The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1907, Page 43, Image 43

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    . . ; SECTION FIVE
PAGES 45 TO 54
ft ox uKoer turnover
Collars, embroidered,
rveral hundred in f
to 25c Choice.... DC
Thousand! of pieces of odds "and
ends to go t mere nothings in
fact, some as low as one-tourt
price. v
First one lot of Ladies' Turnover
and Stock
laces, etc.; several
all worth up
Lot 2 Choice 8c
Ladles' handsome collars in .over
20 different ' styles, embroidered.
turnovers, lace, tab effects, stocks
and other kinds; plenty o
worth up to 35c Choice OC
Lot 3 Choice 24c
Ladies' fancy Neckwear, Including
some of our very finest, dosens of
styles, all colors, worth JOcOi,
up to 75c Choice LtC
Sample lota of Ladies' Chemisettes,
lace and embroidery trimmed,. one
ana two of a kind, worth 0
up to 75c Choice . eWC
Ladies' 75c and $1.00 Collar and
cuii sets, all linen, lawn n
and other novelties. Choice.. DUC
Odds end ends 'of rhtn Mlliii'iiiil
r fancy iw sliapeerblstlrand col-
that sold up to $2.00. JOQp
Choice . ... , UaC
10c and 15c btmcbea- of violets 4
25c and 35c Flower Wreaths, pink,
blue, white and red. n
Choice VC
Ladles' $1.74 and $2.00 tt OA
Sailors go at $JLVt
Ladies' ready-to-wear trimmed
Hats that sold up to $&25, all
stylish models. J A
Choice .AyC
You Know What lt MeansGreatest Bargains of the Year
A clean-up of every odd and small lot In the store A sweep-oat of thousands of dollars' worth of the newest
goods at a fraction of their value fust because they are small lots and broken lines which must be sold regard
less of sacrifice It's the greatest, biggest, most stupendous under-selling event ever planned by this great bar
gain store. Read every word Prices the lowest ever quoted, and here s the prool:
DOORS jrffflfyffTfei
Thousands of dollars worth of odds and ends to be cleared out at prices that make them almost gifts H new this season's goods and all small lots of our
fastest selling garments. Of the hundreds of garments to be sacrificed, these are but bints of the bargains, for tnere are many etner iota, l, t ana s oi a una, iota
'too small to advertise, that go as low as one-fourth price.
500 Women's
75c White
aH fancy styles and;
fancy trimmed
Rummage Lots and Broken Lines of Hundreds Of
Ladies9 Suits at One-Third Price
AH few of a kind, so hurry the newest of the season's style made of fine
all .wool materials, in plain colors; 'also novelty plaids, checks and stripes,
Eton, Pony, . BoxVand. . other"; effects Jackets a!lk lined - "all fancy
trimiQf d, Jail sixeaand all "color but be "here first. If you want
best, fitinriri .'m vi 'in $22.50 aim rv fti&oo
: ; T M BaBI
Ladles and Misses
$10.00 Wash
Suits $3.98
Just 63 of them, no two alike, mad
of linen, duck, Indian bead and Ba
tiste, lace braid and fancy trimmed.
Ail colors and ail sties, it very
one a sample, worth
$7.30 to $10. Choice
sues, it very
Lawn Shirt
AO For Rummaxe Lots Women's
JOC Walat Suits, worth $3.00.
00 For Women's all-over lace Waists, all fan
$ J30 cy styles, regular $10.00 valuea.
11. For Women's 25c white Lawn Aprons, an
11C lace trimmed.
OQ For Women's plain and fancy Coats and
jackets, worth $15.00.
For one lot of Women's Lawn Kimonos,
worth up to 50c.
AH sixes and all 75c values
For 1 lot of Women's Petticoats, all col
itUC ore, worth $1.25.
MFor odd lots of Women's SUk Waists,
worth ud to $3.00.
For pick of hundreds of Ladles' regular $1.75
and $2.00 Fancy Waists. v
ft For Ladies' Lawn and Linen Shirt Waist
09 Suits, worth $5.00.
Child's $2 White Lawn Dresses,.. ......7B
Ladies' $2.00 and $3.00 Lawn Waists.... 98
Wash Goods Rummage
! JVM varda odd and ends of fine Orrandies. Lawns and Batistes, sheer,
elegant grades, in newest patterns and colors. Rummage iQ
lots and remnant lengths, worth up to as nigh as XJyt
enoiee ........ t ...... .
Ghreat tBe- BumiMti lot ef finest
Bilk Oingiieina , Peec. Mohairs
bunched in one huge assortment at, choice
Remnants ana ruu pieoee or nsuraa
Lawns, worth ap to iv&7Ur
v ' w
Rummi loU of Orsanlee. Voltae,
Bwlaees and Batiste all the very
finest trades, mostly one dreea
length of a kind; none worm leas
than Me up to too. Choice li
and Oxfords, food Ions lan the '7,
and all SS to 80o arados. Tard. l
Odds and ends of Ue tnev7tr
-VThlM -WalsUngs. Taxd. ..
