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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
II THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY , MORNING, JUNE 2. 1907. v v ROSE AVENUE, CHEMAWA INDIAN SCHOOL. -: ll . .1 i., u vvm.y i , J t t 0 ""'tit' 4 SHALL BE HOSIC FILLED No 1 Such Commencement Ever iii Oregon as That for' Graduates I' at Eugene. 3 . 1 T" v. .. 1 .Tbe Cbemawa Indian school can b appropriately named tne Rote School. Thousandi of choice rose V bushes line all the walks and paths of the school and climb prer the" b nlldlngs of the Institution. More ;'. than twenty large clothes baskets were heaped fall with handsome roses cot from the bushes Thursday morning to decorate the graves of lored ones, and they are not to be missed now. THAT LOU RATE i Oregon City People. Await With Interest Nam ing of Date. which mtana that a rouilnr Mlabratlon will b bald. Tha commltteea ar flvur Ins on eral norel feata aarar befor hown In thla aaetlon of tha country and ahould they ba secured tha peopl will nara aomathlnf wall worth coming milea to BEIDGE EEPAmS AEE i . COMING ALONG WELL Pngllists Before the Mayor. . (Special Dlipitefe t Tha Joamal) Orecon City, Juna 1. A pugillatlo contaat was . pulled off yeatarday and ona of tha young mm la somewhat bat tered. Thursday avanlnc two parties named Ross and Stephana stood Kins. tha aa-tTessor In yesterday's contest, on bis head and alapped his face. , Ha anxious to meet tha parties one at time, which he did yesterday. A fight was at Its hottest when Officer Steph ens took the pair to tha office of Mayor Caufleld. who gave them aome good ad Tloe and let them go on promise of good behavior. . ; " A1US ARE III 110 DAB Opening of Parks Welcomed by Cltl - sens Seeking Recreation Anglers .Organized for the Day Fourth of Jaly Fund Growing Nicely. (Special Slipita te The JToenal.) Oregon City, June 1. It was an Artisans' Social Session. - (Sgeelat MtDatek te The Jeanalt Oregon City, June 1. The Artisans held a social session at their hair last evening. Several candidates were In itiated, after which a literary and musl cal program was enjoyed. Dancing fol lowed. The Artisans hold these social sessions after each business meeting. I J0. ilX''Vl VAN(X)TJVER CHUECH I v ; 8EJi VICES TODAY O. W. P. line between Portland and this city tomorrow, but as yet no definite statement has been 'received. Many people nere spend Sunday in the me tropolis and should the fare be reduced (Special . Dlipttch to The Jbarnal.) Vancouger, Wash.. June 1. The fol- tUl wore- would go. A notice has been n?wln h"rch rTlc" T1" M nel4 ln ttnatMf h 4h Mfflimiii imonnxlnf thai 7 iuwvw ,1 new schedule, but does not say when It lis to go Into effect. When thla new tlm card Is ready, for the publio tt wlU "I give the citizens of thla city a IS-mln-t vt service between here and Portland. Presbyterian Tenth and Park streets. Rev. J. B. Snyder paator. ; Sunday school, 1:45 a. m.; morning service, 11 o'clock; . Toung .People's meeting, T p. m.; popular evening service,' t o'clock. The subject of Pastor Snyder's morning sermon will be "The Voice of the Sea sons." In the evening, he will preach on "Building a Tower Special mualc : I ... - : Chinese Ebels Hare Shown No Disposition to Attack . Foreigners. - 1 s, .... ii WAESHIPS WILL TAKE HAND IF NECESSARY! More Than Fifty Thousand Insar gents Hare Enlisted Under New i Banner and' Outbreaks .Are , Re ported From the Interior. ' j Oregon City's' Sunday nans. (Special DliDtteh to Tha 7oeraaL Oregon City, June 1. Should the! at the evening service. weather be fine tomorrow many will! Methodist Ninth and -Columbia : spend the day down the rtver; where streets. Kef. T. K. Elliott pastor. The ,7 nt nn-nunwi iy.t they can enjoy the cool from pastor wUlVeach a baccalaureate ser- S?. " nJ?V 4 the waters, -while man others . will mon at 11 o'clock. Sneclal mualo willl,n nn" .undr. th w .UBd- .w- -1..