The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Those "Who Failed id Regis
ter Must. Be Careful In
-... Cuvminrr In Vnrno. ' "
fen-els Valued at Seven Hun- - . "V- .y
dred Dollars Disappear jr WILL GO HARD WITH
; . m - - I r,
Jbroni: Mpress; uompany 3 v , vTf.T,ATOT?s tf o.kwcxwt
Wagon s This Morning
Detectives Mystified.
Unqualified Registrations as Elector
Will Also Receive Special Atten
Uon r and Vigorous Prosecution
Will Follow Each Detection.
, Detective of '- the " Pacific Express
company and city detectives are mysti
fied over ah disappearance of a pck-
' T Art . Ai4h I Af 1 -..I ft
, nronertr was-sent by express to atiss v .
J Fannie H. Simon and. according to the " Y' BW!" " -SSI
V MpreaiOtepanyromclalr wa- placed they are 'a"1" 'i1":"
t in the-money wagon for delivery. They of .the .Jaw when theyUB,
1 also assert that owing to the padlocked . , l" . . . L
'! 3. .. ..ron and the , iron erst- their quallftcatlona AnVrrar of Wen
. -..i.t v... w.ti im t win m tm tne looKowr ror iiiegai voiem,
to prosecute to tha
poaalbla for anyone to take the pack-
k .hiM Th. in driv. attorney's office
v?B .. '"!" V . 't :..... 1 lllmlt .nT man iwiirlit altamnlln.
.. Ih' iin' rMplmil Ihl SltnOB Mai
rf hi. napnin . hnerever. and found cast an unuvwrui oauoi.
th. nackaaa mis-iinsv ; f - n ; "The office of the dlatrtet attorney
The exprcae oarcal contained a Ua- will rUroroualy prosecute any and all
mond aunburat with diamond In T cen- rlolatora of the election lawa who hiay
4 ...nmmHM i. tvht mallei atones: iba detected." said Mr. Mannlna: thlt
n -ntn with two niblaa In .the I mornlna.
erem jln of oeart with ruby canter; "No onr will all those discovered to
a tarw diamond, aolltalre wi a jjoid be unqualified as elector even though
clear cutter Inlaid wltH diamonds,, ru- they may be registered, be prosecuted
bles and anpphlrve.
vlaorouslr. but those who swear In
their votes falsely or Irregularly will
be broughtJto task. The law requires
that a man to swear In Ms vote must
secure six freeholders to make affidavit
to hie Qualifications, such as residence
and length of time In the city or pre.
el net
"A man to be a freeholder under the
election law enabling him to testify as
to the qualifications of a '.Voter must
-be a freeholder In the true aeose and
must own real estate in bis own name
and of record. He must not only. Java
Tells' of Connection With
Mines and Declares That:
Covle Threatened Him.
Thomas J. Bid well Asserts
His Wife Is Jealous and
v Told Him to Leave. J
"r..i -n l . ' k rm.i real estate In his own name or record.
JUUffC llllllie .. ASKS iliaijbut he must further swear that ha Is
r..'., TUU rrnm acquainted witn tne elector ana Knows
Uluuu VSitj. iiwuo jlou- I where he lives."
tt' 1 - All thnu hA mp' In flielr vaIm
perms:. Viin jurors. en election day will be held closely to
account oy tnoee waicnera at tna pons
land - not only the. voter himself, but
(Journal ItDecLl Brrrlccl ' I the slrnexs of . his Petition will be
Ban Fraaclaco,v3y iL At the re brought to book, In the .case of fraud.
juest of Judge- Dunne, District At- I or attempted fraud. . u-
torney Iangdon wui convene tne grana Upon, the concerted action, of Chair
Jury .tomorrew t-investigate "Chief of man cake and Montague of the' oppoi
Pollce Dlnan'a mUeged 'tampering with ino-nnitMpei umni Thonua n
the Schmita Jury, with a view to r nd City Attorney McNary are now at
moving Mm from office, , The requeat work on a aig-eat of the quallfleatlone
.was made In open court , At 'the cob- of .lectors and freeholders together with
.elusion of Judge Dunne's address W other .pusxlina points of ' the election
Langdon. Mayor SchmlU arose and at- iaW. Thi tr..iu hn tt.. i. .111 k.
