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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
n LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE SPRINKLERS HAMMOCKS r- IN THE BASEMENT DEPARTMENT AND CLERKS ARE FILLED EKgh Grade Uphol- AW:, :Cit Council Took Action1 Upon Lists Submitted by the ft-: "m 'i ' ' i ' n . . i 1 ''J ' ' t "11. i ti1' a unainnen oi uenirju uraimiuees oi uom ranies V!K'''Kanied,Jne8ted to Be on Hand. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNALV 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY; MORNING, JUNE 2, 1007. VACANCIES OF JUDGES Vacancies, In the list of Judges, and! O. S. George, 651tt Third. Judge; W..H. Oraham, eoitt Tbira. .clerk. , ., . - .t.r iftiniooii from , mcmei Nft irai ooara, n. J. . r mi,J7h. f t 71 Bate. 414 Eleventh, Judge; John Bar- Ust tha chairmen of e u$ Betenth( eUrV B,0Olul boa. eentnu eommiueee oi ia wpuwiw. a D Hamblet, 41 . Harrison,. Judge; and Democratic parties. Tne nets suo. jj. i Stevenson, 406- Seventh, clerk. nltted were approved. ... "'VI Preolnot ' No. 10 Firet board. X. ; A. I A eoaelal meetlne- of the council waslCurrey. B20 SDrinev Judges a N. . Monroe, ailed for the consideration of election I2 Davenport, clerk. Second board, M. I and the lists had been pre- C Benfleld,' Twenty-first-and Vleta, cared becauae of the fact that many who had been appointed bad signified Judge; ' clerk. Frank McManamy, 414 Carter, their Intention not to serve. Inaerauch L ; Precinct No, lir-A. Nolfner, 104 Shor es ne notice will be given of the ap pointments made at the special meeting, It is deelred by the committeemen that all thoee named be on hand when the polls are opened ready to take their places without further notice. The; list as prepared follows: ' , Precinct No. 1 First board, ... A., prtetaer,, 407 North Twenty-fourth, Judge; J. K , Kern, III Savier. clerk. Second board, H. P, HolmsryW Qulm ;by. Judge; B. . A. Powers, 411 North ' Twenty-fourth, elerk. .,' Precinct No. t First board, 3. Krim- bel, 44J-Twenty-flrst, Judge; Enoe B. Palmer, 171 North Nineteenth, clerk. Second .board. J. J. Mannion. '11 man, Judge; Mark O'Neill. 400 Fourth, Clerk. Second board. B. I Kelly,, B SO Second,' Judge: XX W. Taylor Jr., .eOS First., clerk. : i . '""'!.' v Precinct ' No, II First board. ' H. Kurth, S4 "Water. Judge; K. C. Johnson. 4ttt First clerk. Second board. B. C. Failing.. 181 Seoond, Judge; H. Kurth, 184 Water, clerk. y , Precinct No. II First board, S, Ply. male, 710 Corbett Judge; H. N. Spencer, 700 First, clerk. Second board, A. AD bott; 180 Hooker, judge; I. Bwett, Til Hood, clerk. 't . Preolnct No. 14 First board, H. jr. Carlton. 80 First. Judge: E. J. Wood, I 814 Water, clerk. Second board, John hi Our display of the above furniture enjoysithe distinction of I being the most exclusive and the best selected in the entire west good, dependable, stylish pieces where the work of modern de- signers and skilled workmen is combined with materials of the high- r est quality. We are continually adding to our showing of High- , Grade Upholstered Furniture, with the result that our stock y throughout embraces the most recent productions of the leading : makers of furniture of this character. We mention particularly the heaw uoholstered Librarv and Living-Room Pieces, in the massive Colonial and other designs Davenports, Arm Chairs and Arm Rockers in the carved and plainer frames; the luxuriously up holstered English Fireside and Easy Arm