The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from Faga One.)
aeata on the Jury thai thy might give
(. their votes to railroad the three "mar
''tyrs'' of this, ."conspiracy.'!..,,
Lropvltur Sombre Air.
Even Mm . of the attorney! of the
defense wera eombre In their forebod-
" ' lnga of the desperate and dactardly
spirit of the town. 'They are doing
what they can to keep, a solemn fae
-,on It otlll: It magnifies1 the vaat diffi
culty of their tank. But tt doea not go
now quite aa well as It did. In fact,
to do them Justice,) they are dropping
ii It themaelvea.
v A Jury would have been achieved front
the flrat venire If the defenae had not
1 driven man after man away by search
John Nugent.
' Ins; croaa examinations that not evm
Solomon could have withstood, but
when the second venire waa -empaneled,
. the new Jurors, by diligent reading of
the , newapaper . reports, had crown
" . wise" and evaded service by, .most dex
, teroualy. misrepresenting their own
. characters. . Two days' experience with
that v second venire proved clearly
enough that the men Of Boise and Ada
Mover and Pettibone and Haywood. It
made It evident that "conspiracy" to
railroad theae three men waa a legal
fiction,, invented In, the - interest of
Iargr fees or the wild Imagining of
eastern enthusiasts. . ; .,
. - Tenlremea rirn.
- -..But this third venire of tl Just com--pIeted
by Sheriff Hodgln baa gone on
; better i than the second. - The second
Ked to get' off : these 61 men of the
third have fought to keep-of f. It has
been the sheriffs deputies and not the
Oatandvats who have faced danger In
.Ada county. ; 7'h . weather , haa been
.vijr . vrarm and aomewhai dusty and
' ,M.6a. eounty . la . extenalve and the rest
dnfs Ada eounty are atrong of arm
JUuf iastyv aaa, toey neve mi snown
vivid dttermlnatlon to light,-run, hide
or do -almost anything to escape the
warrants summoning them to Jury
service. . . ; .',,,-
One deputy earns home grinning and
' bandaged, the bandage being quick re
pair' made ' necessary by the asaault of
a' farmer's shovel. ' The other deputies
v suffered less severely, but every one of
them. came home worn out and des
' perate. Truly the people of Ada county
' v are ' taking a novel way of ; showing
.' their hatred of theae accused men.
Conspiracy Vendors Bitter.
; Yesterday the vendora of this Idaho
. 'conspiracy" atory were made still
! more bitter. They looked upon the ar
; reet of the Socialist Duncan as an
event that would show the brutality of
, the authorities.
, Duncan is a fool, of course, but a fool
with an automatlo gun, and a carving
knife and a pair of sneakers, and a
bunch of skeleton keys In a gunny sack,
might be awkward. I think , I know
how Chief Gritsmacber of Portland
would handle an apparition sot that
kind. And the several brands of So
delists here looked forward for some
thing very dreadful to scream over In
the treatment of Duncan. ' But. bless
you, they were sadly disappointed. In
stead of nutting htm In chains or fan
nlng him out of town. Chief Francis of
Boise Just petted and cossetted Duncan
like some child who had lost Its mamma.
Shriek for Yenfsaaoe.
And, lo, now it is the different branda
of Socialists who are shrieking for
vengeance upon Duncan. For the flrat
time in Boise they - are unanimous.
They want to put down Duncan. One
of them demanded that he be examined
by a lunacy commission. Another
cries that if he is aet frea the Uvea of
Socialists will be in danger. Another
walks the streets yearning for life tm
prlsonmcnt Of Duncan. They have
grown almost bloodthirsty about tne
i poor loon. But dear. Indifferent Boise
thinks Duncan is Just a fool, who has
converted himself Into a little arsenal,
and Bolae doesn't care,
And It might Juat as well be said
here and now In plain English that
Moyer. Pettlbona and Haywood are in
no danger of an unfair trial from any
county of Idaho, and from Ada county
least of all. If the legal methods of
securing a Jury were leaa antiquated
and hypothetical you could pick up any
11 men of Idaho tomorrow and they
would give these men a fair, square
deal. They might, perhaps, vote to take
Harry Orchard's admission of his own
guilt' for granted and hang him out of
hand; but they certainly are abowlng no
animosity and. little Interest In these
Western Federation ofllciala.
The vaat aum apent In securing these
14 counael for the defense has been so
much money thrown away. f-Ort the sup
position that they are Innocent, It la a
fact that John Nugent alone could
bava cleared them. . ,
sTugent Is Sound Lawyer.
