The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Movement Is on Foot to Make a . Uni
form Commission Charge of Ten Per
Cent in the .City's; Wolesale District.1
Weather Conditions Forcing
Fruit to Maturity Much
jv , :Too;FastJ:
Principal market feature today: '':-, '
: Weather cook etrawberrle.
Fight on In cantaloupe.
Haiti supply pot a toe remain. 1
. ' California fit ar In market.
Tiro car orange in. 4
Four can bananas da tomorrow.
1..' JVo nlmoa in market tbl mora Inf.
l Aaparafo aeaaon on lb wao.
flutter market hold at top.
' Mixed ton remain tn eft.
Uenry Miller talk of twip.. .
' ' ' Weather OaoU StrawWrTW.
Strawberry rrower who were In tb elty
.''.. tbl Donilnc etata that the rrero hot wetbf
' a reefer daf cooked larft per cent of the
. rrawberriaa. Oondttloni wen web that the
fralt ripened seTeral time aa faat a tbe
could be bandied by the email number of pick
er. Condition are not local, for they exlat
the aame at Hood Hirer aa in tbe section
nrtonndlnc thla city. . Manager Holme ' el
tbe local cannery stated thla moraine that he
itwlk-eed tb crop would be about an treraire
one., btit a lane per cent or it wwra aii
1 probability go wU becana of premelnre
rtDenlnf and tb lack or. picaer.
Aloof the etreet tbia mornlnf there w a
! wide ran 'fit opinion anions tb dealer re
firdlof the (trawberry outlook. ,7 Bom bettered
.'that the market we Jower becaiu tb
' warmer weather,, whfl other were equally
'Mettle that -tb price, should rung htcher
Serene of th larger demand ana tn eponeo
-rapplle. Three two view of th condition
T were reflected by tb wide difference to, price
j i4. Rom berrle of Under llty 'were
Bold at ralore ranflna from ll.TB to 2 t Crete
,-for lea, white is other inetance tb am mil
bransbt 82.25 and 88 when bandlea ay etner.
; To fact that two day train wr do ewer
" ; tb Boutberd Partfl within a few boar tht
. enernoon win uieiy caoao iuriu.
j. tJone and perhap lower price UUr la th day,
!' ,:. riant a la Cantaloupe. .
Ttere la a flxht on for th rantaloap trad
- ... '. . ' . . . 1 .
Of thl eetlon. jjrawiey, ts roe imprn t,
'. toy of California, Dow prodncM the beet "cant"
et from that state to thla market. rf 4
Pon of thl. city are th anient of tb Brawley
Cantaloup Grower" aaaoclatlon, -white Seat-
! tte firm. J.' B. Powle Co ba ncored eon-
trol of (hipment to b mad by a man named
iToaretoo, eeld to be pealatar and not
1 (-rower. Th Brawley aeeoclattoo ba been
! ahipplnf ''cant" to thl elty for orer a week
t Pure,' white 1 tb northern arent eipect
, their flrat lot tomorrow. Th Seattle firm,
"recornixtaf th fact could not aell tb
' fruit here I tee If becaoa of tb prejudice
atalnat ' northern dealer, ha appointed tbe
'. W. B. Olafk company,. Bell a Co., Ury
Rpleirf and Mark Levy et Co. a local neoaiera.
H. Baker, representing th Powte concern, wa
d Upecia Dlepatch fo Tbe Journal. '
Hood River, Or.. Max 81.- d
Hood River may loae part of ltd .
MoTh-prloed berry crop If It doe d
d not aoon obtain picker to father
lt. Already coma patchea bavtf e
had to b abandoned temporarily . d
d on account of the, ahortage of d
help. With berne aelllns at 14
a crate thla will mean a big
loaa to atrawberty grower' if it
should continue. 1 Nevwr in the ' d
d hlatory of the bualneaa ha help
d . been ao acarce aa it ta now and
d the returna ao great Eight hun- d
d drad boiea of berrlea were - 4
4 shipped from' here on paaaengef e
trains laat night, being about
d double the amount shipped the
d day before. If a corresponding d
d . Increaae , takea place today, aa . d
'seem probable from the - warm d)
d weather, it ia not thought pos d
slble to get It to market with the
d present fore of pickers and
d packers. e
e - .Other district are suffering 4
d from want of help as welt aa e
d Hood River and more than 1,000 '
d" men, women and children can be
placed to work if they can be
secured. At th office of the -.
d fruit shipalng concerns tele
grams are pouring In clamoring d
for berries, and , growers are d
d ' sending notices tn all directions
d trying to secure pickers. The
saving of the crop ha reached
e . , a serious stage and unless pick-
ers-' soon hurry -to ' the rescue
d considerable loas will be sus-
4-talned., - e
Fiesta! Headquarters Desires
Photographs. and Illustra
y iiohs Wiach Wm ilelp.
r' , ,',- . anpssnnanBwnlsme : .' , ' ,
Tfl 1- TJ...-M.I- TJ.. TT- ti. r.. ' management 01 tn great rose
lUUli'UaUS iUl X UnilSUIIllUIfS up W IIS Imputation carnival ha Issued a request, to cltl
rr."1il-ii-- ti.. I . ii:itn-:!i-ir:. 1 w ! lens that they lend 1 to fleet , head.
iranSIWITUllUIl, oav liXVO 111 tile YVlieat JliarKei UUP- quarters photographs or other llluatra.
ir -' T-l 1Ta.A v v 1? Jwl W'i. a.r--,V . , tlons-they may have obtained by visits
Portland I'nlon Stork yard. afar . SI. Ue-
(iock receipt: I d
Today , 25 . ST 40 X " OPBOB.
wees ...i is ... 00 w . " opuon .or wneat,
Year aso HT 170 1 which cloaod it rrp ; trvt.
