The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Ileinrlcli Conried Enabled to
'S $fl5 TO $BslJliEKsyff: NOW
; Walk by Pcculiar.Treat-
mentof Dr. Frankeh
chalk am
, ,, i,U.H.'r!V.!.V.'!,v:l'U, , ''
."" " MMMwaa-i '.'..
i v
'Journal Special Bcrrlet.l v
i i Berlin, May 21, Helnrlch Conrled,
;; a-no, ror the last two month has been
lying on hla back at tha Kalatrhnf' hntai
;i hardly' able to move his llmba, owing
w iwiiidi locomotor staxia, warned
nearly two third of a mile yesterday
unaiaea, ma result or a novel treatment
: .given him by Dr. Frankel
? ?The treatment consist in -making
-r wis pauent waix tne oor, placing- hla
feet according: to chalked diagrams In
certain : poaitlona. - The, treatment be-
,: gan nre montha ago, by maiaage, when
., Conrled paid Dr. Frankel $30,000 to go
m w -nai tne treatment la
i bona flde la assured by -the fact that
half . a dosea patients, formerly unable
f iw wm. mre now ante to get about Ber-
iin. -una is completely cured. ,
-Atnrst Dr. Frankel waa disparaged
by medical colleagues, but now this
.feeling la said to have changed.' , Dr.
Frankel's usual charge Is $60 an hour,
5 millionaires in proportion. .-, . v v
Funeral Beirlceg Over Remains of
Kt Marjr EIIenRoblnson Will Be
' - Held Tomorrow. r
C Mrs.. Mary 'Ellen -Robinson,' who died
; iicuuoiuj B i, UBr jaia reaiaenca mi ta
. Market street, thla itv waa ii m I
daughter of Solomon C Strong, late of
w iuyr, waamngton, a - pioneer I
or ,i.tT. en waa born December ,
1148. She , was married to Jonathan
Come Tomorrow any Save $S ; to $8 oh a Suit
Only about 200 Suits to go af this remarkable reductlbru A little lot we- picked up from a big New York;
maker who was overstocked Bought at'almost half price and now you get them at the same reduction. All
high class,- faultlessly tailored perfect fitting garments in this season's . latest styles,- single and double
breasted; made of pure all wool materialSa:,:J.V ;; Q':''-: '' ' ' v, , v; " ,
K Mixtures. Gliecko. Plaido. Strioe3 and Blue Series
Suits made for the sweUest dreisers and equal in every res'oet to the beat turned out bv the hlche'st oriced custom tailors, best of UninVa and trlmmine-a. In fact suits
equal to any you can buy elsewhere at $15 to $18. " See them, inspect them-- look costs you nothing and you don't have to buy.' : All we ask is that you see them and
give us uieopporxunuy 01 proving uiai mis is tne greatest suit value ever ottered you. AU at tne one price tor cnoice, and
$10 to $is or your money oacic ;
pomuuno lira- depmidu sibe
every one guaranteed worth
Great Auction Purchase
' or x.000 dozxv xxira kt
All four-ln-hand at r lee, made of fine
llks and satins and wash materials,
aU colors choice .t '.
Sta and V7c i
Meno 25c SocRs 11c Pair
Plain black and fancies, all seamless none worth less tbaji 26o and 11
up to ISo choloe, pair .......................... ...,J....,.,,. ...... 11C
Men's' 10s Canras OIoyss,"" ; -c
pair ...... ............... ft
Men's , Laundered Shirts, plain and
pleated styles, broken lots ofAQ
S1.B and $8 kinds, all go at.r.70C
Men's ; tin Fancy Wab Sus- f ir
panders, -pa .. . . . . . .
Men's and Boy's SOo and 76o-"5
Qoth Caps ...''C
Men's IJo and SOo Balbrlggan '1Q
Underwear lC
Men's tl White MohKlr BMrts iC
with collar attached choice..." OC
Fancy Ribbons;
f Mi Than Utlf .
v , ws99 a aicua a . .
