The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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F'VOW IMAflBlE ItalthenVant A 1 I-tKY ' li i m.u
.Ads Jo noi concern You ler. .'"llUd Mr TTll if $ fl kPiEES, i IR M J M p3 1 IMF Joural Circulation
v ' Saturday; .cooler; westerly wlndg. " ' ' X, -X-.'-'"-', XX': X ;r ; ..-'' , fei , FjX' " v; X-'.Xw -: X?- V.- X ' iX-V-'- 'X-'.-'X; XX XX
VOL. VI. NO 74.
jx'X X'XXX -'''i'-'itV.;'' v ! .V'. "
l Superintendent ; Covey of
Warm Springs Accused of
Buling as Tyrant Beds
Call for Assistance of Gov
ernment Authorities. .
Ollfl FOR
X X i
Failure to Print Election
Notice in Official News
paper "When He . Had
Posted Proclamations.
if 6ubjects Say Instructors Are
Forced ' to Serve as Lack
eys, at v Agency .rheir
i i Property Bights Are Not
M Bespected.
Councilmen Assert That City
Fathers ?Are in No --Way
Responsible' .for- Neglect
Apparent, as It Was Bou-
tine Matter. x
f 1 If y J- r-r- - P -in(j i ma jMiii npi llinpigjl in HI l III 1 1 l I II I I .1 1 II llll III! I
J p-st Sard J X ' :
v . , -- 1 . j. i
. (Ipdl Dlpteb to Tkt Joonil.) .
' Madraa, Or, May It Uvlns In lux
ury ana ea. aarrounded ' by laekeya
and down-trodden ubjecta, Claud C.
Covey, v auprintendnt of th Warm
Bprlngs reservation, haa eiUbllshed - a
I monarchy within. the
Millionaire Is TBTashed by a
Bailroad Man Until. He;
Admits He Has Enough.
, ; (
w m m
(Jonnul SpeUi terrlMit , ;
San FrancUco. May Jl-Henry J.
I f!rKkar. - clubman, merchant ' and mil
borders of theliionair, . badly worsted in an n-
aiaie or urejon a complete aa pi eounter wedneaday evenlni. with JB. a.
the cmar of Ruiaia. if the allegations of Buchanan, a brakeman on the California
the Indians on the reserve are- true, northwestern railroad., at JUtt -In 8o
Kot only Is Cover charired- with ruUnc n0Ria county.-Bystanders say -Buohanas
as a tyrant, but also with having wU- knocked Crocker down lour times and
! fully exposed school children to various wouid have continued to chastise hlro if
diseases, threatening these children with Conductor James Johnson had not totsr-
, death. ; keeping consumptives In school fered. Crocker admitted - that iis had
rooms with healthy students, hiring in- enough- -', . t
! competent instructors with government . AccodIng, to Buchanan and- Johnson.
5 money snd forcing them to serve ss-his th fiKht waa'urgad and Insisted -upon
neronal lackeys.. and , With trampling hv rwir htma.if. Tha Lifter waa a.
ttlng.thsy have TOdre4 gropes t SL S.S gg. ITf?
iiniirntHAfl t th hKnAm at th uoria- iL ITi Ws. k.e wk. 0 a prepared put thin wttji lrnorV ; i H
tendent of their reservationtha chief s jKoar(jed. I :.- W$ ; J ,v , Oonaott:Jro ma.Vi s 4;
.of thewarm BPr'M iavt ia , unintentionally Jostled Mr, Crock- .ConncUman - Vsughn Is one of the
.united- in sffort to throw ,sff hi y, . . . , BacBanjlV yesfetflar. "-He fmembers of :ths wunctt', who takes
L. . " " :l ': . . rZ turned on ma and angrily shout
tneir auegea wren,. ""'t". " TT- ... vm. ' fhn h. 1annd
.mi mrna D in l - r - w ' . rr z
' Lawyers, t politicians and councilman
were emphatic this morning In placing
on the shoulders t of City Auditor
Thomas C, Devlin the larger part of the
blamo for failure to. publish notice of
the . election next . Monday and the con
sequence additional expense to the tax
payers for another special election. The
council was scarcely considered a fac
tor so far as - responsibility . for the
gross negligence Is concerned.)
