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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 30,. 1807. HOPS IE OH ANOTHER TRAIL rough country ss can ba found in the northwest. Those following the dots, which steadily keep on the trail, find Incredible nardahipa In totting- over the ground which the two loat persons have apparently negotiated at . terrible ex pense of physical exertion and with hunger gnawing; keenly. . ' . Yesterday morning a freah trail of the i two was found elsht mllea from where the doxs were working. , Thle IVCW ITaCO JJlSCOVered 01 tile In the foreat three miles from .'- what la known aa Palace camp, a point iwuie i aKen oy jian ana Boy Lost in Woods. ' : : ' , , . ; !'-.-' ' . ' ',) LINDSAY IS GIVINO ' . FOOD TO COMPANION JSgg Sheila s Show That Lawrence ' Black Is' Only One Who la Eating and Bat a Scant Supply Remains for Illm; on the' Bailey-Willie trail, ana wnere the trail crosses the Mowlch river. Two ooys who were sesrchlng ' for them found this krall and Immediately came to Fairfax and word waa aent for the doas Tbae were . working :.. In the Volaht creek bottoma and were -brought back to Fairfax at: duak laat evening and were put on the freah frail about o'clock thla morning. " The searchers have atronc hopes of finding the wanderera before 'they buc- eumh from hunaer and exposure. When they left Fairfax Saturday they had one dosen hard-boiled egga and about half a docen eandwlchee., A camp ha a been found on Volght creek where they ate half of thee egga ana peraaps half the sandwiches. ,f Tnereaitor, incu catlona ahow. they huebanded their food with the atrlcteat economy. Their trail la plainly dleeerniwe throurhthe tall f erne and over rotten logs, and in placea ' in aand and loose earth. V Th . searchera believe - that Snaeial D It Ml eh Tbe Joornl) Tacoma, May 10. The hunt for Brent A. Lindsay, the schoolteacher of Fair fax, and Lawrence Mack, the 12-year-old son eC Mine Foreman Mack, who were lost n the woods several miles west of Llndaay Is giving all the food Hot eaten that place "Saturday, la being pressed the flrat day out to the child. Occa wlth feverish vigor by hundreds of men slonally. aa the A searchera acramble In that vicinity, it being. realised that through the woods, they find pan or imioaa the wannrafe naedilr dls-1 the shell of an egg. and this Is always covered vthey will perish from hunger I directly sa the tracks Of tne cnua., and exposure. -Vr I C " Xongk Country. Since getting the bloodhounds on the r nlfl wh-r- . fresh trail was trail yeaterday morning the. two have dl-co vred ye.trday Is In a country so been followed for mllea through one of denaest. foreats and over perhaps as Cures r7TTT7 Cause Comment enormously rough that the- two can make but little progress, though It Is apparent that they are traveling almost rom dawn to duak. no place wnere they have spent a night has yet been discovered along their tralL The trail is shaped directly- toward Mount , Rat' nier, and from this course the two are apparently not intending to deviate. The mountain la by no means visible In the forests, and it Is Improbable that ... . they know they are going toward u. . ...- HThe searcher believe that Lindsay, In WORK 'OF 4THE -FER-DON going dlrecUy toward ths Iuget sound i.i .... i region. r,,.'1 1 ?..": ?.x--, v--k MEDICAL. CAJfttKlS WilMai Lindsay Is a popular young man. a FAVORABLE MENTION ton. who ! well known and baa hoats ....r.YTon '' V. "-: lot friends both to Seattle and Tacoma. M.KXWni!.Kl! The child. Lawrence Mack, la a unlver 7'- vf 1 I sal favorite at Fairfax, and aoes there L . 1 ai".MN-' " Innilar the nickname of "Bune." He Is "'i' . f i . I .,.WI1 kullt .. mtllrA-m lltla faltnw. . . a 1 wvj,. vwm. -" -rf " pemonstrauons at l wcntietn ana with a smiling face and a happy, dispo- i Washington Grow More Interesting One Elderly Lady Made to Hear After Being Deaf From Child- hood.' AUDITOB FAILS 1 - (Continued from Page Ona v Honesty-of Purpose y . Proven viewed the failure to publish the election notice a serious defect. Attorney Thomas Q. Greene pro nounced tbe carelessness on the part of the CUT auouor a mailer wmon wtom without aueatlon Invalidate the bond ! sues and necessitate a special election at the expense of the taxpayers. He said this morning: ' 1 have not examined the authorities In extenso, but am of the opinion that the failure of