THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND; FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31. 1907. r STRAW VOTE ON CARS RETURNS LANE VCTOR Approach of Election Bay Shows , Sentiment Is Growing: Stronger Among Business, Club Men and Qthers in Favor of Present Incumbent of Office." ' - "That mso- run as If hs were run- alng for Lane," Mid a traveler on an Incoming Woodlawn ear this morning, , 'No, air," wu the. response, . "I aee ' in him the- Devlin movement." - These , remark led to a straw vots, the two ' men arranging it both being well known . Republican buaineaa men living at or near Woodlawn. It waa decided to poll each man aa he got on the car and ' keep a not of the results. ..This was ! carried oat, and when the totals were ' footed up at the end of the run it was . found that 11 votes had been caat for ' Mayor Lane and four for Thomas C '- Devlin. v ' ' ';' v- .- ' "That Is the third time we have elected Lane in the past week coming ; Into town In the morning," said . the f man when" telling the story. ' ' ' One enthuslaetlo Lane maa tells of his experience during the paat few 'days. For a week or mors he has - made It a point to watch the way the 'tide is turning.: Living at Irvlngton. he has taken a straw vote on his way tn business on several mornings. Those who voted In the majority of the cases were men personally known to him to be f publlcans. On one occasion the vote on one car was six out of eight men asked for" Lane. On another car j eighth inert :. were polled and seven of them caat their vote ' for the present mayor; Every morning for a week this practice has been kept up, and out of all the votes cast the average runs ap proximately five out of . seven In favor of Lane. ; . . - 1 At- the ;' Commercial club the . straw vote has been the diversion for several days, and one .vote showed nine man, voting for - Lane at a table . where 10 men were eating. The ' next day an' other vote-was taken, different men be Ing present, and seven out of a table full of nine diners cast , their favors in the Lane box.. -v. ''' ' The sentiment on the street, as gain ered by this same man," indicates that tha great majority or the business men encountered, during, the day; are back of Mayor Lans in his campaign for re election? ' ' - :-, ...,... ,, Otto Burckhardt, tne wealthy packer. who recently sold the Pacific States Packing company to Swift 4 Co., has never voted-for a Democrat In bis life before, but will cast his ballot for Harry Lane, simply because the mayor has suppressed nlckl-tn-,the-alot machines. "It's the best thing ha. ever did." saye Mr. Burckhardt, , "the machines took all nr smalt change, and kept me Drone in pocket coin all the-time.". HER TO KEEP EST OUT OF PRISON Father of Another Noted Holy Roller Dupe Be stirs Himself. NEW LAW TAKES SUCH TO THE PEN Asylum Superintendent to Take 1 gal Advice In Classifying Wards Under New Act Esther and Chester Thompson Likely to Go. BEAUTIFUL WORK III THE- CONTEST Evening Star Grange, Mount Tabor, Wins Prizes and r ii Special Traise; STATE GRANGE MAY ; SIT ON SATURDAY Memorial Exercises and Pleasure ' . Trip Has Put Business Back Measure Proposed for ' Keeping Check on Commission Men. (Special DUpatea to The ff Tacorna. May 11W. R. Hurt, father of Mrs. Creffleld. wlfe of the Holy Roller who was killed by George Mitchell. 1 has called, at the Stellacoom Insane asylum to see if it is not pos sible to secur ths release of Esther " Mltchell.who killed her brother George "f ter his exoneration by a Jury for kill E-rhiAVw om; muted, to. th.jaeylum at herbal a itr .