The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Other Classified Ad
vertisements will be
found on pp. 18-19.
jtew todat; " uocs to ncces witn Liberal
SuPDlicsi-Sales at Sii-
. ASH K ill if) 1C h ) tccnanda Half.
" Beautiful suburban tract . Juat platted.
: 'i Lots 1 .to II acres, crossed by pew eleo-l
Klabcr, Wolf Abetter to Es
tablish House in London
, Q to Introduce Them.
Fifteen mlnutei from the city. All the
" ' requisites for en attractive home. Lota
A Belling fast. Buyers all happy. Be one
Of them. ; '-i v. .. .,-.;,. .,.;
fl'?W, T,ry xJor.aU to meet, .i -
Todsy'a market fastta-eat T
Buawberriae Mill loalnf. .
local cherries are coming. '
Vary week ta egg market.
" price named to chickens.
Salmon advanced with carlty.
' CMttlm barb Huo ta open.
Wheat aad floor holding. .- - .
Gllbertaon aare hepa look .tin.
f v . ., E. QTJACKENBUSH. Pres.
una wn.
FOIl $25 ;
.' Will direct you to eeleeted aulirter eeo
? tlon7 unsold O. KR. fi. LANDS.
' Talma In tha frr market bar. anna to Bleeea.
Beeelpta of lata bare beta eo heavy and the
outlet ao email that tha larger reeaivers have
bam aeeamnlatlng - snppltea for toma time and
wen- (tort are now filled to overflowing trim
-"7 r I freely ta tha trade and to bakers at IStte
aoaen, while salee over ITe ara bard to make
eraa la one-caee lota. Tola to the knraat potat
the act markat ' haa atrark atitre the praaant
aaaaaa aurtcd and tha praarat waakoeaa eeoaaa
aoaia dealara to trt a atlll lowar ranya af
aiuaa. Gold etorag eparattona are oa a email
tea la, moat of tba trada anpplylnt It require
mania at a hla-har fWrare.
' For (ood atrawbarrlaa ' prkaa' ralad aa k
aa 12 a crate of 14 box a dnrmf tha part H
hoart. Bona Door barrlaa anld aa low aa II
a rata during tha time, bet tba gaoaral markaf
dM aot re baknr the 11 mark. A few eaiaa
ware mada ay ea ftla h aa 12.40 for atrial
SALS HOot flmrare for apedat Dararatloa
dar order, partita, dlnnara, Bella Ooaaatt.
fun nvvl.
I ' Loral eharrlae ere 'aomlne te market;' bat
demand la. alight beeaaae of tha high Taloaa.
kley Orean atatloa, St. Johna ear.
' Wadding Carda. W. O. Bmltb Co.. Waak
tngtoa bug. earaer roorta ead Waahlagtoa eta.
Toaaeth Ce noriata,' (or
, alade. iU tilth at. . ,
flevete at att I
A knrar rang of Taloaa la ahowa la the
ehtrkan markat. , Bnppllaa are meeh more lib
eral ta all tloaa. Tba top of the baa markat
today' to tie,-with mixed ruling between that
figure and 13 Sic, . Spring deck! end eblckena
ara at former Taloaa. bat are sot ao firm.
Creamery batter remain mixed la Tataae,
aome of the eraa mar lee tttll Bailing at )
while other aay tbay bar experienced no
difflealty ta mataUlninf the price , at Sao a
Doand. - '. ' '
M. H. -flllbertaoA,' a boprrowar of Aarora
ead a. dealer of chla elty, today eta ted to The
Journal that condition around Aarora are aery
bright for a larga crop of hope. He ear, that
e Terrene to enltiTatlng, Toll directly cootra
dleto the atatement made by 9. U. Maeeke of
tha came place abotrt a week ago.-'
Ob aecoaat of the great aearcity ef flah the
local wholeeale Drtco of aalmoa wae adTancH
BRANDE8 la tbt ctty. May t, lOT. at the today to UHe a pooad. jteceipte at urn uma
Clarke Brae.. Florlet rtna fJewere ead floraj
Coalgaa. IW Morrtaoa at. .,
' fan dree aelt for reat, all ikn.
Tailoring Co. 0 Btark at. . , .
WIDDINQ INTITATIONB-Xateat end boat; fa
: par loo, A. B. Hawk Co., lo nirt at.
i 1 1 I. . ii in '' i nr l in ii. 1 1 mi in
i ' Magdalaea Branded, aged M rear. 1 month
and Id dare. Frteoda are raapertfally n
Tlted to attend tha faneral aerrleee. wbtcn
will be held at tha abore raaideoee at t
p. tn., Friday .May SI
WlDIAWAKB drlTari moat be a boatlcri no
othec aead apply. , Berlin Pra Work, MT i
are moetly from the Bacramaato rtrer, arrtral
trota the GoiamMa Deuig aomtnai. uiuwi ia
dowa H to eo becaaaa of liberal aappUet,
BOTB to work ta faetnrr; gone ware. 'Apply
4 acme coaat Blacult tJa., izta and varia eta.
BRIGHT acttTO yonnf man. good addreea, for
. aode fountain work,, Bwetlaod'a, fit Morrl-
' aoa at.
