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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
ALL HANDS. JOIN I BOOSTING ROSE FIESTA - , J , Event Will Eclipse Anything of Kind Ever Held on the Coas.-AII ,;. Portland ReJlie$: to Loyal Support of tVe Carnival-;, Subscriptions Poured in Generously, " ',.. ht Portland! New Impetus given the rmm n ... .t,n-, .ml fiesta at 4ast evenin-a 1 ... . . . . .-.nlnf'Bl rose show and neia 'l meeting of the general committee, wnen their Influence to tne movu. - .-a rf.ii.flra.tea present iron. the World. Daughter of tl . Amjjrl Evolution. Young Women' ChrLtlau awwciation and other 4n addition, to thee from bodle. already meeting .. wa. Immen.el enthu. astic. and reports from all quarter i"4"4 that the fleata la unanlmoualy lndored by the jentira city. "V ' , , one of the utrongeat feature brought out la the value of the Portland, rose how to the wnoie " wui b. la Oregon Development 1.TJ win V" .Important factwjn the iihow from a state-wide view. NorCn Pacific yesterday met Uhe re duced rate- made by and rot 1 tow round trip rmte 'or Astoria and way pOtnt. nor ....- - main line feeder are npeM "wl- varlou. ra-t. ?r th .ute, fo lowing the example . " . I ley road. : " ; -' '-" "- V Big -'Crowd ; wm - . The reduced fares .r certain to t!d the roue show attendance from-. the state, and In like .manner the rose Ihow la aure to boom the attendance of Sate. tovthe'Oregon t league annual convention so promoters of each movement will be benefited by booatlng the other. The general committee laat evening .discussed the Idea of offering prl of 1 1100. 150 and mo for the beat floatt from outalde cities. The fleet colon were .elected, being pink and green. Th committee will urge that the busi ness dlatrlct and private reMW liberally decorated. J. JJrt tee on decorations. JPI" JS? night.- conaleting ot C. A. - Whttemore. C. W. Btubb and Mr, Warre . B. '". Thom"iuy vsa rair Bnlldlag. ..-s ' - The -Portland Development company tendered the nee of the .OMWjUti building and" the Cooa county building t the expoaltlon ground for the ro-e rrt. building aUO 1 - available. ,Tb committee haa a yet 4 made no decision. ; The MuUnomah C ub ' rrounda are regarded favorably. Ch-Ur- der r aai sunt aecretary. and he may be ,$o!ind at any time In room S20 Swetland 1 'bu"?t...J- L 'aitef'to liberally. i and upwarda of 4.000 la now ubacrlb. d It 1 desired to raise a ! ' J -!nr of which wlU i ba spent judiciously.. ay the chairman or tne committee, tn making the. greateat po Blble uccesa of the fleata. The publisher of The Journal today NdRTH END CHILDREN ARE : SERVED BY ' Thl 1 a red-letter day in the W to7y of the children of the north eni An all-day festival 1 going on In their honor t the public north park blocks. At 10 o i clock ; .VM Mra .rarer aupervlsed th repast, and acting und her direcuon , ..-.riv While ome 600 children ate eagerly UliQAHUS REXT- IF ! . 0P1RI0H . IS ADVERSE Leaders In University Referen ; dum Movement Will, Co ' - to the Courts.' !; (Special DUpatea t Tn oor4i fh ' Albn7,.Or. May 35.-In case the ooinlon of the attorney-general l 2SS the vaUdlty of the petition for the referendum In the ca of the n i.u.1 appropriation of $12,000 wnujOy to the University of Oregon, petition er, here ay they will Institute man damus proceedings against the .secre tarv of state demanding that the,Pe" o? be tiled and placed on ttV the next general election. J ' "1" endum movement originated In the county grange organisation. The matter In doubt. la th of the petition, wherein 1 fjh "Py of Ue measure to be 'eferred The blading on the peUtlon 'r, i0: 10 -Tweniy-fourth ' rH'"!0 r,T gon legislature; house bill No. i. . introduced by Mr. Eaton, and read first Jm January 16, 107. A bill for an uTti lncZBl annual apwroprla on for th. .upport ot the University of Oregon. fal iTMl opponeatg of the referendum con ten? that the n.n J' An let" that the earn b called An Act in stead of "A BUI." '" ' , m a. Furthermore. , the wr",nf ' w" omitted, but thl ha ben held not to ST a fatal defect Thow vorlng the referendum feel that tfte technical error hould have no we ight when the actual Intent of the peUUon M la so plainly evident - . , - . The committee filed petition con taining 6.600 names and Us members sly ihey had 6.000, but to safety pf the petition name considered unexceptionable they cut out enough to "bring the number . down to l.eoo, JOHN WILM0NT UNDER - T ARREST.AT MONTREAL KnMUt MarTtee.) ' ' ' n.i.... u.. isTh nollce : were notified today of the arrest of , John Wilmont. former president of the New va.w . fsfluHnMmmnuf end .sreneral n ti,. HiHnn.l Producer Oas Power company, having a capital or I10.000.080, and of whloh Grover Cleve nA (a a Artvtnt. in Montreal. Wil moot la charged with pRslng worthlee .. . . .