Little has been said In the papers
about Nugent He la a man without a
shop window." Ha understands the
men of thla state as Richardson and
Darrow do not. He Is familiar with ths
forms and practices of the courts of
Idahoand they are not Hs Is very
downright and upright tooand blunt
and honest a sound lawyer and a plain
American, who could successfully da
fend any Innocent men before any
American Jury, and before a Jury of
Idaho especially. There arc no frills
about him. He isn't in the leaat pic
turesque. Hs doaan't know much about
Tears sgo hs went to Australia and
worked In Coolgardle as a mining en
glneer m the days when that mining
camp waa hell with the lid on. He
would flght this case to a finish, and
fight It like a man. And If he were
beaten ha would take his beating like
man, too. But he sits Just now a si
lent spectator to this unfolding drama
and his voles Is only heard In court
when hs comes to ths rescue of his
brother counsel, who are Ignorant of lta
forms. But he Impresses us mors and
more every day as ths still, strong man
of the defenae, whose battle ax will
come swinging Into ths fray If ever
it comes to ths flght of a forlorn hope.
Twenty Head Illness.
At noon today we haven't touched
the skirts of tragedy yet or even melo
drama. It'a Just pure farce. And, If
another venire has lo be sought, it Is
not tne prisoner, tne men
will be wanting to hang,
ties of Sheriff Hodgln.
Thla morning out of -61 veniremen
aummoned. 10 of them filed un to t.i
Judge's desk, asking to bf excused from
Jury service. They were lusty men and
hearty to look at, hut appearances be
come deceptive In Boise. - aince the
trial began. Because they were, as
ons man In assuring the court of their
aeorepit condition, to begin with, they
were all deaf. They asserted In loud
and eager tones, that they were unable
to hear any .ordinary tones. But they
heard acutely every word tha court or
counsel said. When the deaf plea failed
ons man r.fter another in the remain
der of the 19 developed a new plea.
All Had Old Mothers.
"Though the nlsht be dark and the
wind cold," Borah whispered to Hawley,
"remember you have still another," and
tha reluctant venireman remembered. '
They told the court that they all had
mothers, poor old mothera, auch dear
old mothers, sick old mothers, ailing
and weak and needing so badly their
aons summoned by the brutal deputy
for that venire. It Bounded for all the
world like a recital of -one of W. W.
Jacobs - Thames wateraida stories. But
It did not go with tha court Ths deaf
heard. The dutiful sons grinned and
forgot the dear old mothers they had in
vented. . ,! . '
Ths crowd In the courtroom laughed
aloud.. It was funny. Good Lord de
liver us, Jut It waa funny, and William
D, Haywood sat lounging In his chair,
large and. thoughtful, with his wife and
daughters beside him, looking as though
they were .the speotatora In the aids
boxes of a theatre.
If the ahadow of a gallows was there
In that room,' It waa a vague shsdow.
Haywood alone refrained from laughing.
Tha cheerful polish aeems to be wear
ing off of him. His step Is not so light
aa It waa.
Xaywood Zs WorrlsdV
Ths worn lines are deepening In his
face. Veniremen lie and spectators
lauah. and tha lack of formality and
brevity" and legal, methoda developa
farce only too often, but there Is clear
ly no humor in it for Haywood. Even
the appearance of the veniremen who
hid In a haystack and bad to be dug out
with a pitchfork by a dsputy, had no
Joke In it for Haywood.
And when the first venireman, Kion-
ardaon, who waa called to the Jury seat
announced that hr-wa born In "the
land of honest men and bonnle lassies"
everybody laughed by Haywood. The
Show might be funny for tha Idle pub
lic, but it la not funny for him. Only
when the defenae sxsrclsed Its seoonJ
last peremptory and excused Harmon
Cox did Haywood am lie at aa Harmon
Cox waa Darrow's failure. Instead of
admitting defeat on Monday when he
tried to remove cox Tor cause, aa Being
biased, Darrow commenced pleading
with tha prosecution to consent to his
removal from tha Jury. The pros ecu
tion naturally refused that and Darrow
took hla defeat badly.-
But when a peremptory was "waated"
on Cox thla morning Haywood smiiea.
Then the smile vanished aa one venire
men followed another in a point-blank
assertion that they had formed an un
qualified opinion In the caaa and were
unable to do Justice to the defendant
Haywood, and there la no uae predict
Ing ws will get a Jury from this present
venire of 61 men.
