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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY; 80. 1 807 Men itUndernm7c WHiti USilk Dress Shields 'S 1 ugi Men' Underwear in fine white mercerized finish, regular- $1.25 the garment; special ' AC sale price ............. 3C Men's Underwear, , fine white ribbed "cotton,'? worth 4 50 c : gar ment; special sale O O price OOC Men's White Mesh Underwear, with-short sleeved shirts and knee pants, regular 50c ' garment; special sale Men's ' White' .Mere ei Ixed Handkerchiefs, worth - ' ' ' 10c, each,.:.;....v.;;.OC Men's White Nainsook Under wear, shirts have i -length sleeves and drawers are knee length, worth 75c the .'. A7 garment ; special , ', . . . x I C Men's Plainl White' Negligee Shirts, good materials, and well made, regular grades ; , "JQ special. , . . . . . . . . .'. J Men's White Linen Handker chiefs, with : plija hemstitched edge, regular 20c "-; ; 1 0 values ; special ,'. ; . . . .. Men's i White Vests,; Wash or dry clean materials ; ; ft$ special ............ I, 4yH FIFTH STREET Va$HINQTON STllEET SIXTH STREET. Send Mail Orders From This Ad A remarkable one-day bargain on a splendid grade of muslin, full bleached and full 4-4 width. It'she regular Utica Muslin, too, a grade that every housekeeper swears by. Muslins have gone up in price so in the last"1ew months that this is an extraordinary bargain. We bought this lot months ago, otherwise ft would be out of the question to make this price. nf Lay" in a supply. Regular 17c quality, the yard...'. . .' ...... ... ...... .. . . . . . . .. . . 1&2C White Liquid Cleaner; for can vas or duck shoes, regular 25c bottle, white sale ",. 1 A price ...A ..... ISC White Bristol Tooth ",- v Brushes V. r.Y.'. OC Calder's Tooth Pow- Calder's Tooth Pow- - a der, pkg.V...........;10C White Shelf Paper, n 10 yards 5C White Celluloid 'Back Hand Mirrors, worth $1.65 -l Q each; special ..i;...t)llt7 White writing Paper, Amster dam linen finish, .. 1Q -worth 35c, pound ...... luC Envelopes to Match, the package f C White Silk Dress Shields, size 3 only; light summer A weight ; special price . . 1 C Cube White Headed V V Pins, special ........ .", U C White Pearl Buttons, A special, dozen . . .... . . 1 UC White Basting Thread, 3 spools ................. DC White Ball Top Hat Pins, that selPregularly at 10c, j each . . . ... ..... ... ."'. C Ruled White Linen Writing Tablets, worth 10c, V : 7 each .................... f C White Waxed Paper, ' J 24 sheets for ......... ;..IC O mieMihmMMMBII 3 Wife C At 1, - ., -T.. 4i t ... , (.,.-.. ... ,,f , . , .... i t. rf' . ,V , fy J. v,-v ,h. .: '. '- ..." ... T A RARE COMBINATION THAT WILL- PRODUCE SOME "WONDERFUL, BARGAINS WHITE GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT WEE PRICES MUCH LESS THAN SUCH STERLING MERCHANDISE DESERVES Women's White Hose v And Underwear . i Misses" White Lace Lisle Hose, in sizes 6 to 9S, a very pretty1 pattern, reg. "17 sold at 25c the pair ; special ........ X I C Misses' White Hose, of silk-finished cotton, in. size 5 to our standard 25c . J n grade ; sale price, special, pair ... . . .1 1 C Women's White Lace Lisle Hose, in neat patterns and qualities, that sell reg- - f A ularly at 35c the pair; special ...... XoC Women's White Hosein allover iace pat terns, fine, full-finished hose, that seH reg ularly at 50c the pair; special - - i sale price 04C Women's Vests, of. white elastic" cotton, made, with low;qeck and no sleeves, good fitting garments, in full sizes, Tegu- A' larly 1 5c each r special sale price . ... . . . 5JC Women's Vests, white elastic lisle, low neck and no sleeves, regular 20c value; i O " special sale price . . .... .......... .V l&C Women's Vhite Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless style, ela'stic rib, one of our standard 60c grades ; special JO sale price .. .... . ..... .. ....... ... frOC Women's Union Suits, white lisle thread, high heck, long sleeve and ankle length, seasonable weight, regular 75c jA value; sale price . ; . ?fv, .. .'. . .tJC Women's White Ribbed Lisle Vests, with high neck and long sleeves, a ; f OA- regular uuc graae . