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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY SO, ICOt. SPORT TABLES Tlllffl Beavers Take, Batting: Specs Along and Earn Seven of . ' Their Nine Buns. KINSELLA LOOMS UP V WELL ON MOUNTAIN McCredie nd Cw; Carry Off First Honors In Hitting and Even Car : son Lands Squarely on Kose - ';.Ash Houston Not In Game. rxtTTZMSATB 88X8JTtT81. Portland. .9; Oakland. X. . '. ' ' San Francisco, l;;Los Angeles, V'i,; Steading of the. Cluba. . VV.;.'A" i'-:;.-,-, ... " Won. Lost' Los Angeles ........ 11 IS - San Francisco ....... 28' SI Oakland i... ........ 28 ji 88.".i Portland,' . ........... It , 1 1 Pet .874 .880 .491 .m - Tns Beavers turned the tables on the Commuters yesteraay and care them as baa a walloping as the Beavers them- aelvas received the day previous. Isn't I 8 to 1 as one-sided a score as 11 to IT r Tbs locals carried their batting ere Into the tame, and everybody got a 1 Alt except Moore. Even Carson pound !ea us leather on the nose for two safe ones two - in one game for Car l son i Ana Mwjreaie ana caser sot three piece. - xnai explains tno S, Klnsella explains the one Klnsella and his support; for his support, as a matter of fact, was much above par. MoCredle may have some fine material In Groom and Oum and Callff, Every tody knows that Oum, at least was a topnotcher last year. But McCredle's only twlrler who bas done good work regularly and eonatanUy so far this season is Klnsella. . The visitors hit some hard swats yesterday, but they couldn't land In bunches. Their ene run cams In the fifth. Blgbee hit Safe, went fo "second on a passed ball and came home on a double by Mister W. Hogan, i . .'; Portland did most of her hlttlne- and all of her run-getting In the first four. 'j, A bass on balls to Casey and eueces j sive two swats by Donahue and Mc- vrauv rung mo omi twice Ml It! nrst Inning. . The second was a procession. Klnsella. Ehinn, Casey, Donahue and McCredie all batted out singles and five runs were tallied. The other two scores came In the fourth on well-placed bin- Igles by Casey, McCredie and Bassey. Beven of Portland's nine runs were narad.'vjrhe official -score: -a-;' i . . 1 . ..... mtrt . ... r' . I I " . A "k : Zi''-i-; ' AB. r. H. po. A. E. Hmun, ir. ........... s o 0 1. 0. 0 van Haitren, cr, ., 6 9 0 0 0 HeltmuUer, rt . . . . , jeV. 0 1 1 5 0 Eagan, as. ....,.,,. 4 0 2 1 Bliss, a Vg 7 t Haley, 2b. ........... 4 0 0v 2 Blgby, lb. . 4 1 "I 4 v 1 pevereaux, 8b. ...... 4 0 0 " J 1 Hogan,' p.. 8 9t i 8.-18 Total' Uvif T . 1 ';4-,-PORTLAND. -; T 14 11 4 .;' ab. Rli. po. a. e. lvett, ct. ..,.,,; s i 1 1 e.0 Ehinn. sa. ...... . 8 M i t 1 Casey, 2b. ,,'..,.;.,, 4 s 2x2 ' 1 J O lxmanue, so. McCredie, rf. 1 .2-2 2 18; 1x0 1 liassey, u. Moore, c, . 1 8 0 6 2 11 -10 , V 1 0 0 0 1 4 Klnsella, p.. i .. 8X0 Totals a ,,u ,, - "T - V i. r SCORE BY INNUK18. Oakland , . 6.....0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -Hits . .........0 OOlSOSzO 7 . Portland . ....... J S0S0000 i Hits 2 6 1110 12 IS Strnck out By Klnsella, S; i by Ho- kwi ooaes on ouis on iLinseua, 1 ; fc Donahue. Stolen bases Carson, Lovett , Biuon. rassea oau Mooro. nrst base , on errors Portland. I; Oakland, -8. . wiia pi ten HOgan, urt on bate: Portland, 8; Oakland, 9. Time of game -ww nour ana minutes. vtnpl Derrick. 'V'.v .r;--rS: I- NOTES OP THE GAME Ir , The visitors made three great grand stand catches yesterday. ."Brick" De . vereaux sUrted it in the fourth by sprinting 40 yards for a foul and frees- Ing onto ltat top speed. In the sixth a long line bolt by . .Donahue should have hit the green, but it didn't Left fielder Smith loped forward and . shot out a gloved hand In time to stop its ; cannon-ball flight , He couldn't reach ; it with two,, but -one was enough, as " It proved. The third thriller waa done by "Heinle" Heltmuller, nbe former " Berkeley football hero, out in right field in the seventh. Klnsella blffed out as pretty a one as e ver ' was seen. The fans, howled, for it looked good . for a double. 