The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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We Want More
nt Salespeople
Steam Schooner Casco Will
, ; Be. Regular Visitor Dur- ,
4; tag Next Six Months.
1 ' :. '
' , ' Indication - Point to Hear , Wheat
' Shipments to California Thla 8um
' mer- Quantity Sent Last Month
' Exceed That Afloat for Europe
?. The steam eohoner Csseo,' which er-
rived In the Harbor yeaterday afternoon.
la under ohartar to Taylor, Young Co.
! to earry wheat, oata and lumbar, from
thla port to Dan Francisco for tha nest
alz months. Yesterday wa tha Caaoo'a
, tlrat visit bara alnca aha waa built about
a year ago. 8 ha la In command of Cap
tain . Ahlla, - formerly master , of. , tha
steam achoonar Redondo.
,- v Rough aaaa and strong northwesterly
wind a were ancountared comln up tha
coast or batter time would have baan
made, 'as tha Caaoo ha a a reputation for
reeling off tha knots at a lively rata
t tlmee aha bad all aha could do to
keep on t the aeaa.
Grain ahlppera are of the opinion that
large quantities will ba aent south thla
summer, aa two yeara ago whan a fleet
Of eoaatera waa kept buay hauling wheat
and oata from bara to California, porta
A goodly portion of lue grain then
ahlppad went to San Padro, and It la
believed that San 'Pedro will again prove
, a liberal market Notable la tha 'fact
that although only ona extra steamer
, waa engaged, tha wheat ahlpments to
California etceeded thoae to Europe by
about (00 buahela, 131.017 buahela hav
ing been ahlpped daring the month. A
' large portion of this enormous Quantity
went by tha 'regular llnera, Roanoke,
f Columbia, Geo. W. Elder and Costa Rica,
Tha extra ateamer waa - tha Hyadea;
which Bailed Thursday. She will prob
ably return unleaa tha eteamere San Ma
teo or Pleiades become available before
aha has delivered the cargo with which
aha la now bowling her way towards tha
Golden Gate,,
District Forecaster Deal Predict
'- 19.2 Feet Wednesday.
District Forecaster Beals predicts II I
feet of water above sero at thla point
next Wednesday, whloh means that 'he
-Willamette will crawl up another two
feet. This, however, wrrTlot-brlng It
anywhere near tha Front street level.
Since it will have to reach the 25-foot
Stage to dampen the Belgian blocks on
be old thoroughfare.
The rise In the Willamette will be
alow because tha river haa now reached
a atage where It will take enormous
volumes of water to lift It still higher.
.A favorable feature la tha fact that tha
weather is cooler at the headwaters of
the Columbia, although tha temperature
la Increasing at the headwatera of tha
y'. 'Xhe. ,rlver.k In ; the harbor yeeterday
afternoon began to lap upon the lower
deck of the Oak street dock and by Mon
day that structure will undoubtedly ba
-Inundated, to-, a depth of a couple of
incnea. xna lower Ainaworth dock, haa
been under water for aome time, f
Harbormaster Pays Scow Dweller
on East Side Visit,
' Harbormaster Speier visited a num
ber of scow dwellers along the east
side of the river yesterday afternoon
and notified them to remove from tha
Street approaches. All appeared willing
10 comply witn me instructions. They
will be given a few days' time to ahlft
their abodes, but rrosecutlons will fol
low should tha orders not ba parried
.out j - .
4 The acow dwellers enjoy cheap rant In
the very heart of tha city and for that
reason they are more willing to observe
the- lawa than some years ago, whan
eholce locations were not so difficult to
get Up till about a year ago the east
.bank, between the Burnslde and Steel
bridges, waa a favorite spot for soow
dwellers., but the Southern Pacific com,
pany finally succeeded In having them
ejected from tha, premises, on tha pre
text that tha waterfront at that place
waa to be. Improved immediately. ' :
.Cape Blanco Now Ready to Receive
Wireless Message.
