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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAlEY' JOURNAU PORTLAND', THURSDAY EVENING, MAY SO, ISO?.' i I: lEUM DJHf Ill flORTHWESr James W, Nesmlth post.," G. A. R-, and ths Woman's Relief Corp, both under command of Comrade C II. Browne, post .commander, formed in line at JO o'clock this morntnc and inarched to the Odd Fellows cemetery. Their were escorted by The Dalles band and Com' pan? D, O. K, CL, and1 followed by cttt- ms. v At the cemetery the ritualistic ceremonies of the Grand Army were re hearsed and the jrraves of fallen com rades decorated with flowers. The, us- Sunday , Veterans Decorate Graves of jy JtJT&iSS ' .TmwrodsV TXTin TTnvP ; Itional church. All business -tiouve ar Passed Away. I closed today,.: AT CORVALLI3 " EXERCISES ABE HELD ? IN IIONOB OF HEROES Cadets Join Old Soldiers In Day's Ceremonies. r , i (Specfel P1fptrt t Tbi Journal.) Corvallls. May SO. Memorial day was Members of Grand Army and Belief J fittliisly observed hers by the O. A. R.. - '. . . v . I v" caaeis, scnooi cnuaren ana tna Corps Join Hands, With warriors I general public today. The procession T . r... t- ii-i TVihntk, I ia in ironi oi ine urana Army iibm of. Lost Cubo in raying Tribute I t , p m4 pr(K.ft(l(,ed t0 CryUI te cemetery, where thore was an address by Commander 8. 1L liorton of tbeQ. A. TLt selection, O. A. C. military band; prayer, chaplain; Lincoln's address at Gettysburg-' 8. H. Horten; exercises by the members of Ellsworth Relief Corps; exercises, O. A. R.; remarks, 8. I Klein; address, Rev, J, R. M. Bell; chorus, as sembly. Taps was then ' sounded, and the grates strewn with the blossoms of grateful and loving remembrance, lira is SIX YEARS LATE ! PRETTY GIRL MAKES JiOXG TRIP TO WED Ranchman's Daughter Rides Across i Three) States to .Elope With '. . ' " . Her liover. SEVERED FOOT 4'JORTIIOIGSUrj O ' to Memory of Dead. (Special Dl'rwtett ti tm tmnu.j , . Albany, Or, May JO. Memorial day was' observed hers today with appro priate exercise, the O. A. R. leading In " the ceremonies and holding' their- an- nual reunion. J In the forenoon a fixed program -was? carried out, beginning i. with ths morning services at the eere- mony and the dedication of a new plot : for the burial of their dead, and the I afternoon meeting -.held in their local 'ball, with appropriate speeches and a glorification f the deeds of their com' rades now departed. The usual march ' to the burial grounds of ths dead took place and . the day was generally ob- - aerved as a complete holiday. ' AT WOODIKTRN AT PENDLETON f Four Monuments Are Unveiled by Women of Woodcraft. (Special Dltrpatcb to Tb Journal) Pendleton, Or.. , May day was duly Observed and all ports of Umatilla county to day. Four monuments were unveiled at Olney cemetery by, ths . Women of Woodcraft - Judge 8. A. Lowell made the principal decoration day address, J. Ii. Lawrey t-e Memorial address and Bert Huffman ths address for ths Wom an of Woodcraft ., The parade formed tnls morning. The Eagles carnival opened last night In the big pavilion with thousands of people In attendance. It will con tinue xor xour aays. Rev. Mochel Pays Tribute , to the Memory of Heroes. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joarnal.) Woodburn. Or- May SO. Memorial services, here today consisted of a pro cession of L I. Stevens Post O. A. R., Garfield circle Ladles of O. A. R.. the school children and' civilians, preceded by the Queen City band, ' marching to Ball Pass! cemetery, where- regular ex ercises, were held and the graves dec orated. -Rev. IX 8. Mochel delivered an onrnu. I .j,-.. a ,1 . ,. SO. Decoration 1 ' " nwcwea t uio In Psndtoton I TC , r1 ,"a'lwr" wvuvm lunate. , i . At Seattle. , fSpeclal Dtopatrk t Tta Joaraat) ' Seattle, Wash.. : May ' 10. Memorial day was celebrated In the usual manner here. Graves were a mass of flowers and the veterans of the O. A. R. held their annual services. , AT . ASTORIA1 " i v . At Walln Walla. . 