The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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i Both Games at Recreation
" Tark Yesterday AreXost
pn Errors.
' Second Lost to Portland by
Wild Throw to Head Off BliM In
- Xlnth IaaingDonahue Pat fat
, j of Game Once More. r
Portland T-fl. Oakland 1-1. i
Baa Francisco 3-2, Los Angeles 1-1.
Standing of the Cluba,
Won. Lost
Los Angeles',. 32 16 ,
6art Francisco . 29 ' .- II
Oakland . . ........... 26 IT.,
Portland . . IS 31
' Oaklapd and Portland broke aven onJ
yesterday's double-header,' the locals
taking tha first game by tha acora of
, 7 to 5, and tha visitors capturing tba
second br tha acore of 1 to 0.
Both sat-toa were highly exciting, in
each caaa tha result being In doubt un
til tba flnl out wu mad. Both game
were loat on errors. With tba score
tied In the eighth Inning, Eagan dropped
an easy fly and let In two runs, giving
the flrat game to the Beavers. ' 1
The lone acora In the aecond eonteat j
was made In the ninth. With two men
V t IVt,1
The Island City High School Track Team. Which Will 'Strive for Honors at Corvallls Tomorrow.
of game One hour
Umpire Derrick.
45 minutes.
'"' ' - -.-
Carson, lb.
uroora, p,
........10 0
Lovett, cf.
Bninn. ss.
Caaey. 2 b.
jjurmnue, u. ........
McCredie, rfc
out Moore threw wUd In trying to head Bassey, if.
fr niiaa at aecond and the catcher ran I Moore, .
home as the ball bounded over the turf
In the outfield.
The umpire had a hard day of It again
and came near being mobbed by , the
fans In the flrat game. , In the fifth In
ning he called a strike on Donahue when
the ball new a couple or xeef wild.
Donahue- kicked .strenuously and was
vent to the clubhouse. . Schimpir. fin
ished the game at third. The scores In
detail follow:
. : Tint CHuaa.
' r ;' PORTLAND.
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Lovett cf. ......... 41 1 3 0
Beoond Game.
' f v , - AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
Abrahams, Local Shooter, Shares
First Money in Several Events
at Tacoma Traps.
( 27 II S
ISrotth. If. ......
Van . Haltren. cf. ....
Heltmuller, rf. . .'. . . .
Eag-an, ss,
Bllas. e.
Haley. 2b.
Blg-by, lb.
iC'atee, p.- .
Sb.. . . . 1
AB. R. 11. PO. A. fj.'
. 0 .0 1 0. 0
0.1 2 00
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 8 1 0
1 - 0. i 0
0 1 I I
0 0 11 1
0 0 12
0 - 0- 0 t
rninu, . ......,.
Casey, 8b. ..........
Donahue, lb. ........
; McCredie, rf. "i
;,BaBey, If. ..........
' ioora, e. ...........
, Caraon, lb.
VCalifT. p.
nchimpft, tb. ........
1 11
1 0
0 t1
........18 T 10 27 II
AB. R, H. PO. A. E.
6 1 1 10 0
' EJUllLti as. 1 a iw w
tVan Haltren. ch f '1
'HeitmuUer, rt 'sl... 0
i Eagan. ss. Tvi. 4 1
Biisa, .rr . a
! Haley. 2b.. . . . ... . . . XN O
tBIgby, lb. ...........
r Pevereaux, 8b.
Totals . 2 1 2 27 II 0
Oakland . . .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Hits 1 0001000 02
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits 0 '1 0 1 0 11 1 16
.f,-? ' 8CMMART.
Struck out By Groom. 8: by Catea, t.
Baaea on balls Off Groom, i; off Catea,
1. Two-base hit Caaey. Double playa
Eagan to BlRbyt Bhlnn to Casey to
' ("peelal Dttpatrb te Tt Joaraal.)