City Auditor Devlin to oubllah notice of the election June t will result In aerloua loss to the city. "Section of the Portland city f. Deaf From Childhood and Com pelled tO Distinguish Words by charter reculres the auditor, under dl- the Movement Of the Lips, Mrs. notice by publication In the city official paper of each general election, the of floors to be elected at the same, and tbe place or places la each ward desig nated for holding the election therein. Feople-Wlshea rrastxated. "Every man Is presumed to know the date of a general election, the same hav ing been fixed bv law, and tha courts ;j ' Annie,Robinson,. Who Lives at , - MJZ .Clay Street -' 5 ? Portland, called to see the Great Fer Don last night at bis free show grounds, corner of Twentieth and Washington have very generally held that failure to . ... r..- .h. .ma ,ln . h. give notice thereof does not Invalidate treats. When she came up ; on tin ' 1- . . i me Xllie w uium . u vuuuv wacm platform sne was unaoie xo near anu cn0Ben thereat In talking read the Hps of the person k "A different - rule - applies, however, Tha wonderful nrena- where me voters ; even at a genenu speaking to her. Ttuon, waren, jw-uvm ( " I yote municipal , election are called upon -to for or -ao-alnst the issuance Of cases of deafness, was applied, to her bonds or other municipal securities. ears, and almost InsUnUy the hearing either , forj-publio purposes or sa ma was benefited ana Mrs. noDinson aia- , tinctly heard a conversation addressed to her frotn a distance of to feet Thomas Askay, a teamster who re . Bides In Lenta and who is employed In this city, was knother who t6ok ad vantage of Fer-Pdn'e offer to: relieve no I notice to voters of -those mattera As to them the election Is in effect a spe cial election, and failure to give statu tory notice is, I believe, a fatal defect. "If 'the voters on. June i xavor tne Bull Run pipe ' line bond Issue, the parks and, boulevard, .flreboat, Madison street bridge and other Dona issues, it . .n(! is practically certain that no Investor from deafness With one application , of - ' whft would bu th( his Maglo Relief. After the remedy J at any price, and the desire of tha peo was applied he addressed the people, pie will have been defeated by the care- stating how h had been troubled with Je-sness 01 Jar. utvim na la prwom , "Of course a special election could be called subeequently. It would cost the taxpayers several thousands of dollars." VETERANS' GRATES ; (Continued fromage Ona) partial deafness for some time, but said he:. '1 can now hear as well as ever, and I don't know how long It will last, but a medicine that will do me es much , good on the first application as this has, certainly nas the power to cure me. I Intend to continue using It" H. : Q. Winters, OU vriHi aronuo, v..m., .f ih. a 1 R tha flrairnn 'was another living Illustration of the (National. Guard, Spanish War Veterans efficacy of this wonder working remedy. I and the Ladies Relief Corps, starting too, was made to near. Uf Second and Morrison, marched in The band concerts and entertainments parade followed by a long line of car at Twentieth and Washington streets riagea in wnicn were tnose once strong out now ceeDie. ai ourin ana sumon the Spanish War Veterans and the N' tlonal Guard, standing at present arms, allowed the bent , blue-clad figures of the Grand Army to paaa In review, Then the line of march was resumed to South Plasa blocks, where services were held, rre, are gett!ngtetter nightly and are at tracting much attention' from our muslo- loving people who are coming out In large numbers nightly , . At 851 Washington street, where, are the offices of the Fer-Don's 4 medical experts, daily can be seen, many of the - sick and afflicted people of Portland ; and many surrounding cities. The won derful r Syarthgil treatment by" which Snr4ixtia - 4a nurnd without -the use i.: . i.-.,. fct i. th city, ga. past the Leaderbrand home vi. m '-- i on their way south, and it waa be ' ready begun to form and the bloodless j jjaVed some of these tramps might have MAID MURDERS (Continued from Page Ona) surgery In the cases of tumors and can ; cers Which is practiced sre winning wldesnread .commendation. These ' doctors can cure many diseases which fcy others are pronounced incurable. No caaa is accepted In this office where a positive cure cannot be pronv ' : laed and ; the honesty ' - of j, purpose Is 'prajt by their, refusal to accept any case where It is found they cannot per is feet a cure.'