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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
13 -THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JU. 2,-. tS07. BLOODY BflnjfJ SSlFii WIWIII B W S SB g lt .Thousands of JTcirAre Engaged and Seven Hundred KilledThree Provinces Are Kow in Eevolt ant Insurgents Greatly Outnumber the Troops. BAIIEV STRUCK em PEiiAiTY i pi tor. ' Snnday school, 10 at it a. a. sad 7:30 p. m. i.., Branching METHODISE. Tw1or4lrH-Dr. FranM. Khp..h 1 av t C1m. :) i m-t, sermon. lu;o a. m.. by the pastor, topfe. "Join the Bantlet. and- .n xsrapla or Chrlstlsn Coaraea"i dimii aa.L.,i 12:18 p. m.j Epworth league, 6:4S p. m.i at T:u D. in.. "Our W m anit Ha - tj.i.. In. r. ' ; . ins nwvyj. ,, Beiiwooa rmeentb ana Taeoma streets! Rev. . D. Wssoer. Sundav achon!. 10 . " sermon at u S. m. end 7:oO p. m.j Snnday say. 'vicar. IToly eommonlon. 7:IM a. m.i ion- I Ballentyne ef Portland dlntrtct; presetting at day actiool, 8:49 a. m.i morning aerTlee, 111! p. m. Prayer meeting TburtMlay evening, o'clock; evening service, T:80 o'clock. I 8t John'e Ivanboe and John atrecisr Rf. XrlnltvaaVlneteeata and cverett etreets; ur. I tiiMiw tsui uaies. Bunuay etmooi. i" a. i-.i preacmnei it a. m., I'lpie, na iimi m Life". J. K. 0. E., U.30 I. m.1 8. K. L. 0. A. A. Morrison, rector. gsrvlees. S a, m.l morning prays and service. 11 o'clock evening B.. a-e use h m ' ' ansa. ' . .'''. J J " - . it ' .'n - I ae UU HUH 1.9V p. IP, I R YVivl.- TinAO 'Vat TAlf Tarda CinoA. T)aaaI r am TJ1, I f0"'. 12:18 p. m.i Kpworth leesus, 7 ft i.tvtt iwja xvw iw auuva. vAuo uiaiui AVCllKCO I Hnnnyslde Bast Tsmhlll street: between Kaat ; punauur eteiiion. !: ill H Si ..Revolt broka out on Mar It, when rebels killed the military and civil authorities at Wn Kong. but the news did not reach the world until this week. Three provinces are now In ac tive revolt. ; Battle raffing between the ren tals and Imperial troops near 8wa tow. .- ,;r-'--'j ". ' '' , Chan Chow, one of the im portant cities of China, Is also t o threatened with attack. , v estimates plaoe total number of rebels at from 10,000 to 100, 000. . ' Kebels have Issued proclama tion saylnaT there Is no antl forelrn significance In the revolt -Rebels aim -to overthrow-the Maehu dynasty which Is said to be seriously threatened. ) Rebels are killing every official captured. . . ,: , . Half as Good to Them as ' Their Home State. f SAY GOTHAM WOMEN . APE AIES OF STAGE In Million and Half Fine on Oil Trust els made a good fight and after the battle withdrew from the field. It Is thought they will resume their msrch and operations as soon as the Imperial troops withdraw. The rebels would have continued the flghtjng had they not teen so poorly armed. They are well organised. , Another dispatch states that the reb- Short Skirts, With Stockings and Solon Counted Upon Kew Coat of ta ox a rijuiy recruiting; ineir lorcea, i . .. . " onoe kjmccB to xiiaicn, vo pi EXPECTED ADDITIONAL VINDICATION IN CASE ; P, fu,'.. ''.'"' ""' . ''" '..' ' '' Hcarat Neva by Longest teased Wire.) , Hongkong, June 1. Dispatches . from Amoy received today" state that over ji 700 men were killed or wounded In an i encounter between rebels and Imperial troops. The clash took place midway between Amoy and Bwatow. . The reb- and now threaten to attack Chan Chow, 2 miles south of Amoy. No attack Is expected on Amoy, where the United States gunboat Helena is watching American Interests. . All efforts of the government to dis perse the rebels have thus far failed. The failure of officers to distribute the flour and rice In the famine dls- Meet Approval of Western Girls, Who Are Visiting East. Whitewash When Verdict Passed by Court In Waters-Pierce i- Matter. '" ' !fV luiriT-fllta ana rnirtriith Mnuai T . n rord. Baator. Preach lorn, la a. m. P- " by STaajicllat Van Uaatort Susday Kt. Vas Master will talk ta m.a i, .1 a su o'clock. ... . . Grace-toner ef Twelfth and Tarter streets Clarence True WItaon, D . I'raaehloa a u :BJL,,.,m ,BIJ:80 swwnlng oarmoa or Dr. Ilarbert B. Johneon. aiimrlntaiuUnt af Jananeao Biaaiona. oa "( TTr""?. "pw ro urand Army posts, 'How Shall Ye Know Eaca Other Tberer"! tuoui, 14.10 p. mr, Kowortn . Masse. BL John 1 L. Yonn. lUlb. I Snail tcbooi. io a. in.) preacblng, U a. n. and Was I p' " ' apwortb leairoe, p. n. craning oar. Mi", v. omiivni Eowortb Irrljiv and ' Twant.thlrl a "W nrraaL ixator. rraachlnr at 11 a ia .W f. HI. ' ' .... . , . .Centenary Ninth and Pine, W. H. Repps, pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and I:S0 p. m. irinitr vornar or Eaa Tenth and Grant! Lewis I. Suiltu. pastor. Sands school. 