-... i-w oassed by tn. gisia-' t'llre.'wfc-ch. provides for . tha iucajcera-1 4fonortnosrcla.ed as rtmlnailyMn;1 ane in the stats penuenuary toWalla Walla. VMur1 ; Mitchell at the hands of the girt Hurt baa taken a deep interest in her and -.Iraa that sne ediii w - :1SS5.KtVf -Pen". the rjjmalnder o 1 in. Tmmd unbiianced by tt. tewhln f the Holy Roller. Hurt ;hit he is Vowarless to assist him in hU efforts; that while Esther Is much V improved since coming to the asylum, ih. is not yet in a condition to warrant i ber discharge as cured. DrTcalhoun is in a quandary as to what action he will take In complying ; with the law, wmcn w . vJSJ -.thin a few days. Most proba ?biy he Will s-k the state board of con. trol for Instruction and after .this is done it will be necessary for him to aecure a ruum v u7-. J eral, he : thinks, sb to which of those beta at the asylum as cr IminaHy insane shsll be sent . to prison. T h Hardly a queatlon that both Esther d Chester Thompson, who ! killed Judge George Mead Emory, will ; "be sent to the penitentiary. Lane Meeting Tonlg. Burnslde ft Grand. Burkhard's halL ' MURDERER PED HIS - ' SISTER ON NEEDLES r fi...i ttffuMil fterrlM.I ' Paris. May lu" xne t nragruiuai j conduct of a maiamed Gersaln who has tried to am ; nia -i -by forcing her to swallow pins and ;!..;.. it r.nnrted from 'Tassln, "in 1 h- inartnent of the Rhone. Neigh- bors heard Mile. Gersalnt pleading with her brother not to torture her. . The rlrl. when examined, declared that net brother lwd systematica mixed pins and needles- with her food, and had , lorced her to swallow them. The story - was at first discredited, but adoctor who was called declared that the girl was virtually 'a living pin cushion, ae succeeded in extracting 7i pins i.nd needles from 'I her ; body and it is now believed that she wiU recover - The brother and sWter inherited con siderable property ; from their parents, - the terms pf the wlli being that in the event of the death of one of them isll the estate should go to the survivor, The brotlfer has been arreated. . - Spring Ailments ' FimpleSi DOiJB, ' ecseiu uu vuuc Jpripaona, losa of ; appetite, that tired and neaaacoe, are .. ; They are aJI radically ; and perma nently cored by Hood' Saraaparilla.'v Thia v great 5 ' medicine thoroughly cleanses the blood' and restores healthy functional activity to the whole system. It makes people well. , , " I have been usipg Hood'a Sarsapa rilla as a spring medicine for teayearp, ; imd have never fotmd anything betteV, . John Flemings, Campbell Hall, N. Y. . Accept no substitute for V Hood's Sarsapbrllla ' Insist on bavtig Hood's. Get it today, liauid or tablet form, 100 Doses 1. ' (Speehl Dtopatek Tbe looms!) Hood Rlvjtr, Or May tl. Interest In : ths state grange meeting yesterday was centered in- the degree work and the literary and degree contests. These took place in the evening, .and resulted ss follows: Contest for literary work and attend ance: First district Evening star grange, Mt-Tabor, first tfrise, banner: Be? ver Valley grange,' Columbia county. Willi V.-.. . Second district Mllwaukls grange No. 168, flrat prise, banner. " t -4 Third district Hope grsnge, Alsea, Benton county, first prise, banner. Fourth district Oretown grange, Til lamook county, first prise, banner. Fifth district Blue Mountain grange. Ia Grande, flrat prise, banner. Degree Contest Hesvlta, ' The " decree contest results were ss follows: . ", ; ' ' First district Evening Star grange. Mt. Tabor, first prise, :0; Natal grange. Mist, Columbia county, second prise, lis. . Second district Harding grange, flrat prise, 120; Mllwaukls grange, second prise, $ IS; Garfield grange, Estacada, third prise. Its. . ' Fourth district Butts grange, Tl gardsvllle, Washington county, first prise, $20. . i The, report of the executive commit tee stated that several of . the' granges did not compete and that the .total cost of the prises -was $327.. The exemplification of the first and third degrees, which was given by Even ing Star grange, . is . said