Remnants, yard wide flawed Q-
And Remnants
Lawns all JOo aradea. Tard.
Thousands of them of every kind, style and
material the finest and best of the season's
fabrics. And Rummage prices are H, 1-3
and Mi what you pay for them off the piece.
Rummage 5ilks and Dress Qoods
Every odd lot, broken line, remnant and mill end at reductions to make a quick clean sweep, and if cutting
prices will sen them there won't be a single one left after tomorrow..
Remnant Silks
malm sad faaoles, sheets, plaids, taf-
fatae and wash silks,
worth np so 91, all hnnok
d lm eae srM lot.
f ayaawsna.evi wmm-
Rummage Lots
au ram-
Of an Wool Sraes Goods,
maats and short lengths,
worth np to TSo. rick
them out at
Yard Wide Silks
Bomnejtts end Drees lenaths of
Ohirroa Tarreta, eoiore
only, ae hlaok, worth np
to M a yard, all la erne
lot Tard
Rummage sale of Linings, in black and colors;
every kind of lining imaginable, and all 25c
aradea. too. lnoice. vara.
Odd lota of fancy Plaid Suitings, mostly -j Q
dress pattern lengths; none in the lot worth I Xf
leas than 15c, yard VV
Dress patterns and skirt lengths of finest
Panama weaves and plain and mixed suit
togs; worth up to $1 JO. Choice, yard . . . .... .
Great 3 9 Rummage lot of Fancy Worsted
Suitings; many worth up to 85c Choice,
69 c
Rummage .
AU odds and ends and fewa of a
kind brought out from their hidmg
places and marked at figure that
give you two to three for tha price
of one. "'''''.;'
Thousanda of Men's' Handker
chiefs, white colored and fancies to
go, worth up to 10c . Ol
Rummage Price . UC
On great lot of Ladles' ambroid
ered Handkerchiefs, many perfect,
some soiled, worth up At
to 10c Rummage Price . .....iv
Odds and ends of Ladies fancy;
Handkerchiefs, elegant embroid
ered effects, worth up to 1 1
25c Choice ..........Ill
Ladies' finest all Hnen and em
broidered Handkerchief a, small lota
only, worth 39c and 50c 93r
Rummage Price ....4 ..aWC
Thousands upon thousanda to go .
AU the odd lota left from our.
many purchaaea reduced to price
to seU them at eight.
50c Belts, 6f White Wash Belts,
colored silk Belts and aU odda and
enda of various kinds, including in
values up to SOc AU in ...
one lot, choice wC
9f for choice of one great lot of
Behe in silk and leather; .all per-,
feet goods and ' many ' of them,
worth three and four Q -
times the money.' Choice JrC.
50c Navy blue, brown, green and
champagne colored Silk 'QC
Belts. Choice .............. OOC
25c Elastic Silk Belts .......19
50c White Kid Belts for ....85
AU our 25c Leather Belts for 19
Choice of our finest 35c and 50e
fancy plaid SUk OQ
Belts, SI and MUC
SellingOut Groceries
Rummaging in the stock rooms--brlnging out U the short lots and cut
ting prices to the bottom to tell them qulckvas wo need the room for
our dry. goods department; aU groceries must go, sven if w don
get half cost. ,
Bafmlar XBo aabnoa, eaa
Regular tla cn Lobstere, oan.
Raaular 45e bottle Otlre Oil...
ISe Jellies and Jama .........
Secular lfo bottla Catsup, bot.
Regular llo flardinea
Rasular lOo package Bird Seed.
Flf Prune Cereal
lOo large bottle Mustard
Rarular Ho oan Lobstere
Rerular I So Maplelne
20-Mule Team Borax,10e pkg.
. Te
, oe
Qoakar Kolled Oata. pk.......e
Raralar eOe bot Salad Preaelna a
Candlee, each .................. le
Klk Savon Soap, bar., ...... e
Regular St and (Oe Tea, H. .. .. .
Regular lOo bottle Pepper Saooe
Craepo. pkg. 7
Dr. Prtoe'e Health rood ........ Te
Regular ISe- Jmr Marmalade .Mle
Assorted Spleae. eaa ..,...... a
Seeded RaUlna, -lb. ....... . T
Beet Head Rloe, lb e
A thousand and on odd and email
lota to be cleared out at most any
price to seU them quick. Hundreds
nA hundreds of remnants of laces.
ail kinds, worth OP. to 10c 1r
yard co at. choice, Se, and .11.