- -
' 10,000 yards . ail finest . 40e and SOo
grade at 1 Jo the wide 4, and -inch
widths so desirable for millinery trim
ming, bows, the neck, girdlee, etc-
handsoma Dresdens, large and small
flowered - effects, cheeks, plaids, fancy,
bordered,, as well aa thousands or yards
of finest plain Taffetas; worth 7?
40o ,to 60o choice, yard . . . . . C
Plain; Taffeta Ribbons
All colors, fine soft finish and all col
ors. The best aver sold at the price
Special. , '.--.-v.-
Just In new shipment Of Brown
, Velvet Ribbons for millinery purposes
AH Remnants
Half Price
. r - -... .... s. i i- V
We know lt'a a moat remarkable offer
BLAXT-FKXCB bu t we want every one
to go tomorrow plain and fancies, alt
colors from 1 to I yard lengths
goodness knows , they're cheap enough
already but to clear them out In a
, single day, take your - TII
.choice at ; just ......... A"& X I ICC
No. 40,
.Mrs. Mary EUenoblWn
Crowds lined the counters as early a 8 :3'thls morning and at the time of going to press the
terrific. Portland never saw such a sal before, for the bargains are something immense. Lite
Jam Is somethln
Literally hundreds o
I Bit treah froi
ertion yokes, pi
so bewitchingly beautiful that a pen description is almost impossible. Long and short sleeves, aU sixes, not a
single solitary waist in the lot worth less than double the money and beyond alt doubt the most stupendous
bargains ever offered on the coast 8,000 waists in all and over one hundred different styles to pick. from.
Extra salespeople and plenty of additional selling space. Sale begins at 8 tomorrow and those that come quickest
get cne oiggesi Bargains, moice.
tries to choose from, all beautifully made, absolutely new and perfect and kit fresh from the maker's hands.
Made of the finest sheer white lawns and mulls, rich Valenciennes lace insertion yokes, pin tucked yokes, with
medallion insertion with pleats, others full allover embroidery fronts, openwork lace fronts and In other styles
65c AND
$1.00 AND
Waists L C7 I Waists'
Ladies' Silk Waists
At Less Than Half Price
Made of extra quality 7p Bilk, all aew style, laoe aod
fancy trimmed and silk embroidered, blacks and waits only,
all aiaes. Te see them Is to boy, for they jSM all the big
gest kU4 of bargains. Choice.
98 I Worth (J i. 9 8
eaaiaeea v wmsumi whvj
Worthy .98 I Worthy .S
to $5 e)l io 1$L
$1.50 AND rl $2.50 AND
$2.00 KC $100 .
Waists I V ( Waists
Extra Another Lot ol 38 Ladies'
Only S8 la all, so some la a hurry If yoa warn one.
prettier and more stylisa Uiaa the last lot that so 14 ta
single flay, made of finest taffeta, ta black
and white cheeks, stripes and fancy effects.
AU slses. avery one a guaranteed Sas.00
vain, enow
100 Women's Latest
Style Wash
" Shirtwaist Suits
In white and all colore) fancy
styles - and fancy trim-,
medl suits
and S3.00.
ad fancy trim-Afk
Its worth V9-0!6
nUlUlW Oddaand Brides of
LADIES' $12 and $15
All colors and all eliee Choice
Women's $2 Black
and White
Plaid Petticoats
X.ook. like sfiki fully mercer.
Ued ' and ruffle trimmed. jr '
AU SO.OO vataes, at, 111.
oho toe ,,..VJl
.Wills, October 48, 1864. Mr. Wills died!
February t, 1875. On June 28, 1878. she
married Joseph Koblnaon at -Kalama,
.vaablngton. s f
There were nine children aa a result
of tbe marriages six by ber first hue
band and three by her aeoond. The lat
ter are all living except Joseph Robin
son, who died In 1894. Those living la
Portland Are Dean Lee Wills, John P.