- a. .aA . . . .. rfh. r imm in iNur nr 1'i.ouv injm - i !;atiks company, builders, of factorle v ran M.t0t la esn wcea arresieu. received the following Rowe: 9 letter from tnirmin xw-. . ' ' i - Portland. Or., May .25. Mr. v. - k publisher Oregon Dally Jour- eagm y ,. ,, - - - In behalf of the association to thank you for thl moat generoua which, coming a a voluntary aubacrip tlon, so early in the movement, bring new enthuiam to the promoter and give assurance to the' public that we are going to have a really great Flesia. The association alao wishe to thanK the Journal for Its splendid upport In booatlng the Fiesta, through Hanewe columns. Tour for th biggest -and , ,...T .i,.prMldont ji n and F" The Portland Railway, Light A Power company yesterday subscribed the handsome sum of $1,009. heading, the list. Through error the amount ap peared yesterday 1100. '-The com. pany haa also made generoua of fere or Illumination, and wlir assist the nesta in many waya.- aaid' Chalrm.nKowe Foster t Klelser have donated a large banner to be suspended at the corner of Fifth' and Waahington treet. the mala etreet leading from the union sta tion. The general committee will again meet next , Tuesday J' Chamber of Commerce auditorium. The CommerclarClub ,1 doing good work and will probably ha vea. floaty In the Inall o far over IJ.iOO hai been ul- scrlbed a followa:;i Portland Railway. Light ... company" Meier -A Frank company. . . . yv. Flrat National bank. , "JJ Olda, 'Wortman A Klng.i.... Ladd A Tllton , Fleiahner. , Mayer -A Co. . . . .1 "0 U.. 8. Rational bank...... , "0 Llpman.yolfe A Co. ........... JOO rt nM n. t jnnrnu'i.iiit.Mii ' - - j 1 c a " 1 1 - . Merchants National Dank........ The Title li Guarantee A t Trust company - ...;..' Security Saving A Trut com- pany . Oregon Trut A Savlngg bank.... Paul Wessenger ........ Portland hotel AUen A Lewi Lang A Co. Mason, Ehrman A Co. ........... Haxelwood Cream company,.... Ben Selling ... A . . '" D. B3. Keasey .....,. R W. Rowe Woodard, . Cla rke A Co .......... Wonder Millinery ...........'. 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 to 50 60 60 ' 60 60 60 26 26 BJ. M. , BrannlCK lor Biuaeoaaer i3i uo. ha donated a f5' cart and outnt to be used a a prl Tor , the beat-decorated pony cart In the roae parade. SOCIAL LEADLKS of 'the good thing supplied them and Uughed shrilly la their gladness, lead- lng society ; women . maa , . here and there with no other aim than to ' provide for- these Uttle people all they wanted for one day at least. , Thl afternoonv the program Included talk by leading citlsene, which were designed to arouse greater lntereat In public playgrounds for chil dren.1 Later In the afternoon the chil dren were taken out In motor car fur nished by interested men and th de light of the children knew no bounds as they experienced thl new enatlon, There were many Interested towns people out to see the children. . , BOTH VERDICTS GIVEN : ' URS. FISHER SET ASIDE Jury Awards Damages to Her in Two Cases, but Court v" Says;N6.ftf; . After having been awarded damages from -the Columbia River Northern ratlwnv hr two " different ' Juries." Mrs. Carrie B. Fisher must gather her wit nesses again and appear before a Jry In th circuit court in an effort to rain money irom ine rauroaa to compensate her for personal Injuries have been '' received through the company' At the first trial the Jury gave verdict In favor ' of Mr. Fisher for 12,600. This verdict waa set aside by the trial judge a being excessive, ana the suit wa tried again. The . ;"t time ajt entirely different jury found that she wa enuuea to sz.sve -aamages an 'in crease of. 1300 over . the , first . verdlot this aiao was aet asiae as oeinir e Attaafvra nitA.a nav trlai vraa At-ilAMhl v. circuit court, sitting en banc, refused to ravaraa the Inrrlpr hv wlil.h thA aMnnd verdict .aa annulled, and a. rnlrd trial was made necessary. The date of the .rial waa rttf fr Tnn. 11 Mrs. isncr ciaim mat on reoruary zz. mua. . m L,Yieu w&snineron. wniie boarding a train at night she fell Into tha lvar nfa tha wharf " dnil' ranafvaft Severe injuries. The company 1 charged (r1. tfrvhta tn th. wharf whara tha train stood so passengers could find their way. i v ' wo - rMTiTian