THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY . EVENING, . JUNE . 1, 1907. 3. STATE GRANGE DELEGATES AND VISITING MEMBERS AT HOOD RIVER, OREGON. n v i S - - . ; i 1 i 1 ir 1 , v.'.v T"'J ' Hit 2 1 d jy.-HWI"""! " ....... ,!'. f I ,. f " - ' . ! i i 4 I 1E 7. iv. lLL STARS :'PtAY HERE Manager Cort of Northwest ern Theatrical Association Announcers ' Many New r Plays and Strong1 List of Attractions for Next Year. John Cort. .manager of ihft Northwefit- trn Theatrical .association, has nounced tho list oJ" attractlonH that will be offered at the Hoilig theatre during the season of 1907-0. The sua- soji will open. It Is announced, during the early part of Bepiember. In the list are many of the most prominent theatrics) stars and there are aleio manr plays that liuve never been presented on this coust. Besides, there are several that will bu presented for the first time during the coming season.' Among the latter is "The Alaskan," i the new musical comedy In whleir"-XetT-1y Webb Is to 'star. The book and lyrics of the piece vvere written by . Joseph Kletben, of the Seattle Times. It will be produced by Mr. Cort who . has a five-year contract with Webb. i Rehearsals are In progress In Seattle and the scenery i being painted by f William Grabach of this clL V Calvin Heilig of this cf'ls pres ; ldent of the association . of which .Mr. i Cort Is manager. It Is announced that the association has recently acquired many new theatres in the northwest territory. Of great . Importance to Portland Is the positive announcement that the syndicate attractions will be produced In Pp,rtlfiniV In a new thea tre, the construction of which will b& gin In September. Controls Many Houses. "The Northwestern Theatrical aso- elation already controls more houses than any other similar association in the country," said a representative of the association today. lt has a larger ; list of ' theatres and the list is con . etantly growing. Mr, Cort and Mr. Heilig Intend eventually tij produae plays In the northwest and send them east. Instead of bringing all their shows from the east.'" In the-' list of attractions for the coming season Is the Sho-Gun, which probably created a greater furore than any comic ftpera that lias ever been heard in- this city.- The list of course does not Include all the attractions that are to be offered at the Heilig next season. Many of the most important bookings are not made until after toe Christmas holidays. The Hst, as an nounced by Mr. Cort, follows: Hera Is The List, Mclntyre. & Heath, In a new produc tion, Louis Jamos, "The Lion,, and the Mouse," ''The Maii. of the.', Hour," "George Washington Jr.," Kzra kendal! in a new play. Maude Fealy In a new play. "In the Bishops Carrlnse," 'The Rollicking Girl," "Salom.v Jane," "The uiieirw vviiiuw, 11 1 im jtumny jones. The Royal Chef," Harry Bulger In a Bew musical eomedj-, Florence Roberts In fZIra," "The Squaw Man," "The Heir to the Hoorah." "The Time, the Place and the Girl," The Vanderbllt Cup," "The Mayor of .Tokio," "Raffles,-' "A Message from S1ar.i-"Th Isle of Spice," Chc.'kers," Olga Neth ersole, In a new production. Marie Ga hill, Ellis Jeffreys. Madam Calve. "The Gingerbread Man," Surah Truax, "The Alaskan," Frltzl Scheff, v "Brown of Harvard." Prlmrons Minstrels, "The Blue Moon." Max PVgman., AVpodinnd," . "Strongheart," "The Mosul," The Burgomaster." Gruce George, "Coming Through the Kye," "Forty five Mfnutes from IJroadwuv," "Dream City," Savage's FnKllfh Grand Opera company, "The Social Whlil," "The Esrl and the Girl," 'The Virginian," "The Sho-Gun," and . Anna Iluld ih a ' new play, -''.v "-'"- ' '"' EPWORTH: LEAGUE ' IN CONVENTION Kcssions at Woodburn,. Opening Lat i Evening, y ill Continue UntU , , Tomorrow Night. (Swrlal DlrKrh to The Journal.) Woodburn. Or.. June 1. The' district convention of the Bpwortn league, wnicn opened here last evening, remains tn session today and will close tomorrow. After the orgalzation of the convention Dr. J. H. Coleman,' president of Wil lamette university, delivered an address. Devotional and business sessions, with the ''pastor s hour,' filled the morning session. This afternoon the program consists of papers and discussions. The papers are as follows: "The Relation of the League to Missions," Miss M. Hanson, Bunnyside chapter; The League a Fac tor In Evangelism," Mt.' Tabor chapter; "The League and Its Relation to Pres- i . . nn.. T, .... . i .. " i ir.uL.. an- vajr riuaicun, Aiiuiew tti.rkci, irsi cnureti,, saiem; -report or junior league supoeintendent. .