Jack O'Brien at Los An geles. ,:--' Burns . will break- , camp at Harbin about ten days before the date of ths fight with Squires and will put ths fin ishing touches to aw training at the Reliance dub Oakland. , William Ellaha Gwynn spoke of the need of a- newt gymnasium and James Ward, manager of the track team, thought that it was by all means pos- siDie to Duua a new gymnasium In that ths students had raised . so much for the ladies' dormitory. Then a subscription was started by tne sopnomores ana the five boys and three girls pledged $45; the 'Juniors, however, went them one 'better, their three girls and five bdys pledging 65. After that ths subscriptions cams In tmcK and fast Coach Hahn has drafted plans for ths new gym. it wiu be a bandsoms two- story structure, with swimming tank ana tne latest equipments. Hahn has been engaged as physical Instructor for tne wnoie of next year. . . t ; FOUR PRIZES ARE UP tlonal 1200 if the record was broken. The daughter of Ingoldsby closed a alight favorite over Bedford in ths bet ting and after Indulging Optician with ths lead, to ths three quarters went to ths front and had ' enourh left to stall oft the gams finish of Bedford and win by three -quarters -of a length In 1:88 8-8. Ths previous record was held by Bear Catcher 1:88M. Summary: First race, one mils and five furlongs Talmund (McLaughlin), 4 to 1, won ; Harbor (Klrschbaum), to I, second; Rotrou (Alarle), 10 to 1, third. Tims, Z:8 4-6. . Second race, one and a sixteenth miles Cabin (Klrschbaum), 10 to; L won; Hugh McGowan (Sandy), T to,l, second; Elevation (Davis), 18 to I, third. Time, 1:48 4-6. Third race, five furlongs. handicap- College Widow (Gross), 4 to 1,-won; Turnaway (Keogh), 8 to 1, second; Balnade (McLaughlin), B0 to 1, third. Time, 1:00 2-6. " : ' Fourth race, ens mils, special weight handicap Banfara (Davis), 11 to-, t, won; Bedford (Klrschbaum), 11 to 6, TAT) mrt i trc CiTTm eonaj "pucian ianay;, 10 to x, tnira. j x V-" J.VJLfii.1 O DI11AJ1 I Time. l;88 2-6. , . , ; , ' Fifth race. Futurity course St Fran cis (Davis), 11 to 6, won; Bruiting Bush Among Others Are Dunont Hand!. (Klrschba!um)r 8 to 1, second; Nothing - . (Nichols), 80 to X, third. Tims, 1:10. ' cap Trophy, to Be Competed for for Second Time. The members of the Multnomah Rod and Gun club Will comneta tndav tnr four trophies at the club's traps. Ths uupont trophy, which was put up for ths first Urns last Sunday, is a handi cap prise for the first 26 birds, and must be won three times in ord to Become a permanent possession. 'x ne inman diamond medal for ths first 60 birds Is a trophy that la shot lor every weea, to be worn by ths win ner until the. following Sunday. ine Multnomah Rod and Gun club haa hung up a special gold medal as a nanaicap pse lor toe first 100 birds orougni aown toaay. i nose wno made nnder 7B per cent ibbi ounaay win compete today for the Dupont medal. Shooting will begin at 9. O'clock. : . v" The club is planning an open tourna ment for the latter part of June or the iirst pan or juiy. Sportsmen from all Sixth race,' six and ono half furlongs Ethel Day (Borel), 14 to 6, won; Se curity (Fischer), 11 to 10, second; Prin cess Tltanla (Davis), .18 to 6, third. Tims, 1:18 4-6. , 120-yard dash Glass. P. A., first: Meier, Portland high, second; Slmaker, juua-ene, vara; time, 0:24 1-6. ! v High. Jump Jay, Pendleton, first; n-euog, Baser city, second; ; Norrls,, p. su, tnira; neigntn, s reet 8 inches. Hammer throw Kellog, Baker City, first; Thornton, Roseburg, second; weoKS, island City, third; distance. 118 feet 6 inches. Mils run Mays, H. M. A-, first; Breeding, Portland high, second; Gregg, Corvallis, third; time, 6:06 4-6. Shot put Kellog, Baker City, first; Taylor. H. M. A-, second; Thornton, Roseburg, third; dlstanos, 41 feet tt incnes. -440-yard dash Mays. H. M. A- first Bean, Eugene, second; Meier, Portland nign, third: time, 0:66 4-6. Discus Helios. . Baker Cltv. first Taylor, H. M. A., second; Jay, Pendle ton, uura; aiatanoe, ios feet - -110-yard, hurdles ( Jay, Pendleton, nrst; Hawkins, Portland high, second McGutrs, Portland high, third; time, 18 fiat i s - r Broad Jump Maya H. M. A., first Jay, Pendleton, second; Woodard, Port land high, third; distance, 18. feet 8K incnes. -220-yard, hurdles Latouratte, Port- iana nign, nrst; Dixon, Pendleton, seo- ond; Hawkins, Portland