'tll'i,;;'" wlj25. i: hM DM WT erraUd. It opened
J with tbe exception of in bof. there were v iiUn. mtam Kii.k . t ei . i .
Wlnal arrieal today In tb local llreetock I .!L"C,.W! high at II,' low at
marker. Hof are murh more plentiful but I0 and closed Its career to-
the arrleaie hare been no greater thaa de day .at, tl0. By months Its
mand Ju.ilflp at tbe present price. Packer Jiljrh and low Dtice this aaaann
teem wllllnf to take aU preeent arrlTal. at tb I , ahown- -T B0B
market. Receipt today were 230 head, T . I
falnat nominal run of 18 bead week aso, 10.8. 'HO14o;-June,;
8 head thl dat s yar fO and Boa for thla , 387To; July, (0 hi 086 Ho;
Juat a few bead of cattle came
to flower carnivals. The pictures may
carry suggestive Ideas for floral floats,
street or building . decorations which
will be of use to those who expect to
participate in the fiesta. . '
, The pictures will be displayed at tbe
carnival Headquarters in the Bwetiand
building, where societies or Individuals
arranging floats may see them. They
may suggest pointers on parade designs.
Circular letters are being sent by the
Portland Admen's club to tbe various
Admen's clubs throughout the country,
requesting , preao exploitation of the
Portland carnival week. Press notices
for use are Inclosed.
The exhibit of rare hlooms at , the
Forestry building will be under the lm
nr.: ; ; san diego; caU;
Capital (paid np) fl 00,000. furplnt and Vn. Fronts 40,00a'
Officers and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Pres.: R. M. Powers,
j Vlcc-Pres.i H. & Mills, Vice-Pres.; Chas. I Williams, Cash-
ierj I J. Rice, Assistant Cashier; E. Strahlman.
'!;' i'yyC-. ',.aUd Vs Tonf yaoiflo northwest Xtems J -
Send Us Yonr Visitors for Good Trealmeiit
: stAUTPAitAecording to-a bulletin on the lifiatology
' of .California," recently published bjr the TJ, 8. Department
of Agriculture,' that' portion of San Diego County If to 60
miles east and northeast of the City of San Diego, has th
heaviest rainfall of any part of Southern California, .
fhte te'sire'n T, & rSTST If .. November I mediate -control of th. Rose So,
offered by tb railroad, both for in and ont I Icmber.- 78 71 Ho; January. through Secretary McFarland.. .
n lftnbn- l ha. lanlr sm a Kl 1 . 1 O rt T . aware Aa.., . I oil v o u. a. a.
In, the ran of all other line. Today', ar-1 78 fflnt?. M.a'T:
Railroad men are doing their, utmost
to advertise and aid the Rose carnival.
vw i ", Bwiu-1 t vi, .. ioix; Februarw- l rvn.a men are ooing tneir. utmost
na the ran of all other llnca. Todae'a tr. I a niu . . . . . I . a j 1 . ,
rll..t totaled Ju.t.87 bead ...,.101 I T?rZ J-,". ' 2 Ji?, ""'LZ?
none a wees afn, 01 Bead a year ago, and I I -- mm,- ei.vvw P I "--- wui uw-
127 head for thl day la 1908. The cattle J ;8Ta , ' ... " cribed ."by ' the agents and passenger
teriiet to . teldlagwU at 8J5a.50 for e ; . . T force for a railroad men's, float "which
beet tnff. 1 . . I A a. . . 1" . . T ih.. .u u.
A handful of hMO 40 head-rer th total wwWwwS Z J, ,, .
u. .Mr M Jt7 SO." Gain
v . .. KB. .00'
..(ii.iuwr ... i.wi'
1.01 i
ttn, leuzxe.
kfOHAIR New 1907 Ue.
EP8KIN8Serlng. 15Q20e eecb; short EASTEBX
Ions wool. lietCtlM each. . . V 1
TALLOW Prim, per lb, SUtteci No. 1 and I rattle)
... eieiii .. - a
art-Irate today. Tb lack of ebearer I bold
Inf back tb taoeement to fom extent bat
th lack of ear I th Teainat drawback to
better thlpment. . Today a few bead of bone
were among h. irrlTal.
A' year ago all market were eay; hogs
weak. Valuea stationary, . -,.
Official ltetstock price: ,
Hoc eBat eeitern nim tT AO? etnrltM
RopI.Weol aal Hide. " 1 11. ners, 0.O0a.aB; China fata, 8 ia I '"W.' May 81-Althonb aO other ontlona
HOPS lfl rroo Prim, tn rhni u, I . . I "? wneat were quite actlT and mm Am ,r..
dlum to nrlma. ei(!7e: media., iaiiu- I . il"lTBt "tern OrfOB teer., 4.S6H VBfe In vain today. May ontlon w.a dull
iraete. 1907 crop. "lOe. ' 7- J"i ' cow. and aelfera. S3.a8O8.o0; . bulla, witn urn tatere,t dlaplayed by th. trade. At
WOOIr-ww eilB-vauey, QZlei earter. '-8he7n8h..d. 1 ml,l. UMKI. no -Ti-TiX -"tiTO "V ?P,K". "
- . ' w 1 uvui nmw eenc aa.