Tha court will sit today and tomor
row morning, artarnoon ana nigm in
the effort to exhaust this venire
quickly, and aa, at tha time of writing,
each side, haa one peremptory left
there Is lust a chance that the jury
may be filled by tomorrow, and tha ease
opened on. Monday, nut it is oniy a
But Now ths, Craxy Dutchman Soils
I David's HOI for 8mH
Fortune). -"
--s (apteisl ' Wspsteh; to The JoaraaL)
Forest Orove, May I0.F. W David,
tha pioneer vlneyardlet of Washington I
County, who has made wine and con
ducted hia farm on tha hill bearing hla
name for the paat 10 yeara, haa Just sold
hla place to Grant Bailey of Centerviiie, '
California, for 16.600. - .--.
Mr David came hers In 1ST0 from
California and got the place for almoat I
a aong. At that time everybody Qootea
and scoffed at ths Idea of tilling auch i
land and called David "the crasy Dutch- i
man" But ha had Implicit faith In tha
soli and haa reaped rich fruits aa tha
reault of his labor and wladom. To- !
day David la worth thouaanda of dollara
while many who acof fed at him are still
working for paltry wages. -
No better location In tha whole stats
can be found for prunea and trapes
than Davld'a Hill. And aeveral have
followed the lead of Mr. David. The
wine, produoed at Router's on tha hill
has won medala at tha Paris exposition. I
Buffalo, Charleston. St Louie and Chi
cago, while ths grapes from Andersons,
Petersons and Holshtres have been
shipped all over tha country and re
ceived tha very highest prices on ths
While' Mr. David will move from tha
hill to hla little farm near Forest Grove
David's Hill wl never be known by
any other name. People coming to thla
city have been greatly Impressed with I
the. scenic beauty of tha surrounding
country and Davld'a. Hill haa been one
of the leading beauty spots to leave It 1
Impress upon the pilgrim's mind. Ths
namt will probably be always associated
with tha place.
(Continued from Page One.)
' Senator (Harts Speaks.
Lane rally tonight Burnalde Grand.
Stong and Vigorous After
I: Forty-eight Years Married Life
" f x Vs s '
. - - v- v i -
, , s S " - X f , 1
'.?'. , 0 , 'O N , J
, . -C"
f yltWfrX f
the detectives for suspecting Collins of I
tha holdup and murder la the fact that
ha anawers In . detail the description
furnished by Motortnan Hull. In addi
tion, ha waa found In possession of a I
light blue silk handkerchief, aueh i
was used as a mask by the murderous
highwayman. Collins la unable to ax
plain where ha was after p. to. on
Monday and has been In the habit dui
Ing tha paat week of not retiring until
the early hours of tit morning.
Tha statements published that a Colt's
automatlo t8-caliber revolver was found
In possession of Collins and that he had
tt mntmT -n-r rmtr t i iro wouna on m nwa wnr xiuu cuuma
US 1 U W JN X KJto I y U U&. 1 0 to have struck tha footpad with a rock.
according to tne police are untrue.
uoinns waa subjected to a severe
'sweating" after his arrest and again
thla morning, but admitted nothing that
Implicated Un in tha crime. Collin
Is exceedingly nervous and trembled vio
lently when examined by the detectives.
His statements . aa to his movements
while In Portland and about hla paat
are vacua and uncertain and ha appears
anxloua to evade throwing any tight on
his paat history. -
According to Patrol Driver Graves.
Collins made a practice of Bleeping
during the day and remaining away
from his rooms the greater portion of
the night He haa been In this city
since January and clalma to have been
employed as a concrete worker. That
he has not been steadily employed ia
testified to by a man who roomed with
him for three weeks, during which time
It ia sold that Collins did not do any
manual labor. . -
Inspector Bruin and Captain Slover,
accompanied by Patrol Driver Gravea
visited Collins' room last night during
the abaence of the supposed bandit and
made a careful search for a weapon.
Nothing but a pair of overalls, a ahlrt
and; a. pair of ahoea were found In the
apartment and tha officers then decided
to await Collins' return.
