THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , FRIDAY EVENINO, -MAY 31, 1807. Town Topics I FSft . ' 1 - '1 - ZOVIOHT'I AMVatXZVTt, Heillr 'A Mldanmnw Nfrht'a TtMim1 Marquant Grand......... .."foe Strollare' fiakar Urand l-yrla Blar . Til Oake i' ..a,,..,,..... J. as Aairy jarm TaaiUTIll ..."Polly Prlmroae' -weaata. out no win" .O. W. r. car., rirat and Alder There was such I lirtt number ot people at th Saraent hotel. Grand and Hawthorn avenues, for dinner last Sun day evening that the capacity of the house waa taxed to tha limit. If ladle or gentlemen Intending to din at tie Baraent Sunday ' evening will kindly - telephone Mr. 'Sargent, stating th ' number of guests thy , will have, or th plates required, they will greatly assist him In, promptly and perfectly serving them. Th cul- sin of th Sargent is not surpassed on the Paclfla coast, si fact now thoroughly realised, and It has becom a pleasant habit of ladles and gentlemen to Invite , their friends to din with them at this high-class establishment, Mr Sargent has bad experience In many of th greatest hotels on the continent. Includ ing tha world-renowned ' Waldorf-Astoria. New York, and la therefor com petent to serv guests , with anything that fancy may desire. Indeed, it is Just as aaay to tha graUmaa t- serve a 19 or 110 per plat dinner party as to provld a luncheon at SO cants. Th faahlonables of Portland .. understand this well. i Voters, Be CarefuL Neither Mr. Baker nor Mr. Ryan paid any taxes laat year. Vot for a taxpayer. Mr. King has been a resident of this elty for II I ' ,-3 years, having been mployd for three IT years at th Iaman-Foulsen mill, then a v i aw mw aula w..a- maker at th 8. P. shops, and sine 110 been engaged In th real estate and Insurance business. - H baa been on th tax roll for 14 years, and will work faithfully and conscientiously for a greater and better Portland. Vot for Frd C King, Independent candidate ror council, fourth ward. Th iiw Baptist mission at- East Forty-fourth and East Main streets will be opened and dedicated next Sunday. In th morning at 10 o'clock a Sunday school will be opened and In th after noon will take place th dedicatory ex erclses. All are Invited to attend. Prominent ministers will speak. Rev. B. C Cook Is th pastor of th new mission and has ben Instrumental in raising funds for tha rectlon of th church building. - : E. E, Raddlng, who Is under the ban of th central commute of th Union Labor party for not having filed th nomination mad for th labor ticket, has been backed . up by th painters' union, of which hs Is a member. The union at a meeting last night passed resolutions Indorsing th action of Mr. Raddlng and upholding his course aa be ing for th best Interests of unionism. Making an impression takes mor than a smU and a bow. Faultless at tire plays a very Important part. Schaefer's korrect klothes always make a favorable impression because they represent th acme of korrect dressing. Prices from $25 up and every suit Is worth 16 more. Watch our new window display. J. C. 8chaefer A Co., Raleigh Bldg., 121 H Washington street f ' An information has been filed in tha circuit court charging R. W. Bogga, John Duggan, Dan Burns, F. Holden and John to with malicious destruction of personal property by breaking th win dows of a streetcar May 7. It la al leged that the men were ordered off the car for boisterous conduct, and after getting off threw rocks through th windows. At the local option rally at Jefferson and Chapman streets tonight, Attorneys A. F. Flegal and Miller Murdoch and Dr. Clarence True Wilson will discuss the question of saloons In residence precincts. The precincts south of Jef ferson and west of Sixth street will vote Monday on th