1 ?J" Preeiou cloalaf . Tor the laxt
tractive.' The Harriman lines are hav
ing printed large poaters in three col
ors to be distributed aU over the north-
land. I weet Tha mln fuhiM
J ' I is a jarge red rose. ..
creai. IfflJHe.
CBITT1M bABK 80e for ear lota; sman
VIS, VK. ,i .' , , i -I, ' I".
HIDES Dry, No. t, 18 Jb. and ep," 17
III fiat 1 lh 4-hln Wa. 1 si it
is. .'N:r . si a ruw
hide, (teen, connd, 80 lb and over. iUttUHc: 1 5 CI,T
. ha. "win , gain of 18,. , bm)he, dorf
10C to ' 15 ITr Five) Ont l'm'i. Thta eoo,Prfl with a net sain of '
uc m 10c ijp rive Jenu 8He for eh aam month hi 190A. Dnrin. ..,
Rise la Hog Price.
tlm. v.. .v- ... . I , - u,a i" I
Tickets on sale Northern Pacific Ticket Office, Third and
, . . Morrison Streets, and Union Depot.
- -S- ' " v ". . ''''' R. H.-JENKINS, V"'-.
' ;;'. - v v General Passenger, Agent 4
Cblcate, Hey l.-UT.tock receipt.: " ' v I JllirV tl. liarHS AUOrney
Bocep. l oney market held a sain of e to te
B.O0U at the clow. Bain were reneral thimihM.t
S '".Kf0"1"? Bd. hl eoat the market
l.ftoolmoet of the early fain dn to -the (trone I
Ho. ; Cattle.
.........18.000 .8,000
........12.000 i.000
cow, tow: f and oaua, oond. ea7c: I " .r"" 'OUH I 5,u": .,n eariy gain dn toth atrone
lp. IB to SO lb, sei calf, aoaod. nnoee .18 1 . "" " onioer, witn w,w left orer I roreian aitnatlon and th nnar e
Ik. t -. i ... . ..... ... . imun Hfl.iiF.faw IlM.ltit, -. - . .hwmI ti' . . l - vu " " '
lb teei b.hMee. lted. ch. 81
dry. each. gLOO31.80t colt biaee, 2aB0cT ot ,S?i1Kifbt' l99-df; I Official Quotation by Orerbeek Starr
kin, common, each, 10loc: Aasora. each. I i?ttt 10(915e higher. I Cook company:
Told Her to Keep Out of
Timber Game.
25cll.0Oj eheep kln. 25ceil.60.
. fnlu ul Temtakte,'
POTATOES rancv. 82.00I3.2B: aweeta.' S
per id: new pouioea. ouaue Der -ID.
ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Orefoa, 824
t.50; No. S, 81.0001.28; Ta and A u trail a.
ihsbc in iu sariic, so per id.
Bbeep ateady.
I May
July .i...
I May
Liunbs Titke Ills Word tuid Get Into September".".
Y Market With Bather Dire
S Besnltg.
K8 raner Hood Rleer. tl TRtt:
WlUiutU ' taUicri ud MUicra Orm. t2.&A
aeU JT3aara iTlHOTMIHiil ' 1 - . "
.1 the city today and .stated that be iieift "ig,, nmTSn... .- .1' u.
' i i-r-M lone aa th rantaloap ano I J S"S?.."??-?r,,,? A" A
' . 7 " " 1 uj.iu Mrairerraneaa-sweeta,' Z.Z92.0O; tan-
; was en. aimply acting as a dtetrlbntor, . ( J,erln-a. 8l: banana. -6c per Sr temona.
' ' . Eeary Kilter Talks Bop.
'"-'"'" -r rifM, 0138c per lb apricot, 12
eroe; Ow a week re Tb Jonrnal printed I beMe., 1215 peT boa '
! intemew wltb U. s. wner 01 inai piace, 1 VBdETARi.Rfu. Tiin,in on.a
wb ld that there wa little enltiTatinf be-1 carrot a, 75ceil.OO per eackt beet. 81.T6 per S"" Participating In tb general adeance. .,
! ran of tb proepeetlT low price for hop I aack -paraolpa. 1.00(81.28: eabbace. 83; toni. I SnlUahnee at th atart wa due to Prealdent I JV
' and th high coat of labor and material which 1 toe. California.. 88 00;- Florid, J.60; par-1 Jp0" P yeeterday. Th ipeeeh waa J" V
May .....
New York. Ma 81 The a lock market
op nearly S point higher, almost erery
P4 8eptmi4r
enter into bob cdltaf. -Tekterday U. H. Gil- etilpa, B0e2l; atrlng beana, lOalaHc lb: ckoU- liitnxt.tum of getting many lamb Into September .....
berteon et the aam place aid tbat ther we flower, 1.60 per doat pea, 10cj horeradlH he ?!,,r,tJt,-tn ltr reultd In their V
pl,ntoJCTltWaftoa'.Drthiiopi Berer looked P Ijr artlcCokey. , kj78 per soar Bnbbard ftti -X f1U5 m.'tk,t
r r.r. aerTof ArorZ euted tha"t thJI I - Wr"iKSiZ
- wS to fact, b "intle cuTatloa In the Aurora J0? 'W "it!.
.Jf .tMi mm ar looklns better I IS-if . ' P0P' 1B P a
w- .r,.. . .1.. I oeii pepper, per crate:
00 per
8l0.00Oll.00 1 started with a heary gala It cloeed with a July
aparagaa. I wiv ewi i . . 1 I September
V. Hlrh.
M lonij
M 101 H
100 102
. o. 604Z
. 8H 40?