About 11:46 p. m. he put In an ap
pearance and was promptly placed un
der arrest The prisoner made no at
tempt at resistance and readily ac
companied the detect! vea to headquar
ters. Upon Interrogation he stated
that he was In the United 8tates navy
for four years and waa dlacharged In
September, 1906. He declared that he
waa a native of Massachusetts, but
from two letters from a woman found
In hia room it haa been established that
hia home Is In Auburn, Maine. From
the tenor of the communications It la
Inferred that Collins waa compelled to
leave the New England state owing to
some serious trouble. t
When questioned 'this morning ty In-
snector Bruin as to his movements
Monday niaftt, Collins stated that dur
ing the early, part of the evening he
was in the company or one irony, a
former shipmate, and visited several sa
loons In the north end. From t p. m.
until ho retired; which was about J a.
m., Collins is unable to .remember where
he spent his time. He cannot give the
Dunkarda, homeward bound from the
late Los Angeles convention, who were
delayed by the burning of a bridge In
the Slskyous, are due to arrive In Port
land between 4 and 6 o'clock this after
noon. The uunkarae win remain in
Portland two days. They will take a
trolley ride over the city late thla aft
ernoon. Tomorrow tney win maxe a
trip up the Columbia to Cascade locka.
The visitors will leave for Seattle Sunt
day. Tha delegation ia in charge of
Gordon G. Noble, southeastern paasen
erer aaent for the Lehigh road, and sec
retary. of the American Association of
-".'" " T I Traveling-. Passenger agents.
?n,rf W'hls plana that the party
, but the deru- is'sDsnaifti' longer time, In Portland
than in other cttiee of the northwest.
Mr.-Gordon was a delegate to Portland
from the agent' association In 1906
aurmg m exposmun. ,: .. t,
- Boat Miss ths Zaos Bally.
Tonight East Burnalde Grand are.
Vancouver, B. C, May, SI. Bella
Doman, aged 10, of Grand Forks. B. C,
who la an epileptic subject and auffera
from fits of excitement and passion,
killed her l-year-old aister Emma yes
terday when, aa the reault of a dispute
In the kitchen, Bella took up a piece
or stovewood and threw it at Emma,
striking her under the left ear. Death
ensued within five minutes. Mrs. Do
man and) two other daughters were In
the house at the ttme of the tragedy.
Mr. and Mrs. . Emery S.
n . , i t ,. , . I ne spent, uin nino. ii vwmut w
dOUtnWlCK, Of WOOnSOCket, R, address of a, single saloon which h
. .-.,. . ... 1 entered' of the names of any persons he
i., have been married ,48 years,
and are still hale and hearty,
and owe their old age and vigor
Mr. Southwick wrote on Sept
10th, 1906:
met in his drinking bout. The prisoner,
however, states that shortly after 9
o'clock- he entrusted 63 to some bar
tender for safe keeping but cannot give
tha location of ths resort where the
man ia employed. rl
r T U..11 th wrtitno mntflrmin
tO Duffy's Pure Malt WhiskeV w,n endeavor" to Identify Colllna as the
It is said that Colllna pawned aev
eral artlclea in one of the Third street
second hand stores but when asked to
give the location of the place the sus
pect pleaded Ignorance., It Is a theory
of the police mat ir , tney nava tne
made today
of all the pawnshops ln.the. lower end
of town.' : . ; '
Chief Grltamacher has had printed
several hundred circulars offering 11,
000 reward for the arrest of the mur
derer of Conductor Nevius. which will
be mailed to - every police department
in the United States and Canada. The
description of the bandit aa given by
"I deem it sufficient to say that ritrht .unao
, , J V disposed of his revolver to a
1 nave Used Duffy S Malt Whiskey broker. Aaearch is being madi
and have' received marked benefit
from it. If I live till the 10th of
October I will complete my 72 years
and I guess I shall. I have been
married 48 years and my wife and
I both Owe our health and vieor to Motorman Hull, the history of ths erlme
automatic Colts revolver taken from
an expressman on May 22, at Front and
Everett atreets, by two highwaymen.
your Malt Whiskey
Mr. and Mrs. Southwick are like
many thousands of men and women
throughout the United States who
owe their vigor, strength and long
life to the great Tonic Stimulant
and Renewer of Youth, Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey, and join in extolling
, its' merits. ;i ' J
IS an absolutely pure, gentle and- Invigorating
Fi!! i t0 lh.t brn fenlt.h na elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood.
tissues,- tones up tha heart,
If K.1n. 1nA ..tin. 11 t
I, , , . : . . j w wv 1U mm I ituiiva. k V v.wm. u. lit,, iu.v ...iuii m.
i. . "V ' i "'i""""" veneci ana enabica you to get from tne road you eat tne nourishment it contains.