-- k. ..- I . imnT uiouiwa reoeis are re- I have been arranged and will leivHarly service at the usual hour. 31' ",!!"--! 4 in the morning for streams throughout St. Luke's Episcopal East Eighth of t h nrl n rl n J oVt 7u wh th 1 ? the county. Many Will attend the ball " C streets. The usual services wiU 1- .utti? " th HfllnPa,treeEirBgrc.1:fi- xjS I jgame at Portland, and It is the hope I of all the fans that the game will be , a repetition of last Sunday's. Ritchey of Monmouth. Oregon, . will 4 ; Canemah's Opening Today. " (Cpeetel Dlapitek to Tb JnaruL) -' -' Oregon City, June 1. Canemah park Will be open to the public tomorrow at Amor directing him to call upon Ad- preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday "."Xr."!" ".r""" arhnnl 1 A m DiHaMan tmjriwn sua in American war- lit 7 i Jn EndeaTor ships if there is the slightest possl- Christian Sclenci day service, 11 a. m. Bonn's hall. Sun- midweek meetlngl blllty of need of assistance. ..... . . . i n. ... iujuwqu meeunr "Ir. J . J 1 n Jt. g0.rL Wednesday evening, o'clock. The sub- I- M. Davis, 8 on beJlot, stands for i " . n ou Meet ror tomorow will be "God, the Only Purity of home, sacredness of family " n nnit nil ImnHlvM linn. tn. n.ii tmttn I . . . a . . h I . . u . - yum iwi vreaior. ' un. agemeni came in control ana tne open- ' Ing tomorrow will find the park in fine condition. A: band will be In attend- ance and those rho are fond of dancing 'Win nave musio au day. it is the In- tention of the management to make this ' the popular resort of the season and it j ' Js claimed that a strictly orderly place ymi be Kept,'- 'f-,-- , -: -" ;,' . Visitors at the Oaks. '4 - ' (SiMdal Dtopitch to The JeeraaLI Orea-on City, June 1. A larre nam UIICIAD, UIIFED FOR LORD'S SAKE L4merican COMTEK THXXD A99 001TCS STS. fovxa at Axn mxaxr. Dinner from ll a. m. to I p. m. hlnlrM .nun m 1 ber from this city went to the Oaks Montana Woman's Fanati-ittuce . 10e today, where -hey spent the- day at , leisure. The Oaks will no doubt draw Its share of - Oregon City patronage during the season, many parties already ' being planned to spend tomorrow at this l. popular resort ,; Uquor selling having I . been stopped on the premises, many will patronise the place , who would not In i't seasons past. cism Surpasses That of "Holler or Tonffuer. -15el .204 4 : : Bridge Repairs Come on Fast. i rv-nr. rit. in,, i ro I arrest was , made last evenlna bv tha suonii uvpuuea. loo woman Was . i (Special Dlipateh to Tbe"7onrnali - Butte, Mont., June 1. Because she insisted on running around the neigh borhood unclad, a hitherto uncommonly moaest wire is in tne county Jail with a charge of insanity against her. The who are engaged ln repairing the bridge now have the screw lifts in plate on 'the west side of the bridge and are at 4 work tightening the cables. Several of "the cables are badly worn, and It will be necessary, to cut them and splice . with new cables, which will be an chored ln a solid rock foundation. Is probable that ' the repairs will completed in few days. . - It be f Celebration Fund Growing. Spool! DlsMtt to The Jonroa!.) , ! ' Oregon City, June l.