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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 30, 1007, for sale-Ifarms. FOR SALE JLISCELLANEOUS. rJS, BAI.B 89 inn M frula land onljr 10 OLD BOOK 8TOBB removed to tea Fifth d imni on a gooa fcroa mu nil Second at. aarm mi jinurr ruiiivetiun, ui otrawner- rlw. mll fruit and over an ere of bearing SHOWCASES and fTaturee, sew and second- irwwi o boom ami Darnj cioae o i sand, Carlson Kalletrom. 888 Couch at, ww rirririo jine now in cours or, consiniu- s tlom land alone worth 200 por acre) we can FOB RALE Runabout Oldamoblle, cheap,, i In . eell with -all Improvement and full crop It qolre 871 rirat at, or BUT Sherman at. s, , taken at one for tMHK). . . I ' 1 1 i PORTLAND THUHT COMPANY OF, " : OWING to dlaenlvlng ' partnerehlp.t a boraar uitr;ifin,, v ( ' r ' I r pigeon aquas plant tnut b eoic at one iniro 8. I. Cor. Third and Oak ate.1 Ita coat Geo. B. Houta, K a lama, Waah. A A n mi .. . . j - , . I unfTAtt . , l i i -a- m . wv iviicD vn pmv r iraua, improve!, rnuq I pHJiutv aiacmnrs, mini, vie. I'T ifhi, vousoi, oia, exchanged, Mewman, no eia. -r eolls timber will par for plat, twlca; 8 mlls i aorm or twienv win ii cheap. ,. Farmer , utaa u, zus Third at. IF yoa really want farm look at thla one . 100 acres, 40 now In crop, St) In paator. 40 inai can a put in cropi sear railroad, en milk route, R. 4. D.j bone, barn: land aa - . goon aa -mere la in ine Willamette valley) rt,wv inn crop, enu v. r . riuoeoo, Pbon Woodlawa MO, or call 60S Commercial 13. TOO FOB a modern deairahla bntne. 13,500 Fine corner building lot oa TJaloa ; i eve. 1 . . ... ., SI, 600 A modern T-mom bouaa. - - -2,2oo Beautiful cottage; a anap. a, 000 Modern 6-room bouaa' cloae In. 81.850 too much ran't be aald about thla. 81.400 A real modern 8-room bargain, B.lflO for a fine comer oa Alnawortb. 300 Owner nn Shefcr. V MOMB LAMP CO.. XtaH tint at. FOB f ALB ITS acres of fin land, with goad Improvementa, within 1H mllea of good school: thla plae ta adapted to tba raldnf ' ef atock or dalrjtnf ; fine oat rancei Boat a . aooa; oartain: larioa. Aoareaa u, w, . Vail, FARM NEAR OR ROOM CITT. .. Bit aaeaa, two nllee from Orefon Cltf, oa I prjoa cvranij rna, . id arree cuuirafea, Dai flOBCYfl $30 Patalnma Inennator, alrooet new, iza etria. zzt Front atreet. . .. FOB IALB Fox terrier pnpa, aire arenly .blooded 1 from n; atnek, which took flrat, aeeend and third prliee In the laat Portland dog ahowj theea will be aold cheap to make room tar another litter; aatlaractloa' guar- anteed, Korktord Store, Hood Hirer, Or, COM'MPIA HARDWARB CO.. Second and Mov riaon ata. Erery thing In tba hardware Una, FOR DA LB OR TRADR Two conntV rlchta Oldfleld patent tonfue auppnrter, alio atock ana price tocaaj a bargain. ,, A aur, joarnai, BARTER AND ' EXCHANGE, f ' OLD booka boagbt and aold at 18 Fifth at. and 811 Becond at. Jtyiaad ilroa. HOV.L and llrerr etable la a email towa In OPeroo. rented for about 800 per month, to exchange fur Portland propert. P. C. Lai aea Co.. 874 Flrat at., fortbind. PERSONAL. nM .uinui h Lit hn. ,k. ...t. I A. REINER, the nrartiral furrier, lata of Lewi, i 885 per acre! one-third caah. aalaoca to ault building, la now located tak tba atore at ftM , .2 0. B. DIMICK, Trnetea, ' Oregon Clt, Oregon. CIIOICB 10 aerea, applea. eharrlea, berrlea. grapea, bulldlnca. lira atream. fl aerea tim v her: 8 mtlee from elty; atock and toolf ; '. 83,000. ' ao aerea f mllea from ctty, highly Im-1 fine nalldlnca: S mlaotea' walk to carline: 17. B00. l 20 aerea 8 mllea fmm rirer, weet at da, 8 , Dllaa from earllne, 82.000. , MVk THIRD BT.. ROOM B, . 88 ACRES Crop, ' cow,, team, poultry, toola, I bonae. barna, creek, 81.600; half eaab, balanea 9 per cent. 004 ooidamu t Lower Albtna. CHICKEN ranch, acreage near earllaa, eloaa tai pricea reaeonabM Urma. , owner, . 818 Com mercial ma. 80 ACRES of beat Imnrored land with build-' Inge, 2tt mllea of Newbarg, Oregon, cheap. ceu at Xii ii Madlaoa at. FOOD FARM FOR S ALB 408 acraa. fine land. on Willamette, sear county eeat. half mile - to boat landing, four mllea to at, t Ion; balf In eultlTitlnn, 100 aerea paatore, balanoa fine timber, moony aeeond-growth rlr: three good barna, two booaea, four wellat rannlng water la put are; free delivery, pbonee for hoaaea; nan or an tor taa per acre. ooa ) urooaa. jtinany, ur. FOR SALE 267 aerea fertile valley land, fine Improvement,, atork. Implement,, etc.! water ana ruei. Aanreee box iv, urermora, am meaa county, ui. Waahlnctoa atreet. corner ITth. atreeti where he ' baa aeenred more convenient and eom- modfaiua qoartera. Fur work In all brancbea. Sealakln aarmenta remodeled and redred. ex pert fitter, 80 yeare experience. Order work a apeclaltyi eetlmatea cheerfully glvenl all work done at anmmer pricee. Mow la the time to attend to your fare. BOLDBN'R RHEUMATIC CTJRB Bar ear for rbeamatiem. Bold lor all Brogglata. OKBMArt hooka, magaatnea. aovele. etn. t Ger man. aregileB, rroaeh, Bpaataa. flwadl.h end Itarlaa dicttpanrteet ferelrn booka ., of all kin da. Bcbmala Co., 