.1833 1(115
.1MT J800
.1000 1887
2 822 ;,
023 (MS
042 PRO
8R5 888
BOO ' " 802 '
. 802 807
88U B3U
Mi 68
101 M
v.; a -
Demonstrated bj Certain Experi
ments by Professor Gates.
(Sited SI Plapsteh tn Tb Journal. 1 I t.i 4n eiite arftti
IJ.u. i I .... ..... - j-. .
.xM.r'.T.Tr R:C..U';:! I t. to the point of overflowing and
eluded in the land fraud ... thi. keeping his position without rnoTlng,
morning. He stated on cross-examina- PrQlessor Elmer Gates of the laboratory
tion that he had been Indicted for per-1 of psychology at Washington directed
Jury in 106. but had never been tried. I his thinking to the arm. The blood soon
Ue denied that he had agreed to testify entered the arm in suoh quantities, Je
MTin lagalnat the present defendants if thelir. h rrtt. in pkm,.)
eD "UKl vuiiicj nuuiu dui pruaoijuie.
80J ,
Mrr J H.rrl. t.tlfl.1 fn . lu " wr in
Robnett In the Methndlat churoh He jsr IO OTernow.
49t I iiiinn u. .n.M.i. tt,.. ... I By directing his thoughts to his arm
w,Aher sisters could take up timber claims, ,or crt1' length'-of time, dally for
aitnougn not or age, and they need not mm"f re wnuauMuj uctmn
go upon the land. He said he would P" ", anrenain. no even inr
furnish the money. Bhe consulted an tructed others to produce the same
attorney, who advised her to have noth. ts on .yarlous bodily Organs, thus
Ing to do with the matter and she 1 demonstrating. It is contended, the ao
dropped it. Her cross-examination is cucx ' the statement that muscle can
in progress.
pepper. 88.80 per cratej apln- tooe mmpany
dox; bead lettac. 88 do: hot.
Official quotation by Orerbeek, Start v
zxmtrooi os aw mareet.
beet. "I know 01 Teraj grower ww . u... 1 hone, 51.70 per box: encumber. 80c281.00
a . -- .. iks m tn t mm in mar a . . .
(sir iv.
DRiR!i fnnrniL.innias ' mt m
.. -Brtef. jTotee ef Bte.xrao.. . . , . y,-J., ,hi . ". Ti, .rTJJ. 1.
rs.tifoi fln'ar mora DtenUfaL Fail iii tt-'T. Vk. "iVL-T: u""'
ww ' -- I - " 8 r aav-e( un- lU BS1BI1 . DTUBlBni. I
vendition. , t ' Is? to 08i He drop eo each 1-10 raaller I Amalgamated Copper
1- . asm ara n res umiuiiua dov i h . ri . .... . lu .if. ... , mm. i mr Mh hm. .
1 . wi v.v ... ,1 ' . 1 .hu.wu.h v . . wavv jm d: W . U.UU . p win
' tar. Two car OX orange mTa 1am. nnxumg 1 leuiomia wail. oaHe per lb: dat, soldo. I 00 prererrea.
I hnM fh. amith. -
amrama aeaana it em th means' wltb
' eelnta anlta fair. Quality sot o good. Prk
'.till blrh.i'1 ' ':
imni nM eire creemerlee ar now Quoting
i tbe See market oa beet product. Market In I foMen C, 88.17 Ht
i rin. ahane.
. mj emh halmon wa bown In tb local mar
ket today. Some expected later in in oay
from tb Sacramento. Price at 12 He.
Egg are etlU eelllng at a wWe rang ta
r arte. Large tale u low u ioh ana mnau
. one low a. isc.
ue im n. iiflta. nMa. 1 ao or
8040 per box: fards. 81.4001 JO nee IB-lb hox. I Aa. Cotton OH. com.
roeerlM. Xuta. It. . Am. Mcomotle, com.
. BUGAR Cnbe, 80.13H; powdered, I5.07H ; J"' S.i,:. ' - '
berry. 5J2Hj dry granulated. 85.7TH: t&A- tlSL0''"
5.6Ttt: conf.- A. S5 77W .itr R. V 27 u do preferred
ioMiP'n .i i.ri'?.""..,8!:! Anaconda kflnlna- Co..
25; boxea, 80 adranc on sack baala. , I Atf!?Uo.v!).m
ntw. .... . ' ... 1 do Drererred
ttone.) , " " ' Baltimore a Ohio, com
Hnvrr e m ... . 1 ao Drererred..-.
COKFEB Package branda. il8.8801ff.68.' " ooklyn-Hapld Tranit
8AI.T Vmrmj. inn. tiinn ma I ianaoian racins, com
wu. Bum, en.wj laoie, aairy, oua, fis.ou: looe, 1 rui,
Tb, trad pay. the following price to Front fl4.75; bale. 200 'imported Xirerpoot COa. j' Pfe'7'
''''street; Trice paid shipper are tea regular I 18.00; 100. 17.00: 224. 18.00: extra fin. 1 S'-. - F""-'
i ewnmhUaW' -,'.- I bbls, . V 8e and 10. 4io5.50i Uewpool MIL .St. Paul.,
: ' OrIa, Floor and rd. , . ?P .f. 20.W per ton; 00-lb rock. ll.00j J- JJ- -E"-'
ioirw Hin9-r.lrnl. Be. Ian. Viral mall 1 IW0".' elO.80. - - - I k'.?". .
