THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, - FRIDAY EVENINO, MAY 81, 1D07. REFEREflOUr.1 LAW El GAGES GRANGE with lomt eoreor, as the Indian el aim that in case the superintendent finds who sighed th document ho would pun- iah than for It. .''r' i-'i;;,, Whitewashed by Oovernmeat. JVolther waa tha nam of tha officer to whom the petition waa sent made public, aa tha Indiana . claim that any proteat directed to the IndUn office la promptly returned to tha auperlntendent ana me matter "whitewashed. Beaidea tha big petition separate pro- teat a have also been made. On charges the auperlntendent with-allowing II ve il took from the Waptnltia country be longing to whit people to ran re en -the reservation to the detriment of th In diana.'- Another la that h haa directed th construction , of tha telephone line from Wapinttia to Warm Springe with out ever having asked or received the . tXTTTPTT UTTOTWPOO 1YT1 4 V I permission or tne Indians owning- tne JTlill UlOJUl AVOU l landa Disapprove University Move ment bnt Standby . . m .Movers. SESSION IS CROWDED Vast ExpenM of Referendum Pro ceedings Undr,DiscMBlon -Frobi- i bltion and Equal Suffrage Stand 'o 6 how PrUon Labor on Roads. over which the line is being built LOST FOR SIX DAYS DELAYED TRAINS DDE TO ARRIVE Five and Possibly Six Over land Trains Should Reach I Portland Today. (Continued from Pace On.) On leaving Fairfax for Electron they followed th government trail to the divide and then got loat through turning on an abandoned trajl. Until nightfall they plunged through the foreat and, then worn out, they ate their lunch and laid down, but th night waa too cold to alep, fBpertal Dtepatra te The Jonraal.) Hood River. May Today prom Ises to be th moat Important: in the rouroayr meeting or in y filing at first light Sunday they grange as most of th "VonufH beat all day through th foreat, soal f," Ti?, t?n, v?.?, 1L"5,.",S.h:l,n nnn ridgea and at nightfall nnd- """" r " 77 1 . V .vl ' ; ,: ing themaelvea In a deep canyon. They general sentiment of the .m .1 p-nt th, Unt tntr and tn6 nwt ay " !V -V L. PPJ- cnyon- and eaught ' ".. .TtVA,Ir-rpT! fro- Tbn they tried to gt out of MU Mm WmM Mil IMWfPWwi H I Ika .wam hut wVkaswJ 'kawa1 a laa . - A. 9 1MW VU VIS V U IIVB til W w county aga mat tnia t u niwsuy ,tp and for thr day they groped FV" JT.T? JjSTf through It. frequently trying to climb th tat i body. It wllU howeve' .atidl t Jut fl thmMfv , thlr tj W ajrB w VI f aH)tWI ' tempt 1 mad to hav th right of placing th matter on th referendum thrown out on a technicality. weakened condition, unable to do so. To mak mature wore they earn to an opening where th oanyon waa bar of vegetation and th rays of th aun While th etat normal echooia m a y I " " , , ' " " ; V r , ' ' IWCI VI9 mill. .milVa.l.tJH IIV M7 tioa la looked for. It la expected that suggestions .will b mad looktngio - a more oononioJ and frctlv admin- , latratton of them. .. , Prohlbitloa and Ba.aal offrag. ' There la aotn talk of having th lung Miuyi I wau( uuuu mpminvnaini prohibition, but It la atated by av eral prominent worker that It could not be carried.! A UK fat, it la a!4. will meet any mov toward lndoraing woman . auf f rag. Th morning ' ceaalon waa largely taken up with . a . dlacuaaion of the amendment to th InltlaUv and refer endum act. it ' waa precipitated by th appearanc on th floor of th con vention of W. 8. U'Ben, on of Its au thora. Th taad taken by th grange I that the amendment practically maicee in rererenaum pronioiuv, o' jng t tn great expena it entail and th fact that but 10 algner oan go on each petition, which muat aleo bear th full text of th law, and aentlment la ' Prlaoa ZAbor oaKlgHway. ': A reeolutlon waa adopted appointing a commute f five to aeour Informa tion ' n aieeeament and taxation and report at th next meeting. , It waa voted aa th aentlment of th meeting alaa that th grange la in favor of "employing prlaon labor on public highway. Before th largest attendance of th meeting 160 candidate took th fifth degree and 1T0 th alxth degre aat evening. Th work waa put en by th trained team of Evening Star grang. Boy nay Oat. Here' young Mack' atrength played out and h frequently fell unoonacloua Undaay frequently bathed th boy and kept lif In him. They Anally got out