Chairs, and the daintier Parlor Suites and various other odd pieces in the French and Eng- :I Ush period designs. In Furniture Coverings we show a line of silk, wool and mohair fabrics in designs and effects specially intended for thetipholsterings of period furniture. Vaughn, 'judge; X. D. Harold, 747 Rooee, Burke, Judge r B. J. Wood, 114 Weter, vlt. clerk. Preclnot No. I First board, XL B. Daecomb. lit North Eighteenth, Judge; H. K. Crandall, ISO Savier, clerk. Beo ond board, 'F. B. Descomb, 111 North Eighteenth.,. Judge; H. C Husselbrock, 161 Pettygrove, elerk. clerk. Preclnot No. II First board, C A. wnamoriam,'-ii n.iiay, jui, Sprlngmeyer, 1011 First,, clerk. Second board, W. J. KeUey. 101 Corbett. Judge; B. 8. Flack, 14 Hamilton, clerk. Precinct No. 18 First osra, J. I. PwiMt ka 1-rtnt board. Cr M. dl-1 Richardson Judse: O. C. Lee, clerk, son. Judge;1 J. J. Murphy, 101 North second board, W. A. Douglas, 1515 Mae. -Ninth. Judge; James W. Thomas, Nsw aadeavJudge; p. P-Courtney, lit Ver. Grand Central clerk; P. Klnt, clerk. montrlerk. S'r. . Second board, H. M. Hughes, 101 North Precinct No. ,,7 First board. J. B. Eighth. Judge; J, J. Murphy, 101 North Croeler, 141 Unn, Judge; H. W. Lng, SUth, clerk. 1707 East Seventh, clerk. , Second board, Precinct No. 5 First board, Thomas D. M. Donough S40,Teolno, Judge; O. J, Whaleiv 551. Everett, Judge; John B. Wallbers. 84 Umatilla, clerk. ' ' Cronan. 10 North Slxteenth.clerk, Precinct No. 8 Flret board, S. W. Second board. , R. J. O'Neill. Ill North Gregory, 1I01( MUwaukie. Judge; W. A. Fourteenth, Judge; John B. Cronan, 140 Sanders. .M; Harrold, clerk. . Second North Sixteenth, clerk. board. D. T, Sharrett llOl Mllwaukle, Precinct No. I First, board. J. W. Judge; W. A. Sanders, 57 Harrold, clerk. McGinn, 181 North Fourteenth, Judge; - Preolnct No. I First board. J. C Frank Schlegel, 127 LoveJoy, clerk. Johnson,' 04 Eaet Fourteenth, Judge; Second board. Charles Duggan, 111 F.. O. Urfer, MUwaukie, clerk. Seo North Eleventh. -Judge; B. O. Manning, ond board, Frank le, 874 Eaet Seventh, 151 Pettygrove, clerk. , Judge; J. K. Haveley, 711 East Eleventh, Precinct No. 7 First board, J. Berg- clerk. , - . ' man, S4 Hoyt, Judge; Albert Ackerman, Precinct No. 40 Flret board, James lie Nnrth Klarhteenth, clerk. Second Spenee. 100 East Sixth. Judge; M. D, wiin. Tandmiiott 110 North rwhlte.1 107 East BUth. clerk. Second Seventeenth, Judge; S. K. Bergman, M board, N. Doerlng. 188 Eaet Seventh, Hoyt. clerk. ' Judge', A. Looney. 18 East SUth, clerk. Precinct No.- First board, F. J. Precinct No, . 41 Flret board. George Barr. 68 Marshall. Judge; p. C. Camp- Shearer. Ill East Twentieth, Judge; a bell. 681 Kearney, clerk. Seoond, board, F. Gray, 104 East Caruthers. clerk. P H Flynn. Judge; B. F. Campbell, ,681 Second board, Thomas Duffey, 47 Bast vm.W. iude: -W. F. Edwards. 741 Twelfth Judge; Beth Roberta, 90 Stey. na. cleric. Precinct No. 41 Flret board, A. 1 Noltner. 6.47, East Thirty-seaond, Judge H. S. ' Harcourt, 100 Eaer Thirty-first; clerk. Second board, ' John A. Jeffrey, Judget J. G. Meybruah, 711 Ellsworth, 4J Flret board. H. H. ti ma ' 1 ATtrit iord F. 'Ac i Parker. Catlln revenue, Judtfe; James Berry;' Judge; A. D. Madgwlck, 89 North Kepcha, Flfpvflrst sndt-ents, clerk Fourth, clerk. Second board, O. D. Dun, Second board, H. H. Parker, Catlln eve ning Judge; F. T. Berry, clerk; Henry hue, JudS; James Kpcha, Flfty-flnt M. Warner. IJIH Pine, Judge; John and Treats, clerk. '-RyfcwSIrir' - - .fWlnt No. 4eiFlrst board,-. Theo- Preclnct No. 11. First noara, itoDen i ao omuou, , umun i.u.l v Rehfer. 