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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY- EVENINO,-MAY 30. IS07. : 18 Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market, St, bet. 3d &4th a ntrntniiMCTW n MVB- bckiptiome bzcextkd. , Oregonlane when in San Franolaco can bv their mail oent In cars of Tha .Journal offlcn. u -. ARTHUR I FISH, Representative). NEW TODAY. Hotel $55,000 Three-story brick building, 50x85, 41 rooms completely; furnished ; lot 90x100; fine location. V $37,500 Lot 100x67fi, two-story building, six stores and 32 rooms above; corner.f ' ? v ' THESE ARE BARGAINS INVESTIGATE - . WESTERN REALTY CO. 510 Buchanan Bldg, 288 Wash 1 ' ington St - noLiow .'1 'w CEMENT BLOCKS CEMENT STEPS. PORCH PIERS AND ORNAMENTS. ; Parrish & Thompson v. Manufacturer.1 ' ernes aaa axxsxy udo. FOR SALE 15500 -Corner, etore building, ware house and barn, stock of groceries and hardware, on corner Millard ave. and Kindorf road. Will sell all together or will sell stock and lease the building, or wtli sell building and lot without ftork. See. M 8. Brown at office, Mil lard avenue. ML Scott car. . , WHEN AWAY FROM HOME Copies of The Journal eas he obtained hi the following cities aad towne ootelde at Oregon. The Journal woald appreciate ha receipt ef reports or rauare to ootsin eopwa Of tee paper t any of these plseea: -t'OI.PAX, WASHINGTON A. B. Kimr. 1 WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla Stationary Company: Rogere-Hoswell Ooea- pany; Hotel Decree Newe Stand; Union Cigar Stand; Central Newe Company. rACOMA, WASHINGTON Hotel Taeorea Hewn Stand. 11 South Fourth atreet; Central Newe Co. I People'e Newa Co. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier . Brand Newe - Standi .International Newe ' Agency Newspaper Wagon; Hotel BaatUa Nawa at and; Eastern Km Oo. ' SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Amos Mews Coev pany. Newspaper Wagon. , SI'OKANB. WASHINGTOH-Joba W. Graham Co. MNNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA kt J. Osve- nsugb. 50 Third etreet.' sooth. ST. U)UIS, MISSOURI S. T. Jstt n Ollae atrrat; Gaorre L. Aekarnaa, . W. Oor. Elcbth and Ollae orreta. ; (AKhaS CITY, MI8SODKI Toma Raws doe pany,- Newapapar Wifoa. Untoa Aaanne Nawa Co., oppoalta TJnloa depot. "HlCAGO. irXINOIR P.. O. Nawa Company. 17S Daarbora atreet. ' . ENTEB, COLOtADO Cnloa Depot Mews Btud. " : . X3 ANGEr.ES, CALIFORNIA AKia Neva Company, Nawapapar Waf oe. ; AKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amoe Hawa Oata pany, Newanapar Wigon) Hale Nawa Oo. (AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA N. Wbaatlay Nawa Company, Kawapeper Wafoa: Foatar A Orear Ferry balldlnK; Jobnene Nawa Com pany, 14S1 Flllmora atraat; Anwa Nawa Co., Wuran. ' ALT LAKB CITT. OTA B Roaan Md A Haa- aoa, Nawapapar Wapcon; O. L. HaTlea. Hotel Kenyoo! Barrow Broa. 48 Weat StTond atraat Sooth. . , GDkn, UTAH Gray Nawa Compaay. Dapot Nawa Stand. . . M AH A, NEBRASKA Mtllard Dotal Nawa Htand. 1EW TORK i cm Artbor RotaHng, Hear, papar Wactme. iOKFOLK. TA. Krog tc Goold. ; WEATHER REPORT. Tha praaaore haa fallen eomewhat orar the 'aabmgtos aoaat and rlawi eorraapondlnglr orer urtbara California. - Notwlthatandlng thin, weTet, the barometer rcmalna rrlatWelr bltih rnr western Waabinfrlon. Tne difference la "t great, and tba pressure over thla foreeait latriet- partlenkrly h remarkably uniform. Ir weather In conaeqaence preralla. A moi--ate rlaa la tempera rare wae noted over Wh. x ton, Oregon and Idaho durtnf tbe taat 24 nra, and a fait over the Interior of northern llforaia. . - Fair weather ta Indicated tnniybt and Friday rr tble entire 'forecaat dletTlet, . Temp.- Max Mln. Precipe aker CttF'Ji 74 Td 60 W eft SO 82 to 80 64 7ft T4 68 S3 72 44 .0 .0 use .4ft ,60 64 46 M 02 . 4a." 6ft 64 62 60 4ft 00 48 ureka H . i ' .. ...... i.fru nead .........,, wstcHo T.. ......... irtland ... w , ft Bluff 4 .y, ... K, . wehtrg- . .,.. rramente ......,,4...., m Francisco .,.... iokane . iconia... . . .,..,.,.,. itoosh laland ..f4,...,, alia WilaA. ctorla. -.,.,,?.'-' . .0 .0 .0 JO .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,,-rj,fc.?CTT RIVER.- The river Will rise slightly Friday and Satur- CEMETERIES. VER VIEW Single gratea, 810: family lots, 'te lt16. for 8100 and opwarda. acoordln o sleet h only cemetery in Portland which itrpcfn? roalntalna end cares , tor ht. ,v full information,' apply to W, R. Msc ,P, sie, Wprcealer block, citv. W. M. Lndd. CITY Single graves, 310; family . tots, .ZS to 875, Uuperlntendent et cemetery, eor cr of Frenjont et, sod Cully road. Phone .bor 2ti. For foil Information apply to rank Schlagel. 802 Commercial blk. Phone dale :2S. UNDERTAKERS, "-ti-kxio rndertaktng Co., end embalmltis, -408 r at. Pbooe Mala 8U3. Udy eaaUtant. . P. rtoley Bone, Third and Madlao sta. ice of rooatg rorooer. Phone Main S. f i, B. Hemstock, funeral director.' Eaat 18th . tuaUlle. t'iwxes Sellwoed ti. Lady saaistaaf. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning, MeBnteo 4k GDbsagb, endertakere ad etnhalmerei K1er la every detail, Imitt and rise, Mam aau. 14 ay essistaat teller-Byrnes Co., funeral directors, embalm- era, m atnaaeu. Bast luos. teay seoietant. Edward Holman, undertaker, 220 Third at. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. R. and Mania Moaer to Paa II. and Martha V. l'erklna, kHa 20 and 21, block 11. Mount Tabor Villa Annex .. t 8.000 Hi-rman Mftiger (traalee to Clara it. nojra. Jot a lo aad IS, block 8,. Haaer- 1 ylr Park ITS V, It. Iarby to Emary Parady, kit 1, ; blork 1. Mtewart rark.. ' 1.TB0 Portland Truat (Vimpany of Oregon to 4amea ireianu. Jot a. oioci o. wood- atoik 4 . w .:. : SM Syraraure Real Eetate company to Maria . a. i-enujeion, iota ana 10, block l, Kara Park 1900 E. A. Bperry ta R.' E. Menefea, andl- aided U of lot T. block 1. John Rren. dla'a a.lditloa to Alblna..... 