tempted to address the court,' but waa compiled and furnished to. all the clerks
not permitted to do so by his attorneys. and jujs of election In ordpr that they
who dragged him into his seat. - .y ba myliAtit. -ork end
If It, is found Dinan worked directly it fnrtirti k.i
under the orders of Schmlta,-action to ' ,r. V Z"-, 7 . -Ti
remove the latter for maladminieuration Kyery m-ft Mwkr,g In hla vote will I
of office may be taken. J ; - MB. unaep th ..techi. of the iAm
Robert Curtis, , retired grocer, was , tu.. .JL ,
. .... -. I .fc , , nnu ., uiu VUCJI
wa mm ' mm j in . ame to afnda vita will be out, throarfl:
f CTh" .hi. , rmS Toe tlle,r WW ' they ara quaimad
in. During his -examination a row op..1 19 mnk9 affidavit- " ' ' ; v;
'rurred between the court and-Attorneys
Kairall and Barrett for Schmita. The
i court objected' to the manner-of the
Oeorge w. Bever testified this mom
lng In his own behalf. In his preliminary
hearing before United States Commls
sloner J. A. Sladen. .Bever Is manager
of he Butt Boys Consolidated Mining
company, and Is accused of having used
the government mall , for fraudulent
purposes by Inserting advertisements In
the . newspapers which , are alleged to
have failed to state facta. " r
Bever told of his connection with the
mine from hla first dealings with 3. M.
Ross and J. J. Callahan, and ended his
testimony by saying that at no time
had It bean his Intention to defraud
anyone. . while on tha stand he was
asked to Identify certificate of assays
maae rvvn ore he had turned over to
the aesaTera, which ha did. These car
tlfloates showed values running from a
xraea 10 w e rr
Bever also testified that A. J. Coyla
who formerly solicited sales of stock
for the company and who signed the
complaint against Bever, had used
abuelve language toward him and to
the best of his recollection had oalled
him a liar. ' In addition to this, Bever
aald Coyla - had made : tha following
threat: "I will make . this coat you
and your company some money.
Coyle waa placed on the stand In
rebuttal and . denied the abusive lan
guage and aatd the threat 'he had made
was: Tou can't afford to do this kind
of business". Coyle said be meant by
that Bever could not afford to treat
him aa ha alleged Bever bad done Irt
regard to paying Coyla com missions
which ho claimed were due him.
Other witnesses were I Victoria
Hampton, J. H. Ross, ZX M. McLaugh
lin and W. F. Prior, manager of the
Garvin Cyanide Extraction company.
Mr. Flier Identified the eertlflcatee of
assays made by hla company, which
showed the following values: j 181.02,
11,811.18, f58.9S, trace, f ,029. and
$829.44. These assays cover the period
from February to tha present month.
AU the testimony In the case waa
submitted this morning and the case
will ooma un for argument Tuesaay
morning. It is expected the arguments
will be long and It is doubtful If Com
missioner Sladen will render a decision
before Thursday. T
Man Freed From, Spouse Who Ran
ft Away WJth Married 1 Man and
Whipped Child , That Asked for
Father. .
Samuel Wilson, Volunteer in
.Yakima War, Dies, Aged
By this means and through the watch.
ruiness or independent watchers at the
polls' It. Is ..expected that the Illegal
examination and was on , tha palatal J .r ..t . wuT'be Very few
haling the attorneys for contempt when
they subsided. ' . .r.c.."1 '!
f Ex-Police Commissioner j-Gustave
Umbnen and other officials of the Paric
1 side Realty syndicate. Indicted for brib
ing supervisors, appeared in court .this
morning for arraignment but' continue f
a nee was ordered until next .Monday.
Frank Brum, Eugene DeSabla and John
Martin, the Indicted gaa officials, ; se
cured continuance until tomorrow,, as
did Ruef and Bchmiti In the same caae.
Portland & Eastern Railway
- Places Capital Stock at
Five Million,
and far between, r
.. ( . ( . . f -f: f . ., - ,-. '-, s
Although Mostly Republicans, Poll
v of Fassengeri Favors
Artlelna tit inrnrnnratlon fit tha Port.
'land aV Eastern Railway company were
tiled today In the office of the. county
clerk. The proposed route of the line is
. from tbe Union depot in this clay to the
x eastern base of Mount Hood by war of
; the Salmon river and Trout ieke Pass:
The capital stock la riven as $5.000.t00.
r. The company aska for the privilege of
' laying a ainele . or double .-track, de-
1 vvloping electric power along the line,
' acquiring land, etc. The Incorporators
Isre E. P. Clark, W. H. Fleming, Elmer
: a Colwell, R. L. Llnney and C,. W.
Miyer.::;V;.::g:.. .'-, W-;,:, .
f. (peetal rIptt fe Tbe Journal.)
if Aberdeen, Waah May 81. One of the
principal loggers at. Hoqulam Is Au
thority 'for the statement that a num
ber -of v the most important logging
camps on the rinrnor wm close down on
account, of the present condition of the
lumber, market, ' These are the Poison
Logging- company,- three cBmbs of
, Larkln Bros.; the Coate Lodging com
pany, one camp of the O. K. Logging
company, McCrlmmcn A Boeing and the
Monteano Logging, company, operated
by the Grays Harbor Commercial com-.
pHny. x uia nciira. wi oe immeaiatety
felt by the mills, some of which are al
. ready contemplating cloelng down.