82B Flrat at. lorni rhlla ma wait. 60e. Udlea aklrta nreeeed. COrV Ollhert. lfWH Elxta aC aaat to woe lie. rnone Main auwt. kf ANLT vigor reatored by Pr. Roberta Narva uionaiee. one month'a treatment, montha, IB; cent eecarar aealed by man. Aganta, woodard, Clarke 4k Co rortiead, or, MOLES, wrlnklea. atmarflnoaa hair removed. No chare to talk It over. Mr. M. D. Bill. room 8M Flat ilnee bldg. Pboae Pacific l&S. MIM OIRHON gtvea eealp treatnaot; dandruff watt Morraxto at, room ol. . BALM OF FIOS for aD renal dteeaaoa. Eaet Belmont. Pboae Beat 4084. . est MANICUBINO. faee aiaaeag and eearp traaa- mi. Try room I, bosh waanlngtoa at, MRS. OB ROCK. rraduat aaaaaaaeoi eeMnet bath, aalt clow, alcohol nb. cream nmitl rererencea. m eeventa at. Mala ewos. TIMBER. TCRKIBB BATHS. 800 Orecontaa nldg. ktdlaa aaya, gentlemen aighta. Mala lara. LOOKING FOR TIMBERT We offer yon every advantage through oar eyetem of expert examination, which eaablea you to determine the eultablllty of a tract without ependlng time , or axieey. - If ear eneral report Indlcatea that we have whet yoa want our eatimatea by two and half acree are eaeiiy veririvo. TRI "THE LACET WAT." . JAMES D. LACET A CO, 828 Chamber of Commeroa, Portland. ' 507 Lumber Exchange, Seattle TIMBER LANDS. To the Owner, of Timber Lendet W want BACK datea of magaalne at B cent. Book atore, 291 Alder at. Jonea DR. T. t. PIERCB. v cpaclallet. dlaeaaea of wuutvu, imiuHinun rmun au w- poeure; medicine by mall. Office 181 Flrat at., corner TamhllL Portland. Or. DON'T be dull and Inactive; Sexloe Pllla car au weakoeee: 81 a box. 0 for 15: roll guar antee. Addreea or call J. O. Clemeneoa, dragglet. Portland. Or. MISt RATMOND Maeeenee. VM Morrteua at room 14. Pboa, Mala Mil. Jfrm. UtntoOre.o,I,,Whtaoat7lffi KlA-tflr. bleeding, protruding, flaaorea. from the nwoer m, fatula, ooo.tlp.tlon ind all rectal dieeeaee "".""I fJZSFjJTZZl 71 tfj wed 1. 10. to SO day., without th.klf. k.t k or ligature, ceil or write VI, T. . to offer at your loweet net gaah price: eend cetlmat If yoa have It. , aa your deecrtptlona, kind of timber aad your S181 Flrat at. Portland. Or. Pierce, Write aa and find out what we ean Bo for ' yoa. W are in the market at au time for any deal that la right. OREOu BROS., 817-18 Fentoa bldg., 84 Sixth at, Portland. DR. MRS. 7." O. MACKIE, oateopatb and alee- tropath; ladle treated la the forenoon; gen tlemen la the afternoon. Room 2S, 145 ft Bixth at v CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVBNT ESTEI.I.R DRVBNT, TUB only aclentlfie cblropodleta, parlor, 80S Drew ing in a at. ; t'bone lavi. CHIROPOtT end pedicuring. Mra. M. D. Bill, Hoom n.w rieinner Both phonee. LAND SCRIT. WANTED and lor eale AQ. ktnde. laeladmg . appravea roreei reeerv aenp roe eorveyed. aa enrveyed, timber and prairie government lead, B. M. Hamilton. "Tb Portland." Portland. MONUMENTS. 7 CLEANING AND DYEING. : CIrTHES cleaned and preeeed. 11 per maoth. unique tailoring uo aua gtark at O.. W, TURNER, dyer; eerneta dreg epeclat- vj. out errereoa at. Mala zois. NBO K1N0RLBT. 208 Flrat at Portland leading mtrble and graalt work. MONUMENTAL BBONEB CO. Moat darabl grave Bead, to nee. Room 12, 208 Stark at, MUSICAL, : CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS, thb webber BTCDioMaadoita. gaiter fcaetrwtloaa. 4bt Waahlagtoa at 'w Alwaya Ponaiilt the Beat 1 profrbbor kbimo. ; 1 ' . Oreateet living aatral deed-trance elalrvoyaat or tn age; ad v leer 'oa bualnere and all af faire of life I .telle your full name and what , yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, even though mllea away; rennltee the eeparated; glvea cecret power to control; doea all other, eilrertlee to on. Hour io to S, dally and Sunday. ' Office No,. 8 and 4. Orand Theatre bldr.. MtV, Waah., aear Park at. Phone Mala 127. PI 40. violin, comet from bona, clarinet I fegeor a. a. amitb, so izta at Mala 70S, MONEY TO LOAN. MIM MAT ANDREWS Card reading, 85. 838 aixtn et, coraer Mala. . SALARY LOAN HEADQUARTER". LOANS TO KVKHT ONE WORK" TWO, LOWKRT RATES IN THB CITT. ' REBATE given. If paid before due. Get 815, pay back 81-00 per week. PROFESSOR WALLACE, :' Portland', favorite el.trvoyant palmlet and . medium; reading 20c. 84 lft Morrlaoa, coraer neveaui. 0t 120 nev back 81.80 ner week. Get 25, pay back 81 00 per week. ' Oet 850, paf beck 88.20 per wek. THIS la not a charitable world. Wanda, the femona palmlet, 820 6th ft, doeen't give balta or blda, but guaranteea aecrecy and aatiefao- tlont raadlnga 25 and op, and by knowa method. OTUBB AMOCNTS IN PROPORTION. '"v BTATB SECTJRITT CO., . T04 DEKL'M BLDG. " Boor 8 a. m. to p. m. Saturday, till 8 p. m. MRS. B. B. SEIP Readlnt datlr. 