The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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PMhM erj mine tetxept ftimda?)
erarr Snnda- morl. at Tha Jnaraul BelM-
tn. Sift. nt Yamhill atra-f, mnrt.J;
Entaiwd at the poatorflea it Portland.. Or.. '
traiwaifaaloe ttiroa.k I foe KIU aacoadlaaa
well "restricted district" la certain-1 home city. Through talent, tact and
ly not very pure now, but there Is I good Judgment he has risen to places
in all that region but a fraction pflqf honor -and trust, and has per-
the open, flaunted rice that dls- formed their duties ably and , with
played Itself there brazenly for many credit to himself and the country,
'By Bits Wheeler Wilcox. " ,
(Ooprlfht. )0Or, by-Jtinai'
In scores, yea, hundreds, of the lesser
Conditions have been very He Is always ready to speak in pralso cities of America,' bright, cultured man
vr rXlappincss S SJu r First , IN cw.
nj jitr. inomai a: uregory, 4
Tha Purlfnna hail haan In Dnitiu ...
greatly improved,, and that portion and act fcr the benefit of Portland, J i"'?,. """,!1! beut!ful 14 years when Mistress Ann Hutchln
of town is comparatively decent, and and I. .-worthy of It. kindly esteem. wh thornd what 'h. o7h".r -ceT . ' hun'u' iiS
All dpartmeiit rat-hrd h? thla iiamhac. Tan
ffta Hrtof tba 4-partnnt yoa trial.
, VrtwIand-flMlnniln HnaMal lit.artl.lnt AOOT.
KTOiawirt RqiidiDc. 32S rifts . this to be the fact.
mvrmi irinnna miiidlog. ITHfyo.
' PirtNMTtptloe Tiarma br Ball to aar addrtwa
M Iba- Coltad St t. Canada t Mexico.
- ! :, --AILT..
Osa Tar,....,....vno i On Moots..
' t i; - riindat.
Ose aar. ,..i..i.ZW I Ona montl)..
a rear... 87.50 Ona month. ......I -08
everybody who , has , lived , In Port
land a considerable number of years
and has even a casually observing
acquaintance with the subject knows
It the facts
were as stated Jy. this person, how
would he explain . the further fact
Daniel Webster, fl
',..-;, - Duel".
Small" CLanga
By Rev. Thomas B. Gregory. -
nt Randninh'a duel with CI ay all the
world has heard, but it is not generally
itMn that the . fiery Virginian once
sent a challenge to Daniel Webster, and I k.-? i 'LVrj? W.!!Ler.f U"
that the "Expounder of . the Constltu- bsen lynched back east ;;,
Delmas rets his jnug In the papesi
t Vice-President Fairbanks' boon makes
a noise like a mole. . v;, .. ;. .
. .. - ,. i , ',
And yet, no weather bureau men have
ACODle In thnto- own nwna mnalilar 'aol I not amount to Jnuch. but without raa)
clHl nMmln,iut . I Ulnar It. the ataM dnnlKMna nt ttta "Hnht i tlnn" rhnaa the oath of
I hsve heard a man who Was ai(radu were to- And la Mistress Ann Hutchlnl safety. - r r , 1 un'clP eleoUon euaht net te M
ate of Harvard, and wha had married son a Tartar of the Tartars, v . -..J.U- Karl in the rear ef eraee III aeom- made a tail to a senatorial Kite, .
.i " , oiDmn lkT. . . .... . . 1 ... . . A I , , , . - ; . ;
n tiAoi uregun ucniuxu i . wun -oi orunancr- ana oeautr. i jo lonaer younr or aentlmentaL but mittee 01 conaress aiipuiiiwu i , ., ?
. We rise by what Is "neath
!y. our feet,
' By what we have mastered.
I 0. Holland."' ' T :
observes that Circuit Jtidre !pfa,t ln bushed voice of the wonder- a thoroug-bly matured woman of mldi investigate eertaln charges Of official The 'council's project ' for a salooa
."" v...vm.. '""B"! ful lockk luMau nf innthur unman. IU n Ann k. I nl..n.jM hrAiiaht hv in ' tl-ltmtor tmit n PnMU.ji .k..,i4 k '
Smith Of Baker county has de-j who bad made the scaling of the society I landed in the capital of New England from Htlnols, one Edwards, sgalnst the A , ( , , , . .r
termlned to make It more dlf- '"f' W?Li,-U: .h. i, Lh'Jl. ,h e) ' 'wk, ?Ury0:,.l.Atr?,"ry th? wi' suppose the usual number of the
la. i " 1 1 wv. ....... - . v nui .111. . .1IU lltlT ' L(, J 1, . I C. m . . I T E t n 1111.11, n. 11 1VIUI ) f MWA.t 1 1 1 . .lt M . I,n
...I-., .iriniiir rn aoonrA d nivnrpa in nil i L . .t i . - . - -' -- - i - - i iouunnu mji wui um inuuiai xsaw
I .ao mat every ; saioou , propr.eiur - - ...v.-wm -uiawuB ; ..(mreiuiijr -siia.a way that booed -no good to herself I':' On thle eommlttee tnere were, anions iyon4 ,a.AiDg LtM. Italy N - - .