question of ex cluding saloons from within their borders. The date of the regular meeting of the Oak Grove Improvement associa tion has been changed to Tuesday even ing, June 4, on account of their room being occupied for other purposes on th data originally chosen. At the meeting Tuesday officers will be elected and plans for the Fourth of July cele bration will be considered. The thorough examination of your yes and to fit them accurately with at tractive, perfect fitting lenses Is my only business I do that one thing and do It right. No charges for examina tion. Small charges for proper lenses If needed. George Rubensteln, Reliable Optician, 183 Fourth, street, between Yamhill and Taylor. vacation on a Your mind will be relieved if you ' " ' know that your ' .' SILVERWARE And other valuable articles are in a 'y place of safety. . V:'I OUR SAFE DEPOSIT Vaults are' Fire and Burglar-Proof, Thoroughly Ventilated and Per fectly Free from Dampness. CHARGES MODERATE. ' Banking By Mail Compound ljntcrcst , Oregon Trust & Savings Bank RESOURCES MORE THAN $2,500,000.00 , v " Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. C0M3IEECIAL BODIES BUILD BRIDGE ACROSS SCORED BY LINEMEN NORTHERN PACIFIC CUT Electrical Workers Allege Death Will Result Because of Unfavor able Vote to Regulate Wiring. Structures Will Be Provided Road Traffic and Street Car. for Linemen and workers connected with electrical wiring ar protesting against th recent action of larre commercial bodies n voting not to favor th adop tion of an ' ordinance regulating inside and outside wiring, poles and other wir lng matters. Electrical workers allege that members of ' commercial oodles aa not understand th matter, especially from th standpoint of th man up th pole among a tangled mass of live and dead wires. Among th things desired by the workers and not favored by recent vote In th commercial bodies. Is the ap pointment of fire Inspectors on th fee system who shall be required to inspect everything In th way of electrical wire work. Inside and out. above and below ground. The men say that five men wer killed In ten week last year, mam ly because th cross arms carrying dan gerous wires wer not painted yellow as Is said to be th custom. They also ai lege that at least on fir out of five Is caused by bad wiring, that the ordi nances they, favor, Nos. 134 and 115, would prevent. In answer to th statement that there is already an ordinance on wiring. No 1(002. th men say that It does not go into effect till June 1908. Th mat ter will b decided at the coming elec tion. A temporary bridge Is being built across th big Northern Pacific cut on th peninsula for th us of th St. Johns line. a Heretofore th St. Johns line has been crossing th cut at a point about midway between the ends of th cut on . a grade line -where none Of th dirt has been taken out Th cut has proceeded so far that It has becom necessary to take the dirt out at this point for th train of dump car cannot be operated where there Is much of a grade to contend with. Also near th point where th St. Johns line used to cross the right of way of the Portland ft Seattle railroad at th south end, the cut has progressed far enough so that a bridge can now be constructed across It without interfering with th operation of th 17-foot boom on th large steam shovel at work In th cut Until th cut has been completed this bridge will be used by both th out go ing and in going st Johns cars. Aft erwards, however, a steel structure will replace this one, and an additional bridge will cross the right of way at the north end of the cut The perma nent bridges will be wide enough to accommodate both teama and double tracks which will undoubtedly be de manded within a few years. At - 'lie north end th Columbia boulevard will cross on one of these bridges and at the south end of the cut th Willam ette boulevard crosses. At This Store Will Purchase a Suit Equal in Value to Those Sold at Twenty Dollars in Other Stores When this Woolen-Mill Store sells a suit for fifteen dollars, it does not mean the ordinary fifteen-dollar suit that is usually : sold by clothing stores in Portland. Quite the contrary, we take a pride in fitting a man out in a stylish well tauorea suit from pure wool material, and while fifteen dollars Is not much to pay for vsuit it is enough to get a first-class suit such as any :tleman'can wear.',; ! This Store Has Sold Thonsahds Upon Tlioa ol Suits at Fifteen Dollars ;'V We can go out on the street almost any time and in walking a block can count several suits that have come from this store. There is no trouble at all in telling them, the earmarks are plain to be seen; style, quality and good appearance is branded on every suit from this house of price and quality. The special sale that we will run during the entire month of June will give intending purchasers a chance to select a suit at fifteen dollars that will be the equal of any suit in town sold at $5.00 to $7.60 more money. heights, lng. Saturday afternoon and even-1 Xme mally Tonight. Burkhaid's hall, E. Burnslde & Grand. All bottled beer delivered to families I at brewery prices. Kelly's Family PTfiTTT OF WA V M A TTF.T? Liquor Store, Park and Phone Main 18; Home 2802. Morrison Ice cream free to all at JVlbergl neignis on oaiuraay. 1 1 a, a. car and get off at Wlberg lan. Wire and Iron work, Are escapes, ele vator enclosures, fencing. Columbia Wir A Iron works, 888-3 70 Washington, i DELAYING COMPLETION Swift Packing Company Holdings In terfere With Immediate Comple tion of O. R. & N. Line. Wire and iron work. Are escapes, ele vator enclosures . fencing. Columbia Wire ft Iron works, 888-870 E. Wash. Drink Talk. To secure the best re suits and acquire the gooA that is In beer order a case of the famous Hop Gold, bottled by the Star Brewing com pany, strictly In compliance with the cure food law. Depot 286 Third street rpyphon Main 620(. Wlreand Iron work of all kinds. Tire scapes, elevator enclosures and fences. Columbia Wire & Iron Works, 268-80 East- Washington street Phone East 702. New Swimming plunge ready at East Bid Athletic elub. Open dally to pub lic. Expert Instructors. Baths 25 cents. Private lessons 60 cents. Ladies' days, Mondays and Fridays. Phone East 6870. Articles of Incorporation of th Or- gon Engraving company have been filed In tha office of the county clerk by C. S. Jackson, Roy Boblnson and Harriet Yoder; capital stock, $5,000. , " i Dr.- J, Whltcomb Brougher, pastor of the Whit temple, will reach home from Chicago tonight Tou are invited ror ice cream and a beautiful view of Portland On Wiberg Bt earner Jess Harklna, tor Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock I p. m. Whit Flyer line of launches will make dally trips to the Oaks and re turn. Boats leave foot of Yamhill street dally at 1:80 p. m. . Sunday 10 a. m. Tickets at dock offloe, 10 cents. Wir and Iron work. Are escapea, ele vator enclosures, fencing.' Columbia Wire & Iron Works, 868-870 E. Wash. W. A. Wise. T. P. Wise, H. A. Bturde- vant. dentists. Third and Washington. Main 2029. Painless method 'used. Why pay morel Metsger (its your eyes for L 842 Wash. St, cor. Tth, formerly at 111 Sixth street Allen's Kushlon Kumfort Shoe has an Improved - idea of sola construction. 