-'The Junior League," Miss Mary Shaver, Alpha chap ter, A song service opening at ,7:30 p. m. will be followed with an address on "Good Citizenship" by Rev. J. W. Mc Dougal. of Albany. Sunday's program follows: Sunrise prayer service; leader, Rev. Wooley, Laurel wood. y:00 a. m., ser mon to Epworthlans. Rf3V. Holllnghead, presiding elder West Portland district; 3:00 p. m.. Young Peoples rally, Pres ident C O. Boyer, presiding; 6:30 p.- m.. Epworth league rally, in charge of local chapter; 7:30 p. m.. song servicer 7:45 p. m sermon. Dr. W. H. Heppe. Instal lation of officers; consecration service; adjournment. During The intermission short discus sions will Jjtv. held on-"Missionary Meth ods." etc.. Suunyside chapter has pre pared a (missionary exhibit which will be ,ln charge of Miss Ruth Wooley. UNCLE SAIWUEL KEEPS UNCLEAN HOUSE HERE Postmaster Minto Contends That Conditions Are Not as Bad as Painted, but He Admits That Better Wages Would Secure More Competent Help. A Good .Furnace Job Does Not Necessarily Mean Only a Good Furnace If means that it must be a durable and economical furnace, that every pipe must heat at the same time, that the air circulation must be proportioned correctly. , .. To get good results from a furnace, it must be installed by a man who has had years of practical experience in heating with warm air. . DO YOU WANT "RESULTS," OR MERELY A FURNACE? The W. G. Mcpherson Co. HEATING ENGINEERS RICH GOLD MINE IS r lxV-uiV 1 AIUJ jver3 ao 0tt thls place is cleaned Filthy' conditions about the postof- flce building have called the attention of citliens to the manner In which re fuse and rubbish Is allowed to collect pn the sidewalks; the way In which cunptdors are allowed to remain without being cleaned, and tha collection of dust and dirt upon the chandeliers, tables desks, chairs and other fixtures In the building has called down denunciation on the poor janitor service that obtains In the federal building. In the corridors of the third floor, the dirt has settled so thick under the mattings that a cloud of dust arises every time a person walks across the hall. Toilet rooms on-the third floor show gross negligence from the janitor serv ice that prevails in the building. Empty bottles left by whiskey-drinking wit nesses who appeared before the federal grand Jury have been allowed to lie about In the men's toilet on the third floor, while electric shades and chan deliers show a long separation from the dustiruj cloth of the janitor. melles of By-CKm Days. Persons who have business with off! clals In the building find it necessary to take the precaution of dusting the chairs or benches before sitting down. The benches themselves form a part of an antiquated system that remains from days gone ' by when courthouse furni ture consisted or a stove, several chairs, a dozen benches and innumerable cus pidors. On the third floor of tlfe building is a closet that is used for the . dumping Banker Woolwine t'neovers Free Milling Ore on Celebrated Prop , ert7 at Los Angeles. if (Journal Rptctil geryice.) Los Angeles, June .1. Banker W. D. T oolwlne, owner of bn; of the finest homes In Los Angeles, formerly trie residence of Baron De Roginet, cele brated for Its wine cellars and pictures, his "struck It rich' in his back yard. In carrying out his plans,o beautifying the place, which Is In Cast Los Angeles, Woolwine was grading down a hill and found a large quantity of free, milling gold ore similar to that of Goldfleld. It caryles high values and Is of such quantity that the 'prospect is to be at once develop4.Jt is but a few hun dred feet fftanthe house. Old-timers agree there gold In all the hills of mat vicinity, "mi neretorore only very low-grade or. has been found. L. lt! 