2 THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE v 1, 1907. X 1 At Empire Theati-e Tonight Governor Chamberlain, Mayor Lane and Otlier Prominent Speakers Will - Close the Campaign: , . The lest gun of the Lane campaign will be fired tonight at the Empire thea Ire, when Oovernot Chamberlain, Mayor Lane and other well-known speakers wll tall of what haa been done by the present administration and what . '. will be done If it la extended for another two yeara. Thle laat meeting la expected to be ; me beat of the lot. Governor Chamber . lain haa not apoken before during the campaign and bla reputation aa a force - ful campaigner la attracting much In tereat to the meeting scheduled for to- ; night Special musle haa been provided for the occasion. Ushera will be in attend ance to see that the audience la pro ;vided with comfortable teats. It is ex pected that the theatre will be all too : amall for the crowd which will come to hear the efflclal closing of the cam' ' palgn. - The Republicans will close their cam palgn tonight at the Armory. The . speakers slated for that occasion are . Judge Webster, Mr. Devlin. Wallace McCamant and Louis Zimmerman. In vitations ; have also been sent to the members of the legislature from Mult nomah county, to the various Repub lican omciais and to the state offlclala at SaleYn. asking them, to lend the dig nity of- their" presence to the occasion Tneir attendance la also desired to , show that the Republican party is back or Mr. Devlin and that Republlcanlam , la the issue of the campaign. HONORS YOUNG MAN (Continued from Page One.) . great deal for the strong friendship the young man incites that as soon aa It .'became known here that he was lost, several of his friends quit their posl- , tlons and went to Fairfax to assist In , the search for him. The little boy who was loat with Lindsay also happened to be a general favorite wherever he " was known. It waa under theae conditions that the Wines at Fairfax and the coke ovens at once shut down when it waa learned . that they were loat, and all the men were ordered by Superintendent Sterling to quit work and form in small parties and search ror the pair. ' . s emtW Bttv a0 SKi)6lei The two had no matches with which to build a fire, they had no blankets, and when they started bad but a light lunch sufficient for one meaL This was alt eaten by the man and boy the first day, a pet dog which accompanied the boy being encouraged to rustls for it' self. This the dog was unable ,to do, and during the six days they wre lost it starvea. unaaay earned a revolver and made many attempts to. find and kill game, but the two .made so. much noise going through the -woods that not a trace of game was seen with the exception of a wildcat - While the two were lying, weak and worn out. with the dog curled up be side them, the wildcat cautiously parted the brush 40 feet away. 'Lindsay had already heard the animal coming through the forest and the instant it came into view he fired at It but missed. The animal was gone in a twinkling. . For three days the two were penned up In a- wild canyon, the savage steep ness of the banks of which forbale their climbing' out in their . weakened condi tion. While they wandered listlessly down the stream flowing through the canyon Lindsay made countless at tempts to catch with his hands small trout that could be seen swimming, but did not get one. It was In this canyon, however that he caught the frog, which proved to be their only food for rive days. Walked Xundred It is estimated that the pair covered 100 miles during the time they were out. " They did a great deal of their traveling from S a. m. to noon, then resting for several hours In the heat of the day, and after beginning their afternoon march they continued until nlght'a shadows fell. To appease the gnawlngs of hunger they tried to eat various kinds of leaves, but tnfelr stomachs refused all audi fare. Lindsay believes that they would both have perished if they had not taken frequent baths In the streams they, followed and passed. It seemed that these baths greatly refreshed each of them, and whenever the boy fell un conscious, aa he frequently did, Lind say would have recourse to thin water cure, sometimes be ins compelled to ct.rry the boy a distance to reach water. The dog seemed to realise the ex tremitlea his little master was facing, and followed closely at his heels whin ing dismally whenever the boy stumbled and fell. Fairfax has never seen such a time as It did when the two were brought bark. They were found near Carbonado, and 500 people from that place accom panied the rescuing party on the train to Fairfax, where, amid a general hur rahing of men, weeping of women and blowing of whlatlea. they were wel comed as ones never expected to be seen alive again. None of the vicissitudes the two saw shook '.heir courage, and there was no crylna or hysterics cn the part of either when found. The child laughed when he saw his rescuers, and