The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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, PAGES 17 TO 32
f ', ' , " ,s , ' . ;Tv;;v PORTLAND, ' OREpON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUKE190yvjj U l't: 1 " "
Ladies9 Home JourhaLPatterns
Are for sale at this store. They're the best patterns possible'to
buy. ; Easily understood, authentic styles, and economical hi
cutting. You don't waste material when you cut a garment
We Mfanf Competent Help
-We're in need of wide-awake, ambitious men and women to act
as' salespeople in air departments.' " There are splendid opportu-;
nities for advancement, the hours are easy, and we'll pay them
welL We are especially, in need of competent persons for the
following departments : Millinery Cloaks, Gloves, Domestics,
' 'J ------ . . . ...-, " , ' - -t ;
r .. . .
A" startling sale that lasts
three days, Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday. Any
suit in the entire stock (white
excepted) goes at one third
less than the regular price.
No matter , what the regular
price of a suit was, whether
the fabric is silk or wool, no
matter how dote it was
marked, we make clean
sweep of them all now, and
take a loss to effect quick
clearance. .' . -
So for three days yon may
choose at will from all the
colored or black tailored suits
Ok. the store, ; regular prices
from $13.50 to $135, andon
any one you save '
Twas a lucky turn that broughfcus thesewaista At the low .price
we were fortunate enough to secure them atiTne eontmued
cold weather in theeast wade .this. class, of merchandise fnuch ?;
slower than usual, and 'one "of but largest .-waist " mjariufacturers-'
found himself well into the selling season' with hundreds too
many waists on his hands. - We made an offer on the entirje lot
got them for half regular prices. Now for the best waist sale yet.'
The orettiest and filmiest of Lingerie Waists. In rich materials
and trimmed with exquisitely beautiful lace and 'embroidery.
worth regularly from $5,00 to $28.50. Your
choice ... .....1
.i ,
.- m I VST Viu m W J f -
light : Weight .Summer Dress
Shields, in. medium size only,
regular 20c value; 1 f
special, the pair . , . . . . ...IDC
Non-Twisting White i Cotton
Tape, regularly 5c the s
bunch ; special, 2 pkgs. for. .DC
Side" and Back Combs, white only,
regularly worth to 85c f -f A .
the set; special sale ; price; .-IvC
White Ironing Wax, large J
size cakes ; special . . fC
White Snap Dress Fasteners, all
sizes, -wshable worth A
15c, dozen ". . . . . . ... ..... 1 UC
White Celluloid Dressing Combs,
worth 20c. each ;-.V , .,. (J
special . ... IOC
White Bone Handle Nail Brushes,
worth 50c each; OA
special ......... . jUC
White Wool Powder Puffs, worth
fbc each ; ?v-. .' f n
Eclipse, Alaond . Cream, for tan
or; sunburnV'- t OA
worth, 35c bottle '.V,V. . L UC
Fairy Floating Soap, for . toilet
nd'bath ; special, ; n. '
8 cakes for . 1 UC
White Writing Paper, in
19c box .. .. . . .'. .'. .. . U. 1UC
White Envelopes, 5o pkg. . . . . 3
Large Box Fine White Writing
Paper, 50 sheets paper ; OC
and envelopes .......... .&OC
White -Blotting; Paper, ' large
sheets, for desk, use; O
special . , ... ,' . i . . . . i&C
We offer in addition to
the following ' specials,
your choice of any'French
hand-made lingerie in the
house for one-fourth less
than regular price.
Think ; what a wondrous
saving that means on this
finest of muslia wear.
Made by deft workers,
all by hand, embroidered
and finished by .hand,
and now selling at
a saving
Women's White Petticoats, , of
fine cambric, with deep - lawn
flounce, , trimmed "with either
clusters of tucks and deep em
broidery edging, or cluster of
four hemstitched tucks ,"and
hemstitched ; edge." " R.egulaf
value $1.20 eacn;
Women's Corset Covers, in full
front , style, exquisitely trim
med with Val. or Cluny lace, or
Swiss embroidery; regular
$1.50 values; ; A
special . . . i . . . . . . . tj) 1 1 l
Women's Corset Covers, of fine
nainsook, in. many styles,
trimmed with lace or embroid'
ery, very pretty and dainty ;
regularly 75c each; . 4A
special , . . .. . . . . ... 'X7L
: $1.25 each; Qf
special ....... .t..OlC
Children's Whhe Petticoats, of
fine cambric, with deep double
flounce of lawn, trimmed with
.four clusters of tucks and tor
chon lace edging, regular price
special JUL
0 9 9
: 34c
Women's Large Lawn Aprons,
with wide hemstitched hem
and long wide strings ; regu
larly worth 60c each;
Women's Chemise, of fine nain
sook, skirt length, with , low,
round neck, trimmed with two
rows ' of embroidery and Val.