high,, third time, is flat - Portland academy won ths 'relay event RODERICK MACLEAY IS STATE GOLF CHAMPION SEALS AND ANGELS ' over the northwest will be invited, and I right field fence In ths seventh. He is attractive purses will be hung up. TOURIST CAR AGENCY OPENS IN PORTLAND 9tr1s.foiT lfMeaeW A traW1attJI lai OttA JNUVY Xi VJldN UJ OJi&JJbjO olf champion of Oregon,. Mrs, W. B. Ayor im ie woman . cuompioa at uie same fascinating game. - Ths finals in ths annual stats tour nament were played on the. Waverly links yesterday, ' Mecleay defeating uoraon voornies ana sirs. Ayer coat ing Miss Flanders. The men's handi cap was won by G. R. Andrews of Seattle and ths women's handicap by Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth. The men's long driving contest' was won by Voorhies, wno Knocaea tne nttie round ball , Z18 feet: Mra Dewltt Connell won 'the women's driving contest making -182 zest, ins tournament ended with a dinner and dance at ths clubhouse last night at which more than 100 golf en thuslasts were present (Hearst Hews by Imifeat teased Wire.) San Franolsco, Juno 1. The Seals took a game of the fllp-a-coin variety from the Angels today by a score of 4 to 8. This makes them even up on ths series of ths week. Tomorrow's two games will decide whether Long's or Dillon's men will carry . away the honors for ths entire series. x, Today's gams was in doubt until the last Angel had died In tbe first part of the ninth. Dolly Gray and Oscar Jones officiated on the sending end of ths two batteries, and each had his bad Innlnga Carlisle tors off a homo run over that Machine Is Blade In Los Anseles Where It Has Taken Many l , .Records. f The Oregon Motor Car company, a new agency In Portland, has opened up temporary offices St 108 Seventh street It Is agent for the "Tourist" motor car, made In Los Anreles bv the Auto V. nicie company. This car is a 22-horse- power, two-cylinder machine, which seats five persons. .It nas a detachable tonneau. ' Although, not a racina- machine. It naa taken - numerous . records in Cali fornia, and will be seen here in the auto reeS. The model K 7, two-cylinder 22- horsepower stock oar, with racing gear, broke the World's record for 26 miles on a circular, track for any stock car carrying four people regardless of power, number of cylinders or price. With a standing start it made 26 miles in 29 minutes and 47 seconds, or more than KA mil... an tiAii T-t.1 . tm made on Saturday, May 4, 1807, at Agri cultural park, Los Angeles. The sams machine cams in . second to an eastern 60-horsepower, four-cylinder car In a five-mile free-for-all race. Ths Tourlsf motor, car haa been on the market, since 101. Los Angeles haa mors than 1,000 of them.. ; now even with Truck Eagan, each hav ing four hocers over that ; high en closure. The score by Innings: Los Angeles ......0 0 0 1 0 0 0 S S 8 Hits. v...0 0 0 1 111 1 07 San Franclscp ...0 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 t Hits . . ........14 oooios " S Batteries Hogan and Gray; Street and Jones. Umpire -Penins. ;;f UNIVERSITY PLAYERS DEF3AT;DAIiLES NINE L.- M. Davis, 88 on ballot stands for honorable deals no Jobbery. PORTLAND MAY JOIN ' : NORTHWEST LEAGUE (Special DlHth to Tne Jearnatl " Vancouver, B. C,. June 1. It was re ported here today that the VaucoirVer franchise in the Northwest league will be given to Portland.- Officials of the local club deny" the story, although It umiea m noninm xor a trans fer of the franchise have been going on xor sometime. , ' r Interclass Ball Game. Ths June, '07, "basebsll team of the Portland High school showed Its supe riority over the February, 706 team, of me same scnooi Friday on Multnoman field by , the score of 8 to, 6. ,- The liner up:, c k irw;ii ,'-''-: . June Sherwood, 'catcher; Kendall, pitcher; Healy, first base; VlnUn (cap tain), second base; Gordon, shortstop; Bruse, third base; Mullen, left field; WheUess, center field; -Barbsy, right field. - :. !, . t:. - -i February A. Noyes (capUln), catch er; Hickson, pitcher: E. ; Noyes,. first base; Strlby, second base; Bernard, shortstop; Sutton, third base; Buck, left field:- Barksdale, center field r Owens, right field. : . - -j , fgpeelat Dbpttek te The JoeraaLl Eugene, Or., June 1. The .University of Oregon defeated Arthur . Stubllng's Dalles '. team today by heavy hitting. Ths scors was 7 to 1. The feature of I the gams was the delivery of Hurd, i omy tnree mu being round off him. The club's only run came In .the ninth Inning, on a man being hit by a pitched bail, Oregon's only error, and a bad throw to cut off the runner. Oregon's first run ' cams in ths - fourth off two hits. Two mors were annexed In ( the sixth. In the seventh five hits netted four 'taJiiea.,j.s'--'-.''