'v "Heinle" ran hard and tackled It with : the tips of his left .fingers. Anotuer one-nand eaten. Grown and Callff are programmed to pitch the first . and second games, re spectively ef today's double-header. For Oakland, Gate -and Reidy will be on " the firing line. Moore will catch both .games for Portland and Bliss will re ceive la both-for the visitors. The Commuters average the heaviest players in tae league, and this year tneyvmignt wen oe named the Oianta Blgbee, their first baseman, a husky lad, is, nevertheless, about the lightest W tmm ; in tbe buncn. The Beavers are the Plg- ' mles with Shlnn, '. Schlmpff, Bassey, Casey ana Liovett, "!'' - ' :::''' .u'.'K-.i,? ' . The attendance at yesterday's ball game was the lightest yet even lighter than during the rainy days of the first week. A losing team is the poorest in vestment there Is in basebaa It would . be so. even if the players paid their own salaries.; :-,iy ''i'l-p',;:-" "Ash" . Houston didn't show up at Recreation park yesterday, and Dona hue pla vd third. Parson first and Moore auoceed the first time use Herb! ne and you will get instant renei. me greats t liver regulator. A positive cure in . eonatinallon. dvsoeDsia. malaria. ' chills and all liver eomplalnta Mr. C of Kroory. Texas, writes: "My wife has been using Herblne for berawii ana children for five year It is a surei cure for ronstlnatlon and malaria fe- vr. which is substantiated by what It 1 done for my family.'' Eold by all S OF HOW GRAMMAR (SCHOOL RELAY r RUNNERS WILL REACH POSTS Grammar School As! the suspension bridge : at Oregon City is out of commission, . Saturday's grammar school relay race will start from the west end of the. brldge In stead of the Clackamas county court house. The start will be made at the previously arranged . . time, 11 o'clock. The launches to be used In cerrylng,the relays of runners are the Raven and the T. M.-C. A. Jr. I. B. Kelly will furnish an automobile for the transpor tation of timers and inspectors. The first and second relays will leave on the Oregon City car at s a. m. After reaching Oregon City they will cross-the river on the pontoon bridge and- proceed to thetr relay posts. The first relay will return to Oregon City and then home on the Oregon City car. The second relay, after running, will follow down the . road to Binghaml landing and thence return to Portland on the Raven. ' ' .-"r 1 " The third relay will leave the Favor ite boathouse at. a. m. on the Raven, land at Bingham's landing and' thence go to the finish of the second relay, O. post 129. After running they will return to ' Bingham S landing and em bark on the Raven with the second re lay. 4: -.,'. The fourth relay will leave on the Raven at t a. m., land at Bingham's landing, proceed to finish of third relay and after running; will return on the Raven from Morey landing. - ' The fifth relay will leave on the Raven at 0 a. m., land at Morels land ing, proceed to finish of fourth mile and after running will return on the T. M. C A. Jr. from Oswego. The sixth relay will leave the Fa vorlte boathouse at a. m. on the T. M. C A. Jr. and land at Oswego. Return log, they will be taken on by the same boat at the six-mile landing, y - . The seventh relay leaves on the T. M, behindHhe hat ' Donahue Is good any whereexcept on the kickers' bag. : If Portland wlqs both games of the double-header today It will boost her percentage above the" ..200 mark. V Dick Yates, University of Chicago ball nlavar. has wired McCredie that he will accept terms sent some ."time first basemanr's".:- , :x ' .'