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . Mem 'me Smmmd Mings on mm mMksf 87c Women's White Petticoats, of fine cambric, with deep lawn flounce, trimmed with either , clusters of tucks and deep embroidery edging, or oiusters ot lour nemstitcnea tucks ana hemstitched edge. Regular value $1.25 each ; very special Women's Drawers, made of fine cambric, trimmed with two; clusters of fine tucks and deep embroidery, regular values 75c; CQ special sale price, only OOC Women's Night Gowns, of fine nainsook, in the slipover style, with low neck and short sleeves, trimmed with lace or embroid- Q try, regularly $1.25 each ; special . . . ... O I C Children's White Petticoats, of fine cambric, with deep double flounce of lawn ; trimmed with four clusters , of tucks and torchon lace edging; regular price 82c each; Cfi special sale price .....ODC Women's Large Lawn Aprons, with wide hem stitched hem and long wide strings ; QJ )r -regularly worth 50c each; special OftC! Roval Worcester Corsets, in a new' model (No. 542), especially adapted for a long-waisted figure high bust effect, and low under arms and at bacK. nave rrincess nips ana nose supporters at tached at sides and front; made of fine white batiste; A nrj sizes 18 to 30; $1.75, value : . . . ............... ' ' ' Women's Petticoats, of cambric or nainsook, with deep lawn flounce, trimmed with em broidery or Valenciennes lace, in insertion or edge. A large assortment of patterns and trimmings, regularly worth $5.00 dQ OA and $5.50 each; special sale price r.DJ 027 Women's Chemise, of fine nainspok, skirt length, with low, round neck, trimmed with two rows of embroidery and Val. lace inser tions, lace edging at armholes and bottom; regular $3.50 values; special 6n i A sale price tPLilJ Women's Night Gowns, in slipover style, square neck, with elbow length sleeves, trimmed with two rows of Valenciennes lace insertion edging and drawn ribbon; Q7 regular $2.50 value; special plpOf Women's Corset Covers, of fine nainsook, in many styles, trimmed with lace or embroidery, very pretty and dainty; regularly 75c AQn each; special fftC Women's Corset Covers, in full front style, exquisitely trimmed with Val. or Cluny lace, or Swiss embroidery; $1 1 Q regular S1.50 values : special White Lawn Cushion Slips, with hemstitched ruffle, hand embroidered in dainty designs; regularly iu eacn; spec. 98c About Half for Pretty Val Laces A sale of hundreds of yards in insertions or edges, to match, come in all widths, and the daintiest of patterns. For trimming the summery wash dresses, children's underwear and lingerie, these are the prettiest sort of trimmings. There'll be a crowd after these and the best patterns, sor you'd best be on hand early. Here's the way they're priced: Worth 75c and $1.00 -the dozen AQ yards; special fioC Worth $1.50 to $2.00 the dozen . , flO j as ua 1 via j Worth $2.25 to $3.00 the dozen '"inl yards; special ...........pi,tO Worth $3.50 to $4.50 the dozen ;' An yards; special .................. J&lilO Chantilly Ties, in white or cream, come lyi yards long, go twice around neck and long enough for flowing ends, worth 65c QFJ each ; special .................. .... JJ C Reg. $1.50 Gloves $1 Women's Long Silk Gloves, a superb qual ity that sell regularly at $1.50 the pair, spe cially reduced, and when these are cone there will be no more at the price, A Affc so hurry; wotrh $1.50 the pair, at.plUU White Taffeta Silk 69c Yd . ' ' ' ,..,-.,'.'-;., We add this special to the bargains we announced for the week, jn-'the Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, papers. This special is on a good grade of 19-inch taffeta, and there are 1,800 yards, a quality that we sell regularly at 19c the yard. CQl Now lot Friday we make it our leading special, the yard.' . UC Bargains in Linens Too Crochet Bed Spreads, in Mar seilles patterns, 500 of - them, regularly worth $1.7f( rOC each ; "sale price' .'. . .D1 White Linen Suitings, ;; 40 inches wide, a :U regular i 60c Mgrade; extra special, rg Tsale price- i '. Ivi'L'.i'irtZiC- Bleached Table Damask, 2 full yards k wide; i a regular? $L25 value; special saie , , i oc price 1....'.. . , Checked and Plaid White Nainsook, Dimities and Dotted Muslins, that sell regularly at 20c the yard"; ol special sale price .12C White Chiffonette,. very sheer, splendid for. underwear and lingerie waists, specially priced at, the yard, Ol 30. 