10 to 8; eteelea Taeadar, . Wedaaedar, Thnraday Frt-1 day, s p. m. ,harp, zse. 803 Allaky building, Third and Morrlaoa ata. , MONBT TO LOAN Oa improved elty property or for aafldmg purpoeea. for from 8 to 10 yeara rime, with prtvllex ta repay au or part or loaa rtr two yeera. Loan approved from plan and anoaoy advaaeed a banding progreaaeet mora gagee taken ep and replaced. - FRED a, BTBONA, Flneaelal Ifaaa, . J 848 Hark at CAFES. THB OFFICE 2NI WaahlBgtaa at. pbaaa Mala TTi. aemuei vigneaa. COAL AND WOOD. I CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalartce. toearaae polleiee, plenoe, rurnltnr. wareboaee receipta, ate. l anv deeei i ln nereoa mer aecnr a lib eral advance, re pa ring by eeay weakly e monthly tnat.nmenra. NEW BRA LOAN TRTTBT CO MP ANT, SOB Ablngto bldg. PORTLAND SAWDUST 4k BLABWOOD CO. 8ft Front eaeceeeor to Fultoa Wood Oa. nr. oaa, aianwooa. ooa i. xei. ataia waa. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB aad other upon their own aeme walnoat eeear tryt cheepeet ratea. eaateat paymenta: efflee la 60 pnnclpal rltlee: aav yoeraalf money br getting onr term a flret TOLMAN. 828 Abtngtoa blda.. lOgft Th-d at FOR prompt 'oHey of elabweod call Mata coto. . oaa, aea, nr and eoaL roruaa wood m coal co 10th aad Barter eta. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Bona end blaekamlrh eoale. coke, afcar- eoai, ainaung. rnoa ataia ma. WANTED Notea. mertgaxa or contracta a any kind of real eetat la Oraroa and waen Ingtoal. ceeoad mnrtaegee parebaeed If wD eeeared. H. Koble, 81X commercial au. TELEPHONE BAST T. F. & JONES CO., Wood aad Coal. 181 Beat Water at. DON'T bovw owner e' en til yoa eee Hntton Credit Co. , 812 Dekum bldg. OREGON FUEL CO. 1 now taking order, for wood aad coal for future delivery. 884 Alder at. Mam Oa. . MONET to toen; larg loana apeelaltyt abw building loan; loweet reteet rtre inaa: William U. Beck, gig railing ukig. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk Mdg Mono to knd ea eaay-Beyment plaa to wage eernera; atrletly confidential. BUTCHERS' BUrPLlES B. Blrkeawald On.. 804-808 Everett at. largeat batcher capplp aoaag oa in aaat. writ rot catalogue. -v- MORTOAGB Inana at cn Trent rateet n, mleelna. Columbia Life Troat Compaag, Lam bar Bxchaage bldg. BUTCHERS' BUPPLIRB Adolpb A. Dekam. isi-isa rirat at., eemee a ran line and plat, aaeortment at loweet market price. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. MONET to loan en all ktnde ef eeeertty. iiam noil, room a waatungtoa Diog. Wtt- TO LOAN Bum to ault oa chattel eecnrlty. A. Frame. 814 the Marqaam. . QUICK Inane on ell aactnitle. S. 45 waablngton bid. Mala noo. W. Rmg, BOWE, DAVIS it KILHAM, 100111 Becond at. Blank booka manufactured; agenta for .oner Improved Looee-Leaf ledgera; eee tb new aureaa Jeer, the beet oa tbe market ON mortgage, 8200 to 83.000; coat paper eelg- ward. lawyer. Allaky bldg. U BANKS XTITO ITATXB WATIOgTAt BaBX OF FORTXABD, ORXOOV. ' . . riortnweot corner Third aad oaa rreeta. Traaaaurta fl.a-,1 MaVklna Bnaai. DRAFTS ISSUED AvalUfale m All Oltlea of rh4 United 8tata and Europe, Bongkong and Manila. Collect lone mad ea Favorabt Terete. Prrtdeat...,,...,.,7r..eVff. AINBWORTH Ce.hler.. ... R. W. BCBMEBB Vloa Prendeat.. ..........".at LEA BARNES AaalaUnt CH ,..,...,..W. A. HOLT - n'!ii"- "' . ', " ' ' Aeaiatent Caahler.... ...... ....A. If, WRiaBf . .. LAM) t, TrtTOlf" BAVtMSZ&itiUai, Oregon. ., , . . t ; , mmmMftMA tana. Traneeet a Oenerel Banking Boaineea, BA VINOS BANK .DEPARTMENT. ' laeaed oa aavlnge depoelfa, latereet paid ot tim dpoelta. 8a via g M CBCBABTB STATION AT. BABX 8i , rnarK w,nun,..,,,,.rreineni m. i4. vunnan, ...... ....... Portia', ildeotl I lebwr I 0 V I1- P I e aldewt .AmhrUnt, Caahler no nA.w li I t.nnn. rwr iiawm Traeaacta a General Banking Bualneea. Drafta and Utter, of Credit lened AvaDablc ta - AH Parte of the World. Collect tone a Specialty. TP HB BABX OF CAitFORBLlIateWlahed 18. Bead Office. Baa FreaeUuM, Oallerala. I Capital paid as 84.000.000 t Bnrptaa and andlvlded proflta 810,1118.878 weaeral Banking and Bxehaag Buelnee Traneacted. Intereet oa Time Depeelta. , ; BA VINOS DEPARTMENT A ecoonta may be opened of 810 aad upward. c-eruana prancn unemner ok vDioi-rr. duihiiui. WM. R. MACBBA Manager I f. T. BPRTCBAELL Aaeletant ManaceB FWI BATIOJtAX BABX ForUaad, Oreaoa. ' Oldeat National Bank aa the Pacifle Coart, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 11,800,000.00. . DEPOBITB, 14,000.000.00. t, MTtrB....... Praaident I W. 0. ALVORD.. Aeetataat OatW W. NBWEIRK.. ,,,,, Caahler B. F. STEVENS Becond Aealetant Oaehler TRUST COMPANIES "RTXAlfD TBVBT COMPART OF 0BEO0N The OldeH Treat Compear fee Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General Benklng. Two par Cent latere, oa cheek e oaata (erea aandrwdat eai delle baUaM-a of 8500 or over. Latter of credit aad eictaanre ea all narta of t u. abi . rim. rtt rv, ta a to 4 oer cent: etior t-eetl apacial certlflcetea, $500 er ever, 1ft ta 4 per coat Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Snutheeav. fie naa Tlilrd and AW .. Phnna Prtvata) Bxchana T2. BENT. t. COHDN praaldoat i H. h. PITTOCK VTce-Preelde-t ...Secretary B. LEB PAGET. 