-u ''. WASHINGTON HOPES TO -WIN SEVEB4L FIBSTS Hld,Ma,'M Vanlter, d.Vernon t and Parker, Distance Runners, Are Expected to Score. (Special Diipatdi te The Journal.) Seattle, May 80. It looks very much as if Oregon will take at least a good half, of the points in the big Inter collegiate meet at the State university campus - this afternoon. v Washington should take second place over Idaho. . Holdman, in the pole vault and Ver. non and Parker In the long runs, "look to have the best chance of ' winning their events of any of the Washington men. - Holdman has a mark of 11 feet 7 laches in th vault and Parker can go pretty close to two minutes In the half mile. Oregon has a good vaultar, now- ever, and Matthews and Edmundaon of the Idaho team will make' Parker and Vernon travel to wln. Had Oregon the strength in the distances that she has in all other events there would be noth ing at all to the meet ,' Kelly, of course, will be the feature of the meet v Aside from the appearance of ' the sensational Oregoman. Interest centers in the relay race. Washington has hopes of. this event, although the Oregon team is threatening. WHITMAN ATHLETIC CAPTAINS BEELECTED (Special Diipatck to The Journal.) Whitman College, Walla . Walla, Wash., May 80. Baseball , and track teams met yesterday ana elected .cap tains for next season. Both men were reelected. Brown- for baseball and Phil- brook for ' track. ' Brown has Ween an efficient - captain this year ' and very popular with the team. ' He has played through the season behind the bat Phil brook is the individual star of the track team and . holder Of several col lege records. He is a member, of the incoming freshman .class. Brown be longs to the sophomores. , HABT-SCHBECK FIGHT AT T0N0PAH TODAY (Jonrntl gftcdal hnW I . Tonopah, Nev., May 80. All arrange inents are completed for the fintstt fight nere mis afternoon 1 between Mike Bhreck otCincinnatl and Marvin Mart 01 , JLioms villa. Delegations of SDOrtlna men are already beginning to pat in an appearance and the club expects a large crowd at tht ringside. - Both fighters have completed their - work ' of preparation and each uhkum mnn. denoe la his ability to win the battle, THE Relay Trophy. d . A.'- Jr. at I a. m. and will, land at the six-mile landing. After running to the H. U Corbett relay post they will embark on the T. M. C A. Jr. at Ladd's landing. - . , The ninth relay leaves the Favorite boathouse at I a. m. on the Y. M. C A. Jr., lands at Ladd's landing, runs from the H. I Corbett relay to Smith's and then follows down to the tannery and embarks on the Y.'M. C. A. Jr. . The ninth rela yleaves the Favorite boathouse at a. in. on Y. M. C A. JrM lands, at Smith's, runs to tannery and returns on the same boat from the tan. nery. . , -.. 4 The tenth relay leaves the Favorite boathouse at t a, m. on the Y. M. C. A Jr., lands at the tannery, runs to Ful ton school and. returns by the Fulton car. .'."'-.)' " "- The eleventh relay leaves on the Ful ton car at 10:40 a. m- proceeds to the Fulton school, runs to the foot of Lane street and returns by a South Portland car. -.. " ' -l "; The twelfth relay1 leaves on a South Portland car at 11 a. m., proceeds to Lane and Macadam streets, runs to Front and Sherman streets, where they deliver the messages to the last relay. Ths thirteenth relay will leave for Front and Sherman streets on or before 11:80 and run to the finish at the Y. M. C. A. building. Fourth : and Yamhill streets. "Lari "7k East ...i ...... ww ' 1 ..... . ' ., ., , . 