. . barKeeDer of that locality, every dls- court man it nas rormeriy oeen. e ?S ' .C r Pro"M1B- -or peace to the Puritans. ,,:;v,.i-u?- lowers. Bandolph and wenster. , , . ' 1
.1 jg oaraeeper w. iwaynj-, lW . . J She had Joined all the Charity organ- !.,-.. Ann v. . f nafnra th. eommlttee had fafrty got ' ' r ' ' '
cnerries win goon be ripe. But wg
UAMM thav artll Ka ikaiit a nb.lrl
in.u mala or imol whn rovniii in r u udlou no i . uuiia nuci uuuouiauio i v....,, j , kuiivii, .k. B1, hM uMm ii ti h.fAM Ik. Unr inii. toil nunnr nil lonnn a rr ' --
-.v.,. - "I . ,,, V--,;- societies; giving btfth time and monar I " " , .7 - o . . . J. : , J 7,. t Vnmitt ln .apiece, too,- like strawberries.
filth and delights in moral aegraaa- .upmju.iwu., Xreeiy..untu sh-became. vaiuab
incompatipuity or temperament, J women wno i were the "leaders." , m ner own home, two a week, one In one of the prellmlnsry discussions ; Rer. Dwlght Hillis proposes to send
E.T.r neVb.n. YrZ" h.5.,t- -women, and' the other for of the committee ..Webster was -Mleged Only inra l ids to war. . All rlght-for the .
tion, Is lined up against the candl
dacy of Harry ;Latle?
hearsay evidence, Jealousy and the
usual desire to find another ' com
panion hurriedly.; ..; v
This Is a very good Judicial ex-1
. ... r I a a a..t aaAMA east vi araa A IWM1 T HS II I Nfhap Mat Iam
she no per.onal, tor mental w"?n on"' . , . ' ' i".' """.""1. k ,"V n7n . " T T". - . . V . A ' ! -
attraction, to cau.e rivalry In th. little r.wun mmo .?ov. he irw, hM
our Hunarea" circle within a circle. 1 1"" ."" "L" .k: k..;....,,n. vir.mian mot K.,hi. it. h.a'iki- -l..r; J-
In enterlna- horn, maicn, mi. nrai or American -ww ", " '"- " r-
.-.."fin.Bi?.?m,5 woman" motm h ut wida back to Washington In the spring of different from Russia. ...
LlKClUBlVV ' UCUUDlfJU f " ' . ' I a a n ti l a A.V. waiiM SAAH I V
But her success
HEN THE mllllonalresunus ample to set, and precedent to fol- 7 thoTwho Xnd'ed he? .rw.". P.amtTh.V. would "soon
I - .LI . . .
. i iun. vuc uccu uui b' vuw v iwoxt envy and Jealousy in many u w wurwu nunn i -- " :- ". ,, thnmmh. r ni ninmi1 a mai mur
chlses and special privileges divorces should be granted to agree outslder-s heart - ton. Wheelwright. " Coddington. Win- . w" vtr !dXh df Roanokl publ, Paker m o think It neo.
in gan Francisco, they that far too many divorces "are l"2 !L " 5
..They didn't do lt in granted, and that this has become " conditions' df things may be found Strafford, who -brought the millUry "IbU Jt.?l,i 'a Detroit sir! has been married thre
market, but went to so- . mat national evil and scandal. It f.? thou-nd if ,h. uf
-i 1 ,n Auisnci. .. ... I uat a-y umwwim ' uot.a.wiucu. n mw , . . . . - i . i MMnn ana latin - I. . m.
i . a raw aivi ariap mi nium noma " iuti wild niiu"
HE people hate"1 heard through
The Journal tho only Journal-! bought them.
Istlc vehicle of information on I the open
- a.... . ... . I ... .1 ,- I
' Iwni nnllTlnei 1 A ffo 1 tai YAmt Amr,m I .-.a -.1- o V V a A snnh I . . a 2. a a a I . . ' ... 1 . . . ... . . .
M..a. vvw unsicrev jJitico, wuciw tuv oas co in 10 me pass mai simosi verywDers otnerwiss tenslblsv and Msa ms nvy wun wnion xsiaxe won r r -w-- u n to yet
. Maa.i a. .a - I . . . . . ,l ' . . . I A.,.wia a. . m Uu ia,MMia iia. I lent Colonel Tnomu i tsenwn
, u, u..H1u.0u. seaumeni ou tmngs to sell. Tne jsauonai wanu- any excuse will serve to satisfy the KSTL " L'.ar"". r:", T.X -Hw. rmiT -a tti Webster with the following letter:
th Mlnnnka.n.r. .n h.n. .1 , .1. ." ' . . " wonqerrut opporunuies Tor nappi
- .v.v. Vl iuuieia oum muuif is iiuivu v i iaw as to cruel ana loaumiD i real-1 ness in this- great world by such un
even-to wunsiana- tromweu at-wie 'J"-rv ;,.,.-, 'i, t RtiM.nta r an Tnni... .1. n
Ik.l.V. kl naiaa M . 1 . I BlUrOaT, T "O. ., ! WW avnil-
I iici.ii. w. u' wv.. . . i t . I na w .M'.riiAui.. .iir-u n.. a . . .