At. noon fl,&0H Devlin money 4
posted at Pchllitr's cigar store 4
'was'taken byyLane support era'. 4
So far a known It is the largest e
single bet ' that hea been made
on the result of the election. An- e
: other bet -of $1,000 even money ; 4
is reported . from another cigar
At fichlller'a store Devlin '
money has been In evidence In 4
large amounts for x severs I days
a-llh a conatantljt,inereAlg -de- a
mand for it: At noon today, 4
however, "the entire amount tf
Devlin coin had been accepted on e
even terma. Schiller declared-e
that more could be had and that
rtditionnl amounts would be Im- . e
mediately posted to. wager on e
lievfln's election.
A straw ballot taken on a Twenty
third street cAr yesterday, containing
seven. Republican and two Democratic
paaaengers. resulted in a Vote of I to 1
In favor of Lane one non-eommlttaL
A Washington street barber ah on waa
polled .this morning with the result that
Lane got nine votes out of a total of 18.
" Orte Of "tbe Republican spellbinder
who has made a number of soeechea
during the campaign, told a friend last
night that It was all no with Devlin
end that he-expected to see Lane win
by a -majority of r not less than 1,800.
He gave aa . hla, reason that the Re
publican meetings are too frosty, that
the voters : would! not respond to ap
peals for party, regularity. I
North Facitie Dental College Holds
Appropriate Exercises ai Mar-'
' quam Grand Theatre Today. . . .
A cl8ss of SI graduated from the
Worth Paclflo. DenUl College this af
ternoon with appropriate exercises at
the .Marquam Grand theatre. , a pro
gram of muslq waa glvti and addresses
were made to the claas by Father
Thomas E. Bherman, 8. J and
by Ernest Edwfn Starr, B.- R. D., D. M.
D. ; Dr, Otto ; 8. Blnswanger conferred
the degrees. . v, -
Th members of the class who now
bold the degree of doctor of dental snra-
cry follow: Mary Cathorlne Adams, Wal
ter Raleigh Bllyeu. David Svlvanus
Bomgardner, William Org Boon, Harry
Parmer Borders,' Augustus Dolph Dahl
man, Ralph' Emerson Duganne, Ray
Eeudell Farnsworth, . Walter Dorsey
Huntington. Ralph Levis Jeffcott, Tre-
veiyn Albert aones, waiter Clare Ketoh
ura, David Trainer Kerr, Wright Bret
Lee, Robert Patton Nixon, DavJd Marlon
Odgen. Frank Hobart . O'Nelt, Sidney
Desmolnes Parteh, Ralph i Roy -Pene-
packer, William, E. Ptttenger, Edward
Rlnghoffer, Thomas Kemp - Sonderson,
Lee Garfield , Bchell James Edwin
Sharp, William Augustus- Short, .Lester
rerar ttorensne. iurnest . n;a win Btarr,
Lewis Sanford Stejer, . John .flwanberg,
Jess Rogers J'ldball,, : Gibson Towne
White. ... - , . . -,
- Samuel ;Wllson, 94 years of age and
the oldest' known veteran of the Indian
wars of Oregon, died at the home of Jils
daughter, Mrs. Phllo Hoinrooa.-zii Four
teenth street, at 10:49 o'clock last night
Death .was due to old ago. The funeral
will . be conducted from Holman's un
dertaklnf parlors tomorrow afternoon
at t o'clock and Interment will be in
Lone Fir cemetery.
s Samuel (Wilson was born in Indiana,
December1 12, 1818. Hls-homa was In
the vicinity of the Tippecanoe battle
field and he enjoyed an acquaintance
with . William Henry Harrison, hero of
the famous Indian fight and afterward
president of the United States. He
crossed the plains to Thurston county,
Washington, In 1862, establishing bis
residence a few miles southeast of
Olympia. He waa a volunteer In the
Yakima Indian war of 1855-86, and at
its close took up his residence near
Olvmoia. - , "
A roving band of Indians attacked his
cabin one day early In April of 1858
in revenge for his participation In the
war, leaving him supposedly mortally
wounded. With careful nursing on the
part of neighbors he ' recovered his
health and .moved to Portland about
18(2. For years ke was engaged in the
lumber business, until his age compelled
him to abandon hard work. .
Two children aurvlve him, Mrs. Phllo
Holbrook of this city, and Jacob Wilson,
of HUlsboro. His wife died nearly half
a century ago. . , :
1 - -"-
- ...
(Wisblnston Bureaa of Tbe Journal.)