.--,?'.'.--. ' An Incident occurred - one " day';. thle week which proves L this statement attacked and murdered the girls, . who were out gathering flowers for Memo- I rial day. , - . . . ( '" aaaMaHBaaaMMeBBSMMaaMMMMMI TAFT IS TROUBLED "WITH SORE THROAT - (Joanul Special Service.) ': St Louia. May SO. Secretary Taf t had throat trouble when he arose this morn ing. A throat specialist, was called be fore the, secretary was able to begin the day. He took an automobile, ride to the Country - club for lunoh at Odaon. and at I o'clock addressed the I BroughV by loving and anxious friends j Millers" national convention. -. He . was a wmin anffarin from van incurable 1 aiven a reception at Glen Rheo Country .disease waa carried Into the office. Of cluV.t f the Tnedicai experts in an invaua cnr. , At tn6 Millers banquet Friday 'Ens was examined ana wnen jne oociora i morning. . sahhx at v nai t n ! t ii Tiru- an v tin SB him i . f miiM n-rfnrm eur. thft- WOmail nd 1 Kill I h. A I 1 1 lK.A Y I i '. her friends were told so. No false hopes, no promises Impossible ot. ful fillment wsra given; the truth' waa told and the case refuaed. ." " ' Fer-Don's first Instructions to the physicians who use his expert methods .PERFECT HARMONY la "Tell the truth," : and it is in mis way he has built up a reputation for Vanesty, truth and Integrity, yciouay cool winds, floaraat "DtcUl Service.) Chicago, May 10. It la parti weather here today, with and no veterans fell this year from heat and exhaustion in the Memorial day "parade, Four thousand soldiers" rraves were decorated here, Ex-Con federates participated. ? V-- jand ir'::-'-'b 300SilIPelticlat Reg. $50' Values, $4.86 300 Petticoats, of extra quality taffeta silk in'black only, the' most serviceable and desirable of all petti coats, made with a deep tucked flounce and ruffle, with a . fancy heading. ' These skirts are made-ex-, , tra full, and are finished in " the most perfect manner. , Sold I regularly .i at ($7.50. - Special f or , .Friday Bar gain Day, ti j Q only ...... . J)4.O0 . - ars V v mm- - Mail orderi will ba- promptly filled. None reserved, none C. O. D.. no phone orders at this re-. markably low price. 700 Yds. Printed Imported Batiste Printed Ljnbrbid'd Batiste Reg. 25c Values at 14 c Yd 100 yards in choicest patterns of printed and embroidered batiste, printed in floral, figured and dotted effects with a fresh and .dainty beauty that is irresistible. Regular 2Sc values. While these 1,200 yards last, forFriday a ale, yard ...... .14C $1.50 Crepe and Swiss Kimonos, 98c 150 Women's crepe and dotted Swiss Nightingales or' Klmo nos, very pretty and dainty for summer wear, In fancy Jap anese patterns and dainty white dotted Swiss. QQn Regular $1.50 values,. on sale for Ow BxtfaoMihary Friday Saleoflfaists In this mighty sale of summer Waists at all prices, we are offering thousands of new, fresh and dainty waists in a hundred styles. Besides showing so many styles, we offer the greatest bargains of the season in desirable waists.' Different from other sales. You can practically select the waist you want from our entire assortment and pay only our Friday sale price. Many quantities limited St win savoy of ood jadfmeat o bay at least S or 4 of these beautiful sew shirtwaist. all are pert act ly made and of splendid - msts rials the very latest oonealte are saowa aare. 0i 0 s W-yOn Sale Tfjday-'tvS Mm Regular $UQ New Lingerie Waists Regular $1.75 New Lingerie Waists .,........18 Regular $2.00 New Lingerie Waists .$1.50 Regular $2.25 New Lingerie Waists . :. . . .1.78 Regular $2.50 New Lingerie Waists . . : . . . . . . . 198 Regular $2.75 New Lingerie Waists ........ ... .$3.15 Regular $3.00 New Lingerie Waists ........ .. .$2.35 Regular $3.50 New Lingerie Waists ....t.....;.$2.75 Regular $5.00 New Lingerie Waists . .$.08 Mail Orders filled if received at once None on aprjroval at this low sale price. Tbe best valaes the daintiest styles we bave ver . been able to offer at such moaatat prloes. 81.15 y ji The aew UOT style tbtee- qaarce sieevesL caa avovai pilar , lid nunrnn . 1S0T patterns. 