Notice has been Issued by the hydro
graphic office of the establishment of a
wireless telegraph station at Cape
Blanco, this state. The station Is now
In operation and mariners are instructed
to call the lettera TA.
Tha establishment of wireless tele
graph stations along tha coast will
prove of great value as soon as the
Steamboat companies get thelc vessels
equipped with apparatus for sending
and receiving messages. Jt will then
ba possible for them to keep In com
munication with shore the entire way
from San Francisco to this port.
Jnst From New York Saturday
Another bunch of nice Auto and Driving;
Coats. Our resident buyer found them in
New York yes, just as good as found them
as they cost so little, that he took all
could be had. But just a minute let me
tell you -things are ytight in the east, money
is tight there, looks good to the New York
manufacturers, so we got these Coats, you
see, we have a resident buyer there. . He
stays there the vear round, and takes in the
snaps. Well, these fine, big-new Coats go
Monday at $5.10 ; no reserve.
Remember we are the exclusive agents
for Standard Patterns
NOTICE.! will have some very interest-"
ing things to say in Monday evening papers,
so I want every one to read it and remember.
J. M. A.
Some say It 1 not wise to writ letters that Is, if you art a public man. Letter will get
you into trouble that la, private letters. All I have to say about that it: It all depend on
what you writs.- Therefore, a I am neither a public nor private man, suppose it doesn't
make any difference what I ay. So I want to writ a letter. You can't guts who I want
to writ to youll laugh when. I tell you. I grinned when I thought of the Idea. But X am
always trying to think of the easiest and most practical way of doing everything coming under
my observation. So I've decided the easiest way to accomplish what I want what all inter
ested with me want is to write letter. This letter is to the ladies and gentlemen in my m-
loy. You couldn't have guessed could you? Well, it of interest to my customer as well.
call every person who reads wnat i writ in my ads my customer.- You say that a tunny.
No, it isn't. Everyone who is interested enougn to read wnat I have to say is my customer
They can't read without absorbing something of what they read. True, they may read from
various motives, good or bad. I can't help that So you are all tny customers, then, in that
way. Then I must put forth inducements, reasons, etc., etc, to have you be my customer in
' mora material way. Then, to do that, I must have help food, competent, obliging help. I
can't serve all th people who enter my store perhaps can't aerv any I might be busy at
. something els might be away might be sick or' for ioms reason incapable of waiting on
my prospective customer. Then the lady or gentleman in my employ must serve the cus
tomer. - But not a they think I would serve a customer, for I might get mad act foolish
-inattentive unreasonable, r No, but wait on a customer a you feel sure that I would like for
you to 'do. That' th secret of successful employe. How often it is not so, How often th
, ill-tempered, forgetful disposition, imperative ways, etc., etc., of the proprietor I reflected by
, th employe when serving customers. It should not be. But, instead, wait on customer the
way that you feel I want you to. You can make no mistake. For a man operating a store
surely would be very unwise to want his help to serve customer in any way but the best So
this way, then, you always reflect the best there 1 to be had. You represent me at my best
and as you sre representing me on the floor, you thus reflect my best motive and your Own
beat energies and efforts for you know I only want you to do th best' you can., I am not
much good to pound you on the back perhaps it' business to do so. Well, I tell you I can't
do it I'd rather take a. little less business than be hallooing at you most or all the tune
such a "Hurry up, there, "Go faster," "Work harder " "What was th matter you didn't elos
that deal?" "Did you show this; did you show that? No, I can't do that, and I don't think
It good business. But remember, the eyes of Portland are on us. I feel this my old help feel
it and I think the recently employed help realise it My old help ia loyal and conscientious
at least, I think so that enough. And I am much gratified at th strong evidence of the
loyalty and honest efforts of each and every one of the more recent employe. Then there is
another thing I want your help in another way besides selling goods and treating customer
as you think I want you to it is this: I want your advice. Now. that would give some aris
tocratic department-store men who had been born with a diamond between their teeth the cold
shivers. Not Z. For there are o many thing that you know so much mors about than I do
'you see, I give you sdvics about thing I think you can improve upon .why ahouldnt you
advise me? Aren't we partner In this business? So don't hesitate to advise me any of you.
