THE OREGON DAIJ.Y JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31, 1907. hot ma US:' HESr IJEDICB - TOY SB, WTLtXAKaV TXMX 9TLXJM ' TOn BTOKAOX SBOVIU. . VOL. XLVf.-XO. 14.466. POKTLAKD, OREGOJC. FRIDAY. APRIL. 10. 1907. FEICE f IYE CZKlX KNOCKS OUT PROP ; Battle Results In Fatal In- h Jury of Ilaniac and Wound Ing of Policeman.; IMDMANOPMSFIEE ; t From Above and , Hot Tight En sues in Which Two Are Hurt. Convincing- Bvldenoe Bapported ljr Ooarantee Theft Kurt Convince Hie Xoa Skeptical. . Dr. Williams' Pink PJUa are a doctor! prescription, used by aiv .mlnent prac titioner, and for nearly a feneration known as a reliable household remedy throughout . the United States. Need less to aay. - no advertleed medicine I could retain popular favor for ao Ion TITtAtr n Y1T l Ttr T AAn 1 P"noa wunout dvid great mini, ho w 't ; x' iiUiU. LulUUdilll iiuur. u s tne invsiuanie curative pcoperue oi tna pine - tnat nave maae tnem a tandard 'remedy in - every civilised 1 While Driving Along Street, blue ZZtt 7h.5i2 coats Are Surprised by Fusillade contain no harmful drug, opiate, ner- wng or, iuubi j ra-vvu vviuaim of their efficacy is found In the state ment of Mrs. N. B. Whitley of Boxley, Ark.,- who aays: ... , . . "I had suffered for a rood many yaara from stomach trouble. , For a Ion time I was .subject to bad spells of falntaess and ' lack of . breath ' accompanied by an Indescribable , feeling , that seemed to start In my stomach. ? . Whenever I was a. little run-down or over-tired, these spella would oome on. They occurred frequently but did not last very long. -'! was . eonnned. to .my . bed for, ten weeks one time' and the doctor pro nourioed my trouble chronic 'Inflamma tion of the stomach and bowels, 81nce that time I hava been subject, to the fainting spells and at other times to fluttering of the heart and a feeling ai though I wasemotherlng. My general health waa very bad and'l was weak and trembling. "I had seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mentioned In the newspapers and de emed to try them. When I began tak ing the pills I ' was ao - run-down In strength that I cauld hardly do " any housework. Now I could . . walk ten miles If necessary. Both my husband and myself think Dr. Williams Pink Pills the best medicine made and we always recommend the pills to our friend" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and give strength and tone to every part of the body. They have cured serious disorders of the blood and nerves, auch aa rheumatism, sciatica. anaemia, nervousness, headachea, par tial , paralysis, locomotor -. ataxia, St Vitus dance and many forms of weak ness in either sex. They are sold by ail druggists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for $150, by the Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady, N. T. - Chicago Can not, buy Streetcar Lines. ; know la ywsjaHmi for mr? M twtmrf it m tot th IN tmmn Ml afar wfthlii lft fttH Mti f ft fertarfM ml nlattiig 4Httmmf e r.hw mm at torn. Is) fcsrraaHj t) 4 IN nttakM rwsMfM ft raWn 11 0et l4 will few a at mmn rm The) tnlaw kJt raj til Hri ejf sUari? Tlre if g4laftic fwwtn tr PARIS WAITERS ON STRIKE e ' Naa II DlfflraH a Km aa till i ilE JN'CHI Dayton, Doctori'Meets Rctriif SGPREKE COURT ililUS LAW Mueller Certificates Would Ex " ceed Debt limit. ; 7 DUKNrS OREAM