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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
' THE " OREGON DAILY" 70URNAL7 1 PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY SO; 1S07. 'YOKOBT'S AKXrSEXIVTf. fU.iti ' 4 ?B,II l . Vi , i r kr, .......... ... ..... . 2 Ah M vriDQ .: U . . . . . T& "titaf Firm" Tbi h trout r a , . a TBOaTlll ft a a, a . . TV WIUIU. DUI XI O nil! be 0akt.,....d. W. P. er, Flmt and Alder ( The government rested lt eaae In th preliminary hearing of George W. Bever, manacr of - the Butt Boys Conaoll dated Mining company, for ualng tha matla for fraudulent purposes, before United States Commissioner J. A. Bla den, yesterday afternoon, and tha . da fense will commence preaentlng teat! mony tomorrow. Dr. M. O. McCorkle, preaident of tha company: A. W. Lam bert, F. W, McKeohnle and H. 8. Har- court , teatlfled yeaterday in behalf of tha government. Their evidence oon eerned the methods and organisation of tha company. Colonel F. J, Parker, well-known mining man, testified that aome of tha ore exhibited was aimllar te that found In tha Ooldfleld country, aoma of which waa of value, while aome waa worthless. He aald that ha would not pay 10 cent a ahara for atock in tha company. . ' .: Propoaed amendmenta - to ' tha elty charter to ba voted upon at tha coming - election were dlacuaaed at a meeting of the et Twenty-eighth Street Improve ment .association laat night Frank . Motter presided, and Allen .. R. . Joy i of tha waverly-Rlchmond club spoke on tha hidden "Jokers" in various amend- rsents. In referring to tha t Iraboat jetJVuae, ha took exception to the propo- altlon to lay water mains alone the waterfront, as - propoaed, beoauaa It would compel tha city to pay for aoma thing that would only directly benefit a lew property-owners along tha beach. All tha amendmenta were dlacuaaed at length, and eotntn were approved, while others were rejpected. Local optlonleta held an enthusiastic meeting laat night at Strahlman'a hall. flellwood, under tha auaploea Of tha Bell wooa cme league. William Irle ore- elded, and Dr. J. B, tVlleon. preaident of Portland academy,, apoka upon the du tiea of oitlxenshlp regarding tha ballot. Samuel Connell urged the - people to unite to fight tha liquor Intareata. A. F. Flag-el narrated the history of tha local option movement A feature of the meeting waa tha .musical program, In which CUfford'a band took part Rev. A. D. Wagner sang a ao)o, and waa later Joined la a duet by Rev. O. A, Jarn. - Friends In this city of the lata Tom Gallagher, who waa burled in Astoria yeaterday, declare that his relatives live in Louisville, Kentucky. At Astoria, where he waa burled and at Clatakanle, where he waa killed accidentally, it waa known that ha had relatives In Ken tucky, but their address waa unknown. A alater, Mrs. Charlea Black, reatdoa on Chestnut street ' between Floyd and Preaton streets, Louisville. Ha also baa an uncle, Jack Gallagher, a prominent politician of Louisville. An examination will be held in Port land Juno 28 to fill a vacancy in the position of chief engineer in the United Statea poatofflce and custom tbouse at Chicago. All applicants must be grad uates of a technical institution or an en gineering college. The salary will be from" $1,800 to 11,800. An examination will alao be held on the above date to secure ellglblea for vacancies In tha cus todian service in the position of steam engineers, at salaries ranging from U0 to IMOO. - - The manufacturers of "Golden Oram Granules." the pure cereal health coffee, are spending a fortune Introducing thia article in the northweat On . June they will make an offer to give rewards to clever boys and girl a. It will be pub lished in The journal, . ao the young folks ought to look for the advertise ment. Mo boy who smokes cigarettea avtll get any reward, la one of the. pe culiar conditions, saya the advertising manager for this American Cereal coffee. .. ' .; ' At tha meeting of the Universal New ' Thought assembly tomorrow afternoon at S o'clock at the A. a u. w; nail, on Washington atreet, between West Park and Tenth