IH like it You see, I want my customers to know that you have these privileges. From
your action and treatment rendered the customer, feel that you are my business partner. I
want th customer to know that there is no machine-driving in my store of help that it is
no soldier brigade-forward proposition. But this is the idea: At home you are a lady or gen
tleman. In her you are still Mis So-and-So or Mr. So-and-So. I think our customers can
understand what I mean. Again and this is mostly for the enlightenment and guidance of re
cently employed and future employes forbearance is what you want to practice. If you are
annoyed, bothered, disgusted or what not please do aa you think I want you to do under the
circumstances. We have always been a very amiable bunch. Of course, sometimes there ia an
exception. One lady or gentleman thinks they just can't stand someone else but the virtue
of forbearance has always prevailed. )That is where duty is performed.
Now, my employes impress upon my friends that means customers that I do exactly a I
advertise. Be enthusiastic about it. Praise the good qualities of my store tell me the bad
points. Keep telling me until I change. Don't be afraid to talk to me. These are all the rule
or driving there is in here. When the new employes start to work for me they will be given
a copy of this letter. It's not hard to follow such rules, is it? Don't forget to tell me the bad
points J. M. A.
" ' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Oil Paintings Free
And they are big fellows, too. You get one with
each $5.00 worth purchased and you don't have
to buy the $5.00 worth all at one time, eithert We
are not grouchy or stingy any way to suit you.
With a fine lady's suit you can get enough pic
tures to cover your walls see? and save wall
paper. Mr. Burt paints them in our window.
Stroll around and see him do one In seven min
utes. , He's the limit. J. M. A.
By Monday noon, and very likely long before, all the 97 Skirts will be gone. Then
that clears the Suit and Skirt floor for the afternoon, so vy will then give them
the clerks something to do on this floor. Therefore, for Monday afternoon and
no other time nor-can we show the Suits in the forenoon, we will let you select
any Suit in the house, any price, at half price. Mind you, it includes everything. I
absolutely will not make such another offer this summer. ' So if you want to get
choice, come around and see J. M. A. and see that I do as I say.
SMr!s-See TMs
Don't miss it if you want a Skirt for the price of a
meal. This is an odd and end lot about 125 of
them they were left from our big 1,000 Skirt sale
Saturday, when we gave choice of 1,000 Skirts,
ranging in values up to about $18.00, at $4.65; well,
there is about 125 left, so Monday, while they last
Don't be late, then say I didn't have them.
Short Polka Dot Kimonos, with fancy collars. Yotr
would readily pay 75c for one if you wanted OQ
it. Well, you needn't Monday ..... i . . .... jOC
Here Are Some Monday Bargains
Elegant Dress and. Wash Shirtwaist Suits. These are very fine. ' See windows.
Worth three times the. money, and when I sign my name to an article announcement
I doubly mean it. k
These White Dresses $3.85
For Monday Only
If you want a White Skirt for this week look at this:
White Wash Shrunk Duck Skirts, regular f1 07
$2.50 garments, while they last at . ...... tPlaaCl
he I M. Aeheson Company
NOtL-Store Opens at 8:30 a." m. flFTH AND ALDLR STS.
NOTE We expect and get good work from our employes and don't crowd them to tha '
limit all sewers and salespeople get extra pay for Saturday evening and overtime work.
t Astoria, juna J.-rConflftlon of the bar
at S p. m., smooth; wind northwest, as
miles; weather cloudy. Sailed at 4 a.
steamer Washington, for San Fran
eiseo. Arrived at 4;S0 a. m., steamer
Maverick, from San Francisco. Sailed
at 6:30 a, 'm., atenmer Whlttler, tfor
Port Harford. Left up .during tha
night, ateamer Casco. Sailed at 3:45
p. tft.i1' ateamer Argyll, for Port ' Har--fntdy
- y"V-:-"
an Francisco, Juna 1. Arrived.