111 - - - 11 - - ' I"1 ' ..rgpvsaaaassjassjaaaMasiasieaaaaasja 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 Horniltoa Buildinjri DAY. QDilLirrillG PLAY Golfers Entered in Men's Open Championship Begin , ? Play at Waverly. OUT OF TOWN G0LFEBS i ABE NOT ALL PBESENT Oregon ' Golf Tournament Has En - thnslastlo Opening Many Enter en s Open ' Handicap and Mixed. Qualifying play for the men's open championship In the annual Oregon golf tournament was begun on thl Waverly links at t:20 o'clock this morning. 1 The - green around the club house was covered with enthusiastic golfers just previous to the start and it is expected that this will be the most successful tournament yet conducted by the club. . All of the out-of-town entries made by mall were not present this morning, but a number of them are expected in' this afternoon, tomor row and Saturday morning. ' Entries in the men s open champion ship are as follows: . R. C. F. Astbury, Astoria; A. Tldmarkh, Tacoma; J. Ford, Seattle; O. R. Andrews. T. A. Llntbl cum, J. E. Young, J. Zan, C Bpuhn, R. Koehler, Q. Voorhies, C. E. B. Webb, D. . HotfSyman. W. B. McKay. C. . 8. Murphy, C E. Orelle, A. A. Morrison, William MpMasters. R. Madeay, W. W. Cotton and W. L Brewster. Entries In the . open handicap -for women follow: . Mrs.- j. c. Ainswortn, Miss BaUle Lewis. Miss Miriam Strong. Mrs. . DewUt'Connell, Miss Clementine Wilson. Miss Carrie Flanders, Mrs. Allen Lewis, Mrs. W. B. Ayer and Mrs. R. Koehler. ": -.v u In the mixes foursomes the gentle men players select their partners, the following playing together: Miss Mao- Masters and Mr. MacMasters. ' Miss Weldler and Mr. ; Webb, Mr. and Mrs. David Honeyman. Mrs. W. B. Ayer and Mr. Spuhn. Mrs. Koehler and Mr. Madeay. t . AURORA WILL HAVE NEW BAEB4XL PABK (8peUl Slspateh to The JoonuL) Aurora, Or., May 30. The Aurora baseball olub is to have a new ball park. Through the generosity of H. A. Snyder sufficient ground in his addition to Au rora, has been turned over to the. ball boys to make a suitable and commodi ous ball park. Work has already been FDD COIF e Sake!" Another Tract BE fi Q TOT much of it only 108 visit is to buy, most surely. i tracts surrounding it. It is a sightly piece with a grand view over: all of Portland. -: HIGH, BUT LEVEL. $1,500 building restriction, all street improvements paid for, laid'. ; ' but the same as Rose City Park, Holladay Park and Rossmere. Plat is.' ready for your1, ' selections noWrPrices $450 to $650, $40 down, $10 per month. June 15 prices wHI be ad- ; rancea 5t50 per lot. ,. 30 days will Ankeny car line out Sancjy : w mm mm . . ".:..' commenced on the site to get It ready ror the: coming games the, club bas scheduled. ' A grandstand and bleachers will be built, . and an admission' fee charged.. The club will also have a re freshment stand on the ground for the accommodation of the fans. The loca tion of (he new grounds is much nearer the city and easier of access than the old park at the achoolhouse, and la the future, attendance at 'games will be larger, as the club will be In a position to cater to the wants and comfort of Its patrons. ...'s't-' :''', .,';, . A HABVARD-COBNELL ." BOAT BACE TODAY (Jovrnal Rmdal Berries.)' ' Ithaca, N. May 80. Many athletio enthusiasts ' and college men have ar rived here to witness the annual boat race between the crews of Harvard and Cornell to take place late; this afternoon on Lake Cayuga. The start will be at S:S0 o'clock and the race will be rowed over the regular two-mile straightaway course. in view of the fact that the red and white has been victorious in both ofnhe previous races and the fur ther fact that tne crimson met defeat Short time sgo by Columbia, it is but natural that Cornell . should be the fa vorlte In todsy's contest . Harvard is not without her ' supporters, however. end - the .general opinion is that , the race will be one of . the best ever seen . here. ;,; ' v FIBST NATIONALS WIN FB03I MERCHANT - Ssankers' League Btamdlar. - i ' .'