The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 25, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Rank Decision by Umpire and
. Wild Throw by Schtmpff
".Give Angels Vhree Rune.
Judge McCredit Getg Sick of Derrick
' and Wlrat President Old Ewtnf to
Transfer Qlxn at One-Bearer
. : Aro'Shnt Oat. .
Los Angeles I, Portland 0.
Ban rranolsco 1, Oakland 1.
a, ataadlaf of the Otaba.
-''", Won. lst
AnniH ......... II 11 '
Ban Francisco ....... II' II
Oakland ............. IS i- II :
PorUand ............ II '.-, It ,
Portland has' ons good pttcber. any
how. " Hit nam la Klnsella. Klnsella
twlrlad (or the Beavers yesterday. No,
ha didn't win tha game. Ona nan. even
a pitcher, can't do that all br hlnieelf.
Klnaalla allowed tha famoua sluggers
'from. fa to tha southward fnly thraa
aoatterlng hlta. And ona of thae might
ba taken away and transferred to tha
error column without tha aoorar making
any mistake. Than tha big boy on tha
mountain fielded his position la flna
Shape, .and blngled 'out orl of tha fire
af onea credited to tha Portland bat
ters. : . . . ; .
Umpire Derrick and "Shrimp"
Bohlmpff loat tha came for tha Bearers.
In tha fifth inning Derrick made a de
cision which brought a thousand fana
to their feat in howling protest before
tha aoho of hla Tolce had died away. , It
let In ona run. In the alxtb tha Shrimp,
who waa playing short, made two wild
thrown, which resulted In two tallies
for tha visitors.
Those were all the rana , counted.
Three to ona waa tha acore, Carnee,
who heaved for tha visitors, kept hla
hlU scattered and prevented a alngla
Dearer from crossing tha pan. -'
V Deoleloa U Xast Btraw.
' ;. Derrick's decision eras tha last straw
and last night. Judge McCredle wired
to President Cal Swing asking tha lat
ter to give him another umpire. Before
Derrick'a marriage last Monday, hla
' decisions were such that It waa neces
sary to stretch charity to the limit to
refrain, from roasting) htm. Blncethen
he had been worse and worse.
Tha umpire's particular offanaa yes
terday waa to call Cravath safe on first
in tha fifth Inning. -" Tha Los Angelas
right fielder hit an easy grounder,
which was gathered In by Carton. Kln
sella covered first, taking the throw in
plenty ? of time,, but when Crarath
reached Klnsella ha gave tha pi tab ei a
arm e. Jerk, spilling tha ball on the
ground. Derrick didn't sea It and Dil
lon scored on the play. Here's tha offi
cial soore.
AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
This Prediction Is Made by Editor
Moores Fine Roads Front .
' Tacomato Moclips. ,
- tSpecUl DUpeteb ts The foama!.)
Taooma, . Wash., . May . 85. O. ' M.
Moore, editor of the Hoquiam Dally
Washlngtonlan,' who has been spending
several days In this city,' aaya that tha
work on county roads that ta now being
dona In Chehalia and Tbureton eountlea,
will give an excellent automobile track
fromPuget Bound at Taooma to Mo
clips on the ocean beach at tha south
am limits ot the Qulnault Indian ree-
ervatlon. In addition to giving auto-
lets of tha Bound cities excellent op
portunities to .make attractive country
runs, Mr. Moore declares It Is tha only
road ot ita length, whioh ba oomputea
at 114 miles, north of Baa Francisco,
furnishing direct connection with an
ooean resort. There Is already a aplen-
dld ' hard road for automoblllng from
Taooma to Olympia and beyond almost
to tha. western boundartee of Thurston
county. Graya harbor people, who are
enthusiastic over automobiltng, are pro
moting tha repairing and putting -In
order tha road down tha Chehalia river
valley to thoaa cities and aorosa tha
great forest region bordering tha north
ern ahores of tha harbor ta the ooean
When tha road Is fully completed It
win ba lees than a days ride from Ta
ooma' to tha ooean In an auto. Mr.