It is pointed out that the city auditor
as early as Mar csMsednotlcss of the
election to be posted n Telegraph poles j
and other , corwiouous .places and that
ha should at that tims have prepared
the .notice for publication. Moreover.
the attention of his office was called to
the required , notice ' for - publication I
shortly following " the 'posting' of . the
l ivv ctt. UAa crj , iAJU
I!l I'J
pes i
'(""".' " . .. - :.": I tnV wlti'hl men
Ington, IX C with tha hopa of securing ,J?St!S-
Mi.tKinii that- win lessen tneir i " . --
his ossn hand, l But Z
Crocker left the train at
emphatic in bis position that the oun-f Phfwfnw School" TlChpr fllld
ca is In no-way ts Warns for the negll-l tta. VV"1 AV,l'-ilcl llu
soms action tnatv wiu jessen uieir
wrongs as. they. sea tbem.--. .'.. ,
' . Qhargss Against Oovsy. ;: .
" Among, the, charges contained in the
protest are the following:
and shoved him away. . :
"I hooked him with my left Ha went
to the platform for a few seconds, and I
hit him. again when ha got up., .What
next occurred Z don't remember exactly.
'Wandering Helplessly.
(1) That aince.the; abolishment 'Of I except that I soaked him every time be
the noaitlon of agent and the substltu
Vtion of a bonded superintendent, they
; are ruled as though by -- tyrsnnlcal
king, Who is apparently; noi even .uw
got to his feet and finished by" landing
him under the car.'
gence apparent and that the city audi
tor should have attended to the matter
the. same as he has to various 6ther rou-j
tins details which ha performs by virtue
of his of Acs as clerk of tba council
nf 'th Mtv uditir'a nttitm" t. .ttA I Vs ; (SpeeUI The JosraaL)
this morning.. -Heretofore he has oer-1 Tacoma, Wash., May ll.After hav.-
formed all other , detail duUes.: why rln gone through .six days of starvation
shouldn't-he have. performed -this -one? I and suffering which . would have been
The council haa worked for years un-l the death of most people,. Brent A, Llnd-
Conductor Johnson1 arrived about that! dertha dlreaUn:of the -city-suditor aay and 1 lyear-old J-awrenca Mack, the
time and pulled Buchanan away from
Jec to reprimand, cloaked as he is under bla ,fofc cocker agreed that hav had
had enough. . Johnson said:
"And so ha went on his wa He
a sight Both eyes were blacHnd, his
nose was bleeding a small torrent and
he was otherwise bruised."
tM nlvll urvlM.
(2) That positions of physician and
. Mark smith, on the . reservation ihave
been abolished by the superintendent, 1
on the grounds that there were no avaii
' able funds to ' mainUin these depart-
tioT of m.ooJ is p'rovrded" for rhu p- TAB AND FEATHEB
pose. That an Inspector, uavis, cams
to make an investigation of this matter,
but thatVnis idenUty was not made
Known to anyone yVw- -u-, gt , May 81--x party of
"nant- ' fBrownsvIHe citisens en routs to Waah-
1 i :r. in to testify before the senate com
S) That tna ceauny . c" - mtttee which, is investigating the riots
Kepi in acnooj unor u.u ""V"'- passed through here today. I R. Cow
tions. the water PPly ," akn in,, a member of the delegation, aaya!
jrora a reeervyir , Tf Senator Fdraker should ever go
insscis ana annua-. ''"o"'"' I to Brownsvijle he would be tsrred and
rvuir naa never ucou
, the d resent sunerlntendent took charge.
. fcropnatea scnooi .luuua. , i ., , , i
in routine matters, and this is only one
of, numerous other details whloh, falls
to his, iofe -, ,
Zellaasr's Opinion.'