188 East Murphy, 161 East r aimr.rt tit mamb or rum.. I biiio. ctvrK. ' merce clerk. r I i rcinci xio. w-nni Doara. . ; Precinct Na II Flret board, David Aljj. 616 ist Salmon. Judge; Orlesby vri rr.nth mA Wa.hlnartmri 1unn: I Xvuns. DDI MBl oumtin. cisrK. oovuau ?..,"7t,;k ii P.,iT.iark sn; board. H. Hatfield. 607 Bast Washing. 'Cd hoard J. F. CahallnT 411 Starfclton. Judge; J. W. Bulrgy. 11 East Thlr- IJudge; F. A. Frtschkorn, 61 North Tenth, teenth, clerk. Jii.JL - ..s , . .-, , ., precinct No.' 48 First boar-W. P. 4 vZit Kn il rlnt boaL.'-Bl. J. I Snook, 14 , East Thirty-second, Judge; i w..kfHM Mm,), a. I F. J. McMolnes, 816 Eaet Washington, P - . . Mh... Ir.l- ...Jt.A. TTT TT ....All SI WUhlllftOn. J-Uau. . -.. Pettvrrove. Clerk. Praclnct No. Flret board. W. P. Kernan. Judge; F. G. Ef finger, it North Third. Judge: T. C Foley, 111 I Riimnlde: clerk. Second board. -It. T .mnn. etu North Third. Judge; Wll it. m 3 MpOlnrA. 186 North Fourteenth. I olerki '.i.,v ' . i., . .'A Preolnct No. Precinct No. 11. First boara. Robert aoro biodbib, jii union Vmdyy iudgB. VX Dratos M&pm :9AX? East ; Ifgton. clerk. Seoond board, William.. Second board. B. Reh ? Foley. Chamber of Commerce, Judge; Washington, Judge; J. Mi X, Glassware Specials Art Designs in Mission t Basement Dept. Wallpapers gP For tomorrow only, the following pieces in best quality glass, in fancy and cut-glass designs: ' CusUrd Dishes special, each' '. 5 Olive Dishes special, each .5) Finger Bowls- special, each 10) Telly Dishes ipeciacach 10) 6-in. Footed Telly Dishes special, ea. .10) 6-in. Footed Jelly' Dishes ripecial, ea,.15f Vi-m. Footed' Jelly Dishes special, ea. 20) '8-in. Berry, Bowls special, each 15) 8-in. Berry Bowls special, each 20) FootedTake Stands special, each S5 Water Bottles-Hipecial, each 50 . Foreign Wallpapers In novel designs and colorings that suggest harmonious effects entirely different from the severe designs so common In ordinary wallpapers. Our stock includes papers for all rooms heavy' em bossed leather and hand-beaten metal ef fects for dining-rooms, libraries and halls; dainty floral and stripe designs for parlors and sleeping-rooms; plain effects for all rooms; pleasing designs for nurseries. Through our up-to-date facilities we are en abled to suggest and execute correct treat ments in interior decoration. SPECIAL $4.90 Fifty of these 1 Comfortable Arm -Rockers, in the characteristic Mis sion design, frame of solid oak, in the weathered finish, seat covered in genuine leather. Special, commencing tomorrow, at the above ex ceptional price. Your credit is good. ADJUSTABLE, PIN CURTAIN . STRETCHERS , BISSELLS Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweepers lYWtttEOT 1SS000 IC0MPLETE005E'FURni51tER5i : you OWN TERMS HODGE'S FIBER RUGS AND CARPETS The Ideal Summer Floor Coverings . Carter. board. E. J. Jeffrey, judge; U P. Beno, 61 North Twentieth, ''clerk. ' " "' ' Precinct' No. 14 Flret board, R. W. sMatJon Marquam building. Judge; A. ;A. Ayti, Oregonlan building, clerk; Oeorfce H. Prue, clerk. Second board, T,0. Thornton. Second and Morrison, " jldtre; H. C. Berrian, 101 -Oregonlan ,bullding. clerk. k frecinct wo. xo rri oowv, juiui 171 Eaet Thlrty-aecond, clerk. Precinct No. 7 Flret boara, N. . A. Raymond. 