1,600 F. M. and Fannie B. Varner to Charlee Blom, kt i, hlotk 70, Hunaaloe Third ' addltkw 1600 William and Ada May Gardner to Alice , U. Ralrd, lot 1, block 88, King's Second addition a 10 Denis and Margaret , Barrett to John P, McDonouch. weat U of lot Q In M. Patton'a tract 1.000 A. r. and F. W. Roberta to George W. Powla. weat U of lot 4. block IB. Lydla Bockman'a addition 1,250 Samuel L. and Lilla M. Elliott to 8her man T. Klllott, 1H scree beflnnlng at a point In renter Una of aectlon 84, townablp 8 north, range 1 weat... 290 Colleee Endowment aeeoelatloa to M. D Late, lot 8, block IS, CoUere Place., 833 B. W. Glltner and wife to Harold W. Strong, beirmnln at eoutbeaat corner of Uummell'a SOS-acra tract la lTlalo 1 Oarulbera- donation land claim 223 Roman Catholic archbishop to G. H. KaUler, lot 6, block 2. Meedowland... BOO M. L. 8. and Anna E. G. Laurry to Lncla a Blair, lot 2, block 204, Holla- t day' addition 8,S2fl kfary J. Smith t W. I, Vernon, lot 6, block 4, Walnut Park 4.000 Mary J. 8oltb to George P, Stivers, lot ft. block 4. Walnnt Park 4,000 Adeline A. and H. C. Bortoa to P. W. , and Klambeth Darla, lota 8, 4 sod 8, block H Porfamonth Villa KiMilim. . IT8 Tyler Investment company to Michael 1 ii'Hrien. lota ie. l?. 18. is aaa xu. Melvta 16.000 Multnomah Real Eatate association to Eda A. Gordon, lota 8 aad 7, block ' 10. Wlllametta Townalte 10 D. C. and Aaenath Roger to S. W. Sim mons, undivided si or Diori nra Electric addition to Alblna 800 Edward L. and Anna D. Stock too to 0. . C. Vaucha, lot 1, block 18, Whttwood Coort H. P. aad Rita L. McNary to A. A. Sciralta, lota 1, 8. 8 aad 4, block 4, Colombia Helghta ,J A. A. aad Annie Scholia to Albert Gahr ke, lota 1 and 3, block 4, Columbia Helghta C. A. and Lena Dee Brlaay to Mary L. Bouthworth, lot 6, block 11, Tlltoaa addition , Portland Trust Company of Oregon to Alfred M. Loll, lota 4 and 6, block 18, rtrlead M. L. and May W. Holbrook to J. B. Klllenny. lot 21, block 6. St. Johns Park addition to St. Johns.... Whitney L. Boise et sL to . O. Evans Jr., east H of Iota 1 and 2, block 2U0, Hawthorne Park Edward Daniels Harrle ta Isabel Barrle, lot 23. Lamargent Park No. 2 B. L. and Anna Bewley to John P. Mil ler, lota , 10 and 11, block T, North ern HU1 addition. ....... ...i -. Edward Lyons to W. J. MrOlnnls, lots and 10. block 1. Lyona' HlahUnd JO poo S80 1.071 WW 300 1,450 1.000 823 Mary McCormlck to W. 8. Beattla, lot 14, block 20, Multnomah Lena E, and Edward P. Cannon to S2S Ralph and Llda WHcor. lota 18 and 17. block 8, Cannon's addition.. 400 E. 6. and Lonlse Catharine Uerfln to Harry a. Mlllbouee, lot il. oioci is, Alblna X.... ,., 4,000 Edwm and Adeline ptowe to Charlee W. and Arthur Marakall, lot I, blocs at, Woodlawa . ... . 800 Astoria Abstract Title company to Marie Hmhn, Iota 10 and iz. block i, mo- vir 600 400 Marie Haba to Arsalla B. Tiros, Iota 10 and 12, block 1. Midway J. a and Alice H. A ins worth et al. to E. Henry Wamme, lots 1 and a, nioct 8, Conch's addition.... Charlee B. and Sarah' H. Ladd to J. 1. McHale, lot 1 block 14,, Clifford's ad dltkw P. B. and Edith P. Cook to Charles N. Griffith, lot 2. block 88, Wood lawn... 10 JT8 too Emanuel and Amelia May to .Realty Associates of Portland, weat 70 feet of lot 8. block 18, city 66,00ft tolgl and Baffaela Da Sautls to Van , tura Hot tons, undbrided H of lot T, block 102. Portland' City Homeeteed... 118 ' For ab tracts,' tttla Inaoraaee or BMrtgage loans, can on Paclfle Title ek XTsst eempany. IKH-a-O-T ramng Diog. Get your msursace aad abatraeta to seal eaute from tbe Title Guarantee Troat com pany, 840 waablagton et corner Boconq. FUNERAL NOTICES. NICOLAI At her late residence, 883 . Has aalo atreet ' Mar 2B. Marraret Nlcolat ated 66 years, wife of Louie Nlcolal. Fun eral will be private, Friday, May 81, from the residence. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 66, w. w. w ., neete Friday nleht In the W. 0. W. tempie, la litn at. Mat ters ,of Importance will come up end all members are requested to be present Visitors welcome. FRANK M OTTER. C. 0. A. L. BABBUR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. A A. M. Special communi cation thla (Thursday) evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic temple. Work In F. C. degree. AU F. C. Ma sons Invited. B. 8. PAGUE, Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 0,4n. meets Wednesday evening. AUaky bldg.. Third end Morrison eta. M. W. A. Orecon Grape Camp No. 6.ST8. Mon daya. 17th and Marshall Visiters welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES. INVENTIONS bonrht and sold. Covenant Cos- tract Co., 427 FUedner bldg. Main 2881. SKELLY CO. 14th aad Flanders: floor, feed. hay, grain. Pbonee A 1611. Paelfie 611. CONTRACTOR for all kinds of short Johs, by ine jou or or oay; rvineni liniKner. plasterer, chimney builder, bricklayer, concrete work, etc. lowest prices. Apply to P. Gamard, 863 Division at, Portland. PLAIN aewlng and ladles' old bate remodeled. ' lace curtains washed: all work naranteel. Call at 24 H North 10th or phone Pacific 29.1C. NOTICES. IN the district court ef the United States, for .the 5lnili'l nf Oreifon In the matter of 'E. J. Brtffham, for himself, and doing bnal nesa aa Brlitham company, bankrnpt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23d day of M.iv, A. D. 1807, K. J. llrtaham of Portland, Ore gon, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt; .-nl that the first meeting of hla creditors will be held at rooms 204-5 Fen ton bldg., Port laud. Oregon, on the llth day of June, 1807, at 10 a. m., at which time tbe aald creditors , may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt and transact such otber business aa may properly come before such meeting. Dated May 2. 