The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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Dr. Withycombe Gives Ma-
rion Agriculturists Food
, ' for Reflection.
Vetch, Clover and Alfalfa Highly
f Valuable m jood and Soil-Build
. era Srnomla of Address at the
. Institute at Stayton
tttmelri DUiMtcb to The Journal.)
' Starton. Oiw May J.At tb Farm
ers Inatltuta held here Saturday, Dr.
James Withvcombe. director and a art
eulturlat at the Oregon Aa-rlcultural
college experiment atatlon, delivered an
addreaa on "Forage Cropa.", of , which
the following ia a synopsis:
u "Foracs planu are arrow n for two ape
clal purpoeea flret for the maintenance
of livestock, and aecond for their bene
ficial effect upon the eon, Doth chem
, Ically and phyalcally.
i : The Hat of forage planta ta larre and
affords the farmer a very wide range
for selection, but mainly a few will suf
fice for all practical needa in. western
Oregon. Common vetch (Vlcla- aatlva)
la unquesttonsbly the moat valuable for
, age plant when Ha wide range of
adaptability, lta value . aa stock food
and lta good ' ef efcta on ' anil fertility
, are considered. Thla - plant la eaally
grown, la very rich la protein, and high
ly palatable to all claaaea of atock.
1 "Red and alalke clover are atandard
forage crop and have a wide field of
, usefulness. The alalke la , eapeolally
valuable for the heavy clay aolla usu
ally dealgnated aa "white land.' Wher
ever the clovera will grow, they ahould
be Included ta the rotation cropa of ttye
zarm, -
Alfalfa' Heavy Tleld.
' "While climatic and soli eondltlona
may not be altogether favorable to al
falfa la the. Willamette valley, there la
. too question that thla plant la deatlned
to become , an Important factor In the
agriculture of thla section, . ; Eapeolally
will thla be evident on the dairy" farm
for the supply of green and aucoulent
feed during-the aumroer monthe. The
experiment , atatlon haa . been growing
thla forage 'for several tears for. the
purpose of soiling the dairy herd. . A
-field of , two -acres has been i cut It
times In five years without 'Irrigation.
This field 1 haa yielded : aoma seasons
nearly 10 tons of green feed per acre.
We began cutting thla field this season
on the first day of May, and the first
cutting is yielding at the rata of 13
tone of green feed. per acre, t ...
, Importance of Winter re dins'.
"For a general rotation system, ex
elusive of the grasses, the farmer will
make no mistake if he grows vetch,
clover ' and ' alfalfa for hay and for
green summer feed, and' thousand-head-.
d kale for winter succulent feed. .' To
provide against any possible failure In
the supply of kale from freezing ". It
would be well for the dairyman to either
grow some roots or put up aome alias
to be fed in case the kale la not avail
able. In an ordinary winter, however,
kale can be fed from the open feld, aa
this forage plant will eaally withstand a
severe freeze. . .
There la. unfortunately. . altogether
too little vetch and clover hay grown rn
- the average farm. If an abundance of
this hay vera grown and fed Judiciously
to all classes of livestock on the farm,
and especially to aheep, w ahould be
spared, the sickening spectacle '.: Of
starved and dead aheep all through this
matchless valley during the winter
months. X very large proportion of the
aimcujtiej or our livestock In the win
ter season la due to a want of proper
food and ahelter. If our calves, aheep
and goats were fed aome nicely cured
vetch, clover or alfalfa hay aarly 1n the
reason, when the grass becomes lnnu
trltloua, they would escape may dUl
cultlee anJ go through the winter in
excellent condition.
: Parting1 Adviee o Parmera,
"My advice to the farmer la to-grow
vetch, clover, alfalfa, kale, eta Feed
these forage crops to well-bred , live'
stock' and the farm will not only be
come more remunerative, but the gr r-
Ing of these forsge crops will lay the
foundation for larger succeeding crops,
and thua accomplish what ahould 'be .he
ambition of every farmer to make Ms
farm steadily, richer rather than poorer,
"For detailed Information aa .to the
methods of growing these forage cropa
see bulletin No. 91 of the Oregon ex
perlment station,' a copy of which' can
be secured by addressing a card to the
director of the , experiment atatlon at
Corvallla.- - -r ' ' . .
tv mvrifYV a a vTrna
Former Ice-President of Sionx
,. 1-
' City Bank Accepts Good '
- ' Position Here.