BXPEB1KSCED preeawr ea ladlea garmentat
" mod ware and DarmaneBt Doatthm for a
flrat-claaa araeeir. Berlla Dye Worfca, MT
at. ' . - '
' The 1107 ohlttlm bark aeaaoa
e i baa , opened. . The tlret bark to
a be pealed baa arrived In thla
a xlty from nearby points, i Only
a a tew email lota hve thua faf
a been received. The price paid
a 4 and cents a pound In looaa
a . lot.
- Oregon wfll be rapreaented In the txmson hoe
market earl aext week by-the totabllehmaat
of the branch hoaee of Klaber, Wolf Matter
Oo. in that elty. tti B. rraamaa of thla elty
to expected te antra there Monday morntng
and will open headqaartara at aoce, , ' .
The Idea ef eetabltahlng a branch boeae Ii
London originated with M. Natter of tha firm
aboat a year and a half ago, J net prertooa
te the Baa rranclac earthquake he alar ted ant
ea hw trip and Intended to opes a branca ta
the Engllah matropolla at that time. ' He was
ao- herrlflod at tba aawe of the Baa Jranejiwo
dlaaater that ha re tamed te thla elty. tat the
ore Hot waa aerar allowed to die. - 1
"I be lie re the eatabUabment of ear branch
booee la London will do much for the Oragoa
hop la Europe. The hoaee (which to the ftrat
Oreaoa one ta Baronet will Introduce the Ora
goa D rod act ararr where thronghoat Kuropo and
expect to gala for -this state a world'e re po
tation aa a hoo-prodoclng aactloa."
at at araaant the boo market la very enlet
Crop eondltlona ara taht te be much lmprored
ererrwuere. FhU nela, the vataraa nop man,
raoalTad a letter tble mora leg from Bohemia
etattna that preeeot aroapacts were for a
bumper yield there. . - .--
Portland Oaloa Btockrarda. Mar SO. Llra-
atMk lecalptsi . , , -f pottle. Sheep.
Ttodar 1 ' 60 823
waaa ago ............. o j. ' ... ' oi
Tear aeo ad IT l.Ml
Prerlooa rear ... ' ITS l.K
There waa ae markat today In the local atoek
yards oa aoeoont of a gaoaral holiday. Receipt
were oaual for this time sad price are quoted
the same aa yeeterdar.
A rear ago all lloee held steady With valeee
BDCnangea. ,t .
nrricui meamea nrteaat -
. n . . I r. , ev Mh.
' xioga xieex. mim imjwii e,,w 1 JT T
and reader, 8.wiso.joi uuiaa raia, aoia
$ so.
Cattle Bast easterd Oregon steara, 4.51
A ma. i . . aa Oftaa AAt haillav
aoaep enaatao, mixao, : a.ovtniBi wwa-t .
' (jfoaraal Spaetol Barries.) d
: Free water, Or., May 10. J. Itt.
Clarke, a fruit rancher of tba e
e Freewater dlatrlct,Ta) a, rrower.
e. of a. new variety of atrawberry
e known as tba Olbaon, or "Ore- a
. on.w berry. Tbl. berry . la p. .
auperior .variety, navmg toe ay
firmness of the Hood River and a
the aweetneaa of a Mafoon, but a
far larger than altbar. .
a e a a e
of "weddad- bat lie" Wife" Satardsy end Baa
day, tha last performance being Sunday eight.
Beats era Belling at the box office of the
theatre for the remaining parfortnaneea.
wSinB I tha Father." ,
Beginning Honda' arantnf and eonttimlny all
. w. ki.i. .i... muriii are finding I week with matinees Tueariay, Thuraday, Bat-
.t,i. mik - ft. - rhe 1 ma vruaT ina boboit. inn ue oroca wnpaari
Pi. .S f S.JHS JJtmo Wnpaux's .P-t,of,Th. ""X
muie vnat dikwi u. u trmvm mtm, i Btrollar." a tnualcai camaax um mmm --- ' -
lauDenaakr popular wbetwrar proaacao. iwi
la mora fan and con ta (toot mnalcla "Tba
aM.ii them In an other eomle opera that
has bean offered 1 ,1'ortland. Teddy Webb Is
MTfie StJoUerB": Imtnenae Popular,
of store than ordinary worth. Special atten
tion will ba given to (tag affects. Best sale
opens Bunder morning st 10 o'clock.
and cleanl steady employment.
a-rf.. th. .Mtac cart of ths aarformance.
Crowded hoaee rs .wltaeesisg svery perroraa.
snce. ,- ' ,. . i - , . . c
"Darkest Russia4
appoihted mm
i ; ' -; i -
Is Named Acting Chief of Will Bun Cars on Trouldale
First Field Division to 1 Extension ; . of Portland
Succeed Dixon, Who Goes
to Second Division at Spo
kane Has Two Jobs. !
Street Bailway System on
Saturday 11 East Side
Lines td Be Started.
Thomas ' B. ' Keuhauaen, special ln
apeotor of the Interior department, haa
been appointed acting- chief of the first
Car will ba running on tba Trout-
i dale ,. axtanalon of tba Spring-water di
vision Saturday, June 1. This la tha
field division of tha general land office I announcement made this morning by
to aucoeed XL W. Dixon, who haa been F. L Fuller; vlce-preaident and general
transferred to chief of tha aeoond dlvl- manager of the Portland Railway,
slon with headquarter, at ftpokane, Mr, I Light t Power company. Except for a
Neuhauaen wilt not relinquish his pool-1 mil or ao oi tha Troutdale and of tba
tlon aa apeolal inarteotor of tha Interior 1 Branch tba axtanalon la complete.
department, but wlU carry on the work I "It may ba Impossible for a week or
of both offlcea in one. . i ao to run cars tome ana or. tne uqe.