--The 11.200 mark was reached In the Fourtn or July fund, i-ti A oteal ' Wonderlaad. : i - . Sonth DakoU, with its rich' sliver! mines, bonanca farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a vert , tabl wonderland. At Mound City. - in the home of Mr. E. D. Clapp, a wonder ful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. - "Exhausting cough-- ina- apells oocurred every flve minutes," wrltca Mrs. Clnpn. "when I began giv ing Dr. King's New Discovery, the great: medicine, that saved bis life and com-j j'lft cured him." ; Guaranteed fori m.tha and colds, throat and lung trouble!, by Red Croan Pharmacy.' 0c w ii.oo, .Trial botue free. without a particle of clothing of any mna on-ner person at tne time. "I must go naked before my Lord," sne replied, wnen urged to dress her- seir. ' v-; ,.'.'. " Asked If she was not ashamed to go about naked, she answered that She would have been once, but now she knew it was God's will, and felt no embar rassment. It is said her case Is probably Incur able, and that death will follow unless some means are devised to get the woman to eat. She remses to partake oi nounsnment or any Kina Sunday School Convention Date. (Special Dlrpetefa to The loornal.) Elft-in. Or.. June 1. At the close of I Rot Veal Vnd Dresslna the meeting of the Union' County Sun- j Roast Pork and Dressing Bliced cucumbers 10e Fried shad ..15a Tiea Kaior ciami. Fried Shad Roe... a Fried Tenderloin of Sole, . Tartar Sauce. . . . , . . . .,... . .... ..... . .25 Scrambled' Shad Roe...........,.20e1 1 Boiled Mackerel, drawn butter..,. 25f I Steamed little neck Clams .20c Clam Bouillon with Toast.. mi Boiled Beef Tongue and Spinach,. 206 tmcMn rut jrio ............... .xoar Pork Tenderloin, Braised Cabbage 25s) tArded Calves' Liver, Club .House Onions ...... .................... 25s) Veal Kidneys, on s Toast, Country Gravy . .. . .. ... .20e Fricassee or- Chicken Wings and Noodles. ...... -' ...204 Pork Spare Ribs, sage Dressing. . . .20e) Fried Strawberries ' Jh Batter, a la. American; 254 Olympla Oysters with Rice, . Indian Style ........ 25 Codfish Balls, Cream' Sauce. , ..... 15a) Cold Ham. Potato Salad... .20 Beef Stew with PoUtoes.... ...... 15a) Boston Baked Pork and Beans.... IK Half Spring Chicken on Toast..... 50a)1 DAt tTsi m av rpviTtlrsaw m A Ttvaaasaite aw OK ' AVVCM VUUB A 1W BH1U WD I ll , aBSB Roast Spring Chicken and Dressing 25e) ....... t.36ver day School association it was decided to hold the next meeting of the asso ciation at Union, November, 1J and 13. .15e) Unknown Swindler at Heppner. Heppner, Or' June 1. An unknown man who passed a forged check for 168 at Marquardson's department store se cured' I50.S& ln cash and the balance I Tn s merchandise. , Officers are looking lor nus.' .- ' . . Roast Beef, Brown Gravy. ..... l5e) Roast Lamb. Mint Sauce and Green Peas 201 Btxawnerry snort caice ...... . .. .xo Htrawnerries ana vream . .... i ... . xvf Strawberry Ice Cream.. ........ .10 Coffee, bread end butter and potatoes with all meals., .-. :asjr atxsTAtmjjrrr v Om Thirds sad j, Condi itreeta. - Slaasg from IX a. sv te y. m. - - (Special Vimtt to Tba Jooraal.l , University of Oregon, Eugene, June L Commencement week at the State unl- versity will be largely a musloal festi val, the class of. '07 numbering S, the largest by three or rour ln the unlver slty's history, will have the finest com mencement ever giveu any Oregon class. The music will be furnished by a spe cial chorus and orchestra and Individ ual singers under the direction of Pro fessor Glen.. Hundreds of friends, rel atives and - alumni are expected. The Southern Pacific has granted a round trip fare of one and one third. The program follows: Sunday, June it Baccalaureate ser mon. Rev. Mac IL Wallace, pastor of the Brewster Congregation church. Detroit, Michigan, 11 a. m., Vlllard hall. Monday, June J4 Faculty-8enlor baseball game, p. tn., and