lace insertion,1 lace edging at
arm holes and bottom, regular
$3.50 values; special yfQ
sale price . . . . . . . . . .p.fr7
Royal Worcester Corsets, In a
new- model (No. 542), espe
cially adapted for a long
waisted figure, high bust ef
fect and low under arms and
at baek.. Have Princess hips
and hose supporters attached
at sides and front; made of fine
white batiste; sizes dl 57
18 to 30 ; $t?5 value OVmLi
White Lawn ' Cushion Slips,
with hemstitched ruffle, hand
embroidered in dainty designs;
regularly S1.50 each ;
special . .. , . , . . ..... ,
Women's Night Gowns, of fine
nainsook, in the slipover style;
with if low neck and short
sleeves,' trimmed with lace 6r
embroidery, regularly Off
$1.25 each ; special . . . . . O I C
Now.,. Buy Your Hat J
Pattern Hats for less than
ever Monday. Hand
some, 'stylish affairs, that
any woman in 'the land
would enthuse over. , :
Pattern Hats' that , have
sold for $50 to $75 'each,
about 50 .in. the lot.
Choice, QiOK
Monday ......... eDt
Pattern Hats, : that have
sold for $50 to $50,- all go
Monday for half .
regular price .......
Pattern Hats, that have
. sold for $15 to $30, all go
' Monday , "at H one-fourth
regular . . . '7
Tailored ; Hats, ; a ; grand
bargain. Your chqjce of
any 'Tailored Hat m the
house Monday
for only . ... .. .&d
Rjirif! ' Saflnnt.'T'iTi' snlit
an4 t-Aiicrti hrntric! Kimrrh nualities. all reduced in nrice for Mon
day's selling. The best stock in all 'the west to choose from too.
linens and White Goods Spetfl
Checked and Plaid White Nainsook Dimities
and Dotted Mulls, that sell regularly 0 1
at 20c the yard ; special sale price . . . . . 1 uiQ,
Imported Satin Bed Spreads, large! size,' come
in handsome patterns, regular $4.50 A jjh
values ; sale price . . . . . .-. . . .pJ O U
Crochet Bed Spreads, in Marseilles patterns,
500 of them, regularlpr worth $1.75 d A
each ; sale price, special ........... p 1
White Chif fonette, very sheer, , splendid for
underwear and lin eerie waists: soe- i At
jCially priced at, the yard, 301, 25. , ,:Ct 1 C
White Linen Suitings, 40 inches wide, a reg
ular 60c grade; extra special ' A
sale" price
Pattern Table Cloths, 3 yards long, J ' A(
each, $3.15, $3.60 and.v.i DfftJ
Bleached Table Damask,, 2 full, yards wide,. a
regular $1.25 value; special fc s f QC'
sale, price ......... . . . ,Vl.s , . : . . ODC
White Openwork Batiste in (striped, spotted
and figured designs, ; regularly worjth A A
50c the yard; special sale price ........ aCtC
White Persian Lawn,, in soft; finish, OC
regular 35c quality; special ... . . oQ
All Fine Damask Table Sets, Napkins, Embroidered Bed Spreads, Fine Hemstitched Towels:
and all -Linens are reduced for this sale. --'w.-V-- f . j 'H't
One of the greateslrpecialties in our store are the Comfort Shoes
forewomen's wear. Summer montns only make , most teet
Subles worse. Make these troubles as light ; as possible by
bringing your feet here and Jet us fit them with comfortable foot
wear. ? ' -" " . '
Women's Bunion Shoes, made
for those who have k enlarged
joints or bunions.' Made of soft,
kid, specially constructed and
sure to give relief to those suf
fering from troubled d J, A A
feet,' pricey :i V1.- i tTf.w
Women's Grover Gipsy Button
Shoes, of soft kid,': made by
hahd throughout, with plain;
toe and low heel.very J A A A
comfortable, price . : ) U II
Women's Grover Lace Shoes,
with good weight soles,7 made
of soft ikid, and fitted with
broad, low, rubber ' Q AA
heels, price, pair . . . UU
Women's Grover" Kid Juliets,
of 'very soft selected stock,
with light soles and patent tip,
medium round toe and medium
low heel, look well enough for
stteet wear, "and are comfort
able house shoes, ; dA v! A
Silks and Dress
White Japanese
Silks Are the
Specials Here for
Light weight silks for summer
wear, - good, durable fabrics at
low price, right in the beit time to
have them ' made ' into smart gar
ments. ; Save like-this Mondays '
27-inch, worth 50c, yard, VivJt.
27-inch, worth 60c, yard.... BO
27-inch, -worth 75c, yard.v.-'i"!