10 s, m.t sermon at 11 a. m.l aarrlrai at T UB n m i Austin. Texas. June 1. A staggering I J'?" aiaetuig, U;i p. m.i Bpworth , loagae. trtct caused the unrtalno- rnnlan.ra gisare at the Martha Washington I blow was-daalr the Standard OIL nam-1 rl.Hi b - a have not been molested and .there hai their first visit to the Allan- ny hM today whan a Jury tmiaA the btt..p..tor. soruccs b7 pmSTm Vt neea no looting. w . , T , . . T I! ra " v, W1 (Bcarst Newa fly Longeat Leaaed Wire.) New York, Juno 1. Fourteen Oregon Hearat Vews by Loosest Leased Wire,) Three provinces are now affected by appointed lot of girls they . are. New MnMn ...nt, r h.m in . eonaBir.o; U.V?,n? ,"to--a'" ""g .ka .....i . .u. ... i , a..r I Vnrlf la nnt at all. ah,l. lh laidnal I . ' T . ' . ' . . ' I racnina, 11 a. n. ana T:Bil D. B. uw rvruiL. liib ulbbi iininr ivianm. i - - "w j I in Mainini nf aMa nat imfl a imi. t Um...iii.. tiki . . . . . . ... a. J. j ia r: " T Tha hnll'lna. .Inn. Tirn.A,.- a -a ' . . iinaro ana MOOIO STr-COM BOV, """'""f wv.purreu iinii.iii, anu i ""; " " j ment ror the tremenauous sum or t?"0 nr. pastor. .. Sunday -cnooi, io a. b. 1 I. .-. .a a. . i . m .... I amnil f ha arimaa aa aaH,a.aaaw" 1 nnl. I - I I . . I.. aa a . . . , i. ia repurivu a uuicii civil ana miinary i - " w ... w . , .va . wa- suthorltles with members of their fam- ln. the men Impolite enough to retain tiles have been killed In that nrovlnce. their seats In cars w iviansi is aiso threatened. At FakhoLianx in-aireon are airiy. Th -arrttf atriitaa u..r.u sul has ordered all ffirela-nnra tn laava and washinarton. and after New York will v - a. V W "' I ''. Preartilng 11 e. aa. and T:B0 o. n. In. Kwangtung province, where the visit Klbert Hubbard, the literary nov- S," . m,nT,ii rTi a?! tn it'-.,,,,,t' ,'r""' uprising surted. the situation Is re- lty manufacturer at East Aurora. tornev aa fUi r h tha Hait "Fatten-uicblaaa avinua and Camntsr. 1L prarsr and address, S o'cioci) sonaay aenooi, i uau p. m.i prcscnuig ai s p a, fopic, viin i:M,s.' v , : ' I Force for Good." . ' C ' . t St. vavld S cast Twairts ana peiinoni ucj urren uay itrwi no wimawif j streetsi ' Hat-tor, Ur. George B. Vas Watora. I boulcTardi Bar. J. Bowersos. - paator. At l. V, Holy communion, a. no. .Sunday 1 11 s. m. and T: 80 p. m., preachliis: Snaday a. m.i holy communion ana ear-1 aenooi at iv a. n.j a., u v. . ai o:e p. n. arbool. B:4Sa. awn at 11 o'clock; oTsnaons and monthly organ recital, T:80 o'clock, Leo B. Pomeroy, orgaAjat and cbolrmaater. All H.lnta Twnnty cacond and Reed streets. Sunday scbool, 10 a. m.; craning scrrice, O'clock, carBcn by Rev. H. D. Chambers. - Bt. Andrew's tnlrerslty Psrki Be-. W. n. :i'V''::rWallVEIaIOAl AMOOIATIOir. ' First En.llaa Kait Sixtb and Market streets I g. A. Slewert. psator. Preaching at tl a. sa. Sunday school, 10 a.'M. Young People's at !.aice, S:4o p. m.i ereniDg aerrlca, T:o o'eiocs. first Germas Corner Tenth and Clay streetsi si Paaaall ak...l.l. . au.tMl 1 a all ;r' .T ;7a .VV.'ia ' -1 7-n-fKiors -tQaaer, pastor. Sunday scoool Good' Vtreet ssd a. s. m.i sermon at lOitB s. a. sad TiB o'clock! arrnlne arv!(a. 8 o'clock. St. afoks'a Mamorlal Seiiwoodi Ecv. .W. B. Powell la charte. - Sunday school. 10 a., m.i serrlcc and aenoos st 11 s. m. St. Paul's Woodmcret C. U Parker, lay reader. .la charge. Sunday school, S:40 S. m. morning serelee and sermon at 11 o'clock, St. Matthew's First and Caru there atreetst Rev. W. A. U. Breck in rharae. Sunday acliool. :45 a. m.; aerelce and sermon. 11 a. m.; eemce and aermoa, 7:80 p. m. The Church of Our Strlor Wooditook. Holy V. uwan, vaaauva iHviun m a. w. awn t . m.t Sunday school. 10 a. m.i Tones Peo ple's meeting, I p. sa. . -' , 4 , '.' ' J . CHRISnAJT loizvOS. ' . . First Church ef Christ. Sciential Scottish . Rita cathedral, Morrison snd Lownsdale streets. Serrlees at 11 a. an. and S p. m., snbjeet, "Ood the Only Cause and Creator'l Sunday school at close of moralus aarrlca. wedneadny CTenlng, I o'clock. second Kikf tempts, stars, between slats rommnniou ana sermon, ii a. m., Arcn-iieacon and Seventb atreets. Serrlees st 11 a. C'btm bars Will Conduct the SerriCes: Sunday I and S n. m.. anhtcat. "nod tha Onlv flauaa and '7,'.,J?..': ' . L: ... Crssto'S Sunday school, 11 a. si. WeUnesdsy aaa. awaa a a kviuvw va ca Iirvi.viiiH aula aafuauai' meeting, Da 'Ba.. auaiai CV.T. .. at, a, aiuiiaavia, lV IWi at I a.- m.. hoi . MmmiuilMi! 10 a. m Hnnda scnooi; ii a. m., mauna aoa utany; s p. m., svsnsong and sermon. . tririTEa bszthrzit nr catiBT. , First aUat Fifteenth and Morrlaoa streetsi Re, n. C Shaffer. Bible school at 10 a. m. sermon at 11 a. u. aarmoa at 7:00 p. m. X. r. o. v. m.L i p. Ktdlcal ifllithaad' Meehanle streatat Ha, n f . Blaacbsrd. Snnday school, 10 S m.l Cermpa. 