1001 Beet Waahlngton, Judge; C. R. Ay Is worth, 2SI Eaet Thirty-ninth, clerk. Second board, A. K. Wataon, 195 Eaet Thlrty-eixth, Judge; J. B. Clark, HIT Eaet Main, clerk. Preolnct Na 48 Flret board, S. E. Holcomb, Mount Tabor, Judge; C Hall, 1265 Eaet Madlaon, clerks Second board, V- huiMin A. . Kumeey. neimont ana w. A., iuiu, wwi,.,." .f, -. ,,.., u V Ullla 111 Inrin. T.'u..h iaU Waahlnvton Clark: I J -r-..., Precinct no. rrret boaro. c. m. D. TBrueb, I8H Waahlngton clerk; Cart Andereon, clerk. Second board, F. I A Englleh, Selllng-Hlrech building, '.udge; C. W. Lewie, Weat Park and Mor- rleon, clerk. ' ' Prwninxt Nit 18 Flret board. Oeorre , aker, Tlilrd and, Yamhill. Judge: J. B. FlthlaJi, clerk. Beoona ooara, ueorge Pennell. 481 Eaet Pine, Judge; Phil Hen. 11 Eaet Seventh, clerk. Second board, W. C. Mancheeter, 4 Eaet Oak, Judge; Q. I Matthewe, 74 Beat Seventh, Precinct NO. 80 Firet board, Qeorge ma. a., m . m vn. 1 1 .a S""Au"."..rV.Vtn V,v Tenth, clerk. Second board. A. P. Nel wnammon. nJr uu v... i ... ,.,,., T.nth inrfMv Willi. m V Precinct No. 17-Flret boara. H. W. S-i f ;jV.'.;"o . nr w lltmm 1 . , P - - , ". V.n,Mll l.rlr 'Stone. T. M. C. A.. Judge; 174 YarohJU, clerk. Second board, E. rrown,- 407 Yamhill, clerk. Precinct No. is iriret Doara, J. 'Weetervelt, 190 Salmon, Judge; W. I Starr, 266 Taylor, clerk. Second board, J. F. Shield, 285 Sixth, Judge; D. M. 'S!.::; Z'rWr.t w, t.. Harder. Twenty-ev.nth North. ' - I tuAtrth- 1 fWilhelm. 110 Thirteenth, Judge; A. T. Jam..8kr84ClTaor1ud Oe.Eak.; LfH?,PCL?Z T,51 ' Precinct No. 6I-Firt board. W. H. f .V."u '. rir'ri.S' Calavan. iei Orand, north. Judge; F. C, ::t w:"Vl i!:":. Z:;:?. Pyle, SO Eaet Sixth, clerk. Second .f:- "' ir"'' "f;1",",. ' board. William Reldt. 195 Union,, Judge 4:" r"-i I H.- E. Craw, 280 Eaet Second, north. Jefferaon, Judge; J. B. v' Yamhill, clerk, , Precinct No. II Flret board, B. F. Welch, 80 East Sixteenth North, Judge; J. B. Soott, 814 Eaat Ankeny, clerk. Seoond board, S. P. Burke, 680 Eaet Oak, Judge; A. O. Parrott. 804 Eaet Couch, clerk. - y" , . " precinct no. B2 Fir noara, aeorge 'Sheldon. 809 ' Keith, 174 Fourth, clerk. Second board, Phil Harris, 330ty Mill, judge; ouy B. VTrombly, 109 Jeffereon, clerk. . j Preclnot No. .22 Flret boardW,. P.. : Floyd, 414 Main, Judge; V. a Howard, '268 Seventh, clerk. Seoond, board, K. Quackenbuah, 249 Thirteenth, Judge; V. ,8. Howard, (368 Seventh, clerk, v Precinct 'No. 23 Firet board,. J. H. j Struble, 80S Third, Judge; O. M. Davie, ; 884 Fourth, clerk; 8. O. Richardeon, . clerk, second noara, w. xn. jrarmmg, i Ji' mi Preclnot No. 54 First board, A. I Neville, 841 Roea, Judge; W. N. Neville, 849 Rose, clerk. Second board, Herman Grimm, 351 Williams, Judge; Frank Robinson, 411 Broadway, clerk. Precinct No 65 First board. George 8. Lewis, 514 Mlesiselppi. judge; A. J, Stoldt, 456 aoldemlth.. cleric , 8econd board, U . Houston, 621K Delay, judge; A. J. Stoldt, 468 Goldsmith, clerk. -, . - . i Precinct No. 56 First board. J. J, Ryan, 668 Alblna, Judge; A. LeRoy, 617 rrl.JrryZmr- ... k.- t-,, 1 Farmer, 68-Van0ttverr Judge; ftn m mfth ittdw' C J Burkhart!llenhoW' 687 Vancouver, cleric .Berry, 84 Fifth, Juflge, , C. J. Burxnart, ,peomct No m.., board. BO OUrin, ciera. bwooh uuaru, a, I Doup 285 Third, Judge; H. W. Cooke, "Precinct No. 57 First board. H. M. Young, 640 H Williams, Judge; ' J. P. O'Neill, 290 Eufene, clerk. Second I board, L. T. Peery, Judge; Henry Freed lander, 265 Morris, clerk. ; Preolnct " No. 68 Flret board, r Louie tvan vieet. 