Washington, D. C, May 81. The sec
retary of the Interior has restored to
entry 29,440 acres of land which had'
been withdrawn in connection with the
Yakima irrigation project. The lands
will be subject to entry 80 days after
official notioe of the restoration, which
will be made in a few days.
(SperUI DIoMteh to The Jonrmi.t " .
Chehalla. .Weslf.. ' May ; 81. While
working in the woods near McCormtck.
Waahlngton, yesterday afternoon, Fred
Butler, aged 82 years, had ' his skull
and chest crushed, v Butler, 4 who was
s rigging rustler, was caught by a log
that snubbed against a root A fel
low" workman named Kelly had a nar
row escape from being caught. ' Butler
was 82 years old and leaves , a1 widow
and seven children.- He was a mem
ber of the Woodmen Of the World. He
Owned a claim neer McCormlck estimat
ed to be worth, $18,000, . .d, .
' (Bpeelal Dlspateb to Tbeloarnti.)
HUlsboro, Or., May 81.- Memorial day
waa appropriately observed here yester
day with services at the cemetery In
the morning arid exercises at the Cres
cent theatre in the afternoon. At the
afternoon exercises the school children
participated, nd addresses vtere nade
by Harvey Miller of Portland and W. G.
Hare, of this city, both scholarly young
After they had lived together peace
ably for tl years and reared a family f
eight children. Thomaa J. Bidwell and
Sarah Bidwell disagreed. Mrs. Bidwell
became , Jealous, threw her husband's
clothes into the yard three times and
told him ' to be a-ona. according to the
testimony "taken before Judge Ganten-
beln in tha Circuit court this morning
by BldweU at the trial of his suit for
a divorce. . v , ' ' . . ' 1
Bidwell came , to Portland, leaving
Mrs. Bidwell In possession Of the house
In Astoria, which she owns. lie brougnt
with him their two minor cniiaren.
Hasel and Herman, aged 11 and 12, re
spectively, and has beeii paying their
board here. BldweU said hla wife had
no cause whatever for being Jealous,
He was granted a divorce. The custody
of the two children was awarded
Mrs, Bidwell and Bidwell agreed to pay
his wife 120 a month for their main
tenance. . Vhe couple were married in
Deoember. 1872. Mrs. Bidwell did not
contest the divorce suit
Mrs.- Crlnthe V. Richardson left her
husband, took their 1-year-old son, went
to Tacoma and Joined Frank B. Irons, a
married man, and when the baby asked
where his father was she whipped him,
testified Gilbert I. Richardson In seek
ing a divorce. The Rlchardsons were
married at St Louis, Missouri, In Janu
ary, 1894. Richardson said bs went to
Tacoma last October with a detective,
had his wife and Irons arrested, and
recovered possession of hla son. He
was granted a divorce and the custody
of his child, and it was left in Richard
son's discretion whether he will allow
his wife to visit the child.
Rose 8. Bennett testified ' that her
husband, James G. Bennett deserted
her In November, 1905, in order to pre
vent her from getting part of the money
he had received from the sale of some
land. They were married in September.
1895. Mrs. Bennett was granted a dl
vorce. , ' 1 i
Mrs. Hattte Wilson was granted 1
divorce- from Harry Wilson on tha
ground of cruelty, which she said be
gan within three weeks after their mar
riage, and extended up to May 12. when
she had Wilson arrested for beating her.
She testified Wilson had cursed , her.
struck her with his fists,, kicked ber,
falsely accused her of Infidelity and
told her she would not be able to call
for help when he was through with her.
They were married lh'AprU, 1906. . ,
.Mrs. Anna ). Long waa given a di
vorce from John B. Long on the ground
of desertion, occurring 12 years ago- at
Fresno. California. They were married
In December, 1887.
nis Second Appearance Ditr- William T. Sheppard of Van-
ing Campaign Will Be at couver,, Wash., Aged 15,
Burkhardt's Hall.
Is Drowned.
. J;
Senator Gearln wilt make his second
appearance during the present campaign
as a political orator tonight at Burk
hardt's hall on the east Side. With hlra
will appear Mayor Lane and other well
known subtle speakers. ' ; . .
Much interest is being manifested in Unbeknown. lie ana His rinymates
tne secona aaaress or senator uearin.
Drifted to Deep Water and When
IIo Sprang Overboard lie Sank
Heroic Effort to Rescue, ' r.
- (Special XHapetek to Tbe Journal.!