-iiongress for the salaries ov hmumwh
farmers to teach the maians sgncui-
' tural pursuits is used in employing in
competent men who are kept about the
(Continued on Page Tour.)
Superintendents Summoned
: From All Parts of Coun
try to Meet Strike. '
:..t"i f' llnutntt feixcUl gerviee.l
. , New York, May SI. 3eneraJ superin
tendents from the south, west and middle
weft have been summoned to Mew zora
by?esldent Clowry of the Western
Ion Telegraph company. Three nave
arrived and others are said to be on
their wav. Sunerintendont Jaynes of
Ran Francisco arrived today, and Super
Intendent Levin of Atlanta, Georgia, and
Superintendent T. P. Cook of the Cri-
cago division havs been in New York
for several days. - -Levin
and Cook have been in dally
conference with Clowry during the week,
It is understood that plans to- meet
a strike have been fairly weU outlined,
and that the company will be in readi
ness by June IS to rush a new. roree
of telegraphers into main and branch
Offices should the union decide to call
a general strike. Western Union di
rectors are. to meet June 11 to act on
the demands of the union telegraphers.
Clowry atlU says the company will
not yield to union demands. President
Small of the union says it, will insist
on an eight-hour day; the abolition of
the sliding acals of, wages and tha re
instatement of the discharged union
telegraphers hers and in otier cities. .
' Riverside, Cal., May 81. Mrs. Guy
Gleason. a bride less than a year ago,
died suddenly , at Corona last night A
few Tiours" later, her husband in a frensy
of grief suffered aMiemorrhage of the
brain and died almost Instantly. '
'. , t ' ' " ' r rrrr
school teacher and pupil who were lost
in-the woods at Fairfax last Saturday,
wars found yesterday near Carbonado.
Since Saturday 1 evening the : two had
nothing to eat- except one '.frog,' which
was -eaten, raw.- "Both were- reduced to
the' point' of cojlapae, and' the dog ac
companying them- shows ; starvation.
(Continued, on Page. Four.)
-v Councilman Kallaher's opinion- of the
matter runs parallel to that expressed
by Councilman Vaughn. He holds f to
the view that the council cannot be
held responsible' for routine matters
that under the provisions of the city
charter fall clearly to the office of the
city auditor.
' Similar expressions were; made by
ootn politicians ana lawyer. Attorney
Thomas G. Greene said: Tt is a fact lT,'inV, Trfion
municipal affairs that the council has
been guided in all matters of routine
) If good citizens! go -to thdj
oils and Vote next Monday,
is assured.
here will (be no : stayati
ior years pasi oy t-Jty Auaitor Devlin, lUUlllca UllUXiK'-'CVXill S' SUU
Even in annual ' anpromiatlon bill Li. r-' " . r .t. 1 . ' i
passed by the council was drawn up un- fporiCTS lor ; tncmacnine IS,
iuditor: 1 suchmatTeV. a."W; sra
part of hu duties whv should not the prepared1 td get but all : its'
same classification, particularly In view'VOteS.
or the express wording, or the city
charter whicn empowers jum to act."
. Bond Issues Invalidated.
It is : foregone conclusion that , tin
less a special ' election is : neld ; sub
sequent to tha election , next Monday,
P01I1T 01! JDRV
Objection ; of. Lawyers .. to
ciass oi Talesmen uaiiea
'.' Is Heeded by. (bur ;
mm m be
'(Continued on Page Four.)
H;C!ollins, Concrete Worker, Placed in Toils for Killing
' ; Conductor Ncyius Unable ? to Explain Where-
abouts Night of Crime Blue Mask Found.
It Collins, a concrete worker, was
taken-into "custody at the -Barf hotel.
Sixth and . Gllsan slreets, at 11:45
o'clock last night by Inspector Bruin,
Captain Slover and ! Patrol Driver
Graves., on - suspicion of being . the det
perado 'Who murdered Conductor C. li
Nevtus and, wounded Motorman B. L.