of th canyon by following a draw, bat all day wdnaday they auooedd In going leaa than 100 yarda, Undaay hav ing to carry th boy. Wdnday night they apent on th highland. Cora phitoly broken down and atarvlng to death th atlll animating Instinct of elf-preaervatlon forced them to keep moving, and, unable to aleep on aocount of the oold, they started at I o'clock yeaterday morning and after wander ing 10 hour, with Llndeay constantly aaalatlng th boy. found an old trail This fed their hope and gar them atrength and they followed it to th abandoned logging camp, wher they wr founa,- ; When found Llndeay had left th bey with th dog guarding him and waa reoonnolterlng for help. Th people of Fairfax were overjoyed and th whlatle blew ther nearly ail of last night The mlnea reaumed there today, for th flrat time sine It was known th two were lost No overland hav arrived over th Southern Paolflo for 48 hours on ao count of the burning of a bridge la Cow Creek oanyon in the extreme south ern part of th etat. Dispatches from Horn! brook yesterday stated that no trains could pass over the bridge dur ing th dar. The bridge has been repaired and th delayed trains hav paaaed over and will begin to arrive In Portland at 4 o'clock this afternoon. There are five delajfeaT trains and there may possibly be six before all will have arrived. They are expected to arrlvo.from on half hour to an hour apart. 'There are three car loads of Dunkards under special orders among th delayed trains and they are expected to arriv on th first section. n v How Pafcst Grows Malt Malt is the body of beer. is what makes beer a food, in health-giving qualil , Malt is -baric r-g rai n , sprouted and partially grown. most malsters torce. this pro cess in three or four days time. Pabst takes the full eight dayt as required by mture, with tiv result that Pabst gets a nutritious, srrengtn-Duuaing maic ; ' It takes Pabst longer and it cosU Pabst more to make this perfect malt but this Eight-Day Malting Process reuins in ":--..v. , " Pabst BlueRibbbh ViO,llUJK5 JUrtur. UWia the fuUest amount of tissue-bulldine, UP IN CITY i)F ROME nourishment of the barley the grain richest in food ralues. (Jaaraal Special Service.) May II. Owing to the Rom, Tha Pahat Elc-ht-Dav Maltfnor ProeeM ! vrvwu la mmh rha uma In 1fJ tnn a th Pabst Blue Ribbon All BLAME DEVLIN (Continued from Pag One.) : ypXARCH OF INDIANS (jbnUnued from Pag Ona) ; aganeyv a lackeys to th -superlntend- eni ana nts cierk. ' . , ' () That Superintendent Covey threat ened to load UD hla.ahntmn Brut ikiut pupils In school for trivial offence, and that this treat was mad on an Indian court day in th presence of th In dian Judge and many other Indians. " Always Ooa . xndiaaa. Th protest recites that th Indian of ' this reservation never made war gainst th whites, but that during the Modoc war they came to th rescue and helped th government .enltating aa regular United .States soldiers and received honorable dlschargea Th appeal for redress and Juatio states that th treatment they recelv at the hands of th superintendent make life a. burden to them. ' Tha Twtf Mnn tri, rrno r-A ..J mtA 1 . ' . . th proposed bond Issues will be ma terially affected. Oity Auditor Devlin ays that a special election can be held for about II.TOO. Th appropriation this year for th general city, election waa 117,600, . but owing to th fact that there are fewer details to provide for, he believes the taxpayer will not be called upon to pay mor than th sum named. , :. ? J Bankers hav but on opinio, "name ly, that th fallur to eaus the pub lication of th election notlc will -rlously affect th proposed Issue of bonds, unless another spaclal election is held to recUfy th defect. It Is hld that buyers of bonds will either be slow to purchase the bondai re fuse outright, or else accept them only at reduced selling prices. In any on In stance th city wlU b th loser.. Preai. dent Walter Moor of th Oregon Trust it Savings bank said this morning that a defect of this kind was always more or less troublesome and necessitated an exhaustive statement of detail concern ing the error to prospective buyers of bonds. Th result waa usually a com plot tumdowa for fear that on account of th election not being in conformity with the law a dissatisfied voter