1 11 a. m. and 1.W p. m. , ... , i i a n a aaa a- in.. ..a.a a a... I Siasior acrvioe. 11 a. m.i Jantn r- -w t "es wtt s.-w are asava- ate tstiiuia pastor. Freaehlng el ij m. m. miin g :ni r. bbi . rf the port of Wenehow, the Bdtlsh con- The girls have been , to Jamestown j0..DB . , Ballev of this sute. I Monuviiia Oregon and Bnbbard, H."Oberg, rhlle women stand, , urtner bugln-M ,n Texas. Lente-w., K. lngaila, y-.. . The verdict strikes severely at Ben- " " snd T:80 p. m. ported as growing graver all tha time. I "I know I shall take more Interest papers and nsarly cost him his seat In Preaching at 11 a. m. sad Practically the entire coast from Hong In East Aurora than in New Tork." I Benat, xi una it? Amor ia now psiroiiea. me I hio niu uvur niir i uarainir, n.n. ..u u ..a. whole, southern part of Hokln prov- uougias county, Oregon. "H Is the .. .k.. th. w.t.r.-Pi.rc. MmB.n ffoodiawo-a. n. ivwert. sastes. rteaehlu ince. is said to be overrun by the I great unappreciated genius or the twen-l -,ia ... T .i a. m. and t:90 s. aa. . T- WJre, paator, T:t0 p. at. Vancoory Avease rreacfelng st 11 s. as. wu ;ov p. re beta SPADE OF GOLD MKiE SALE FOR wonia squirm out or Its troumo ana Woodstock W T Kerr naataa.- V-aaaktae that the acquittal would back up the at lfa! m? and t! i. ; vtnilA-ilAii' -kU)i Van, yva-AaVy tHnM V.a I rf nsarmeH m.riai .a,V -rVI. V a a. AI saw . a, -a. n.vw. xsuiaa g uii 7vist4 sail v aTaas -JW UriaS afia. aa a Sltlaile al.y -B.Taa.-aa WabIs aA VV lift. UV W m Ulllls, Ui AtfW JlVltl WV S-. I al.-n UdaaW ka aOA.. . Ul.s QnaAlman I 'MIUIWMWU WHWU ill IWnjfU IU awa was a w(Bl,aaaB Sal aayaw as SB IL'VW.talSiata Mir--all ' V . . g A-Jtn4- ifTR IspImVL ur. TV vli af, Vllt , W AAS t UIVU fjej-a jgj . . . a a a a .a. a I A.aaM aM a,...a t,aaW aa.. sVl.b a I iUf RCUUH WUICR OU JUI. Dsin HlUVa anything but their clothes, snd as for "'"T'l' 5 fT0r of I !B' M"U- Fjeachlng at 11 a. m. and T; La, paatoc. Praacblag at 11 a. M. sad T:80 p. m. , . i .. , swetiian Borthwlefe sad Beaeb, Rev. John. I, HARKS OUT SITE QUARTER r.llUi 'SSTV'&r'- 1 "18." V Uth.rUa'tloey -"na.-", ssdWU A, d0. Arr .. . Tsxas. who brought oiiat.; ?T,tor' Freaehlng s 11 a. m. sad xney iooh aa ii mey were an stage-1 ... ' ' . v- ."x " struck, and a womsn of that kind nev- "M" !caiL L V1 "mlt uBf..?S!?m W. 8. happy. These I 4I i nm vyaiari-riorca I n u a, bh i;se wearing with V 7. ..".a!" 1 '- Mss, Stockings to l """' wr eo.aae.avv Ml jjoiiaviuoa preaching at 11 er could make a man happy. short skirts they are sum ia-a muwm saiiu ss v-v i-.i(ifaaB v . . a., a . match, whv. thsv ara all nut on to a t- ,or. olatlng the anti-trust laws of the ".. . T. : - . . I atat a waa aakaM Hi k " XT ' Tk t? ii. m..:.. t. v:. -''it m tract attention, i saw a woman arsssea i--A.-l.-r. XiUI'lU AUriieU UV lew lOrK IJIDimi rftKPS like a young glrk end she wss i0 If I r I ' , . i.. .. . I I tha, vswa. sa aaw Vffw-. ka4 Aw aa Klitsh astsl Dignitaries of Fair, State and Nation Rich East Oregon Cop per Properties. Sneefa! rjlanatrb ta Tha Iaini.1 Baker City. Or.. June 1. Tha lara-aat tU you such a woman wouldi be Ulked ARfiTRTS nrtVF.TJKfiPS m,nmf "e1 of r,cn yra was pulled D0U od dear out west, and she AOOJ.Di.k3 UUVJJUfUllO 0ff in Baker City this afternoon i when would t be in with the nice circles 1 .1 il. . a a.a. - I S as 11 i u aovvmgn upnaouaaiea uoppr com- mm I ea.H a, -a. at . i. a., a I ' TVI ?! -ROOSEVELT'S MAN f.v:. ; t 1 VITIVU B SHIU amaj. i1 UaB aUvXIUfCS I VBO BrUl JUUVO ana IM UOX DrOO- I v - - vavii, win I " . . . ertles on Goose creek, to a Nsw Tork Mamis Smith of Condon. Ollllam eoui i jtepresentea immense '-'Towai.yndjcto " ty, Oregon. "Jamestown was a terrible! r Witnaffa. ; th., The outcropplngs on this property disappointment Washington Is hand . , I ara a mn. m ., t ka . ..... .1 I SOmar tUBJl AtV ZOrK. I OOn't Under. tingnlshed Port landers Present. she waa a. dav. wHo had an a blue suit. The worklngmen of blue stockings and blua laces la her forming a labor party. They hope to u4 tan oxfords. Now. don't you supposs D? to totm a coalition of all fao shs put those blue laces la to attract tlon" n,J go Into the coming cam attention to her ankles V palgn with the expectation of aeoom "Of course she did," put In Miss PUhlng some practical resulta. Daisy Betlerly of Vale, Oregon. "I'll p. m. slou IB Hertk nftsosha. a. m. aaat f -an a aa a uuiTw.iiT rar.Mii. a w.Mai a Serrlees at 11 a. at. and T-Sfl a La Bra lwOod Rat. O. l Wnolar. aaataa Sa! aa a. a. I 7 " " ' . . UUU. B( U.t a . Bt. Manitoba are Epwortb wsgoe, T p. m.