VANISHES law iUanpta ff iwd m imirt Mm cmwIkmii vkt m fttwMmtr '.. ' I Mr ttor MM J ttWMM MM Md'tW Mrk AMI fotaarae, Mak m MnM u Ml .. INSANEiARQUISE SHOdl HEHEY MOUSES SI STORM GFCHEER3 HWof of San Francisco iJSrtflquako Feast t3 PTUPSKP aw twy IH M h fate OhAmt nrtl w M I nnwkW VIM Oa MWMltM Ml MA kM MM inn mm tar . I iMwf HmM MnkMl Hv.: .r . ,., , ,x :j ,9 v-' ; m Qiiioa et Motel cttr : "vii t a art ak m mhi iw nJan m mti hm ik imi om Iimm m M kWk IWT a kk ihiH rlM al tkmM if " VmniHi rwltu a mm iimi Mk IMH, a Aw MMkwi takw) M if a at wnkiy unkn b r w aw k w awamwwjtf m&EOTHHrjmL' Death'Ust Exceeds 100 and ti 1 ' atiO (QOOntlletfL WHOLE CTTJE3 OESTBOYEO) s ' ' ' '(Joorntl Irwdtt Berrlee.) V , , fian rnincUco, May II. A battle be tween a demented car. striker and two policemen at Twenty-third and Ken tucky streets carbarn 'laat night reaalt ' ed In the fatal Injury of the former and ;the serious wounding of one, of the 1 policemen. The dying carman is Field 'man Reddlah and James aloran Is the wounded policeman. , ' v , - The fight took place shortly after I -o'clock. Moran and Special Policeman J. Btohm were driving past" the car - barn In a buggy, when the- carman opened fire on them from' the roof of the place, one of the flrat bullets strik ing Moran In the leg. Both policemen returned the fire. ..'Reddish waa standing on top of the ;reot near the edge and. In plain view. The policemen emptied their revolvers ' and Reddlah fell prone on the roof, mor tally wounded, four bullets having taken effect la his body. ' Ha waa rushed to ;. a .hospital,' where Dr. fltone atated that death was "a question of . but a few .hours.'' ; The carman waa wounded once in ine aoaomen, - once in the ley and tlwce in the cheek Ha baa not regained coneolousoeea, . . . r . Though his left leg was badly shat , tered by the madman's bullet. Policeman . Moran whipped out his revolver and fired several shot a while lying In a pool of blood on the ground at the side of the horae and buggy. Nobody seems to know how Reddlah managed to climb on the roof of the carbarn. (Ml CkjeM hfwuk ItaMrfclw . tf II thauM OrtekM awi lmefW, . ; aM Rawu Kaek' IMIcillMt mirM m X iarkiMfMl rwt iimm Mr eriu4 'wlMl Hm MtlW to nrWItiW 'k tMl( Ml fM Mi tff WM Mirk Vl kiKH Um tnunm IHM tt Mate-, ttrf M4 TM UmtihM aanie. Mr atwr kra f Mml utl - ) raitM W a Mk m wat kM t NW INb im M kw Hw t M o wa'tkm Ik rf im nwM TM rlw k w nit awpw aae wnma mm a tkal fravmr a WW m f Ik ky 'kt f IWVMM WliWW"4"MfrA' kj Bi ,k mi in yn.n . rMM r u wa( iua4. t 1M CkhHW WlWll 4T WW Ik WMMMt W Mk na mm w aw anr Ik rakv BEAUTY CONTESTANT BECOMES A BEIDE LAWtEE M0SER TAKES EXCEPTION TO ARTICLE First of Toilng Women Whose Plo ' tares Appeared In The Journal la Una Fanner's Wife. That contestants la The Journal's beauty contest do not find It difficult to secure husbands waa Illustrated In the marriage of Mlsa Mattle A. Peebler, one of the prettiest contestants to W. Meeting Tueexjay Evening for AH La bor Men. Not Cigar Men, Says Attorney. ' i - i V''"" Mrs. Mattle A. Peebler McKInnon. Qua C Moser takes exception to 'an I article In The Journal describing a se cret meeting held Tuesday night In AUsky haiL It waa current report that tha meeting was called for the purpose of having tha cigar men of the city and various union men meet with Mr. Devlin for " the purpose of discussing conamona wmcn may arise ahould Mr. Devlin be elected mayor. It la believed firmly by the cigar men of the city that tha slot machlnea will be allowed back on the counters In the event of Mr. Dev lin a election, and soma of them stated beforehand that the meeting waa called to discuss this question. " xne meeting waa a very , quiet one and secret, reporters being asked to leave. The letter of Mr. Moaer fol lows: 1 Portland, May 10. To the Editor of The journal In your iaaue of Wed nee- j day you published on tha first page. unaer glaring Headlines, an article con cerning a meeting of labor people held at Allaky hall on Tuesday . evening that la ao misleading that I cannot permit It to paas unchallenged, and I therefore ask that in all fairness you publish thta letter as conspicuously aa you did the original article. - - -.- The article is misleading, because It seeks to give out the Impression that a secret meeting was held with the clgarmakers and cigar atore employes for the purpose of giving assurance to them that In the event of Mr. Devllir" j A. McKInnon. a veil-known farmer of. 1Jt,n Pkr " n machlnea Linn county, Tuesday, May 23, at the ttome of Miss Peebler's slater. Mrs. M. J. Taylor. 636 Bast Burnaide street , Miss Peebler Is the flrat of The Jour nal contestants to marry since tha cam paign waa atarted to find the moat beautiful woman in Oregon. Because of the fact that the happy couple went to Albany directly after the marriage. It could not be learned whether it was due to the fact that Mra. McKInnon' picture was seen in The Journel by Mr. McKInnon and a happy romance waa the reault or not. But alnce the beauty contest started several weeks ago, ru mor has it that many of the contestants have become engaged to young men who have become enamored - or tne future brldea by seeing their pictures In Tha Jouraars contest. INCREASED SERVICE GIVES EMPLOYMENT Payrolls of Portland Railways, Light & Power Company Grow With Extensions. Several hundred employes wll, have been added to the pay rolls of the Port ' land Railway, Light & Power company by tomorrow evening because of new and additional aervlce. New service Includes the Oaks sys tem, considerably augmented yesterday when (the Oaks was opened; the all-east service to be started tomorrow and the operation cf,the Troutdale extension of Tne Bpringwaier aiyi3ivn nesiavs mora cara will-be put on the lines in the city to take care of aummer traffic. These latter: are principally new open cara. TbjuWaction company has ordered 1,260 5ns of grooved rails for repair work. 4 lie enipmvnc ib - vavu uuruir - iuv summer soma time.. SOME STOMACHS . ; k - ' Are-hurt by doff ea. POSTUM Can be assimilated by , 0 the weakest stomach. "TherVs a Reason' win te allowed to resume operations. This is untrue, because no auch 'assur ance was given. The 'meeting waa not a meeting of cigar men. It was a meeting of labor men of many difrerent lines, and It ws not a meeting of 25 men, but of at least 75 men. v " I am- reliably informed that there have been held similar meetings , of labor men which were addressed by supporters of Mayor Lane, and I do not see why the Democratic nominee ahould "have a monopoly on sucH meetings. Tha article la also emphatically In correct in saying that I waa one of the promoters of the