144 seuwooa,' judge; A. F, Velguth, 420 Tillamook, clerk. Second board, J. A. Estea, 437 ' Union, Judge; J. Wi Ferguaonu, 825 East Twelfth, N., clerk. '.-I-- " - , ..A -tk r Trntmn. SS, ThlrtMnth. I Precmci NO. o irsi Doara. E. ver- ajudge; I L Hartley, 0f Twelfth, teeg. 632 East - Thirty-fourth, Judge; J. "Olerk! A. Dryden, Twenty-eighth and East :h- Precinct No. 27 First board, H. O. Knott, clerk.; Second board. Newton Mc Colton, 887 Market, judge; Browniow oy,-o nanooiw. juaa, v., cooper, Chaneey. 606 H Conimbla, clerk.: Becondl U" ocnuyjer cipra. 'board. John CHare, 168 Sixteenth, v 840 Front, clerk. praclnot No. 25 First board, M. J. i'Oleaeon, 268 Seventh, Judge; W, Bidden ) VYfllll, 11V11 tuilk , BOVUIIU '.'board. Ed Cahalini 80 Weet Park. :ludae: W. P. Adems, 888 Park, clerk. r Precinct No. 36 First board, H. niinle. 161 Thirteenth, Judge: H. 4F. Cover, 260 Fourteenth, clerk. Second Judge; - W. .ft Ott, , 628 Montgomery, clerk. . . . . i Precinct No. 18 First board, A. , Baumgartner, 441 Front, Judge; H. "Brown, 847 Lincoln, clerk. Second board. Precinct No. 60 First board. F. M. Ogdenil5 Humboldt, Judge; E. V, Rues, 831 Michigan, clerk. Second board, J. P. Burkhart, 46 Willamette, Judge; J. W. Montag, 860 Mtseourl, clerk. Precinct No. 61 First bord, C A. Mathena. 1017 Union, Judge; J. H. Mar- nert. 826 Cleveland, clerk. Seoond board, C A, Mathena, 1017 Union. Judge; J. H. Marpert. 825 Clevelana. clerk. Preclnot No. 62 First board. Timothy Wood, 435 Presoot. Judge; Peter F. Ble- vere, 876 Eaet Ninth, clerk. Second board, J. W. Slmmone, 821 East Eleventh, Judge; W. F. Coffey, 1091 Eaat Fifteenth, clerk. Preolnct No, 61 First board, John Gatchet 1194 East Ninth, Judge; L. N, Ambroae, 1414 Oneonta, clerk. Seo ond board, W. T. Vaughn, 167 Dekum, Judge; G. t A. t Ambrose, 1414 Oneonta, cicra. Preclnot No. 14 First board, A. B. Beers, 1226 Atlantic, Judge; C. L. Dag gett, 1167 Borthwlok, elerk. Second board, J. T. Dempeey, '878 McPherson, Judge; W. J. Cook, 111 Kllllngswortb, clerk. Precinct No. 65 First board, Johnson White. 1674 Hodge, Judge; O. A. Apple. 907 Yale, clerk. Second boara, C. L. McKenna, 1681 Woolsey, Judge; R. V. Rand, , 1598 Jordan, clerk. Precinct No. 66 First board, A. R. Myere, Northern Hill, Judge Walter Butler, Northern Hill, clerk. Second board, John Mardorf, Smith Crossing. Judge; O. H. Epperson, Newell, clerk. Precinct No. 69 rlrst board, I. J. Dennis, 14 Eaet FUty-fourth, Judge H. R. Koehn, Mount Tabor clerk. Seo ond board, Robert Olenn, Mount Tabor, Judge; I. J. Dennis, 14 East Fifty-fourth, clerk. Preolnct No. 74 Firet board. H. A Darling, Montartlla, Judge; W. C. Alls- worth, 684 Hlbbard, clerk. Second board, Charles Hyle, Montavllla, Judge; Otto G.- Kiel, Montavllla, clerk. ., 6. Lighting Fixtures. - For all kinds of electrlo and gaa fix tures following .ie different periods from the classic to the most modern can be secured from the M. J. Waleh company, 311 Stark street. They also carry a beautiful selection of art glass dining room domea with side brackets to match. Builders will do well before purchasing to call upon them. The stock is the largest and ttnost complete, and anything that is wanted In the fixture lines to make the home. building or office more comfortable or complete will be found at the store of M. J. Walsh company, 811 Stark street . -' ''Sweet Sunset. Give me bright eyes at sunset. And silence o'er the scene. With deeper shades and softer hues ' . Than through the day have been. Give me bright ayes at sunset. And music on