8ppal Dispatch to Tb -Journal.) ' Walla Walla, May 10 Flags through out the city and at Fort Walla Walla are at half mast today, veterans and cltlsens joined In ceremonies In honor of the departed heroes. The Popular Route. When purchasing round trip tickets to the east, you should see that you are routed tme way via ths Canadian Pa cific, y "the world'o : soenlo f route." Through cars from coast to coast and Exercises wers held from Flavel dock n .be"t of .Yrrthlng. For full par- ln the mornlnav when- the unknown "cuiars apply at lI T, lrd street. spreading flower, over ths water. The DMCE HALLS CLOSED Kansas City Car Conductor Saves Three Thousand . for Trip Abroad. -; tJoarsal Special Service.) ;''"' ' New York. May JO. Having s saved $1,000 in six years out of bis earnings as a street car conductor in Kansas City, Charles Kelly, a young Mlssourlan, accompanied by bis pretty wife, who was bis chief Inspiration in the accumu lation of his savings, have departed on the steamship Moltks on a belated honeymoon, trip through Europe, The young man declared ne wouia spena every cent he had ' saved In visiting very Important country on ths other slda tof the Atlantic and that within three days after his return to this coun try, six months hence, he would again be "rlnglnk ud fares in Kansas City," and laying the foundation of a new sav ing fund, which -would be used in the, purchasing .of. a home ior nimseu ana Wife. .. :.'.'( - . -;; -' "When we wers . married .In 1901. said Kelly, "we mads up our minds to spend our , honeymoon In Europe, but I had not at that time enough to get out of Missouri. Bo we made up our minds to save up until we could make ths trip In ths way ws wanted to, and here ws ara.",y -, ... . . . REIGN OF VICE ' , (flplal Dlapatck to Tbe Journal) !Lewlston, Mont, May 10. Pretty Fannls Morris, .the 11-year-old daugh ter of a prominent stockman of ths Big Hols Basin, in Wyoming, is ths bride of Robert Mcrarland, a ranch hand, and the chief figure in probably one of ths most unique runaway matches in marl tlal annals, -,,. ..;?.. ,;; Miss Morris' father strenuously ob- jectca to ner proposed marriage witn McFarland, and the young man . was told to go west, and did so, landing at Lewlatown. : Three weeks sgo Miss Mor- Italian Loses Member and .ISix Hundred Dollars Hid ; den in His Shoe. . ' (Journal Bplal Serrlca.) Trinidad, 'Colo., May 10. John Vs- lottl. an" Italian workman who has been employed In ths Raton tunnel, was picked Up by ths crew of ths Santa Fs freight train about three miles west of rls started, off on horseback, ostensibly Trinidad, with one toot out off. He was for a visit with a relative. - Instead I brought ' to a hospital here. The Wan she turned ths nose of her horse for i the mountains of Montana, and two days sgo joined her. lover and was speedily married. v :;,;.t. ; Miss Morris rods through portions of it was disoovsred that nobody had paid unconscious at the time he was found, and -as soon ss he regained con sciousness after - reaching Trinidad, he asked for his foot For ths first time three states, Idaho, Montana and Wyo mlng, and so enjoyed ths trip that at her suggestion proposed to return to Big Hols Basin an horseback. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland started from Lewlstown yesterday morning, but they had not gone many miles when Mo- Farland's horsa shied -and threw him, breaking his hip. He was brought back to Lewlatown and placed in ths hos pital, with his wife as his nurse, this accident disclosing their romance, AMERICANS LOSING v EXPORT BUSINESS . Joornal gneclal Shang-hai. Mav 10. A sixth flour mUl has been opened here, making ths total tlcallv slaves, in a vice den in this city, i milling capacity of Shanghai 27.S00 bar- lying drunk, a show for the native boyslrels a day. v Shanghai, Hongkong and (Continued from Page One,) and Inen two little American girls, to all intents snd purposes stolen from American homes, . "I want to put on record here a state ment that the government of Colon is a mass 'of graft and fraud. . Public" serv other cities are Increasing the number of mills. This, , with failure of con gress to encourage shipping on ths Pa cific and the activity of the Australian government commercial agents who ar rived hers recently to promote ths pro les, so far as there is any, is managed Jeoted increase in shipping facilities be Flowers Are Strewn Upon the Waters of t&e River. 