meeting. I had abso lutely nothing to do with the promo tion thereof. I was Invited to be pres ent as a speaker, to discuss the Isaues Involved in . this campaign, and I did so rrom tha standpoint of a Republican wno oeiievea tnat Mr. Devlin is better qualified than Dr. Lane to properly per form the dutlea of mayor of this beau- urui. prosperous and rapidly growing cuy, ana uiat ne win give us a good, clean and honest administration. He has said repeatedly on the platform dur ing tnis campaign that. If eleoted.i ha will suppress gambling in ever form. and he made no different promise at the meeting referred to; - :',.', ,v ' ' " I earnestly resent tha reflection that has been cast upon both. Mr. Devlin and myself, as well aa the othera who par ticipated n tha meeting, by the artlole mentioned, and in the interests of Jus tlce reaueat that you eorrentiv tnfnm. your reaaera oy tne publication hereof. Respectfully. OUS C. MOSER. 1 ESTABLISH QUARANTINE . IN DIPHTHERIA CASES Health Officer Wheeler Makes Testlgste at Snnnyside and . Takes Protective Measures. i "tk " . w.. jts . . t -fsr Mir . j . :mt - . -- - . . . w hfc..ii, -'? ' - . . yil .!..'....,,.:... v.- ' -. - - ... -,'', 1 w I sua I , .... IM MrklbVWt ' a 1 ' ' ' '' MM .-.''.'' & '' aJWBWWCWSWBWa - 'Ml VLy. IAf.l r ' 'If I v I A. I J JT 1J VAa I 1 11 i 1 " :i lit yr- . ay i H - I VIA Vf .AaT ' yW'wrUfV 1 II Am , II i'lV." ' . - I, 'Wkwew- . . -,- I. . ,lW"i.snwn JV", f M ' , '"-i.- wv M -V S I . III! 1 - u. .ltTP ' 1 1 p .. Vl , '''?1V''Tati.Ti'iTiiT! wmw i if I fV k TTI m wtw) a i w a- : f rF ', r xwi . . I ;Va At I aakaSswaMwlkM w ulaC I I ' TSaiw a r11! J I 'tnw k' kriV 'l'JjLt k w m k. iw w WW ekwtw. I I TstkaWMl I, 1 g B iaa fkawar m. .7 - -- a ww IkWk. dill M fWMkk a nkWHkfl I I fc LmT Sk" i ta""1 ... JTLlL. aaaaaawjjsw .'?'?i iwaiaiii wiwi nnk. wm' Ok I " i-Z.L w. r-u.L... . , staawa ik. w- ?miw "TT;; .1 -ill w .i I y is -r i . y s-i-, . .- IIJt. -o'ai aaHi sa "-4 kuM rw u nSwSw V il l L J , r- kjtaaMakwatw - MawtWiiMiarmNia .. J II V fl ' 1 ii s b w wwmk Mm kiik Ma aaaa JJ V. sar I i, sa m m mm- . i kiMMe.wik.aM ITRS. aj I X I PAPER wr. - m m iw ; ikarMiMiMiwMfi a i-wwaraansi I W I fc ww n w w kuwir c n. m wraaMkBM( tewjaawv at . aV "assai m 1 ' . wnwwiwiw. .. . WW HWJWWJ WW M .. . M ,, , M UM ta lit aw ww i it www, istwsja tk ' " . jwaaaaaaaBSBjaaaw. If . -. -aw taw ww w ; ww takw shmiww ! . X . ' w f aiaaw W "ww wjwawa aw w ania ow nw kwm au a a a tw waaauwqrew am w a" ' W'ona' mtim wwm TWta w w mwtmvm n jwa ik Mmm jl. 4 Iwkikm h wa nw il a. Wj t owawkrw aata'ai TTT.! .s"aaw M ' 'I wwMwutmaMkO.iki.iwi wjiwih w-Ma uw www 1 m 1 aMM M'77l f s I aw, " mm . w w wi'wi ww aw srwW am. iwm3 kuWW I 1 r 1 ga w mi m awpnw u4 at a - wiiwjN w w w aw awat wi w -.i..n.l 1 ij) BaMJLwaaa1a . ."X LafK m was wt Hki.M aaas m Krr. a i at wwt ittewMM T "aaaarTaaaa - w kl . wwwww tn am-- - . a iw Owt, wW awt tea wr- v wm a if - m f,w , . 1 - , r-TTi wwww Uktsaw ( inii w kw mi rwrk w knw ww mm . W, aaaaaw-wjwjpCa g.,, ) .ijlTaww. " I,,,.. ,, n mm w ik mi . m S """" ttoa 4 kwi tkw ill tk awtwJwi ea Swwwl Tawmjm. 'JJV A , - I : -O fl K 1 I II . mwwkwwT J ikT rttcVw k!w7'w" wlw tlw. S w.f Vr- XW 1 j? V" VwVBaM 1 ' r saw aw. www Ji."t H' im Iwm rww w. sww rk.yV-i f IM V J I .r, VavT,-' 1 1 y iw wr t www. t. wiaiwwwiwki ?t2!.L'"V" " ' wktakwiw wiwwim-wkWWrZ2i WU IW W. WKWWIMII w k. kMw. www iVuww--?i. . -asa-a eaaa w . pjkV mm w im wwmiw makXiMwjwMWiti ",aBJsaaw. w. iwww ww knkw) kuri- tkw w ww v.t w -,,aalMiBBB ' - t Buiireiiiea aa ranwja : S5.