This move on the part of tha authori
ties at-Washington baa been expected
for some time becaaaa of tha faot that
Mr. Neuhauaen baa not 1 been , engaged
in new work in Oregon since his re
turn from 'California last winter, and
because be is familiar with tha work
dona br Mr. Dixon. To place a nsw
man In the position at this time would
hamper the work that. It Is believed.
but It la planned to start tha care Sat
urday, said Mr. Fuller this morning.
"Delay has been occasioned : by alow
transportation. Three carloads of rails.
the last of a 600-ton Order, ara expected
today, which will enable the, workmen
to complete the branch from Ores nam
to Troutdale within a few days.
"It; haa taken about II months' to
build thla axtanalon. the grading fcav.
Is to' be placed before tha federal grand line been started early laat apring. It
Jury V I waa tbougbt at ine time me oonstruc-
Just when tba change will take plaoe tlon of the branch waa undertaken that
could not ba learned today becauee of it couia do oompietea witmn a year, out
Mr. Neuhaueen'B absence from the city, oar shortage and other unforeseen dim
He la expected to return tomorrow and cultlea aerloualy hampered progreea.
It la nrobable that ba will assume bis "At the same time tha long-contem-
new duties upon his return.
plated all-east-slde ay sum will ba In
stalled, lols Improvement In the serv
ice) has been one of much Intereet to
tha thousands of patrons of the Port
land rallwaya living on tha aaat aide,
It waa planned to hava thla east side
cross-town system In operation earlier,
but a lack of cars made thla Impoaalble.
With tha advent of spring tha open cars
can ba used and tha lock of oars la not
ao apparent. .. -
"Tha service on tha aaat aide ayatem
will ba a 10-mlnuta service from Lar
rabee atreet to Hawthorne avanue at
present, but may ba changed later. An
alternate service baa boon considered
but would not be practicable until the
character of tha t raffle on tha new Una
la determined and It la found where tha
greatest demand and uaa of the ayatem
Will be. . ; '
flAvAMM. 11m, mrtll iA OMftwnmA
atrath portlana areetea mayor iame i ... w .v.. ,...e.. M
- . . i . e. a. I Ucaa.ojgu w um W w a, a aiiwavi sraa v ivo vu
with deafening cneera last ntot wnon tn Mat Mtu- Th4y ara th Mount
be srpearea -on' "u- ""r"" " Scott and Reeervolr linea at Hawthorne
Front and Olbba streets. The very ,k ... Tr..Mw
atmosphere fV'oTAuhiiV Richmond. Mount Tabor; Montavilla and
VUmn- haoiPfoi I East Ankeny Hnea at Eaat Morriaon
mingled in 2 U tha East Burnald. atreet, Al-
common cause, a clean municipal gov ',,- worwiiawai and Baa.
Om I , ,a wrt.a w.. t
Both Democrats and Bepub-
licans of South Portland
' ' ' Welcome Mayor. ,
ernment, their 'hopes being; baaed on
ssll-Shaver lines at East Burnslda
Commencing Moo dar night the Star iheatre
stock company wui appear rn juaruay lamp-
bell'e thrilling melodrama Oarkeat Rueele."
WABTKD-A cook! good wagaa; bo washing
' or ironing, ur. tforreu, tun Hawthorn ara.
The StPollerB.'
n.lntr Ploraace SWnort ana- Bar graeeiu
I This play diecloeea life In tba, toad of the the platform and for fully half an hour
lano pianorm. I ,tMf. .rut tha Twer Alhlna. Irvlnaton
Judge M. U ripea apoxe entertain- rz Z" I T,.V. "
ii ,. rnnln of tha. dav and -w-
Showed Innumerable reasons why ths
, aiiifnm ahnuM and would meet
with th. approval of tha yoters, If tb.y YETEBANS CE0AVD OUT
IrMMow rhii fiVarrt srison. I
.. Detain isfoathe POLITICIANS TODAY
grtStKia BO umm uau mm uw r-"i
and Mr. Lane la fortunate in tne
friends be naa aept ine norui na is . Tt-vlln UmI and Prenam
flghUng Lane because Lana is flghUng Lan na T1 ITt Bna Trepwre
them." - - :y
At this luncture Mayor Lane ap
naaPMi In tha door and the hall re
echoed with -rousinr cheers. 1 Hs . took
for Benfjaral et Contest
. - ' v
American WcHonalDcnK
-r. :.!' SAN DI2CO, CAL. 'iH'--::-;
CapltU (paid p) $100,000. siarpma and XTa. Profits f 40400.
Officers' and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Prea) ft, M. Powers, '.