Ji ifli . - ' ---- a dot price apply to tale of lee thaa
8cr bloeetem. 8800c: valley. ' 8788c ""aSSSnaeUl "''f I w-."e
' - JABLKTKew-reed. M.00W ten 6 igAMaCilman " Whlti" nine ' kHa .tfl
. in. , - . . . (ABove price apply to Je of lee thaa w'. ruei iron, com
".'" . . . n . , . 1 car lota. Cat. lot. at uul nrlc. .nhifle t I Colo. Southern, com...
l-WHATrmiS- i.iw S7 W fluctuadon.;) . - do 2d preferred.....
t. ". M!. .'? 'I BlCeV-ImoerUl . w."e l do let bref erred....
Delaware a Hndaon. . ,
Uenrer a K. O.. com..
BEAHa nmn arniifl k.i wi avfitt. i oo Brererrea. . . .t. . .
3.w; pins, 83.Z&; bayos, 8.70; Urn, Uiui, com...... ,
Mexican red. 4c I do 3d preferred....
NUTS Peanut, iumbo, 9H per Ibt Vb 60 lat preferred....
glnla. THe per lb; roe ted, 10c' per lb) Jap.fIlUnote Central ...... ,
nese. 848 Vic; roaated, 7J7H per lb; oocoe-1 LouteTllto A Naahellte
nia. lee I Mexicaa inira ny...
IJtfkllulkl.. K. A T . mm
W!'PJ!?Jjrj- :'v. .V TiT'-r.l . .'"' I per lb: blckorr nut. lOe nee Iht . efaaM.nta. I do nfd a.
aMOO-boeW, .centre 8200-' StT I f arn loeiO per lb,' Briall nuta, 18e per I Dlatilfer
dllmr. So.OO,- (noeMr -couniry,. elty, I lb. tiibartm. lOe r lh f. mmm i-iw. ,1 o mi Vnrth. ...r:..
tolled, 823.0024.00; brewing, $ 220(323.00.
RYB 81.68 per cwt.
''' OATb New Prodocera price No. 1 wblt.
ISft.60aZ8.00 per ton; gray, ii jw(ax.w.
rba-m85 75 wbSo 'p-o' waCT.forn,r
Uog. fancy,
veal, extra.
lb: mutton, fancy, 89e per lb. . ' ZZii. imJ!H'
. HAMS; BACON. ETO-Portland pack (local) CreitLiSl!? ,
X . . r .. , .. ,1. i
Sl"'OV, CHOP, , f lWM.i.wr. , 1 . , I A Itimuf. IDAill ll-
valley, fancy, SI 0081T.O: ordinary. 12.003 I Veata, FUh and Provlaion.
14 00: eutera. .Oregon. . 18.00a20.00; mixed, I ' TBBSH MBATS-i-lront 8treetJ-Uo
810.00ffll0.60: cloeer. 88.fi0(9.00: grain. 48.00 1 8 Vic per lb: large.. eaTo ner lb: v
- ei0.00: cheat, J8.00O10.00. .;- I 85 per lb; ordinary, THe Per lb; poor, e per
ButW; ."k and Poultry.
cream. 21
. afore.
KmREitra'-fanrr. candled. lBUaiV.
CHKBSKMeWr-KiUU cream, flat. 15Viloe
per lb? Young" America, aaviai.TCper lb.
POltCTHXMUed"" chicken. l3H14e lb;
rssey pen, i to; rooerer, 01a, 10c id; rryers,
oc pet lb broiler, iOe per lbold duck,
aeiejlfvc ' per in, mui uu..., w: per J If j
gee, old, OQlOc per lb; aprltig geeee. 12Hd
1U pet id; ruraeya,. yie pt. 19
qnib. 2.50 per dox; pigeon, -1.23
frewied poaltry llHe per lb higher.
Mlaeourt Paclne
National ' Lead
New York Central
N. T. Ontario Weat,
Norfolk a weat.. com.
Norfolk a Weat., pfd..
R FATk. e. Portland Sweet I hama JO to 12 lliAil'e mihi .ita laTihl I Northern Pac, com. ,
23c: KK'-19a2Jc ?! to,kr,V;i6VK ,K!. r "J??! Paclne Mall S, S. Co.,
creamerr. 2224c; ,nda. bicon. Ti22c "peT lbT DlSlciHto; lb : 'if
' ,rr.l"v' 'c;, ecoou' re; cottag. roll, llHe-per lb; regular abort toti, ffit,
. lotf ric . v v . .. . 1 i,ui .. tn. . M ik.. Z-a o. ik: t rreaeeu sr. car. eorn.'..
Clear baeka. anamoked. . I2er -amokeit. lAe
lb; Union botta, 10, 0 18 Iba, anamoked. ee
Vhh IKa mnVa baa eua Ik U - lulli m. I
mAkari 11 1Z wm Ik 101;. - Ik. 1 Kadill. 1ft Did
jhouldera. 1SV4. pee Jb, pkkted tongo SO. gJJ; , jf g
Pressed St. car, pfd.
neauing, cnm. ...
Keaning, xnd -pra
pfd. ,
pfd .....
ettle leaf, 10. 18 Me pee m
;.601b tiM, lixe per lbi gr i V P
ov ftc fc It u r.-iTpfd!:
'" ' By Everdlng & FarrelL "
e The egg situation is about the
e same as It was last' week. Re-
e eelpts have been large and prices d
e . are unchanged.