Steamer Johan Poulsen, from Portland,
and schooner Muriel,, from Columbia
river. Sailed, steamer. Roanoke, for
. !A.tT.nil jt twaw ftn,tf '...-..'a
' Monterey, June - l.-8al!ed, steamer
W. 8. Porter, for Portland.
Yokohama. June , 1. -Sailed, German
ttearoer Arabia, for Portland. - '
Tides at Astoria Sunday High water,
'1:14 arm., 7.9 feet; :4 p. m., 7.T teat
JLow water, 0:09 ev m., 0.0 feet ' ; ,t
on the lower Willamette when atartlng
out for their respective destinations.
The Telephone claims tha broom for
tha present
Three steamers, tha Columbia, from
San Franclaoo; the F. A. Kllburn, from
San Francisco and way points, and tha
Alliance, from Coos bay, are ,Jue to
arrive hare tonight or tomorrow.
The British steamer Hyndford la ex
pected to leave down tomorrow morn
ing, bound for Japan and China with a
cargo of .flour, valued at a quarter of
a million dollara. ,i- , ' j
Tha ateamer lona, at Supple'a boat-
rard, la frerad-: for eale. -Lafe Penee
ad an option on her, but It Is said the
time1 of the optlori haa expired. '
Joseph Supple , yesterday hauled out
tha dredge Beaver, belonging to , tha
North paolfld . Lumber company. , The
dredge, will be lengthened 80 feet. ' ?!
The eteamere Telephone, Telegraph
and Charloa It. fpencer sre atUl raclnyj
Bosnia Llnera Due Arrlva.
T. A. Kllburn, from So Fran, and way. June S
Columhl,, from S a Francisco June I
Alliance, from Coos Bay. ........... ...June 1
Koanokd, .Ron Ban Feflro ana way... ...Jena
Ooata lura, from San Kranclsco. ...... .June
O. W. ldrr. from Sao Pcdre and way.. Jane 1
Arabia, from orient. ..June VS
A iMla. from oritn t . . .'. . . ........... . . . July IS
Nlcomtdia, from orient.......... July IT
NmntntU, from orient, ,...,Auqt IH
aasnlar Lin an 4e Depart -.
Alliance., for Cooa Bay June' 6
I'oiannia, ror Ban rrancuco ....... ..June 0
Roanoke, for San Pedro and way. ..... .June S
Numantla. foe. orient . ......Jnn a
Cuata- Blca, for Sasfanclaco. ....... .June 10
u. v. Kiaer. tor bib reare ana way...jon is
Aieaia, lor orient. .................... ..July 87
Nlcomadia, for Orient ....Ana-uat So
Arabia, for orltnt. ........... .'........June 28
Voasele hrlVt, -.- f ,-
J. Marhoffer, Am. atr., at CarroH'e Point
Yola, Br h.a Elevator dock. -
Jordanblil, Rr.-bk at . 4 W. aiflle. v. .
Elnlta, Br. bk.. at Greenwich dock,
Tellua, Got. bk, at Knappton. .
Btrathclrde, Br. atr... at Unntoa, " (
Waabinston, Am. barse, at BUiwortk, V4
miles abore Vancouver. '
Sintrann Am. in., at Stella. " - v,- ,
Wbanr Ho, Chlnoae Junk, at the Oaka. I
John Palmer. Am. bktn..-at Kala'ma. "v
mti amju raw
people who know how to take care -ot
thatnaelyaawtba majority dos not - The
liver la a moat Important organ In tha
body, ; In condition.
V.s C. Simpklns, . Albs Texas, writes:
"I have used Heroine for Chills- and
Fiver and find. It the beat; medietas, 1
ever used, t would not be without It
It la as good for-children as It Is for
sxown-up people, and -I recommend it
It Is fine: tor La Grippe. - Sold by all
drufgiats. " ". :
Kxpanaloa, Am. ich., at tAatorlat
Agate, Am. bk.. at Aaterla.
William Olaen, Am. ach-. at Astoria.
Makawall, Am. bktn., Wallace Blougb.
Diamond Heed, Am, bk.. Vancouver.