Moora says that tha broad hard ooean
beach makes an exoellent track for
racing, and ha sredlota that tha beach
In tha vicinity of North Beach will be
come famoua for lta auto races. Sen
ator Aba Poison, a prominent autolat
of tha Harbor country, has offered to
furnish a -clubhouse site for Taooma
and Seattle autolats On a cuff over
looking the Pacific ocean," .
Zacharlas and Moores Set New
Northwest Marks in Dual "
. . - Track Meet. " -
Multnomah Club Wrestler De
feats Northwest Champion in ,
i ; Double Quick Time.
Decision ' Afalnat; Tajlor Boseoo 1
Blet With Much 0rittclain--Toa7
Merta Beats Loa rrancls In Hnrrl-
cana Preliminary Other . Events,
(SpMfal DtiMtefe ta Tke Joenul.)
Corvallls, Or., May 15. Two north
west records were broken hero yeater-
dar fn tha dual trank meat batwaan tha
University of Oregon and the Oregon I BOUT VERY CLOSE AND
Agricutiurai . college, uregon won ins
meet, securing 17 points to 4t for Cor
vallla -
The record amashera were C. R. Zaeh
arias and O. Moores, both of Ore
gon. Zacharlas hurled tha It-pound
hammer ISO feet t Inches, breaking tha
record made by O, W. Hug of tha same
institution In tha meat at Shigana last
Saturday. Hug's mark was lit - feet,
4 H - Inches; ' " ' -T" ; " ' " ' '
- Moores broke tha ISO-yard hurdle rec
ord for a curved track, making the dis
tance In tl I-l seconds. Moores himself
had previously held tha record at It l-l
"fteconds. ' . . .-. - ,. .-.1
The summary of eventa Is as follows:
ISO-yard hurdles Moorea (Oregon),
Huaton (Oregon), Bergman O. A, G)
time. aiSII-l.
110-yard run Devolt (O. A. O.), Dod
aon (Oregon), Wlnnifred (O. A. ; G.)',
Uma, 1:07.: -
Pole vault Swan (O. A. C), Moullaa
(Oregon), Robertson (Oregon) j height,
11 feet : : ;.'-, ,. e .
440-yard run Oreenhaw (O. A. C),
Read ' (Oregon), Howard (O. A. C);
tlm 0:61. -
Shot-put McKlhney (Oregon), 44 feet
10 Inches; Hug (Oregon), 41 feet T
Inohee; Zacharlas (Oregon), 41 feat I
Inchea. .
Broad lump Kelly (Oregon). II feet
I Inches: Swan (O. A. G), 10 feet 11
Inchea; Kuxkendall (Oregon), 10 feet
I Inchea.
100-yard dash Kelly (Oregon). Bus-
ton (Oregon), Sohroeder (O. A. C)
time, 0:191-1.
' ISO-yard hurdles Moores (Oregon),
Kuykendall (Oregon), Bergman (O. A.
U): time, oaiH.
Substance c:o , ,
There's more real food iubstahce
in ordinary soda crackers than in
any other wheat food which
. means : more sustenance for the
is the oiily form in which soda
crackers should ever reach your
tabic The dust: tight, moisture
proof package bringinjj all their
goodness to you intact ;: :
Picked Crews From All of Amer
ica's Largest Colleges in
Carllale. If. .. I
Ellis, of. I
Braahear, lb. 4
Smith. Jb.
111 . V.
Cravath, rt.
Kagla, as. . .
Horan, a
Csrnes, p.
1 14
0 1
' 0
I 0
I o
ToUls , ...........11 I I IT II p
AB. R, H. PO. A.
I-ovett. cf. ...........
Phlnn, sa ........... 0
Casy, Jb. I
Bassey, If. . ..,.....( 4
Mott, Jb. I
McCredle, rf. 4
Ponphue,o. ......... 4
Carson, lb. .......... I
Klnsella. p. I
fiohimptr, as. ........ I
vi (Jaanut goeetal aVvteai
Philadelphia, Pa., May II. When the
first race in the fifth annual regatta of
the American Rowing association was
begun this morning over the national
course on the Schuylkill river a large
crowd of rowing euthuelaeta lined the
banks and occupied every point of van
tage on the cliffs and at tha finish Una
Every Indication pointed to tha con
tests being the most successful ever
pulled off' by tha association. In tha
various events the picked crews of Tale,
Cornell,. Pennsylvania and other big
colleges, ..together , with -representatives
of the leading boat dubs of New Tork,
Brooklyn,- Washington, Baltimore-and
Philadelphia, will oonteat tor honors.