shouted to one whom he knew, "Hello, Stub; what are you doing hereT" REFUSES I PAY S WE Judge Cleland Holds That Justice of the Peace Is Not Entitled 'to Salary and Must Rely on Fees Wjll Go Higher, were strangers in the city or had lived here only a short time, and from them no expression of choice was asked. Beginning at I o'clock on the west side of Washington street, at First street men who were coming down town to tlielf places of business from their, homes were met. , A poll .of these men from Fifth to thirteenth streets gavo Lane U '. votes and Devlin 4. One of the Lane votera said: 1 I am a Republican: never voted for a Democrat In my life, but I Intend to TnV In Pnttnn T?mnrt Am IMES CASf IS SET FOR HOIIOAJ vote, for reTjin "- V r ruirnHionai ana Dusiness men com ing Into their offices were unanimous In the sentiment that "Lane is good enough for me." On the return to Fifth street on the north side of Washington street, In which men living down town were met. Lane' had no votes, every one betnx for Devlin. Another trip up to Charged Against Former Department Clerk. The supreme court of Oregon will be railed 1 1 rn n to 1H1 whethefi Justice of the Peioe T. C. Shreve of the Mt. .tw Tnbor district is entitled to a salary !wor iar-.iv of the lahorlna- class that )ty !flrnrinilv fatnrtuf wim lrtn4 tt -a tinn MAYOR ANSWERS (Continued from Page One.) tlona in his publication of today, where as, his former complaint bad been spe cifically against certain houses which bad closed 10 ireei rt" apparenuy Just complaint . He came, and among other things stated that he would consent' to sell his business, a hotel, to be used for such purposes If he could do so and also, quite frankly, admitted that he cared not how much the evil waa scattered throughout the city If he succeeded in driving It from Its present quarters, the objections to which, urged upon me by many, I explained to him fully. Belief Trom Snarling- Ours. As a matter of fact end to be plain. it looked and does look to me as If Mr. Anderson hss been, engaged In an at tempt to use1 the police force and my self to force someone to buy him out for hie personal profit and benefit Whatever he states as to conditions there- which are true and conceded by me. but where does the limit lie? I have forced out of business and away from the contamination of a far larger number of persons and young girls the gilded dens of vice which spotted the town. Earnestly and with little help, and at times agalnat much opposition, have I worked and fought to better the condl of 13.400 a year from the county do the justices of the districts In the city of Portland, because the precinct In which Justice Shreve holds court was annexed to the city at the election last June. Judge Cleland in the circuit court this morning decided that Shreve la not entitled to the aame salary aa a justice in the city snd Shreve will have to content himself with the fees he collect!. Shreve' attorney an nounced Immediately after Judge Cle land a decision ' that an appeal would be taken to the supreme court. . Shreve applied-to the county court for a voucher for 11.600 which he al leged waa due him as salary since July X of laat year. ' The claim waa based on the fact that the precinct In which he holds court wna annexed to the city laat June. The county court re fuaed to allow the claim and proceed ings were begun in the circuit court for a writ of mandamus compelling the county to pay the salary-. In passing on the question Judge Cleland ssld: "The part oT the Mt. Tabor district annexed to the city waa included In precincts S, 69, 70. 74 and a part of 87. The larger part of the district was left without the city. It is true that the precinct in which the Justice resides waa brought Into the city, but he has Jurisdiction only over those upon whom processes are served within the district. Therefore if the justice is to be psid as a city Justice, the city would be paying for a man who aervea only those people of the city who live In the precincts that were annexed; laat June. 'The court can not believe that the justice's residence in the city Is suf ficient to entitle htm to a salary as a city Justice, and the proceedings for mandamus will be dismissed. (Journal Special Service.) ' Washington, D. C'June I. The case Thirteenth waa taken, on the south side, I of Edwin S, Holmes Jr., ex-assistant and t he final score stood 14 for Lane, I statistician of f the agricultural depart- 13 for Devlin.- lmnnf Invnlvtno- rhip nf ennanlrina Tenderlola for Devlin- ' Jto defraud the government by ncrmtt- Tho straw vote taken along Third tin the leakage nf notion nrnn statla. street, from Morijson down toward onk, tics, Is to be called for trial here Mon lncludlng a block of Chinatown along day. - - (Second showed Lane 1, Devlin 25, The bio- ronfrirt rennlnn at nuh. while 40 refused to answer and S were mond will enma tn - -in-. von. with undecided. ' the unVelllnv nf a. tuna nf Jf .r.nn 1 jus sporting element wsseeirong ior mavis, the event to be accompanied by nn, while those who refused to vote a parade and el.hor.t ...mi.. At M. t hrmm rlnv'i MtnMnHnn nf in rid. apparently feared some kind of a trap pendent telephone companies to .begin in . ... u.....