1B0T. CHESTER O. MUTtPHY,. Referee in Bankruptcy NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice 1 hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between B. F. Shep ard and WIHm A. Merrlman, under the firm name of lone Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. In Portland. Oregon, haa been dis solved, snd thst all tha property of asld partnership. Including all accoiinta, has beeii aold out and been assigned to said R. P. ' Sheperd. to whom payment ebould'be made at 221 East 21st at., north. 10NE STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS. By R. F. Shepard. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of tbe stockholders cf the Bunker Hill A Sullivan Mining ft Con. cen I rating Company, for the election of a board of directors for the enaulng year, and V f or tbe. trantactlon of such other business a , may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooma sot to 604 Chamber of Commerce Building. Portland, Oregon, on June 2". 1007, at 12 o'clock noon. , GEORGE F. HOLMAN, ., Secretary Bunker Hill Sullivan Mining A " Coacentratlnr Comnanv. ' v Pottian4, Oregoa, alar V, 1S0T. V NOTICES. Tna firm of Olsan At Hoe have dissolved Bart . nerahlpt P. P. filieasgraea having purchased the Intereete and good will or '. SI. ixaea. The ba'slnese will be Inearaneated and eon tlneed under the eame ef Olaen-Roe Transfer Co. All orders for transferring or etoraae will ne riven prompt and carerui attention Office 908 Oak at. Phone No. Mam MT, Phone No. A-224T. t. P. Sheasgreen, phone Pacine tool. Henry Bos, phone Mam om NOTICE la hereby give that Chat. A. Carlson, the reliable paperbanger. painter aao lei oramn la no more located at 41f8 Plth at and any ordera left St that place cannot ie attended to- by him. Is new located et 2T.0 Second at., where he will be pleaaad te meet hie former aad new customers. Any orders left at his new quarters or at tne Kamona hotel will be properly attended to. Flrat claaa Interior work especially solicited, Phone Mala 870. ... - , - i " NOTICS OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meetlnft of the stoc holders of the Orern Iron A 8toel Company will be bald at the office ef the company, room SftS, flher lock btillillna, Portland. Orecon. Juna 18. 190T, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect Ini a board of dlrectore for the enaulng yaac, and the transaction of such otber bnejaeea as may legally come before the meeting A. ft. PATT1ILLO. Secretary. PortUnd, Oregon, May 24, 100T. BID8 for food auppllea wanted by tbe Port of Portland during; June, 1DOT, will be re ceived at tbe office In the city ball nntll noon of May 81. 10T. Blda must be made oo blank forma which can be had by applying at tbe office. JOHN P. DOYLE, Clerk. LOST AND FOUND. aha.iisaa.aaaapaaaaaiahj Sgjainegj, a,aaajia1a is , iSV. -Saiiiaiaa aaaij,aaKsWaJsaaaal POUND A place to have hair mattresses re Bo as ted aad leterned same day . 22ft Froat at. Mate 474. Portland Curled Hair rectory. H. Metager, proprietor. LOST Os Portsmouth ave., one lone; black kid flora. Finder pleaae leave at Benolds A mdson'e store, Portsmouth station, and re ceive reward. LOST Between Montgomery end Jefferson oa llth at, or from rark to tseeond on vssa Ineton. Ufa Inimrsnce policy In Equitable numbered 191,708. Reward. 420 Commer cial bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. FIREMEN and hfakemea on railroads In Port' land and vicinity, to fill vacanclee caused by promotions; experience Unnecessary: ase ever zu, over lav pouoas, on rest or srw, firemen. 8100 monthly, become enilneera ant earn 2200: brakemen, 273. become conductors and earn slfto; name position prererreo. itaJH way Association, care Oregon Journal. Union Hotel gf WORTH SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OB. rree employment to all; boarders' rates 84 60 per week) rooms, 25c and up; special monthly rates given. Anderaon, proprietor. FIRST-CLASS harness makers; steady employ, v ment. The P. J. Crooln Company. SAWYERS, fllera. enaloaers and yardmes, mill vrlahta and woodsman. Chambera. 100H First et. BRIGHT young men wanted to learn telerrsphyt positions when competent Oregon College, 603 Commonwealth bldg. BOYS wanted: factory work. - Can Co.. foot 14th at Apply American PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO, 206-207 Second et. Phone Mam 821. We desire and install tbe most modern sod Improved office ayatemsi eomplete line looae leaf filing devices. W A NTED Salesmen ; many make 8100 to 81-10 per month: omf even more: stock clean, rrowa on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washtnrtoo Nursery company, Top pen lah. Washington. MEN AND WOMEN to leans the barber trade m eirbt waeka: animates earn rrnm xia ta 82.1 weekly: expert Instructors: catalogue free. Moler System ef College. ,88 North Peorth at.. Portland. WH gat work for our memberat s pedal mem bers.. 82. Y. M. a A.. Fourth, and Yamhill WANTED At once, a Xlrat-claas painter. 164 Union ave. carriage MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing plaa terlna. blocklarlnc. electrical trades; free catalogue: positions secured. Coyne Trade Bcnoole. New lore ana sen rrmncisco. WANTED By wholesale grocery house; ahln plng porter; atata experience. Address A 806. care Journal 23 MEN wanted at Ii. R. Kern's new brickyard. Eaat 34th and Tillamook eta. Wages $2.60 and 62.73 per day. WANTED Men to cut eordwood at 11.30 per cord. Phone Bellwood 400. FINISHER and large boy wanted, llth at. 106 North COATMAKER to work m ahop. The WlUa Tailoring Co.. 128 H Fifth. S. D. PANTSMAKER to work In shop. Wills Tailoring Co., 128 H Fifth. The 8. D. HUSTLERS to aollclt business; aalary and com mission; experience unnecessary. Apply 224 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark sta. WANTED First-class pants and vest maker. Nleoll tha Tailor. 