51 O. GOLTBA. .Aealetant Secretary SICrtnirTT BAVrBOl TRBbT COMPABT 08 Morrlaoa ttt. Pm-Uaad, Or. Trenaaet a Oeaeral Banking Baataeee. SAVING" DEPARTMENT. Intereet allowed ea ' tllM .Ml wtn - - - . m W. ... . r..Cta mA T . CTmII ... mm mmm . . .mmn,,. ITII a 1 n"W "l rni.,r . WH. v,..., . AvalUbla a All Part of the World. , A. LEWIS. Fwi viea-rreaineai C. JUBITB Seeretarr GEO. RUSSELL i.. .Aaeletant Secretary 0. f. APAMt.... Praaldoat J U A. U MiLUI..,.i...k .Bemad Vice Pre.laeot I fl ZTU OUARAWTXB TRUST COMPART-80 Waahlagtoa Btreet MORTQAGB LOANS a PortUad Beat Betete at Lowest Bat. 1 , Till fneared. Abetracta Farnlabed. inunjiuan auD,.., r inmi r nu, m. ai jvninun, GEO RGB H. HILL. ...TIe-PreldBt I T. T. BURKHART. . .Treeearer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS 01RIS BROTinrjU Chamkec f Oaaamaro BaiUtng. Mankrrpal. Raflroad aad Pabllc Service Corpora Hoa Bond. DOWBTJfO-HOFKOrt C0KAirT-l.taallahe4 18t4 BR0RXRJ. bTOCIB. BONDS, GRAIN Boaght and Sold tor Caah aad aa IfaTftB. Private Wtrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' Pboa Mara IT. Ovcrbcck, Starr & Cooke CcU 'K S'cK'.sr blilSrU. BBAIR, FBOVJBIOHB, OOIIOB, BTUUAB AMD lOlHi ' , WB DO A BTRI0TLT 00MMJB8I0N BUBimt.A. Ooatlnaoag Mark eta by Privet Win. Quirk Service. REFERENCES Ldd at Tfltaa. Baakera, aaa uaiiaa ,Bue niiawi aau vi roriiaao. STREET PAVING. WABBSN Ooastructto Co.. atreet aartag. aiae- walk aad raaeiag. l LeimDcr acaaaga. Ho! For Astoria THE Barber Aepbalt Paving Oa, Pertlaad. ornea aes woreewrar nix. OO OS TTPEWRiTERS. FastSteamerTelegraph HEADQUARTERS tor new aad rebant tya. DaJJ ( except ThuradAjra). ZwMVMiJdai writer ef aU mekaaf eee our window I If yoa I t ', av - are going to bay a bow typewriter eee a be- Btrwat -OCR IlB, non max bbs. DANCING. DANCING Iceeona 25c. clanea and private. dally. Prof. Wal wnieen, ball 804 AHakr bldar. Third and Morrleoa at. Social daoclna. wait, two-etep, tbree-etcp, etc,) eta re danc tnr. buck and win cloc. reeL 11. Blcbland lung, Bpanian, etc. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOI Claee Moo.. Tbara. and Bat. eve.; aoctat fancy and atep da aclne taught; 8 eatetant teacher,; eleae and private leeeooa dally. Wgetern Acanemy Ball. Becond and Morrleoa ata. Pacific 1O0. im mrm aw atmwaaaaaiiwaiiiii n aiwaaii iima iwi DRESSMAKING. A LOAN for the aakfng Salary or chattel. The I Loan Co., m veknm Bldg. EAST eevment loan to ealerted neonle. Erfl- ploree' Uiaa Co.. 71 pejmm-Piag., Main gta. MONET loaned to eelarled peorg Juat on your own name; doo t borrow until poa eve me; my ararem la ine oeei ror raiiroaa men. ciera. bookkeeper,, etreetcer men end ell other em- r to Tea: nfi,iMa imnir connoanriai. r . a. Newton. All Buchanan bldg.. 280 Waahlngtoa. MONET to loan on real eetate. chattel mort- gftgea or pereonal aeenrity: note bought. C. W. Pallert, 804 Fentoa bldB- OSTKOPATITIO PHYSICIANS. ftrwa hn vines we aaa hare part for repairing U machln; Ute genta for tba Vlalhl Foxi we buy eH klad ef typewriter. Tb Typewriter Bxehaag, la.. B. t. Blllaoa, maaafer. a imra n. BLICKEN8DERFER Bile; repair,. Trtwrltr Agcaeyl aaa. Baleigh bldg- 8tb aad Waa, repair, avaiviao diuih wiu mm PUBUO BTENOGRAPHBB. TOWEL SUPPLY. Colombia River Scenery UOUIVATOb. JaXMM nJUMXMM. Daflv neiilia lielaaaa PaetlaaA .-a apw. DaUaa, xoet Baaday. leaving Pertlaad at t a. m, arriving aboat 8 a. m. earrvma CLEAR TOWELS DAILT -Com, braa. eaa. moatb. rertuaa LAaory m ivew iupply fralgbt aad aaaaaagam, Splendid Uon f outfit and Uvea tank. Dock foot of Alder et, PortUad (bat f Court et. Ta Dalle. Pboa Mala 814. PartlanA. Co. Ninth and Co eh. Pboa 410. THIEVING PEINCESS PEONOUNCED INSAOT MADAMB AXQELES 242 Fifth. Pacific ml nerrooa, To owners of timber claim and Mi We will buy for caab any good timber trib utary to the nanaiem river, wm ooai win . owner, only! write, giving full particular, Nebalem lnveetmeat Oa.. H2J Chamber of Commerce building,, Portland., Or. CERTIFIED eertp, ear saw. loweet pricea. O Howell. 838 Chamber of Commerce. Timrer CLAIMS on railroad erant landa. 0.000,000 to 12.000,000 per ft eee. . Term one balf when located, balance whea title I eecured. 407 Buchanan bldg., Portland, Or. X0UNO acientlflo maaaeaa gtvea electrical, ,1- eonoiie ana meaicated rrearmenta. aiao tub hatha. 41 Ralalah blda.. Sixth aad Waah lngtoa ata. T T0UNG lady give treatment. 853ft TamhUl, room a. LADIES Dr. Sanderaon' Co. Bavin aad Cotton Boot Pllla are the only en re remedr for de ' layed pertode; by mall. 82 per box. Addrea Dr. Pierce. 181 Flrat at, Portland, Or. . MRS. VAUGHAN. xprleoced dreaemaker, WlU go oat oy u ay. rnon bait ezi?, . MADAMB TTJTTLB. faahloneble dreeemeker; price reaaonabla. 810 18th at. TeL Main 0018. DENTISTS. DR. W. B. KNAPP baa returned (torn at Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DR. LILLBBELLB PATTERSON, epecullet ea acuta aad chronic dleeaeee. Ornee 817 Fentoa bldg. Phon Pacifl 1100. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 410-10-1T Dekam bid. Third and Wa ablngto at. Pboa Idain sea. Examination rre. DR. BINO CBOONG. Imbortar Chlaec meaicineat aeii htaa tea. eertala ear tor au dlaeaaea, 181 2d. bet Xamhlll and Taylor, 'I!5.?.' IZJjSWt nA ?JWR8 BTHBL. WARD, manlcarlat and chtropo- townahln olata of timber landa. H. L. Gil ' bert, civil engineer, 480 Worceabtr .building, Portland. Oregon. I HAVE a few homeetead clalma open to entry. . rich aolli alao tw claim that eoroe under to Klamata project, aw uooanougn Die. TIMBER CLAIMS Six timber location that crala from 1,000,000 to i.duuu.uuu yeiiow tin to the claim, 40 mllea from railroad i oc ting fee reaaonabla. J. A. Doutlilt Tb Dallea, Or. TAKE RAILROAD LAND. I will locate yoq ofcfaluablc timber landa which have been held under the railroad grant Writ for partlculare. O. W. MARVIN. Glendal Oregon. : diet, formerly of 201H Third et. 1 now at sou rin at. rnone racuie nw. MADAM A. LUCKET, now located In ber ele gant new quarter, la prepared to meet her oia parrona ana receive sew eoee. race ana ealp treatment and apeclal attentko to lumbago, rbaumatlem aad Bervonaaeae. 146ft rront at. Main mil. GENTLSMAN, middle-aged, Chrlgtlaa, noma mean, deeirea acquaintance of refined 'lady object, matrimony, v sw, car journal. EXPERIENCED maaaeuae give treatment for rbeomatlam. ZZ4ft Waablngton at. LADIES: Dr. La Franco' Oomooand: (, epeeoy reaiiiaTor; zo cenie, aramniii or maul booklet free. or. La Franco.' Philadelphia, Pa LADIES! Aek your druggtat for Cblcbeatera Pllla, the Diamond Brand. For 25 yeara -known aa beet, aafett, alwaya reliable. Take ao otner, coicneetera viamona arena run so ooo.OOO FEET tr ot Al fir timber and a fin new sawmill. 80,000 capacity, now in operation; every thing complete; logging outfit, eto.i in Columbia county; fin abippiag ncinne. - Of good j&tttSi,-. flhj ' propo. iTdld by-drugat. verywbcr. aition ror logging or ior uwouu, wuwn for ahlpplng are fin; call and get our prto and term.. , The Veteran Land Co. 165ft Third Bt ' DR. FLETCHER, foot pecUllt, Allaky bldg. rponee (t-acuie raw ana a-2bi TOUNO lady want to meet aa American gen tleman et mean to take ner to Alaaka on A baalnee propoaltloa. B 808.: car JournaL HORSES, VEHICLES, i HARNESS. 1 . eeaeae'e-e,aw-i' -1 r - Mlnelt'AW of draft horae, weight 8,000. Kaat Heventa at n.i woooiawn. rnone noocuawa 638. MISS LB ROT, 291ft Alder at., room 4 Mae- aag ana magnetic treatment. ATTORNEYS. Rnpara aaa hnirvtea fne rent br dar. .and month; apeclal rate to Bnnlneee-boa, Kiita ana nawtoorn. aaai la. , ,. BEST work and light harneaa, pricee loweet; w take your old harneaa la exebenxe for new. Keller Harneaa Co.. v Morta aixtn at. PIOGOTT. FINCH BIGGER, attorney at lew, 4 Molkey bldg. eoaoer Becond aad Mor ARCHITECTS. 8TUDERAKER runabout nearly new. ber Exchange. Phone Mala 1033. 832 Lum- SBNST KRONER, architect Plane and apeclfl ai:onei aieo ouiiuing aopennrenaenc. DRS. C. B. BROWN A MILLER Dog and bore boepltal. 106 N. Sixth at. Phone Main 4080. ASSAYER8. FOR SALE LIVESTO CK. THREB choice cow,, big milkera; teat 4ft and 1 6. 627 Roeelawn ava. FOR 8ALB CHEAP Two freeh Jereey Cow. 1668 10th at., Bellwood, Hear UmaUlla. ' . CHOICE family cow for aal cheap; muat aell. Tel.' Eaat Soso. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Aaeay Office, 18B Morrlaoa at. AUTOMOBILES. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and reeorda; Stem way (or other) planoe. Bhermaa, Clay Co., Blitb and Morrlaoa ata., opp. P. O, . , j m. , . , ,i N.H,, , n, I ,,,1 , A GOOD upright piano, cheep for ceah; bo aeriabl oner rerueea. Aaareex aa oua ,car rnaL .-''' '" ', ' HOWARD M. COVET. A feet Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile, Cad, lllae and Knox. Temporary location Clab Garage, 16th aud Alder ate. ART. FREE LESSONS IN Bmbroldery Every. Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. 882 Waahlagtoa at en, At aVT B. R. MO0REHOU8B A CO. Arttata material. Picture moldln. oleture franilnr. ataeaootl. con, lantern elldee. 818 Alder at. FOR SAI MISCELLANEOUS. , BlNtlRB and Wheeler and Wllaon aewlng me . chine office. We cell, leeee or rent new ma ehinee; old macbtnea taken In part payment; ' eecond-hand marhlnw 85 and up; other make of acw machlnea 825 end up; needlee for all makea of macbtnee; ell alnda ot machine ; repaired and gaeranteed. 8. 8. SlogeL agent 8 Morrtaon at Phna Main 2188. ACCORDION DRESS PLAITING. MIBS O. GOULD, BIT Bwetland bldg. Aecordloa pieaiing ann ouitooa eovereo. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. $timm 2S2 FIRST, NEAR MAIN. I'Wf" Wa want yonr trade at the Dollar for atovee, furniture of every, description; your . old furniture taken In exchange, or the high ' eet caah price paid: new and good aa new. Phone A 387i Mala 6374. " FREE FOR EVER YBODX Ring up Main 42B0 . or call 818ft Front at W buy and eell fur altar, clothing or any old thing. :. - BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sar cor far ' rbaumatlem. , Bold br all draggiet. BILUARD AND POOL Ubl for rent e tor 'i m eele eeey payment. " ' TUB BBDNSWICK-BALKB-COLLBNDBB 00 . , , , 4 Third at fmtiuA. , JOHN A. MELTON. 204 Fourth, et. Office aad atore fixturee built and remodeled; euoweaeca aad counter. Phone Main 1787. ENGINEERING. NEWELL A OOSSETT. cnxlneera and anrveyora. office 83 Waahlngton bldg., cor. Fourth and waaningtoa. Main nam. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Weeblnrtnn and 10th ata.. Flledner bid. Bookkeeping, Bhorthend, Typewriting and all arnguen orenenee uugoc, oou eay aaa euga- FINANCIAL aid to l worthy young Udlea who wlah to take a enortnana eoura. Appiy at once at office. BIT commonwealth Bldg Sixth and Bnrnaid ata. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny at, Phonee Main 3001. A-3O01. Telexraohy. typewriting, penmanablp, Spanlah language. Indluldtiai inatruction. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. .r M. 2. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at Electric and 0a Flxtnrea and Bopplle. v. Mantela, Tiling. Grata and Do iron. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer. coatrae tore, repairer, aleetn wiring, eupniie. w Flrat cor. Stark. Mala 669. BU B. Tata, mgr. WESTERN BLECTRIO WORKS, 61 Blxtn t- Con tract ore. electne euppnea. motor aaa ay Bamoe; we Inatall light aad power plaata. MORRISON BLECTRIO CO.. CB1 Beat Morrleoa et. Flitaree, wiring, repalrinr. Beat 81Z8. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS Beooad and Everett ata. rnone Mam wvu. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine: electric qap. mente; launch; aeceaeorlea; wholeeale and retail: engine repairing. Releraoa Machinery Co.. 182-4-6, Morrlaoa at SHEFFIELD marine engine. Any, propeller. Falrbaake, Morse Co.. rirat and Btark ate. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. eolldt dnpertaa- Ity to qoote prleee. - 74 Bixth et. Pacifl 466 HOTELS. PLUMBERS. I FOX A CO Banltarr ptambar. 831 Seeoad, bet Mala and Balmoa. wragoa pnoea uaia wii DONNERBERG A BADBMACHEB removed to No. 808 Bameid t PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTERT Artletl printing. 20 Runel bldg- Foarui ana mornaoau Pacific 1520. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB OREGON CHEESE CO. (INO.) CHEESE, BCTTEK, BlUUa, eiM oairy rnunu a-fii or handled oa commnaioa. ixa ruu (SweUand bldg.), Portland. Or. M. A. GCNBT CO, DISTB1BUTORS OF FINB CIGABB. (PORTLAND. OREGON. - ...... t-. - faahlonabl hotel, hit km offloltilF Or. Pboa Mm na. I w-oviin aa,iuai oer UT DQ OTOppeXI I .. I ml mm m mrnrnM M-awum U A Wn A flTTTB f MA rw I Wta OKAUUn JSmS mm mm mm mm., mm m W. ManBfacturer oi lunajiwra nv u nua Portland, oi-goa. (7oaraI Bpeelai Barvloa.) Bartln, Mar It. Prlnoeaa von Wrada. who wag enarcad Is tb Oerman oourta rear ago with thafU of plat from 0GILBBB BROS., printer Oarda. billbMda, te. Phone Mela 18B8. 14BH Flrat at PAINTING AND PAPERLN Q. P. A. DOANB wtU gtv yoa the beet estimate for atlafactory work, aaa xamaiu ax. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. WADBAMS A CO.. wboleeele grocer, faetnrera and commiasioai aaeruuBia. and Oak ata. , FURNITURE manafactnrtng aad epedal order. L. Barenexy e irnirure iacua-7, aui rroai ex. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlaaloa and produce mer. chanta, rront ano avavia ana., i-oroaan. yr. WHOLESALE crockery and gleeewar. Prael, Hegele oa- rortiano. wgoa. . W. SIMPSON. 801 Waahlngtoa wasa ale dealer ta grata aaa nay. TRANSPORTATION. TTi CoflTJlIl BntlnI gjlndaa to the Hermann trlaj aa "that treat Lraradr." at. Fourth -na a tb proBOoutlon of Hermann la Tracution" ana b nrauloua and JIa bollcaJ aohama," WATER GUARDS GOLDJftiTOLU Montana's Richest and Old est Placer Ground Never ' Entirely Worked. : (Special DUpatch to The JouraaL Halana, Mont, Mat IO.Tbo Conray . Drodglnf oorapanr B irurchaaad th greater part of th trouad owaad b tha Xldor Consolidated Mining : com pany in Aldtr gulch, tha acena of tha flrat dlaoovarF Of gold In Montana, aon Blatlng of about algbt mil, after bav ins madej teats with broapaetlng drtlla." Dredge will be lnatallad immadlatalf. All of th ground baa been worked In ' ona way or another In tbe past but not all of the gold values recovered. Great ' lntereat attache to th operation in several placet where bedrock was never reached, and eepeolaJly In Blake't hole, ao called. Thla particular apot la lo cated Juat below Virginia City and la an Immense depression. . From the) earlleat htatory of tbe etate It hat been known to contain riches, but all ef forts to win them have proved futile. On on occasion a drift nearly a mil long waa run and the miners succeeded In getting to th edge of the pot bole, where they found the bedrock fairly covered with duet and nugget. , Than a cave-tn and water drove them out and they were compelled to abandon the - work. Another company trld ualng a pumping apparatus of large capacity to ' keep the shaft tree from water. Bed rock waa nearly reached, when an old drain that had been eatabllahed yeara before waa cut and the water cam ta In euoh volume aa to prevent further operation. Tbe dredging people be- -llev they can aucceaafully dredge wrbat la conceded to be one ot no ncneet epota in the state, and the outcome ta awaited with great Interest P. M. Collins, a local capital iat ana Henry NeUL ttate land agent,, hare taken over the somewhat noted Monitor mine. Just acroea the Idaho ttate Una. ; and purpose It operation on a large scale. A feature In connection wlto thla property