( preaching at 11 a. m! CHURCH SERVICES COVGRCflATTOYAT. rnlTeraltT P.rk leia n,n. asaBa, n d , -.: ,. ---- -v a. a., nrar. . . i u a. ni Miiniiaw a.aiau m orpua. auparinienaeni; eerrices at 11 a. m. LlnMlvMda.. n ta rfi.. a a ,a . Runday scbool. Mrs. W. lngaila, 'snparlntendenti a. ni., avroMaa: a b. m.. inm Faoala'a I are , among the ' richest ever seen in eastern Oreeon and whan tha min. i. stand why we heard so much about developed It wUL-be among the largest NW To1-" producers in me state. This is a vir gin property, development work having CALLS PRESIDENT RANK PLAGIARIST r- ata.l . MatA SVam BVaWaa ;jr.T..T,rTT...... bo begun only about eight month. . .lUs V ' """ ago, andths line showing on which the fjfoot and arm. President ChUber, drove mlne w ,ol1 prov a ,J!r,riJ a golden-pUted spade Into the rich, one. The new owners have unlimited t. loamy soil on the-site of the Alaska- capital and will push the work on the i ; Tukon-Paclflo axposltlon of .10 this property., , aftnrnnnn. . Ha ncrrnrmaal thla around. 11 it breaking feat, adding the finishing V0TT! TTTT!5 TinWV I touches with another rold-nolnted mln-l fvfAAi -s-iiAO AUTVi.! I ers Implement, a pick. In the presence of from 16,000 to people. v xneir number lnoluded th personal reprsn- tatlva At tha nrailiiant. tha Ronorahta f John Barrett, governors of states, may-J Inltiatl-'e OrdJnanoe to Compel Fees I PnbI1Dr' r by Bpecljl Leaaed .wire.) SAY 0KGANIZATI0IVS Long Objects to Roosevelt's Barbar J?r", A J""- Snnday school, I Poaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. ism; not to uis uig Game Hunting.' iattut, Arista Rev. H. A. Smith, .pa f tor. oaday 10 a. m.; Junior Union. A p. at. I B. T. P. U., T p. tn-i preaching at It a. m. sad a t. an. Third- TaneoBTer aeenna and Knott street: Bev. E. U. fillaa, paator. Sundae school, 10 a. m.i preaching at 11 a. m. and T:80 p. m. Highland Alberta and Sixth atreets.' Sunday school. 10 a. m.; B. Y. P. U.. T p. m.t preacb ? s. m. by AX. Johuatoni 7:45 p. m.. un jienuica. j ; ... : ,, ..' SeUwood Tacoma and eiarentk atreetst Rev, 10 a. m.t n. Calvary Eaat Blahtk and .Ir.nt atraatal B.T. A. Lawrence Black. Bible school, 10 a. m.l prsacblng at 11 a. m. and 7:30 n. m. Immanoel Second and Meade streets. Prea ch in a i ii a. m. and 7.45 . 0, K... B. c. ook; Snnday scbool, 10 a. m.; Junior meeting. v ., a. x. r. u s:a p. m. ora and people of prominence from far and near. For Alaska, chiefly to exploit whose golden riches and greatness the exposi tion is being held. Governor Hoggatt and John Barrett for President Roose velt and Governor Mead for the state of Washing-ton each in turn took S swing; at the golden pick snd shovel. From All Engineer Held . to Be Bad. Nsw York, June 1. pr. William J. I sL!l"?tT,u"J. Oilman Parker. sUntstst. ,n. tha h, .v. ... ... I 8-rrlca a1 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. ta. Central Eaat TwentJetn and Ankenr etreetst At 10:30 s. m., "Tut s ! Long, ths nature writer, who was at tacked nv President Roosevelt in a re- R... w t cent magaslne article, today fired an-1 Last Word From the Cross"; Young People other broadside at tne president. He "i1"'- " p- m.; aunaay scnooi, u aii tha hi.e av.a,,tiva .f Mnk I t S p. m., erangellstle serrlcet. One of the initiative ordinances ta Pl-.-rf"m. d vividly pictured h be voted upon tomorrow is an. act era-1 eltles of hunting, citing Instances from sermon, "Partakers of the Divine Nature"; atlng a board of enaineer tiimi.m I Roosevelt's published stories of expert-1 "ntof serTtce at S o'clock, sermon. - "Tbe rr.i .aj.. ...-, I The enactment nrnvMn. that .11 I encea with the btar came. Concluding r.' r0"- " - Sition order. President-Chilberg deUil- sxamln-d'hy this board ) tatement. Dr. Lon, "W, . - and Taylor trelit.; He?J. Pwhitb BrSlSe . . . a I att.1 ffnalii ai... A.l. . . a . 1 t'7a la a m attiei aai itairlia ant era, awwtal a. bW a a Va. 1 vv aa. a m . " I Ins- the aim snd object or tne unaertax- - vwb uotorminea according to " Ju """b Morning worsnip, io:o, sermon, I Ing, Governor Mead discussing It from "- of the examination. A fee ! 'or I also am a hunter, but your "At tto Nation's Cspitsl"j Bible school, 12:10 !' a state standpoint, and Mr. Barrett as- of $5 Is charged upon application of tho unnecessary brutality and barbarism, y BFJd. p'"'7 ZiSSS IJSsJi f surln those charged with the work that anglneer and ha la required to renew The bloody mdings over which you . ,., Object, "Set TogeX th . prt? i they had the president's well wishes his certificate the and of each year at loat brlng mtl ,elf aatisf action to a Ide on "The Jsmestowa Fair." Spaclai mnsic and desire for the complete success or expense or ii. . uuBm,ua vaaw . , aiuanci anu cooiri the affair. . A committee represenUng the cham ,00k ,n tvy of a stricken deer and w,?!gZg.Jrt ?km trMtI SovernorChamberlaln of Oregon was b.r of commerce, board of trade! f 5- Wehremfmbe,"'t ttat V'a imM n?VMW'J!