Tacoma, May 81. The big shoot of
the. .'Western Washington Uun Club aa
oolation closed here last evening. Rob
eft of Centralis won the medal for
the highest individual average. He also
.won In the Dupont trophy event.. The
prise for the highest average for the
two days' shoot was taken by Dell Coo
per of Belllnfham. In, the team shoot
of the different gun cluba. Seattle,
represented by Steel, Gulst and Junker,
won, with 70 out of a possible 75. The
Tacoma team, represented by Converse,
D&hl and Lipscomb, was aecond, with
birds. . Abrahams, a Portland man,
made a higher average than any of the
other contestants, but he was not al
lowed to aompete in the medal events.
The summary follows:
Event No, 1 First, Quick, Cooper,
Abrahams, Wood: second, Gilchrist,
Wray, Junker, Gulst,
Event No. 2 First, Jensen, Mack,
Carson, Baerlflee hlts-Smlth,' , B!gbyJil EatonJVray. Abrahams, Converse;
1 10
Catea.' Stolen -bases Devereau, Lov.
ett. Paesed ball Bliss. First base on
error Oakland, l. Left on bases
Portland. 4: Oakland.9 5. Time of same
one hour and 60 minutes,, - Um pi 1
Derrick. -
...15 I I 24 IS 4
. Totals . ....
: Oakland ........0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
.; Hlta ........ ..0 0421010 11
i Portland . ...... .0 S 0 0 2 0 0 2 .7
Hits . .........2 4 1 0 2 0 0 2 U
i Struck out By Call ft. 1: by Reldy. 4.
Bases on balls Off Call ft, ; off Reldy,
12. Three-base hit Bliss. Sacrifice hits
Shlnn, Moore. Stolen bases Donahue,
? Casey. Bassey, van Haltren. Heltmuller,
j Hit by pitched ball Shlnn. First base
"'on errors Portland, 4; Oakland, 1. Left
on bases Portland, 4; Oakland, 7. Time
AN AUTOMOBILE CLUB fn'gTrbr.gueroui.t
second. Roberts, O.-.W. Miller, Winter,
Event No, I First, Winters; second,
Lipscomb, Ellis, Van Eaton, Squires,
Dahl, Abrahams, Converse, Ingerbrlgt-sen.
Event No. 4 First, Dahl, Abrahams;
second, Lipscomb, E. E. Ellis, Harry
Ellis, Gilchrist Jack Smith. Converse,
Have Walkover in Tri-State
Meet McKinney Equals
World's Mark.
J nsMniisisftiri rftT-y ,
(Bpeclal tnapatch to The JooroaL) 1
Medford. Or., May 31. An automobile
club was formed In this city yesterday
with Representative Perkins as presi
dent W. I. Vawter, treasurer, and, a
membership of 26. Medford has above
16 autos In publlo and private service.
(Special Dispatch te Tba Journal.).
Seattle, Wash.. May 21. For the third
time this season members of the Uni
versity of Oregon ' track team have
broken records 'in Intercollegiate com
petition. - In the tri-state meet here
yesterday,. McKlnney of Oregon, tied
the world's intercollegiate record for
the 16-pound shotput, sending the
weight 48 feet. Zacharlas raised his
own Pacific northwest record for the
16-pound hammer throw from 151 feet,
8 inches, to 156 feet 1 Inch. McKlnney's
former mark In the shot was 46 feet
11 1-1 Inches.
Oregon had a walkover, scoring more
than three and one half times as many
points as Idaho-and. more than two and
one half times as many points as Wash
ington.- Eugene took- 73 points. Wash
Uigton, 29, and Idaho, 20. The .sprints
and hurdles were easy for Oregon. Old
track men who saw today's meet say
that the team from the Beaver state is
the, strongest ever turned out" In the
west and the strongest turned out by
any college this year -In the United
States. -
The summary of events follows:
100-yard dash Kelly, Oregon; Moores,
Time 10 1-6
Four Portland Schools Send
Teams to All-Oregon High
School Field Day.
" . ' . ..'
Mays, Glass, TaylOr, Latonrette,
Hawkins and Other Local Inter-
scholastic Stars "Will Compete in
First Meet of IU Kind in State.