In the matter of the growth of labor unionism, and ment" Nearly anythins that on. .worthy Weal, of life. . - The Boston ofim was almost " a ?.Jm jmQo IVh- shriw?" Ka iS itTZtZZJZ
it.-.:.:.u:':: lir.'- ..' .. I. . . I I liOOlced at Mlmlv anil una Mv . th! .v,...nT. TV... uii,t. m um.... r- -i . . -
Anaoraiiy contest. wow me is to SDend 1500.000 a year lor tnree nartv to a matrimonial contract may wk.i. .T..,..!.. -""' r, ""ATVr; ' ' "V L . ' A : 1 united States you have indulged your- oaya.
av .aa-.a . , . .u i f. . . " . T " .. " "V"? A" " ' P'"" nearly supreme, ana wits ." ..,, i,b.rti-. with, my name (aspers- , r
,' vt uiuim yeuiiici, years to iigni n. now iu wuue 7 allege in oraer to get Tree rrom tne I sowr, oui me aars siae or me snieia ministers found out that Mistress Ann 7" ". :.:... ...n,. But tha .h.nn.a .v. . .
the voters generally, the. men of all will be sptuit ln killing off the unions marriage yoke is held to be sum- Ln!rfe.rif 7rttAh1! cai tike whrioes not hoM himself per- Vent that way because .he want.d to.
other localities and occupations in ll9 food for Interesting rumination. cient to "render life burdensome" to rested by the fal.e idea of hano ne.. , " . !r ' """y. re,",!bI, .,2r. "?n.. fL.?u.5" "V" n"" depravity
tn altn al,a- .. . ,Va .... ,. ,1 ..-ia . . Taken fram a nrutlral initt.Mf.rint ..." V. j .171 lr 'Jr I "Ml unnu, won.i o.nW , ... ...... ,u .... u.a.. .-a.
"" wren tne iai wara naum uwu tM point or legal intolerance, l ne I atandDolnt. thara i7 n 'iiVh anniat-I Mrw mis woman maxe com-iof th BOte), wUl arrange with you tne
man for mayor that these people In to carry an election, he went into haw Is liberal enough, ln all con- in America which is not rwicu
. a . . . i i i ... wtsrsj aursouir causius miny ui iiiv i haaKw iwawirs.ii
we gaioon Diumess m th3 "North Wall street and raised a slush fund science, and it ought to be construed "om" n,nef "ociety. ...
aa a, a I 'I I 1 Fig TUtAnlO AW fhsaa 1 A a a AM mW laa auliA I
Kad" T -Tt nav An IV.. .Ill .1 .t 4 AAA AAA . te AAA I . . .. . . al. uuc, I
were already causing many of the I hereby Invited.
brothers and sisters to take on "know. I r .m. ir. your obedient servant.
ing" looks during meeting time and I "JOHN RANDOLPH OF ROANOKE."
was somewhat of a
was not slow ' la tak-
If they do. tbey will U.timatd at to 15.000.- in rf,,htfi -o. 0in.t jnflt U..-A "1.. ,.f.J . r.!u
I ' I wMa, ae a0v...v ..w--- mU VUflUgYD Wild iUV CAC1UB1VO I .aa-.f wa K.AMAl.nJ a. Oav kl 7 .
Tot. forIf .Pevllxu; If they don't. 000. -How unreservedly the election L, ln fav0r of the plaintiff, '
they will Tote for Miivor T.ann hi. i. n Mmwi i .1 ....1. . I "?." n Test socletr of New Tork.l.v (k,,.,; T -,.....a . I :"."',
. . -v ""it u,a " " ""Lf a iari iirupuiuuu ui yeuyia oi-1 Tne people of the "best society" of
auib i. iBs iaramnum question Wl history.
tmg campaign or nearly- so: Is The dollar as an arbiter and fixer excuses, their real reason being that SZZL. XJt, "
Orantlng a lleense to the "Economy
Gas company" under the ridiculous
terms proposed would be very poor
economy for the people.
The Oregonlan has only a "languid
VV,r itinh thin wm 4n ha tnlarntaH f . 1 1.. t. . ... a ik. npnmin4.r anil In 1
Plying for a divorce have but flimsy N;w Yo
. ,k.t. ...I ,a.n i,i.. h.f "n1 ctl ractron is ready to act as a I ... ,,,. tt,..-v.i I .,..L ,.r . 1 arabb na corcorationa am.. nanii
saiv wio w avail tt 1MI1U AULtuuisvii I , .MX. fYfDIlVr Mli lliunari mra WIIVVU 1 - . rvaj.