It is Invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and eickly children, as It Is a food already digested. Itatrength-
w f"iBy," vromoter of good health and longevity, makes the old young and keep the young strong., Duffy's -Pure
Malt Whiskey ia recognised as a medlcln everywhere, f This la a guarantee, -y ,-XT . . ; .., v
T1 r druj-ii rts, rrpptrm and Asalara, or direct, In sealed bottles oalyt never in bulk. rrloe SX..-'. Insist on tha ,
irrrf .""Ti. . - vnTO" wane-mark la on tha label. Beware of refllled bottles and , svartons malt
. -" . . y w . . . f unuiM aeaiara. ' Tosy- ars poawvsiy nannxui aa
mwww miui mi nvvwt hhw ii, juK7 sMM nrnuasj
supposed to have been tha street car
robbers, are the main featurea embodied
in the circular.
The Dalles, May St. -Memorial day
was observed In this city as n general
holiday. A large number of eitliens
spent a portion of the day at the cem
etery decorating the. gravea of relatives
and friends. - At 10 O'clock the G. A. R.,
numbering 17 veterans of the civil war,
formed at their hall and followed by
members or, tne w. K. (J... proceeded to
ths Odd Fellows' cemetery, escorted by
The Dalles band and a guard of honor of
Company: D, O. N. G. Special music
waa fumlehed by the - Congregational
eheJtv " , ; .' - - . . - .
Oo BoehMter, X. X
asd wiU not axe ZUus
In the matter of fancy stock It IS
doubtful if any county In Oregon can
beat Benton in competitive ' exhiblta.
says the Corvallls Times. Benton farm
ers .are progressive and . have been
t 1 ' JsjsjpsisianaasnjBj(B-Ai . . ,
The sort that retain their color and shape
ENDLESS VARIETY is here for your
choosing now assortment will be broken
PRICE $1 to $6
Exclugive Styles .
The WcwYort
165 and 167V2 FIRST STREET
Correct Slylcs:
Lowest Prices
Easiest Terms.
WeTrnst Yon,
Pay as Yon Can,
A Utile a Week.
Special Saterday
New Summer Shirt $f a
Waist Suits for . :M Week
. Women's $30.00 Suits $13.85
(Actual value.) A few more left , Why pay more?
Why , pay cash when here it'a
These Pretty Lace Waists
Valuee $4.00' to $15X)0 Special Saturday at
One Fourth Off K
Choose Your Smart1 and Stylish Summer Milliner;
now priced, -without reserve
through the stocks. Of course you'll remember this fact. You f fj WCClC
16 and I67i
First Street
Hie New York Outfitting Co.
Portland's Reliable and Leading House Where Your Credit la Good.
165 and 167$
, first Street
It isn't much itself; but it
makes a good breakfast
of common materials. ;
Toar rroeer rehires year none II roe 4ea't
like Schillings Bests ws pay hits. '
V t'AaAAiatataataaaaaaaaaaa tittitttAAtAAA" a a
t eejv "'a' fa1 ww ?fTf ww f ???? f ??f ? ? eve vv f f f 1 1 vf vfe
(Continued from Pae One.)
woman that cone war o making sure of
Mttina Ural's ! watea is to nave mm
sent to tne roekplla on a charge of faU
ins to support, and the county will pay
her IL80 for each day he Ja there. The
little woman believed " that this would
be a beneficial metnoa after havlnc
been deserted three times, and said aha
would. M9 to tha office of the district
Improving their hards for a long time. attorney this aXteraooa to swear t an
Is the most popular place in the city these days of summer ?
heat. The man seeking a cool summer shirt knows he can
' . ' find jt at Jhe , . ' , ,
Phone Main 1087 1 291 Stark St, Bet. Fourth and Fifth ;
Information agalnarher huaband. '
Mrs. ursi does not want -a ' divorce
bow. Bhe aays she prefers to let mm
go to ths rockplle for a time, -and if
he reforms' while there aha will for
give him and take him back again. If
the rockplle doea n6 good, then aha will
seek relief In the divorce court. .
Ursi Is 81 years old and Mrs. Ursi
19. They were married 11 years ago
In Italy, when Mrs, Ural, than.. Maria
Alesai, waa a large-eyed maiden of- 17.
They live at tit Sheridan atreet .
Ia M. Davla, I on ballot, stands for
good morals and AscencY '