graduating exercises of the School of Muslo In Vll lard hall it I p. m. , Tuesday, June SS Alumni business meeting -and class reunions ln McClure hall, 10 a. m. President s reception, at tne nome or President Campbell, l p. m. Oratorical contest for Failing and Beekman prises. In Vlllard hall, 8 p. m. . Wednesday, June 1 Thirty-first an nual commencement Address to the graduating class of 1907. in Vlllard hall, at :$Q a. m by Senator John M. Gearln. University dinner to the alumni In new library building, t p. m, Ajurani ball in Armory, at t p. m. XArt of Oraduates. The bachelor of arts seniors are as follows: J. L. Barbour, Portland; E. G. Beebee, Eugene; O. N. Bittner, Port land; C M. Blals, Eugene; P. G. Bond, Mapieton; Sarah A. Burch, Rlckreall; Louise A. Burdlck. Cottage Grove; Ma bel-Cooper, Independence; -Margaret Cundirr, Eugene; Edwin R. Fountain, Klamath Falls; Lorens Maude Gallogly, Oregon City; F. V. Galloway, it cMlnn- Vllla: Mara-arat A: nittlnn.'I!iinii! W. H. Glafke, Portland; Mary Lela Goddant Portland: R. W. Hammack, Harrington, Washington: M. a Hand-r man, Portland; - D. ,E. Hardin, - Prlne vlUe; L. A. Henderson. Hood River; G. W. Hug, Elgin; A. W,'-Jackson, Ban don; W. W. Johnson, Eugene H. A. Wheeler, Eugene; Angellne Williams, Oregon City; Clara P. WoM, Eugene; J. P. Woodley, Eugene. The bachelor of sclanoe graduates are: William G. Chandler, Marshfleld; O. P. Beck. The Dallea; T. P. Holt. Eu gene; O. C. Jackson, Astoria; Laurlds Laurldson, Astoria; Harry A. Hampton, Portland; J. w. MCArthur, Eugene. Vanda K. Coffey ofEugene will take the master bf arts degree, v . r FIEECE FOKESiT FIRE ; YON OKAY'S HARBOR (Speelal Duftteb te The Jnnra!.) ' Aberdeen, Waah., June 1. -Forest fires have already begun ln ' thla vicinity, a very ' extensive one raging to miles north. Deputy Sheriff Anstle atfd Con- stable George Dean attempted to go to the camp of .Young & Hoover to get a witness in an inquest case of a man drowned and were obliged to turn back at Humptultps on account of tha, fire. Flying sparks aet their buggy cushion on fire. A strong wind Is blowing. Sea view and Centervillo BeachLbts. -' Fifty-foot lots fronting on the ocean between Centerville and Stouts, lying ln front of the lots from Troutman s . on up to the realdence of James Manner, Esq., we will sell for $50. For part leu- lars rail upon Charles K. Henry & Bon. it Third street, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL SAilT WHITE CANVAS QXORDS AU styles, light or heavy soles. $3.00 grades for. . . . . . . .$2.00 $2.50 grades for. . . . . . . .$1.75 $2.00 grades for. .... . . .$1.50 PJenty of Sizes for all. Announcement 'THE MANAGEMENT OF The Needlecrafi Shop 382 WASHINGTON STREET ' Wish to announce the opening of a branch . store - at , , SEASIDE, OREGON, with a complete stock of Needle . work Supplies. ' Lessons In Embroidery will be given ; ' ' every day. ' , , .. ':..', . P ..' . .'(,'" . V . 'V :'..'' ..'!'. :. ' ' .'.". '.','. " j . ' 'i. 26IaMffTlswB St., mtv FJftll ' MAYOR'S WALNUT OIL ftsstores CoUr te Gray Hair or Bear HI .EMM ha IMM hn iiipul Mm vuMa M ln A kigt , im mtnittlmu .npinilia. aak.r.1 we mm imdi. mmmittwrnlr fcxili Will .1 aiXMttrt fwf i. .,.i, Snt hxin mtUu milk I raj WHWIMaii - M mm BABBSas frt aatH It. ArrflrU.rrlib rrUr Mall M.Jf.14, krtal lfanil. itm. SUa. Anm, a-Mana InaaSarfe Mayer Walnut Oil Ca. east. LitaWasaasaAvebaaaCny.Ba.D.lij ' Clean, Healthful and Nourishing. ; Made of the Best Materials , Baked Under Sanitary. Conditions. 