1 Astoria, Or... May 10. This .being Memorial day, Cushlng Post G. A. R I Woman's Relief Corps and the Ladles of ths G. A. R. patriotically observed ths day . with appropriate ceremonies. in Clatsop cemeteries I of Ocean View and were decorated. This'eVerifni As pubo" exercises will take place at tha Astoria theatre, at ' , which Rev. C. C, Rarlck will deliver the f i patriotic address. - All business is sus- i pendetf. "' , , ii AT THE DALLES to . Veterans March to Cemetery Decorate Comrades' Graves. . The Dalles, Or., May 10. Members of BY ASTORIA OFFICERS (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal) Astoria, . Or., May 10. Charles F.I Wise was tried in the . Municipal court yesteraay cnargea with harboring youn girls In his dancs ball, who were under age. He was acquitted' on. charge, the prosecution not being able to bring evi dence - enough to sustain it He was. however, found gunty of. running dance hall In violation of a city ordl nance and fined 2S. -All the dance halls have now been closed by order of City Attorney Charles Abercrombie, i - i i rsi ii - m .,,,,! ' i Clean Copldno wlierever tnere' . a New Perfection Oil Stove in the kitchen,, there you will find the pots and pans clean and bright. The blue flame of the New Perfection is the cleanest flame tro- - duced by any stove, and is entirely free from smoke and soot Another advantage of the ' , VicIi Blue name OaCooK-Stove is that the heat is highly concentrated by enam eled chimneys. This means quick results. The New Perfection is different from other, oil stoves. Made in three sizes, with one, two and three burners. ' ; Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write c to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. . Nbb all - round household use. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Gives a bright, steady light at lowest cost. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Suitable for any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Safe and satisfactory. Every . , lamp warranted. Write to our nearest - agency if not at your dealer's. - . , .A. . STANDARD OIL COMPANY . "- - axooBPonaTK) Something Need Painting ? No matter what it is, you can get the right paint for it at your nearest dealer'a tinder the name nam QUALITY a mark that makes it easy to paint, enamel stain or vaniisaanytflingr new or old. -Let us send you acopy of the only com-" plete paint guide everprinted, "The Selection snd Use c! Palais and Finishes." If your dealer cannot supply you with the - "Acme Quality kind, we will. , . i - . NEW ERA PAIMT & VARNISH CO. k ' its rrasr stxsbt, romnjuro. fmv& e yq'v j for practical robbery; its so-called courts of justice are simply extortion mills, i Jn plunder that comes from tnis, leading Americans share,- and the gov ernment of the sons looks on in silence for that reason." He save he has nroofs of ths state ments that American officials are at least In some Instances directly inter ested In this infamous place. He says: At Colon, within 15 feet of tha post- office and oommlssary store, in plain sight. of both, to ths common knowledge of thousands, a huge building owned by an employe of ths United States is oper ated, not only as a saloon, but as a vice den." - , Vies Xs la rowan ; ' There are, he says, not less than S00 saloons In Colon, which has a popula tion of 13,000, twlos that number In Panama, and one for every mile at least along the canal seme. , He adds; ' "With the exception of such special laws upon particular matters ss con gress may have enacted, law and admin istration In the canal sone are the will of ths president of the , United States. Tha vies and ths liquor traffic ars in power and accomplishing their accursed work. They do so because .Theodore Roosevelt either wills that they should or does not cars enough about them to exercise his, fully sufficient authority for thoir suppression and the protection of. their victims" , .. -.i . LITTLE BOY BLUE ; MARRIES AN ACTRESS , (Joarnal Hoeclal Barries.) ; Chicago, May 80. "Little, Boy Blue," of Gene Field fame,: has grown up into j real romance. The secret came out that Frederick Skiff Field, son of the late poet, has married Miss Anna HHd of J ths La Salle Theatre company, and that she is now on her way to Boston to I break the news to her mother. "The Time, ths Place and ths Girl." was ths play that lured young neia ("Tot" t his father used to . call . him) into ths theatre. He found the girl, and the question of the time and place were settled within a month after a midnight supper. Bo they went to Evanston late Monday night in a speed ing automobile, were married by Justice Catherine Waugh McCullough and hur ried back to Chicago, with promises not to tell. But there were a few in the secret, and it soon spread. 