Loulalank. Am. atr.. at Aatoria.
Binlly Keed, Am. ah,, at Portland Lumber Co.
ntratnyre. Br. trr.. at Maimer.
Northland. Am. atr., at drydork.
Bark, Nor. atr., at Oceanic dock,
Irene, Am.acb., at Bt. Helena.
Hyndford, fer. atr., at 0- R. N., Albina.
Colombia, Am. abp., at Btella.
Kins Cyrue, Am. acb.. at Aatoria.
Virginia. Am. ecb.. at Inmtn-Pouleen.
Abbie. Am. acb., at Oatraoder. ,
Churchill. Am. ark., at Knappton.
Antelope. Am. acb., at Aatoria. .
l.lllebonne, Am. ach., at drvdnck.
Exceleior, Am. atr., at Portland Lumber Co.
Sue Elmore, Am. atr., at Supple'a yard,
Numantla, Ger. atr., at Montgomery No. X
tfim Jjutier, m. air., on iae war up,
B T. Whitney, Am. b, at Aatoria.
Wm. Ronton. Am., ach., at Aatoria, -
Waahtucna, Am. barge, at Vontsomery Mo. a
caaco, am. atr., at jrring. socs,-.-, ...
; Maverick, Am. atr,, ft Llnntcn. .
A " Xiumber Ourlera Ea Eeute.
, Blwell, Am.eb., Saa Pedro. . - . . .
Lucille, Am. eh. Ban Pranclace.
Mabel bale. Am. acb,, Saa rranclace.
Betriever,' An. bktn.. Ban Praoctaoo.
Aurora, Am. bktn., Baa Pranclaeo.
Paqta Ana, Am. atr., San Pranclaca.
W. B. Hume, Am. acb., San Pediw'
I. B. Steteon, Am. atr.. San Pranclaco,
ChurofclUr-AOH- eefcrr Baa Praneiaeo;
. R, F. Bandera, Am. acb., SaS Pedes, -
Cheballa, Am. bktn.. Pan Pedro.
' Nokomia, Am, aeb Ran Pedro.
.(Alumna, Am.-ach., Ban I'ranclaco.
'Walarat, 'Am. barge, San Fraaclaoow
''QuinaUlt Am. atr. Baa Fraacleoo.
Sebome. Am. ecb., Ban Franclaoo.
Nome City, Am. atr., Saa Franelaco. '
1 Xa KaU Wit Oenwnt and eeaeral.
. Baecleach, Br. ah., Hamburg,
Brena, ft. bk., Halt , ,
Conway Caatla, Br. bk Antwerp.
. P.laoaar, Br- -ah., Hambarg.
: Europe, Fr. bk., Antwerp, ' ' ,
a Genevieve Matinee, ft. Jn., London, '
-"Bene Kervller, Fr. ah., Hambnrg.
Laennee, Fr. eh., Swantea. ..... -
Le Plller. ft. .bkv London. .
Martha Beet, Ft. bk Hambnrg.
., Maearabluue, Br. eb, Neweaatle, I,
Saeiea, Br. bk. Sblelda.
1 Skuat- Ow. ak Londoo.. -Soeoa,
Fr. ah., Neweaatle. I.
TiocenBeey Frv bk Gleaw t ' ,
Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk., 'Hamburg.
V'llle de Mnlhetine, Frv bh Antwerp. .
, puethary, Fr, bk.. Antwerp. 1..
f Plerri Lett. Ft. be., Antwerp, -W
allien Abbey, Br. ah., Antwerp, ,
"Gleneultn, Br,- ek. Antwerp.
Verealllea. Fr. bk.. Lelth.
I General de Botedeffre. Fr. bk..
, waaatat as aaguaa, n. sa
Oeei Shlpa Xa Bent.
Baton. Fr. tk.. Neweaatle, A.
Col. de Vlllebola MarenlL rr. bk., Newcaitla.A,
Ulaveraon, nr. an., newcaaue, a.
WUlacott Am. bk.. Neweaatle. A.