Portland to take a retrograde step 0f policU3 and solver of problems they think they can please them- " The -high socrety" of the Faubourg being convented for traducing the mm- to say to Mr. Randolph that be has no . . -f
morallv in' tha mtttar nf drift d ...1. k 1 . , v.. ilv V""" Bt oannafn in p,-!, an(1 the court clr- ,!ter nd thelr mnl-nr ln thU coun- recollection of haying said anything Mr. Robert Andrews Is
morally, in tne matter of civic de carries the broom. It is an argu- Belves better with a new mate. The cle. y11 Germany and othe? be banished as unfit for our so- which can possibly be con.idered s af- haye his name at the top'of
cencyT -Are we to have the boxes ment that : jarly always closes the divorce mill has become an abomln- lands hold sU American society In su- Wty.-.-' , - " fectlng Mr. Randolph's veracity beyond candidates for councilman, i
entitled to
the list of
aaA V. - a.
reesUblished In saloons' and restau- discission In favor of Itself. If gets able scandal In the land." and we ?.A1,d,n! Sn1'. " the American ,iJ rJ hv u x'a br "ttn- t0
rants, (women and girls rushing What it goes for, at )east. If it goes hope that Judge Smith's stand will are the socladoors opened to ton resumed Its peaceful aspect Slons they, must have been at or about V
drlnW alot machines robbing chit- in sufficient quantity.. Rabbi Stephen serve, to xheck. its wholesale opera- ""V'" . . .J"" "!? ?? "Te Ani .L .am!.!mp?!tA rotom eaV.'-M ThelnVV -.?Ah.0W.
.,. . . . . 1 1 1 unce admitted, they are sublected to I una nor nurainu, vugciuwr wiin nnni nt aoea no now twoiirci hibih bjiu 1 . - -----
dren and youth, and some men who S, Wise even says It fixes New York tlons throughout thle state. innumarlhu -.:,.n.Ma fn.u? of her adherents, lived on the island of disclaims all of a different import. As i ""end elective term.- What!
cant afford to nlay, them, and the! n.,init. -i. tn thna wnM annn'l ' I nrhta humintirir. nr n,, win' I Aouldneck. which they ourchased from to what Mr. Webster said In the house I I,n ? .a.mao who can say NO and
- " " l....v. ... t..v, . . ---.--.-.-.........,.. . . - , w I . I.., . va .a . I-
devotees of Vice irlven a freer, rain? 1 1, a -ii.., ... a -a l , t, . . , . , I ln" auue.i. piainesc ana most umnter-i nr uuonm vi mimwHiiHi, ... u.... i
uewkccB v a Afecri rin( I tt forth tO QO missionary Service, doc- I Mr. riovlln IntlmatAd laat nvAninar I ...u. . . ..v,....j. t . ..I d..,h i iai .v. ,.ttM im. v.. I .,.ta that W p.nininh nnla. an
If all this is wanted, vote for Devlin; to suit their consciences.; , jhat he would have some lnforma- believe that the most Cultured, brilliant Uy near what Is now New Rochelle, entire mistake or misapprehension as to .tw-ma. lf rL API2?,ct
If not, vote for Lane. indeed, in whit it can accomplish. Ln;nr mnH-n. t ZZllAi " . "br thV !0' .JJ
, . ,r ,. 1 , 7 ' . - . -r o- 1 mur. uih vulgar peasant witnout ma.sacre wa. aencnea ui. ugni m mm.. ow i.ira.u.u v 1 ----- - - .7 ....
18 useless for Mr. Devlin -to pro- the dollar Is a fearful and wonderful the camDaien closes." It Is rather pedigree and without family. the most remarkable Intellect that Bos- did make any Imputation on the per-1 "ruction of Atlantic coa.t cities. One
test that he.ia la favor of. none of thin--1 nn nernflarity is that ltli. i .i, aJ vi .V. In w of-these facts. Is It -notrlHton has ever made hlstortc-by mlsun- sonai veracity of Mr. Randoipn.
thA thln , v. fc,J. a..;.!.. i. k..-l " . ' ! ?S "culoU8. "d wicked to wast, life in derstandlng.
D. w gnu emoiojea waeu it is iu uriuit 1 iinh nromlsAR. or to lnsinnatS' that I msaatlsfactlon and unhanninaaa. Ka.
Jl tho elementg of society that want something back. If the Heney grand Ue has something np hit sleeve u" om dosen families in a eom
theiithlngsigrehealousjY support- Iry 1. rirht. .the cantains of in- ...,n.t rt. t,lm JmA"ta.
Jhg hlmand Rigorously opposing dustry'who lnvokod It in San Fran- ina equare, open fight, with nothing fV "..J no ol"tea you to '' .JnfSain "V f 5!.d! mV'
wne, . .under these circumstance. clBC0 got-mllll0nt worta. of priyl-1 to conceal and. wjth. honest ;weapon. "The ny good society worth seeking By the fairy thorn and the haunted rath 'iTv. Vallenlon," beforV hi. ?.m.
The Magic Mist.
From the Pall Mall Gasette.
part Of the prophecy Is that, this coun.
Of course, that setUed It, and there try will have a war and lose some of
. . ..aaaa I II. 1,1,1111 WUIHI HHI Tkl. 1 . . ,aaa
It Is fortunate that Webster's mem
ory or lack of memory came so oppor
tunely to his rescue, for Randolph was I
IT IS asserted by a resident of the
' "North End" who claims to be
familiar with conditions there
I for many years that they are
worse now than ever before. He
says in a communication to a local
paper that, I'tbe moral atmosphere
of the North End has never been as
: shameful during 23 years aa during
the past 18 months." This state-
: meat is so astonishingly contrary to
the ' fact known to , thousands, to
everybody who, ' knows' anything
- about it, that the ifian who makes
It most have assumed that the peo
ple who read It are know-nothings.