-TTrsf II a a A 'L-J, -aaax aM.a ajww. ca a, t. pww wi a. wm my1 - irrT''"' ' LI fl i 'fi '' r.;" ','-"' '. J -wv smmw.. iwtataMtaktkea ww ki tk n. Www uw w. J1 .'"lITi- - . , I . " twiwia aw. Tk wwt Ww 1 '' kk IkW tk (Mr atwam Ik fcw .ZSZwmil. 1 awwi w Ow ww. tk oMwlnil. tk t ' ' alwawjwa.. "aa? ' " ' m'sw-i w w. - c awa-aw-w HM ktr. Dww tw w W.rt.4 www owf. . ' .. k . kWkMww, wwMWk w ww"- ' ' twUt"wtl owwwjmw. a-wrwwj , I 1 a a if i aa " i iwwwV VwiMwli m?; lZur r ,sw . rrrr I 'jwlr.'ww.fa r - H ' a ww w www-' awk -a.w ww s i 1 mmtha-iwinL w..a BJ m aaaaaawT-n yta ."-' taw - . I . . - . I NiuH m ki TTl l . 1 """"""aBSwjjw,,. awl.-. tt: T a i aawt aaae.eea. UuLCANO QIVCb ONLY LIGHT I .A M H 1 t V4. J ..;;vIL f . . " ' ' JttJSl.'S, S . IrVSy. ' Ml Varir ;:' , 1 1 aw3 u, wfw tiw. w kwww tw wa i.. ,wi una, am. am a www If K v a"a4 c ' wn.k lm Uw mim.s awmeck.- rank, a Ik wwiaw t.,VWiw. -Wmi ' 111 Mi K . . takwww J wawmw Iww ww ' - . '" as ran. k ft w wv iww) '-1 5? I l aaJft efe 1. " awa k a it .. Ckwwt ataifctof astaaa. Akwwi. awiiww wwl wa wji tar l Jl' "laaaa -a"!' . CMwa ww www www , ww wwa iww C6WW - uw Twttk tw' mntita.wrtiwmrw.wi aff fp ftr . tT ' V. 9S'Zg y..- - . '...': "" Wwl nw.w, wm WI ' d. iu. a wl uw . w wi iw w , awn www aam aw la , r aw aiwr M awww mt .. lywakwtaull i t - - 1 " ' ' - - - - ikwawTfc sw. I , -TTjf 1 1 i t ix iiTiVn i i- i ni i ii 1 1 1 i i. j- .r r j i - Lii- nff ?TV r t i ' I ZwaU u ..-,. .... . ... ' . SUtPHUB FOURS Earthquake in Mexico , Releases Fumes. at Wkj t tarrlaf wi aw t wM euamii t raw W ik ajaw lMl wt W Wat. Tk Matlt war ra at Ik Hir awOn r ara I. IkM. 7 a mi ,( I W I. IkM II atawawaa BM otr 9wM 1. JllWf. IW. W aw Mikrwtw wnk r ww iiw www wwr wan rwiiH IM ranaiur w i ww M4 ik wnww Oa uHi ,w MAY BECOME OPEN CAMP Mt! airan) ivuniui M Arrti il ww Wn kwa w "kw ! w a... ,w mm lllll.m kW W. rwkW kwww Ik anwamra aa www kiwi www W WJWW kwu a-kwWV ih www aaaw w rk IM awl 1 ik ww. Hat km auj uiwuir mi aawwM w - mckML IMA t. WW t Iw Uw ran ikl la wiaw will mw a atwk .kwiir , .Tk rvu w.wiw at wiawMwa , IM WW M.N kv M WWil www aariiw tk km l.w an awl WW mn. hrt W w raw aa nWMMiw Ariwt PraMaMi Ma tjim l im arwni IMmuw 1 Mw w. kk W whfliq wfWMuwa w aw a wnwn.i m Tka aaw. 1 w kw kaM. w ariw I I- tkat tar. kat wW I aw ana M M J at ta wans aamwra la (liiatiia aa waa a aakl Jar cwaw aaw a aawaia toataur w caka. ww an. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Are you going east? Do not for get our excellent service and that jrou can make the renowned Yel lowstone Park trip when using our line at very little additional cost. In Relative to complaints from Sunnv- alde that diphtheria la raainr' amona-1 tne scnooi ennaren: mat tne disease or- school building, and that the city health ornoe neg lectea to prevent its spread. Dr. C. R Wheeler thta mornlns denied l'ov fiPWIIIl PANAMA HATS Very Low Rates III awaTX A W 1V1-T, g. waaaia 1 -Jar aw laaf a laiuillltg lllagV Hill ta - . . si is Vfllnpi Mpntirallv f SIy Sfvlp nn info I. . .w . , ... m M I va vjavJ Via WUIV II II aa - '.aw awj , the Same that L Tomorrow at A. 11 OlherStoresCharge ( (fcfy Q You J5 