might involve th city In litigation. of visitors u maa meeting ha Jut been held to I sasinuiapo wiuioat necaswty oi nm protest against the high oost of living, taxing tne stomach to digest It. which has caused those with small wages and alarle th bulkf th In habitants, especially government darks 4o suffer severely. Leading Socialists delivered violent speeches and fighting followed, between th rabbi and th troop, scenes like these in which soldiers are even stoned being of almost dally occurrence. At time th shops In certain sections of th city are even closed on account of a widespread fear of note. MILLIONAIRE BREAKS ROCK IN PRISON YARD fJesrael Special Service.) Rome, May 11. The Qlornale d'ltalla I th authority for a Strang story of a convict's sudden rise to affluenca It appears . that .. a certain Milanese named Pasqualo, who some years ago waa condemned to a lengthy term of im prisonment of penal servitude, has sud denly become a millionaire. Th un fortunate man la at present working at th convict settlement at th Island of Lampadusa and It is hardly likely that all of his 'Wealth which comes to him by the death of a rich aunt whoa sole relative he is, will afford much satis faction to him. - When ordering' bear, ask for Pabst Blue Ribbon. Made by Pabst at Milwaukee And bottled onir at the Brorery. Charles Kobe Co Cor. Srd ft Pin fits., Portland. Phon Main 480. FIRE SUPERSTITIONS Mayor xn Speaks At nig rally tonight, Burnsid Grand. SCHMITZ JURY IS NEARLY COMPLETED ' JrU Sperlsl Serrtee.1 Baa Franco, May II. But IS talesmen qualified ' this morning front the venire of 7S drawn Wednesday for the Schmits Jury. The first four called were quickly dismissed. The largest crowd since the case opened was in attendance this morn ing ' th aisle being oiled. Schmits was smiling and confident It is ex pected that th Jury will b completed tomorrow. . .f. , Our Summer Suits are right in harmony with the best ideas for men's dress. We carefully examined the clothing of the best makers, then we placed our orders and ' had these suits made especially for us; we know just what we sell. f. youll find our label on every suit it's our , guarantee (not -.the guarantee of a far-off manufatcurer) and if any suit goes wrong , bring it back and we'll give you satisfaction. '. : Men's Two-Piece Suits - - $10 to $20 ; Men's Thrcc-Picce Suits - $10 to $25 : 1 . GlI!KuhnPop, ,4 . Men's and Boys Outfitters i ' 166-16S . THIRD ST, MOHAWK. BLDO. KILLS HIMSELF AFTER CAUSING AUTO WRECK (Jonin1 Special Service.) ' Dresden, May SI. An extraordinary tragedy occurred here a few days ago. A raptor car which contalned'two ladies got beyond control and killed a sales man, and his wife, who were crossing the street The chauffeur then ran the ear into a ston wall, both occupants being thrown out and severely lnJuqtM After superintending the removal of the wrecked car the chauffeur went back to the garage and hanged falmaelf. He left a not saying that th ghost of his victims had commenced to haunt him and had driven him to despera tion. " ADVENTIST MAY SPEND LIFE AS MUSKETEER (Journal Special Serriee.) Berlin. May tl Musketeer Mans of the Thirty-first Infantry may serv for th most of his lif Instead of the two years prescribed by law. He belongs to the sect of the Adventlsts of Judg ment Day, recognising . two ' holidays every week, Saturday and Sunday. Con sequently he refuses to do work, or en gage in drill, on Saturdays, and likewise on Sundays. For each breach of disci pline five montns and one day are added to his two years' enlistment, and up to now he has 17 yeara to serve with the prospect of becoming the "Eternal Jew of the Prussian army," unless the kaiser takes pity on him. XXmt Hiss th Xma Bally. Tonight, East Burnsid Grand ave. SHOOTS HIMSELF TO : ESCAPE PRISON CELL Curious Customs and Observances to Avert Impending Evil, j : In th lak land f northern England ther Is a well-known case of a; fir" that has been kept up for three genera tions., When It accidentally went out tha householder went to some wood cut ters who had lighted their fire from his, ays th London paljy News, and brought back their fir to his own hearth in order that he might possess, as it were, th seed of his anosstral fir. Undoubtedly this arises from th old belief that