The very opposite of what this zeal
ous supporter ol the "North End"
1 candidate gays is true, aa people gen
erally fully know. -The "moral
t.tmophere,, la r certain, tolerably
their respective campaign expend!
men who vote for Mr. Devlin must eges for the few hundred thousands
necessarily, vote In favor of these they paid out. What the:' invested
things. To surely vote agalns them it for. was to get usufruct, and they
one must necessarily vote for Lane. I got It
, it is a square-toed, stand-np fight, ja Bhort, wherever or whenever
. for 't all , these elements attempt no I ju the clandestine use of money there
, disguise of their desire, and many of h8 to be no usufruct, there la no ex
them are candid enough to say Dendlttire. and that is what make3
frankly why they want Devlin elect-1 gorgeously interesting the query of
edfor just, the reasons we have what it is that the people of Port
stated. It Is for these people, or for iand must give back for the alleged
those who stand opposed to these thousands of corruption fund that Is
rlcious practices, to win aoxt Mon- to be spent In electing Mr. Devlin,
t oay, , wnicn win it nei . If it is not to be spent, why doesn't
The Journal's position Is well the "machine" accept the chaUeng.
known. t It has not waited for aj0f the Lanj managers for both may
municipal campaign to make its po-1 oralty candidates to make public
altion known. At all times, and un
der all circumstances, from the first,
- ft has outspokenly, espoused the tide
of civic decency; ahd morality. . It
- has fought continuously for a clean
er and purer city. In doing so it
has made enemies.' Many of the
people who are supporting Mt. Dev
lin don't like The Journal very well
But wo believe the great majority
- approve its course. Whether so or
. ' sot, we know its course is right.
; ' The reproof to these eomMned ele
ments that have rallied almost unan-
; Imonsly to the support of Mr. Dev
lin ought to be so emphatic, the
majority against them ought to be
vo overwhelming, that they will
, learn a lesson from this election and
never! again attempt to capture the
; government of this city.
, Mr. Devlin himself said in his
book that certain elements of a city
' , ought to have no part in governing
It, but were to be governed, and he
' Intimated that they should keep very
quiet and retired as to city affairs;
yet now they are actively and en
thusiastically seeking to elect him,
manifestly so that they can govern.
They should be voted down by a
, -veritable avalanche of decent votes.
HIS SHOULD be an exception
ally good old summer time to
scatter facts about Oregon
throughout the east, where
winter has not only lingered in the
lap of spring till nearly June, but
has froren the pretty young thing
to death and burled her in enow
The crops will be largely a failure
owing to the fearful weather, and
tens' of . thousands of paople will be
more disgusted with climatic condl
tlons all the way from the Missis
sippi river to the Atlantic coast
than ever before.- I there any way
In which literature about Oregon
its climate, resources, fertility of soil,
varied, attractions can be placed
before thousands of those disap
pointed and discouraged people, so
that peradventure they might come
to this milder and bette" country
and help those here to develop this
great state and enjoy life better?
The good ground for seeds of Ore
gon literature Is now ready back
there wh?re May has been like
December, where the soil when it
thaws out is stingy, where the coal
trust and the green bug cooperate
to make lite burdensome. Can't we
furnish the seed facts about good,
rich, resourceful, glorious old Ore
gon, with' Its wealth of material
things and opportunities?- Such
seed, well, distributed now, would
yield a good harvest of the' right
kind of immigrants.
againsran"'advtrsary, don't wait un- lin. th. .world is the. happy ooropanionatup Who stole by melde on the twisting was ripe.
til almost the last minute before dls- when you are able to be nerfeetiv
closing themselves. - I happy in your own thought, and your I oh, Patrick, Patrick, I dreamt of you
own worn, ana res ay to race yonr aim I a. i gamerea aimpiea in May-mom oew,
and ambition, with proud serenity. I To bath, the face that you loved so
The Minneapolis Journal argues I when you awake in the morning with I dear,
I a nvawa. a (. a. .w. ...... m...- . - . i j I "
that th. whoo a-n nt tha nna. I' "-?".r " crwor into era. a. wmapvnnr vmvm av my
v i ror giving- you another day of useful-1 ear.
Ta : ' 1 1
X)ottlecork at
By Wax Jones.
It. Island poa.e.alons. This last Item
auroras little consouuon.
Oregon Sidelights
t. V.""