'Davis', 31) on ballot, stands for) progress ana a greater Portland. TREE -HEN COMING IN CHERRY TIME out. but how Often Is left to the Janl tors. As a result, large quantities of paper, rags and other Inflammable rub bish is allowed to accumulate that would be dangerous In case fire smarted In the federal building. A passer-by noted the dirty condition of the sidewalk on Yamhill street. He pointed out torn papers, cigar stubs, tobacco auids and dirt" that had evi dently been left to lie on the sidewalk for days without the touch of the Jani tor's broom. In an effort to determine the cause for the filthy conditions about the post- office, Postmaster John W. Minto was asked to state reasons for the apparent lack of service. He said: janitor service Is not as good as I would have It, but the reason for that Is tho low wages paid for the work. One can not expect to get good janitors for $48 a month when stores and halls are par ing $76 and 180 a month for good men. This has beea a particularly ticklish subject with me for some time, and I am doing my best tc improve conditions. 'This is near the end of the fiscal year, and all appropriations are held down to the very lowest point by the department. It is my intention to take the matter up with officials at Wash ington in June, in in effort to get In creases In the pay of the Janitors. At this time J realise that such an effort would be futile. "All of the men employed about the building do their work faithfully, but when I secure a good man I know that he will not remain long, for he will stay only until he can secure a better position with some firm or in a, large public building. "We. have nine men In the employ of the building. Their official titles are: Elevator operator, $70 a month; engineer-fireman, $70 a" month; fireman-j watchman. $60; night watchman, $60; janitor, $70; three laborers, $45) a month each; charwoman, $22.60 a month. Appropriations Too BmaU. "Their duties are manifold, and re quire ability along their lines Of work. The elevator man has to be an electri cian able to keep the Intricate electrical elevator machinery In repair, attend to the various motors in the building and keep the wiring in good condition. The laborers are the men upon whom fall tho hard work about the building, and at present I have three men who are loyal and hard workers. They are do insr the best they can, but I know that with more money better, service would result. "f think this whole contention about the filthy conditions the building and federal property has been raised by per sons unacquainted with the true condi tions. Never before in the history of the building have the grounds been In such good condition, and but the other day an old and prominent resident of Portland told me that he had never seen the grounds In such good condition or looking so pretty as they do now. The matting in the building will be reno vated as soon as the grand Jury ad- ALL COURTED . STATE GRANGE Its Power In State Affairs Aniply Attested During Recent Session. GROWS IN INFLUENCE AMONG THE FARMERS Requests From Manx Points for Or ganizer Most Successful Conven tion in Order's History Was TluU Closed Yesterday at Hood River. Conditions are not as bad as they Mourns If the department will allow have been painted. It is true that the ("funds for that purpose." . EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET IS DECLARED A PUBLIC HIGHWAY Counseled to regard Kasf Twenty. sixth street, along the east une is the Lone Fir cemetery as a public highway and to go ahead with the extension ana impiuvBHioju. out allowing tne cemetery nmocmuon ispw'ini vispBtrn to TBe Journal.) I on,- rlnmfTsrn tor the grouna appropnui- Salem, Or., June L .Along with the ,a the citv council will probably pass cherry fair and flower festival to be an ordinance at its next regular meet held here July 10. 11 and 12 under the ms ordering tbe work to be done., auspices , of the State Horticultural so- TMa advice was offered by City At- plcty end for" which a score of cups and torney McNary at the meeting of the other priaes have been -secured as street committee yesterday afternoon, awards to exhibitors, will be held the Viewers will be appointed to assess the fifth annual meeting of the Pacific Const damage to the Lone Fir Cemetery as- Nitrserymeh's association. Both will aoclatlpn In the matter of allowing ior prove of special interest to horticiil- a 21, foot strip which will be furists. Frank W, Power of this city, left when a 60-foot road is cut through. president of the association, has sent Complaint was made to tne street invitations to all nurseymen in ad"joln- committee that the cemetery "re" Sng states to uttend. are being used for burial Vwvoae end Among prominent nurserymen and being sold by the "f"-. J.h horticulturists Mho will be nresent commme w , - - - New Runic at Aberdeen, Washington. 