the house fire 1 derived from a sacred source. Then there are many houae fires whloh are .kindled from ceremonial fires onoe a- year. Thus at Burghead all the fires ar lighted from the "burning clavier and kept alight continuously during th year, it being considered lucky to keep the flame from the . clavle all the rest of the year. This clavle was lighted first of all at a fire of peat made by youths of the village who were sons of the original Inhabitants. Every strang er was rigidly excluded from the cere mony and peat only could be used. The ceremony takes place on New Tear's eve, and after the clavle ha been kindled one youth after another bears It in triumph around the bounds of the village. At certain houses ana. street corner a halt is mad and a brand Is whipped out of the burning clavle and thrown among the crowd, who eagerly catch Its ember and from them kindle th fires on their hearths. . Finally th remain of the clavle ar placed in th center hollow of a pile of stones, called the "durie," and the remaining embers are distributed to the villagers, all of whom attend the ceremony. Another ourlous feature of the observ ance is that the long nail which fastens the staves of the clavle is made of iron by the i village smith, but the hammer must t a rouna stone, nucn importance is attached to the ceremony that if the bearer should stumble during the per ambulation of. the village it is looked on as a dire calamity, foretelling disaster to the place and certain death to the bearer In the course of th next year. There are quite a number of cere monial fire lighted on St John the Baptist's eve. In Nottinghamshire part Of th Tula lor is kept till the follow ing year, to be burned upon the next Christmas eve. The method is first to put a bit of last year's log into the fire place and burn It, then the fresh log muat b put on th nr ana allowed to burn for a llttl while. It is then taken off and burned a little every night until New Tear's eve, when It is put on the fire and consumed, with the exception of a portion which is kept in the house until next Christmas . day. It is be lieved that the observance of this cus otm will "keep the witch away." r In Cornwall the practice obtains of resorting to th hearth and touching the cravef (the mantel atone across the head of an open -chimney) with the fore head, and easting into- the fire a hand ful of dry grass tr. anything picked up .that will buriu-'-This-J' form -of "hearth sacrifice" Is regarded aa the most effectual means of averting any unpenning evus oi a mysterious nature. All these customs, m various ways, are derived from the sacred character with which our ancestors invested fire. ANOTHER BIG VALUE IN LADIES' SKIRTS Fine $10 SKIRTS for $6.95 x The lady shoppers are beginning to realize that GevurtzV Specjals are real bar X , gains not merely "hot. air" , exaggerations. Tomorrow's Special in ; Skirts is X ' Up to the Gcvurtz standard of merit. ; SPECIAL SALE SUMMER SKIRTS Extra fine box plaited and i ' sunburst cream. colored brilliantine Skirts; extra full cut,- some with black piping, very swell; value $10.00. Special . . . .$6.95 CASH or CREDIT We sell for 'credit at less than others do for cash: i .You are welcome to the. ; privileges of our most lib-' , eral easy payment plan. mm VUR ) Cor. First and Yamhill ., in. i ni n i i in n lwwuww-' i - . a II ii u in 11 ... a - Cor. Second and Yamhill Kan mally Tonight. Burkhard's hall, B. Burnsid eV Grand. GERMANY DETERMINED Ixs Angeles. May 1 1. Thomas J. Moulton. who was accused by his em ployers - of ' embesslement, shot and ir Ul a.A Jtlmaulf ihla mnrnlnr nn th. stairway of the courthou.. while on the RAILWAY IS TRYING thai Af rhaa nimrrnf aittrii-1 ney. where he was to endeavor to effect TO HANDLE TRAFFIC w I -. - -aa a taivruriiai oiirv-iai nfrrww.i London, Mar 81.The London & CimiihvaaraM. T a Mwavv' Mmnan ts molr. TO INVADE BELGIUM ,n Poiai arrangements to meet thfc , aaiuiionai cranio requirements oooa-ar.- i w.,ww.v aL o"1-- bZ transfer from Liverpool Alivnciui vtiuvuv a tha IXrVil A flfee bbmim AIiHa of , of oceanrc. 'MajiuTand TITwteS Belgium la furnished by the Affer of ar to b, cn,p,oye, ln the Southampton- u 77 -a ZZ ?. - y Cherbdurg-New York service-calling at The price named is stated to be very! ai..i- u . temDtlng for a service which haa al- w ..u m ' wavs been a financial loaa If is felt. r-iS''LTlt..!" however, ln Belgian shipping circles that wp.tArn tii-, -..