Vanoouver, Wash., May 11. William
Since ho opened . the . Lane campaign
at the . armory, - his speech . delivered
there has been the storm center In a
large part of the campaign. The state
ments he made, though they have never
been refuted or disoredlted, have been
bitterly assailed by . Mr. Devlin and
the Republican managers, and it is the
AjtvlnmAn Km It a. .ha. Iha mAAwMmm h) Ik,
.. , I .1 1 1 .... M
senator tonight will be a broadside) ""''. "
whloh will do much to batter large WiUlam C( Sheppard, rector .of
holes in- the Devlin fortifications, -j 8t . Luke's Episcopal ( church of this
artillery an tha Devlin camp and pour-of the garrison reserve and near the
lng hot ahot Into the midst of the Re-1 Columbia river shortly after 8 o clock
publican machine. With the two lead-1 yesterday afternoon. The sad affair
lng addresses it is very probable that I was witnessed by four of his compaa
tha , meatlnar will ha aven mora ant nr. I Ions and hv railroad laborera who' Were
talning and instructive on municipal I near by, but who, it Is aald, refused to
history than those delivered ar the ar- give any assistance, i The body was
morvr ; 'i t, i zouna wnere tne iaa naa raiten irom a
Tomorrow night at the Empire theatre raft In nine feet of water, . at 8:10
Governor Chamberlain-and Colonel C I o'clock. "
E. 8. Wood will put tha final and finish- With Forsyth Bacon, Stanley Bacon,
lng touches to the Lane campaign. Frank Robinson' and Alfred Johnson,
Both' of these speakers-are renowned Sheppard went to the river bank to
for their vigor of speech and It Is car- paddle In tha water. The high water
tain' that the last meeting of tha cam- bad formed several ponds, and the boys
removea tneir outer cioining ana oegan
to float about a pond from two to three
feet deep. Finally they drifted out
through a fence Into what is known as
tha Bluerock flat unbeknown to them
the water here was deeper. While In
the shallow water the boys had been
rocking back and forth upon the planks
until they could stay with them no
longer, and then they would Jump Into
the -water which was not more than
waist deep. Sheppard was tha first to
Jump after getting. into tha deep water.
and being unable to swim he grew ex
cited and soon sank out of sight For
syth Bacon, when he saw his playmate
In danger. Jumped in and caught him by
the arm, but was unable to keep his
elevens Attorney th drowning- br tt, but or
Saj's Warning Clause Has Uoid wm. .
.1 tl.,ak aaMM4 1a. WskAsk MA laamS Kt
4JBAUVII WHIIUVII Sitasf tws veisiawv
Thirty Thousand Troops
From Mokien Province
; Join in Movement. ,
Monster Insurgent Camp ' Is Estab
lished Forty Miles South of Amoy
People Taking lp Arms and
Abandoning! Work. ; : ' .'
palgn will ba worth attending.
The Republicans will also hold two
closing rallies, one tonight at Rlngler's
hall on tha eaat side and the final rally
at tha Armory on Saturday night ,
Been Omitted.
John F. Logan, one of Sheriff Stev
ens' attorneys in his fight to keep from
a vote of tha people the bill giving
him tha right to feed the prisoners of
this oounty, declares that fatal defects
exist In the referendum petitions filed
with the secretary of state. Logan says
that tha failure of many of the- sign
ers to give their addresses and the
omission of the warning clause are snch
defects aa to render tha petitions In
valid. Logan aald today:
"Wednesday, May 19, Hheriff Stevena,
together with Mr. Malarkey and my
self as bis attorneys, visited the office
of ascertaining the legality of various HOT TIME FLND
MflHAei. a tka . Maaiili-N , wmwtmt- I
VUalVUnl VI IUO IWSVIIIUUIUt awt uvu- I . m -mm a yW a. A AAA I
larly the bill giving the sheriff the ' 4 MAY BEACH $8,000
right to feed the prisoners. I . ! '
"We found that the petitions are not I
drawn up tniform. Far instance, such Fourth' of July General Committee I
aa tha failure of -the afflantsito give! - ' T I
the action of a number of railroad labor-
era near by, who, it la said, refused to
render any assistance.
. William Theodora Sheppard was bora
at Providence, Rhode Island, and If ha
had lived until August would have been
It. years old. He leaves a. father and
mother, a young brother and a sister.
He was well known in this city, and was
a favorite among his school fellows.
'The funeral will ba held from the
home of Rev. Sheppard at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning. , Bishop Kaeter will
preaob the funeral aermon. assisted by
Rev. John j. Simpson, rector or bi
Mark's church, Portland. The body
will ba taken to Portland, where it
will be cremated.
(Jon real gpaelal' Service.) . i : S "
A mo. China. Mav II. Fat .from
being discouraged ' by the capture of ,
their leader the Chinese troops are. pre-"
paring for a complete overthrow of the
present regime and ..the ousting of tha
empress, Thirty thousand troops from
Mokien province have enlisted' in the"
cause of the- insurgents and recruits
are flocking into the camps of tbe
rebels from all parts of China,
' When the 10,000 soldiers from Mokien .
offered themeelvea in the .cause of the
rebellion they were dispatched to the
camp of the rebels lying 40 miles south
of this city snd it is feared that an at- .
tack' will ba maria within tha nl
boura. --... r . . .