Vlce-Prea; H. B. Mills, Vlca-Preaf Chaa. L. WUllama, Cash- '
lerj L. J. Bice, Assistant Cashier; E. , Btrahlmao, . ",
i . Bead Ts Tew PaeUlo BTorttweat Items ' - -:
j Send Us Tonr.Vlsliors' far Cood Treatment k ;
' .-v " - v . - " . - , . --.f ,
;i mmJMTAXX-Jixor4int to a bulletin en tha "Qlraatology
;ef ; California," recently publlehed by ths V. 8. Department ,
Of ' Agriculture,-that' portion of Ban Diego County IS to eO
miles eaat and Bortlreast of tha City of Ban Diego, baa the -
beavleat rainfall of any part of Southern California. , '
esar and depicts tree eondltkme. Charles Con
ner snd Lillians C. rialdf will lota the com
pany next week. Thar are two jtwra of tha
PUPILS deelred by practical aaoreeaful
. m pea, waan ana. color arawutg,
u- ouo, eara journal - t
dance la "Tba Btroiier le mxwum '"--- ,MMlMr pUyen who win aaaiat la maklnx tba
db rMM. oiaaanrea nww aa -n.i. . .
- an m i mimx iw Atm nuun lur. urauuciMiui.
Mc4in at tha Marauant urano. sum oai- - - - - - - -
knt the audience deeply interested
talking .city admlniatraUon.
rit Is more Important to the people
than to tha candidate whom tbey elect,'
The thin blue -Una of fading veterans
crowded back the ranks of the polltl
clans today and put them out of publlo
rul dclaner rnociod) Opera -compear koowe the Ins and
. Address of "The StrollarS, baring played thw
- -- - I L...1.-1 rm m- road v Sor - twverat
-"7" lost -and - Fovmy:-'"'
LOST Ao Kngllah setter dof, 10 months eld,
color blue Helton, black spot oa left are.
414 Eaat Morriaon St., or puoos last 6S84.
V Reward 1U. - . a
.Mnlr oxt tha- 1 toad toe
months, and for thla reaaott they extract every
i..h .na ti.nd it- to tha audience. Tha Mar-
A .HnU le ateadlir growing tad
U f tha tubatanttal kind, sines handrads of
ui. .M m.kin. mmi seat leeai ration.
"The StrolUra" la' S amutlng -show wherein
Sre found the tuneful ballad, waits tongs ana
tropical songa. Taddr Webb, the funny fc.
low of the . organlaatloa. has s topical ditty
,t.i. wb k-Meh in one of bit very beat. There
-in. .iinu. of "Tha Strollers" Saturday
and Sunday. Seats sre now ea stls for the
Tnf.n W9 ""'.r " """V "'-.'v.::.":. conslderaUon. . Thomas Devlin on the
aaia toe mayor, " ""v .. u.m. T..n. tha nthar
administraUon wiUi oepena to a vast "EI Z tZli in bair hittJa ioi
extent future conditions In Portland's observed a truca In , tbelr batue lor
or g
With the morning, bowever, the con
test will begin anew and will be waged
without ceasing until - Monday night
brings victory and defeat with, its
Mayor Lane will cloaa bla east aide
LAROkV frost reoa oa Orat floor. Ml Morrl. ."ptewhees.
rwo nicely farnlabad room. 893 Jobaaoa at. I
boa wkeep Uig-rooma.
niREB nicely furniased
1 squire 611 fcforrleon St.
'iHTfWnabvFswm' m Great nit.
Certalnly ne mora wholeeomd -and tborosgbly
ant..hla entertainment haa Been onerau
a., a than- The Dairy Parm,'
h, Kutml nlar that le drawing big crowds
at the Baker -thaatta thla week. lt js e ptay
that haa . Dleaaad tnouaanoa aim m iir......
munlciDal affairs. Many vital ques
tlons are npon the very brink of being
aattied one war or the other and upon
the people's wish next Monday depends
the outcome. - '--.: -,-:
, rThe nlckel-ln-the-elot men are ngnt-
. MA . Mn.kln. Ha and nlaht ta
(MB un uxu, " " o ' " I u .
Att . Ma . Than, la nn thlnar. I have I canpugn luraurruw ai ourauiawa
tha Mtiaf action of knowing that If 1 1 With him will ba aeaociated one of tha
am elected, I will hava coat the oppo- beet-known oratora of the city, together
. k...K.t e Mnnav anil T aavlwlth other sneakers. fiDeclal muslo haa
. . , . I .ILIUU UUDJ1U. u J . . - - -i.-
A Tniisorri0Tit Pnvb Pnorlir trit ! e,.t,.r h.r if I am elected it will cost I been secured. -
iAmuvu., aa. vUUJ xv. ":..'",. . ' Baturdav nlxht. however, the real fire-
m. . - I a,iai3aa alia auvtw -1
VfaitniM iM llnanlnrr Tlnv I Franchise grabbers ara riding about worka will be touched off at tha Em
,Tr.T, "6 .,,.Mnhiiai an wa have to dodite Dire theatre, when' Governor Chamber.
them. Some of them are for specula- lain and Colonel C E. B. Wood will Join
tlon and some for keeps, but they have with Mayor Lane in tha grand finale of
to -be watched. Not long- ago aome the campaign. Thla meeting; la being
Interests wanted streets to ths extent I looked forward to with expectant inter.
of about 10 solid blocks vacated but 1 lest, as both Governor Chamberlain and
Band Applauded."