; Wills, Mrs.' E. B." Scott and . Edward
Robinson. William S. Wills resldee la
Ban Francisco; George IX Wills, Van
couver, Washington; Grant A. Wills,
Hays, Washlagton, and Mrs. Ida R,
(Wills) Anderson, Vancouver, Washing
ton. Her husband, Joseph Robinson,
survives her. .
i- Funeral services - will be conducted J
x from Finley's-undcrtaklng chapel Sat
urday at i p, m. . s
Great Pnrchase of Women's
50c (White Hosiery
A hundred dosen bargain lot
Of odd dosena and makers'
samples fine white Maeo and
lisle, rlaln, loco boot effects.
, lace boots and allover lace white
only every pair seamless and all slses
every pair bargains at 36o to SOo
Bpeeiai, 29c pair.
Women's 25c Black
Lisle Hosiery
A mixed lot of seconds, fine silk finish
lisle and fully mercerised seamless and
ail sises regular 254 and lee
i- '! v.- A
eooad Pianola Concert at Illers Xlaa
stouss This Evening.
' Another Of the popular Pianola re
cital will be given-by-Ellers Piano
House this evening at 8:15 in their hall,
Washington and Park streets. Mrs. May
Dearborn Schwab, soprano, is to be the
soloist, assisted by Mr. Louis P. Bruce.
at the Pianola, -. .
A welcome Is extended to all music
lovers to attend tonight's recital. . There
will bS ho charge for admission.
.u--,'',-Speelal DJjpatctt to Tbe Journal.)
Moscow. Idaho, May 81. Berstel H.
Ferris, a witness In the land fraud
cases, testified that he was to be lo
cated ' by Robnett, who . also furnished
' the money for proof, for : which . he
gave a mortgage on the land to Ketten
bach. ; Ha admitted, however, that he
i had riot paid Interest on the mortgage
or taxes on the land since the loan was
-made,' '-' w.'V-.a '
- Joel H. Benton testified that he had
been located by Robnett in a similar
case to that of Ferris. He had realised
very little out of the land, which finally
. passed to ' tne defendants.
Metsger fits your eyes for $L 848
Waahlngton. atreet, corner ., Seventh,
formerly at 111 Sixth street . . , v
'' values pair. .........
Child's 20c Hose 12c
All 10c ; values, 12 Mo-fineet of black
Maco coarse or fina.l ribbed many
with double heels and toes hosiery
made to stand tha hardest m Cke
kind of wearwnone In tlw l,w
lot worth less than-2e-i. I liVfr
Special I..,. , , ;!
.Women's 69
and 75c Silk
Hose 48c.
Large Full 5ize $1.00 Veils 69c
New ones, new styles and the same every store in
town sells at $1.00. Finest of Ready-Made Silk Veils,
full 2 yards long, plain and dotted effects and A
with hemstitched border; white, black, navy tAMC
and brown, all $1.00 values. Special......... vf 7 V
Another Groat Shoe SensationThousands of Pairs of
White Canvas Shoes and Oxfords PRICE
The maker's entire clean-up lotsover 200 cases almost 7,000 pairs, and now
right at the height of the season, right when you need them, and when other
bouses are asking' full prices, we throw this entire, purchase on the market at a
figure that is just about half what you pay elsewhere. Do your shoe buying
now and get two pair for the price of one. Kead on.
v Women's $2 White
Canvas Oxfords
Every else, width and stylet best
kid lining. Why pay $1.75 and 12.00
elsewhere when her they are at
98o palrt
15c Bottle White
Canvas Polish ...
Women's Reg. $2.50, $3 and $3.50
White Canvas Oxfords $1.49
Th cream ef this great stock, the finest of
the fine; made of the best non-shrlnkable Sea
Island duck, kid-lined, newest toes, all seams
silk stitched, lace or blucher atyle. with large
eyelets and ribbon ties; all slses and widths.