108 Third at. WANTED Two men to work In eewer-pipe fac tory; permanent employment. Apply at Office Diamond Brick Co., Ankeny-atreet dock. WANTED A young man for grocery store to. Denver and make nimeeir generally uaeroi Address, with reference, E 801. care Jon roil WANTED Drug clerk, land Hotel. Nan's Pharmacy, Port- WANTED Competent glaxler. Mills. 18tb and Vaughn ats. Oregon Planing WE want a couple single industrious young men to take small - Interest in our aawmill near White Salmon. Wash.: $100 to $150 re quired; mill experience not necessary; good wagee and ahare of profits. Addreas Cox Broa., Snowden, Wash. WANT to hire good team and wagon to haul shingles In city. Call st office of Dennis It Davis Sbingle Co., alllwaukle. Or. WANTED Gentlemen by local nursery to take ordera for roses, trees, etc.; per weekly; free outfit. Address R 308, care Journal. TAILORS wanted to.nork os coats. 485 Washington St. Apply CANVASSERS wanted for special advertising on schemes thst pay big. Washington Farmer Publishing Co., North Yakima. Wash. SOLICIT advertising; 85 to $10 earned dally; liberal commission. . 008 Goodnough bldg. BOY for office, wholexnle bouae; state age, - references. Address H ROT, care Journal. BfLLTNG clerk, wholesale house; state ace, experience, references. Address T S07, care Journal. .WANTEQ-jBIn lor carpenter work, hnlldlng 4-rooni cottage, eaat . aide. Room T -Cambridge bldg., Third and Morrison sta. MEN. at once, for clerks or carriers Potjlund postofflce; opportunity to advance. We pre pare you for examination. Call or write Immediately, faclllc mates pchoolk, McKay nins.. cut. CARPENTERS at 24th and East Taylor eta., also at aftth and Belmont ata. BOYS with wheels wsnted at once: good wags. Apply to Olds, Wortman A King. WANTED Good all-aronnd presser: steady lob. Chicago Dye Worka, 448 Washington at. WANTED Hostler for care of five horses; no buggies. Apply Bliera Piano House, Park and Washington ata. . ' PRESSER. also coatmaker. Charles Cooper A Son, room 3, 9Vt Third at. upataira. BOY. about 16 years old. for etore work, etc! Lion Clothing Co., left Third at. . WANTED Experienced martilfte hand on wh7 riow-frame machine, also a man familiar with plana and details for factory hilling. Apply Northwest Sssh A Door Pp., foot of Albin.n slip1. . - ." WANTED Bright young man to learn real eatete business; exceptional proposition et the present time.' Apply 515 . Swetlaad bldg. between 2 and 4. HELP .WACTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED girl for rhamberwork In fam ily hotel, the Morrlron. 633 Morrison at. MACHINE operator and finisher on pants. Charlee Cooper a on. room S. Mt Third St. WANTED A seed '. Goodnough bMg. UOoress sS ease. 206 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOI'NG LADIF". TO " LRABN TKl.El'IION R OI'KllAT , INI); GOOD SALARY, S HO RT . .HOlBS, PAY WHILE I. EARN. V, INflt LUNCHEON SERVED ; FREE 1 OF CHARGE AND . ; LOUNGING AND RS8X BOOMS IN CONNECTION APPLY ' CHIEF ' OPERATOR, TELE PHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK , . AND ALDER 6TB. IXPERIFNCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES. GHORtiB A. M'NFIL COMPANY, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS. 110 N. rOURTII ST., NEAB G LI SAN. BANftRN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 841 U tTaah. Ingtoa at., corner Bevvntb. apatalr. ' Pboae Main iwi. Female help wanted. STRONG airla for candr fsctorv. flanree Mcneu company, wnoieaale eonreerioners, 110 norm ronrtn, near Ullsan. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Me. a, wrana ave. ano uaai Taylor ax. WANTBD Gtrla to work on bamming. rtta-Well factory. T8 rirst, , - Inqalre GIBLS wan tad: factory work. Apply Americas jma wo., ion jam at, ; . YOUNG lsdtea wanted to learn telegraph?; poairiona ai gora wares wnen com patent oreacn t oucre. 008 UMnaaaawealtb bldg. HELP WANTED Unloa Landry compaay. GIRLS WANTED Opera tore to work eo ahtrts ana everaua. lessons given to Inetperleneed. apply at ntaaaaro factory No. 8. Grand ave. kpply INTK aaei icaat xayior at. wantkd Rernted, -rapable wnmaa for rp sponsible poaltla, with opportunities for ad vancement. Tlavl company, 10th and Morri- mm sis. . WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone wonaiawa ma. i WANTE1 Oood, steady (Iris for laundry work. Apply at Paclfle Laundry, 231 Ar- tnur at. WANTED Nurse for babv; refereneae, morninn. '88 West park. Call WANTED A girl for tailor-ebop, . U North rwr n, . t . - LADY -teachere fnr Chinese EdIscodsI mlas'-xi night ecboel at 8M Taylor at., from T:30 to n:so p. m. apply at iti math st, corner Alder at. WANTED Girls to make etrswberry hoxea; piece wora. aianaaro box at Lnmner uo. GIRL to aasist In Hbt boose work part of day oniy; aieep at sons, ao uicreua at. WANTED A good cook; 2 per day, rlaon at. 882 Mor. WANTED Befmed middle-aged ledy to care for boy o years em, py wees, at car Dome. Address Mrs. Blanche Day, M 808 JoaraaL or general delivery, at once. TWO lady barbers wanted. or will teach one tbe trade. 04 Fourtn at. TAILORS wanted to work on coats. Apply 496 Washington St. WANTED An experienced lady wishing em plorment as collector for a firm. Address Q 808, care Journal. WANTED Waitress In our lnnchmoot. today. Swetland'a, 273 Morrison at. Call TWO lady solicitors for boaeehold articles: aalary or commlaaloa; ao delivering. Call 66 Sixth St. WANTED. AT ONCE Experienced saleeladlee for notion and glove departments. Roberts Broa. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 3,000 MEN. women end children wanted ta Hex id Klver to pick and pack etrawberriee; a fine ert.p and chance to aarn good money ; pickers must come prepared to camp; grow, ere will haul outfits to snd from boat or de pot; aceeoo lost commencing; will be brisk last week In May with plenty of work far everybody by June 1. Partlee wanting fur ther particulars can write aa and your letter wilt be answered by growers In need, enabling yon ta. secure place In advance. Hood River Fruit Growers' Union. C. 8. HEALTH A ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., 8s1ruw, Mich., sells beat dollar per month oollcv on market: etock compaay. See Aldiicb. weatern manager. Sun Marques Agenta wanteo. WANTED Ambltimia people to call at 132 Fifth at. and Investigate the opportualttee open to tbem by a course of atndy with tbe Inter. national Correspondence 8c bonis of .Scrantoo: - .. 