the sea, Give me those faery siren strains, . Of nature's melody. ..... lve me bright eyes at sunset, T y That in the waning light They'll glow In dreams of beauty. And speak a sweet "good night." La Touohe Hancock, . Seaside Property for Sale. Will offer for sale my handsome six- room, modern, welf-bul!t cottage at Sea side, having electrlo light, city water, patent - toilet, with ground, 111 feet frontlnar en the river and 265 feet back to the Street, comprising one full acre. with beautiful treea and lawn, Also bars three other tracts facing on the river and running to county road. For prices and terms, call spon Charles K. Henry A Son.' 111 Third street, fort- land, Oregon. , s- - Isaac Stephenson, the millionaire Wis consin lumberman, who Is to occupy the seat in - tha United States senate vacated by John C Spooner, will bo 78, Very Lb w Rates JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION All Points East Are jroti going esitf Do not for get our excellent service and thit ' ?'OU can make the renowned Yel- f owstone Park trip when uaing our line at very little additional cost . "EVERY LUXURY OF TRAVEL" VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY el For rates and information call on or address A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A. Portland, Oregon. - Ticket Office Third and Morrison Streets. FR1L If? (Electric 1M FlAtirons ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Same TO Time Save Tonr Health Save Your Weary Step Save Ton Money Save Ton? Clothes Save Tonr Temper Save Tom Complexion LOW RATES E A ST t Ton ee a now make your arrangements to visit tha JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Or any other point in the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. From PORTLAND to Chicago ....... . . .$71.50 St Louis $67.50 St PaU $63.15 B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 Omaha. ......... . .$60.00 Sioux City .$60.00 Kansas City..... .$60.00 B $73.50 $73.50 $73.50 A E'rot routes both ways. B One-way through California. Ten days allowed for going trip, to days for return. Stopovers at pleasure within limits. Tickets will be on tale June 6. 7, 8; July 3, 4, 5; Auxu.t 8, 9, 10; September II, 12, 13 Corresponding" redaction is rates from the eltleo named to jramestowa and return. Tor full partleulars Inquire of WM. McMURRAY, C W. STINGER, General 2rassenger Agent City Ticket Agent Third and Washington Streets. years bid In June. Jn spits of his years, he la reported to be alert and agile. ' He Is of the same age as Senator Allison of Iowa and Senator Cullora of Illinois. Senator Morgan of Alabama and Sen ator Whyte of Maryland each Is five years the senior of Stephenson,- while Senator Pettua of Alabama, the oldest membr tn the upper branch of- con gress, will round out St years In July. Metsger flts your eyes for IL 111 Waahlngton street, corner Seventh, formerly at 111 Sixth street. Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge-No delay CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT ft POWER CO. First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon, , , Gentlemen You ; may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I' do not return it at that time you maychargv aame to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iroa if I return it within 30 days. Name...... Address . dept. j...' - - . . THE 30 DAYS' TRIAL OFFILR AP PLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS O I OUR CURRENT f