-v.u-u 'n-i; l""'":u wnicago Tuesday, plana will be develop to working men and business men. The d for unlUng. j(000 telephone Com sporting clement mostly had no doubts panlea in the. United Statea and Canada whatever, nor were they bashful about int nn ..v.. .i.. asserting their cbolce. I eaiI(a- telephone trust. ' The last canvass made was at Third n.m. nf Mr. rm. v.,,,... .v.. and Osk streets,' and many of those f wealth, sir.... ir.ii. i. approached were habitues of the North charged with the murder of her hired Lnd. As was to be expected, the voters ,ih .m .. IT of this class were for Devlin; and the rV..u. South Dako a ' ballot showed only two Lane votes, Xt at. Paul th. trni- a i while it were for Devlin. l.r f -.in . .v." Bell A Co.. Is 14 for Lane, 117 for Dev- Th. p.n-v1v.n,, ...ki.-.- ...... convention at Harrtsburg. Thursday. will be watched with interest as llkelv to have some bearing on the presidential contest, . The International horse show, in which a number of Americana Br in nave a. prominent part, will be opened lln HAWTHORNE IS FIRST (Continued from Page One.J 4k.i V. a ei. .. 1.1 m ft . n a iiini nv ".iiiiv txi icu . ruin s.av iu i , , 7:2. but the running waa steady and the grammar achool luda as they n eared the city and finally reached the resl dence districts were cheered by Tou are Invited for lea cream mnA m th. I beautrful view of Portland on Wlhar many people who watched the progress Heights today, Saturday afternoon and evening. I am opposed to a wide open town. 39 X L, M. Davis on ballot 11 1 1 r referred Stock Oaaned floods. Allen 4 Lewis' Best Brand. L. M. Davis, 39 on ballot, was jobbed in the primaries. Shame on somebody. SHEDS COPIOUS TEARS (Continued from Page One.) by pleading guilty. Then he said that he never sent the letter through the mail, but gave it to a young man at the tTnlnn riennt vtirt In f 1 1 rn wom n tlona of this city in behalf of the peo- hand It t0 Mlg, Waikerat the young pm wno. v "t nviiio.. ... Woman's Christian association at Seat well as other matters. Harassed and Ue. . Shuman was the pereonlficatlon of badgered, and now set upon by all the perpleJlUy when hf endeavored t0 ar. Interests which fatten and thrive upon;riva at an nBderstanding,. or mtsunder or aim to make gain from i vice and !.Undlnf of how the letter reached " grw w...t ivies W ker at Tacoma. care general THEIR -HEARING IS have tried to visit upon the city, it seems 111 requital for service honestly rendered to be so treated, and I appeal to the people of the little homes and to all Dersons who know Of the condi tions which formerly existed, to help Wolverton said that he had heard me kick from my heels the' snarling curs enough, end sentenced Shuman to serve who seek to detract your attention inve months in the county Jail. The delivery. Just Cried and Explained. For 10 minutes Shuman explained and for 10 minutes he cried. Finally, Judge from the real and vital interests which are at stake. HARRY LANE. Boy at Play Breaks Arm. (Special Dlnpatch to Tbe Journal.) Astoria, Or., June 1. Vance Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Ferguson. while at play yesterday afternoon fell and broke hia right arm. The fracture Is not a very bad one and no serious results are anticipated. I i ract that Shuman has been In the county Jail a month shortened his term of imprisonment for that period of time. Shuman was employed as a bartender by Charles Pilt, 786 Washlngtonf street prior to his arrest of the race. The time or the 13 relays was aa follows: 1 6 minutes; 2 6 minute 3 6:32; 46:49; 66:39; 66:42; 7- 7:26; 5:64; 6:32; 106:46; 11 :S1; 126:30; 136:42. The schools finished In the following order: Roy Fluhertv. Hawthorne." 1:19:26 George Crump, Highland, 1:21:18; -Byron Wright, Mount Tabor. 1:23:04; Joe Oe- lestlne. Shattuck, .1:23.07; Carlyle Oels ler, Atnnworth, 1:26:32. Owing to a misunderstanding in the matter of arranging the relays Alns worth runners were seriously handi capped after the first relay. Pensqn was compelled to run two relays and there was no one to finish on the home stretch. Autos follow Bonner. Two automobiles, bearing the timers, Judges and a party of guests followed the runners into the city. In the first tuto were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stone, Mrs. Philip Buehne,r, Mrs. L. W. Myers, Miss Buehner, Miss Newhall and H. P. Buehner. Professor H. Jenkins of At- Acf-?cli?or Ttmntic--)--i! klnson school, A. M. Orllley and U M. T " & Myers or the T. M. C. A. acted as time keepers and Judges. The race was successfully carried out from start to finish and was in charge of X.. M. Myers, who directed the relay or jaei year. The runners were taken to their various mile posts by