-Alarming reports are reaching here
from different provinces" of coolies,
farmers and' merchants .abandoning
their usual vocations .to take up arma
under the new banner of tha rebellion.
Admiral Dayton Given Pull Control
-:; ' s1-; of Asiatic' Station
Washington. D. C May 8 i. This
government le expecting the Chinese re-
bellion to break forth la full fury within '
a short time and from adylcee received
this morning It is learned that Swatow
la likely to fall into tha hands of the
Insurgents. :;!..;'. -i.
Orders have been Issued to Rear Ad
miral Dayton, commanding the Asiatic
station, to keen close watch and to use
all of his ships at whatever point he
deems advisable and in any manner that
appeara .to him sultabla
At present the Galveston. Chattanoora.
Concord and Wilmington are at Shang
hai: the .Raleigh is at Chenfoo; the
Vlllalobos and Cores are' patrolling the
Kangste river; while the Cincinnati and
Callao are at Canton. .
Receive . Reports of Ten
Canvassing Bodies.
their residence arid postoff Ice address. ! ' Will
We also found that bona of the peti
tions contain tha warning clause, which
the law provides to read as follows: 'It
Is a felony for anyone to Sign any ini
tiative or referendum petition with any I The general committee for tha Fourth I
name other .than hla own, or to know-(of July celebration' will meet tonight tnl
Eeturn to Gambling Begime
Would Be Disastrous, .
Say Employers.
Willamette Loses on Track.
i (flpeelal Diptco to Tke Joareal.)
Paclflo Unlveraityorest Grove, May
81. Pacific untvwslty .overwhelmingly
defeated Willamette on the track hers
yesterday by a acore ot 78-S0. The ther
mometer stood at 92 degrees.
Silverton's Graduates.
(prtal Dlipateb'to Tlie JoaniaL)
Sllvertdn. Or.. May 81. Thirty-eight
pupils of the public schools In this
city wrote on the eighth grade exam
lnatlon last week ana aa were success-
fuL Commencement exercises will be
be!4 June 12 and 14. , , i
v (Journal 'Special Berries.) . T v . 4
: New York. , May .. 8i.-"Not e
now. was the reply of vE. H.
Harrlman f this - morning when
asked If he had enythlng to say-
in answer to President Rooee-:;e
veirs Memorial day speech. - e
Merchants of the city are lining up
behind Dr. Lane, in his campaign for
reelection because .his ...policies have
made their accounts better and their
businesses more secure. . Since the lid..
has been put on the town, since gam
bling has ceased and since the slot ma
chines have gone their way business
men of Portland have discovered that
bills are paid more promptly and with
less solicitation. ,
"Business men and employes of busi
ness houses are going to vote for Mayor
Lena in the great majority of cases,"
said a prominent business man today.
"They are not doing It for the sake of
politics or for any other reason than
that the city under the administration
of Mayor Lane is a more profitable
field -for the business man was
in the past or would be under a return
to old conditions. - - . f
"When gambling and slot machines
were .running I . was continually met
with the excuse coming from . those
who owed ma for goods, that the debtor
was unable to pay because of sickness
or other causes, In nine cases ou of
ten ; when I inveatigatea 1 round that
the real cause was the gambling table
or the slot machine.. r.v-iv.
"At the present time I employ one
collector where I used to employ three
and this in the face of the- fact that
my business has greatly Increased and
my credit accounts number many more
than formerly. : Not only does one man
do the work formerly done by three-but
he has less trouble in collecting tha ac
counts given to him for collection than
the three men used to have.
"1 am not alone in thla theory," con
cluded the speaker, "but many other
business men of my acquaintance have
come to the same stand and we have
concluded that it la to our Interest to
stand behind the mjn who makes the
town Deiier ror .ua." - 'i v-'jafiA.'
Judge Thomas Burke of Seattle,' one
of - the wealthiest residents of thai
eounacuy enactor several years gen
eral counsel of the Great Northern rail
way, is at the Portland on the way to
southern Oregon, where he hae .ex
tensive mining Interests. Judge Burke
resigned , as. counsellor of the Great
Northern three . years ago and at the
same time retired from the active prac
tice of the law. He was for a num
ber of years, associated with Attorney
Will H. Thompson, father of Chester
Thompson, who killed ' ' Judge Emery
Judge Burke says Mr. Thompson has
retired .from the practice of law and
is devoting himself to literature and
will soon have ready for the press-a
book whlqh is believed to be the great
speech delivered by him at the trial of
his son in Taooma last - winter. '
Collision Between ; Elyria
Electrics Results In Death
' of Passengers." ; :"'
'. (Jearaal Speeal Berrfce.) ' ,"
Elyria, O., May 81.- Seven persons
ar dead, one dying and six badly hurt
as the result of a collision between two
Elyria electric cars about I o'clock last .
evening. The dead are: -
Henry Billings, aged 60. '
. W. C. Allen, aged 88.