The Beaver Hat
An exclusive make,
with the nobbiest styles
of any hat sold in Port
land:' South American
.Ten new lines just re
ceived $5, $7.50 $10.
Men's and Boys Outfitters.
16Q and 168 Third St.
1 Mohawk Building
Even Break at Frisco.
. Journal pell Sarrlca.)
Ban Francisco, May 31. Honors were
divided today, the locals -winning the
morning game and the Southerners tak
ing that of the afternoon. San Fran
cisco all but captured- the second, but
the visitors came up fast In the last
three innings. Scores. N,
Morning game
;..-;' ' , ' R.H.E.
Los AngeleaO 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 3 1
San Fran...O 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 5 Z
Batteries Carnes and Eager; Willis
and Esola,
Afternoon game
Los Angeles-O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13 7.1
Ban Fran...! 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 7 1
Batteries Burns and Eager; Quick
and Street. " .
Event No. 6 First, Lipscomb, Quick;
Becond, Roberts, Lanning, Dell Cooper.
Event No. 6 .First, Marsh, Abrahams;
second. Roberts, Wray, -Cooper Miller, 4 Oregon; Hall, Washington.
Law, Junker,' Lanning:, Gulst. I seconds,
Event No. 7 First. Jensen, J. Cooper; I 220-yard daah Kelly, Oregon. Ober
second, Roberts, Wray, Law, Junker, teuffer. Oregon; Hall, Washington. Time
Wood. I Z3 seconds.
Event No. 8 First. Abrahams; sec-1 440-yard dash Reld, Oregon; Wills,
ond. Steel, Ed Toung. I Washington; Edmunson, Idaho. ; Time.
Event No. . 9 First, Roberts, Lan-iei - seconds. x
nlng; ' second, , E.
Eaton, Dahl.
E. Ellis, 1 Mac, Van
Northwest League.'
Tacoma 2, Seattle 11. "
Tacoma 4, Seattle 2.
Spokane, 7-7," Butte 6-3.
Aberdeen 1-11, Vancouver 0-8.
American League. .
Cleveland 1-0, Detroit 0-6.
Boston 1-6, Philadelphia' 8-4
Chicago 8-0, St Louis 2-2.
Washington 1-9, New York 3-2.
National League,
Philadelphia 5-1, New Tork 2-6.
Boston 4-2, Brooklyn 0-4.
Chicago 6-7, Pittsburg 4-1.
Cincinnati 7-7, St. Louis 6-1.
(Special DliDatcti te The JoornaL)
XlCelso, Wash., May 31. The Kelso
Tigers cleaned up the Bralnard Cubs on
the Kelso diamond yesterday with a
score 0K7 to 6. Pitchers on both sides
.were hit freely, but Hull had the bet
ter supports A crowd of 60O rooters
encouraged the- home team. This is
the third successive victory for . the
Kelso Tigefs, who have resolved to du
plicate their record Of last year.
Summary: Hits Kelso, 11; Portland,
16.'' Errors Kelso, 8; x Portland, 6;
struck out By Hull. 5: by Ohrey,' 4.
Batteries Miller and Hull; v Shea and
' w
I favor no special paving contractor
or firm. L M. Davis, 89 on ballot, s
Guggenheims in the Klondyke,
(Special Dhpatcfa te Tbe Journal.) ,
Vancouver, B. C, May 81. An Ot
tawa dispatch says that new regulations
for dredging In the Yukon provide for
a width of 150 feet The Guggenheims
have acquired numerous properties in
the vicinity of Dawson and will carry.
on development worn on an extensive
scale this , season:-
880-yard run Edmunson, Idaho: Par
ker, Washington; Matthews, Idaho. Time
Mile run Matthews, Idaho j Vernon,
Washington; Wood, Oregon. Time. 4:49.
Mile relay Won by Washington. Time
3:87; Idaho second. Oregon had no en
tries in this event
120-yard hurdles Moores, Oregon;
Kuykendall, Oregon; Smith, Washing
ton. Time 16 8-5 seconds.