'V. ?f he Great Annual Sale of Summer Weight Women's ' Knit Underwear and Hosiery In addition to our regular lines of hosiery and underwear, which cannot be duplicated in Portland at our prices, we had the good fortune to make a great special purchase at a very low price; 12,000 pieces are involved in this one sale. Bought at one third and one half less than regular prices for a sale , right at the beginning of the warm weather. 50 Dozen Women's Swiss Vests Durable, very elastic and neatly trim-med-v Thousands xof women -have been accustomed to buying a supply of these Vests at the beginning of the summer season at' 50c each, and, we have found the demand ao great that we decided to inaugurate the most sensational sale ever, held in Portland at 23eV ' ' 100 Dozen Black Gauze Stockings An importer's sample stock of Ladies' fine . black gauze lisle Stockings; also fine gauze cotton, black lace boots and allovers; black with fancy embroidered insteps; also some fancy colors. Regular values range to" 65c a pair. No better values ever offered at, only .......... Women's 25c Ribbed Vests I2c 75-dozen Women's Swiss ribbjed and Rich elieu ribbed Vests, low neck, Sleeveless, plain or lace trimmed; regular . lO' Z5c quality for ............... ,.12( V Women's 75c Ribbed Vests, 53c 80 dozen -Wbmens fine quality Swiss ribbed Vests, trimmed or plain; CQ regular 75c , quality, for ........ , vJC : Women's 98c Ribbed Vests, 75c. v 40 dozen Women's extra fine quality '. Swiss ribbed Vests, hand crochet trim; regular 98c quality, for ...I alt , Women's 35c Ribbed Vests .' 100 dozen :Women's Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain or lace and crochet trimmed; 35c quality, 23c Women's 35c Umbrella Drawers, 23c. Women's Swiss ribbed Drawer umbrel la style, lace trimmed; sizes 4, 5 00 ' and 6; 35c quality,. at..... y........ C ; 50c Umbrella Drawers, 35c. , Women's Swiss ribbed Drawers," umbrel la style, lace trimmed, sizes 4, 5 OC and 6; 50c quality, for............ aJJC ' Women's 50c Ribbed Vests, 33c. - 100 dozen Women's fine quality Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain or trimmed yoke; 50c quality, 33c Women's 63c Drawers, 45c. Women's Swiss ribbed Drawers,' knee length; regular 63c quality; .i4Cev sale price ..IttuC Women's $15 Union Suits. 98c. Women's fine grade Swiss ribbed Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace QQm trimmed drawers; SL25 quality, forlOC Household Needs at Saving Prices Little necessities for picnic, "sea side or home, at little prices. " Paper JTspklna, refalarly lOo aaut7, per 100 reffaiany too lio Wooden Fie Flates, dosen . .....8 8o Paper Macbe Pie Plates, dos....4 4o Wooden Tooth Picks. I pke-s. for 5c 10a Stove Jlnamellne, sale price..., Sf ' Para Parafflae Wax, ltest o.uaUty. reralav SOe aad SSo, - t X-lb. pkr. for .....lSC lOo Black Combination 8hoe Polish 8 . 25o Picture and Furniture Dusters. 12$ ; J5c-60o BclmOra and Shears., .....23e SOe Swiss ftoaa' Saopplaf' Baskets, stro&r aad servloeable, - wUl sot sraak, sal pries .....fcC 46o Turkey Dustere-for 25a Black Iron Enamel - ........ .....ISV x&o Hara isnamei faints, can ,,,,itte SOo Shoe Strings, dosen .......... 8r ISo Gilt Stick Pins, dosen ...... 12 ISo Hair Pins, S to 6-inch, card ...ISf . SOo Hair Pins, to 4-lnch, card ...10? $1.00 Can Floor Paint, H sal. ,...68f 11.00 Caa Floorshlne, for ...... ..08f -r 25cBoi STATIONLRYl2c Box of fin linen cloth finish paper, lat est shape, with new style f lap -envelopea . to match, regularly sold for 51 25c; sale price Xflw Odd boxes of regular 60a and 65c Sta tionery, only' a few of a kind, and of very exceptional quality. Friday - n clearance at, only .....4.JC 1000 Dress Goods Remnants At Exactly Only the most desirable patterns, because only the goods In demand be come, remnants. All kinds of black, cream and colored dress gbodr, all wool and silk and wool; all lengths tip to six yards in serges, black and white novel-' ties, mohairs, Panamas, voiles, crepe de Paris, Henri ettas, shadow plaids, challies, batistes, albatross, brilliantines, cravenettes, tailor suitings, poplins and. imported nov elties. All at exactly...... HALF PRICE, A Sale of Belt Buckles Greatest Values Ever Offered $1.00 Belt Buckles, Sale Price, 88c. A limited number of beautiful Novelty Belt Buckles which, the result of a special purchase, we offer at less than half the original price. The assortment consists of heavy wrought Buckles,. French gray, rose gold, enameled and silver gray,; Very' stylish 7andTservtceable. Regular fl.00 . n. values