405 Morrison street. Negotiations for right of way through the holdings of the Swift Packing com pany Is the only item delaying the im mediate completion of the extension of the O, R. & N. freight line on the peninsula to th site of '"Mi new plant. This extension is for freight only and when completed will be the only belt line In th state. , . In order to complete It, however, the tunnel for the Harrlman line through the peninsula must be constructed and It la uncertain at present how soon that work will commence. General Manager J. P. O'Brien stated this morning that a number of difficult matters pertain lng to the right of way wer yet to be settled before anything definite regard lng th tunnel could be given out. However, the freight line as far as the packing plant will be In operation from th union depot to the location of th big plant vta 8t Johns in time for the transportation of building material to tha site. A large amount of dredging and fill' lng must be don before actual work of erecting buildings can be commenced, Dredging will begin next week and will ba continued from six to eight months. n The STANLEY HAT is without doubt the best hat in the world for $3. We have a splendid assortment of shapes and all colors to choose from. ;-. . . . ... V. '' v ; r vJtt 'W w . I Iffi-fl'M i.V, ! -fit' ,V if Tm W(Q)W1TOE Mill to Man Clothiers . THIRD AND STARK STREETS CapltaUsts.--Twsnty-three acres for sale as a whole. Western Oregon Turst Co., 291 Stark street - I Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist, has moved his offlo to 608-4 Buchanan bldg. Acm Oil Co. sells th best safety coal oil and fin gasoline. Pbon East 789. Woman's Exchange, 128 Tenth street. lunch 11:80 to 2; business men's lunch. Don't forget ice cream treat at Wl berg helghtSr Everybody Invited. .F. 17. BALTES 6 COMPANY MAIN 1 65 INVITE YOUn INQUIRIES FOR PnifJTKJG mil AMD OAK STREETS Office space for rent; ground floor. Inquire Ellison. 84 Third street i Wal.- Ask pa and ma to take you to Wlberg heights for ice cream on Saturday. Big chicken dinner at Locksley Hall, Seaside, Sunday, Jun 2. A good launch for sal. J. D. Duback, optometrist, iji Fourth. Levy's Muslo Bouse, 126 Fifth street Photo mounts. Woodworth, J4tt 1st D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Berger--a'lgns 284 Yamhill phone. Good 28.50 shoes. Marks Shoe Co. Ilark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler 105 Alder. Oregonlan Confectionery, 181 Sixth,- Nurseryman PUkington. ft.- YamhllL Summer dresses. Madame McCIur Ca Beautifying creams. See Mm. Hudson. Dr. E. C Brown, eye-ear. Marquam. Klser seenlo photos. . Imperial boteL - My family more sacred than gold. No open town for me. L. iS, Davis. 89 en ballot. 1 , . , - , After a heavy meal, take a eounl of uoan s Keguieis,- ana giv your stom ach, liver and bowels the help they will need. Regulets bring easy, regular pas sages of the bowels. EVANGELICAL CHUKCH HAS NEW MINISTER Rev. B. S. Hughes, late pastor of the Evangelical church at Canton, Ohio, and more recently engaged In pastoral duties In eastern Oregon, announces his appointment to the pulpit of the Evangelical church of Portland. Eight weeks ago Rev. Mr. Hughes succeeded Rev. J. Bowersox. who assumes the pulpit of th Evangelical church at Ockley Oreen, a suburb of this city. Rev. Mr. Hughes announces that the local place of worship has been thor oughly renovated since his appoint ment Th exterior has been newly painted and decorated and tha Interior has been rematted and carpeted. A GREATER ILLRY STORE IF YOU WANT TO SEE '. THE IfEWEdT Ef WEARING APPAREL VISIT THE STYLE STORE A few days more and well be all upset with alterations, remodel ing front and taking out partition to include store-room next door. Stocks still fresh and desirable with hundreds of very latest designs in high-class trimmed hats for women, girls and little tots every one now prjeed much less than formerly to reduce stock before the dirt and confusion. Expansion Sale Prices All hats, trimmed or untrimmed included, excepting a few numbers of band sailors. FOR GIRLS Any $2.00 Hat now,,....