J. P. Myera, recently vice-president of
the Farmers' Loan: A Trust company at
Sioux City, Iowa, has been appointed to
fill ' the vacancy In the management of
the Oregon Trust A Savings bank oc
casioned by the resignation of George
Estes. Mr. Myers comes to the coast
highly recommended, having been sig
nally successful in the bsnklng business.
A sew bank stock department has
been added to the bualnass of the Ore
gon Trust aV Savings bank. Thla, to
gether with the bond department, will
be under-the- complete management of
Mr. Myera. George Estes, whose po
sition ho will occupy, resigned to 'take
a position ss manager of the Pacific &
Eastern railroad, now' building from
Medford to Crater Lake.
Mr. ' Myera haa been familiar with
banking since he waa 1? years of are
and haa had much experience In the or
ganisation and management. of banka.
Within the last five year ho haa been
prealdent of four Minnesota . national
and atate banks and until a short time
go waa still Interested In the concerns.
He -organised and personally conducted
two of them. The Sioux City bank he
leaves Is the only Institution In the
state of Iowa with a 11,000,000 paid up
capital. : . .-'i
The sew officer of the Oregon Sav-
Inga bank haa been on the coast three
months. , two of which were spent - In
Seattle. ' Ha haa ImnMiMt faith In tk
prosperity of Portland and believes the
Portland boom la more atable than that
of Seattle. While not srolnr on record
aa to the future of the two cltiea, Mr.
Myers aald that "ho air" waa the prln
cipal asset of the sound city and the
aaatern capitalist is Just beginning to
learn it " -
ire StadVata, Wo Cocaine, JTo Oas.
We Challenge the World
we win rorreu ll.woo : o . any
charitable Institution for any Den
tist -.who can compete with us In
crown and bridge work, or teeth
without plates. Pay no fancy fees
until you nave eonsuuea ui. uuri
continued suocess - in . our many of
fices la due to the uniform high-
arade work done bv rears of experi
enced 'operators. The prices quoted
below are absolutely tne beat oppor
tunity to aet your money's worth
which haa ever been offered. Wo use I
nothing but the best matsrlale.
PRICES Until May ; 31st
est silver nuufi.'. ,,. bos
Platinum tUUaga .............. .f 1.O0
Sold aad Platinum alloy fillings flJIS
ooid nuiags .......... aa.oo to aa.ooi
white Zoran erown....... U.00
Oold orowaa, beat SSk, extra
tooth, beat
heavy .
Brlda-e work, per
Beat Bubber Plato. B. 8. white
teeth aa,oo
Alnmlnum-Uaed Plata.... $10 to $18 1
A binding guarantee given with all I
work lor to yeara.
I v tifMi0 m ciwwiw w nrvn
Used only by us for Painless Bxtra
tloa of teeth, oc, -
Bead What Krs. Jesals Zvel Says. I
I had 13 teeth . extracted by the
use of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely
painless-"-the .-most - pleasing effect
and highly recommend the method.
xours truly,
-- "MKS. s'ESSia LEVEI
Lalett, Oregon. , .
mrovm noni
And those anTllcted with heart weak
ness can now have their teeth ex-1
traded and filled without the least
pain whatever. . ,
Chicago Dental Parlors
JT. W. Cor. Sixth aad Washington.