'SperlM DlKpsrcta -t' Tbe Joitrnut, Olympta. Wah- June 1, The Union Bank & Trust Compaiiy of Aberdeen ha: been granted permission to do business in tly) suite by the secretary of state. nave oeen iiuiv apprpvea. i i no capital stock 3s JSO.Cim. . F. A. Huntley, commissioner of hortl culture of the state of Washington; W, K. , Newell, president, nd II. M. AV11 liamson, secretary, of the Oregon state board of horticulture;, " K. C. Atwell, president, and K. It. Lake, secretary, of the Oreson State Horticultural society; John ja;irt, secretary," and probably Ed ward M. Ehrhorn, deputy commissioner of the California horticultural commis sion; C. I. Lewis, horticulturist, and A. B. Conlley, entomologist,- froni the State Agricultural college at Corvallls, be sides a largo attendance of nurserymen;, seeamen, inspectors ana rruirgrowers. v- ,,iBrtiftfnn in this matter un Jess It was from tho standpoint of the public health. The only relief to own- ers of cemetery lots in preventing the filling up of the cemetery Streets is for them to make complaint against me association and take the matter into the courts. - In the opinion of some of the mem bers of the committee the grading of East Stark street from East Twentieth street eastward would place the street below the burial level of the ceme tery and during the wet season pub lic, health would oe menaced irom seepage. Should the council take steps toward grading East Stark street the burial of remains on the ground adja cent to the! street would probably not be permitted and the result would be a loss to the association. The cost of improvement also would be as sessed against all of the lots not al ready void. City Attorney McNary will address a letter to the council at Its ijext reg ular meeting advising that action be taken on the discussion before the street committee. TH3 POL.ICYHOL.DnRS' COMPANY' BEST FOR AN QREGONIAN HOME CFF1C2 SIX' H AND ANKNY STREETS, PORTLAND . A. Ik MILLS. - ' v (President - 1 SAMX'EI , ' General Manager- CLARENCH 8. SAMUEL. , . ' Assistant . Manager. SEVEN MEN DROWN IN PAYETTE RIVER ,a...i.i n.n.trh to The Joornil.) noise. Idaho. June 1. In an attempt to make a landing in Payette river Just above the rapids near Garden Valley seve men were drowned,' '"their two boats going over tho rapids. Nine oth ers, also in boats, reached the shore after a desperate struggle. Those who perished were: Bert tfre, Me Curtis, Joe Hamilton. Tdm Highland, S'rank Fitzgerald, Dave McMillan and Joe Boden. All were engaged in a log anve for the Idaho White Pine .Milling com pany of Nampa. ' Boden and McMillan were residents of Boise and members of the Eagles lodge here. L. M. Davis- S 9 on ballot, stands for pure home Influence. EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL j GRADUATING CLASS (Special Dispatch to Tb Joorntl.) Eugene, Or., June 1. -The graduating exercises of the. Eugene High school were held at: the Eugenes theatre, last evening. The following were successful in the final examinations: Eva Vivian Allen, Edith Violet Armltage, Aubrey H. Bond, Jessie Calkins, Ada Boone Cof fey", Percy Meredith Collier, ,'Mary De Bar,' Ada Claire Dunn, Ethel Lena Ev ans, Eva Frasler, Julia May Gibson, Dean GHkey, Eebecca June Gray, Madge Norwood Hamble, Maple Hill, Conlf red Fayette Hurd.Virglnia Meta Hurd, Eu gene r. Hurimirt, uora. May Irwin, Ef ,fle , Belle McCallum, Ira Albert Man vllle, Guy T. Porter Ruby Pratt, Lila Carrie Prosser, L. Leon Ray, Henrietta Frieda Rhodes, Ruth Faonette Rolphe, vera aanaDenj aanaerson; iucia . nona Wilklns and Charlotte Young. -The class is smaller by 10 than last year's. which has just the number of thaj of COFFEE Hpw muth money does moneyback take? , ; . Depends, on the feoffee tea baking-powder .ex tracts spices etc Year rrecer returns year meoef if yea iiit like Scbillisi'i Best;. we pay htsu '- (Speefil DIapatck to The Journal.) Hood River. Or., June 