Butter is firmer and higher if
' anything; the situation aa to this
mp article Is very firm Indeed. " '
There Is little change in' the
4. poultry situation. . fat hens being' e
e in 1 duc moaerate supply and r e
e steady as to price, with a firm
4 demand for fancy large springs '
(smau ones or any less man 1
A ' 9itmAu apa nnl wanta a ,
e atu and a rair nemana lor large e
spring ducks. Fat hen turkeys - d
ey are m very goou . aemana, and - e
e some large epringturks would
e bring fancy prices. . ; , d
e frune rat veais are selling
e very well try and get them in
la good shape.' Shippers should
be sure that .dressed meats are
well opened up and cooled ont.
It is also well to sprinkle with
: pepper ana riour to discourage
e flies on hot days.
t Small and medium solid hogs
e . ar selling very well if in food e
e condition.
Good firm large potatoes are e
e eelllng for fancy prices, and n?w ,
la a pretty good time to clean
up on these. ,
LOCAL LAHU Kettle leaf. 10a. 18U
for old! I (team rendered, lua.
inr utisL. ne mi MmnAiih4 . ui dia. iv.
w I ar--- ! viuvruiimi, avaa wrmv ava ALA , I - m
W, mU tallv 2.75; finer Mb flats. $1.90: 1 09
Alaska Ull,- pinl
2a, till, 82.00. .
,u.? " i.-'o; laocy . oraia. xtd; eTh,' p.; "
iau,. pioa, ooiauucii rea, si.ov: nominal. I 11 .7.
FISH Bock cod. T DOT lb!' flonmlerL nar
lb; halibut. 6Ke per lb: atrlned baaa. 12c lh;
CB L I l.U, IW pr lUi HUMS,
Chinook. 12Uc lb; ateelhead.
ring. Bo per lb; o!es, 6c per lb; abrlmpa, 10c
per to; perca, oc per id, oiacx coa, TC per !bi
torn cod. 7c per lb: . lobatera. 18c nar lh: fmh
mackerel,. 8e per lb; crawflih, 20e per do; atur-
geon, ivc per id; oiacs oa, iuc per lb; cjolnm
bla.rirer (melt. 6c per lb: ibad. Se ner lb: me
anaa, oc per in; anaa roe, IOC per lb; black
tvu, i rtv yer jo. .. f ',''-"
uiBitito Bnoaiwater pay, per gallon, 82.80
per 100-lb sack, S4.S0: Olympla, per gallon.
.a; oer jio-id aaca. aajHi&an.yo!
canned. 10c can, T.OO dox.
claoih tiaruaneu. ner box. - 12.401, mm
ciama, per dox. lue per oo.
. , . Mats, Coal OIL Xte.
' ROPB Pure Manila, 15c; atandard, 18ic:
tlaal, lie. . . m
COAL OIL Pearl or Aatflil Caeea, 19He per
wflirr wiuif, iron DDI, ie par gal;
uuucii. , nvuiini, aiv oeg..
Kl. r .
it ra u . 1 r .
par gai;
saaaa. 2Sn tr mml
iwis, roc prr aiii
TCBPENTIlfB-Ia eatea, 96 per gal; wood
bbla. 08e per gaL
WBITB i-FAD Ton lot. Te per lb; 600 lb
mnm, sc per ids aew 10 ia. sue per ID. .
WIRE NAILS Preeent baala at 82.98. "
-UNSEED OIL Pur raw, ta 8-bbl lota. B0e;
1-bbl lota. 63c: caae. B8e ner .!
kettle-boiled, ceeea. 80c per gal; 8-6bl lota, 64c;
i'JL10"" Pf al; grouad caka. ear lota.
11,00 per tun; lea thaa car lota, 30.00 per
oo Din. . . ..1 .
Southern B'y, com
ao . pta.
t JEhJS. To.-. St. L. two..
21 He per
Iron bbla. ISC par gaL
benzjab es deg
.. 049,863.60
Clearing today
00 yar ago..
Gain todar .......... . . a n,
Balance today .1 . Sds'si'
Toledo, St. L. m W. pfd
union pacioc, com ....
do pfd.
V. S. Rubber, com., ....
do pfd.
IT. 8. Steel Co. com
do pfd
Wane eh, com...........
do pfd
Weetern Union Tel. , . . .
WlM. Central, com. ....
do pfd.
Virginia Chemical
Total aale for day,
f I if
11614(118 116
Ltorpool, Hay 21. Official prices:
nen. Clrmm kta an n.ln
jniy .... t 2a T ZHd T a d
Sept. ....7 i 7 4Md 7 8d
.... 4 HHd da lllid 4 10d
.... 4 10T4d 4a lOfcd 4 loiid
80 Vi
128 128 183 Vi
24 H
go i
623,600 faare.
New York Wheat Karkt
New Tork. afar II. Wheat rlnmm-
St. LouiT uiT aTJbieioa.. inw Ascendants have become Involved in being thrown out of the system in the
St. LWU, y Bl-WhMt do. July, HHo-.tion In th circuit eourt. Kern In i
u I tvinliaeiuut .
1881 platted half of his claim Into 31 When the breath of Professor Gates'
tracts 01 on acres eacn, dui in niing subject waa passed through a tube
tne piat wun tne county reeoraer-num- cooled with Ice so as to condense Its
bered only 80 of them, leaving the volatile constituents ' a colorless liquid
thirty-first without a number. - resulted. ' he k?t the : man breathing
Tract No. SI eventually reached the thrm.erh the tube, hut mnrio him
1187 lnd of Hat tie W B3. Smith and oth- rive minutes afterward a sediment ap
111.1 ers,- who now find that their title la I nw.r. h tnh inv.tin, ,
"23 clouded because the recorded descrlp- ence there of a new substance, which
IIM t,on ot h wlf!1 tra had been prodttod by the changed phy
hJj plete. The suit was brougrft against Bical ,ctlon caused by a change of the,
1IHU I Bit me flBiru ui VTliimiB jwrn, won 1 mantal rnnilltlnn. Innw r.v. km...