Every pair tbe finest made and in
worth up to 12.60 pair............ f. if
Women's $1.50 Oxfords 7Qp
ftntv SOO nalr. so come early: made of fine VJ
Only SOO pair, so come early; made of fine
white : canvas, large eyelets and ribbon ties;
stylish,, dressy and all 21.75 values, 7o alr.
Misses' and Children's Oxfords
Thousands of pairs, made of fine white canvas; good
leather soles and the latest styles; worth up to 22; all
go at, choice
Eises 2 to 6, now 8fo Slses 11 to 2, now.....88o
Slses 8 H to 10H ?8o Slses I to 8, now, 4. ...6io
MEN'S Szy&: 59c
Cap toes; all slses; 21-00 values at C2o.
Sams In boys slses, "44o pair.
Men's $3.50 Shoes $1.98
A treat mixed lot high Shoes nd Oxfords, inciudlnf
some of the bet made fine vlcl kid. box calf - f
samS wet 4 am b laatkaiw Vtfaw bb s wataifstt v'rtt eIta.BlBl w
sjlllU yaiien (uvi id v v j nia uaaw v wa www
and positive 22.00 and 88.EO values...
Odds and ends of Ladles' Oxfords and Houae
Slippers; worth up to 2.00; aU slses.
(Jonmtl Special Berrfee.) ' -Hillsdale,
Mloh' May 81. President
Koosevelt reached hers at 7:41 o'clook
this morning. The largest crowd at-
tendT this morplng at Angola, where,
fkJ0K-M -n'rlnrti a hanil and line nf ahnnl
children greeted him, Tha president
hastily threw n a shirt and trousers
over his gaudy pajamas and ruahed to
lire piauorm, one arm in me.coai ana
one out. -' , , - r ' '
( "Good morning," he cried to the crowd
I'm glad to see you." 1
I The preeident laughed, and so did
the crowd. " A" . '
i At uuisaaie a large cropo wm maae
Saturdays Great Special Bargains In
and House Fnrnishings
... 1,000 Large Rolls
1,000 in each, worth
10c package ...
500 Reg. 8c and 10c
15c "good-aixe
Enamel Cups.. I C
5,000 Teaspoons, dox. ....... ,10t
5.000 Table Spoons, doz. 15
15c Lemon Squeexers go at...Te
noisy by . college
the train pulled In.
yejllng , as
X am opposed to. a wide open town.
2 X U M. Davis on baUot,-: ...
r t:: v , r r,
' (Joornil Ipedal Berrlee.) "
Berlin, May 21. With the hope, of
surpassing the records made recently
of keeping Xtlantlo liners ln,continuous
Large Split Market Baa- 1 Q
. kets, worth 15c, for. . . . . . , . . . . OC
20c Glass Sugar Bowls lle
20c Covered Glass Butter Dish 11)
20c Steel Fry Pans ... . . . .. 12
Reg. 15c Milk Strainers..,.
Tin Covers, all sixes, worth"
up to 15c, choice . . .. . . . . ... ,.iC
Tacks, -the f large,, big ; Sc ff
boxes, 4 boxes for , . . . . ... ; DC
' Reg. 5c large sire bos Wood O
Toothpicks j...... , . .OC
Best 40c Water Glasses, dox. 31e
.' Oav otv Your f ;
Window Screens
5,000 of them, well made, adjust-
'!.) ahlA tn anw air orinrfnis ' i
25c 10- 35c 1r
ones Itfv onei .....wll
18c Handy Tea Kettles. ...... Id f
1 OOOMomens Belfe
At V2, V3 and Va Price
The' belt sensation of the season.' Never mind where or how we got them,
that we can so nearly give them away, but come, tomorrow and buy Belts
at less than tha buckles alone are worth.