&i?$ represented by W. A. Williams of Port- erated trades and cltlsens' league has na " nJr,tery. Young People's union, :0 p. m. . . ry nill.ll aa P.llfnml. mAr1mA th. .nlaaa .a . mTia .a... YOU SrO UOt a SDOrtSmSJI. tlaOUgh Savler-Btravt tan,..rat ..a ? urwa.. t a i.. . I a,4in...a at... 1 , I von have slain thousands: you are not I Twenty-aecond streets. Sunday school. 9 a. m.: i ana most or me amaiier towns in tnisia soneme to proviae several mem with I " " . .Vtal.t'.nV thVh.a.t. tha !fna'v 10 m ' rmoi- s. m.j,B. P, state and western Oregon was espe- an easy jod at the expense of builders. 1 ... .T " V : "v.' aernioii. t:bo p. m. f clally represented. Tom Richardson of I owners and . engineers. , tbe Commercial club, president Hoge of I The National Association of Stationary , tha chamber of commerce, H. I Pit-1 Engineers, through state denntv nraai. i. took and Colonel Posch .were among; the I dent, James D. Asher, takes exception romana guests. t io tn statement or tne committee. Mr. AShaa. .AaaMaraa that .lla .u. -a .a Portland Is without a board of examln- CANADIAN POACHES au i.ionra ana l an i sucn a Doard Is Wild things, though you have made a Chinese Mission g.12tt Oak street tusday grievous quantity or tnem Dieea. it i ve- preacmng m uninese, .s needs no eye witness nor any affidavit to support thlsstatement Ton have yourself furnished all the proof." n. an. Flnit ClarmanirmiPth anrf Mill .aaaalai Bava 7. Kratt, pastor. Sunday school. .:43 s. m.: 11 a. m.: l'oune PeoDle's meatlns. Tiing preacmng, t:3 o ciocm ; HANCHEE DEOWED ;IN THE JOHN DAY ?cfrl , ,n'ur- the pud11c "tstrj I aaavawaaasa, lauilUllCO aXIlQ OtllOr PISCSS I wnere a great BUmoer Of neonle ara am. (Special inspatcB to ths journal.) pioyeoL. Spray, Or., June 1. Jamea. rtuL a I CAUGHT BY CUTTEE preaching, 7 p. m.s Second German Morrla atreet and Rodney BToiati mt. r. nueermann, pastor. Sunday schooaaS a. m.j preacblng, 11 a. m.l Young i T,!r " "eeiing, i p. m.i craning preacning, 7:H0 p. di. East Forty-fourth-Street Mission At the noma or r. u Banting. 1210 Bast YamhIU Snaal.l TManatrh ta Tha lannial . I S"aT- " ' "',v" " r L . . . rvwi. - He states that th. -.vt.. 2?J!?Jtl US . ...i"" '!.- '' t Soon, ear Bromlnent rancher, was drowned in the not allow anrin..,. . ...v .. I"" D,ra "J"-' 'JTi.St rmJ "i" fcng -Tw t ,- , ... i : " a aitvi-1 tea states revenue cutter itusn nas " ht.. . a. emim. John Day river In view of his wife, I bors until a license has been Issuer! tn I ..i..a . r hi ...i nn..aht.. .ak.. I Mount Ollre Seventh and Everett! Rev, while attempting to ford the stream at them, and a like procedure haa been 111 TT ?u;rTt. cT .7 vw7l L'. f"' Preaching at 11 s. m. Tiood. He was riding a spirited horse, adopted In many of the large cities, b' r in Alaskan waters and Is tow- ' " - : ' . ,:z r.Jr"r."lt- a.-::.a.-: "w or .o a and 14 skins aboard. The seals in Voy- Mi.n.k-n.. .t . aging north hug the Alaskan shores I Rev. Jerome R. McGlade, D. D. Preaching and It was tor venturing into tnese sno a p. m. uorning topic, forbidden waters that tha Canadlt was seisea. diiho. inmans reporieu tne i Klncdaht of Heavenly Canadians ana tne tusn cjiasea inerai cairary Eleventh and Clar etrsetsi Rev three days. The poachers will have to I Ben-Kara Stiles Sly Jr., D. D. Servlees, 10:8t stand trial at Junesu. Confiscation Daa,':"w . . ounasy school, is maatlna. MlMiMlrH-A van ne Vital aiippi aventi aad rmiouni airan; itev. William la. upabaw. Rna- ai. B. Tbempaon, edper. , topic, 'Tbe Volnn- day soaooL 10 a Inteadent; eermoa, 11 a. m. tary Poverty o( Christ": Chrlstlaa ladeavor. 7 p. m.i evening service in big tent. Soanvaide Corner at last Taylor and Bast Thirty fourth streets: ttsv. J. J. Htsab. pastor. Bervtces at 11 a. m.; cfalldren'a day exercisM by Siudsr school; evening service at S o'clock, topic, "God's Care et One Per Cent"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.. B. C. Pier, superintendent ; Senior CuristlaB Endeavor, f p. m.i - Jnaiot Christian Endeavor, 8 p. m. Baaaalo-Street East Eleventh and 'Baaaalot Paul Rader. nastor. Servtcaa at lo-SA a. m.i Sunday Bcnool, IS m.; ChrletUa Endeavor, g:3 p. m.; evening service, 7:45 o'clock. First afadlaoa and Park: Rev. Daniel SUv-e. aaalatnot pastor. Morning asrmon, The Hid den Manna and the New Name," by President Stephen B. L, Penrose of Whitman collect. 