and S6 for V S; idjoDr.foD the Doors ' In H f) U H High Rent i I cii.:, I : H . District" ytffHJN jausiacuoii tsr-iL VifOJDVi;Li t-.O'V' inrf iw JSPSS I nr Vmir ii r iiiriifiAiiiii niiii iiiriiiflrr i.yiNHiri liiihrr in II III I t I I I IW ATI Alf t VaVtiaTUarV J IWA t V awTUk wlVUiUlw v. VAaW .aa aaw ' t I Points East of those abaent furnished br him I be aran an lnvestlaatlon . which laated One that snioakwat the case and aaaatad thaM entlrajijnorjilnfoiiM. Woa-.tlwaa- aa soon aa the matter was reported to him ha took atepa toward examining; the pupile. fumlfratlng the building and iso lating tne azniotea. . ,i rX'ha first. that I knew, of the exlat- enca of diphtheria." said Dr. -Wheeler, this morning, "was through a telephone message from Principal E. IX Curtis of the Bunnyslde school. Hei said that number of children were odt of school on account of -sickness and with a list children suffeolng from diphtheria and detected : one ease- in the school room. These I promptly put under quarantine and ordered tha green flag to be dis played. , Thla ought to be sufficient warning and If , it Is not I shall feel obliged to station policemen at tha Quar antined placee to. see that orders are enforced. i .. , : . -During all tha visits I hava made to tha Sunnrslde , school there has aevar been a suggestion of poor plumbing and tha closing of ' one of the boys' baaa menta,' ar Mr.'XTurtla ia quoted as say ing, waa not reported to ', either the health office or tha plumbing inspector. Today I intend to complete the investi gation of the plumbing. The entire school building waa thoroughly fumi gated .Wednesday an ."r,hur!ir morn ing. ::.; XUi .. t'.U-,.'; -w v. a . That diphtheria exlars at Sunnyalda la due to tha fact that Sa rente are not familiar with- the earlr atagea of tha disease and fait to secure medical serv- Ice or inform the health office. Under such conditions our efforts to prevent the spread of the disease are doubly handicapped.' - ' ' , ; , . - One death has oeourred from the vir ulent malady at Sunnyaide, being in the family of C. Green, a1 grocer, on the corner of Belmont and Thirty-third atrreta. - Another child la down with- the dlaeaae at the Green home and it exlats In the Coomer and Davis families In the same vicinity, Dr. Wheeler does not, believe there are over four or five cases at gunnyslda. - .v t, - EVERY LUXURY OF TRAVEL " : : .via - ; : NORTHERN PACIHC RAILWAY 1 For rates and infornuttiiozt call on or address A. D. CHARLTON, A. Q. P. A. Portland, Oregon. Ticket Office Third and Morrison Streets. By cooperation, n the part Of the health office, tha school authorities and parenta it is hoped to check the spread la ita early stages. ... . , ' Free Cook Book. ; Every woman . who aavea tha : Royal Bakery pictorial ad series now. appear ing in this paper, one each Friday, will receive a handsome cook . book - abso lutely free. Ko. VIII appears la this c Issue. - s Church Improvement at Lafayette. " (Sjwcial Mepatcfc io The Jwirnat V lafayetta. Or., May 31. lheUn'l. Evangelical church la fcolng- f ' and beautified. The Interior :t i ' Ing a coat of aUbaattna f i ' paper that will ad l rn.-ii- r' . f appearance. Be v. JT-vivt t , , Intending the vorV. 'Vt , C. E. surprlnM the ' r ; appearing at t' j evening wtt! t 1 1 i jCOOd t;.!ras. V . . S . :. ' ' '- "; .':