Tramp 8 tea mere Xa Bout.
Aacot, Br. atr, Bftenoe Ayrna.
African MonarcB, Br, atr, San Franelaco.
Tellnj, Nor. atr. Ban Franclaeo,
Maori Kins. Br. atr, SUanichaL
Henrlk (been. Nor atr. Ban Franciace.
Quean Alexandra, Br. atr, Madras.
Kallbla, Br. atr. Ban Franclaeo.
Manabu Mara. Jap. atr, Ralinaa Crua.
Mackinaw. Am. atr, Seattle.
Saa Mateo, Am. atr.,. Saa Fraaciace.
Oil Carrier Xa Bouta.
W. Porter, Am. atr., San Francleco.
80 Says Fire Chief Campbell, Who
Also Desires Purchase of
., Anothep'rireboat.
, "Sentiment almost unanimously ia
now favoring tha passage of the amend
ment to thexity oharter providing for a
ayatera of permanent high-pressure flri
mains and therpurchasa of an additional
fire boat" said Chief Campbell last
evening, "where there was opDfoaltion
coma weeka ago there is nothing now
but a disposition to-urge, the passage of
tha amendment. People in all parts of
the city are beginning to realise tha
necessity of both, and will work for
their pasaega.
"There are seven miles Of eongestad
waterfront In Portland, and thla muat
be protected. There Is no way of doing
It effectually unleaa through' the me
dium of another fire boat. I would
urge the voters to consider thla amend
ment very . thoroughly and vote for it
A BaBgerotu Saadlook,
that aometimes terminates fatally, Is
tha stoppage of liver and bowel func
tions. To aulckly end thla condition
without ,4ieagrecabla sensations. Dr.
King's New Life Pi 11 a ahould alwaya ba
your remedy. Guaranteed abaolutelv
satisfactory in evsry esse or money
paw. a a vrss araarmaas'.
Claire Roby Charges Vlclousness
Destruction and Desertion in
Suit Filed for Divorce.
Four months after his marriage Sam
uel Roby became angry at his wife' and
to vent his wrath tore up her clothea,
pictures and family heirlooms, accord
ing to the charges made In s suit for a
divorce filed In the circuit court yester
day afternoon by Mrs. Claire Roby.
Mr a. Roby alleges alao that ever since
tbelr marriage, In March. 1905, she has
had to aupport heraelf, though Roby at
all times earned enough moafey to aup
port both of them. All tha money was
squandered on , liquor and games of
chance, says Mrs. Roby. She ehargea
that Roby has become sn habitual
drunkard stnoe their marriage.
As a cllmaxrto alt the acts of cruelty
complained of, Mrs. Roby alleges that
hor husband fleaertirhr laat February,
She aaka that aha be given a decree of
divorce and be allowed to resume her
maiden name, Claire Rhue.
Rev, Jonah B. Wlaa has been chosen
to succeed for three years at a salary
of $3,600 Dr. Stephen 8. Wise as. rabbi
of congregation Beth Israel. Hla elec
tion was unanimous. Rabbi Wise la of
a family of preachers snd educators.
His father was a well-known Rabbi be
fore him. and his brothers are publish
erg of the American laraellte, . 1
My family more sacred than gold. No
open town ror mi h. Davis, If on
ballot ;,v5 ";V ; f',K -? V-. -..t'.-v, -,:
Optician- For your eyes sake see Ru-
benitaln, lit Fourth street
A Perfect Roof
Rubber Sanded
Is made in our own factories under the personal supervision ;
of roofing experts, backed by a quarter ,of a century , of
roofing experience. We stand back of ' every foot sold, .
because we know we can "make, good" every claim of ita
superiority. " : 1 ' ,
That hard flint sand surface Is wear
proof and eliminates all paint expenses.
f A complete roofing kit with every roll
Any man with a hammer, & knife, and
an old paint brush can lay it right.
1 .v
Complete Roofing Guide sent
gfyK free with samples and prices.
Ask for it.
sVASMUsaia si co,
Sd and Tayam." '