1 L .L. J- f II. IKIHIKBI, iHUUfKU UJ LUUU.IUIM, HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. G. Drake. 205 M Washington at Pacific 1870. STENOGRAPHERS, both male and female, good poaltlons open wits beet firms: no charge. underwooo Typewriter uo., oa sixta st AGENTS.- salesmen and solicitors. If there fa any article yen wlab to handle but don't know where to get it. come or write. Solicitors A Salesmen's' Headquarters. 66 Sixth at. Main 6188, PEERLESS COMBINATION Death, alckneaa. accident, quarantine, hospital, medical, anrgl cal and other benefits: easy to sell; big com' mlfslons; county managers wanted, Oregon and Washington. Union Provident League, I'ortiana. Oregon. CANDY-MAKERS wanted, also boys and girls, , 1n candy factory. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., ma and vans ata. SITUATION WANTED MnLE. YOUNG man attending college, wlshea for a . position, outalde school hours; will take s responsible position; can giva city references and furnish bonds if desired. Address L 301, care Journal. I HAVE s sod sober mas that wants Janitor work; eao give references. Phone Wood lawn 702. SALESMAN wants position: experienced In fur niture, carpels, cigars and tobacco; ean eel anything. K 808, care Journal. POSITION wanted by a young married man with wide experience aa shipping clerk: a responsible position paying not' lesa than $03 per month. Address C 307. care JoornaL V. flWft ' w.- i.ii-i, ... .ffi... . ' WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Can yon eell goods? : If ao we need you; complete ontf-lt-4'reei eesh "Weekly. Wrlfe for choice of territory. Capi tal City Nursery Company, Salem, Or. WANTED A few more good live salesmen o sell cur coast-grown ' tree: money advanced each week: outfit furnished free. Write ns for particulars. Albany Nurseries, Albany, ....Oregon. ONE bustler In each town' or locality to handle medicines or soap: write QUlck;c tig money. R. M. Plummer. 260 Third at. TWO lady solicitors for household article; salary or commission; no delivering. Call 66 Sixth st. AGENTS wanted; aalary and commission to good men. Apply room 57, 227H Washington. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. I 26 North Second st. Pbooa Main 1826. - 1 PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 M Morrison at ..Phone Paelfie 28 27 North Serotd et .Phone Paclfle 1804, , BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help specialty. 20 North Second at. Phone Main 6286. We pay all telegraph charges. 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICB-SHaip furnished tree to employers. Z3 js. 1. rnone 870T. WANTED TO RENT, WANTED-To rent for two months, ale fur nished 6 to 7-rcotn cottage or flat, close in t on weet aide; responsible party; no children, Parrish, 811 Marquam bldg. Pboas Mala 6222. WANTED To rent modern flat; will buy fur olturej give particulars 1a first letter! BO agenta. Address P 806, care Jesmal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Roosee, eottafaa, flat. stores, ef rices, roomlnc-bouaaa, etc. ken PORTLAND TRIIST COMPANY OP ORBfJON. Phone Ei. T2. 8. B. Cor. Bd and Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MB, WANT MONEY, If Jon want 100 men eau your property o tneir rr lends list tt with me new plan. U. D. Uowae, 66 Sixth at, - Main oiss. . , WANTED Real eatate, any part of the city and hustneaa ehancea of all kind, to ecIL By Blldebrasd. room 10, SV. Washington WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE will buy your household goods- and pnsraa- tee toe rear pneea. t in or pnone. H. J, and U Bubenateln, ITS Front, at, oppoalta national norei. racitra tavi. WANTED Furniture aad ' booaebold roods e( I ererr aescription ooufiit, eoiti and escnaaged. ina a, us nrai ai. mat a ost. WE haul, dead bones and eattle free, Oregoa Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney' Vetert - nary. Fourth aad Olieaa sta. Mala 1868. WANTED Men's cast -off clothing and shoeaj . we also bay household furnishings; highest i pries paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 82 N. - xnira. roone pacine itzx. , . WANTED Furnlturs end bonsebold goods ef any kind. t See Johnson before yog sell, 23 Union ave. Phone Eaat 444 L. : u CASH for boa as bo Id goods. Savage Pennell. 846-847 First st Pboae Psclfle 860. FURNITURE AND CLOTHING WANTED Hlgheat cash price paid. Fox A Browee, 83 North Third at. Pboas Mala 2111. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6636, 211 riret et WANTED Seed potatoes. 738 Bldwell Bellwood., or phone Eaat 8608. . STS., WANTED 11.600 For building purposes. Ad-j oreea u oui, cere journal. STOCK wasted to pasta re; 88,1 acres at Mt. Scott, H sail southeast of Lenta. L. M. Flowers. , .... WANTED Young famtlv cow: Jersey and Hoi- via prererreo; atata casn pries ana parwew i - . - . - . i lars. roatofiioe Box 12a. city. WANTED About ' 1.000 feet of second-hand water pipe, -Inch; moat be cheap. Address B 307, care Journal. FURMSHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELIEU, 83 H North Sixth et SUa- I gaatiy rurnlabed; steem heat aad batba. THE GRAND, 45H North Third vt Rooms for gentlemen, f VM per week end an. THE KING, SO Jefferson St., Strictly modem. op-to-date, electric lights and bath, for 83 a week and up. THE HEII.ER. 20H Grand eve. Fnrnlsbed JT. . ... Pu?-. "III., .U l.llimi TirVU IU UUI. bath and telephone; rates reesooable. THE COLONIAL, cor. loth snd Morrison. 8 Dlork weat or rortiano notei; rirat-ciasa rooms and board; rates reasonable; transient aad table board accommodated. TWO Swell front rooms to rent to gentlemen only. 87 sin st 1 THIRD St.