Without Question the aohedule contains
the namee of the beat rowing talent In
the United States. It la the first big
ree-atta of tha year, and this fact ex-
plalna the large number of entries and
tha ehthualaam manifested. All the
racea are for one telle, 110 yards,
straight away. Probably tha moat in
terest Is being shown la the racs -for
Junior. college elghta. - .
Twelve racea are on the program, and
It wlU be late In the afternoon before
the final event la decided. The II eventa
are scheduled aa followa:
- First alngla soulla, for the Farragut
challenge ' cup; second , single sculls;
first double sculls, for. the Schuylkill
challenge cup; first four sculls (centi
pedes); - first pair-oared shells; i first
four-oared shells, for tha Puritan chal
lenge cup; aecond four-oared ahella;
first elght-oared shells, for the Stew
ard's challenge cup; second elght-oared
110-yard dash-Kelly (Oregon). Moores
(Oregon), Sohroeder (O. A. C)i time.
is 1-0. r
Hammer-throw Zacharlas (Orea-on).
180 feet I Inchea; Hog (Oregon), 141
feet Inchea; Hall (O. A. C), 111 feet
I Inches.
Dlsoua throw Hug (Oregon), 111 feet;
Bennett (a A. C), 104 feet 4 Inohee;
Eeoharla (Oregon), 101 feet. '
Mile run Croaa (O. A. C), DevolL (a
A. C), PUtts (Oregon); time, 4:41....
High Jump Kelly (Oregon), Chap
man (O. A. C). Swan (O, A. C)j I feet
I Inchea.
Tha relay, was o on ceded to O. A, C
Wins From First nationals In Error-
leas Gamo on aloltnomah '
, Diamond. "."
aakeia KeatTaa aTtandlJMr.
Ckunea. Won. Xioat.
Consolidated ..... I 4 1
First Nat'l Bank... 4 I I
Mer, Nat'l Bank...
U. S. Nat'l Bank.. 4
The Consolidated team won from tha
First Nationals Thursday afternoon by
a score of 8 to 4, in what la considered
the aaat game played ta the Bankers
league this season. The winning team
played an errorless game.
The batterlee were: Consolidated,
Bisn Bishop and Art Fields; First Na
tionals, Cass Campbell and Sim Bennett
This places the Consolidated well
ahead In the struggle for the pennant.
The next game of the series will be
played oh Multnomah field Tuesday aft
ernoon. May 21, between the Merchants'
Nationals and First Nationals.
lgeiea ...... o a a a i a a a
? . 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
4 ? f f f J
0 1110 0 10
Totals . ...........10, 0 S 17 10 T
los Angeles ...... 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0
- Struck out By Klnsella, I; by Cai
8. Bases on balls Off Carni
ri&m hits Klnsella. Dillon.
Bacrlnce hits jsaiis, jsagia .., stolen
base Naaie. - Hit by pitched balls
W . Rhlnn, Carlisle. First basemen errors
""aWa K. Wild Ditches Camaa. r
Left on bases Portland, 7; Los Ange
les, . - Time or game una nour ana 60
minute. Umpire DUTlck. ,
Northwest League.
Butte I, Spokane 4.
Taooma 0, Aberdeen 8. V
Seattle 14, Vancouver 8.'
' He Fought at Oattysbarg.
David Parker of Fayette, N. T.r"WTlo
trto Bitters have done ma mors a-ood
. than any medicine I ever took. For
several years I had stomach trouble, and
paid out muoh money for' medicine to
little purpose, until I began taking
Eleotrio Bitters. , I would not take $500
for what they have done for me." Grand
tonla lor the aged and for female weak-
nausea Oreat alterative and body
builder: best of all for lame baok and
weaU kidneys. Guaranteed by Red, Cross
Pharmaoy. 80a - ' ? -'-
Corner Taogha and Tweaty-foarta.
ahella Junior Collegiate elght-oared i
ahella. for tha New England challenge ID pen cnunm pipi rj
Jtn 1Atsbtairir)i1aaif 1a gal VPir-ASH-alil sinal lilt. I w w w w a
for the Franklin challenge cup; aecond DAY IS IN PROGRESS
eigni hhui uuiupuco. - .