1. After hav ing completed what its members say Is the most successful and largely at tended meeting In its history the thirty fourth annual session tuT the Oregon State Grange came to a close at a late hour last night, The meeting this year has been attended by men prominent in educational, business, horticultural and political affairs of the state and Its support has been sought in matters af fecting the public welfare. This is said to be in recognition of the Strength it has developed in legislative and other questions and its far-reaching influence. The sessions were religiously attended by all entitled to do so and the order is expected to receive a great impetus from its work .during the past year. ' 8everal delegations were present from various parts of the state soliciting the organisation to form granzes in their communities, among which were Coos nay. He rm is ton and Lne county. Mrs. Waldo, the state lecturer, says residents In districts in which irrigation project are under way or projected are particu larly anxious for the establishment of granges Ballot Onansrs Opposed. Some of the delegates left yesterday afternoon but the majority remained for the evening session, which was spent in accepting reports, passing resolutions and lnTotlng thanks to the local lodges for the entertainment provided here, The organisation was very much pleased . with its reception at Hood River,' which members sa;' Is the finest ever accorded them, and Hood River res fdentS take no little pride In the fact that- the largest meeting ever held by the grange took place here. The most important resolution passed at the evening session was one that declared it to be the sense of the grange that the present ballot system should not be changed for the one proposed at the last session of the legislature. At the afternoon session a number of resolutions and recommendations were adopted, among which were: Vorm&ls and Other Things. That a movement be made to bring before the taxpayers of the state the right to say which of the normal schools shall be continued and which abolished. That the state grange condemns the action of the United States government In allowing senators and representatives to distribute free seeds, which are worthless, and used to gain political ad' vantage. That the state grange will oppose any action on the part of, state' officials tending to throw out petitions for the initiative and .referendum on technical ities. TJie resolution introduced by R. W, GUI recommending the single district system to elect representatives and sen a tors was -laid on tne table after a spirited discussion in which it was op posed very strongly by W. S. U'Ren, who spoke in favor of proportional rep resentation. . Woman Suffrage Turned Down. The following resolution, introduced by A. I. Mason, was unanimously udoptedf " . . , "Resolved, That our executive com mittee be instructed to draft an amend ment to tbe state constitution and to in itiate the same at our next annual state election, which shall deprive the state legislature of any power to change any taw mat naa neon enacted Dy the initi ative." . , A resolution Introduced by W. S. U'Ren providing that the state grange take the matter up of placing woman suffrage on the Initiative was voted down. THE HOUSE OP HIGHEST QUALITY IN THE LINE OF HIGHEST QUALITY ( Another Famous Piano I 1 i Mm Bit f JSr 1 l rife e MSI) I ft THE ONE OF MANY TONES A Make of Highest Excel lence, incorporating the re I suit of ambitious progression along the most artistic lines in every essential. Crown Pianos are unequaled in tone.' touch, materials, workman ship and finish. They possess more patented and meritorious indi vidual features of merit than -uiy others. :They are built with the greatest care and attention in every detail. They dre the only ones having a practice clavier adding much to the life of the instrument. Crown Pianos are the only pianos with the orchestral, feature enabling any one to reproduce the many tones of harp, banjo, guitar, zither, autoharp, mandolin, cello, etc. v Crown Pianos appeal to those who wish the very best that brains, skill, ample capital, finest facilities and advanced ideas can produce. A Popular Piano Sold at a Popular Price, and Sold Through out