boat and on" street cars, and at U p"clock. when t.ne race was scheduled to start, every one of the young participants was eager ana waning ror tne cloud of dust which announced the eomlne; of the runners. It Is the intention to present the silver cup to the winning team at the Haw thorne school as soon as the arrange ments can be completed. ice cream free to all at Wlberg iieigms today, Saturday. Take E. A. car and get off at Wlberg lane. RESTORED Is Made by the Great Fer- Don in Portland. The .Strongest Fence Against Disease is Natural Living Seek by right food and drink to be well and happy. Disorders of the body cannot be helped by medicines unless the abuses stop. When that is done the individual is on "The Road to Wellville." Daily ails slowly add up, until a day of reckoning comes in the shape of a spell of sickness expensive and always a push down the hill, in more ways than one. It sometimes seems difficult to find the trouble until coffee and tea are abandoned and a change made to P OSTIUM Preferred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen dc Lewis' Best Brand. WIXGS AX ESCAPE (Continued from Page One.) Fagan took tbe hammer with which he had been breaking rock, selected a board in tbe stockade that had a knot across .its entire width, broke. It with a blow. crawled through the hole and made a dash for liberty. He waa fired at by the guards, and says, that buckshot struck him but did not penetrate the skin. He kept on running until Engi neer William Eschel shot him with a 38-callbre revolver at a distance of 200 yards Fagan then crawled into the brush, where he lay for three hours, when the guards found him. Commenting on Eschel's shooting, Fagan said: "You bet he la ace hljh with a re-1 volver, that plug." Fagan was sentenced to serve a year WATERS-PIERCE MUST PAY MIILIOX FINE 4 Journal Special Service. 4 4 Austin, Texas. June 1. The 4 4 Waters-Pierce Oil company was 4 4 today fined $1. 023,000 and had 4 Its permits to do business within 4 tbe state canceled'. 4 A jury or rarmers returned the 4 verdict In the case of the state d against the company to oust It 4 for violations of the anti-trust 4 laws. Don't forget ice cream treat today at Wlberg Heights. Everybody invited. TAFT OUTLINES LONG , STRENUOUS JOURNEY Young Man Gives Another Sample of Work Which Aroused the. Eastern Cit ies During the Past Year. (Journal Special Service.) Columbus, O., June 1. Secretary Taft was In conference with the governor for stealing some copper wire In Alblna wju l(faVe tonight for Washington with He had been working on the rockoile ki. mmh i i. ..k.... ,... . . - fc 0 UUIIVUIILTTU 1 1 1 BX L 1IB3 Will leave wasiungton about. June 13 to about a month and a half. His wound was dressed last nisht and this morning by County Physician Geary. LANE m, DEVLIN 117 (Continued from Page One.) FOOD COFFEE It contains the necessary elements albumen, phos phate of potash, etc., from the field grains, nature's store house, that heal the'system suffering from the effects of coffee and unnatural living , . Fame and Gold await the Sturdy and Temperate Read "The Road to Wellville" in pkgs. " "There's a Reason" . ' ---o -"-'. j. w mug lir speak in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnea polis, inspect Fort . Meade. South Da kota, pacify the TJtes on the waroath and sail September 10 for the Philip pines. declare themselves. Every voter who came along was buttonholed and asked the question: "Are you for Lane or for Devlin?" The result was, there fore as fair a test as could be devised. Voters of every character and descrip tion, from the hod carrier to the banker and from the hobo to the statesman; were polled at the corner of Washington and Fourth streets between 9 and 10 'o'clock this morning, with the result that out of 127 registered voters, 71 iM;mrea trtm jnayor i-ane snouia De i v wiiLiuuru ill vaiicc, wnji,t; uo mvorea giving Candidate Devlin an opportunity to clean up the north end. The 'reporter taking the straw vote soon had a bunch of Lane and of Dev lin partisans around him, watching the progress of the canvass; but as the Lane tally steadily forged ahead, the Devlin supporters lost heart and moved on. SUger to Ktate Choice. An interestina feature of the can vass was the eagerness with which (he voters declared their choice. Occasion ally" a glum, sour looking, individual would brush past, making no response to the request for his preference. A few voters-looked with suspicion upon the proceeding, rearing to announce their choice, lest some advantage might be taken of it Now and then a piece of good-natured raillery was hurled at the. canvasser, but ror the most part the votrs were anxious to proclaim their preference.. On .Upper VMnlng'toa. On upper Washington street, the main thoroughfare of Portland, where all I classes of the pity's residents pass, the straw vuiv xavv juayur Ajniio 40 votes to Devlin's 13. In this case only thoso who -are voters were asked.'