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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
i A..;;:J;, ',v J lira , : .:' y ' fWY : - r.1lRSHALLESS r . . ' "- fess'11 . Law and Order Prefect, 6f V I JO VOI I - ' " ' - ' 1 ( V7 I ' Police Has Taken French J-V jAU. CTV A . - leave in Time otNecd. 1 ' ' 1 f'n X I Straw Hats i'vti l &110W T T? ,TcO ) ' II Ill . Jiaxw JAtAiI I 1 I I . if 111 V II , George F. Bayard'i Strange Flight L ' " ' I I . , I l; ( Perplexes People of Town la II V ' " - J I ' ' Charged With Fleeing la Fae of II ' IX ' V jS J 1 ' " ' - J( Y J TT t ' Panamas . . $5.00 to $15.00 Yacht Shapes $2.50 to $ 7.00 Many Styles of Nobby Small Shapes Here for Your Selection r The Gentility Shop 311 Morrison, Opp. ; Pbstoffice a . . . - , u. ... B HOMES 4E " V - !v . . . , ;.. . REILTV FEATURE Many Costly Eesidences Are Planned for Both Sides of the River. Realty transfers filed for record Tee erday amounted to 1111,678, consletlng ; largely or traneactloni la the residence .'. B6CUOI1B DI Ul City. -C W. Sherman has purchased from J, O. Elrod en Irregular shaped tract comprising- five lots in Ravenswood ad- uiuvn, ruruaoa aeigniai lor l,.uu. Rlchani Boott has sold to Warren E. Thomas a lot In King's heights for - 14.000. The lot faces the Cornell road and la one of the most desirable west side residence districts. , Another King's heights purchase just consummaiea was mat or Bimon Harris of two fractional lots on Twenty-fifth street une property belonged to Sam .tVerthelmer and brought M.S00. . The Oriental Investment company has , taken out a permit for the four-story brick building under construction at Second and Salmon streets. The cost of the Improvement Is given as 135,000. James E. Ewlng was granted a permit yesterday to erect a two-story -frame residence ' on Hnrln ' atraot tMttn Twentieth and; Twenty-First, Portland heights, to cost 17,(00. , ' Plans for the Lewis Montgomery resi dence, to be buUt at East Salmon and and the contract for its construction win ne let witnin a rew days. This la to be Dill Of hA ha.nHrtnma.f nrlv, t homes on the eaat . uA a.nil will mat between flS.000 and 120,000. , ? Architect Jacobberger Is preparing piana lor in. cnurcn - or ine Tirst TTnltKil Pr.hvfrUana whlnfc wilt erected at the corner of Sixth and Mont guniery sireeis ai a cost or aoout iiz, 000. "-.Y-- ;: The nunrtor MV at tha nnvthwMt corner of Couch and Front streets has Deen purcnasea oy H. wenne, for 130, 000. This site, which Is Just one block from tha nnw hnalnaaa tinnaa niul win. structlon by Mr. Wemme at Front and ournaiaa aireeis, Deiongea 10 i. U. Ains worth and wafl aold thrnurh tha inrnn of Wakefield. Fries & Co. , , i Musical Becltal at Shedds. Shedda. Or.. . Ill A MV. Alin o Marshall and her Dlano nunila &vt ii recital la the United Presbyterian church last Friday evening, which was much enloved by a larra anil nimwl. atlva audience. Every available seat was occUDied. .The nunila hv tholr ntv. In showed exeallant nrnrrtia urA aia credit to, themselves and their teacher. It la not often thla Mimtnnnltv v.a k privilege of jiuch a musical treat Those who took part were Misses Jessie Al- HncrhRm Panrl T Vi, TUfAAta T. " -. " , dUW li, KIIa fltrtrlrton; Tn1 Vat oat Mait.A nu. ' - w.VH( A1IU1I, Marcla Cornett, Amy Perfect, Mrs. .rieias ana wrs., Marshall. . 1 fftnari.l 1l.n.tia fa Tha Immil I Joseph. Or.. May 80.- A most unusual ipiuvveuina- waa an eariy morning ses sion of the city council of Joseph, held at 1:11 o'clock .last Monday, at which ail members were present The deser tion tf the town marshal on the preced ing Saturday night at a time when a crowa or lougne, iea by a well-known inaiviauai oi mis county, waa taking the town.' waa' the causa of a. ananlal meeting, and the desire of some. mem bers of the council to leave the town ior a oner time caused the morning vuiiYucawon... v.. " The town marshal (1um W T4ava4 was seen last 'about 7 o'clock Saturday evening, ana wnen nis presence was greatly needed a little later he could nStlbe found, nor haa ha haan aaa itm heard of since that time. With him Bayard took the keys to the city jail and other paraphernalia of tha office, which tnaifa It ImnAailhU k ell to propertly handle the disturbance Saturday, evening.. The wrath of the council waa great since Bayard was one of the main rellancer of the Cltlsens' ticket which swept Into power at the April city election on a law-and-order laaue. jseyara nas Deen aupposed to be a nervy man. and. Indnad waa an nnl. versally taken to be of the proper atuff that the opposition to the Citiiens" ticket put him up also and be received 0 per cent of the total vote cast Removed for Oxoss SesWa. Georce F. Bavaj-d. aa ha waa here. Is known In Idaho county, Idaho, by the surname of Galloway, i He went dt Doin names tnara it la iin.ntn - - mmr t v a V-WVU. n nwue aim noma around Wblteblrd, Idaho. ' . " ., 4 , . ,- The' council jkt the meeting referred to removed Bayard for gross neglect of amy ana appointed John Cbllcott, who