the Pacific Northwest Only by The -House " of s Highest fiiTaliftr 353 WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER PARK f dlMwnsau at pianorttliabiliir Biggest, Busiest i and Bcst'of ..'An f - Stores in Every Important City in the Pacific Northwest. ; WHICH WINS? Two houses in the same town were painted by the same dealer with Lowe Brothers "High Standard" Paint and with "lead and oil mixed by hand." The firstthe larger cost $27.50 with "High Standard." Tbe second cost $33.00. The first wore over five years, the other three. Figure it out for yourself then come and let us help you to select colors. See our beautiful cards and booklets. Booklets, "Paint and Painting" and "Attractive Homes," Free. RASMUSSEN&CO. Distributors Second and Taylor Streets, Portland RAILWAY PROJECT MOVES AGAIN Capital Once More Connected With Grants Pass and Cres cent City Line. VP Sixteen years In Portland. Opposed to perpetual franchises. L. - M. Davis, 89 on ballet. PORTLAND HEX ARE - FEDERAL APrOIXTEES (Washington Bareau of Tha Journal.) Washington, June 1.- Milton Evans of Vancouver, Washington, haa been ad mitted to practice before - the interior department F. P. Swisher of Portland has been appointed meat Inspector with the bu reau of animal industry, and D. J. Ste: art to a position in the Jiydrographle branch of tbe navy. department at Port land, m . 1, . .''' 1 " 4 (Special TJlapateb to Tbe Journal) , Oranta Pass, Or., June 1. Colonel T, W. M. Draper and his associates' of San Francisco are again taking up the prop. osltion of building a railroad from Grants Pass to Crescent CltyVCall fornia. They have just completed an inspection of the route surveyed by them three years ago. Colonel Draper tales that the earthquake and rire in San Francisco bankrupted the men who were to finance the road at the time It as to .have been built and that he has since secured tho assistance of eastern capital. The right of way for the line, together with siding and station tracks, haa been secured, and all that remains Is the actual construction of the road, JUSTICE HARLAN IS SEVENTY-FIVE TODAY (Journal Special Service.) , r ? Washington, D. C, June 1. Justice John M. Harlan, dean of the associate justices' of the United States supreme court, enters upon- his 75th year today. He was appointed from Kentucky and baa been on the supreme bench SO years, or 11 years longer, than. Chief Justice Fuller, . who ' comes next : in - Point of service. Justice Harlan is seemingly" as full of health as the best of men . and ;though he has been eligible, to retirement for several years he apparently -entertains no Idea of quitting the bench at any very early date. A change in admln-v lstration . is probably about the only thing that might .bring about his re tirement very soon. He is a Republican, and a pretty strict party man,: and should the Democrats win next year he would probably give President Roose-; velt the privilege of appointing his sue cessor. : ' CONFEDERATES ARE ENJOYING REUNION " i - 1 ' ? 4 ' - , Poornnl (Special Peertce.) Richmond Va,, June 1. Though 'the confederate reunton has now 1 been in progress three days there is no abate ment of interest or enthusiasm appar ent on the part of the thousands of veterans and other visitors, i Business meetings of the various organisations were held during the day, but the vast majority of the visitors were occupied more with the entertainment features of the program, which are the most elaborate ever provided at a reunion of the veterans. Governor and Mra. Swan- son are to hold a public reception at the executive mansion this evening and a big entertainment 'will be given at the auditorium. Tomorrow ' the me morial services will be held under the ausptces of the Confederated Southern Memorial associations and special ser vices will - be - held in nearly all tn Richmond churche. V ' V- XEBS ABU TVW people who know how to tiike rare t.t themselves the majority do not. T ... liver is a most Important ortfnn In t body. Herblne will keep 1t-t ron-i . V. C. ' Slmpkins, Alba. Tl. i I have Uaeit IfRrbtna fur ft.'' a . Kaver and hud it the bi p,. s ever used. I would not be hsi. m It Is an good for "tiiiilrn n u arrown-iip pi-opin, ami 1 r It is fine for a Oili'i. i . UtUKKlHkS. 'r 'J '