10:80 e clock; evening service with sermon, "Freedom aad Responsibility,' by President Penrose, 7:4ft o'clock; Sunday echool, 12: til 8. mw r. H. Whitfield, auperlnteadcnt; Z. P. . O. B. at 6:46 p. Bh -Hlchland East Sixth street Berth sad Pres. eott; Rev. B. S. Bollinger, Snnday school, 10 a. m.a J. D. Osden. sunerlnrendent: Jnnlar En. deavor. 6 p. m.; T. P. S. C. S., 6:45 p. m. sermon, 11 a. m., topic, "Cadlseovered Posst. bllltles of Oar Lives": 7:45 p. m.. toole. "Good Cheer IfalU aa Board la Storms." ' Pro-Carhedral ef St Stenbea ths Wertvr Thrrtasath aad Clay atreetst Rev. H. M. Ranv 1 ttTTEZRAV. " wsdlah rmmanuel Nineteenth and Irvine streets. Servlees. 11 s. sa. and S a. aa.1 Sundsy school, S.4S a. m. Norwerlaa Synod Esst Ttnth and Grant streetsi Utv. o. Usgoes. Sundsy School. :80; I ., TflfliARlAJf. aelS2? t P ThBiJmvaTsf J"1 Church of Our ra.ber-CorMf ef Tamblll ssd C7,?f yL.p'. ? Tbnrsday. p. sa. ' I Seventh atreets: Bev. W. 0. Eliot Jr.. minis. 1! 'and s a SLfiPLiJ Ffii 1 - servlcee si ll s. m., sermon by minister emerl. son streets; , J. Allan Leas, pastor. Snnday 1 sarrtcaandaj schooL .T ? S J school, 10 s. m. services at fl a. m. and kludSsaTU-Ta a . ss t adaU U-bb.V p. m.) evening, lUnstrated kxtsre on "Tka 1 . Parables of Christ" l Luther league at 7 p. m. "'TTT ; V."--' : St. Johns I'an insular e venue. and KtlDatrlck I - JS.. vnuauJX BOUTS. . . i atreet; V. Bnecben. paator. Services st 10:45 171H Second street; Rev. B. r. Mewra, paK a. mH German ; IM p. Ba, English) Sunday I tor. A0Dday school, 10 a. m.l preaching. 11 ecbnoi, 9-90 s. m. . a. m. and p. m.j moralng . tople, "la ths Nor w. la a 4fi North rVmrteenih areaa, n-v. I (va.u.. a TVwa Uyw.l ....i. J. M. Nervtg. paator. Sunday servlcaa at 11 I topic. "To What Extent Should ths Caaraa Be aa, BBS I iaw p. Bl.) , BBBUay BCBOOl, Pits I roUUCSl T . . ta naif vrniBD ivasr avtina uo tjnnroti i ... ..-.- streets; Bev. A. Kraoee. Horning service at 10 2; ' V""."""''' - a. m.i evening service. It. m.i Bonday school, ereh of the traagetvWssee street sal 0:80 i. m.i Bible class. Thursday, S p. tn. Ormni svenBe; Bev. B. Bert Do Bole. Alorslng Trinity German, Mtssoart Ti)tvl earner WIU servloa, 11:45 o'clock ; Sunday school, 12 m.; lUma avenue and Bellwood street! J. a. Rim. sermon, 7:80 p. m. Services for mutes evsrr bach, pastor. Missionary services will be hahllBuadey morning, . at Hawtboras Park at 10.80 a. m. aad at , !"t"1lu Mraevy streets: Bev. :80 n. m. Ne services or Snadar aenooi at I - W. Wlson. .Morning sermos.. ;0 a. avi Church. IBBBaay avaeoa, aa aa. aeraaeB, l lev p. 4B Elon'a Oermaa (hflesourt Brsod) Cbapmaa I anu nainaaaa luvtu, ... n. UB1U etta. pssiOT, I , " . JIbiW ZaUUValaV i IZ TiTl nTSdnVhooL a"' m' I tJnlversal New Thonght -.mbtTH.n We. SL48taP,ESlh-.,,fdhS STthtra1 Sot..1 ?; -l-af. RaUdtafc fcjond and Mm- a m . I Bornioe teciore bi aa w csb, ins symsoiie l.aa p. al. I Inlarnratatann at the Twantv.Thlrd Paala.". IS p. m'lecture, "8ymbelle Meaning of the . . ?&rrnAlri Esby ef Christ late Jenwelem.' LTCUir-aiii ivtnima ana amaa mibn streets; Rev. J. F. Ghoraley, D. P. At JO;5 s. sa., preaching, "A Child ef Destiny") 8uu- say scnooi, is m. raenior evnaeavor, t:w Kara rarfe,- a. at S o. m. sana service, led br R. A. feaarm I East Blgbth streeu; Bev. J. D. Osrby. mtale- ot inicago; ospusm win ne esmmisterM. . Bodney-Avenne Kooaey avenue and Knelt eoeot; ksv. r. tint noDineom. st S:4 - a m., uiDie scnooi: at it a. m., sertnee; 7:801 m., firmwii a . r. . u. a,., e.eo p. m. Mount Scot t Services In hell at Kara p. m.l Sundsy school. g:00 a. m. WoedlawB Sunday srheol. IS a. m.l aaaest. IbS. 11 a. m.; Carlatlai Eadtaver, f p, m.t services at p. m. First corner Pars anil Columbia streets i Bev. . 8. Muckley. minister. At 10:80 a. sa. preaching, topic, "Elements. Etsentlal to Chiie tlaa Living": Bible erbonl, 12 m.; at 7:45 i sated" Advent Second Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a. sa. and T a. Snnday echool, 10:80 a. m, ... , tyiTrmiMST. Chorea ef the Good Tldlags Best Coach sal Ur. ' Sunday school, IS SVt sotbos. 10.45 a. m. "Itelleion of tbe A vera re Man." Dava. ttoaal services Tharsday evealag. CBTSISTIAB' AJTO lOSSIOBART aUUIOl Tha Christian sss M tselonarr Anissaa ai,.. and Mala atreets: Rev. 43. O. SawtoUe, aajper- tntaaaent. rreaeninaT aa 10:90 a. bii Btaaaiav acnou, m:.b p. m.t s.oug reopie a ssrvlos si THS CHTTRCH OF THE FZBAT BOBjr. Drew ball. 161 Second street, Bev. J. H. ... A-Lif n,t. nno Ds- Luces will lecture at S snd 7:80 p. -aa., sublet, I"; Chrlstlaa Endeavor at 6:45 P- m. "The Pheaomess sad Phltosophy et Spiritual ent Second atreet. betweea Rail and I leal " 1 RXT0RJCX1V first Oermsn Tenth and Slerti stvseta; Bev. 0. Hefner. Bong service nt 10:48 a. m.l eer moa at 5 p. m.. "Ood'a Blddea fsee": T. P. 8. C. Kh if. l Sunday school, 8:80 a. aa. P1R1TI7AXZBT. rtrst Spiritualist Society Third street, be tween WashlnrtoB and Stark atreets. Ablnetoa building. Art I tan ball. Conference, 11 a. ta., subject for dlscosaloo,' "What Is Tree Memo rial?"; at 7:45 p. m. V. E. Ctmlter lectnrea, eobjeet. "Tbe Augeea Stsblas,". er "Cleaning ud the Moral rieir.