Canby strawberries are said to equal
any . In th. world.: t - , . . ."--
. A small bug or beetle Is Injuring fruit
In Linn eounty.
e a
Many fine whiter Lh have been caught
ln the Deschutes.
e e
Good erop prospects and farmer. Jubl-
Ktsaaa rvnl voIIav ' a r A i-V, a Tla a I fiAM. atnrkf hAa Annnptnnltw s-m
will be only about 15 per cent be- hlF W'" .H a5Sf ukeTS
low UB overoRB, auu larger maa wiubo .doui you, men De sure you are The magld mist to his gold hair clung.
right away. I dorrt care If you do want
.... .u.' v v.i,. in the best .ocietvaln the world, and n. -.t.wJ . VI via -.-71. to 'O0 e elephant.i you can look
mm ,uar, uui lUi iuajr. uV wuiauiuB Vou ne-d not worrXif .v.rv a n r in V" a"" I'll-ri' " 'L'"'r""!'., at your father when we get boms.
n lun to nA,,roa ,,n ' Almnot all I - a'.-" .. :."., r na wt raw Wemr a iiammir a wrow. ,v,a xir.i A tv..... .
other reports are different
. tuKchdf,rs -are closed to you will Int. the heart of th. WU we passed;
be those which would cause you to bend 1 anmm rata. hahinA a i,,i
down in order to enter.
The hysterical demand for Roose- 'n ll?m TVlc u,lv c,ro . ofA,h
- I wnrlil vnrthwnlU nwinl. - will ltn.
velt's renomlnatlon seem. to be dy- wide their door, and ask you to enter!
ing down somewhat; Sober second And you will be so occupied, and so
. .. . .. ,. ... happy, that you will find it difficult to
thought suggests that the president accept many of even these invitations.
..i a-V , ' t.A ' i .a fA..Ail ' awaa It na I A f. vAit Dtllnvln. thla 1-.t" mmA Itnl.
,Vv a v v v 7 "best Voclt rty" ' the worldT if not 1 n love1 y. fairy lover the
could be, to do what he has declared btlfin t0 th, way to find It. " 1 hav 08t m Mvtl nd 1 nu
End of the World' that's a funny
idea. How could anyone know what the
. a ka MaalA wa..1A W. .11 1.
Bom. gate, behind u. clanged and were n77t althourta man
I looked on a beautiful fairy place.
1 1 tut
Ib Hoboken .ays It will end next year?
i aoirt see now ne know, but he seems
he should not and would not do.
Mayor McClellan vetoed the pub
lic utilities bill as to Greater New
York, it not being satisfactory to
Therein Ilea the only .happiness life
can offer a mortal who ha. reached a
thinking' age.
"Looking Backward" Again.
'The Middle Cla.- Between the Mill-
A. A I -..-na .-t ....4 In -a laa'. I ' Uwa, UUl a
- ' 'Ito be sure ef It. for they took him to
tseiievue becaua. ne repeated it so often.
1 Hr"4 ''. .hHd at U'pT
- - , . I ttmr - , l J, .. m. i. . aa . ". i . a
u awipea a oag on a BtandT
xou-r. a .wicKaa boy, and I tremble to
think what you'll grow up Into, and
how would a child of mine look in
When the child of the fairy withered !jL,p!"T 1 nevep. eMfcb!a' anytn,n
I weep no tears for my mortal kin.
and died.
strlpey anyway, since I had that jacket
My human heart 'gan bleed In my aide. .th ""ff J ou Just give up
There are some that say there's nor
grief nor care
those peanuts this minute no, not to
tne man; to me. He might want to
wSnfJL'ltt ?rlv2 a0f Mi"' In th. Land o' the Young, but 'tis wrong .VL? 0Lthm'
his masters. -But it la doubtful if Well.' es.ay In th, TNew Tork xVepend.' th.,.0
---a -" a uvjfll, . & VI 1 VI IlilUUID i
Pat McCarren and Orady can pre
vent its passage over his veto.
classes ln our present-day civilization ..(, ta,. i.
aa thraatana with a.tin-tin k. I "T fairy, lover he loves me so.
According to a press report, a
fellow armed in several pockets, If
not "to the teeth," has been arrest
ed in Boise ln "a palpable disguise." I ciai atmosphere for one's children to
as threatened with extinction between
the millionaire "combines" above and
the socialistic democracy below, a fol
lows: Which Is the better master the dem
ocratic state or a "combine" of mil
lionaire. T Which will glve.the beat so
il he thought I grieved he would bid
me go, . ...:''...' t
He would ope the gates, he would see
nits yaoat
to punish you 111 eat them mv.elf.
No, you can't have a .Ingle one. What',
that you .ay, you little imp you don't
see any good .wlprn things for met
I'll remember that remark when I get
you nome.
"What's this "Feast of Bel.hassar,
I should kneel to the prlestI should feS?' v !,,0.aie:
pray at the Mass. .
How a "palpable disguise" Is pos
sible Is not explained.
breathe a plutocracy or a socialism?
no doubt to many minds a plutocracy
It was over 42 years aro that
they came marching home again,
supper, I suppose. Olt, it. oriental. 1.
it? Can you .a. it. you ask? No. Har-
present, many attractions. In the work's Iwlxt me and my and the pray. iVothes ' -of
Thoma. Love Peacock and still more erB fall dumb. , ) - ..... .
a t .. a a, . . . . .a. .a. . I W..aa aVkat. a.-.!.. aaaV U a. A aaa. aa A aa.. a. la. a. a. V L.l I ' ' W " - ; '
cxeany in me WOT it a or W, . Mii0CK I - vfj x nao, i Whr4i did thou hlMrn a lPffc-.ii
conceXi0 'rWM' ren?,rln f r7 heart W W,?f ;f 'a,ry 1d'. J Ethlel Harold! Hr-o-M
la, namg on ine eiepnant. come down
that conception.