'Miss Eva Francis of the Oarrick was maid of honor and Harry Anderson best man. Mr. Field is In ths advertising busi ness. PROPOSE SITES FOR , ; NEW INSTITUTION fAnMal Dlifiatch to Tha Jonrnal.1 ' Salem. Or., May JO.- It was a divided report that the committee, consisting of j William Waldo and former Stats Land Commissioner Oswald West filed with 'the state land board regarding the loca tion Of the proposed state institute for the feeble-minded. Waldo recommended the purchase of the Baker-Herren and Cavanaugh tract situated between the state reform school and'Turner. . It contains about 7S0 acres, The average pfice is less I than 175 per acre. West recommended ths purchase or I ths Coleman tract. It contains 1,000 acres, but the feasible area is reducible to (00. Ths price Is less than I7frsjn acre.- t : -v 1 . -rz INDIAN GRAVES ARE ROBBED BY GHOULS ' f8pit Dlipateb -ts The Iwrnil,l Aberdeen, May 30.- Because vandals have been despoiling the graves of their dead, Indians of this section have ap pealed for the aid of "the courta John Chepalls, one of the head men of the little settlement of Chenolse, says vandals have dug up ' a number of. the coffins and Opened them, ap parently in hopes of securing relics or rare objects. ' ... .' ' (' ., The' men thought , that, they had a clue to the perpetrators, snd Deputy Sheriff W. W. Anstle ' went down on the noon train to serve papers, if the clues led to the right parties. SENATOR DUBOIS TO - DELIVER LECTURES (Special Dlinateb to Tbe Journal.) Boise, . Ida., May 30. Senator Fred T. Dubois and his private secretary, C. R. i Arney, have arrived In ths city from ths eastr After- few-days-thrsefiatar" win return to his home in Blackfoot, and in June he will go on the lecture platform. Mr. Arney will buy a residence here and make Bolss his permanent horns. 1 Eastern Excursions. Ths Canadian Paciflo has announced very low rates to eastern points during ths . summer - months.. Tickets on sale tween Australia and China threatens tha American export trade in this, part of ma wona. any attention to the foot, and It had been left . On the ground Mar where Velottl was picked -up. Velottl said hs had 1600 in bills In ths shoe on ths sev ered foot A man was sent back after ths member, along ths track where the accident occurred, but could not find either shoe or foot, and It was evidently picked up by tramps.. , i' GATES IS CORNERING TEXAS' OIL FIELDS (Journal Snaelal flerviee.) Galveston, Tex, May 0. A deal In east. Texas oil property - involving $t, 000,000 in whloh the Texas company, of which John W. Gates Is ths directing head, becomes ths owner of 10 producing wells, S00 acres of oil land and ths sa tire outputs of. three companies, puts Gates and. his associates practically In control of ths independent oil operations of ths southwest , ' Gates interests now own mors than 10 per cent nf. the production of the Texas fields and ars building a- 10-Inch' pips 11ns to their two refineries. ' s Gates admits that H. Clav Piercer. hsad of .Waters, Pierce Af Co, Is indi rectly associated - with him. but ' re fuses to say that hs and Pierce .have combined to fight Standard OIL : CIVIC REFORM WILL: ' PLEASE DUTCH JAKE Change of . Terminus Rus (Sparlal Dtopateb to Tie JnnaaLt ' ' . Sell-ShaVer LmC ' Spokane, Wash., May SO. Dutch Jaka, I .Commencing June 1. the Russell the famous proprietor of the-Coeur I Shaver cars will discontinus runnins un a Aiens ineaire, is ast remodeling his I Finn street to Washington, and will go variety theatre into a palm garden. He up Burnslde street to Sixteenth street, announces tnat ns is highly in favor making ths terminus at Sixteenth and of civlo reforms when hs is assured I Washington streets, instead of Second inai an are to oe treated auks." and Washington streets. For style, cut, materials, workmanship, finish and v- fitof the ; '; V . fPO i (LBiieistteinroe mi - With the finest custom made creations will con vince you beyond question that we've got the goods. In general construction, tone and character the new spring Chesterfield models cannot be surpassed by the most exclusive custom tailors.. " ' ' - Chesterfield Jkih-Class Clothes R. M. GRAY 267-271 MORRISON STREET; The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices. PORTLAND ROSE, SHOW AND FIESTA JUNE, 20-21 . Men's Underwear i Men's Silk Lisle Underwear, in pink, beautifully finished, and the kind -ydu usualfy'f pay ? $1:S0 a "garment for.' Here Friday and Saturday r 13 12jc-15c Nainsooks ;. . . .. ; .