-N.etly. tmp..Mk0JiJP ,'00' 180 and front bedrooms; transient or weekly; fur niture, carpets tnorongbiy cleaned. NONE better, few so good; elegantly furnished I front suites, 38 week; single rooms, 4. 84-50, 35. Hotel ox for a, tuxtn and uas ate. NEWLY fnrnlsbed outside rooms, 7 blocks west of poatofflce; bath, gas, electric ligbta, pboae, steem heat; in private family; very reason able. Call np Main 7252. and E Aah- fur- NorTh: OSBORN HOTEL. Grand ave. niafaed rooms, alngle aad en nip, prop. NICE furnished room- In a orlvate famllv; ! no other roomers In the house. Call at 427 Third st, FURNISHED moms; alngle or en suite; gag or fuel, reasonable. Tbe Aits vista, iota ana Pettygrove. FURNISHED large clean front room fnr rent to one or two gentlemen; close in. bvi cast Davis st. 181H FIRST st., corner Yamhill Nicely fur- nlabed rooms, reaaonaDis; transient. . OWEN APARTMENTS, 230 H Russell at. Fur nished and unrurniabed suites or two rooms, also rooma by tbe week. FOR RENT A large pleaaant room In modera borne. Phone Pacific 858. 62 North Ninth. ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE board; horn cooking; easy walking I distance. 168 17tb, near Morrison, GOOD, clean, comfortable, homelike board and lodging; enough said; corns. 288 N. loth, cor. Overton. i. ' FURNISHED room With board, prrvato family. 686 Couch at. MINNEQUA INN. 876 YsmblTI at Nice rooms, steem beet, splendid meals, dsy. week. month; netr management: home cooking. PLEASANT room, separate beds, flret-clase board, for two gentlemen; bath, phone; $18 a month. 523 oiay at. . 11 FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEPING. $1.60 WEEK UP Large, clean fnrnlsbed boose, keeping-rooms, lsnadry and bath. 184 Bbor man et. Booth, Portland. $1.23 WEEK UP Clean Furnished booaekeen. ing-roome. parlor, nam. launnry, iwawv asst. yard. XUSft Btanton su u car. THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient rooms, reasonable, geventn ana rmnaera sta. LARGE, ilght. nlcelr-fnrnlsbed housekeeping snd transient roomCao3V Alder. HOUSEKEEPING or , aleeplng rooms; electric Ughta and bath. 432 Stark st. FOR BENT 3 furnished houeekeeptag-toomat gaa. phone snd bath. ... 427 Second st, near Hall. ' - IM " I .ii,; , UNFURNISHED ROOMS.-," FOR RENT In South Portland, 8 'sren foorft; I range, not water, use "i yiiw", ,. j " i sbsrs of fruit; $10.288 Hamilton sve, FOR RENT HOUSES ' e.nnnu new .trtctlv modern, ready In two weeks, fine residence aiamet, nanny w i i carllnea; also walking distance. 618 E. Pine; l $.15. Address 1809 B Odth, a. t-oene oeu. t ttrood 00. f Comnte. - . I STRICTLY modera 5-room cottage, Sunoyslde: $200 down, balance eame as rent. A, r. Smith, owner, 616 Commsrclsl blk. . WE rent and eell piaaos. ; Sbermsa, Clay A Co. FOB RENT for 2 yeers, a 6-acrs chicken ranch. 4 blocks from ear. Aoarcss ni.ewi, sounisn FOR SALE or for rent, B-room noose; witu garden, on ciackamaa, oetween za ana oin ate. Bellwood, or B 807, care Journal. FOR RENT FLATS GOOD 6-room flat, fnodeTB. Call, et 826 Mill I at Phone Main ouae- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. rnn The furoituroVof a B-room bouae. H block from ckv nan; rent oniy szo per month; pre pw; must oe soia ai once. CaOStTft Madlaon st , ' FURNITURE for gale, -flat for rent. Call be tween 1 and 5, eftemoona, t Maoiaoa at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM and lodgeroom. new, with ell modern conveniences, on earllne. Phono Mala '886: Astomstlo A-1386. ,. i--. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLBY HALL-8esslde, Or., Dr. P, - L. Austin, proprietor, aaalated by L. A, Carlyle; rates from $12.50 per week op; rates and reservations mar be made now with Dr. Aa tin, dsaUst, Raleigh bldg. RUMMER RESORTS. RENT for the eeaaon. B-room cottage, fnr . nlahcd; CeuterriUe, eJ f North Beach, Phone Eaat 738. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. jp.pac Stores for;Ecat to I I rireproof. raen forced concrete building, oc cupying full blocs on unrneinu eu-ea,' m I i twaan Fourth pod. Fifth streets, , . Suitable ' fof grocery, drug, shoe stores, : barber ehope.-sieat markets, etc. t plate-glass fronts, cemented basements, saoders plumb- v i. ,. RENT' 178 PER MONTR. . ,' Geyurtz & Sens . ITS FIRST ST. '' ! FOR RENT All or Part of ground floor spare Rank of Rrltlab Columbia bids.. Frost and Ankeny sts. Apply R, T. Cox, Main 422. . A NICE office eulte tor rent. Third and Madiaoa. Madlsos bldg., i DESK-ROOM for rent Apply 311 Cob mere la 1 block. . r ,.. t . . s i- '. . STORES for rent, Williams sve. snd Skldmore at, suitable for hardware snd drugstore. 1 Call on premlae or address II 600, Journal. FINE desk room, nee of private office and both pbonee. Call room 87 lDbe . Dl0g. earner i Second And WSablngton sta. BUSINESS CHANCES. - ROOMING HOUSES. , 81.400. ; -' tT rooms, good lease, clearing 9129 per .BOOth. w, . -. ; C ,t ... - ' ' ' ' " '" ' 81.800. ,'- ' ' M rooms, Mas location, ksr lease; this Is a sosp. .-. ,t 100 rooms, finest location In towai Income 31.0110 per month; 4-reer leeee; rent 650; first-class In every respect. - Tbe Veteran Land Co. 16&H Third St. FOR BALE 34-room lodging heuaei psrtly furnished, good paying pmpositioa, cnesp rent, all modem, rooms alwaa rented. Tele. phone caet 3125. - 1 fOR SALE Well-located ssloon ea Third et; price xi.onn; aoing gnoo nuameaa; cnesp rent otto, crocketr naraeon, laat erst st SOMETHING SWELL. 'A email rooming -bouse for sale. Inquire at 07 onto st or agent. FOR SALE Manufacturing Plant, trade estab lished; fcwxl profits, easily Isarned; 12.000, I ww. , w WANTED At once, a partner In well-eatab- Uabed. seed paving business: small capital reeuirea. tan X47H Maoiaoa at. FOR SALE. - Old-established flour and feed business; value 61.000. If yon want ' a business that can be Increased It wQI pay you to Investi gate this. 47S East llth at Phone Eaat 4482. . HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. i ' If yon wiah to buy or eell a hotel or room ing bouse In or out of the city, come to ea and we will procure yon a purchaser without publicity. 