27-inch, worth 85c, yard.... 72
27 or 36-inch, $1.00 value. . . . 85
27 or 36-inch, $1.25 value.... f 1.05
27 or 36-inch, $1.50 value,. . .f 1-25
27 or 36-inch, $1.75 value. . . ,f 1.48
27or 36-inch, $2.00 value. . . .f 1,89
Cream . Panamas and Mohairs,
plendid wearing fabrics for sum
mer, light weight and very dressy.
Special, ' , .-- ' 1
Regular $1.00 grades for.., . - 85
Regular $1.25 grades for.... $1.05
Regular $1.50 grades for ....f 1.25
Regular $1.75 grades for.'...$l48
Regular $2.00 grades for....l6
Metis Wear
All white articles in men's wear
are specially priced ; for this
sale. Great chances for saving,
for there are many things that
men wear in white. Here are
sample Values: ;
50c White Balbriegran i n
Underwear, sale price . . HuCXi
75c duality; 63. and all white
Underwear in proportion. ' Re
duced prices on White Shirts,
White ' Vests. . White Ties.
White Jersey Sweaters, White
Handkerchiefs, etc, 1 , v
Two splendid specials in white
on. the fourth floor, and then
the entire stock of white arti
cles dn allXlines . are .marked
down for the sale. ?
Irish Point Lace : Curtains, in
handsome , patterns, come 50
inches wide and full length,: a
curtain that sells regularly for
$6.50the pair; white Q AC
sale "price . ..v.-. IO
White Blankets, all wool,i full
size, and splendid quality that
sell regularly for $6.00 the pair;
white sale . v & A 5C
price ."i';.V..iVi DTfUJ
Those areonly the, special
prices. Everything in white on
the fourth floor is marked at
white sale " prices. This in
cludes Metal .Beds, Children's
Cribs, White Curtain Materials
in Madras, Swiss? and: Net,
White -Lac Curtains, includ-
Inz Brussels, Irish Point, Ren
aissance, Madras, - Muslin and
Clunys. And we make " sale
prices on the White. Blankets,
too, in the wool and cotton ma
terials. There is many a good
bargain to be had inf this sec
tion. : Come and look.
and Ice
We Sell and Recommend the Automatic Hefrlgeratbr,
We" recommend them because
the deserve it. .They're built
on scientific lines and so con
structed, , that they give the
maximum- amount of service
with the .minimum amount of ;
ice. Twenty styles to choose'
from'. Ask to see the Auto
matic on the third floor. Win
dow Screens for summer. Hard
wood , or ; metal : frames. '7 The
wood frames are on sale at spe
cial prices. .'Lawn Mowers, a good make, priced like this:
12-inch size, special. . . .$2.65 14-inch size, special. .92.75
And a large 16-inch Mower; special ..?2.00
Garden 'Hose and . Garden Tools of all sorts, good assortment.
1 , .'. '-' 11 1 1 1 1 - 1 mi ; 1 1 .
Glass Berry, Bowls, worth 25c each; special price; 15
Glass Berry Bowls, regularly worth 35; special .... 20
Glass Fruit Saucers, regularly worth 50c doz.; special . . ;30
Silver Napkin Rings, regularly worth 60c each ; special -X . 25
Candle Sticks, that sell for $1.65 regularly; special $1.00
Oheida Coffee, Spoons, regularly, worth $1.00, set of 6 50
Wallace Brass Sugsr Spoons,, regularly 30c; special 15)
- ' i
Sale Rich Mover laces
Most, of-these are white, but there are some black ones among
them. ? There are some soft, rich cream shades, too. Come in
nets and; Point Afenise patterassome:7yalenciennesv designs
among;them;n"Price ieWslF:ii;ii' :''
Regularly jworth 75c the yard; special price ..v.;; 37f
Regularly $1.00 the yard; special price w.iVis;iVVii.. 63c
Regularly $2.50 and $3.00 the yard; special price i. $1.48
Recrularly worth to $00 the yard ; special price ii,...v82.08
Women's Handkerchiefs, jn pretty crossbar patterns, flfl
reg. siie, embroidered and initialed, special value, 3 for . J) 1 . U U
Laces in- rt. V emse and bt. ball Laces, m bands and edges,
sharply reduced. t -
Oriental Laces, wide or medium widths, edges and inser- A
tions, regular 50c and 75c qualities ; special sale price i ; LtoZ
Embroideries, a stock, that larger and better assorted than any
other on the Pacific coast. All reduced in price for the annual
sale of White Nainsook Sets, in open or blind embroidery, in
edges; bands and allpvers, cambric sets', wlss sets and all white
embroideries in the stock at sale prices. , ;:'
1 1 ' ; "i'r ' ! 1 ' " ' ' ' hi 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . - .' 1