5 cents per loaf Attn grocers Butter-Nut Bread , Is 'widely. Imitated teware of the frauds. Look for the Blue-Star label on every loaf. . LDIN6SALE (Joevaal Special Sarrta.). Washington, June L With more than 60,000 armed insurgents ln . open revolt against the rule of the em press of the Chinese revolution Is tak-I Ing- on sertoys proportions, according to aavices reoeived nere this morning from Hongkonsv It Is not believed that there is any Immediate cause for fear j for the Uvea of foreigners ln China. a attacks tnus rar have an been . upon Chinese officials, but every precaution is Deing taken by tne war department to protect American Interests ln the I orient ;t'' An outbreak Is reported to have oc curred yesterday 40 miles from Nanne-1 gan. In which only officials were at tacked, and similar reports are being received from all parts of the Interior. Every man able to carry arms la being enlisted in tne cause of the rebellion,! On the Corner The Astounding Bargains In Portland's Most Sensational Clothing Sale In Years a i! DELLAR'S GREAT REBUI AT FIRST AND YAMHILL STREETS LOOK FOR THB QRBGN SIONS Wrecking Has Begun, But Thousands of 5uits Must Be Sold Ere It Can Reach the Main On the Corner sT 1ST m A- m The contractors have already started operations toward the demolish ment of the building in the basement. Every blow of the hammer is a warning that our time is short in which to dispose of the remainder of this gigantic stock. Price-cutting will be reckless from now on. THE MOST DARING DISPERSAL OP UNPARALLELED AND ABSO LUTELY MATCHLESS CLOTHING VALUES EVER ATTEMPTED IN THE NORTHWEST te At-the". Of Its Grand Career We cannot take space today to tell you of ALL the unprecedented bar gains but will only remind you of these few. Apex hnf Extra Specials for the Coming Week Men's $10 Suits v $4.95 In small dies only $4, 35 and 36 bust measure.' Only few left Big bargains for "smallish" men. Best regular $10 values ever of fered In Portland while they last ' go In. the Great Rebuilding Sale for Men's New, - Stylish 1907 Summer Suits Splendid $15 values, tale price, Unequsled $18 values, sale price $93 $10 Suits $4:9.$;: Matchless, new and up-to-the-minute styles. In latest cut and superbly made Suits, products of such famous men's tailors as Charles Kauffman & Brothers and Rosenwald ft Weil, the equals of the best custom tailors in America. Carried by only leading houses and sold (P 1 A Q p everywhere for $25. Jttst inbought for our new store, I 4. 0j but will be included in our Greet. Rebuilding Ssle a -T $15 Suits $6.95 ' WONDERFUL: HAT VALUES Men's Hats A Grand SpeciaW-10,000 men's newest styles in Fedoras and Telescopes; pearls, blacks, grays and browns; $1.50 and $2 values-wbile they last, choose at Matchless Shoe Bargains t " Cut out this ad and bring It with you. Fifty Cases Men's Shoes, $4.00 and $5.00 Values, for $2.95 ' Patent leathers,' vid and . calf, new last) made in master workman ship by expert shoemakers, $4.00 and $5.00 values,' for.. ....... f 2.95 Men's $3 and $4 Shoes Yor $2J5 Similar' to lot told of above and equal bargains. ' : 35 cases of Men's Box Calf and Velour Shoes, in Goodyear welt styles t the wonderful bsrgain price of ..,.,...;... ..4........f2-35 . . Ladies', Shoes, $1.75 and $2 Values, for $1 8000 pairs of the fine vici kid Shoes, with patent tips, well made, stylish and durable, the regular $1.75 and $2 grade to be sold for, a pair. .fl.OO Women's patent vid and calf Shoes, worth $3 in the Great Rebuilding Sale... f 1.65 Women's $3J0 and $4 Shoes, new arrivals. f 2.20 H 6ee those golden savings In our windows at the MONSTER REBUILDING. SALE now at its height at the JOHN DELLAR QL.OTHINQ HOUSE At FIRST AND YAMHILL, where the building te about to the "made over." . .7 MAIL ORDERS FILLED carefully and promptly. i.