220-yard hurdles Moores. Oregon:
Huston, Oregon; Armstrong, Idaho. Time
26 3-5 seconds.
Pole-vault Holdman, Washington, 11
reet, a i-i inches; Moullen, Oregon, 10
Interest la tnterschOlastlo athletic clr
cles is centered this week on the first
annual all-Oregon high school track and
field day, which will be held tomorrow
afternoon on' the track and ' field at
Corvallls. . The 43 leading preparatory,
schools of tha state wlU send teams and
more than 60 of the best high school
athletes in tha, stats will be In competi
tion. . ...,
The meet will comprise the 13 regular
events and a relay race. It will be
held under the direction of the student
body of the Oregon agricultural college,
and 29 trophies will be given as prises.
The school winning the highest number
of points will , get a handsome silver
cup, and there will be a cup for . the
high school taking second place.
For the athlete winning the nignest
number of points there will be a gold
medal, x in. addition the winners of first
place will get a gold medal each, and
the winners' of second places Will get
a silver medal each.
rortlaad leads Athletes.
Four preparatory schools of Portland
will be represented at the meet- The
H1U Military academy has sent four
crack men, Mays. Taylor, Hill and Daly.
Mays will probably Win the mils and
the half mile. In these runs he has no
equal In the preparatory schools' about
Portland, at least Taylor won tne
high Jump, the shot u't and the discus
throw in last Saturday's lnterscholastla
meet and should" capture anywhere
from 10 to 13 points tomorrow.
The Portland academy has sent Glass.
Stokes, Williams, Bell, Norrls, Gam
mons, Balrd and Cornell Glass won the
100-yard dash, the 220-yard dash and
the high jump on Multnomah field last
Saturday, doing the runs In the fsst
time of 10 2-6 and 23 3-5. Balrd won
tbe half-mile run last Saturday, Mays
being disqualified on. account of being j
coached by a comrade.
Wast Bids 3Ugb Ken.
AU the Portland athletea left for Cor
vallls this morning. The Portland High
school sent- eight men, ' Meier, Dart
Brace, Latourette, Hawkins," Woodard,
Bredding and McGuire. These are all
good men and nearly all of them should
capture one or more points. It was by
general "excellence that the .West Side
High won the Interscholastlo meet last
Saturday and It is possible that the
same team may carry off the first prise
at Corvallla.
. Portland High school won the relay
race last Saturday. Her only other
firsts were captured in - the hurdles,
Hawkins winning the -120-yard event
And Latourette capturing the 320-yard
hurdles. ;
The East ' Side High school sent
Preha, Holden, Fisher and Staunard. s
9 A. M.T0 12M.
'11'-' " Regular 40c
creens- -
Ij t . I - i
18 inches high and can be adjusted to any window
- , , , ; , up to 33 inches wide . N
Island City, Pendleton and . Others
Confident of Annexing Cups.
(Special DU patch te Tba Joaraal.)
Corvallls, May 8L The, Island City
track team, one of the strongest nign
school track teams in the Inland Em
pire, has come to Corvallls determined
to win .lie big mterscnoiasuo meet
AU arrangements are ,-now completed
for the big event and Its success Is as
sured.' Fourteen gold and 13 silver
medals, handsomely engraved, at to be
awarded to winners or nrst ana secona
places, while two beautiful" silver . cups
are now on ' display herJt, one to go
Grandfather's Cure for
REAT medicine, the SawbuckV
Two hours a day sawing
wood win keep anyone's
Bowels regular.
No need of pills. Cathartics, Castor
C11, nor "Physic," II you'll only work
the Sawbuck regularly.
Exercise is Nature's Cure for Consti
pation and, a Ten-Mile walk will do, if
you haven't got a wood-pile.
But, if you will take your Exercise In
an Easy Chair, there's only one way to
do that, because, there's only one kind
of Artificial Exercise for the Bowels and
Its name Is "CASCARETS."
Cascarets are the only means to exer
else the Bowel Muscles without work;
They don't Purge, Gripe. nor"upset
your Stomach," because they don't act
like "Physics." jf . . y
$4 to $10
feet 3 .Inches; Scholes, Washington. 10
High Jump Smith. Idaho. 5 feet 8 1
inches; Holdman, Washington. E feet.