Hull, during the holdup ot a. car on
the Rose City Park branch of the East
Ankeny line last Monday night.. A tem
porary charge of vagrancy was filed
against the prisoner, in order , to hold
him pending further investigation. .-
- The arrest was made: upon. Informa
tion by a "stool pigeon" to Patrol
Driver Graves, who resides in the hotel
The police admit that ' they have noth
ing tangible upon which to formally
charge Collins with - murder, i yet; point
out' several suspicious circumstances
that might tend to establish the prls
oner's guilt. s -.!'. , .;.-....;
Chief .among the reasons advanced by
(Continued on Page Two.)
r .
San Jose.. May 81.- John IL .Bunyon,
a Stanford university freshman, who is
the son of' a wealthy fruitgrower, at
Santa Ana, t is in - Red " Cross . hospital
strapped to a seat, because of his in
sane ravings v over ' the graft cases in
San Francisco. ; According to his state
ment, a speech of. Francis J. Heney bo-
fore the students at the university, is
respooslble for bis oondiUon. , i ;.. ,
Bunyon tried to fits dispatches to
President Roosevelt, calling ' his atten
tion to -tha "horrible dondltlon of af
fairs." . The local telegraph offices held
tha messages up. He seems' sane, on
every subject except that of graft'
Bunyon' is a mining engineer student
and threatens td make bombs and de
stroy. aU tna graftera, i," . .
) If you 1 favor Lane's- eleo
tio.a , .
. , . t0 HOT
. - FAIL
. 'TO'iVOTE.
umeiin GIVES
President Greeted Along His
Boute to Lansing Where
He Speaks. ,
- (Journal gpeelal Service.) '
Lansing. Mich., May 31. Following
a reception at the governor's office this
morning,- at which the president com-
pltmented the soldiers, he addressed the
legislature. He said-he knew the dif
ficulties, temptations ar.d responsiblll
ties of legislators, having been a mem
ber . in New York 'himself, and he
thought conscientious work was loo lit-
tlo appreciated by constituents. : r
The president s trip from Fort Wayne
was a continuous s ovation.; Eighteen
stops - were made and , the - president
promised the officials - of ' the i-vUlage
sf Bpringport ' to stop three minutes
returning this' evening. The,- Sprtngw
porters aaked' this consideration,' "be-
caus tha town is the home of Robert
McClel lan,' a section foreman,1 who gave
his ! bunk to the - president Hi the far
wast once when ' the i president was
hunting. The president c promised to
stop f or-MeClellan's 'Sakevi-
Leaving the 'state -bouse, the party
went to luncheon, and then three miles
to the- Agricultural-college,' where he
addressed the graduating class. 'He will
leave Xnslng' at t o'clock this after-
(Special. Dlapateh to The JoarniL)
. Boise, IdAho, May II. The new panel
which filled the available space , in
Judge Wood's court when the Haywood
trial was resumed today was the best
appearing yet summoned. Apparently
the protest of the defenss had weight
as farmers ho longer constltuts .the ma
jority, .but there , was a goodly sprink
ling of laboring - men, merchants .. and
mechanics. - . .t .
.The judge is trying to hold the -at
torneys down to- necessary Questioning
in 'order to complete the jury by Sat
urday, night One quarter of the. . new
panel applied to the court to be excused,
alleging legal disqualifications, but
Judce Wood ruled sternly against them
and only a few succeeded in evading
service. - .
It ig . believed by both sides that tha
jury will be sworn In Saturday and evi
dence takliw begin next week.' That
the prosecution is certain i of thia t is
shown by the fact that telegraphic sum
mons have been sent to all witnesses
now outside the jurisdiction of the
court to-be on hand - Monday morning.
The sescion was devoted entirely to
the examination of .talesmen snd -was
not marked by any sensational develop
ments : " j ' .!--,-. ,r - ...