Giant trees', clad in the verdure , of
I Baker patrona immensely, it abounds ta human spring, extended welcoming arms; daMfold them to wait, as tha people would Colonel Wood are vigorous talkers and
i .. . .. - - ,na . xnnax lniuiuamia mm. im.--i riui a mnt i..... , . , . . M.w,KfnM ' itim ill.... who, aw thi.i. . ba .a ava
. u . . -. : . , , . 1 vma. -.v. HiniuuyiuuvilBL UUN, ill nrm I nni H IK III! 1UF UI iUiUB I1H vu.. - Ml, nua, .... w,.iw' a.v biivi
very likely be dropped into the Dev
Joined .'In a snllina- waim-a.H. .s- never stand for-anytbina; iwa tnat. - un camp. -:-
' ' " . 1 . a ,. ..LIal a. h. ..uHii.l l-k. D....V1I 1 .1..
m, . m a .-.- - KhrnnM lli, inalal l.t. il. rui.. .1.. iHBO v..- . .uukriiiii luii.(.ia. .i. aiwi
f ' . f . Mr imummanl nmk ... , I wnicn was caiio. w urur vj 1 planning via toinaj. vn r riuay nigiu
1 in the olden days there wse ao comic oper. i - -M ivrwni 0 t, ian executive eommiitee. a mass meeting will be beid In Klnglefs
: rOB . KBiau-fss month lo-room houaa, corntr hailed with greater daiignt - lvua ' a Other speakera were District Attorney hall, and on Saturday night the cam
rOR REST Purnlebed 8-mom cottage: S lots;
: electric lights; good garden i 128 per month;
partr lea Ting city. Call yrlday or Saturday
at 661 East 13th stl taks Brooklyn ear. ,
of . rourth and Hanrlaon sta.
221t Morrlaoei at.
B. 4. Oelaer, j oirofla." - Thla ; tuneful
wlU be
fiinrtaft ADrlv tMAWSalviaBt xeiaa aata sVaa, AL. . I W t. aT. .4 .a aAaaxaa T . Qmtr) Aghns'tl. I It W 1 -. .M .aV La AKM.
Srand'thSV b 'Uean rr." opera rt have been crowded with paaaengera. data for auditor; Robert Andrewa. can-
".m"ny7theryong.r ganatlon ; Otrofie- The .big park, contrary to cuatom, waa 'or e.?iKlR.' RTATTTE OF PrTTSBTJBfr
ai.ri.'wiil . h a norelty and eurprl i readlneaa for th. rw, John O. ' ' Heltkemper. candidate for DA AA UAJ Uf X AA ADAIUAHX
w . .. . ma. tea II I w-- - i AV itx to, VT U I a Af saiwlt. oamaJ &aT e I m f,j -. .
rlilh la vN VxlLKi)
k . ' . S325.
: touch counter and restaurant doing s guar
anteed business of (30 per day,
, , - ITO0.
1' Baatattrant downtown, fins location, seats
60 people; this Is a snap.
i rVaJia.e . more-- Come- and saojss.
Veteran Land Co.-.
- 1SSH Third st. .-. '. '.(.;
ens aiLl or EXCHANGE Oomer dragttore,
the only dne In good talley town; clean atock
. and fixture, with fountain: - paying place)
' chean rent, or will tell Duihitog. i w. , w.
, Turner. 808 H Waahlngton at. . -
11,100 OROCKET. wall eatabltahed, good
trade, fine location; If you are looking for
a food buelnma tee this.
kii. y n.. aldar theatre-toer It will recall
.1 .n. m.nvrlaa A ilia i Hemml Will SPPCr
J""- "1 . . . ... . --a njtAm nr.Kh
In tha dual roie oi toe i
will be the eomedy fatw. van nayuu wm
be Harstquln and rwrence Blnnott ww piay
Panultu. This was tha opera which made Lll-
Uan BuaU famouat Mr. Webb appearea witn
liia. in the ttroductmn. In addition to
the reetilar music of the opera aareral nor-
eltlea will be Introduced. Glrofle-airoria" oa
alna Monday night. Seats sre now selling -at
tbs box office.
i. i. aii--i.L.'." . " councilman -OI ins euio - wra. mr.
- - - hrouw mim
scattered in brilliancy, throughout the
grounds which have been under . tha
care of landscape gardeners, for weeks.
it la only in the long concessionaires'
street that there are Signs of delay, i
Many ; concessionaires were " installing
tneir gooaa toaay, wnue others were
merely painting and preparing; their
nootns ror opening, it Is announced
Heltkemer has lived IX years in that
ward and was cheered when he took the I
platform. Muslo waa f urmened; by u.
Heltkemper, and the Elco Ladlea qusr-l
f Journal Srieelal 8errtea.l
Pittsburr. Ps- Msy SO. In UniOndals
tet and Mlss Harwaa rendered vocal cemetery, there wss .unveiled today a
selections. , 114.000 statue of George B. Smith, more
About duo people auenaea tne meet i familiarly known as "Pittsburg Phil."
log. - I the race track plunger who died two
years asro. leaving an estate worth mora
tta..;.a7.ii: V, e-..,'," UPflT Pnmr PPnVTT,PH than ll.o6o.000. Tha autue surmount.
, , - - -vv.... ... ... .mMS A ..WVAI. w V , mm r
The Tavern,
- Opening Day at The Oaks.