was sworn in and acting by 7 o'clock. This outbreak was tha. first since the new orriciaia gained power, and they are am aeierminea to mnraaa an u lessnesa that shows un na man pin ha. There are two rmmni mhiu . uuioways auooen departure. One is tnat he feared to face the disturbers, and the Other that alnra In inni.. questions before a recent grand Jury, na impucaiea druggist or this town In selling him whiskey in violation of urn (wai-uyiinn iaw. a" rumor to the effect that he was himself to be in formed on for giving part of it away """ uH.r. perauaoea mm to leave sud denlv. No-suspicions of foul play are held, r leaving ne returned revolver he recently borrowed, and i when last seen was dressed as he seldom had been veiure, .., COLUMBIA S0UTHEEN HEAEING POSTPONED Company Asks Tim to Investigate Engineer's Report Off to June Eleventh. """MM""",MMW,''MM,'"aaa.Maa Quality Counts in '' Outing . ; WS, . . '"':--Suits" ' ' WL. . . mmw ittrnt Mr - ii mi mmfi .'jr-sav i 11 Pi III III . II III III 1 III ii Just the same as In business or dress suits. See that you get an Outing Suit of Quality. Welch can fit you becomingly anywhere from 7.50 to $20 Come in tomorrow and pick out "X the one you like. A BEAUTIFUL SHOWING OP LIGHT Summer Trousers Come in and select one to go with your dark cost' It will please you. Priced from ,$2.50 to-$6 IF NOT RIGHT, WELCH MAKES XT' RIGHT. MORRISON CaafiRSiSz Salem, Or., May 30. At the meeting of th state land board yesterday anernoon ui nearing or the case of t iu. vuiumDia. oouinern irrigating com pany waa held, but waa ordered contin ued to June 11, at which time rules will oo agreed upon By tne irrigating com pany and the etate board relative to the furnishing of water to the aettlers. The officials of the company ' who w jrom Declared . iney were not ready to report because they had Just come In noaaeaaloo of tha Mnnrt their engineer, and wished to have more lime to investigate it. , Attorney B. B. King appeared for the Columbia Water Users' association, and said his clients desired Immediate ao- wuu, aa uiey were in need or water for ineir cropa. reiterated tnat the 'old comnanv had failed to kaan !ta n. tract and that action waa necessary at Attorney : McNary, . who ' represented the new company which will .undertake tne carrying out or me irrigation proj ect assured the board that there waa no aiapoaiuon on tne part or tne company to prevent any settler from getting the water he was entitled to. An amicable settlement Is expected at tne postponed nearing. ' GENERALyASSOftTMIfliT OF FIE3IS INC0EP0EATE (Special Wipatch to The Journal.) Salem. Or., May 30.- Articles of incor poration were filed yesterday with the secretary or state as follows: The Palmer company, incornorators. H. H. Palmer, A. E. Gebhardt and J.,a Flanders: capital stock, 1250,000; main office Eugene; object buying and, sell ing timDer. The Oregon Engraving company; In corporators, C. 8. Jackson, Roy Robinson- and Harriet Toder; capital stock, 35,000; main office, Portland; object making cuts and plates for engraving purposes. The First Trust and Savings bank of Coos Bay; Incorporators M. C. Horton, W. S, Handler and John S. Coke; main ofifce, Marshfield; capital stock, S100- vuv; oDject, general banking business. . j'oruand Auction company; Incorpora tors a. Bonuoacn, it jsl Gale and Will- lam B. Woodard; capital atock, 15,000; uwin viwe roruana, Myrtle Creek Baptist church: trua. tees, C. Luddlngton. J. W. Benefleld and james iiarman; mam ' office Myrtle Creek;' capital atock,' ''llfc-fr-; f , Edwards Supply company: Incornor ators, Frank Edwards, Ed R. Van Dyke, XL fi. Warner and B. XL Warner: main office Medford, Jackson county; object general oierciuinaise ousiness. Theron- Hoiinsell Wins. Through an error, in the publication of the names of the Chldkerlng art con test winners, : that of Theron Colwel Hounsell was only partially given, afid Ellera Piano house desires to make due acknowledgement and correction accord. Ingly. The work" of this youthful con testant, was especially meritorious, and considering that Master Hounsell Is but seven years " of age. la really entitled wm. n .w Compare what Wavcrleigh has with what other sections offer It leadslhem all in location, sewerage, schools and . car service; Lots are yours for a few dollars down and a fe w.:a month. fU7 In V V Phones: Main;550 " Home A 2537 ... t . O V. S V r f ( J VLo - U4C 7 W' Gom- pany 6th:ahd: Washiritori The President Would Be TO HAVE SUCH A MAGNIFICENT VIEW FROM'" THE WHITE HOUSE AS CAN BE OBTAINED J FROM ANY POINT IN Cmnci! Cms! US2r!k" -v.., l. You must remember that in going to Council Crest Park you do not have to travel for miles through unpopulated portions of the city. No railroads to cross and the best car service in Portland These lots are selling rapidly and we caution you against delay, if you are seeking a-wise invest ment in real estate WeVe selling them at almost your own terms. . ,: Phone Main 550 or Home A2537. m V V to great credjt . -