1164 whom are his srea grandchildren, to ,UbsUnce, sorrow . gray, remorse
I Miliar lt Hn Uha' wlt'la. wa who riMtaww I '
mu. " , " ."v-.y. nmK, and so on. Tue results showed.
Attorney H. M. Bsterly appears for the M ,n tn- .Xperimenta with the persplra-
TfiTTn-n utrtriTinnVfi tlon' that k,n of th,nkln Pro"
PKDi 1 CE EDWAKD HAS uc own pacunar substance, which
TTTnrr Utit a -f-i-rt Tnnnnw yu. " nnis l pe.
be developed by' proper course of
minklng as well aa by exercise.
a I UiiAXAAiJj iu.AOA-ti.XViy iwnat is caned, the causative character
of thinking in a long series of experi
roenta. lie has found that Change' of
the mental state changed the chemical
character of tbe perspiration.
When treated with the same ehemlcal
reagent the perspiration of an angry
man showed one color, that of a man
in grief another, and so on through the
t , 1 long iia 01 emotions.
'Each mental state persistently exhib
ited its own necullar result everr time
Because Of a slight mistake . made I the exnerlment waa renatd. Kah Vlnri
niy, 1 Dy vtimam .ern ze yeara ago in piat- of thinking, by causing changes in glan
ting a pari or nis donation lana Claim dular or visceral activity, nroduced dlf.
as a suburb of Portland, . 48 of his ferent chemical substances, which were
Because William Kern Failed to Plat i
Donation LanC 43 of His De
acendanta Are In Court.
$ 960.
94 Vi
.1 86-
126 Vi
125 Vi
v I I'',, Open.
........ 1204
............ 1208
January .......
March .
144 June 1180
4 It I July , 1150
20 Augnat .................. 1152
22 I Beotember rflM
41Vi October 1170
08 I Norember 1174
168 December 1179
as .
21 Vi
84 VI
66 Vi
69 VI
82 f
When the hunter I earns that wolves
have been seen and heard in a certain
locality It may Uke several days of
scouting before the dogs can ba got
on th trail. - ; ; ;
The ' hunter, must look'' sharp- for
signs in soft or sandy places and along
creeks and streams. Th old lady wolf
will, as a rule, go- to the nearest water
to- drink when. Jeaving the .den. or go
to get a drink aa she returna from the
hunt before going to the den. and Its
locality is often found on account of
that habit
A wolf track can ba dlatlnvulahed
from that of a dog, because the two
front toenails are set further ahead,
making the track more Minted. When
wolves are running, and eanaeiallv
frightened, these toes spread apart, mak
ing a trace: trial at a haaty glance looks
very much like the track of a deer.
Travel of a Pennsylvania Teacher.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Milan Walker, son of ex-Sheriff Miles
Walker of Centre county, who last June
graduated from the Belief on to High
school, just closed his first terra nf
teaching school; and with it has max! a
quite a record. . , . ,
His school wus at Rock Forre. whtrh.
is seven mil from Bellefonte; prefer
ring to board at home, he walked these
14 miles each day. with the excetrUon
of fourteen trips which he made on a
bicycle. The distance covered during
the term waa 2,758 milea. and. taklnn-
from that tbe (60 miles which he trav
elled on .hla 1lke" leaves 1,890 miles
which he walked.. He left Bellefonte
early in the morning, and quite often -the
thermometer registered 10 to 14 de
grees below aero. In addition he brake
his way through the snow to the school
bouse and made fire, having the room
warm before school was called at 9
C10CK. " i.-. ." , .
Uvarpool Cotton Aotir. .
' LiremooL afar - 81. Cotton ft tori ' we
actlv and cloee barely ateady, 14Q17 point np.
Zmne Bally Tonight.
Burkhard's hall, K. Burnslde & 'Grand.
Wide Kange.of Wolves.
. From Fur Newss
The range of a pair of wolves is an
103 1 99
24 Vi
80 I SO
aovil 85Vi
:"':-' (Journal Special 8rr!e.)
Oeneva, May ll. Ernest Kasser and visit that the stalwart janitors had
123VS Otto HegeTter, two engineers employed some misgivings about admitting the
by the federal railways met with a jmy i cum unur ui.
tragic death a few days ago. ' nurM ln char9 "plained who they
Accompanied by. four members of a wei . :' . . .. ,
Zurich .Alpine club they left Wessen ; Cro" ,n " f"r1t,yar(d .,. o..,i fiitmk tiA o . 4A entered the large hall of the Issue de-
feet high. Near the summit they lost fllment; ' Jrr' for"eve'V mont
their wav in the deen anow and-deoided the.v. watched the . notes being issued
(Journal Special Service.)
London. May 81. Little Prince Ed
ward, two of his brothers and hi sis-1 area of from six to 10 miles square;
ter were lnmatea into nign nnance me
other afternoon by a visit to the Bank
or isngiana. ho unostentatious was ue
; Alaska Needs Railroads,
From System;
The thing that is holding back Alaa.
kan mining and trade is the inadequate
railroad facilities of the country an
Insuperable obstacle to trade beyond
the merest necessities of existence.