'Thle Is' the opening day of the Oaks, Port
land's great amusement part- With a double
track front th city to the park the big- crowd
... . t. k.nciiail thla aeaaon not only With
Supatchrbut with the greatest cooTeniencee aerved. A , atrlctly "dry" policy Iv-tolhM provide reat rooms for . the ' em- " trifle ove" lifeise. and depicts him
patron.. ; Then. his. wool.n mills -here. The Lhi
"t 1 manaaement . . : .1 1.; ,-. , .; 1 nnn.n . nn, that .ainmiiai hv 1 ': r r - -
where last year there
were beer-garden features, haa been con
verted Into a first-class restaurant,
where only ' the mildest drinks , are
tha SI A AAA mananlaum in which tha re-
IN KAY WOOLEN MILLS . burled, and
who has remarried a luce his death and
is now Mrs. Eliza Woods. 'Ths statue
la a striking likeness of the dsad man.
(SDeelat Dispatch to The JooraaLi
Salem, May ' JO. Senator t; B. ; Kay
' ; faonfectlonery eresm al tj PJ-J .'Bd th. partwrn 'be the management,
"i nWx. To ixTiaS mca VtooZndaVntrht. bUtosyl's band "cwdi' th,
. roome; owner mutt seu; inn p no jueap
i, v .v aw Alder St., room 10.,, ,
"will proTlde mualc and the various features en
' Grand Opera at the Grand,
right hand.
' I innnvatlnn la one that la welcomed bv I
vrowaa mat visited tne nark today the IE nr 40 vounsr women who are am-l
Wfira enthnalaaitlA In thala ii.,iu I -1 .a -a .k., ... ,,,(,. u xr... k.j
----- --- Vk V I li(jjrvu M ll. mnumiivil. " . mj mw I . -r,-rT m-,T A VI 1 TVTftrl
the Imperial Hungarian Hussar band, f for a lonar tlms felt that his smriloves I A K IjI NlJ FOX lilf A V KS
unuiy- m uimuiiua ot nikiss Bcnusonyi. i ougnt to do proviaca' wun a recreation
l The band IS nOmnnanit rit AA vnnn.t,r, 1 mm. -V IW mta4ir Via I ..I . lnnWhay.n
,.rOB BALE 0B. TRADB Well-atocked country j Prom Paris eome s pls f f"5 J??? I trom Austria undsr bonded contract to I quarters. Two large dining rooms havs
atnre. with buildings snd premlaee: Tklue alnaara. who render selections in tnelf .naore I th. vnv.Prirn.n, ,,.i. ,v,.i. . - U... a.ii n nn .h. n... ..a ih.
8.000. What bare you to trade? Reaano tongue this week st the Orand. Tiieae srtiara
for selling, poos seaitn. aauree mcs not I hare th flneat aula ' voices erer neara u um
. 236, Oregon City,
l-ux - x i-. -- cy -u x i.
r. Do yoa wants beautiful hornet Kit room.
, modern, abundance of fruit and berries, S
kits. If you are looking for a horns here It
Is, la Mt.: Tabor: half caah. . ,;;
i 158 Alder sU room 10. -.' ;
TaudeTllle bouae. Nearly every mue. mror
of promlnanca In Portland .has tlaitea tne j
Orand several times tlhs week for the expreet i
purpose of hearing, tnia ouo. - ryweii, ui. u
irlclan. haa some clever tricks which defy eo-
Karl and Wllau are aupplTmg comedy.
,a m.hia. and Merrill have s refined trsvesty
os Anthony and Cleopatra, The bill le up to
the mark and-is run vatue.
been fitted up, one tor the men and the
Other for the women. About 120 peo
ple ara employed at the mill. The cot
tage In which the rooms ara situated
the government during their tour.
Betting- men W have been putting and the are be Provided w
(Journal Special Serrlea.)
Waahlngton. May. SO. The veterans
marched , elong . Pennaylvania avenue
this morning over tha march where the
"' 'r.r.: y reviewed .by Pre.l-
race that flows through : the grounds.
The floors are covered with linoleum
dent Lincoln, and decorated the graves
of .0,000 dead at Arlington. Corporal
stalled so that the workers may bave
their lunch warm. ;, - ; ? . j , '
s ToliTrtaiwMi.Mr
One of the dalntleet piaya eyer seen
... .... . . . . I Hku,l.nA la
,ta.w rofw? .mr!.w"i:T.VrV-aw-a Ah. Lrrle thla week.
I ft 11-11 iy"; - ---- - -
"Polly ITlmroae"
given by ths
lot. on Union are.! thla Ii a hire
up owner. Phone. Woodlawn SttO.
iaa Varna F.lton la aeen In tba title role and
all the other faTorlfei oe-emeo heae
Imoortant role. Mattneea Saturday 'and Sun-
day: laat time- Sunday evening teats may be
reserved by telephone., r-f ... r'-'i' ..J'.:'- v '
NEW 4 -room plaatered cottage, porcelain bath,
hot water, concrete foundation; S fine lota;
at baureiwoea ttauoa; price si.ouu, terms.