7 1-3 Jnches;- Kelly, Oregon, 6 , feet ,
In.h.a .
Broad Jump Kelly. Oreaon. 2lzft
8 1-4 Inches; Kuykendall. Oreedn. 91
feet,. 1 3-8 Inches; Cooper, ISaho, 30
reet 8 inches. - J1
DiSOUS throw 11T
-10. feet; Blanta, Washington, 112 6-10
iwii omun, laano, ret l
tiammer throw Zacharlas,' Oregon,
165 7-10 feet; HuBOreon. 145 a-is?
McKlnney, Oregona 43 7.10 feet
Shot-put McKlnney. Orecon. 46 ft;
tied for seconrl place at 44 5-10 feet
Oliver O.vCutts acted as referee and
Bruce C. Shorts as starter. 1 The track
was in wretched condition, but the day
was flue", and the crowd larare and an.
thusiiwtlc. The Oregonians were loudly
St Johns, 12; Trunks, 7.
Woodbum, 2; Frakes, 1,
Maroons, 6; Oregon City, 1. . .
Astoria, ! North Pacific
Brewery, 6,
Kelso, 7; Bralnard Cubs, 6.
' ' .
v ?. .
THE MASK OF HEALTH Chd bT Washington rooter,.
(Special ' Olapatcb to Tbe JooroaL)
Woodbum, Or., May 81. About 600
spectators witnessed In this city yester-
dsy one of the finest exhibitions of ball
playing, ever seen on- the. Woodbum dia-1 few years -the
Few People Are Really ; as Well as
They. Look. Cause and Remedy
Many people , In Portland, both men
and women, who believe themsefres -to
do in perreci neaun, are oni . in mo
greateat danger.
Indigeation. which is so common a
trouble, is the principal psuse of the
greater share of the general poor
health.. It has misleading, symptoms
that seem to have noreference to the
stomach, such as . headache, sleepless
ness; specks before the , eyes, pains In
the back and side,, etc. .
The success of ' physicians " every
where with the prescription that is
new embodied. In Mi-o-na stomach tab
lets has made this remedy in the last
acknowledged specific
'Special Rtasateb to The tainta!.?
Whitman College. Walla Walla, wa ah
May SI. In a- one-aided and llnaflf la.
factory game Washington State' college
yesterday defeated Whitman colleir in
the deciding baseball game of the se
ries . of three played between the two
institutions. Halm pitched fine ball
for Washington, allowing but four hits,
While . Rigaby was hammered bv tha
fnrmers for 15, three of them- being
iiirvB-oagg-ers ana nvo two-baggers.
' Score by innings:
Whitman. 10 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 4 4
Washington ...3 281000009 15 6
playing rrw ifii'ia, viuvuuuni u- I lew m m vw,..v - r-y TlTTTTrnMll t,T
mond. A large number expected to see j for the treatment of stomach diseases, j J Utt AJlLLlTxiK VVILiJ -
- te-i"''- le-
the vaunted Frakes win, and went wild
when Woodbum sent them down to de
feat by a score of 3 to L .Enthusiastic
fans from Portland - and neighboring
towns declared , the Paciflo Coast league
had not been shown such good all-round
work this season. Both pitchers were
In fine form, and neither allowed more
The" secret of this .success-lies In the
fact that Ml-o-na is'prepared expressly
to strengthen the. digestive organs and
Its use for a few days puts the whole
digestive system la such shape that
it can care for all of tha food that is I
eaten without pain or distress.
(Spaelal Dlipatoh to The Journal.)