Plain, Pleated and Fancy Styles
Wash Belts, Silk Belts plains, plaids, striped and embroidered Belts of
every kind and for avery use Belts worth clear up to $1.00 and plenty of
all sixes. Four great lots four big bargains choice: -
tIgr Savings on (
Family Liquors
The purest and bestbrands at Just
about half drug store prices. .
Whiskey er
Large quart botUea soldi ia Irftr
sil over at fL28
araCZAXi 609 Urge quart bottlea
Never sold under 76o bottle
Wcarvvcll Whiskey
The best 21-25 grade on tha
market every bottle strictly
guaranteed full quarts one
bottle to a customer
Soaps Soaps
I ,
Anouier great c nut oi inoo
SX A sands of cakes of to and 10o
1 kinds Toilet Boaps of every make;
Swift's, Armour's, Jergens, to, ',
--oatmeal, Turkish Bath, Violet - and
other kinds, all large cakes, all regular
8c and 10c oakes not over, six
cakes to a customer.
dealers choice
ikes not over, six tV
:omer, and none to J fa
t A 1TC A great Saturday sale Fancy Opera Fans
X All D in over a .dosen different . styles 1, I, and I
of a kind and some few sample dozens none
worth less than 21.82 and up to 2.90 choice
ftftCfl e , i
All our best to Hooks
and Zyea, card .......
Always sold at 10c ,
wkxtm. oz.osa
All colors, large 2o and C
lOo spools ......
The good kind small slses,
worth regularly lOo C.
apodal, dosea ...........
2,000 spools, all colors, reg
ular to spools go at I Sr
. 890 2CAT JPin "
Jewel. and fancy set,
regular 2Bo values .. 11 I
30o and ISo Xalr 2lns, for ona day oxOy,. , tip
apselsJ, dosea, ...,.;....,........,.'
.. a .
Diivciai s
All colors bargains
at 20o
AH aay Children's 80a p
Xose lupportera fot ., OV
8o and 51.00 lewel set and
faaoy sck;: . i Cr
Combs . , ; .'. . .. it
v 13c for 252 and 35c?
One thousand ol them only that's all we could get
and at this price every one; should go; tomorrow.
All pure silks; cnecks, piatas, , stripes ana ,
olains: aU colors, full widths and lengths;.
all beat 25c and 35c ties.: Cholce.i...
$2.98 for $4 White
Chamois Long Gloves
of e
$1.29 Fff
A new shipment Just UC and at a full third under price. I Made of extra
fine selected chamois, la-Dutton ruu eioow tensxn, tarfe ciasps nu
a glove that's suitable for wear on all occasions, with any f.yU
color gown. All regular 14.00 glovea at over a dollar a pair
less than usual, wnotce
Of fine Milanese lisle, full elbow length, in white
only, all 2-clasp and aU sifes. r Special, x, .........
felegraphlo communication with - land
stations, the German Wireless .Tele
graph company will begin next week a
series " of ' important experiments' ? The
wireless' station at Nauen, which here,
tofore has sent 1 messages 1,500 ' miles,
is to be enlarged and equipped with Im
proved apparatus.":'-,' -v.- -, a-- - t
r As the result or preliminary experi
ments the managers ." now expect 'to
reach ship 2,500 miles distant and send
messages with sufficient clearness and
certainty to Insure the practicability of
the system for ordinary commercial use.
. Memorial Day at Medford.
(Special Dispatch, to The Journal.) -
Medford, Or- May tLMemorial day
was observed with becoming solemnity
and the customary exercises. . All bust.
ness houses were cloaed. . The ceremony
of decorating the graves of the old
soldiers waa witnessed by hundreds. '
W ' Building Permits.