by , members to have been the finest ever given in the history of the order in Oregon, This work was put. on last night In stead' of the Pomona and Flora de grees, which will take place tonight Tax Beoommendations. At the afternoon session the report of , the assessment taxation committee was received. - The fart of It asking for the abolishing of the S per cent r bate was adopted, and that favoring the change of 'time, in paying taxes from April and October to July and Decern ber ( defeated. The debate against the continuation of the S per cent rebate was led by W. H. Dufur. A resolution rcommendtng the estab lishing of county grange committees to keep., members informed ss to th. re sponsibility and integrity ,r of commis sion men was adopted. The affairs, of the Oregon State Agri cultural college were voted to be in a satisfactory condition. . The state mas ter of the . grange and the state lec turer are members of the board or re gents of this institution. ,j ' . An amendment to the by-laws adopted provided tliat the ' organisation shall convene on the first - Tuesday In May hereafter- lnatead of the fourth.' After considerable discussion and a .close vote of 25 to 10, Eugene was selected as the next 'place to hold the annual meet ing of the grange, In preference to Cor- valllsvVf.f sp- 'm'v-V'v. U On the single district - system for electing member, of the legislature, the committee on legislation reported favor ably and recommended Its adoption. - It was made a. special order tor tn. open ing of Friday morning, session. Wilbur K. Newell, president of the sUte board of horticulture, was an in terested listener at the grange meet ings yesterday, - and also spent some time -studying - orchard 'v conditions In ths valley. v . ' acay Be a Saturday Session. , It Is thought by grange members that the session may have to be pro longed to Saturday, as much business is yet to "coma before the convention, Mid yesterday being a holiday, most of it waa spent in memorial exercise, and th. pleasure trip on. tne Mt. mooo rail road. , A Joint service was conducted by the O. A. R. and grange yesterday ;!n convention hall, after which, headed by the Hood River band, members of botn organisations marched to the cemetery and decorated the graves. - . , After the working of the Pomona and Flora degrees this evening a strawberry banquet will be given the -visitor. ; in the Masonlo lodge rooms, at Whicn mere will be cpeechmaklng and toasts. , . New England rejoices the ic. la going out of the lakes and rlvera' HOTIIEflllOOO . The first requblt. of a good, mother is good health, and th. ex perience of maternity should not be approached without careful physical preparation, as a woman who la in ' rood physical condition ransmita to her children the bleulngiof a good constitution: -. . -Preparation for healthy ' mater nity la accomplished by Lydia E. Fiakham's Vegetable , Compound, which is made from native roots and ' herbs, mors successfully than by any other medlcln. because it give, tone and strength "to the entire feminine organism, curing displacements, ul- ' ceratlon and inflammation, and the result is less suffering and ntore children healthy at birth. than thirty year. .,,...:- . .1 ;,; r :!;V'h Lydia E. Pinkham'sYegetabl Compound has been the standby of American mothers is preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMrs.JamesChester,of4J7 W. 88th St., New York says In this letter: Dear Mrs. Plnkham:-"I wish every expectant mother knew about LvdlaU. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned of its great value at this trying period of a woman's life urged me to try It and I did so, and I cannot say enough in regard to th good It did me, I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now.", ' .J-ydia E. Pinkhsm's Yf getablo Compound la certainly a sueceasful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, DrargingSensa tions, Weak; Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera' tions and Organ io Disease, of Women and is Invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. . , Mrs. PInkham's Standing Invitation to Women ' Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. flnkham, at Lynn, Mass. uer aavice ire.. MRVJAMES CHESTER For more SHIP WM1G-H0 IS 110 YEARS OLD V7 A. - V n ,JJswW'S!'wWJ(C' i :. : . ' . 1! 7 ' T. Chinese Pirate Chaser at the Oaks. An nt th most remarkable vessels vAr"hrnnht ' into this harbor is Ue Whang-Ho, a Chinese plrat. chaser that was built 110 years ago, at was oruug-n to this country for exhibition purposes and is moored at the Oaks. The ves sel contain, many of the relics of .Chi nese 'barbarism, Instruments of torture of frightful ingenuity. Unfortunates who were captured by , the government boat suffered terrible punishment and torture on these -machines.-. JAPANESE GEXEKxVL" : ; - v. IS HOST AT CHICAGO Baron Knroki Spare Jib Expense In Entertaining Americans Who Have Pleased. Him. y ' .' " ' , .1 Sn.i SprriM.t ' Chicago. May II, General Kurokl. did the honors at a banquet lvexi - ix Auditorium hotel laat night, to which SO or more' representative cltlsens 'of Chicago received Invitations.- Tne ut tle warrior, not to be outdone in hos pitality, having decided to play the host arranged tne axiair who uuv. . less extravagance. 1 , ; !,Mim la no object, ran ma m' .n.Minm tn his aide de camp. "Fifty yen 100 yen a plate. Chicago deserves nothing but the best." . Scenic artists at the Auditorium had transformed the banquet ball Into . a Japanese pagoda. Pale lavender . clus torm nf winturl-i trailed down from a deiinata lattice work, while gaudy Jap anese lanterns cast muroinauon ovw the assembly. .. The banquet was one or the most elaborate ever servea in vni cago. Wine cellars had, been foraged for rarest vintages and the most cob webby bottles. Priceless Schariachberg and Amonltallado were spilled In tokeu of goodfellowshlp.1 y T mi . 1 y'l;"-. KajrrXa. Speaka'-,' bS At big rally tonight, Burnslde & Grand. TANGLED TONGUES v 5 INVADE DALLAS -. .... i - - ,.--' i-1 ' (Special Dlspstek" te The JooraaL) ' rwii nr.. Ma II. The people in Dallas have been treated to a taste of the "Tongues of Fire." By rle Hanson, a girl who claims to' hsve acquired tho language from the sect here,' and with her- followers around J her has given a demonstration of the tongue to an inter ested street audience. She was preach ing fn common every'dayEngiiBh -with sealous fervor, when ' suddenly she branched off Into a language ' that eounded ltke a Slwash Jargon. This she kept up for about five minutes, much to th. ; entertainment of the Sidewalk audience. Tha members or tne sect ex pect to hold .meetings here. : , MINER EXHUMED DIES OF FKIGHT v ' (Special DUpateh' te The Jovmal.) : TTAiana.) MonU Mar II. As the s re sult of a cavo-in at 'the famous Hope mine at Basin Charles Collins, a miner, waa . caught beneath many.,tons of de bris. The rescuers war. more than sur nriaed. at the end of 17 hours' work," to And him absolutely uninjured, the tlm-,i Delicious Dishes . ; )S:vf;jnade'!.from; . c U t';V '5 . FOOD Entrees, faddfaga; Stitit, ' : P : v CrMdle Cakes,, etc.' Bd "ln Boad to WtHrH-e" ta'pkfs.: rn "There's ' Reason! r,:. ber. having protected him. BO great, however, wa. his fright, superinduced by his awful experience, that Collins decided to tske a lay-off. He went to Butte, w.her. ho dropped dead. Suits IIf 111 s rtne vuasa A; : SPECIAL feature of our Juvenile Department x this season is an unusually choice line of Wash Suits. We're showing three exceptionally swell models Peter Pan, Sailor Suits with straight' or bloomer trousers and Russian Suits. Plain colors with dainty trimmings and smart: effects m plaids, ; checks andraixturcs. 