la that because of the great altitude enow hat proved a re tarding feature until the Idea of put ting tnowahoet on the horses waa con ceived and it hat been uecettfully carried out The tnowehoee are eight inches square and are fattened Bxrarely to the shoe by meant of screws. Tbua supplies are taken, in from Balteae, - Montana, Ave mllea dlotant, and ore brought out The trail it kept clear by tacking ore in bullaklns and drag ging It behind the loadtv Tha old method of shoveling proved Imprac ticable because of wlnda and drifts. Now, no matter bow deep tha enow, tha horsea and their wagona ttay on top of the depoelt It it a copper property of great promised ' . , . The strike of rich copper ore within a few miles to the north of Helena by the Bnakopa company ' la announced. , , Thla company la composed of reeidenttv ot Spokane, and the name waa made by apelling backwards their home city's title. The chief owner la the company were Helena visitor, summoned hither by the strike, which waa made at a depth of 108 feety where the vein was found to be tut feet wide, ana two as says taken thowed value at 178 and till, or 18 and JJ per cent eopper, re spectively. A contract waa let today tor sinking another 100 feet, at weU , aa for bulldinga. , . , Eastern Excursions. Tba Canadian Pacific hat announced very low reus to eastern pointt during the tummer montha. Ticket on tale June (, T, and I, July t. 4. ; August i, I, 10, September 11, It and II. ' Make your Bleeping oar rervUont now for tba June exourtlona, F. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer Pa rat CM I window glaa aad glaaiag. is ruai Phone 1884. REAL ESTATE. PARBI8K, WATRINS CO., fBJ ALDER BT. Be 1.;, eat re, reniau anu ih,wm. W make a apectairy or nanaimg renwm Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS S TWPS B. U. aTookaaa, June 14,1 88 July 18, B6 Aag. B. Qneaa, July lev MEN I BT0K3I OVT& w mae a muih, -" 1 - 1 and property for rerideot nd non-reeldenta. B. B. Bona tor. ,ne a Eetabllebed 1871 Phone Mala 1644. I g. S. Vrcsldea aTaae 4 J. W. OGII.BEB. real eetate and manat ata llahad 1B8B. lD)t rim aa., room'. BPHINX AGRNOT, dealer la real eetate aad rentale. B00H Btark et. nam 010. a. 8. AXJiBXA moirm Skagwe. , gdtka, Jtiaaau and way porta, m p. n FOR FARMS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. W. W. BSPET. 819 Commercial bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS, 840 Alder at.) phone Main 710.' Rubber tamp, seaia, atenciie: Bag gage, trade check: br eigne and plate. etweweaaapawaww ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, itntterlng. repairing and general Jobbini. J. Loell. 818 Jefferson at. rac. im. ..,. Oct XTunboldt...atay . It, 89 Cottage City, via Sitka... May 8, 18, 81 City of Seattle Kay B, 18, B8 sajt amavvozsco moTjra. SalllBg t . ra. rgoai Seattle. City ot mebla.. May B, so Bni..or ..........May 10, 88 TJBaanua i ttay it, bo City Cinoe, S48 Waahlngtoa St, WILL You Can Pay When SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER AV KLEISEB SIGNS. W have built ep the largeet altra boemeea la tb city by flrat-cleaa work and keeping "or promt. Our price are right. . Fifth and Everett era. rnone ajzeoang 00. . siMji" fOMMsiii HOTEL Portland. American plan. 13, 8 per day. BELVKDERB; European plan; 4tb and Alder eta. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir lnsoraac. IOCB Dldg. 844 gber- L. PAGE, Inearane: emplojer llebllltr, eorety bond, bnrglar and accident Insurance. Phone Main S2H. Falling bldg. (AS. Mcl. WOOD, emphryera' llIIlty aad h dividoal accident eeenrity bnndr or all kind. Phono 4T. 802 McKay bldg. 8. MELTON Office, (tore flitoreej general jobbing. BT Flrat at Phone Mala 8190. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largest Slant n coast: Lorlng end Herding ete.j phone laat SftO; carpet cleaned, refitted, aewed aad - laid; a team end eompreeaed air proceea; re novating mattreaaea and feather a specialty. lOTCfl BROS., proprtetnra of th Electric Clean. fa warke: carpets cleaned nd laid, both Arm nd cpronrcastd-elr eleenmgi carpet refitting our apeclalty: work ruaranteed. Pkoa Mala aaa A .aaja. . za )saa a. y . . v. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO.. Front and Oak at., leather and cklna of every description for all purpoeea; sol and tap ruttera; flndlmra. .. ., SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Slga CBk, Z9l oil r a sx. ruoo c-aciiio io SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. . SHOWCASES of every description t bank. Bar and atore flxtnrea made to order. Tb Ltk Manufacturing Co., Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. deefirner; arent M. Winter Lnmber Co. T Hamilton bldg. Mela BSSO. STENOGRAPHERS. PUBLIC stenographer and typewriter. Main 1271. 814 Deknm bldg. Pboae SAFES. Jamestown Exposition! IOW RATES I JVaTB 8, T, 8 JTJXT B, 4, 8 ATOUST 8, 8, 10; SJBPTSXBBB 11, U, 13. Chicago and return, $71.