' The aecond annual lntersoholastlo field
day la In progress this afternoon on
Inl Ura tSALL. taAMtl meet are as follows:
coiumoia university; A. Blohm, . Allen
Preparatory school; H. Boyd, Portland
High school; X W. Huff, East Portland
High schools a Karon. HU1 MUltary
academy; Dr. P. J. Payne, Portland
Referee H. H. Hardmaa.
Starter Jack King." '
Judgea . at finish Oeorge McMillan,
Ed Morgan, Colonel McDonnell, Bert
Letter, George Gammte.'
Field Judgee F. E. Watklns, William
llnmv Tin XIiiA Tmmm Uamm..
:.i;r Thorn waiter Daly.
Timers W. B. Fechhelmer. A. B. Mo-
Alpln, H. W. Kerrigan, R. Caswell, ?iugh
jjoyo, j. a. uoran.
, Xnspectore C N, McArthur, B. , F.
Ringer, A. B. Turner, P. A. Thaxter.
Clerk of course F. J. Lonergas.
'Assistant Clerks of course Mf. Huff,
eein perron, a. Bionm, ur. Fayne.
; Scorer C A. Stockton. , t
Announcer STohn Cronin.
It: took Just 18 minutes and II aec
ond s for Edgar Frank, Multnomah'a
crack wrestler, to lower the eolorar of
the 116-pound champion . of, the north
west Frank Venebles, last night.. At
the -entertainment .held In-the elub
gymnasium. Frank beat V enables la twa
straight falls, tha first being acored
after 7-mlnutaa and 81 seconds on the
mat, the aecond In 4:10.
Though . Frank dearly demonatrated
his superiority over the man who . won
hla laurels at Spokane last month, the
matoh - waa by no means aa one-aided
aa the brevity of the bouta would aug-
asst . Both bouts were extremely excit
ing . and to a lay observer it seemed
that there were many times whea the
local champion was compelled to put
forth hla moat atrenueua defenalva ef
forts . to prevent both his shoulders
from touching the mat at the aama
Uma . - '
mow Frank Xrtd IX
' Venablea la built more after the type
Of the boxer than oz tne wreaiier. tie
is long and lithe, but very quick, atrong
and clever. Both men went Into the
first bout . la extremely aggressive
style.1 Now one and now the other waa
on top and their great work brought re-
Kated applause from the crowded
nohea There was not tha slightest
eholoe between the two mea until a
few seconds before Frank scored bis
The fall Itself was a peculiar ana.
Prone on hla face, Frank turned bio op
ponent faoe upward above aim. Both
men were interlocked, back to back, for
a few seconds, then Frank gradually
sllnned Venables shoulders ' from his
own back until they touched the mat
The sedond bout was fully as excit
ing, but Frank waa never as muoh ta
danger as he waa la tha first The local
chamoloA'a wonderful' knack of aud
denly turning the tables soered him the
aecond fail. Venablea - bad the upper
hold and apparently the advantage,
when Frank suddenly flipped him over,
crushed hla shoulders to the mat and
the match was won. 1
Taylor Rosooe, a Blender Infant from
Seattle, figured in the other ' "main
event" la a boxing bout with Oeorge
Henrys, a red-headed youth of Mult
nomah. Neither knew anything worth
mentioning about the boxing game and
neither should be allowed to perform
before a paid admission audlenoe. The
bore were willing, however, and did
the beat they could.