5J300 yjrdi regolar 5e VaL . . 1 -Lace
Edarea ao at Trd .......IV
8c kind,a yd, lOconea, yard. .3
AU other lace remnants of . aU
ti j. l. 1amiI n a half once.
lunua vvr - r
Odd pieces and remnant lengths of
Valenciennes AU-overa, just the
thing for trimming wash dresses.
worth 75c ana i.uu, AU
Rummage Price, yard ....
Mixed lota and sampl pieces of
cambric embroideries, good widths,
none worth less than 20c, Qq
tt n.... CriMi In Btralrht
r. .iii.v j ivj. . t - v
Laitid applique edge, all colors; reg
ruhw 18c goods at half price, QQ
About 20 handsome Liberty Silk
Drapes, in all colors. $15 OQr
values to go at, choice . . . . .
Veiling, odds and enda, aH kinds,
plenty of bUck and white, also
colors, cheap at. 35c , c . . . IQi
Rummage Price, yard .;.
; Rummage
48c Chain Purses go at
Odd lot of Shopping Bags,. all
colors, worth 98c, S4r
go at
Broken line and odd lota at less than coat of leather alone. Almost 2.000 pairs In aU to go,
and at these prices It is surely the chance of lifetime to buy ahoe cheaper than you've
vr known before:
Ladies Oxfords
MEN'S and BO Y9'
mnt Canvas Zaoe aaeoe.
Also browa eeavae - O-
force, worth up to
aemaif Mm ..
Shoe Laces
An Lengths f
2 Pair for 1C
Of White Oaavaa,
strle. Urge eyelets, aU
res-slew fl.80 valaee. TioX
em eat, Valr
wmM, a ai mm SA.OA- Ohotoe
AS the 10, SO sad SO pairs ef a kind lota Aadles' fine rates Seataers, worth
faOO, Ladlee Xld high shoes, rateat &eetaer and Tlot Xld dress Oxtorde and Pat
ent XMther Uppers, aad also odds aad eade ef hOseee and Boys' S sad faJO.
drose sad street ehoes. We also laelndo about M pairs of atan's hoaa in good
atapta series, worth up to aO beeidee haadredsf pair ef ladles 1 Joliete aad
House auppare. atoet aU siaee la the lot, bat early customers get the host, ee
he here at a whoa the door opea. Ohoioe...... .A, ..v..
, Suadrade of pairs of odd aad eads of
Men's Hiffh Shoes end Oxfords
AH etTles, an sorts ef leather, shoe that
as tin aow. have soU at S3 to S3J0 hat
they ere mostly emell.lote.' Ohoioe....
Thousands of yards dumped out
at a fraction of their value.
Odd lots Baby Ribbon, yard. 1
5c Corset Cover Ribbon, yd. 11
Shirring Ribbons, $i to 1XA inches
wide, all colors, for. trimmings,
worth" 5c yard,ow-.
3 yards for ............... , . . . . .
Odds and ends' of 3 to 6-inch fancy
Ribbons, . Persians, plaids and
plains. Remember, up to 0 Inches
wide and worth to 25c, . A.
yard ." i7C
40c Roman stripe Belting
Ribbon,' yard
Infants' and Childs'
la hlaok,
hoes, la Patents aad TIM
r White and colors, also odd
.of Ohndreae hoes, la an
opto si a pair, oaoioe.
Rummage ,
5c Paper Pina for . J
2c Darning Cotton, card' f
50-yard Spool Silk for 3e
25c and 30c Dress Shields for. 194
25c Jewel Set Hat Pipa ...M12
5c Black and white Tape, bolt 4
10c and 20c Kid Curlera 5
Sc Peaft Bottonardosen-TTTTr 3f
10c and 15c Hair Retainers,
ail In on lot at 2 for JC
8c and 10c Curling Irons .....
5c Hooks and Eyes ......... S
10c Tracing Wheels .........
10c Silk Binding Ribbon, bolt. ,4
Childs' 20c Hose Supporters. . S
Crockery& Housefurnish'gs
Tomorrow's great aal the most sensational we've ever held.
. ... : 1
Lot after lot at big reductions.
Read on 1
CM. Tuhe, regala TBe, roe 68;
ones, 7: ai.iv oaee ror
OaL VaOs, -, worth Boo, for
OaL prlaklers, 10-0,1 res;. 880, foe
48; eOo oaee, &8jl tSe oaee for . .
OaL Boilers, BTo. worth 81J10, for
el. Sella, ao. , worth !., fee
Covered OKU.' Slop rails, lfl-tt rag. SOo. . .88
Tin 2lah Peas, 8-e.t. rag. 19o for 12l Oe oaee,
16rf 98o onae, X8l 17-ot. reg. SOo oaee 22
Tla PaUa, 10-e, reg. I80, for..... ..18f
la palls, U-t, rag. too, for.'. 18f
Tla aprlaklere, a-qt, reg. 40o, for 32e; 1Q
8e oaee, 261 f aSo 0B" ot
Xarge Stook Palls, worth 48o, for ...360
Tla Bread Pans, worth lOo, for 74
Colored Tla Slop Palis, worth 0o, for ... .336
Tea Kettlee, BTo. TO, reg. Mo, for 6S;
l.O0 oaes, 73e; fU eaos, for
Upped 000 Pans, Bo. 14, reg. le,' for 18:
Se eaee, 1601 as oaee, J8; 40o tn
Oo eaa.