Call 8.1H Morriaon at., htat- -i
nrrtcai FI'RNmiR RnlltOO , deak. - offlr.
chair, lablea, rug. ' sua LumDer Escbtnge, Idrama which IS a dramatisation ef ths famoua
lor atory of Bertha M. Clay. -The atory is
their money on Devlin are experiencing j steam radlatora stove will be In
a suaaen cnange of heart. One of them
said this morning: "I bet a rood deal
of money on Devlin, but today I am
neaging as last aa I can. Lane haa a
Cinch." : , . -m :
At a downtown saloon, where there
waa. 11,500 of Devlin money yesterday.
oo was takes., thit mQrnlnsLYfcnnd
wnen'more Lane money appeared a lit
tle later the ealoonkeeper replied that
the remaining- 11,000 wss offered only
In "a - lump sum." "You can't have
any of it unless you take the whole,"
, government business waa suspended.
flags were at balf mast and all statues
of veterans In this city decorated.
Olympla, May SO. State. School Su
perintendent R. B. Bryan baa Issued
a letter or instructions to au county
- Vacancies among the judgea ' and
clerks of electtone In the varloua pre-
olncta wUl be eonaidersd at a. special
mvjul Tint Vn Wlfai
. a.w ,.- i j " , w"(vwf gwti vaa,aaa3 saastai tea aavrsw i vi vs iuivi aus j wa skv -.xaj. em vvasr- . , f atait
Tbare le something shoot the attrsetloa st be added. 'There la reason to believe, plate census of the s School children. BfttuMa2,l, S'JL
: a. .1.1. . wuw ..ktk i. , n.Akl. thai hnwravar tia aha MnnaM ha. Kaan I Wlwlnv tt tha InoraaaaLrl aaaaaamanl ' I made IfOm I1BIW ox ,4tiuiv
the. Star thi Week which la packing the
weaaea, out no- nu, a .-
- L I - - - - -
KAMITRINU, face and Malp treatment J batbS
sad Bi-Bt.;' Jlu; luuiia at.
the ttrntgl of s woman to combat ths ftlte
hooda circulated about bar by a rejected sweet-
I heart. Thl. ta a theme watca cannot eat
arque tntereat snd the plot baa been handled
by a matter st pesstoa. There are matinees
however, that tba money had been with-
prawn. : . t v -,:::.v3 --p-tir ,
Devlin money Is atlll to1 be had at
Schiller's cigar vatand. but tha amount
haa steadily diminished within the past
week. It is freely predicted that be
fore election day Lane will ba tbs favor-
1 its in. c&a betting.
upennienaenu., urging mat apecuu ei- T ,,. .i. eounetl'at 11 o'clock
forta befmade thia year to make a com- !" cf ih C,"I TtST .nUintmt.
D4A IU1 VACS J - mui hihb - wa--
3.xka a- L. -aa . I ITllldA TroiTI IlaHgf Ol UI1WW HBU1 mi,-
the maximum or no ror every child of . .":rr.r " . IVZ'ZZZ.ii:
nehool ara. . Heretofora the limitation I Montague, carnn . a.v..wv
Of maximum levy of five illla has committer jBotbcnwrmen Mai
nrevented the levying of a sura euffl- furnished witb-S, list of the.yacanclea
riant tn nmdiira 110 for avarv child at I '
scbaol agO ' :- " f Tba dead max not know, but wa do.
IS TBABS or pobtxajto.'' ;"'V..V" -; ;
Ton are In no way obligated to take any treat
, ment by calling; to Investigate our methods, oe
- writing us, nor will this consultation or our
onlnlon cost vou one cent. Wa Wxutt tthaft hnaeeA
, laveatdswsioa as any swueaaal I
aoasat treatment, .
te atatek t
When you come to our offloo yoa eaa hava tha positive - assurance, j
that you see na personally, and wa ara responsible for all contracts or ,
promises. - . . . , , . .--
jr aiaeoaragea
becauss yon hava
failed with
others, : we ask
you to call and
aea vs. ;;,.- ;
To thoae men who are
that the kHM af powec,
deetroylng r Ufa,
happtnsss and kealtk,
causing kiea of Sleep, a
vitality, peine te yew
book, vertigo, dianlMeej,
denote one . thing and
that you muat consider
amounta to nothing; less
than deatroylna; your
Ufa Ton oaat keep ap
very maoh loaf ear aaaex
that - eoatuaaai tHraJLn.
There , le one way aa of
It, , Ooatralt a trpooiaJlat
who doee ao thing else
but eases those alssaasa.
We wlU gladly consul
with yoa free of charge
and give you ant cavndid
a ad bmaisS oplakm
FBata and . cure you,
charging yon a vary low
fee. Delays are daagas
one, so don't waste any
tame, bus eau as onset
This l an en
larged condition
of the veins (usu
ally mora - notice
able . oa the left
aide) oauaed by
mumps, bleyole
riding and dissi
pation. In time
It ' saps a man's
mental and phys
ical strength if
without pain.
Core , Thla
blood poison
May be either hereditary
or contracted. Tha form
er eausea eceerae, rhett
matla palna, scrofula,
etc, . Tha latter beging
with a small pimple, fol
lowed , by aoree la th
mouth or throat,' which
have tba appearance of
white patchee, spots of
aoras en : the body, face
or aoalp, falling half and
eyebrowa, and later on
other terrible , symptoms,
such as paralyaia or lo
comotor ataxia, eanoer
ous -i, growths, vdeeayed
bones an4 : .fieab; Wa
gnarepbea !'; te ' :wtura ' yea
absolutely ao aa te aevesi
appaar aata. - Y:. ,
COaTxrtTX.TATXOX lUI ABTD Ui f lTSU Our reputation and work
are not a mushroom growth. We bave been curing men for It years.