for . ..;....,. . $1.00 Swastike Belt Pins, 68c. w-i i. This most popular Belt Pin of the season come In enamoled blue, green, red and white, set In German ' silver. Very novel and effective. v , JLQr Regular 1.00 values for ...,OOC 75c-$1.00 Millinery Flowers 29c Friday Sale 29c Thousands of pretty flower hat trimmings that are now being- shown" fof thsummcf"hatg. Small, medium and large roses, poppies, field flowers, daisies, etc. Very exceptional values and sold regularly at' 75e and $100 a bunch. Priced for Friday sale at far below wholesale cost . .... "1 . . . .1 ... . . .v: 6t7f ACK0BATS IN MIDAIR ATTRACT ADMIRATION Novel and Exciting Feats Performed . by the Norrijs & Rowe Troupes. There' Is no more attractive feature under ths. white tents or me circus arena' than the graceful, elcan-llmbed flying aerial performers. Tne mossen saUonally, daring of these exponents of the swinging itrapese V Js the Ban vara trouoe of male' and female . pefformera At the very apex of the enormous tentt these accomplished acrobats, have ar ranged a vast network of rigging, triple bare, pedestals,, eta';.-.' -;. V- Silhouetted against the white canvas, the artists swing from tbe pedestals and pass and repass each other In the air, at the same time turning single, double triple somersaults and executing. difficult feats high over, the heads of the audience. s'' . -.' The Leffel troupe Is another aerial act that wins admiration. Their 4 ele vated bars Is the scene Of many thrill ing accomplishments. Triple horlsontal bars have always proven an interesting act even when done upon the floar of a stage but when the same bars are ele vated high In the air, the tricks per formed are -of a more hazardous nature but show to better advanUge. . i . Still another midair novelty Is that of the Melnotte troupe who balance upon a slender silver wlra- It seems Jncred ibfs i "that any person "5r persons "could learn such a number of difficult tricks while balancing themselves upon so frail a support as this slender silver thread. These are but .a few of the many acts that are credited with being sensational with the Norris St Rowe circus this sea son. The new big shows will give their final performance this - evening ' at Twenty-fifth and Raleigh streets. - . Speak: softly and carry a hi stick someumes. a V VETERANS TELL SCHOOL CHILDREN OF THE WAR Battles of Civil War Are Described 'in Forty of Portland's Schools. That their work may live after them, the G. A. R. each year on the last day of school before Memorial day sends-old comrades.-In . rtntalla end corporal! guards to 'the various schools to tell to the younger ones the story ft the saving of the nation In 18(1. Tola has become a. national custom, and yester day veterans told their stories la over 40 schools la Portland. With them were members of the Ladles Relief Corps, yesterday Comrade Momer Sutcllffe had command of the movement and, made the principal address at the Ladd school. The largest gathering and moet elab orated Drorram was in the assembly goom of tha-West Bids High school. In charge of Principal Davis.' The old sol diers who spoke were Captain O. E. Cau kln, Captain A. W. Gowan and Com rades R. H. Miller, R. B, Lucas. L. D. Shaw and Dr. C E. CUne. The school program consisted of all present singing "Columbia, the Oera of the Ocean. 'The Flag of the rree,w ".America," and an oration. "Our Bat tles," by Ben Beatty. ; v V: .it- i IRVINGT0N RESIDENTS , COMPLAIN OP SEWER After a two-days' lllnesa with spinal meningitis, Joseph; Molltor of Minne sota, who has been visiting relatives la North Portland,-succumbed to Its rav ages at St. Vincent's sanitarium at 4 o'clock - yesterday afternoon. . Frank Scott, colored, an employe of the Port land hotel, died at the sanitarium last Tuesday atfernoon. Scott, was li years old. -rjV- .-".No new cases have bn rf ported for several days and Dr. WT;eler stated to- TLA '."Will you come over to tea next Tuesday?" ; "Delighted,", 'Not said: . . . , What sort of tea? jjwo.nder! Toot froear retains year faoatj If yos CV n't like Schilltaf's Beat; we py atm ! a . i ii i i hi 1 1 pliiTV.Mr-T 1: flay that he thousht tLa v. arm weatter over t t : would put as end to tbe malady. "Dr. W. H. Boyd has made owi',- to the city health offlre r'a"-- ' Irvlnirton sewer, a'tn-.-'i' ' . typhoid, fover on I:--- t-T'.- '. Wheeler glat t!at t erlr enmes un-'r t -