--. ., n.. .u. ...utbm . n. nt nutiAnni rth.-J wswrn way company s new tender, M " "7.i " . - Atlanta, which will transfer passengers nJ Etit?& ZZtLE -MW to the Ocean Quay station. r.TfhT nol where corridor dining ear train will tain the proposal. . nuAlnmmm ifrant V, T.nnn ... tr TOO BOX4- Ttlll Nt All A Mm pf An a i succeed the first time use Herblne end ... -. . , ' youTWUl get instant relief. The great- " rrom the -Bookman. ' est liver regulator. A posiuve cure I prwnc io mi country or xne for' constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, j distinguished Dutch novelist. Maarten ehllla and all liver complaints. Mr. C Maartens, recalls ,the Story of his elec- of Emory. Texas, writes: -Mjr wire has tion In the spring of 1S95 as an honor- been using , Herbine ror nersew mrr - member of th Author' elubv of children for five year. It Is a ur j4W York . ? Wbw tin name Joost Marlus M. Van cure for constipation ana maiana iv ha don for my family." Sold by all dor Poorten-Sch warts came to the at AracslsUk :. ' tenfloa of the tnembershlB committee 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 $2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 S2.65 2.65 2.65 $2.65 $2.65 12.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 $2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 J52.G5 $2.65 82.65 JI2.G5 JS2.G5 $2.65 !!2.G5 J 52.65 82.65 1(2.65 $2.65 S2.65 S2.65 $2.65 $2.65 1(2.65 112.65 82.65 112.65 112.65 52.G5 52.G5 W.65 82.65 82.65 82.65 $2.65 52.G5 $2.65 Retiring From the Shoe Business '. Regular $3.50 MISSION SHOES Your choice of any pair of shoes in out stock all Spring and Summer 1907 styles Oxfords and High- Cuts, all leathers, including , patent - - ' - Top and Bottom Shop 303 Washington Clothing - Furnishings - Hats OUR SHOLS MUST GO ! $2.65 82.65 82.65 j 82.65 $2.65 $2.65 82.65 82.65 $2.65 82.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 i 52.65 1(2.65 $2.65 1S2.65 1(2.65 82.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 $2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 52.65 (2.65 (2.65 82.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 82.65 1(2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 82.65 $2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 82.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 1(2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2,6511 82.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 82.65 82.65 $2.65 $2.65 82.65 $2.65 SlCtt llEHDACHE PositItlTni T these Little Pill. They also relieve We- tress from Dyspepsia, In- digestion and Too Hearty Bating: A pertoot rear edytorDtainesB.IfanBea, Drowsineu, Bad Taste la th Mouth. Coated Tongue, Painhv Qui Bide, TORPID ITVZB. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable, ( SMALL WL SKALL POSE. SMALL PH1CE. fsARTFR'Sl fclssaAVswJsJwal CARTERS Ivr PILLS. KGrauine Most Bear, , y Fao-SimilB Signature I ; REFUSE SUBSTITUTE there wa a gasp of astonishment. Finally the late Bill fiye came to the rescue with the suggestion that th firat half or the name should be acted on at one,' but that th last half should be held over until th autumn, when th weather would, be cool. v- , j t ' XAne Sally Vonlglit. ," t Burkhard's hall, E.. Bumslde a Grand. live ra t a L0WKATES E'A.S'T JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIONjjO .Or any other point m the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. Frorf PORTLAND to ' . , A $7UQ .$67.5 .$53.15 B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 Omaha. .,.,,..,..,$60.00 Sioux City ...... . . $60.00 Kansas City '.$60.00 B $73.50 $73.50 $73.15 Chicago. St Louis........ St. 'Paul A D'rsct routes both waya One-way through California " Ten days allowed for golnf trip, to days fo tvtan. Stopover at plsasore within Units. , Tickt will be on tale Jane 6. 7 6; July 3, 4, 5; . Augntt 8, 9, 1 0; September 11, 1 3 1 3 . : Corresponding redaction la rate from th title aamd to Jamestown and retain. Tax lull particulars inquire of . WM. McMURRAY, ; C W, STINGER, 4 ' . Oeswal sng Agant. -. - .. City Ticket' Agent, Third and Washlagtoa Streets.