0. S. ARNOLD A CO., (Successors to P. L. Anstln A Co..) Tbe Original Hotel Brokers, ' 126-120 Ablngton bldg. CORNER grocery, with 12,000 etock and fix- Z' PJmtt of .bualneas shown by former ssles. Must have cash. Addreas owner, B 8, Journal. BRICKYARD for sale; plenty of clay ea the 6 lace, which will be Included in tbe sale. 800, care JoornaL FOR SALE st a bargain, a aaod, clean, new etock of groceries and fixtures la a good lo cation; owner leaving rortiano. tall 48T U. Washington at, after S o'clock. ' A GOOD bakery, moat be sold thla week, halt price; new. open; long lease. H 800, Journal. A BARGAIN Confectionery and cigar store I ooingi pig mnuness; nasi location In town: . SOO nA MM..I,. I--.. . . - , . . i".' T,r. . . ,w? frfy' I ow. reasons, tor eeuing; inqnire of A Mon-f Candy Co., or write G. M. Taroey, Wood- ourn, or. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE One of the eld . eat and beet eatalllahed meat markets In the city; comer loos f loo. west side: beat trade; owner desiring . to retire. Addreas 0 80S, cars Journal. . - Z" ' ' ' .. FOR SALE Carpet cleaner, beat, lergest. most np to data In too city; will stand Invoice; a snap If taken at ones. Address B 174. care Journal. SAVE MONEY Anything la printing see Had- sea, uoc reiiowe' Temple, rim. sag Alder eta. upstairs. HAVE opening for partlea. with email or large capital, M heavy manufacturing enter - priae, - to establish la Portland; will stand cloaeat inveatlgatwn. For. particulars ad areas v i, cars journal. EMPLOYMENT and reel eetate business doing xau per monrn: too mucn other .business must sell; $150 eesh. 6 North Third st FOR SALE or exehenge. s good merchandising business in Vancouver, doing a business of $15,000; will eell or exchange for farm or city property. Address nog 78, raaoouver. wees. ROOMING-HOUSES. $260 to $18,000; the best in toe city, oiu uucnaaan bldg., 2S4 waanington at f CONFECTIONERY, clgara, etc.; $550 if taken at once, diu Buchanan bldg., xsavi Wash ington st. $600 WILL boy half Interest In established pay ing . business; investigate. icoom eiu uu ' cbanan bldg., 280 Washington at. ? A COMPLETE foundry and machine ahop with smau woodworking aepartment. an in first class condition, admirably aitustad; long leaae cf premises: a money-making Invest ment from the atart: good terma to right par ties; none but Intending purchasers need ap ply. For partkolara edrtreee F 808, Journal. GROCERY store snd meat market. Invoice about 81.500: rood location: doing good hiiMl nesa. Addreas at once, K 808. cars Journal, BARGAIN Beat located restaurant In city for sale: anap U taken at once. KZ4H Wash Ington at, room 9. -'' mn balb-'ivs swib m oumuina imin ,nd stock: s good , business for the fight - party. Call or writ. Mrs. rent iots, or, ' t ' 111 ' Fun nAIBj aio.uw wmm up-wosiw -iocs ot clothing, shoes, drygoooa, rurnisnings, etc., In a good growing town In Idaho: best corner location; this le n splendid opportunity for anyone wishing a good paging business; good reason for sell Ins: wlab to sell quicksand will therefore sacrifice some; will take 2-8 cash and balance on good security. . Address W 802, cere Journal. CONFECTIONERY. . k , notes snd a business of $.15 per day; .stock and fixtures; will invoice more than price, $1,400, or win invoice. , The Veteran Land Co. 16SH Third St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. nfJttSWZ balance on time; thla is a bargain. P. O. Boa 163. . , r It. t. HOUSE, aollcltors' knd aalekmen's head quarters; ssstern manufacturing flrme repre sented; real estate quick as lea negotiated; pe titions circulated. 86 Sixth St. Main 6188, A BARGAIN Two slgbtl lots-oSHxlOO. Eaat YaroullI -at, between 23d and 24th ats., at $623 each. Richard A Cornell, 802 East YamhllL Phone Eaat 1659. ; ; a'OR SALE A 6-room hard-finished house with four beautiful lota, nice fruit trees, on the ' eaat side; price 81,700; ' $600 cash, balance $15 month. X BOO, .cars JonrnaL , WISHING to concentrate my Intereete at Mer llo, - Oregon, I will sacrifice to Immediate buyers my 5 room house and 8 lota to Pled- - mont Park, 6 acres oa the Coos Bay penin sula, 160 seres In the Deschutes Irrigation district and 14 seres hearing apple trees near Oak Grove. Sen me st 200 Fen ton bldg. for - the balance of this week. Chaa. B. Short, i ' 1X311 B-UEEAL ESTATE. ' aionoroR SALES-room modern hoBae,l i bloeh from ran part eesh, balance on tlmej ? , will conalder Uade for acreage. J 808, cars - Journal. . , - 6 BOOM cottage. Tiath, hot and onld Water, er lot -88 1-8175, nt far out. 1,800; 00 down. baUnce 316 per month. J. J. Oeder, Grand ave, snd Eaat Ankeny St, T-BOOM modera bouse, walking dlaunce, Jot 60x50, 88,2iiO, I. t. Oeder. Grand see. sad , Eaat . Ankeny St. ' - NICE lota one block W-W earllne. 8300 ssd Pl . easy terma. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand svs., and Eaat Ankeny St.. " , H CHOICE realdence mt os Alnaworth sve. Owner, J. L. Fowler, Willamette Iron A Steel Works. TWO 6-room honaes, lot 60x50, one oor. I wlB sail very cheap. Shaver and Garfield ave. . Phone East 1M. - - " FOR SALE S Lots, 80x180, good 4-room boose. Urge bsrn woonsneo, cnicaeu nonee, quiet little town la heart of Willamette valley; fine location. Price If token soon, 8doo. Addreas, J. D. Wins, Boena Vista, Or. BERT buy In Vernon; corner lot ' 60x100 , foot, Including improvementa; i oioca ireni car line. Phone, Woodlawa 611. ; 3,noo T-ROOM modern hnuae, Rolladay Park. .