Vancouver, B. C. May 81. Joe Bllli-
terof Toledo, Ohio, the 130-oound
,awnowiHi n w iu. i . . . 1 wreatlln chmnln k -VVI
flimniv take a Mi-o-na stomach taoieti v. r: r " r. '
than two hits in any one inning. Jtrn hefore each meal and on, rrUmMtl'
Hunt registered the safe hit that made H will ac stronga. tha atomach.thatHVh "i-fil 5??:"?
you can enjoy a hearty meal without
the least fear of distress or aufferlng,
We absolutely agree that your money
will be refunded should you buy a' go
cent box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets and
not b satisfied with the results. Mi-1
o-na Is sold by druggists -everywhere,
or will be sent by1 mall on receipt of
to the winners of theAelay race -and
the other to . the winning team - In the
big meetv , , j
ywalters, the Iaiand City sprinter, is
claimed as thetrongest Junior athlete
in the state, bavinr in the eastern Ore,
gon meet won first place In the 100,
120 and 4o yard dashes.
Thirteen high schools and academies
will hflrve teams at the Corvallls meet.
ss follows: Pendleton. Island City. Ba
kep City, Union, La Grande, Astoria,
Portland high school. East Side high
school, Hill Military-academy, Port
land academy, Eugene, -Salem,.. Rosj-
burg. -
Chances of Pendleton.
The Pendleton high school is another
of the competitors which has sent what
it believes will be a. winning team,
In Jay, .the Pendleton team has one
of the best high school athletes In the
northwest His .record Is: Pole vault
10 feet 6 Inches; high Jump, 5 feet
inches; broad Jump, It feet; discus, 100
feet 2 Inches; high hurdles, 17 sec
onds. He Is the star of the . tri-state
interscholastlo track meet Held at Whit
man, Washington, and the best , all-
around .man in eastern Oregon.
In A. Means, . manager, is a weight
man who puts the shot 40 feet He
will undoubtedly take first place In
this event : ;-.
Great interest has. been awakened
throughout the state In the big meet
that occurs here Saturday, and every
preparation is now complete for enter-
taming the guests.,;;:,;,:,'-'
Home Other Xmtrles.
The Baker City High school,' while It
has sent only two men, expects to win
zs points. KODert Keiiogg' has done
129 'feet In' the hammer throw, 42 feet
Inches In the shot put 109 feet in
the discus and 5 feet 6 Inches In the
high Jump. George J. Jett has done the
220 hurdles In 28 1-5 seconds, the 120
hurdles In 19 seconds, has thrown the
discus 87 feet 6 Inches, has put the shot
36 feet done 18 ' feet J inches . In the
broad Jump and 9 feet In the pole vault
The team .from - the, Eugene High
school Is made up as follows: Kestly,
100 and ii-yard dashes and shot-put:
Elmaker, 220 dash; Robert .Kuykendall,
120 hurdles and broad Jump; Bean, 440
run; Knox, high Jump, and Sweek in
the weights. . . ,
The Astoria High school team con
slsts of Sidney Sovey, Edwin Short,
Biamey young ana rercy xagg.
They don't flush ouj your Bowels and
Intestines with a cosily waste ef pigest-
lve Juice, b Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel,'
Jalap, or Aperient Waters always do. -A
No Cascarets strengthen and stimu
late tb Bowel Muscles, that line the
Fori passages and that tighten up when
douches them, thus driving the food
to Its flnishjX' ' ' V
. A Cascaret acts on your Bowel Mus
cles as if you had Just sawed a cord of
wood, or walked ten miles. " '"
Cascarets move (he Food Naturallyf
digesting It without waste of tomorrow's
Gastrlo Juice.
e e ;-.'.
The thin, flat, Ten-Cent Box Is made
to fit you& Vest pocket, or "My Lady's '
Purse. Druggists 10 Cents a Box.
Carry It constantly with you and take
a Cascaret whenever you suspect you
need one.
Be very careful to get the genuine
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany, and never sold in bulk. Every
tablet stamped "CCC.r &7M
Muscular insufficiencies, which' are
usually Ignored by most optometrists.
are especially and carefully considered
by us. .
- ... -
Our system of optical muscular treat
ment Insures your perfect' comfort It
does not follow, necessarily, that you
will -have to wear classea
It will require but a very few minutes
of your time to call and talk the mattor
over with us.
Munsel! Optical Co.