-(...- .-4, i ;'-, ; 50-t pieces new white, striped and checked Nainsooks, a wide selection' of patterns, and our Best 12 c and 15c qualities.' 'For Fridajr ' n 1 and Saturday, yard. . . . I .. , j2C New Oriole cp; f One of the, most popular of the sea son's wash fabrics. " Comes 28 inches widein light' grounds with' small 'fig ures; regular 2oc quality, Two days, a yard L. ............ . 10c Silk Gloves Two - clasp Silk Gloves, : in white and ' colors; best 75c grade v;50J Lon Silk Gloves, in " black, white and all the latest shades, full. 16 button length, at special, a pair 92.25, $1.08, 91.50, . $1.38 hup (Era Usle Gloves Long Lisle Gloves, best qual ity, - suede finish, all the new shades including black and white; regular- $1.50 grade. Special, pair 07 Long Lace Mitts handsome ' Duch ess laie, black and white ;$5.00 lval ues ' 4 . . .?1.95 Black Cat Dose 12c Another great sale ' of Black Cat Hosiery Friday and Saturday. Double heel, and toe and elastic ribbed. Come in men's women's and children's l'r sizes. Special r... lsWv Women's Fast Black Hosiery, double, heel and toe, best garter top, war ranted stainless and seam less ; a splendid 18c valuet Friday and iir Saturday, a pair. . . 1UL Women's- Sleeveless Vests, - lace-yoke, sev eral very pretty styles to pickfrom ; our reg ular 35c. and 45c grades. Two ' OlZA days' special.". ... .. . , safUL $1 Corset Covers G9c .LMade of finest quality cambric, four rows fine lace insertion, lace edge, ribbon and beading, extra full front. Friday and Sat-; urday only, special, each". .. ; . "v,69 Muslin Skirts 07--Three rows wide lace insertion, full knee flounce; also several pat terns in embroidery trimmed ; $1.50 and $1.65, values Cambric-Gowns 97 -Women's fine cam bric gowns, short or long sleeves, square or circular yokes, lace and embroidery trim med ; $2.00 values: 97 rAT THE , NOTION COUNTER FRIDAY and SATURDAY; These ; prices hold !. good for Friday and Saturday only. No telephone or ders filled. ,f . ; , . WASH BELTS Hemstitched and tucked Wash Belts, latest novelty buckles; 50c grade., 23 BACK COMBS Shell, Back Combs, gold and ' jewel mounted; 50c and 65c values , . . . . .35 HAT FASTENERS . Handy Hat Fasteners, regular price 25c. Friday and Saturday, each, 19 SKIRT "BINDING . Brush' Skirt - Binding, all colors. Friday and Sat urday, a - yard . .". . ; . . . 2 - PEARL BUTTONS Super quality white Pearl Buttons, 3 sizes. Special for 2 days, a dozen f..5 SUPPORTERS Children's Pin-On Hose Supporters ; regular 15c. grade. Special, pair.'; 10 WINDSOR TIES Silk Windsor Ties, all colors and fancy patterns; best 35c grade, each .23$ Suit Department Bargains Note ?these very special values - for Friday and Saturday. Mail orders filled. , , i " Linen Skirts. 81.50 Women's .'5 Linen Skfrts; in naturaFcolor, trimmed with' straps of self material ; special ." ; . 31.50 Short Coats, $5.85 Women's and Misses.' Short Box Coats, in light gray stripes and checks ; $7.50 values ...,.....,, . . .85.85 Manufacturer's Samples - Manufacturer's Sample Skirts, Coats, Waists, Suits and Wraps at about cost of the materials alone. We make a specialty of . women's, skirts (in extra sizes. ) Summer Corsets SOc Women's high grade ven tilating Cable net Corsets, sizes 18 to 30, lace trim med and - regular ' 75c value, 1 Friday and PA ; Saturday .'. . vi'i , . . OUC Warner's' Rust Proof Cor set : iq. new high bust model, jace trimmed, hose supporters front and sides, regular $1.25 Q P value, each ."O line lawn Bust Ruffles hemstitched ruffles, rib bon trimmed and a stand ard fiSr niialitv On. tn a customer Friday and Saturday at, twT-rtesr Decoration ; Day , As usual this store will remain closed all day to day. Open 8 a. m. Friday ; CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. 'Decoration : Day ,V'- As; usual this store will remain closed all day to day. Open 8 al m; Friday Distributers June a, 7, and f, July S, 4, S, August I.' I, 10, September 11. IS and II. - ' Make your .sleeping car ressrvaUons now for tha Juns excursions- j ,'.-'V