Dish Paas, 10-et reg. 8o, for S2; 11
29i 8O0 oaee, 39f;
14-o.t. reg. T80, 641 IT-qt. reg. 8o, for
BJo BoUers, Bo. 1. reg. Too, for 61: . fit
Bo. 1 reg. SOo, 714 (Ho. ao reg. SOo, for..O!C
Xdpped Pres. Kettlee, Bo. 1. reg. 10, for 154 ;
BBe ease, 180 ; eaos, 190; ao 4(
one. 220: 800 oaee, 890: Me oaae. ....tV.
Ooffeo Pots. Bo. as, reg. 48e, for 82;
are. ao reg. boo oaee, zor
Conaadere, Be. 30, reg. 40o, for ..29
Wash Bastes, Bo. SO, reg. aoe, for ....nVSlf
Waa Baeia, Bo. a, rag. SSo, for ..18
Wash Baetae, Bo. St. reg. S9o, for 24V
Linens and
Odda and ends of Towels, all
mixed lots, lsrge and small sizes,
worth up to 15c. " .
Choice ..r.......,..eC
'Small lot of large colored Bed
Spreads, fringed, soiled edges, but
all 11.50 valuea. Qf
Choica ..HOC
Samples of the finest satin damaak
Towels, largest sise, worth s Ol
35c to 50c. Choice .......... AiC
15c Lerge Pillow Slip tlj
75c Linen finish Sheets .. . . . 58
Drugs, Soaps
5,000 caks Toilet Soap, all kinds,
worth up to 8c,
cak ......C
1,000 bars Cocoa Castll . 11
Soap. Choice, bar f.....IC
Great -accumulation of hundreds of
Sackagea of fine Writing Paper, all.
urge fi-ream packaeea, , ,
worth 35c to 50c at, pJqf. ,;.;!
Mixed lota of fin Writing
Tablets, worth 8c. and 10c, at.
15c, Decks Playing Card , , .
10c Boa Colored School
vnjoni .:' ... a. ee
Calicoes, 2c WXL' nda, . rem
nants and short-lengths; rummage
lot of 6 and 7 kinds, OI
yard ; -2C
Mill end : and remnants . of 10c
yard-wide muslins. , , fiL :
Choice, yard ...U4C
8 l-Je-Faney Challiea, Jl-
per yard ...t3C
15c yard-wide Madras, yard, r -Mill
ends 56-inch Tabl Damaak.
worth 50c and 60c" .. 09.
Rummag .Price, yard .)
6c Cotton Toweling, yard. . 3
35c red Table Damask, yard . 184
Mor Rummag lot hr than
in any other three section of th
store, and consequently th sacri
fice is greateat herv Handrcda of
great bigl bargain plum for you, If
you com early 'enough. Read:? .
5,000 ' Men's : Linen Collars, ' worth
10 and 15c go at,
Choice if. it. iVlit. t K....XC
Men's plain and fancy Handrer
chiefs, some soiled, 6c, 8c 01
and 10c ones. Choics ia2C
Men's 25c summer Four-m- . fl
Hand Wash Ties go at VC
Boys' - Cloth Caps. aJQ colors and
sixes, 35c and 50c value, . 1 ft
bunched . at, . choice ....... . .1 C
Boys' 50c Jersey ; ribbed Under-
ahirta, aU go at, . . - , ip
choice .'. ............. . ..... A C
Men'a 35c Shirts go. at . . . ..!
Men black, tan and fancy colored
Socks, non worth lee -,
than 10c, pair ..aIC
Men'a 50c Leather Belt . .. .340
Men'a $1.00 and $1-15 Cf
Negligee Shirt . . . . . . . ,. . , . U
Boy' 15c Straw Hat , 1 &4
Men' 25c and 35c fancy. Ho 114
Men's Canvas Gloves, pair ... V4
Men'a 35c Silk Neckties ..... 19
Men'a $1.00 whit mohair " -
shirts with collars attsched. . , w
500 SUk Windsor Ties, fancy pat-
terna, worth 25c and 35c 11
Choic ................... ...1 1 w
Men a 73c calf and horsl!n
work Gloves, pair ;4 .
Kr... a. An ';.. c 1...-
HCU, ,1.W I w iU ....
Men'a $U0 ;rw 1Ui.
latest sailor tyl-i ,