Tha h,.ll. aa ha 1, va a- fth Tat-lolr PtMrV 'AliM.. . "'I "," llnmnu vome QOWn
when the crel war was over. May ,.eV VtVf iiV
the balance of time left to them ous and productive 'congestion, and a 1 1 never loved you sine, time began, ' ' I Jjown rlillt iwiy Whttf TouVra
treat them tenderly. 1 -.,. .-y.. .IT.;" ."V I - .... .,f 1toon,e up and get youl Or, you-you
i... ..a..J. 'Ja .1. 1 ; . . ... you mtie crocoauei
ir.""'"'u"a'... iur"' .". linncn as a Business Adjunct. "And where is that wicked nn
Fragrant today are the graves; CentratTn, tn Pari. lindon Td In the large cities there are o many with my precious baby? Ah. there she
so live that your memories will be Rome, and travel about the world. I ,ubg ?" 80 man.r ' tJ 88 mn 'C . handsom. doings will fill the "vo " "UV..," XT . " I ; oaoy:
paper.. They will patronise the arts eomP araUvely little part In bustnes.. ex- "you-forgOt-hlmf . -
and literature, while at the Mma Um rL,r:' F..T. .TJi!;" . "ur "Mercy 1. Where? Where?
f ragrant (.
Th mntharo and wivpa hava mellowing them
' . 1 uraaht tn.fal.n.a
a 1 1 , iV n...
ngnt to a Bearing in mis election, i fact which make.
done today harsh
The middle
continued by
Now get ready for the flower
fiesta. ' .fi " . "
py euminaunar tnat tool . t: " rore i snake you. in the moon? Tt
upon contemporary " .?f,iaLe?.p"Vf .n8.Du- WM.dark and you forgot him?
so much of what is "" 'IVl.lf"'""' .""". ra "What ha. become f mv t.
and displeasing. TJ?jrrrTJM-the Trtt, to the MoonCr n " "
-claaa tradition will ha I i mij uo ineir i , , a.. ...... , fi ,--'.--
. r,.8 ".a",0n W1U. M own huvln ott tha al o a annl.l .1 n th.M. .
Nobel "The Great Testator."
By Chr. C. Lange,
"I " ..r "V.. .T: WenilW Md nirmiii aoaalnv honr, Tt 7X)Oh, 00h. And there's nreciou. net
Tthe MrSKS. VZZZSS recognised aa an' adjunct of business' ?nd did the bl, man keep 'oo? Mother's
The wrlteTThraVTisLIll leaTK
comfortable dependence, a link between MJwT-.,Iie.rfBl'.a: J. i - J a. 2r?l'J?r3l
class and class, tbe lowest ef the rich
will gd right home.
come.. Harold. - f I don't
No one will di.pute, says the Iroh I ear If you haven't een anything. Home
What's the use of piling up in
dictments to the number of 100 or
more against a man? Why not pick
out a few strong points and see if a
Jury can be obtained and he can be
convicted? The indictment-finding
business ia entirely out of proportion
to trials and convictions.
Mr. John ..Barrett, is always wel
comed to Portland, his former .home,
and which ho still considers his
2C w . ... . man's a-uesta tha hla-haat tit hla iv. I AP, inai aucn piacea nave a vast aa I ana jfoun miu oaten u when
Secreury ,ef-4he Nobel Committee of I"8 quests, the highest of his v- I thw heM fc manufac you get there. Come on and look ch-.r.
aalta . U a. I.. . . la. .a . . . "
the Norwegian Parliament
Originality might reasonably be ex
pected from ihe inventor of dynamite.
But if Dr. Alfred Nobel's fame had not
been established by his Invention al
ready, he would no doubt have won
world-wide renown as the great testator.
t, tSertafnly, no existing legacy can com
pare with his In striking originality,
Not only are the annual Nobel prize,
larger . in amount than In any other
case, but also the scope and the object
of Alfred Nobel's foundation are strik-ina-
lnthelrf conception; he made his
legacy absolutely international, declare
ing It to be his express desire that In
th awarding or prises, "no conswera
tlon whatever be paid to the nationality
Of the candidate.." ; " s
' And there la a lofty ldeallnm, continue,
the writer, In the Independent, In his
selection of the pursuits which are to
be rewarded. The sciences of physic,
of chemistry and of medicine, idealistic
literature, and the Utopian' pursuit of
preparing the millennium Of peace and
uueraaiionai jcooa wlu. . . 4.
Railroading in East Africa.
A short time ago the babu. or station-1 .octal hours together,
turer. meet but seldom, and then usu-1 ful now, you stlky things
ally by ohanoe and without the intimate
friendliness which comes with repeated
master, at Simba, on the Uganda, rail
road, had occasion to telegraph to. the
traffic manager as follows: ' . .