- bio Bucaanan oiug., zaotb waaungioa et. " A SNAP. New 6-tnom ' cottage, close to earllne, leg ' 80x100; pries 11.650; easy terma. HARPER O'DONNELL. ' Pboae Main 8743. . - Bessoa bldg. WHO wants a lO-room house fnr 62,230. Call immediately, i"bcne Unloa 2783. FOR SALE New 6-room house, strictlf modern, . ' -to Walnut park. Inquire of owner, L, Bar nard. 1161 Wllllame eve.1 tske.U or St Johna car. v , ; , PINE, modern, np-to-date. 6 -room hmee, 3,000 65Q0, 625 monthly. Phone Beat 675. FOR SALE S-rooa modera cottage, here and. water tower, jot 100x100. 1860 K. Taylor at 6-ROOM cottage, fumtabed, 81.600. SOS Fourth st. Tel. Paclfle 2125 or Ma)a 8880. 11.000 Two lots, sew rood gardes. fruits and Do wars; terms! Lents, Or. , 420 6th sve north. MEW modern 10-room boo as, lot 75x152, etreet st both ends, 63,600; essy , terms, M. U Tower. University etstloa. LOTS. $360 to 8560; f10 dowa, 810 per month: blocks south of Hawthorne ave., on 44th st. level, graded streets, water. 60x100; owner on ground. Pboos Tabor 264. FAXON PARR lota 100x280, Is esltivatloa, level aad sightly: prices 300 to 8378. O. R. Addltoa. Lents. Or.; Mt. Scott ear. So. 160 ACRES eordwood snd saw timber, 6 miles out. good roada; well watered; eawmlll H mile: 2H miles to railroad: S2 per acre. 0. R. Addltoa, Lenta, Or.t Be fare. NEW ADDITION Fine lata 60x100, streets 60 feet, near car atatlon at Lenta, 6c fare, only 115i terma. Take Mount Scott car. 0. R. Addition. Lents. Or 6c faro. IRVINOTON 76x100 In ebotceat locality, no Hancock st.. between 21st and 22d; will make bargain price for quick' sole. Owner, 114 Lumber Exchenge bldg. ? BOUTS PORTLAND SNAP. Fine corner, unobetraetod view, alas 88x110, only 81,500. toft Fourth et. TsL Pacific 2428 or Mela 8080. TWO strictly modem 6-room cottagee. Sunny aide, (sewer eistrict): small payment dowa, balance same aa rent A. P. Smith, owner, S16 Commercial block. IP yos want to boy, sell or exchange yoe property, eau os or address Gee. W. Turner. 803 Washington at., Portland. Or, FOR SALE Part on time, g-room bones. era, lot 60x75. Dear Corbett et. and Hs mil ton ave., 62.600, Address R 201, cars Jour nal. G R. Donneil & Co. 'REAL ESTATE. ' Room, 12, 948 Stark a. FOR BALE A beautiful suburban seres 1 13 mllee from Council Crest earllne; 10 towns can be seen from this point; fine drive to city; S-room bard finished bouae end food barn and orchard with variety of email rult; thla la a choice Iocs t loo about 8 mllee from center-of city; will eell entire tract reasonable, or divide. Inquire of I. II. Guvs, owner, 824 Chapman St. NEW 6-room bungalow, lot 100x100. Oa at Eaton Barber shop, 866 Morrison St A GIFT 2 lota aad house, $000. Miller, 80th and Wygsot st. FOR RALB at coat nrlc thla week, a' " krau in vmm i i tS ia,a T-." - Homes, vacant Iota, acre tracts; beet loca tion ; terms. Make date by pboae Woodlawa 126. W. B. Boat, Arbor Lodge atatlon. FOR SALE 10-room bouae oa lot 60x100, north west comer Sixth and Jackson sts. 13 PER CENT On your money) good renting proposition In Sunoyslde; good new building; $2,700; furniture included; rants for $30. Farmers' Land Co., 208 Third st. IF yon Want a fins ft room homo on tbe finest quarter block on East Burns Ida at. we ean eell it to yoo for $500 dowa end make terms on balance of the payments thst will make It eaay oa yoo and put yon In possession of a fine home. See ns quick, for such prop erty le not often offered on such terme snd such a price sa we ask for this. BUCIITEL A KERNS, 862 Bast Morrison st, Portland, Oregon. A BEAUTIFUL 4-room (hard finished) cottage. Bull Run water, nice lawn, choice roses, shade treee, $1,250; $660 cash; near Over look. Yos caa't buy a lot and build a cot. tage like this one for tbe money. Cell 1288 Missouri ave. or phone Woodlawa 814. Ns trlflers. . FOR SALE. $8,000. ' ' An slegarft new home, Strictly modern, rooms; lot 50x200; saay terme. See owner. 1501 Eaat Morrison at; take Suonyalde and Mt Tabor earllne; near1 Prettymaa ave. FOB SALE OR RENT 6-room house with bath and basement; 2 full lots. - Star Boxwood Co., foot of Montgomery. Phone Main 2143. ACREAGE 3H acres, good Improvements,, all cleared snd fenced, fruit of ell kinds: 20 minutes' ride; $3,500; terms. Plggott, Finch A Bigger, attorneye-at-law, room 4, Mulkey bldg.i northeast corner Second snd Morrison. , Pbonee Main T146 snd A-1240. , : A FEW OP THE BEST.. 64,200 Corner 8-ronm iH-etorr house on Beat 14th, near the High school, , $4,260 Corner 60x100, oh Broadway; new IH-atory, 6 rooma and reception hall, with . ail modern Improvements, oa carllns. -$8.croW Shsver it" 80x1 oor "S-room" 2-atory house, built three years, modern lm- 4 provementa, and near school, plenty of room for soother house on the sams lot - 82.600Halght, near Mason, new 2-atory, - 6-room house; rOoderh Improvementa, 8 blocks . to acbooli 8 carllnea. 1 " $S00 m-atory 4-room booee, lot 40x100, cement foundation, 6 blocks to school; H cash, balance to antt. " , veteran Land co.,' . . . 165 V Third St. Bowse. Handles Honses i SNAP8 ARB MY SPECIALTY. - ; I Refuse te Handle Anything Else. Br "anap" 1 mean Income property, paying 10 per cent per year or better; if Aou srgs. looking for a snap study this: 5a Beat Ankeny, cloee In, s 12-room double booae, separate oaseraems,, osins, auu iminn, mi kit 60x80 feet, now renting for $40,. ssd all for $4,600 with terms. M. D. H0WSE, Phone Main 618ft. 06 Sixth St " all i fciiimnmoiaisni. n mat sksl si saxniki att mi swaaant.iiaaaams.n , issi i n , ma . .,r $3,800. 6-room house on venth et.. bath, gas Sad full basement; . only 10 minutes walk from standard Investment co.. , : Corner Fifth and Salmon Sts.- $1,600. !,: -v- ,., 7 8-room house, tot 60x100, 18 large fruit trees and flowers; close to Union ava. . . . STANDARD INVESTMENT CO.. ' corner inn ana Baimou bis. FOR SALE FARMS BUY your farm neer Portland; rich soil: prices advancing; aeea ror my uig aracriviiw u or eell.. O. W. Dixon, Canby, Or. TWO dairy farms for sals or trade for Alberta Ub(U Address ft sue, care yournsj. ,