- Minlstera and Mediums' Protective Spiritual n s. m. Sunday school. 10 a. ta. aaaociaiiuu f . v. vr. aau. abtevenm etraat. near Waahlngtoo, 'Sunday, 8 p. m subject. "Who Are uur hpiritnal workers." Massages by Mrs. Shaver Biklngtoa aad Sophia B. Help. AU welcome. , gWIDEBBOROlAJI. . Jew Chorea Society Eleventh and Aides Streets; Bev. Hiram V room an. . latlliea at PBl'l'tP XTAVOtXIrjaZ. First Oorner Esst Tenth sad Sherman sttesU. Rev. A. A. Winter. . Sunday school. 10 a. m.l eervleee at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. morning theme, "Why Oo to Chareht" prayer meeting Tharsday evening. Second Fargo ' and ' Kerby streets; Rev. B. S. Hughes, paator. Snnday school at 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. m. by Presiding Elder M. J. LATTXR-DAT SAIBTBt Ban 400 Allaky boUdlng. Third ssd Meerlsne. Servlees at 11:50 a. aa. and 7 9. av Saaday school, 10 s. a. -7 xnzmzAX. dawk A. R. halL Bortheeet eaeaei - - .-a Merrlaoa streets. Servlcee at 1:10 p. m.-- ' DiTnrx TRtrTR cxitir. Ban 901. Allaky bsOdlagi T. K. Mmard. paator. Bervlcas at 11 a. m. g KBzszsstszsszz: ase.gaaaTOaaag8BgS I! OUT OF THE HIQH RENT DISTRICT 364 to 370 EAST MORRISON STREET SCORED DECIDED HIT a... a 1 a i. 1-1 1 a. . . . . 1. 1 . . I . . . .. . - ' a. in wnu wnicu in w laminar uui montn, wouia not be much of an lnduee- which appeared1 ao uncommonly danger- ment .for engineers, especially when It ous that he deemed It best to try it had been divided . between the .three : - a. -a. aa..- r.a. TS.a.t Aa IJ. SA . . a. . Sa-B ; yciun ysrwiuiuK fliiB. -raw w nu inio waminsri, Tne T66I will aiao Avid in v aii wiAo mw I carryinj ine expense or the board. vim iiurov rvair viu iui 11 Ustuik warur carry - TSpp -W. FAENHAM either been dlscsvered, though search - has been constant Paul ..was an ex perienced horseman and accustomed to the rtjan3 of this region. It Is eup. Marion Warde Farnhafn. the dramatic f .. ; 7. ' . . , , L v. . 1 reaaer, was presented In recital at woodman hall on Eleventh atreet last night tinder the auspices of Lily of tho Valley lodge No.. 817 of the Moderri Brotherhood of America. A large audi ence heard the splendid readings of ittrs. ram nam una encores were enthu- (Publlshere Press by Special Leased Wire.) ,asl,c;. Bn n able exponent of ; Kew Torlr. June i. Tnnmaa v R..n I aramatic reading and her ran a-a nt aa. one of the big: financial figures of the jecuon covers tne dramatic, pathetic country, has retired from active busi-jand humorous, appearing to advantage ness. His departure for Europe on Frl- ecn or em, ; day slsmallsed his withdrawal from tha 11 ' ' I big- enterprises la which he has been MTSS FATTJTil WTTS : interested. This was the storv in, whin, H11103 -TAllillMt VJiD, Wall atreet found great Interest today and' which is generally credited. Mr, Byan has been credited with a desire to build up a fortune of 1100.- 000.008. This be Is believed to have by an unguarded pull on his bit. TH03IAS BYAN "HAS ABANDONED BUSINESS is the penalty. PENDLETON CHUECH DEDICATION TODAY HONORS AT SMITH (Special Dlanatch to Tbe , Northampton. Mass. June 1. Amonar accomplished and It ia understood he lno 1Ti wno wl rsceive the bachelor has decided to retire with his ambition n aegree witn Honors at Smith Satisfied. ' j college commencement June 18 is Miss Ernestine iraning of Portland, Oregon. BUTTE.DBUG STORES ' JJSl CLOSED BY WALKOUT '2k V'wS contingent. . f - (Special Dispatch to The Joarnal.) Pendleton, Or., June 1. The beautiful new Methodist Episoopal church . will be dedicated tomorrow morning. The dedicatory sermon will be delivered by Bishop Moore, the afternoon serrrfon by Presiding Elder Walton Sklpworth and the sermon by Dr. J. H. Coleman,, presi dent pf Willamette university. Many Fourth Flrat and Glbbs streets. Preaching, wjpic, rtxnjmg ny ioe nturr," oy Kev. Ii. Charles Dnnsmore, ' at 10:80 a m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. B., 6:80 p. m.; at i ... p. m., preacning oy nev. i. a. Mculade. tople, "An Incorruptible Toung Man.' Hawthorne-Psrk Twelfth and Eaat Taylor airceia, nxw. a. neiaon Alien. Bunaay BCnoal, 12 nu; services at 10:30 a. m. aad 7:30 p. m.i V D a a B, ...A a ..... j. ., aj.aav f. Bl. . t . Forbes-nSellwood street and Oantenbeln ave nue; ksv. tiarry u. rratt. I'reachlng, 11 a, m. and 7:80 p. tn.: Snnday school, lu a. Christian Endeavor, 6:80 p. m. . Piedmont Cleveland evenus and Jsrrett street; Kev. L. Myron BooSer. . Preschlng st 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,; Snnday school, 12:15 p. m. Westminster Esrl Tentb and Weldler straata. Rev. Henry L. -Marcotte. Servlcee at 10:30 a. m. and 1.10 p. m.; Bunday achool, 12 m.; a. a . a. c. bi.. v.wi u. na. visiting ministers are here. Today was dedication sales day at 100 First Twelfth snd Alder streets: Rev,. Wit. stores In Pendleton. Five per- cent of "a Hiram Fouikes. At 10:80 a. m, "The a i ...... 