- Many of the men who were approached said they Ask pa and ma to take you to Wlberg Heights for Icecream today. ' GOMPERS PUTS BAN ON BEERMAKERS' UNION 4 (Journal Special SerTlce.) ; Washington. June 1. The 4 brewery workers'; union com- prising 400 locals,: was expelled 4 today from the American Fed- eration of Labor by the order of President Samuel Oompers. CMaUlabt4iet Is free from harmful, ele ments. Its alkalinity de stroys mouth acid germs. It permeates the entire tooth and mouth structure with its healthy fragrance. A tonic to the gums. SOZODONT is an article of merit. Its popularity of sixty years will attest to that." Remember SOZODQNT. On last night some remarkable demon strations were made In public by the Great Fer-Don, who Is Introducing Into Portland the remarkable remedies' which created a sensation In eastern cities. The demonstrations, as usual, took place at the free show grounds at Wash ington and Twentieth streets, and were witnessed by hundreds of -people. Fer- ! Don promised that one application of one of his preparations would make the deaf hear inside of three minutes, and would also make the Jame to walk in the same short space Of time. There were many deaf people present,'' and about a half dozen of these were given a demonstration of the Fer-Don Magic Relief with unvarying success. Mr. George Seely, who lives on East Burn side street,- was the first to test- this remedy. It relieved him of deafness of long standing. R. MpKertny, 309 Clay street, who had long suffered from deafness, waa great ly relieved. - The hearing of these and others who came upon the platform was tested after an Interval of two and three min utes. The test consisted of Questions put to them in s.n ordinary conversa tional tone at distances varying from five to fifty feet. The results were remarkable In the extreme. Some of those treated had been deaf for, a number of years. When the first question was asked a look of amazement would spread over their features. Aathe questioning was re peated the look of surprise would give way to one- of pleasure. In giving an account of these demon strations, Fer-Don said: "The prepara tion used is not the one with which I accomplish most, as my 'Fer-Don's Med ical Discovery,' as It is called,' and to which I owe my success, is for treat ment of all forms of stomach trouble, and the general breaking down of the system that follows In. the wake of dis eases of this character. "The stomach Is the seat of a great many troubles; for Instance, my rem edies will relieve thousands of people in this city of rheumatism, simply by get ting the stomach in working order," . Many, people 'seen who were . present at this demonstration assert positively that Fer-Don's remedy undoubtedly made, these deaf people hear again. rer-Soa Takes Boys to Theatre. It was a happy lot of boys who as Truest of the Great Fer-Don witnessed the very excellent entertainment at the Grand Saturday .afternoon. Fer-Don a"n nouncod some days ago bis Intention of forming this theatre party, and Invited all the. boys of the city to accompany him.: From the large number who took advantage of this invitation it appears that Fer-Don la popular with the youth of the city.'' - -. r-,, ""' t ftrttav. Si ) 9 A. M. TO 12 M. ADJUSTABLE .-'V:,.;;Vf. y I mmmi Regular 40c " '. - ' . ReguUr 40c . ( -"'t'' ' o '. ' 18 inches high and can be adjusted to any window' up to 33 inches wide Jar ar aaaiar -tssaSHM aaaaaaa ff.r 1 J I aVi If? 1J? (Llectric JLJL- Tlatirons ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Sam To- Tims Save Tonr Health ave Tone Weary Steps Save Tonr Money Save Tonr Clothes Save Tour Temper Say Tonr Complexion Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge-No delay CUTOUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT 4 POWER CO. First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do no return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 day. DEPT. J. Name Address THL 30 DAYS TRIAL OFFER AP PLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT HOW RATES Ton era aow make yon a rra ligaments to visit the ' JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Or any, other point in the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. From PORTLAND to Chicago. ........ ..$71.50 St Louii . . . .'. . . . i .$67.S0 St. Paul, $63.15 B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 -,,. : A B " Omaha. . . . . . . . 60.00 $73.50 Sioux City.... -....$60.00 $73.50 Kansas City..,. . .$60.00 $73.50 A ttect routes both ways.- B One-way through California. Ten days allowed for going trip, to days for return. Stopover at pleasure within limits. ft t ,. TIcktts will be on sale June 6, r, 8; Jnly 3, 4, 5; August 8, 9, 10; September 1 1,13. 13 . " Oorrespondlnr rednetlon In rates from the eltiea named to Jamestown and return.--Vor fnll particulars Inquire of WM. McMURRAY, Q W. STINGER, ' ; J-..' Oeneral rassenfer Agent, j. city Tlekst Agent,- - - - t Third nd Washington Streets. v I II I I 1 1,