Honors were even at the end af tha
third round and Referee Ed Johnson
ordered a fourth. Honors were still
even, so tha crowd thought, but John
eon gave the matoh to Henrya Though
It might be supposed that the decision
would be popular. It was not, and the
crowd yelled Its disapproval. Follow
ing the entertainment prominent mem
bers ef .the club expressed their senti
ments on Johnson's decision in no un
certain terma
In addition to the lnter-dub events
there were two boxing and three wrest
ling matohes between Multnomah boya
A boxing bout between Tony Merta and
Lou Francis, at 140 pounds, went to
four rounda and waa a hurricane affair
from first to last. Both men showed
themselves to be very 'gamer. They
fought each other to a standstill In
every round, and when the end came
they were covered with blood.
Merta was In a bad way in the second
round, but his grit pulled him out and
he eecured the decision in the fourth,
the referee atopplng the fight Just be
fore time for the gong.
The other boxing 'bout was between
Bud Hughes ; and Jim Smith at 110
pounds. The men seldom mixed mat
ters and tha bout, on the whole, was
tame. (Hughes was given the decision.
The Ill-pound wrestling match be
tween C. B. Smith and Otta Ott was
hotly contested and both man did vary
good work, ' Smith won la twa out of
three falls. : ;
Twelve Innlnta at Frisco.
- (Joeraal Setal Servlea.)
Saa Francisco, May II. San Fran
cisco and Oakland played 11 Innings
here yesterday without either aide eoor
Ing a run. Then a brace of hits against
Hogan sent one run across ths plate for
the locals. ' The sooret
S. F..0 MllllMt l-?"1! 'l
Oak. 00 000000008 04 I 1
Batteries Hogaa and Hackett; Hen-
soy. jones ana Btreet. Umpl
rlne. .
Kldsiy ni Ihiitt - Tres&Iss
24 Hours
sale beats WIDYl
I I V k t
iiTii iiirtfv
Xbe U-Xaa
, ilJ4 l4 jBefc
- 4
B aHid a lire stedr ef
sad la tsit.etao? towtwil aa4 Is
te tke werM lite mwadarral raaMSlaa, .
mo xreaomT. roiaoFe on pitroa wo
BictJEri Vithoot ortaATtot ca
WITHOUT fHg AID Of i Vtut.
He pinatM n sure eetenh,
tt. It"! ' akoai(laei
TraobWet ) Lert Ml 4. tm
Sean ie ah rnvsr whm
last Seselved tseat r.kt
. aa Bells
IP too 4Bi arrttcra-D, tnri duat.
Dbxats a as DAMOEaoca. -.
If yes Maast eaO, write let aytjtrtast ataali
sad lrelaa laekao 0 seats la staatpa
ru tx a ei we ctarrnn msiom eo.
row St., V.
Tin St., Ow. Manias
Parties!, Orvtea.
Maeltoe Taaftaeea,
11 Pi rJTa A
Scoffs Sotal-Pejsa Cgs::::
Per tnOestsMttoa rfkurrti ot
the ila4drad Xut-
ri, aa osas aa tar. Cw
alckly aa4 faraaBaelhr the
vent ten i M ajiaiaa-reeao
ul Slaa aa a.tur tt ka
fiiiiatastiise, Okie
M -
. Said'.!'
An Interesting game of baseball waa
nlaved at Nineteenth and Belmont atreeta
Two I Thursday between the Hawthorne Juniors
Donohue. I and the Crescents. The Hawthornes
won the game in the twelfth- Inning by
the eoore of to At. The feature of
the game was the pitching of Hyde.
Five umpires were used, but Bone gave
satisfaction. Tha teama. lined up aa
followa: s 7( , ' , -
Hawthorne Jra.- ; -V Cresoents.
Hyde . , . , . . (, . . . . .p. . , . UbKeen-Keyes
David a...,....:
Chapln, ,. .as. ....... . .. Carlyle
Berg m. , . ....., ,1b.. Keyea-McKeen
Sylvester ......... lb ..... . UvlngatdRe
Claran . . .,..,,..Sb. .. r. , ..... Dunkle
Griffith ......... .If. ..... ... .. Huson
Norene ...... .cf .... . , . McCrum
Stanford .. .... k..rf Booby
Umpires Cobb, H, Llndey, Jenson, I,
Llndsey, A, Lewis, '.-v,.; i- . ' v
(.;,-;;'.' BO.TOV X.VWM ';,.;,:, X
your babyf Tou wonder why- he erlea
Buy a of White's Cream Termi
fuge and he will never cry. Most babies
have worms, and tha mothers don't
know It Whit a cream Termiruge rids
the ehild of worms and cleans out lta
system In i pleasant way. JCvery moth
er ahould keep a bottle of thla medl-
cine in the house. With it, fear need
never enter "her mind. Price iSo. Sold
ty an arusrnsta '
Every off an of your body is governed by S Bet
work of nerve wtrea. These nervei convey the
tower which rung the human machine: This power
a called nerve force. Nerve force is nothing but
electricity. The reason any organ become! weak ia
because the nerves which control it lack electricity,
or nerve force, the motive power of your body. This
lack of nerve force Is shown by weakness of any
kind, whether m the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart
or other organs.