The first venireman called was J. Rob
inson, with whom ' Frank ' Steunenberg
boarded while governor Robinson said
he- could give a fair Verdict, but had a
trifling opinion of the case. .' Hs was
finally accepted, subject to peremptory
challenge. - The "defense peremptorily
challenged Harmon Cox. '
Support Family May Go to
4 . Bock Pile.
' Joe Ursi, an Italian laborer employed
by the street railway company, will
be the first roan to feel the weight of
the new law providing that husbands
who fail to support their families shall
be sent tq the ' rockplle while the
county pays his family 11.50 a day for
his 'work there, if Mrs. TJrsl carries
out the plans she formed this morning.
Mrs. Ursi appeared in juvenile court
rooms -this ' morning ; and ; complained
that ' her husband had beaten her and
then left; her on Wednesday because she
had asked him for money with which
to pay the rent and buy food, j Deputy
District Attorney Adams was called in
from another' courtroom and to him the
woman told her story. She is Italian.
cannot speak English and told of hsr
troubles with the -aid of an interpreter.
This la the third time Ursi has de
serted her. she said, -and never since
they were married, which was 12 yeara
ago . in Italy, haa TJrsl supported her.
She has had to do washing to make a
living and buy clothes for herself and
two , babies, one of whom Is 8 years
old. I The. other Is but 4 years of age.
Ursi works alii the time, said his
Wife, but never; uses any of nis money
on his family.. He spends it all on
other women, leaving bis wife to make
her way. as best she can. He is now
employed 1 as a track! repairer on the
Portland streetcar lines.. Mrs. Ursi says
his -month's pay will be due on June
10. and ene wants it paid to neraeir.
Deputy-' Adams,' explained ;" to the
Bev; Mr. Wingert of Port
land Presbytery Suddenly
Departs from .Tillamook,
Fearing an Investigation,
. and Leaving Unpaid BP'
Among. Other, Things Miss
. ing. Wearer of Cloth De
frauded Parishioners and
Failed to Pay Board of
Two Months' Standing.
: (Continued on : Page Two.) ,
Stories That Citizens of Idaho Are Thirsting for Gore
Unturided--Ali Try toDodge Jury, Duty
Socialists Demand Duncan's Punishment.
By Hugh O'Neill.
(Special Commissioner for . Denver Post
snd Oregon- Journal.)
Boise, Idaho, May SI. It'ls to laugh
indeed and indeed it is. , We may have
been thirsty In pretty Boise, for the
weather is dusty and warming up, and
we may have been weary with the wait
ing, and the coming of the trial draa
slowly, but we have had our gmuse-
ment . v.
The magacine highbrows from thtifar
east are disappointed and given to sad
ness, but they are learning to laugh,
too. You see they had heard, snd e
lleved, that Idaho was a most villain
ous., state, given over, soul, ajid body,
to, nothing but the "judicial murder"
of these . Western - Federation ; leaders.
They dreamed of Boise as the spot se
lected, for their cruel undoing because
Boise wss ready to out-Idaho Idaho. Its
citisens were panung wlth the thirst
for gore. They, were clamoring for
(Continued on Page Two.)
t (Journal Bpecinl Service.)
Cincinnati. May !. Either a most
atrocious murder or a remarkable sui
cide was revealed in tha furnace-room
of the Ryan soap factory this morning
when Engineer John McDermitt dragged
the charred body of an unidentified man
from the . fire. The ; flesh was burned
from th. face and head and tba arms
burned to stumps.
MoDermitt .wag arrested. - u
vag arrested.
says be started tha Are snd went borne,
scross the street, to-breakfast Hs re
turned and found a strange coat and hart
hanging by1 the door and saw a pair of
legs protruuing from the furnace door.
4 The coronera Investigation diacloaed
a fracture of the skull. The morgue
superintendent saya that It is blchly
improbable that' the 1todv wrs -.inker,
from tl . furnnre this -'morulas', us It
was rut L,;t rlei re :ilvtd.