Edward O'Connell. aged 2.
Donald Sala, aged 5.
Charles Porter, aged CI.
Homer Allen, aged IT.
Eunice Hearst aged 14. "
When arrested on the charge of man-
this : morning Motorman
Ingly sign-hs name 4tnofe than once the council chamber at the city hall,, for
ior xn aams measuje, or .to. mgn. 1 tha purpose of receiving the reports of
petition when he is not a legal voter.' the 10 ' canvassing -committees. The
Any one reaaing tne act or 1907 will chairman of the finance committee re-
Instantly notioe that the Scheme and! nortec IS.100 had been collected Tues.
purpose Of the law la for the warnlna Uav.s filnea ; then, m rannrt -haa hMn I ilLLht
f.La."!! l2 t0 the Za ' M made', but it is thought that the work Fuerndlner, Who caused the wreck, said
. . " V .v - " "-"' " "ur toaay . or several sun-committees win tnat ne ran over a dog and while his
ft f ... fr.m WJired both for weii this amount to not less then head was turned to sea bow bsdly he
the initiative and tha referendum. That 7,000 and probably to 18,000. - had injured the animal his car crashed
. repeated in the forms so that This will be the largest snm thst Into the one immediately preceding iu
no mistake can be made aa to its re- any Portland celebration committee bae The motorman said that he failed to
. XrZr .... l"Vor , . . . "vp had o expend and Insures the best notice that the forward car had stopped.
. petition is required to be made and most complete celebration . in the xil of the dead were standing on the
on which no more than 10 city's Jiiatory. - ( - . rear platform of the forward car when
signatures can be placed. The purpose , General O. Summers, chairman of the tha disaster occurred. The rear car
evidently or this scheme was to prevent general committee, will not announce was running at a high rate of speed and
.... . f"""" " me various ceieDrauon committees, out completely demolished the platform
books so thst the person signing could will call a meeting of the general com- into which it crashed, killing or maim
not see what he waa signing, as the mlttee for a night early next week jng every person standing on It A
law Intends toprevent the signing ; of when these committees will ba named, number of the dead were killed outright
. . Z." i. 7 m . ; ' " " fiibouili several of taera lived for a
w.uu.u. vtiuvui , lucroiuro, i acier oi mi cainorauon WUI P UIB- I number Of hours.
mi vua Tfarnmm cjubb must d on I cuiaea ana aecioea upon. ; ? a
carh rui tra rt h n.tltlnn In ....... I
prevent Illegal or unqualified (voters
from signing tha same, by having their
attenuon called to their Ineligibility.
"The warning clause Itself does riot !
aenne a crime; it is merely a notice
that it is a crime, showing that the leg
islature did not Intend to enact but that
the warning la a mere statement .of the
law aa to the crime, 'because later on
In section 18 the crime Itself Is de
fined, of which the warning is a notice.
The . state congress of mothere is
holding a reception this afternoon at
the parlors of the Portland hotel for
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Salem, Or., May 81. According to
Jm. -;.'JJ-Hh .,..t!r,narJ? ' Mra Theodore Burney. president of t!
iL. r " """national congress of mothers, who
ouuiuivr vtujcy jn caaer county. I ... . ... .- iki. ni.v
where he was sent by Governor Cham- 7. TWV
"An Interesting Question haa come ud berlaln at the reaueat of Mavor v.a
whether or not the secretary, of state wards to Investigate the epidemie rag
can allow a clerk or , deputy to brtngf lng In that section among horses -of all
m duii io Muunoman county to cnecic cusses, the case is not so serious as de
off -the names and ascertain who are Dieted, thouxh there Is naturallv conaid.
Itnmialtf IaA alaefrtra n, I M . a-a 1 . vta.m V . . 1.1 . .v. ....... j . . , 1 Mrs, W
........ v. B . . .... w, , VbWUIV U.IIBOI IU 1.11V, BllCl 1I1K QI III" .M...nH . . V. . 1... A. Xt mtm
as was dona In the late llnnnr linna I ,..... .hnh v.. .it k. afternoon, in the place of Mra
r y- . ........ i w.w.wwv, w.a.v.. , . . ., . ..Ifl Villi , V.
"So cealous is the law reauirlne- the
warning notioe and the law Itself to be
before the eyes of the elector that If
there are more than 20 names on a
page the secretary of state has adopted
the rule that all over the first,' JO names
are rejected. If there are, foi Instance,
cerebro-splnal meningitis.
.W ,7 Vim ni f. ,
(Jnnrnat flpeelal gerrlee.)
national convention In Los Angeles.