If your memory is poor.
confidence and nerve all
gone; sleep restless; if you
suffer frequent headaches
and your eyes are dull and
heavy, it anows that your
supplv of nerve force is de
pleted. So many - men try to
build up nerve "force by
doping their atomschs with
drags. It is impossible.
What the nerves require is
nourishment - nerve food.
If there was any nourish
ment ia drugs, they might
do some good, bat you
know there is not Drugs
are drugs, stimulants, nar
cotics, antidotes, poisons,
not food. Electricity is
nerve food nerve life. Ity
soaks into your ..nerves
and . is taken up by them
just as a sponge1 absorbs
, water. It nourishes and
I: t- li'l
vuauzes me pans woico i -.
drugs cannot reach. -
Every dose of drugs that you put into your stom
ach weakens your nerves. Every time yott kill a
psin or aa ache bystupefylng the nerves with
: poisonous drugs, you are hurting them, and any
one can lee that in time, by steady dosing, your
nervous system will be completely broken down.
' Electro-Vigor is a relief from the old system of
drugging. It does by natural means what you ex
pect drugs to do by unnatural means. ' It gives back
to the nerves and organs the power they have lost,
which is their life.
- Electro-Vigor is not an electric belt. It is a d:
cell body battery, and makes its own power.
n m
L-J ' UL--V J
easily, comfortably worn next to the body during
the night and gives out a continuous stream of that
ttrength-buildlng. nerve-feeding force which is the
asis of all health. .
When I came to you. my entire nervous system
waa on the verge Of a breakdown. : Now I am as
strong and hearty as I was at 30. 1 am 55 years
old and have no pains or aches of any kind.
UOldtield, Nevada, . J. J. MIUUKK.
"'There ''is'' nothing to
equal Electro-Vigor as a
cure. It cared me of
digestive trouble and re
stored my strength after
I had tried many other
methods without benefit
Smith, Oregon.
- e - :r :
i a dry
. It is
Every sufferer Should
try Electro-Vigor. It is
far cheaper than a course
of drugging. L,
I Give It Free
-Get my 100-page book
describing Electro - Vigor
and with illustrations of
fully developed mea and
women showing how it is
abclied. - ' '
This books tells in plain language many things
you want to know and gives a Tot of good, whole
some advice for men. v
, 111 send this book, prepaid, free, if you will mail
me this coupon.
Out it out now.
S. A. HALL, M. D.
1439 ITIIImor Street, San Francisco
J. Please send me, prepaid, your free 100-page
illustrated book. 5-25-7 -
NAME rr.T. V;7.
IKir Ur lilt HIVcKI
Va'; ' -, ,
vat ea. a?, ,, as, as.
, Game Called at 8:80 p. m. Dally.
Game Called at, 8:80 p. irij Sundaya.
GRANDSTAND 254, CHILDREN 10 playihg a great game at first for
i wiiiameiie vnue box. 'rw
' Stettler's White Sox will cross beta
tomorrow1 with the crack Forest Grove
club on the letter's diamond. .Le. Reau
or Mllle, an ex -leaguer, wilt pltoh for
the White Box and Mitchell will do the
receiving at the home plate. Manager
La Keau has strengthened hie llneup
considerably hy signing three new men,
McDonald at short, Blake at third and
Milie pitcher.