25 and . ; . . . L I C Pattern ; Table Cloths, 3 yards long, each, ?3.15, $3.60 $4 5 Imported Satin Bed Spreads, large size,; V come in handsome patterns ; dQ CA reg. $4.50 values; sale price . .PJvU White Openwork Batiste, m striped spotted " and figured designs; regular 50c OQ, the yard ; sale price . . . . uVC White Persian Lawn, in soft finish, regular 35c'qual- OC ity; special sale price U&OC All fine Damask Table Sets, Napkins, "Embroidered Bed spreads, Fine ' Hemstitched Towels and all Linens reduced for this sale. Laces Worth to 75c for 25c Laces in Pt Venise and Si GU Ltces, in bands and dgci, sharply Oriental Laces, wide or medium widths, edes. and insertionlf HE regular 50c and 75c cfalities special sale price................. Embroideries, a stock that is larger and better assorted than any other on the Pacific coast All reduced in price for the annual sale of. White Nainsook Sets, in opent or blind embroidery, in edges, bands and all overs, cambric sets, , Swiss sets and all white embroideries m the stock at sale prices. ' ?.,,,,,...,......,. ....... . ... Here's a Real Sensation! Suits Worth to $17 .50 for $6.89 There isn't a suit in the lot that sells for less than $12.50 regular. And there isn't a suit that isn't good style and-good material. Smart, natty little costumes, some of the very best of our medium priced garments, a lot of nearly 150 in this sale. This is easily the premier suit vaiuc oi mc ciuhc suauu, saving ma m. ..v take advantage of will remember for months to come. Come in Eton and Jacket models, in fancy mixtures, checks, stripes, ' navy blue and black. All wool materials and trimmed in splendid taste. All sizes in the lot and the regular values are $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50,'-Smart suits that we recommend for service and style, suits hat are easily worth double theprice we ask. None laid aside, no phone orders taken and none sent on ap provaL Come early for first choiceof these dash ing; stunning suits, pick out one worth from $12.50 to $17.50. nav onlv Ir w W " -- J 6M Silk Coats Reduced One-Third One-third o(f the price of any silk coat in a lot oi over 100. The regular values run all the way from $15.00 to $45.00. They come in Eton, Pony, box and half-fitted styles, black or pongee color. They are tionstc-imtv trimmrt affairs, cleverlv de- -' lV.JW.-. . . j signed by workers who are really artists in the:; production of dressy garments. Decorated with rich braid, applique, lace and medallions, and some are in the open or blind embroidered effects. Come inypon gee, taffeta and pongee silk. Triced thus: , Coats worth (MA oats wortn fPin -oais worm 0ifi $15.00 for ...OlU $18.00 for $30.00 for FROM $15 TO $K-ALL ONE.WIRD BELOW REGULAR White Waists Half Price A lot of marvelously beautiful bodices that have sold for $5.00 to $22.50. A rousing stock adjusting sale that will make short work of all the short lots of two and three ot a kind. mere s no otner reason for selling' these superb waists for so small an amount. Just want to readjust the stock, that's all. ' "7 '. " a' ' ' " rney seu reguiany at a.w, 9o.ou, UnK DmiVa $70, $10.00, $12.50. $15.00, $18.50, I M0H JT 1 1 IC $22.50. Take your choice for Half Price White Pearl Beads 38c Good Sized Strings of pretty Pearl Beads that sell regularly at 50c and 65c; QQ special ........OOC Pearl Buckles, handsome pat terns, regular 65c val ues ; Special ......... . Veil Pins, with pearl regularly worth 85c "1 A each; special .......... 1C c pat- 49c heads, White Leather Belts that sell for 65c each- at regular times, in the Sale of White a a for.......,... jgC White College Bags, a great fad, worth 25c, i a for lifC White Leather Card ' Cases, regular $2.50 values ;A a a special -tyl!)" 1000 Pairs Shoes at $1 .98 A Shoe sale that's more-than ordinarily re markable because of the splendid line of sizes that makes up this lot. No one can fail to be fitted, most shoe sales disappoint because there are not a full line of sizes. In this spe cial there are sizes for all. ; v 1 Women's White, Canvas Garden Ties, with medium soles, leather heels and fitted with elastic at heel to prevent slipping. Trimmed with large bow. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, in blucher cut, with light soles and Cuban heels. Have braided toes.. , : Women's White Canvas Oxfords, of Sea Island duck, with wide ribbon laces, Cuban heels and light soles. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, with four pearl buttons, in a new. short vamp, swing last, covered Cuban heel, light soles. , ' Women's White Canvas Oxfords, with military heels and ex tens ion. soles, comfortable and good wearing shoes. 1 v And then we put in three splendid leather Oxfords at the same price. This is to be a day in shoes to be remembered. , Women's Patent Leather Oxfords,' four-button style, with dull calf top. Women's Patent Blucher .Style Oxfords, with medium soles and medium hierh waikincr heels- . Women's Oxfords, of fine soft dongola kid, Blucher style, moderate ( style heel and toe., ) C. Eight ' Styles ot Oxfords to Choose FrcnFlYs Camas and Three Leathtrzr.d f:r Frldzy, Chzks