. Won. Lost. Consolidated., ...... i. 4 1, ' First National . . .. . . , ,-, t ' ' 8 '. Merchants' National .... 8 8 U. 8. National ......... I 8 . PC. .too .000 .400 .260 The eleventh scheduled! game Of the Bankers' league took place at Multno mah field Tuesday afternoon between the teams ef the First National and the Merchants' National. It was won by the First National by a score of 8 to 8. The feature of the game was the running one-hand catch of a difficult foul ball by Captain Stevens of the First National testa. , , -;, Ball Game ml Chehalls.- ., Chehalem Valley, Or- May 80. On Sunday . afternoon an interesting ball game was played by the Chehalem Val ley Stars and the Ribbon Ridge Lions. Both sides played hard. , Score 1 to 1 The lineup: ' "- j.-'i..:'-,- Chehalem Valley O. Nelson, catcher; O. Walker, pitcher; F. Johnson, esrst base; W. Rogers, second base; C Jen sen, third, base; D. Smith, shortstop; J. Rogers, left - field ; - O. Carter, - center field; William Carter, right field. Ribbon Ridge H. Hill, catoher; R. Rich, pitcher; E. Carter, first base; F. Nelson, seoond base; J. Jensen, third base; A. Root,, shortstop; O, McOulre, lert neia; u. jtaaison, center neia; a, Wenger, right field. .. , : . . Angels Have Hit Feat. San Francisco, May 80. The Angela had a hlt-fest in the ninth Inning, scor ing five runs in an equal number of minutes. Sooret R.H.B. Los Angeles .0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 80 7 0 San Francisco. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 7 8 Batteries Gray and . Eager; Henley and 8treet. . : ' , ' Ft ef erred sttook Oaaned Oooda, Allan A Lewis Best Brand. HEI lots but it is fine: MOST , There is no comparison between Wiberg 'Heights: and f find every lot .sold. Make Road to Wiberg Lane. Agent AGENTS . SW. SPORWIG U0TES Local and Otherwise. V'.r The Riverside Driving club .will hold a special ' meeting Saturday evening at the Rural Spirit bfnes. The proposition of the Country Club Livestock 'aasocla tlon will be taken up. The Intercollegiate rowing race at Seattle will be held tomorrow Instead of Saturday, as planned for a time. , The Portland High school yesterday defeated the Hill Military academy in the last game of the Treuminary base ball series of the Interscholattlo league. The final series will begin in a few days. . Ths contestants will be the Port land High school, the East Bide High school , end Columbia "university. Yes terday'a score was I to I, , ; e", ; '-; ;, Th Trunks and Bt. Johns nines of the Trl-Clty league will crosssbats to day at .St 'Johns. The Cubs will plsy at Kelso., the Frakes at Woodburn and the North Pacine brewery team at as toria. The St Johns game begins at o'clock. ..' w : ' r - ' v : ? . '; eve ,.';::' The ' Dalles Coluuibias defeated the Pendleton Boosters at Pendleton May 2t. Soore, 11 to 8.' , ; : .j- . i'.'-'.; 1 ''v'' it ' " e e ,j-:4' ; f ,: V-r ,'V ' The Oregon Yacht club will , have smoker tomorrow night at 1 the club- bouse at the Oaks. e v' ;- . The-Sunnyslde Shamrocks have or ganised a baseball team of good players. They desire games in and out of the city. For dates call up East S8S4 after S o'clock or write to CUB. Leek,. 1122 ITU lit Main. A New Zealand Rugby football team will probably visit the Pacific coast in November next . Arrangements . for-the visit of the New Zealanders are In the hands of James Lansgan, head coach at Stanford university, who left - a few days ago for the Antipodes. " On behalf of the California universities and the Vancouver. Victoria and Nanabno dubs, he will make the New Zealand associa tion an offer.'