Writs If you cannot calL All correspondence strictly confidential and
all replies sent in plain envelope. Enclose 1-eent stamp to Insure reply,
OFFICE HOURS s m. to pv m.; JSvenlnga, 1 to 1:10; Sundays,
9 a. m. to 11 noon. - - ( , ,
Sf. Louis
ooaurxa siooiro amo tmmmxui. nrxawn, bomtlaxd, omxaosT.
Mayor Tells Audience He I
Glad to Know Interests
t Oppose Him. ,
Coancllman Vanghn Declares Devlin
Was Adviser of "Solid Nino.; tn
Council, Who Delivered Goods at
Devlin's Word.
Mavnr Lane dwelt nrlneipally upon
tha viwa nr the blsr city In his address
last night at upenuren nau, Bevenioentu
and Marshall streeta He told now toe
promoters of evil, like tne promoters wt
ih. hia- ontemrlses and of the Interests,
"w W . . a... a A-A At W A
ware lined up against mm in uus ngnt,
"I have ths satisfaction of knowing
that I havs caused those people to spill
nnch mnnev in this campaign, said the
mayor, "and I ahall cauae them to spill
many thousands more, regardless of the
outcome on. June . "
h. anoka aloauently of the restricted
district, portraying Ha dangers to the
family, the foundation of eociety. He
said that thU Class must niwy) m uo
In cheek, and that it alwaya waa press
ing threateningly against the barriers
that bold It in check like tne nooa wa
ters against tha dikes. V ' V
"i thourht only Ood could grant per
petual 'franchises,' paid Dr. Lane, speak-ina-
nf the interests, "but there are mem
bers of the council that have that pow
er." He said Mr. Devllit had been ad
vising thla council for years regarding
alt important franchises, and has shown
no particular tendency to protect, the
people, as he now claims he will do.
Dr. Lane said action speaks louder than
words, and hs declared himself willing
tn hava his own record compared with
Devlin's record In the service of the peo
ple of Portland.
Councilman Vaughn preaided. and
made a few remarks concerning the
-solid nine." ; He said that, seated , In
the council chamber, he had watched
that erranisation give away more of
thewovlrtTropertyTn TJ0 mlnutee than
could be bought back the next dayvfor
It 000.000. He said Devlin was the ad
viser of the "eolld nine,'' and when that
austere personage spoke the word, tha
"solid runs" delivered tne gooas. ,
Judge Munley delivered a etirnng ad
dress. Hs confined his remarks to the
machine. . He spoke ef the evils of the
machine, the possibilities of the ma
chine and the complete helplessneas of
e people under a machine rule. He
told how the e'stp en.1 elty t1 lf
aln' : I nut f f ri!'.:i.ir9 ft 1 i r
. (Xremes. OVermaay.) , ' : - ,
tlO-Bia UMT jntm,' OAXTSBTOsT, TXX.
OTiilacxrpo rated) . ;.. .
Remittance of tloncy to
and from Europe r.
- roatnoBT xonrr jcjtajtoii, 4
Tlckn offloa fos tba Bteainsra frosa sad
te Bnzopa, ' -
ira .o; 1 a
Every Xkzzn
, Istaawasted and aboaW know .
abont uie weauarral
MAJtVU WhlrUsfl Spray
'W taraaai ayitaea, m
toad totffitm. Baat f
eat MoM CooeanMi
taiww SranMtam.
If beeannotiuroly tba
nanTaa, no
omar, eat land auuaa for
a awn. It
milaaaaaa Imimiij-
Uiuatrataa soot wn. it trees 3 'I
full parUoalar and ilnctlona to- ' V 'f if
valuabUMladla.lH4HVBbroU '
aa BLBsa st KateVonitr -e-f
Vet Sale tr
Scott's santal-PcpsLi ce;:::::
A positive cuns
ForlnflammatoaorOiitarrhot :
tha Bladilerand Pleaaaad Kid-
iy. so ocas bo rat. uures
sickly sad permaaentiy tlie
orat eeaa el " oa)
af 9 -
and ejaate, ae or bom
Long ataadlog. A sedately
barmleaa. Sold by draggota.
Prloe tl On. or br malL Sue.
Ok. or br I
paid, tlQ, 1 boaaa, i.a.
tfelkxHmtalae, Obiev
by All nraarlata
past, and said that the same would oc
cur should the machine again gain com '
O. I. Smith, candidate for auditor.
also made a few remarks and dwelt
upon the importance of electing an au
ditor who would Work In harmony with
ths mayor. Toe "Westminster quartet,
which' has been furnishing muslo st the
Lane meetings in the different parts of
the city during the campaign, made a
decided hit last night with tha audience
at Upchurch hall. ,
Tacoma, May SO. The live of the
.000 patients of -the state Insane asy
lum at Old Fort .Stetlacoom ware seri
ously menaced - lust night by a n n,
breaking out In the main, 'or a"
tratloni tmtldlnr of the i--lights
had JmkI tm
the night when t;
ered In a wr- -
the ba8f"!iiirt t t r
The fce-1 r
mn. to t'
! i '