(0. , St Louis and return, 147.60, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, 180. ' .v ; 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 ror tickett. Bleeping; car reservation I ana additional inrormft uon, can on or j, .9 T t nTmoo 1 f, n a. m . I evuurvso n. iivaou, v.. c, ea a. a. 188 XHXBD BT, rOXTZiAJTD, OB. Telephone's': Main 680.. Home A-2J88. Cured In Simple Cases Pee $10 WW SB. T ATX OB, Tha fceadtatf SpeolaUt. . Thar t a tendency bowadara to aacribe case ef loat vitality to lack of serve fare, aad to treat them aa aucfe with tonics, electricity and stimulant, resulting a bat tb moat tomporary benefit If t aU. . A a remit of ohaervatlona and nraetlcat avnarteace" t hat heea owielaued that the nerveo play but a unaidlary ron la th prodactioa of diaordera ef men. It at cry unuaual te find any trouble fa aa otherwle atrong man ether than a damaged ritata or deep urethral inflammation, particularly la rboae whose dleardars originated th harmful Influence exercised by aa ill-treated contracted dtaorder, and If a nana ted nerve fore seemed to be present It la only aa concomitant or pert a pa w may ay complication of chronic prostate and dlaappearad with ita car. Still fur ther, tbe fact are verified by purely local treatment, for procedure directed toward repairing th damaged glaada are lw ay a rewarded by the most brilUaat car. VARICOCt3UE PORTLAND BAFB CO.. sol a rent for Ber- rlng-nall-MarvIa aafee end Manganes 8teel Sim 1m. CmVk 'a hank lifM 60 aaWMt.hana rtpa. t-.SSf 2Wu?DS,t&utrL',m'i Steamships I0AN0KE TORT'S rACITXO STXAMSBZV CO.'B DIEBOl.D Maaanea Safee Lore line carried, Lock-Out Opened. Jacka, Jails, Metal Far- machinert B. TRENKMAN A. CO. Mining, aewmllU loa- ring machinery! hydranlle plnea. eeattng;' all kind re pa Iced. , 104 North Fourth et THB B. , C ALBEB CO. ffecond-haad chlbryt Bewmllla. ate. 848 Grand av. ' A. J. PACT., 100 First at. a eomplet tin aaw- Dltur. phones. Honest price and Goode. 3. E. DAVIS, 66 Third at TRANSFER AND HAULING. and GEO. W. ELDER 1 Betb I Sail for Eareka, San Francisco and Lea Ana eics airect every xnuraaay at p. m. 1 letter onice 11 iniro. nwr Aiaar. Phcnea M. lilt H. YOUNG. Agent ilUI XOBB OCBAB STBABtBSCCBB J a O. PICK, of fie 88 Flrat at, betweea Btark ITVERP00I, w"2,0W, t -;ATBB. and Oak ata.l ahona KSWt P.mnnm mwut en.l. 1 Naar ataamaea VIOTORIAM d VIRSINIAB. tor move ana paoae ror acippmg: oommo- I rnpie-screw nireii vnaiawa, in .iiihu, dtoos brick warebooea with parat Iroa C0R8ICAN and lOKlAV, twla-acrewi Remeav nnm rmnt aat Clae aa. . 1 ha. aa. aalllaea are Weekly from MONTH AAL. passing down me ..pmareeqv ou Mwreace I river ay daylight Aceommoaauoaa - a sear. Bataai Balooa 800.00 aad eowardal eeoad eabla 840.00 and upward. 0s r.hio ataamera. 840.00 and aowarda. , I t, OOBJAKT. 174 Jaakaoa peoU Chleaae OREGON TRAN8FER CO 184 North Sixth t . phoa Mai 69. Heevy healing aad atoraa. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE TRANSFBB CO, , aVSavaaa. 884 Hack at . Mala 401. . 1 car any eaa that I accept la rae week' time. My treatmeat ft a palnlee eoe, and la moat lnatano th patient need not be detained a aingl day from baalnee. There I ao doubt or gueeawork, but abeolut oartalnty of a Uorough aad Mating cur, with complete return to that degree ef health and vigor that exlated before the disease began. -- it STRICTURB My treatmeat for trtetar 1 absolately pamle, and perfect result eaa b de pended upon la every laauac. I do bo catting or dilating whatever. CONTRACTED DISORDERS Every eaa of contracted dlaeese I treat I cured rboroaghly. My pa Mente bav a relapsee. Whea I proaoBac a case rared there la not particle of Infectloa er la flammatloa remaining, and there lan't the ellghteet danger that th diaeaae will return m it original lorm ot work it way into tna general system, aoma cairarta dlseaae are leas aertou taaa otber, be t none are too trivial to warrant ancertara method of treatmeat, . I e pec tally aollcit those that other doctor have beea anabw to car. v--": '' . ' '' ?: h-r '-,'- The mn wbo ha been poaltively cared of a disease peculiar to fett sea knows that a great blight ha been lifted from hi life. He roallae that the e tumbling block to. bualneea and social aocee he at last been forever removed. - Baring tbua gained th great God-givea power of eomplet health, he re-enter tbe race ef life with renewed hope, amblttoa and coumre. and with that vim and vigor which make victory possible In every undertaking. Thla ha beea the happy exparleoo of leg too of mea whom I have recently cured for lit f auck a dtaaaaa. . ' , - , - In treatment of ease f hla ehaeaeter ' are aureeea ha beea Caned "nheemmeaal but It only natural and what ebould be expected from a phyaloiea who poseem r apeclal kaewiad, expert ahlll, vaat experieBce, thorough aeleottfle offlc qnlpuenui t ' aad earneet ladaatrioua mind cooclantkaaly devoted to the welfare of hi patient. 1 the DR. TAYLOR co, v. OOBBTXB XOBBXSObT AX9 SZOO BT9 STBXZTS. ;.. iTt4 Battaaoe 834 MorrlaoB Street, yorUaad, Cr. v "" Patient Bring eat of the City end cemtag to Pertland ft treatment vH v f -.. Blshed with fia room free ef charge. Check yea treaaa amet te , I i I . I "A'-:-'