Fearing immediate sxoosure at tha
hands of his brother ministers of tha
Portland' Presbytery, Rev, A. E. Wingert-whs.
is charged with all sorts of
financial irregularities, was forced to
decamp from Tillamook. Oregon, leav
ing unpaid debts smountlng to several
hundred dollars, including a two months'
board bill, a tailor bill, a livery bltt and
about 1260 -in small sums . borrowed
from his confiding parlshoners.
From documents in the hsnds of Rev.
E. M. 8hsrp, stated clerk of the Port
land presbytery.' it aoDeara that the
Rev. Mr. Wlngert's operations in this
state was -mere child's nlav mihimmiI
with' bis performances when connected
with the presbytery of Fort Dodge,
lows.- While pastor of small church
near Fort Dodge last July he is accused
of having, sollected several . hundred
dollars of church funds, borrowed small
sums from his members and friends
and disappeared, leaving a , wife and
young babe. He turned up in Portland
last. April,. And presented to the Port
land presbytery a church letter from
the Fort Dodge presbytery, apparently
signed by the moderator and clerk, stating-,
that ;' he. had. been honorably dis
missed from that presbytery to tha Ore
gon synoa.1
Being a man of pleasing address and
unquestioned ability, Wingert wss at
once recommended to the Presbyterian
at Tillamook and was immediately en
gaged as pastor.' After his departure
for his new. charge, the officers of the
Portland presbytery began to hear of
numerous sums of money that he bad
borrowed from local ministers during
his brief stay in this city snd bis ap
parent unwillingness to repay tha same.
An investigation was , instituted by
Rev. E. M. Sharp of tha Mount Tabor
Presbyterian church, who wrote a letter
of inquiry to the officers of tha Fort
Dodge presbytery and received in reply
tha information that the church letter
presented by . Wingert to tha Portland
presbytery was a forgery, that ha had . '
deserted his wife and child and bad :
seriously - embarrassed his church, by
appropriating about 100 . of church
funds in addition to leaving a cloud
of unpaid debts.- "
The letter to Rev. Mr. 8harp also said
that several of, Wlngerfi former par
lshoners, whom hs had swindled, wera
anxious to apprehend him and turn "him
over to the officers ot tha law. The im
mediate cause of Wingert'a flight from
Tillamook ws a letter that hs bad re
ceived front " Rev. E. M. Sharp, secre
tary of the Portland Presbytery, sum
moning him to Portland to explain the
Iowa charges. - He replied to this letter
by. postal, promising to be in Portland
May . 21, but nothing has been heard
from aim lnca,:-.v..;:.-''.;e..'::.....
The Portland Presbyterian ministers
are chagrined over Wingert'a : impost ,
tlon and are anxious that he be checked
in his career. : Rev. E. M. Sharp gives
the following description of Wingert!
Height about 5 feet 8 inches. Weight 10
pounds, age about 3 S, brown eyes, dark
hair and nearly all ot -his upper front
teeth are gonev
Chicago Chronicle Suspends
PublicationlVever a Pay-,
v : ing Proposition.
Chicago, May 11. In an edltorlnt
signed by . Horatio Seymour, editor of
the Chicago Chronicle, announcement is
made this morning mat tha paper sus
pends with this issue snd Will not r
appear. The announcement is bri.-f.
and attributes suspension to the unprof
itable business of continuing the puptr.
The Chronicle began life It . years ami
four days sgo as a Democratic orgnn.
It bolted the. free silver erase, snd l.itor
fought Hearstlsm . and other ,"tm,"
eventually landing in the Kputiii'--'i
fold as a staunch Republican ad -,
bringing . with it a following of con
servative Democrats. The i'pr li
owned by John R. Walsh, whose hs-
recently failed, and who has sunk in ,
money in It
, The Chronicle ihsslw v !'
clean, ably-edited paper,- ;r r
individuality, tout ev.-r j :
fought the laiior n'-
otherwise su; t tt't- r !
sll. 1 Icira ' :
ritf rs i
The r r f,
a:l e; .
VV: l M"'-'i' ....
; x:.