.t:--vy;''v:Vj:::';:ij;, Batteries-K)regon Hurd and Kelly, Ths Delies-fTallafero and McCoy. Oregon 71111 The Dalies 1 2 - White Caps Wallop Eagles. . - Ths Toung White Caps beat the Toung Eagles yesterday by the score of 9 to 0. Grayson struck out 18 men. The lineup: v..- . " ' - ..: Toung White Caps S5. Glblln, catch er; Grayson, pitcher; Wills, first base; Twining, second base.' F. Glblln, third base; Full, shortstop; Peterson, left field; Hersog, right field; 'Stensman, center field. ; , '"', .- .' Toung Eagles O. Robinson, catcher; Moore, . pitcher, SUrk, first . base; i G, Weston, second basef. R. Weston, third base; Hammond, shortstop; ,J. McTlm peny, left field; ' C McTlmpeny, ' right field; Oliver, center field. , - ; r seat - He has had lots Of experience and can ba depended on to pull his best thts season. With Walts as a partner Pattlson - won the junior doubles of ths N. P. A. A. C two' years ago. and last season won ths senior doubles at ths regatta held at Nelson. Dllla-boua-h. who was in ths senior boat last season, is now residing la Portland and Is pulling sn oar la ths Oregon City's senior crew. With ths sxoeptlon of . the senior crew. Captain George Seymour has not yet decided who the other club repre sentatives shall be. Entries will be made In every ' championship event while the club will also be represented la the canoe events. Junior prows Working. Oaptaln Seymour has three Junior crews working every evening, but will not select the crew to represent the club till ths middle' of next month. There is some good material on band this season from which- the junior rep resentatives will ba chosen. . Although nothing definite has been announced regarding the club's plans, It Is understood' that unless soms other aspirant for honors In the senior singles presents himself within ths pext two weeks, Sa were, will represent ths club In the senior event However, it is thought, that some other member may be tried out in ths singles within the next few weeks. In which event Bawers would retain bis , seat in the : senior boat The officers of the. club have decided to hold a club regatta early r next month.' This will be pulled off In or der to ,glvs the officials an, opportun ity to get a line on the trews and to strengthen any weak spots for the an nual regatta of the N. P. A. A. . O. y The Automobile Dealers' association of Oregon will hold its first annual hill climbing contest on Friday, June 7. The contest, will be beld on . the bill leading from the Shoals Valley rosup to ths Mount Zlon church. - Tbe wUl start at the bridge; Just beyond ths schoolhouse at the foot of ths hill and finish In front of the church. , This Is an Ideal hill for such s con test, as ths road Is hard, there are no dangerous turns, and very nearly the sntlrs progress of tne .cars - can, be watched from the south sids of Council Crest People desiring to use ths street-' car can take the Counoll Crest osr di rectly to ths spot It is expected that there will be about 20 cars In the contest,-21 already hav ing been entered. ; ' XJit of Cars Zntered. ,' Following are the cars entered, and their respective classes: , , Runabout 81.600 and under: Reo, Fred Ai Bennett; Bulck. H- L. Keats Auto company; Auto Car, Cook Motor Car company; Ford, Fred A. Bennett Runabout 81.800 and under: Stevens Duryea, Cook Motor Car company; Whits Steamer, Pullman Auto Car com pany; Thomas, 40., H. L. Keats Ante company;. 