1 ? Wash Suits 50c to $6.00 Free with every Salt or Reefer, in wash or regular ttyle at $3.35 or over, choice of Baseball and Bat, Roller. Skates: or other desirable presents. ' - . .... , MKS. MASON SAYS ITS FUNNY TO BE RICH Wife of Heir to Silent Smith's For tune Will Astonish Natives With New Bonnets. . (Josrsal Social Serrlc.) Minneapolis. Minn.. May llj "Its funny to be Hch," sald,Mjrs. Gflujrt Spltf Mason, whoss husband inherited III. 000.000 from "SUenf Smith, a. she wooped down upon the shopping center. She had come In from Aberdeen. South Dakota, and before she hsd finished shs had actually spent 11.100 for new clothes,1 1800 for numerous" gowns and wslsts, lingere, etc. and 1200 for hats. This latter estravsganc will make Aberdeen, sit up and gasp, for breath, for they are still wesring poke bonnets In .-Aberdeen and every woman is ber own millinery creator. Mrs. Masort said she and her hus band considered they were simply cus todians of the great fortune and would not dissipate it in riotous living. She was quite positive, however, that they would travel -considersbly snd that her husband would dig no mors ditches or work again for a railroad company. Um Bally ToBigM. ' utkhard's hail. K. Burnsiue & Grand. HUSBAND DEAD v WIFE IN DANGER ' . . . " ., .'-'.",, (SpMlal Slapateb te The ooraal) Arlington, Or., May II. Cal Jordon, a prominent rancher of Blckleton, Wash ington, died suddenly yesterday at thl. place. .' HI. wlf. I. la a critical condi tion on account of tha .bock from hi. death., ":.)-', -r :.; More Hot Water at Boise. V Boise, Idaho, May II. Another flow of hot water has been struck her. by Herbert Perkins,, who are drilling welL The flow Is larg. and Is 110 de grees Tahrenhelt, and there la reason to believe it will equal that at tha fa mous Natatorlum. . ;: eashors and 7aaesiowm Xzporttloa.' : on low fare ticket, to Norfolk, going Or returning via New Tork, over Pennsyl vania Lines. 8o.d dally with long re turn limit Get posted through F. N. Kollock. Dint. AgU, 14 Stark St, Port land, Oregon. - ' '. Senator Oearla Speaks. Lane rally tonight. Burnsid. Grand. 4. Specials f qr Saturday The following interesting items for tomorrow only these being subject to delivery at our earliest convenience ... C --. ji ...t. r J - and for which we will not accept man, teiepnonc or v,. w. u. wuwb; Velvet Rugs Jiptifi iAijnpMMjijf 7 . Soecial : .45 't.,7 i -. ivUJVik,.-. A new rug, 27 by 54 inches, beautiful soft color effects, ten pat terns for your choosing Oriental designs medallion centers, etc. , Special for, tomorrow only in our Carpet Dept. Sixth floor In the Drapery Owing to our closing on Saturdays at 6 o'clock the specials of our Drapery Department will be offered during the day instead of in the even ings as heretofore. ' -C 4 ' ','.-1 .; :' 25c Table Oilcloth,1 48 inches wide, in white, marble or fancy de- r . . ! t f ' siens. per yard....... $2.00 Muslin Sleeping-Room Curtains with Batten,burg edge, or per pah .. ...... . v-vltW $2.25 Washable 'Table. Covers, 2 yards square, fringed, reversi- dl fA ble, colored blue and green, each . ...... .'. . . .... ... ......... J) 1 Oy $5.00 Couch Covers in heavy Oriental effects, 3 yards long, d0 Of? heavily fringed, each........ ........... . .. .... . DsCOv 7 . Oak Stools Special iB1.30 In the weathered finishstrongly braced, exactly like cut. One only to . each purchaser.'-, - ,; Y , Fish Net Hammocks In twt sizes. Special in! our Basement Department for, tomorrow only. Baby size Hammocks, Vach. I . .90c Fulltsi'ze Hammocks, each. .... .,$1.25 LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE SPRINKLERS BASEMENT DEPT. Ranges' $lDown $1 Week YOVtCftEDIT Jt(000 IC0MaETlW05E-FURm5HEI5gli Foldins Go-Carts Tro: :