The largest and best eaulnned I
venial esi&Diisnment in ine worth-1
west. Seventeen ofllces In ths United I
Biates. ' -
See that you are In the rlaht offlea.
upen ounaay t to i.-
Pay .from $ t '".95 to $5.
for Boys' Suits
! . . - .,..! ",,-; " " -
, And Get a Base Ball and Bat
or Catcher's Mitt Free
Such suits will cost you least
from $2!50 to $6.50 '
in the high frent district
Suits that are dressjr and will
stand the wear
Boys' Wash Suits
of all styles, jyst the thing for vacation time
as low as '
.... . ' ;
r-.V-'v.-V '?'.'?: V.:;,,f.v.'i-;cf;-v-
I , I ' ' "
. V 7 V J . :
: J .V S rr 4
structed to look cut for him. Grave
feara are entertained for his safety,
ana it is penevea no may nave been
kidnaped... vlt la aald that hla father la
a deputy United Btatea marshaL
When You See It in Our Ad It's So
, Joe El vera, aged yeara, haa bean
missing from bis homo at 768 Hoyt
street, since xuesaay morning. May 33.
On that day he left home to ao to
achool at Nineteenth and Savler streets,
and nothing has been heard from him
since. The boy's mother la alck at
St Vincent's hospital, and waa not at
homo when he disappeared. Ha la de
scribed as having dark brown eyea and
hair and had hla hair cut short Hs
wore gray knee pants, a -blue i blouse
with a white stripe and a cap. Sev
eral detectives are working on the caae,
and all the patrolmen have been In-.
Maaamas and young people of Uni
versity Park and their friends will walk
ovar the skyline trail and have a picnic
lunoh on Inspiration knoll next Satur-I
day afternoon and evening. The party I
win asaemoie at eaat end or Willamette
helghta bridge at 3 o'clock, each one
bringing lunch and a eup and aooon.
Coiiee win be provided. Baaketa and
wraps not required on the walk will
be aent to the knou by oonveyance. In
vitation to Join la extended to all who
would enjoy a tramp through Macleayl
Two Stores
3rjfl & Oak
ada, aa route' to Japan. Be haa on-
gaged paaaaga to sail from Vancouver
(Journal Special Rerriea.1 Ion Jnne 10 and will m,taiMnH km
Ottawa, Ont., May 31. A cable dla-1 little time to anend In raniulL It I.
patch from London aaya that Prince hoped, however, that he may bo able
Sadanaru Pushlml, the Japanese prince, to make brief atopa In the larger cltiea
who has been making a state visit to throuah which ha tusea nn m.
English royalty, the paat few weeks, J across the continent. In whloh event he
salla from Liverpool today for Caff-1 will be received - with ; all h. kAnAr.
accorded a sovereign or ruler of a great
power. ' ' (
Prince Pushlml Is a member of . e
second branch of the Japanese Imperial
family, and a cousin of the, mikado. He
was born In .1163 and In 18(4 fought
hard for the Japanese - flag ' agalnat
China. Two yeara later ha was In Bt
Petersburg for the coronation of the
present cafer, and the whirligig of time
placed him before Port Arthur, bent bn
crushing the- might ef hla former hos.
Iu 1104 Prince Pushlml conducted one
of the most sanguinary combats before
the fall .of ort Arthur, the battle of
Nanahan. He waa created general and
member of the aupreme council of war.
and after the end of the war 'ha repre
sented Japan at the Bt
tloa , ... X:
Louie exposi
tor any pain, from top to toe, from
anv eauee, apply Dr. Thomaa' Ecleotcjo
OIL Pain can't stay where It Is used.
Prefsrred Stock Oanaed Oooda.
AUen A Laarla Beat BranA
rais., . -in- up ,
. , , . . . i .
i : I - ' . , - - ' .
t !
:.. . . .. ...... V
.V. 'I
jPHINK'OF IT! A HOME FOR A DOLLAR A WEEK! Withinthe reach of everyone and on
terms that no one will miss. Then your, home-will only be twenty-two minutes, by, two car
lines, from the business center of the city, and your scenic surroundings will be unsurpassed We
are anxious that you should know about our "Special Proposition," which is limited, seeor phone us today. .
1: The Curliss Company
.1 Phones ; ;A2699, Main 699 . .
WANTEDTcn more teams and
, : drivers to work in Berkeley.
Fifth Floox: Swetland Building
rnones: azsii, Main 339