8toddaqs Dayton, H. A. Bur seas. - v. - . Touring Car, 11000 and under: Mltoh ell. Miners V Cohen; Cadallac, H. M. Covey; Bulck. IL I Keats Auto com pany. ' : Touring ears, ana unaer: ca dallac. H. M. Covey; Ford. 6-40,. Fred A. Bennett; Stoddard Dayton, H. A. Bur gess; Pope, Hartford. H. L. Keats Auto company; Auto Car. Cook Motor Car oompany. . - . Touring cars, $1,001 and ever: Big Six Stevens, Cook Motor Car oompany; White Steamer, J. B. Kelly; Little Six Stevens, Cook Motor Car , .company; Thomas 60, H. L. Keats Auto oompany; Royal -Tourist Cook Motor Car . com pany. .. !.. . . Oa Friday Afternoon. . Ths -dealers intended . to- hold their contest j on Saturday, June 8, but en account of that being the date of the Hunt club raoes the dealers, at the re quest of the members of the Hunt club. a rreed to hold their contest June 7. There are a number of hiali-powsr oars entered, and some very fast time should I be made over ths two-mils course. -As this is ths first contest of this kind held by the dealers, they are all entering their cars, snd this guarantees that It will be a successful and excjtlng contest-- --... -j,. ft . Tbe climb will begin at 1 o'clock in I the afternoon. . -,; :., : YESTERDAY'S RESULTS OF RACES AT BELMONT W00DBURNS TO PLAY 1 First race, seven furlongs--Rose mount (Radtke) 16 to 6; Acrobat (Mll-I ler) 10 to 1, second;, Royal Onyx (Lle- bert) 16 to 1, third; time, 1:28 2-6. Second race, four and one-half fur-l longs Cohort (Lowe) 7 to 1, won;! Beauoop (B. Dugan) 10 to 1, seoond;! Uncle (Miller) 6 to 6. third; time.. :62. Third race, five furlongs Colin (MllH ler) 16 to, 20, won; Bar Nope (Koerner)l 8 to 1. second: Ben Fleet (Preston) 101 A MlMTriKN A'V Ml Ml H: to 1. third; time. :68. AM-VWAM iiV .-... .... .K. -.11.. A vui vii a sa-VxWa eivui v w iiiuue evevuis chase Pagan Bey (Header) 9 to 1,1 won; Mr, McCann (Stone) 8 to 1, seo ond; Fellaheen (Rogan) 10 to 1, third; time. 8:69. Fifth race.' one mile Dolly Spanker (Miller) 1 to 10, won; Tllelng (Sumter)l 4 'to 1, second; Sir Toddington (Mui grave) 8 to 1, third; time, 1:89. Sixth race, seven furlongs Glenha (Medlcott) 2 to 1, wort; Bright Boy (Powers) S to 1, second; Rio GranJa (Walsh) 16 to 1. third; time, 1:26 2-6J Will Be First Opportunity of Local Fans to See Indians Work2' - - L. ::.V - Standing of tbe Tri-Clty Xague Teams. sO. P. Won. Lost P. C. St Johns Frakes JVOi,W a.......... Wood burn Brewers Trunks Astoria Cubs 6 1 1 8 8 .855 .750 .666 .286 .285 .260 .142 The St Johns Apostles will cross bats today at Hill Park at 8 o'clock sharp witn the woodburn Indians. St Johns is the leader in the Trl-Clty and Wood- burn Is not far behind. The fans will havs the pleasure of seeing tbe first appearance otihe Wood burn Indians, Just fresh after trimming the Frakes on Decoration ' day by score of 2 to 1. . The fans are also alive to the game played last Sunday at St Johns,, when Charlie Moore was In his best form and trimmed the Frakes by a score oi b to . Hoore says ns is fit to oltch the game of his life against woodburn. ' This game will-be a red hot .contest between Charlie Moors and Tim Concanndn, the Woodburn wonder. assisted by Huddleson, the . premier catcher The teams will line up as fol lOWS: ' J; , . St Johns. Woodburn. O. Moore ......... e , . . Huddleson C. Moore, .........p. Concanoon Bcngoln ss.. Shorey Moore-Clark lb., Lavler Gains ,.2b Coleman Porterfleld .8b...... Hunt Adams .......if........... Michel Gains ..i White Lee-Smith rf.. Hunt , Goulds Beat Vernons. ' ' The Gould oompany ball nine beat the vernons yesterday, 12 to 8. : Tbe feature was Bateman's catch of a long fly., Ths lineup: - - : : The Gould t- Company Fleemlns-, catcher; Clem, center field; Monroe, pitcher; Jackson, first base; " Stevens, snortstop; Tayior. third base: Dowllnar. lert neia: Andrews, right field; Roxy, second base. ::' ' -. - . v' Vernons Woodward, catcher;- Clarke. center field; Finley, pitcher; Hayes, first base; Eastman, shortstop; Heath, third base; Miller, left field; Bateman, right field; Crump, second base. I favor no special pavlns contractor or firm, L M. Davis, 89 oa ballot , Watts Beats Waverleys. The Watts and Matthews nine beat! the Waverlys yesterday by the score off 6 to 1. i Watts and Matthews Nelson, t Gleason, p; Harris, lb: Brady. 2b; Evans 8b; Hewitt ss; comns, ix; crooks ci Donland, rf, -.- - Waverly Dawson, c; Lange, p; Black lb; Caples, 2b; Detempie, sb; Smith, ss W. Nelson, If; C Nelson, cf; Stroneche, rf. 1 - Yacht Races Postponed. On account of the heavy wind the! Decoration day races planned bythd Oregon yacht, club did not come oft The races will be sailed next Saturday afternoon. t ft ' ' 1:4 i v- - I: i: f ; BjeBagasssssSBBSsmssssM Archie Haha, Coach of Athletics a . , Paclfle University. - i