The invitation to the reception was
aeneral.' all - ladies Of - Portland being
included.','.-. '.''.,...-....
Mrs, W. J. Honeyman presided this
E. B.
Colwell, state president of the mothers'
congress. : Mrs. Colwell Is temporarily
invalided with a broken arm,: having,
slipped and fallen in such a way tha'
the bone was fractured.
. names on a page the last roar are ab- Seattle. May 81. Following the com-
solutely disregarded. Going- furtfier.Tnletion of the lnSoeetlon bv the board
Mr. and Mrs C. L. Tutt of Colorado
If there are on; or more names that are of government Inspectors the battleship j Springs, accompanied by Miss E. Van -
111 Aav-Si I ntMAHar 4ha tsiasd- A tha I.-. . I - - . . " FJ VanasalAaK i nr lvaw Vrtrlf . attA Hnrlnn
.--a " """""I Nebraska was taken rrom the Moran
tlon Is made fronv the first 20, and not company's yard this morning to the
from the whole 24 or more." pMt Rmmii naw vim at UrM.Mn.
rnaa 'fuiaDhnnllM aail l ah la m .-. ' VTTV I
RAILROADS TESTING I Ii,Ptal.Vlti-HJk!5s '-;r1M 1
Hensselcar -of New Tork. and Butler
Williamson of Colorado springs, are at
the Portland hotel. '.The party is en
route to Seattle from California, where
they have been cruising about the coast
In Mr. Tutt s yacht during the winter.
' TWO-CENT FARE LAW K fedjmann "3 Koon aVe:
' . - I - (vroiuui.ui im.j. mo iu,irKiuri r M n.,... a. m wealth v ameltae man
-a- J. .1 ' ..j whn h.n hii nrvin. nvmr th. Woh. 1 Mr- a ,weaitny smeuer man,
r. r fmu i - mi m v jt . . r.i vn . rai ma am i ... H .. w.M...M ...... . .. . ..v- .am.iuma . . ... .......
" na-aawB.aT ...... ..... ,..,.4 Vuull WUri.UI, IVVIIJ' til flUJtl."
i,iTRn tin. ..Bin.. iiHm.Hiv.a vonnv i ... - . " , . ...... . .n , 1.. nn
by dummy, piaintins to test tne z-cent y . .... .;ii-'.
fare ; law.i,i Bills ;;for injunctions . -were ' '5;Y."-' ' 'J " V ' ' I l,"v" ,
nled against: state officials seeking to Trison 'Teams Play Baseball,
prevent tha enforcement of the law, - specil plupatob to Tbe JoornaD
Salem.- Or.. May. 81. For 10 long in
ATVrTTSTHfRXT "PTTNm Wl'S !s the baseball teams of the state
AAAia, wv- M-msp-jf-- -a, w .v jm-r
.Bs4aBtea traaratarlnw sat leaf o-cflaayt antrtOAwt
FOR PATT0N! HOME Ucyn the diamond. The .cor stood j
, , to IS, in favor of the "house men," ,uvw
Teachers Get Pay' Checks.
Six huhdred school teachers and
Janitors In the Portland school district
Were given their monthly pay checks .
today.' the total amount of the salaries
being -about $45,000. Of this- amount
was paid the teachers.,
V, Xa Sally Tonight.. ?:'.:;
-Burkhard'a halV,E. Burns Ida A, Grand!
' The old people of the Patton e
. home are circulating a subscrlp-.
tlon list for the purchase of i e
phonograph, This Is to be used r
for the entertainment of the
dwellers of the home and a num
ber of business men have sub
scribed. , The sum required is
.960 and : tit has been raised.
Such an Instrument will be a
great delight to these people
who are unable to, go out for
their amusement and find it dif
ficult - to, get musicians in the
house to entertain them.
who defeated the "shop men," The
i Soore, however, Is not indicative of the
kind of ball that. was played, the slse
ot- tha -grounds . being responsible Tor I
i that. ; The official scorer declares the
rgame . would have done honor to pro-l
f ess4ona!at,
. Xane Bally Tonight.
Burkhard's halt, E. Burnslde A Grand, j
Forest 'Grove Defeat Carlton."
- (Special: DUpatch'te Tke Jenrnal.l f'
' Forest Grove,-. Or May 81. . The
Forest' Grtive Colta defeated , the team
from Carlton here yesterday In one of
the hottest games of the season by a
score or to B. The cantons had the
best of it antil the fifth, when the Colts I
took the game away from them u
. .... TEA""" r , .
shoveled but of a bin is a
child without parents; no
name, nb'fame- Schil
lings Best is in packages. ,
. . 1 ... .
Toar trecer returns yeat aioaay tf jo loot .
like It; we pay aiav -