streets. Slater Avabamla will lecture to women upon "What Are the Soul's Methods of Development Through the Body?" Evening lecture at 8: JO O'clock; subject. "Can the Soul Leave the Body While We Still Live? If So, How and Whenr 4 ' Guy F. Bitter waarreated by Dep uty Sheriff Frank Beatty yesterday af ternoon on the charge of passing . a forged check on the Bankers & Lumber mens bank.! 1 He waa lodged In the county Jail. On being arrested Bitter conf eaaed to numerous f orgeriea and paastng bad checks. ELPf HELP! IDELP! t We want o hire women for our laundry. Almost, and:: often more, than double store wages. Finej airy work-room. ' pprner building.,, AH . window wide .open on warm dayi, -tj$ t,'? WOMEN, WORK FOR . US . AND BE HAPPV, t Union Laundry SECOND & COLUMBIA --TEUt. MAIN 398 c No. . Courtney wilr assume hla duties July 1. ' succeeding J. C Ecklef, who was Judge George's bailiff for years.. Penney Bro.' Friday apeclali Qur $1.60 grade of 'red or white - Port Sherry, Tokay, Angelica and Zinrandei wlnea at 11.00 per gaUon. Our $1.00 grade of Port and , Sherry at Jto per gallon. Gambrinua, Welnhard's, Olym pla. Rainier, Celllo, A.'B; C. and Bud welaer bottle beer delivered to any part of city. V-I81 K. Morrison atreet Phone Eaat 1ST. . Last night, at the Gilllsple School of Expression. B$t Morrison street Miss Bophla Shives, one of the post gradu ates of the school, read extracts from the Book of Job, by Rev. Alfred Walles. Miss Shives rendered the ' long piece entirely from memory, giving to tne difficult lines force and intelligence. She ahowa evidence Of careful 4 atudy and training. - t -Ray Sherman, aged II years, who con fessed that he waa a pickpocket and had formerly 'made a business- of breaking Into churches and rifling contribution boxes, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff nk Beatty yesterday afternoon. The uth waa supposed to have been fol lowing Norris & Rowe's circus. Judge C. V. Gantenbeln of the circuit court has announced that he will appoint J. E. Courtney aa bailiff of department Lsl . . you White Fiver line ' of launches will make dally tripe to the Oaks and return, hertnnln Decoration day. Boata leave foot of Temh!H atreet dally at 1:10 p. m., Sundays 10:0 p. m.1 Tickets ai ooca offloe, 10 cents. . All going wild on railroad lands, west ern Oregon. For $15 will direct you to unsold quarter section. . ee aa unaer New Today, C IU Monroe. a ioom blOCK ' ; ' J yi' . New swimming plunge ready at East Side Athletic club. Open dally to pub lic. Expert inatructora. Bathe ts centa. Private lessons 10 cant. Ladles' daya. Mondaya and Fridays, Phone Eaat 6670. Steamer Jesse Harklna. ,for Camas, Washougal and way landlnga daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock I p. m. , , . VT. A. Wise, T. P. Wlae. H. A. Sturde- vant, dentists, Third ana wasningion. Mala $029. Painleaa method used. , Mlaa Pottelger, modlate. aucceasor to Mme. McClure, removed, to Flledner building. Tenth and Washington. Why pay morel Metsger Ots your eyea for $1. 141 Wash. St, cor. Tth, formerly at III Slxtb atreet N x Dr. WlllUra Cavanaugh. dentist baa moved hla offloe to OS-e Buchanan bldg. : ' - . p. Acme Oil Co. aella the beat safety coal oil and 8 oeollna. Phone East 71. E. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks building. Seventh and Stark Sta. ' Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. Office space for rent: ground floor. Inquire Ellison, $4 Third street Big chicken dinner at Lockeley Hall, Seaside, Sunday, June a. Levy's Muslo Bouse, 111 Fifth street Photo mounts. Wood worth, 141)4 lt D. Chambers, optician. Ill Seventh. Berger signs 184 TamhtlVphotoe. " Good $1.60 shoes. Mark a 8 hoe Co. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. ; Beck Jeweler 108 Alder, '. ; Oregonlan Confectionery, 1S1 Sixth, ' Nurseryman Pllklngton, ft TamhllL POSTAL CARDS FOR CJtlilllVAL Committee Hans to Erect a Huge Electric "Welcome . Sign" at Union Depot. '., In arranging for the great Roae Car nival the press and publicity commit tee is preparing te publish a handsome envelope-alae card on which will be printed Information . In' regard to the fiesta and the meeting of the Oregon Development league. ;, The card will be embellished with rose-bude and leavea L ; It is desired that all bualneas bouses in the city and every one else send out these carda to their correspondents. The cards will 'soon be ready for distri bution and thoae who dealre to aid In the publicity , work are requested to send their namea at. onoe to room ttO wetland building, announcing at the aame time the number of cards they will be able to use. i i -, The rose carnival was thoroughly die cussed at a meeting of the Portland Ad club, last night. . B. L Deeent ad- vertlalng manager of the Portland Rail way Light st Power company, sub mitted a communication from . 7. O. Sykea, general manager of the light and- power. department making a sug gestion that was . enthusiastically re ceived with reference to erecting a huge "welcome" sign near the union station. The communication follows: This matter, waa first brought to my attention through a vlalt to Denver, where I arrived late one evening. On coming out of the station I. saw above me an electric elgn bearing the word "Welcome," and I can remember the Impression produced upon me by thia algn as to the hospitality of the city of Denver towards 'persons arriving on the trains. . , The spot where I would propose to have this erected Is usually very dark, and the sign would light up the streets as well as extend a welcome greeting to strangers. Foster a Klelser have submitted figures on this sign and say that they can" erect ' a suitable sign for approximately $160, this being the bare cost" ' - As far as the current for the opera tion of this sign is concerned, I wish to Bay that our company will be glad to light tha sigh between the hours of dusk and midnight every day of the month, also turning the currant on and off, for, the aum of $ a month. We, together with Foster eV Klelser. will ar range for the hanging of tha sign with out coat I believe that the publicity commit tee ahould take thle matter up, and ancuia order tne vign, aa the expanse connected with the operation of the sign is nominal and the value received by the people of iortland from adver tising will certainly more than repay the outlay. I earneatly hope that this proposition will bo taken up and that we will be able to install the algn, aa above described, at as early date as possible. Tne suggestion waa aoopted and a committee consisting of R. Hall and B. I. Daaent appointed to confer with the finance committee of the rose snow. R. w. Footer, C A. Foster, F, A- Rout- ledge, H. E. Powell and A. L. Stone were appointed to assist In the parade and W. J. Rofman and L. M. Head to look after the Interests of the club In the parade. Preaident Rows of the Roae Carnival yesterday ' aaked the cooperation of Governor Chamberlain and Mayor Lane In requesting the secretary of the navy to aend several war vessels here dur In the fiesta. a Teh Rose society has 'decided to ac cept the invitation of the city to hold lta roae exhibit at the Forestry build ing in conjunction with the rose car nival.) The Invitation to uae the Fores try baildlnr was issued by the city au thorlties several days ago and was ac-,1 President Holman of the Rose society toaay announced TJi a-appointment of E. B. McFarland as ehairmaa of the ex ecutive Committee Of the rose exhibit mmw ';''." . , .I .-i. 'j.... ...... .-.j;,..'' B.-.Um. ' j I If"-1 ' C ' li II 111 . Mm nMiiiiOTriiTtKnssiiia i y,.:,i-'V.'' ' r'"1 ,f ' ? " i ' The mouthpiece is put on ItvillFEuiflAIL a i; insure a sweec, cooi, miia, ciean smoKc ana dots it. '"' ' ; The pure, clean, carefully blended tobacco in Imperiales smokes smoothly and delidously right jto the mouthpiece. V ' And the thin mais paper crimed,not pasted allows the tobacco's full flavor to be enjoyed to the utmost, without leaving the slightest trace of "after . effect," no matter how many you smoke. 