- The elubs on the Paclfle coast bava guaranteed enough money to cover all expenses of the New Zea landers and Mr. Lanagan and. the mem' bars of the local clubs are confident that the world's champions will readily ae cept the proposal to- visit America. Matches would be played in British Co lumbla and in California, ;. , V The games at the Jamestown exhibi tion will have a decided international aspect Minora Fujlt. the Jap student from Toklo university, will be In the "hundred" and ths pole vault Oriental dispatches, state that the Jap can get very close' to 8 seconds for ths sprint He - will have V bt Dan Kelly, the western flyer. . Fujll , Is ths only' Jap who has ever accomplished speed in the sprints, American trainers nave found that Jap students usually have a sort of sldewheel stride that seriously handi caps them. -.'".. : :", . American League. . v V; Chicago, 6; 8tj Louis, 8. - . .v;-. New York, 8; Washington, 6. t " Cleveland, t; Detroit, S. PPhlladelphla, 4-4; Boston, 8-0. Percentages: Chicago, .701; Cleveland. .867; Detroit .881; New York, .821; Phil adelphia, .488; St. Louis, .400; Boston. .814 Washington, .800. A on the Market SIGHTLY OF, ALL. , To your selections early. - Take on the -ground.1 , " ; , Couch Buildintt RACES ill SAIEL1 TO BE BEST YET Large Stakes -Offered Will. Bring Many: East Nags ; ; . JTrom Other States. ' . fSDeclal Dlinatrh to Tk Journal.) Salem, Or., May 80. M. D. Wisdom was here yesterday and expressed the opinion that the coming Oregon state faliy would be a good one. He has re emiy - returned from a trio to Cali fornia in the Interests of the Oregon state fair and of the North Paclflo Fair association. Wisdom believes that the big stakes offered this year will bring some, of the finest strings of horses that have ever sprinted on Lone Oak track. 1 The Improvements that are in progress at the fair grounds will be a revelation to those coming 1 to this year's fair.:" He said: .'r - V. "Some of. the -best stables, many from the grand circuit, will be In Salem to enter the big stakes. These stables are mostly owned by millionaires, who are ' In the horse business mainly for sport Among these art W A. Clark Jr. of Montana, whose horses on the grand circuit have -performed wonderfully, He . wiy s here with such trotters as Bon Voyage, having- a mark Of l:12i. ; Henry Hellman, the owner "of , Mack Mack,. 8:08, will have a stable in Ra- lem and Will enter horses In each of the itt.000 stakes. : idy Mowrey, 810, is , one of his pets, and. B. B. TonguJ' pacer, Byron Lace, who Is approachfifi me mri, 11 also one of bis. "UOlonei Fttspatrlck. who , was" tha owner, of the Palace hotel in San Fran el sco, wilTbe represented at the fair by some ef his good steeds. W. O. Dur fee 'of L Sweet ! Marie fame, and i Pap Mosher will bring the pacer Mandolin. ior tne Dig stake.. , ' A number of local entries have been made and altogether the race program for the pregon state fair promises well." ' ,'v. Kortbwest Leagnev"t Spokane, "it Butte. 1. . . . Aberdeen, 4; Vancouver, 8, ,"- Tacoma, 8: -Seattle, 0. Percentages: Seattle. .887: 1 Aberdeen. 888; Tacoma, .808; Spokane, .800: Butte 488; VanOouver, .188. , " .,-,rV-.-''-v---' .mi',-. , National League. Brooklyn, 4; Boston. 8. i- Cincinnati, 1; St Louis, 0. . - . New York. 18; Philadelphia, I. Psroentagest Chicago. .771: New York, ' .771; Philadelphia, . 60S; Pitts burg, .681; Boston. .400; Cincinnati, .2711 8t Louis, .870; Brooklyn, .257. BODY OF, DEAD MAN HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED :. :.y ;-:-;-;- ' ' (Spaclai Dlipatcb to Tbe Jooruatl Astoria, Or., May 10. The man: Who was killed Monday at Clifton by the capslslng of the A. dc C R. steam shovel prove to be Thomas L. Quick of Tilla mook. Papers found on his person proved that he waa a member in good -' standing of Tillamook lodge L O, O. F. Beaver, lodge of - thla city have taken -charge of the body., r . - FT hp ay 7