' Aa Sessa Konsell, Befraotlonlst,
Maoleay Building. . PortUnd, Oregon.
That is. It's great In its line la
the tailoring line. It's a merry
tune that youll hear in the Co
lumbia shop no harsh notes;
no discords. iSvcrything nar-
monixes. Each one of the large
Columbia staff of tailoring art-
ists is an expert he ijSlays his
part with exceptional skill-
does his work in manner that
leaves no opportunity for criti
cism. ,
We'd like to play some of
this music for you t
Let us direct our splendid ag
gregation of - talent for your
particular benefit let us make
your next suit something a lit
tle out of the ordinary run a
little more style a little better
quality work than most other
tailors 'turn out the best fit
you ever had, and in die bar
gain, let us save you some
Youll come to Columbia tail
oring sooner or later better be
gin NOWi-It means permanent
attire satisfaction.
Grant Phegley, Manager,
the winning run. Before. the game the
Demng was two to one In favor of the
Frakes, and a considerable amount of
money was left In Woodburn. The
score: , , . i 1
Frakes .0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0-t 1 t
woocbum a . . . .0 e 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 6 . 6
catteries Frakes-Myers and Antolne; I price, 60 cents. Booth's Mlona com
.Woodburn, Concaanoa and Huddleaton. ' pany, Buffalo, A X. . i x (J ;
Tremblay of Mon-
of the world. BUUter is now In Cali
fornia and the articles of agreement
have been forwarded to him The match
will ,tae place in , Vancouver next falL
Many Ills come from Imnura hlnn
Can't have Dure blond with fanitv
gestlon, lasy liver and sluaaiah how.
els. Burdock Blood Bitters strength
ens stomach, bowels and liver, and nnri.
'fies the blood. , f
L, M. Davis, 39 on ballot Is no fa
natic but will give all a square deal,
'Death Sentence on Aged CelestlaL
(Speeial Dispatch to Tbe Jonraal.)
Vancouver, B. C, May 31. 8 am Lock,
a Chinaman. who for 30 years was em
ployed In the household of J. B. Hob
son, general manager of ' the Cariboo
Hydraulic Mining company In the Carl
boo, has been sentenced at Clinton to
be hanged on August-6. for the murder
of a countryman. - Tbe murderer is 61
years of age, . ; i-1; U,-
(Speeial DUoatrh to Tba Jonrnal. )
The Dalies, Or., May 31. The largest
crowd that aver-witnessed a game of
baseball visited Athletic park yester
day Afternoon to, witness' the gome be
tween tne cnemawaa and the Columblas.
From the first inning-the most intense
excitement prevailed and the. Columblas
were cheered to tbe echo , when they
scored a point The Chemawas did not
play with their usual activity and sci
ence,, and from the beginning -it was
evident they were outmatched. ; Their
nine Included some new members,
which had a bad, effect upon the play
ing. The Columblas were r In good
training and' played ball as they never
did before. At the ninth inning the
score stood II to a in favor of the Co
lumblas. . ,
The Columbia lineup ' was:' Captain
and catcher, McCoy; pitcher, Talllferro;
first base, Maloney; second base; Mo
Inerny; third base, John Pickett; short
stop, JVan Lanninghim; left Held, Ed
Smith; center field, Grady; right field.
Pickett umpire. Boh Murray; score
keeper, C N. Burgett . , .
i M. Davis, nn tallot' was lobbed
t , I la the primaries .Shame on somebodJ-trIal next Tuesday.
- Bvervth!n to eat and drink, and
It costs no more la tbe
Portland Hotel ttathskellse ;
than - elsewhere la the city. ' Every
weekday night from 9:80 to 13. -
t& Qi BOWBXS, Kaaare. '
Charged With Ghoullshness. , ,
' Siactal Diapatch to Tha Jonraal.)
Aberdeen, Wash, May 81. Sheriff v
Anstle has returned from Chenoise with
two brothers named Dahl, clamdlggers,
jvho gave themselves up on a charge of ;
desecrating , Indian graves. They were
released on bail and .will have their ' '