$ 1.60 Any $3.00 Hat now $2.25 Any $4.00 Hat now 3.20 Any $5.00 Hat now f4.00 Any $6.00 Hat now.. $4.80 FOR WOMEN Any $4.00 Hat now...... f 3.00 Any $5.00 Hat now $3.T5 Any- $6.00 Hat now $4.50 Any $10.00 Hat now......$T.50 Any $15.00 Hat now $11.25 All $30 to $40 original patterns now Just half. AH untrimmed shapes, excepting Leghorns and Horsehair flats, 1-5 to 1-2 off. 214 Third St. FRALEY Corner Salmon AMTXSEKXJTTH. MARQUAM GRAND Only Three D- More. SAX rxANCISCp OPERA OW "-"- - " " Fretting The STROLLERS PronoaBced by all local critics best production or tne seaaon. Priow-SSc, C0e, Tfte. Matinee, SSc, Soe. lJrL JlVIXiXW 0te Opea U te ll p. m. " , COHCHtTS TODAY- :00, 4:00, 1:00 sad 10:00 Schilzonyi's Dungarian Hussars WHANG K0 Uosenm of war on exhibition. EZ8TATnLUT firat-efauw wrrloe; 10-eeot , aaawiche and downtows prkce. DATXIOHT .. nXZWOXIS Tomorrow at 8; CBXLDMXarif rides oa the Ckstee Setw T1VXXX A-eBt ojO.; 10-wnt saodwkbes and athar prleM to proportion. : CASS Tint ud AMer every $ saoatea. ' Boats The Grand Wk ot Mar s7 VsudarUU D Xtttxe. The OrMt S'owell, Zlluiloniat, ConJrr, With EKMllaat Compear. 4pial Aiiti Toator The ParUiaa Gimnd Opera Dae Saleotieiui Vroia Oraad Opera la Fiaaoa. Zari ft WUaoa, Cora llnpaoa, 0. H. Ouih. bit sad Cora atarrU), rradariok Ssserts, Srandiaoop. AarassxzvTa. Mth and Soaoiai rrio Hatinaa Tomorrow. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK, Corner Tanrbn aad Twnt(oarUb May 28, 29, 30, 31 ; June 1, 2. Oakland vs. Portland Oam i called at S:S0 p. m. dally. Games (tailed at 1:80 p. m. 8undajrs. JVASZSS' BAT nUDAT, ADMISSION 25 Grandstand 2 So. -' Children 10& Box 8ats Z5e. nrmr enrivnc Waablastoa. UIJUU lUMlAfi -i Tontfkt. - I f oraojrrolflhtj ANNIE, RUSSLLL In Bhakaspcare's Dellcbtfal Corned, "A Midsummer-Night's DrcamM ' renins Prleaa Lowar Floor, $2.00, fl.GO. Baleonr, i.00. 76o, BOe. fiaUerj. SOe. -SpmUI Hatloae Prloaa Lower Floor. 11.60. 11.00. Baleonr, $1.00, 7 5c, SOe. Gailerr, SSe. Seats sailing at theatre bos of flea. . T BAKER THEATRE Phone Mala S. Oao. L. Baker. Ugr. Tonifbt All this Waek. Katlna Saturday. Tha Baker Stock Com pan la the Greatest Bural Dran, , "TKX BAIXT FAJ.K." Baantlfnh production of thla famoes piece. DlrM-tlo Mr. Arthur Mat kief. Kraal of prices. SSc, 86, SOe. -Matinee, Uk, 2S. Next weak, "Nevar Afals." BUY YOUR OUTFIT NOW IVOEN YOU WANT rr . PAY S Cifnikita Mit hi S . JL StWl JPM. CO, flse CtalSci Makers The Star IS Tta Star Stock Company Presents tor tk Entire wes or Mar st The Thrilling- sad Emotional Matndraata, "WXDDED,. strr VO VJJZ." With a airooslr aoa-mantad east. Matlnaaa Toaadars, Tburadara, SaturdaT end andara at S 30. Prices 10c and 20c. Brery eraslns at S.M. Prieea 10. 20c and SOe. .' Baser aaata for all performances. -UYRIC THEATRE This Waek aauns; Phoea icala dees. tba Allan Stock Company fy, tha Plawalnf and Popular ., . uomeay-iirama, .-.4 "YOIXY VBIMAOBX." ' Matlnaaa Taasday. Tbarsday. Ra tarda- and Saoday. Prica 10c. SOc. Ererr ersnlas at 8:1ft. Prices lOe, 0a and SOe. rrad aeais br aboa. Mala saSB. Otflaa epaa tarn J , . to 19 p, a, , v Comfort and Style Ait combined in the Summer .Clothing we show, for men and young men and economy is quite a prominent feature of every garment We handle TOE SCULOSS BROS. CO. Hake ( . THE STEIN -BLOCu CO. Malce ,V . TOE BRADBURY SYSTE1 Uski We do not carry anything better because nothing better, is made. We invite you to select your outfit and pay for it later in small payments of $1 a week EASTERW ; OUTiFIli TIL Tha tor Wasr - f f,.r.?.T , ! ' Tow Credit Uo XU1 111 a...