"A lion ha been bothering me for
three nights. It comes up on the sta
tion platform and goes to aleen. v Than
it walks up and down, scratches on the
wall and door and tries to ret Into the
office. Please send cartridges and a
Snider rifle by first train for protec
tion, i have biann cartridges,, but they
are of no use against llona." ', ,
a- ' m . Li V VmVVv
. . United States Merchant ftfarln
According to the. la.t , report of th
commissioner of navigation, the .mar-
cnant marine or tit United. Statesnow
numbers 16,006, with a gross tonnage eSJ
e,M,y., jr tne preaen. rate of con.
atructlon 1 not checked tbe output of
the shipyards for the carrent year will
bo Um sreattat stnoo ItM
. Blshon Lawrence's Birthday.
Rt. Rev.' William' Lawrence, blshon
Aa , U . . tTataaaaafr J , . . .a .....
m.ia n.,. tTi.-n . - j u h,.ibpii obkm'i xuas.acnu
This Date in History. , 1 setts, Was born ln Boston. May sa issa
1498 Columbus . Sailed ; on ; his third I H received his education at Harvard
voyage to the new world.
174 Henri III of France born.
f s 140 Peter, Paul Rubens, Flemish
painter, died. Born 1677. ' .
1787-Henry Addington, Viscount Sld-
mouth, English prime catnlster, born.
Died 1144. i
114 Empress Jo.ephlne, Wlf of Na
poleon J, died. , .;.
1885 Alfred .Austin, English poet
laureate, born.' y
18J8Naw charter granted the Bod
son Bay company. -
1S90 Oaffleld memorial dedicated at
Cleveland, Ohio.
M8J8 Commercial treaty between
Uwlted States and France signed. '
ioo-Paul Kruger tied Xrom Pre
tavia, , . , - s. s. 4
and later attended th JEDiscoDal then.
logical' sohool at Cambridge,, In 1877.
two years after his graduation, he be
came rector or Grace church, Lawrence,
Massachusetts. In '1881 he -was ap
pointed a profe.or In the divinity
school at Cambridge and in 1188 be
cams "dean of the1nstitutioHn-whicii
position he held until he was elected
a bishop of the church, ln April, 1893.
Bishop Lawrence has been closely iden
tified with Harvard university for a
number ef years and lias taken a promi
nent part in many movement having
for their object the public welfare.. He
is the author of numerous books, pam
phlet, and easaye, in all of which he
has shown himself to be a close' stu-
dent, logical thinker and dtar writer. ,
Women and children sr. paid aa high
as 11.75 a day around Lake Labl.h for
training hopvines.
'An apple tree In 8t Helens was plant,
ed (0 years ago, and during moat of that
time has born, from SO to 16 bushels of
apples a year,
Mere boys of Albany, Brownsville,
and other towns club together and buy
liquor from Portland wholesale houses,
and pspers up there are demanding
prosecutions. , v - '-i.
The acreage ln Morrow eounty Is prob
ably a little In excess of the average
and unless something now unforeseen
happens the county will harvest the
largest crop In her history.
From his band of IB or 80 cows, about
half only heifers, a Benton county man
receive, an average of about $60 each
for a year's income. Some of his best
eows bring him about glOO a year. ;
Condon Globe: A young Indian on
Warm Springs reservation embraced hla
mother so eagerly trie other day that he
broke two of her ribs. There are sev
eral girls in Condon .who would risk
their ribs in such a case.
It is a significant -fact that it Is the
farmers of Umatilla county who are
enabled to go abroad and tour the conti
nent. A party of seven left Pendleton
Saturday for an extended trip abroad.
making Germany the- main point of in
terest on the tour.
Linn county settlers who sre after
rallroa lands are hulldtnar cabin. on
the lands they - have applied- for, are
moving onto tha ground, and propose to
stay until the question whether or not
the railroad-can be compelled to sell at
$2.50 par. acre Is settled. -
The fabled Garden of Eden could offer
no more flattering inducements, could
b. no more enticing to the farmer, than
LAke county. Oregon. ;Its great val
ley hold hundreds of thousands of acres
of the richest farm land that lies under
the sun, says the Lakevlew Herald, 1
Which gives many, particulars.
. y . pee
Twd1 Pennsylvania' vouna- men' vara
upset, ln the rapids at Judkln's point, Eu- j
gene, while canoeing; and but for the -
fact that they ware splendid swhantner. " I
would probably have drowned. . Tmao. v , I
are the rapids that have drowned v-a,L. I
eral young men and Jt takes a foolhardy
reuow to attempt to run tnsm.,.,.v-;-.j,i,j;e afc..f"f-;.:(....,.-;"?r'
A wedding was scheduled to ocour In
Milton the other' day, but. saya tha
Eagle, the prospective groom took te cel
ebrating the marriage a little too early
ana went on on a nign.joneaome, wnion
did not meet with the approval of the
bride-to-be nor of her parents, and the
conaublal event was called off for good
andkllU, ,-. , , , u .ya;
: : A deadly dandelion dope 1. made by
taking a barrel of water., 68 gallons, and
adding to that about 100 pounds of Iron
sulphate and 10 pounds of sulphnrlo
add. Both of the ingredients are very
cheap and can easily be furnished by
druggist. Care should be used to let
the mixture stand long enough to thor
oughly dissolve the iron sulphate. "As
the sulphnrlo add la a poison It is nee
ssary to handle tt rirrfiiHx, " '