William Prudhomme.- repairs dwell
ing, frying, corner Twenty-fourth, 1,-
000; J. B. Early wine, .one-story wood'
house, Klllingsworth, bet ween. Valentine
and East Ninth, 276;, Nellie Marklay.
repairs. East Twenty-seventh, between
Surman and Mildred, 2200; N. W. Roof,
lng company, repairs shop. North Twenty-second,
corner of Reed, 220O; Joshua
!uw, repairs aweiiing, cmu Jtuignui,
corner Ellsworth, 2200; Maegly. repairs
store,. Second,' between Main and Madi
son, 2100; Labbe estate, repairs store,
Tenth, between Flanders and Ollsan,
2600; Brassfleld. repairs dweUlng. vll-
flamook between East Ninteenth ' and
East Twentieth, 2200; ' Labowltch Bros.,
repairs store. Third, between Morrtson
and TamhllL 2100; H. EL Rlghtson. two
story dwelling, Broadway, between East
Twenty-eighth-and Eaat -Twenty-ninth,
22,600; C 3. Cook company, excavation
for Stores. Second, corner Salmon and
Main. 22,000; J. P. Bertrand, repairs
stores Second between Alder and Mor
rlson, 200; a. W' ; Priest, two-story
dwelling, Halght, between Beech and
Failing, 22,000; 0,W. Priest, threa two
story dwellings, Oantenbeln, between
Beech and Failing, 26,000; G. W. Priest,
three two-story dwellings on Oanten
beln between Mason and Shaver, t $6,
000: Mrs. Frank Baker, sidewalk door.
Second, between Taylor and : Salmon,
2100; C. B. Rose, one and one-half story
dwelling, Belmont, between East Twenty-third
and East Twenty-fifth. 21.700;
Thomas It Brown,' one and one-half
story - dwelling, Milton, near Concord,
21.600; Dr; Wilson, repairs v dweUlng,
Nineteenth, between Hoy t and Irving,
240; A. J. F. Bowman, one-story dwell
ing, Portsmouth, between Houghton and
Routledge, 21,200; A. H. Maegly. repairs
dwelling, Commercial between Page and
Russell, 2600. . , , . , . i
Special Dlipatch to The loanxl.) -'
Chehalis, Wash.. May 21. Memorial
day attraoted many visitors to Chehalis.
The O. A. R., W. R. C and many cltl
sens, decorated the graves of the soldier
dead and of friends in the forenoon and
there was a short program at Vrquhart
cemetery at 11:2 . There was a pa
rade, Vlth a patriotic: program later at
the grand -opera house. The training
school band furnlahed musla Mra. Ma
mie W. Piiggs of Whits Salmon was
orator of the day. v -'. -- ':.':---
XVans Sally Tonight. ' .'
Burkhard's hall, E. Burnslde Grand,
L. t. Da'vU, 2 on ballot,' stands for
fconorabls dealsno jobbery. . - , .
- i,., in . J , "
(Special Wapeteh te Tbe JoaroaLt
The Dalles, Or., May 21. At the last
regular meeting of Mount Hood Camp,
No. it. 'vr. a w, of this city the fol
lowing Officers were elected for the en
suing six months from July 1; C A.
Hunt. consul commander J. Ci. Brill,
advisor lieutenant;. C H. Browne, ee
cort; v J. I Harper, manager; . Matt
Schoren, watobmaa; Georga TX Read,
sentry.. . 'i; ;:r-. .- .:;'. ..-.:-;;;"'-'-v
niymria. Wash., May'.' 21. Memorial
day lias bo?n gonerally observed as a
holiday in Olympla. Practically all h
offices in the stato building were cloi
yesterday and business houses had their
doors abut. Appropriate exerci war
held under the ausplees of the O. A. It.
and Women's ; Relief Corps. The , al
dress of the day was delivered by J.
H- Schlvely, atate Insurance tommls
sloner, and well known as an orator.
John Plagamann, manacrr
tti Cot, leaves -this -v-.
Francisco, whre hs r t
weeks Visit, pre; ri' -V t :
moving into V -! t
ters la th ( :'
rlson m l i ,
A I!
' f f