1 ill w. t a. a, 1 Still. flmflll Viila" ' SiinHaaf aliAAl 14. to assist In paying for the church. The f fc. non mm' P' rrt proceeds will be announced at the Fulton Bev. A. H. Bnrtholder. Snndav' proper stage of the proceedings tomor row. WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN school at II a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. service. 7:45 p. m. Marahall-Street Msrshall end North Sevea. teentb atreets; Itev.. C. W. Hers. Sunder scbool, 10 a.- m.; preschlntr, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.: Y. P, S. C. E., 6:48 p. m. street and Prettyman TAT) CI A TT7tr tf . ir n l Mount Tabor Belmont a n a i i-m ia r i at. ia w -v j. .i r n .a a a . a, A JJLlt KZa.X4AAtaV J. AU.. v. all I avenue, services si Jl a. m. snd 7:80 p. m i . r I i-reacnmg oy Ken A. M. WlUlama of ) $22.SO ?1 DOWN, ?t WEEKLY. This handsome Table is made of best quartersawed highly pol ished, full heavy French legs; top 28x42. Regularly sold for $28.00 s by West Side dealers. We Undersell Them All. Our Expenses Are So Low We Can Afford to and Still Make a Fair Profit allnnvlllr. (SneiHal Dlsnatch to The Journal . 8olem,.Or., June 1. A whirlwind '00l :4B,"; A no bel Rev. Oeorge .r church service, 11:00 a. Arms, Jr. Sunday a. m.: St.; evening Scio Wool Pool Sold. ISpecis! Dispatch to Tbs Jouraal.) Butte. Mont, June 1. AU tbe drug stores or me city are ciosea as tne re- r fflpai oispeteh ta The joorn.Lt auu or waisout toaay or-tna retail Balem. Or- June 1, The Sclo wool clerks, dua to refusal of the Retail pool was bought today by Henry Hub- Jrus:gistr associstion to grant a raise bard for William Brown & Co. of Salem f tit a month from 1100 for registered consisting of t0.00 pounds at Jiu' prescription clerks, and of fSO from ISO cants. Thla Is the first -pool sold In tar aaalstaata. Both aides ara de- tha Willamette valley, and wss of me. Urmlned. r , ' ' 1 alum -grade woot " "?-. 'si 1 campaign for tha purpose of raisin an S 'FZ1' ' ? T:w additional-, $1,000 for the current ex- SeUwood Corner' Xsst Sevetiteenth and Spa. penses of the local T. M. C A. Will be I kans avenue: Ilev. D. A. Thompson, pastor. started here Monday morning- and will end Tuesday evening.-- A brigade erf 60 business men baa been chosen to do the work. The campargn Is being : waged under the supervision of Secretary Ivan B. Rhodes of . Portland . and Mayor George F. Rodgers of this city. . An at tempt will also be mads to secure 100 additional members to ths local asso ciation, , . - Sunday achool. 10 a. m.: preach Ins at 11 a. topic. "The Glory of Conqnest"; evening ser mon. "Hhrher Education of the young," v President II. if. Crooks of Alhaav anii.aa ' Ttilrd East Thirteenth and Pine atreetai Bev. Andrew J. Montgomery, pastor. Preset In st 1 . Oia a IT. I B an a . . 1 av.ou a. iu. - vj rr-aiocni i. roots or . Albany college, and at 7:45. au by tba pastor, on "Conaecrstlon," ,. . -. . , Ferwn--Bsat Twentieth aad Wygant. Preach ing at II a. m. and 7:80 p. BL by Rev. O. A. MocUrUliy Bev. J, A. f. HcOsw, aettsg ! pa ; I vvj; I -r ' I: ! l!i!Frjf H .-hi' ton--. , l tT, E3 IV-,-.;, - ill , :'-f II .''Vw S K rn : - it iffSJ'-. B.sssss!!!;!;,;?wa-waia.Bi mi ' ' I e J Is '.1 i '-a t ' f i 4 i i 1 A1 , " Th II iff u , ...... vw I j - : ; " - 1 H . ; ' ;:t,?::' v . ; I H ; , . ! -, ' . 1 H - I ....... Ii - I J . ii $ . jmti'mimkik :i ' jl srWq $38.50 , 95 DOWN, ipi WEEKLY, This sterling leather Turldnh Rocker, best of construction, hair, filled: equal to any Turkish leather rocker sold by our com petitors for $48.00. THIS LARGE THREE-SECTION LIBRARY CASE, in Golden oak, polished $30.00 Regularly sold for $40. We would like for you to come see it THE LIBRARY TABLE is exactly like cut, ex cept the end, which is full swell. Made of best quar- 1 1 ! t. . a". . a a - e . ; ici cu oaic, iimsnca in tne goiaen oak - wax. Price - Si $32.00 A Regular $40.00 Table DAVENPORT, covered in best mer cerized verona, full spring seat and ' "-V-vSjV'-alk'-; . atvdUil " :'a"-a. i . 1i- .. ' back.4 Golden or weathered ' ; finish, nd only N i? lUtSUJmJA9 OTHERS ASK r