The Bunker Hill-Dayton game ) has
been called off by the" Dayton manage
ment.. The Bunker Hills challenge any
fast team for a game Sunday. Phone
Bast 822. , 1 ' t
Pol Its, formerly the keystone' Backer
for the TrunkmaJcers, Is playing thfrd
for Bunker Hill. Ray Duncan 1iaa also
algned up' wtth the Patriots. ,
Charley, "Daddy," Pembroke, a semi
professional player from, Spokane, la
' The first T. M. C. A. canoe trip ef the
year will be taken tonight. 'About 10
members of the association will - take
the 8:20 oar to the Oaks and will em
bark from the Tacht club quarters for
Bingham's , landing, about nine miles
up the river. Arriving at their destina
tion, the exourstoniata will build a huge
camp Ore and will spend the evening
m jointy ana games. The night will
be spent' In blankets under the trees,
in xrue campers style. Sunday morn
ing Bible services will be conducted by
Charles Petit and then the young men
Wiu paddle home again.
la ' the wont dlanaa
oa ' carta, ft tha
Males to cHf WHEN
TO DO. Uisy hare
plmptoa, spots ea tbe
skin, sore . ta tha
mouth, eleerar fiUlof
hair. Done Mlna. ea
tafrb. and don't know
S35 Arch St., Philadelphia, Praan for
BROWN'S . BLOOD CURE, $2.00 pan bottle;
! sjnnta. , Sold , u tMrtlaad ealy - hr
Vaadwaxd, Clarke 8 Oa .
Davis, the former Columbia university
man,; played thlrQ with Albina laat
The Park Blocks would like a game
for 8unday. - Any team desiring a game
call up Woodlawn 190 after a- o'clock
and ask for Fred SchnelL ' '
The Willamette White Box will JoUr
nty to Canby tomorrow and Oppose the
Canby Stare. Havermack, Thomas and i
Oeorge Pembroke WlU be tha Willamette I
.' National League. M
Boston 7, New York 8.
Brooklyn 8. Philadelphia !.
: rutso wg I. ClnclnnaU 8.
Percentaree Chicago, JOS; New Tork,
.T81; Plttsburg.T.877; Philadelphia. .871;
Boston. .418; Cincinnati, .811; St. Louis,
.818;-Brooklvn, ,838.' . '
': American Leagne. '
Cleveland 8. Philadelphia 8.
...Boston . St. Lonls 0. v
Detroit , Washington !. ' - - f .
Percentages Chlcae-o. 87i Cleveland.
.856; Detroit. ,800: New York. .618: Phil- I
adelphla, .467; Boston. ',817. SL Louis, I
44i Washington. .Ill, J . I
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping Ht will wear away," arb
drifting towards Brightra Disease, which Is kidney trouble in one of its wont forms.
Btoof IrreflrulArltles. ttrensrthena the tirtntrr omni tnd builds uo the worn-out tltiues
of the kidneys so they willperform thefr functions properly. Healthy kidneys strsln out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to erery part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish uer, irregular heart action, etc
If you hare any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURB at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prere&t a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. .
How to Find Out.
Yob caa easily determine If your kidneys art
est of order by'aettiaf aside tar 94 heart
bottle of tlit urine oaased upon arialnf. If
upon axamlnatloa it la cloudy or milky or kaa
a brick-duat aedimant or small partldea float
about it it. your kidaeya art dlaeaaed, aad
FOLEY'S KjONBY CURB ahould ba taken
at one a.
kidaey ee bladder ireeMe.1
soldo nzc:""::::iD ct c"
. Q. D Curhans Yestlfles After Four Yesrse '.
' O. B. Dtrkaaa of Carlisle Canter, N, YH writatt
ff MAbeat fco years aga t wreie yea stating that I had beea eatirely
.'reared ef a severe kidney treeble by tafetag lees taaa twe aettlee ef
: relay's Xldaey Care. It eatirely steeaed tha Wick-duat eedimeat aa4
riia end ayaiDteeae ef Udaey diaeaae aisappearee. 1 am (lad t t- y ht
have aarar bad a retera ef any ef tkae rtnptns t f
years that have elapad. aad I eae eviaant.r curd ta ,
baartlly reeenneead ty' Kidsa Cure te aay
ALL drucc::i3