10 for 10 cenU The man of the West smoked lOOfiQOflOO Impcrialc io 1009. Sold Eotry whir " THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY - Manufacturers . See) Fraadaee) ililJLM VllXaTtB sTO BMSJaLMJ IlllllfllllUlli I. GEVURTZ & SONS 1 KEEP OPEN HOUSE summer dresses. Madame McCTure Ca Beautiful Prizes Awarded Bril liant . Music Furnished Pro fusion of Flowers. BeauUfylng creams. See Mme. Hudson. Kiaer scenlo photos. Imperial hoteL NEW YOKK MOB CEIES FOR PEISOXER'S LIFE (Joonul Boeelal Service.) New York, May 30. Two thousand people bealeged the police court at the hearing of Leon Graham, accused of at tacking Mamie Lauk. aged 5, and cried lynch him" repeatedly. Officers sur rounded the prisoner as he was taken from the patrol wagon, and by threat ening to shoot the crowd, forced them back. 9 III ESuGHD For hours last night the floors and galleries of the big furniture and car pet, house of Gevurtx eV Sons was thronged with people. - Each visitor upon entering the . store was given coupon with the request that it be de posited in a box provided in the store. During the evening four little girls were selected from the audience to draw cou pons from the collection in the ballot- box. . - i The flrat prise, a beautiful birdseya writing desk, was won by ourden B. Locke of 271 Salmon v street on tloket NO. itlt-"" -,".:'-" - -V...... A. Stein, 243 Second street, on ticket No. 13, won the second prise, a rich looking reed rocker. Edward Simpson, on ticket 1138, won a weathered oax den cnair, Ticket No. 378, held by Margaret Sticker Of 148 Second street, won the fourth prise of a beautiful framed pic ture,- The following musical program was rendered by De Caprlo's orchestra: Sho Gun" seleotlons; "Arrah Wan na"! selections, rprmca or Fiisen"! 'Wouldn't You (LOT ??rjiTTj f,4 Own Your Home V IN PORTLAND'S BEAUTI FUL" NEW RESIDENCE ADDITION s DaCI in iff TWO CAR ONLY 22 Like to Have Me for a Every dollar you earn represents a certain number of hours of B1wetnia't ! Mjrre of Mine"; "Experience"; 'Pearle"; se leotlons from i "Carmen, "Toreadore Sonr'J So Long, Mary'ij "I Don't Like Tour Family"; . "Come, Have - a Smile With Me"; 'Cavalier Rustlcanna"; "II Travator"j 'Tf the Man in the Moon Were a Coon," ; The muslo, prices and other pro visions for the entertainment of visitors was In honor of the compleUon of the additions to the already magnificent as. tabllehment. The large and spacious salesrooms for the . finer, classes . of goods are especially noteworthy. It was' apparent to those at all familiar with, the rise and progress of this house that it is ' Just now entering upo a new era, that from this time on the firm of Gevurta dc Sons' will do an. enviable business in all the most costly grades oft furniture and floor coverings. No finer merchandise in this line Is on sale in the most pretentious establishments Of Chicago,; Philadelphia or Boston. . I PIONEER'S REMAINS TO BE BURIED TOMORROW j : : . The funeral of Mrs. Martha NlcolaL wife or Louis Nleolal, a wall-known pio neer of Portland, wlU occur tomorrow afternoon from the home at Grand ave nue and Haesalo atreet, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Nlcolai died yesterday morulas your labor. It is labor in a condensed orm;" convenient to ex change for the product of the labor of others, or to hold in storage for use in later years when your strength fails, Put away a part ; of. today's work of tomorrow's work of ' every 'day's work, NOW, while you . have earning capacity. Your . fyse itriH ennrvrf irAll n AttltAff if) fttr In r va ,rSave a dollar every day to put in the bank? Or 50 cents? Or 25 cents r it so, you ougnt to oe aomg it. , it s a pity to waste all the work' of these good years, but many are doing it. Be wise and banlc apart of the earnings of each day. One dollar wift enable you to open a savings account on which we pay 4 per, cent com : pound interest ' " OFFICERS . J,H. LAMBERT, rrestdent.,trS A-V. LAMBERT, Cashier. s; JOSEPH PAQUET. Vice-Pres'O. S. FULTON, Asst. Cashier , REACHED BY LINES AND MINUTES FROM THE BUSINESS CENTER , One a Week IS ALL WE ASK AND NO ONE CAN . AFFORD TO PAY RENT IN THE FACE .OF OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. THEN WE HAVE A "SPECIAL PROPOSI- . HON" WHICH IS LIMIT ED AND WHICH SYOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. SEE OR TELEPHONE US. The Jacobs-Stine Company fifth floor Swctland BuUding Phones: A2811, Main 359 AstUSZMZsTTS. n ; PORTLAND; Corner 25th snd Raleigh Tucs-VVed-TIrars MAY 28-29-30 Pcrformancej 2 and 8 p. n. if Fssen Etierlrtase M ASTWUSituai aCstsuiil I J Ml MM urns f m tultf lulilili I aw fJBlIMSil BKBJBBHTl lllriklis Taaklara M SmUm teeik IMtrs Smmj el TrSM ss Itssa .sinaUrimTscrfz lsTsiefPtrtsrysElsaasti awitw auu u luum mti a mmfm mmm mm AleYKU Kd2siSHrk(l3)Fai&nj Marvelous pkkir4s PrtttvEda.MirtM findSlriirssisd MARQUAM GRAND Mala van. . ., lav raacico orau co. TIhm Card . llaaleal Nnnbers. , The STROLLERS. TOltlOHT aad remainder ef week, siattaees Batnrdar and 8uadr. lmh OiATU. and Mfgb Choms. S:1S tt. Bk Cepltal Panlhmnt lutt Aim' LelcMttr ea4 . A. Wklleritedt.. 8-S3 p. m. entrance tontXli Bemml, Tdd Webb ena Chnnu 1:40 O. . Stroller. We Aids Hemol, Tedd Webb and Cboros S.'BO p. Ball te the Brldtroom Ensemble... 9:03 d. m. Lortt J. A. Wallentedt ....:I p. u. DoTotlon Aide Uemml. ............ .tt:8S D. m. I'm s Fickle Maid Florence- 8lnnott end Chore , 9-1 p. m, A Lesson In FUrtttloa ...9:65 p. tn. We AU Walked Into the . Bbop Teddr Webb i.w.vo . en. Openlsf Chora and Garotte .. 10:24 p. m. Sons and Dance of the Witch. "Good Two onoe ' ana "in nmronur i Witebes" .........................10 82 n. m. La Beue Marie 0:0 p. m. finale ...10:60 e'clocb Frlc 2Se, 50c. TSe. Mstnw. ioo ana aue. i4th ana . nrn tn : rnr itdf Waablnfte .. Ml 1 TONIGHT S:15 O'CLOCK. irttda, ftaturd Klgbta, Matinee Batnraan ANNIL RUSSLLL la Sbakeepeare'a Dellfbtfal Comedy. . "A Midsummer-Night's Dream lh. IS I. .. Tnr IW Itm SI B0. . Salcoar. 100. 73c, 50c. Oallerr. BOe. ' m il u.ti Mm mt rW. 11 ML fl.OO. Balcoar. 11.00. 78e. BOe. Gallery. 23v seata selllns at theatre boa eiflce. . I BAKER THEATRE 5MS Mar. Tonlrtt AU this Week. Mattne Saturday. The oaaer store xmpnr w u wrai : . "TXX BAIST FAIM.1 ' - Beaatifal production et this fmons pleee. mreettoa nr. artnar Macaier. , Trealns pHfm. 5o, , o. - , , - VUUnee. Ue. SSe. Kext week, "Seror Afala." . J Fhon ..: Mala Mfta.. The Star The Star Stork Companr" Frnu (of tke sntire wnc or mmj xf . , Tbe Thrllllnr aad Emotional MaMrama, J "WIDDID, 9XTX XO WIFX." With a atronalv aaamented east. Matlasee Tneaday. Thnradar. Satnrday and Sondas at 3:80. Prte lOe and 10c. Evrr evonloa st :1S. Frke lOe. 20c end Oc Btssnaij seata tor au performascee. UYRIC THEATRE Pboa Mala 4688. ' K Xala Week the Allen Stock Oempenr Fla seatinf tae rieasinf ana repiuas . . Comedr-Drama, ,. t - TPOtlT paiMa0BZ.M -- Matinee Tneadar. Thandar. itrdF aa4 Bnndaj. Price 10e, 20c. Story erf nlnf at 1:15. Prices lOe. 20e and 0c. - Beaerved seats by phone, Mala 4686. Office : opn from 10 a. aa. to 10 . m. ' . The Craadl lT sSfist- tk SrMt PwIl, Earl A WSsoa, Cor Jllaaionlat, , tlmpaoa. O. M. Cuh- Cealurar, Ins and Cora Merrill, With EaMUeat .. Fradariok B e I e V t a , Oompany, , Simadlaeepe. - v.- IP. baseball: ATHLETIC ; PARK, Corner Taaraa aad Tweaty-Joarta. Ma 28, 29, 30, 31 ; June I Z. Oam. i called at 1:30 p." a. daily. Qamea called at i:S9 p. ri. Pundaya UUIZBS MT TaiOAT. , ADMISSION 25 Grandstand I So. Gblldreia 10c vox seata loc. r95 The Curtiss Company . 309 Abingtoiv Selling Agents Phones i A2699, Main 699 WANTED Ten teams and drivers to work on "Berkeley." 1 ' aarza on ii o'clock. 1 OeaeertB at ; dieO. t.M, ia:M by SchiIzoriyIs Inperlcl IInno2niin msszxs Piratt! Chaser Whr.MIo , ASJt MAST JTrw TTATVttX Care rumt and' Aider Frr S iiin. uasa vet soot r xu.i.::t i; .-.-i.. after a" Ion lUness. and death was not unexpected. She was about tt year ot ace. 'and came to Portland: with Mr. Nleolal ii years era. She was born ia JVajroe oouatj MlcWaaa Urs, - Nloo- lal was WeU beloved by a large number of friends and waa for a long time Iden tified with the Patton Home association and the Ladles' Aid ef the ChUdren's Home, Site a surrlTed bj bar hmband and the following children! ; WUllam NlcolaL Portland, Cktrre II. Nleolal Molalla, Orsron; J.Tr. V.rUer 8. "Wads, Ole. Ore--.; ir-s. 7, 7m Charnbr?"! i, Of. I ;, 1 1.3. tr. -