At the : present time there is onlv
one railroad that penetrates to the In
terior of Alaska and of that only SO '
miles Are on American soil. This road
runs from Skagway, at the head of
Lynn canal, and connects the tidewater
with the Yukon river. Except during
the four months that navigation is open
from June to Octoberthis railroad
controls the trade f the Tukon val
ley. It is as if the only railroad be
tween the Atlantic and the Mississippi
were from, Albany to .Troy.
to return,
Kasser and Hegerter led the party.
and 'cashed. The appearance of nu-l
merous faces behind the bars of the
.nrC rrl, .r,J.lf counters seemed to remind them of a
.,4 rv iT--- rru I ilt to another or London 0 sights and
76 Vi
to a precipice. - They saw their danger,
but were unable to stop, and as they
slid down with frightful rapidity they
warned those behind of their danger.
The next moment they were hurled
over the precipice and fell 800 feet, be
ing Instantly killed.'
turned in safety. .
Wood Felled bf Gladstone's At,
- From the Manchester Guardian.
l What Mr. Gladstone , most enjoyed
bout the Chateau de Chrone (adds our
The other four re- I correspondent) were the , beautiful
walks In the neighborhood. Many pho-
tograpns were taicen or tin there, but
35 PPTXTPi? W irfiATAYi TXT. the one he liked most was a photo-
A4jAj.ivAj vx' ju. vi.i xii , en-anh ln which he and Lord Rendei
32 I I TTTCtTI ATI TITI 1 nmr I trnn' Unnunu wallilne arm In
' copy of it once in a remote farmhouse
(Journal Bnedal Seme! I In Montgomeryshire, and on-the back
Nice, May 81. The Prince of Monaco of it was written, "To Mr. John Jones
nas Deen taxing an important part in Vachlr, with beet wishes. W. E. Glad
Dolitlcs recently. After dlnina with I atnne "
American Sugar, common, ei-dirtdend of 1 I M. Pinchon. minister for foreign affairs John Jones was a farmer, a constltu-
per cent.
s Call money ck)ed at 1V432 per cent.
New Tork,' May 81. Government bond.
ofc France," the Prince-of Monacco left lent of Lord RendeL a tremendous d.
for Berlin the , next day. , The . Royal mirer of Mr. Gladstone, . and an ama
Opera company of Monaco was giving teur woodcarver. He had once wrlt
a series of performances In Berlin and ten to the prime minister asking for
it was openly announced that the orince nm wond ( felled h th ii.tum....
Date. Hid. ilkl awtlt A thn n.rmnn Mtillal tn I . - . . - . .
Twoa. rerlatemd IBM Tmu .i ' . . .. l owa bao, cuiu mr Buiii iimo anerwarO
coulSn .mH- S2 e.b't!OM- Put in he regularly received a supplyrbf wood
Three, regiaterad .1918 102 ios I circulation, nowever, to tbe effect that I whenever Mr. Gladstone brought down
do coooon : .1918 102 ins I the real object of the . visit of the . tma " . ...
rourrreS.ter:,i M25 U iu ?rtnc! Ber,to ft"e' vlsit" Paris was This he worked up intewalking stick
l.-i3kt ST.-:: it, IS r lZfiLJlWJ$V Tulac handle, necklaces
-..v . vi -"v mo vnuoei etc., ana tney were greatly - prised
' -"vvvo vu rciy inenaiy among nis rnenas.
ibiiiis wun ins ruerman emperor con-
inoutea to give color to the report t
do eouuon 182S 120 120.1Z
Foure, regiatered, old ....iM1007 101 '103
do connon 190T 101 u in
Four, PblllpplDe ......... 1904 100i
Two, PajDanwreglatered.. 104 108
oo coupon 10 106
Oat Pool at Torty Cent.
IRlieclal rHartfltrh In Tha Innniil I V
Sllrerton. Or., afar M. sr.i r ih. w.m I were countenanced, by the nrlnce hlml . .v ' ""if
Hill. f.rmer. pooled their oat. laat week, self. . VIJhJZ ?. ZL, nouse ori
rlvAri . ttfiel rlnPhnvat nnrnmHraa Ua. I
T - 'aat HIMls.A - 1 " ' I a.v. j ,, ,vMi.uiiv 411 l 111 VI
There is reason to believe that there SV"',?
was not a particle of foundation ifnr I nr. -v.,..-. .v.- tr f-
It. however " and eh.r. " 01 me
whatever t A ,7n-l 41Z next congress in prererenoe to Mr. Can-
whatever to suppose that the rumors nn. haa renreaented a. 7l,,vl.,,d i.ill..
rretatlng 8.000 baabel. and Invited bid. Tbe
ewener atiuins company. ot:tbla elty aeenred
the, product. Forty ceo I i aatd to bar been
To Extend
the Usefulness
of & Useful Life
Nothine has ever been devised to equal life insurance.
It is the easiest, fairest, safest way 'for' the man who it
, of use to others to extend that usefulness beyond his life
time with them. This does not appeal to the say and
giddy, but there have been enough who felt the need of furn
ishing such protection to make and keep. ' ;
' ' ;':'The MuSiwSi
Life Insurance
thejxeatest organization of its kind in
the,; world.' For sixtv-four vears tha
" Mutual Life has protected an increasing number of homes,
keeping safe the trust and paying promptly the money
;.laid aside to provide for "the home folks" after the un- !' " J
. selhsh provider himself has departed. To-day the same
protection is orrerea to otner useful men. Are you
The Time to Act is NOy.
For the new. form of policies consult our
besrest agent, or write direct to , '
The Mutual Life Iniurance Company
t ot New York.
U prlc.
BurkhardlS hall, a.Burnslds Grand.jprofesslon and aa authority on finance. j