a r . t n an irini Tfinr inn steps of the car. were only 17 ' Inches rrom tne eage or ,inw -znan. WALTER EDWARDS GETS . A TERM FOR FORGERY (BpaclalDlnpatcb to The' Joonul.) -Tha ri.lln nr . Ui 96. Walter VA wards, who-wa arrested two day ago for forging checke on thJFlrst National h.nW In htM Mtv tn ha .mntlDt t t.lfift. pleaded guilty to th charge of forgery yeaieraay axiemoon, ana waa aeiiicuuBcji oy juage nrausnaw io io moawm m- ui penitentiary. - Edwards told the judge he: was 21 veers of ace. and that his parent and other relatives live In Col orado. For some time he had been tramping over i the , country and had been in Seattle. Tacoma and Portland. He came to Th Dellea from Cascade Locks, and after being here a few day thought he could, make enough by forg ery to get out of the country. He failed and instead will serve a term la the penitentiary, THE' -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY W, - Fli DEAD III JIIE1 CITY PARK Crowd of Boys Stumble Across CorpseRevolver by Side . , of Body. ; r aeoiuded not short . distance from the Barnes road, near the Wash ington street entrance to the City para, th. tsnAv nt m. man wa found at noon today by a. crowd of small boy playing In the wood. Beld the booy lay a. re volver. In which there wa an ; empty chamber.. ; ; - 4 ''. . Horrl(ledj,at the grewom rna, tne youngeter fled precipitately from the place. ' On reaching Whlngton treet they spread th new oulckly and a re port of their dlcovery wa Immediately aent. to -police teadquarter. V - Detective jonn tic w nmi . the scene and made a thorough Investi gation. The officer waa directed to the m tvtm wtva. soma of whom were Induced by the reaasurlng word of th officer te return, v ; . -Th.- wii"u lln -uron Its back. with arm outstretched. Near the right hand lay the revolver wnicn iui.u, tell t'ory of alf-detrucUon. Th . k. nt.. tha bodv. but no man h " - - . evidence of hi IdenUty wa found by the officer. - ; . . . . . . t,r.-U4 tnvestlaatlon Price telephoned to Coroner Flnley, who will complete tne investigation .". noon. The man. It 1 believed, wa de- a I nnM. atilnla and.' finding secluded spot in the dens undergrowth near the park entrance, cameo. u . Intentlona. ' ; " . ''i ' . ...i v. w.a a man Of middle age, dreaaed In an ordinary. of dark clothe. - , ' Crowded House Is Expected to Hear Executive's Final Words In Behalf of Lane. Chamberlain will close the Lane campaign at the Empire theatre Saturday, J una , u . .v. n-inrlnal aoeaker at the ii. hh haa been arrans:ed ny Chairman Montagu, for 'tbat evenings. Other apeaaers wi . ki. maatin of th campaign. and It 1. assured by th Xne managera that the rally to cioae in. r Lane for reelection will be a meeting auch as seldom ha been seen at a mu nicipal election In, Portland. Governor Chamberlain alone 1 th . . . that could be e- Deal orn - lected by the Lane ? J"??" a successful meeuns. speaker and the certainty that what he ola will combine to bring out a crowd that will pack the big auditorium to the door. - .. THtw.a will ad dress the voter of Montavllla alibt a" Warren', halt Bpecial muaic ha. been prepared for the evening and It la expected that (the meeting " . 'mi.. A.nt. nt battle. BO- great auccenn. .u Tne"nVfo.W.r. are there fore much encouragea Dy "1' i,r .v..t ha been riven Dr. recepnona - . , . . : . ...... va haa been heard. - june wu" ' ... From thl time on uu. next week there will be no rest for the tiu..u : Muiin hiTi been pro- vlded for each night of the week, both by the Republican cenirn oummn . tV4tw aaaaaaJlan a at V AAfskw k.w v rt a I anl Pflmn. s lHUTsHlBjr av.w w morlal day. alone will be a holiday, for no politic wm oe inauisra aide on tnai oaw. u.a"-. . iu..noka nn for the period ot rest - a the two opposing forcea will close their east ia campuim night while baturoay wm o up on the west Side, jlliii. ''r mrc FVANS LEAVES : . Ill V I WJ W wa- - ' FOR JAMESTOWN FAIR a. F.vans will leave to night for Jamestowiv where she 1 to take part in aeverai wmrou. y- : aha ia the only member In Oregon of the League of American Pen Women, wmcn wu n"n on June ' 10. She 1 alo a member of the board of the General Federation of Women', dub, which wlU bold.luW- ennlal convention June " w.tJ?; ., to the National Editorial convention whlch Jjneet on June JO,, wnen rr"m. ' A . ..- ha maatlnflr: . . i - As tn advisory member of the na tional pure: food committee she. will speak at the meeting alo to be held in faPAMPSF. TROUBLE atm n iisw-- . - ' - IS BADLY DISTORTED .m. ; ffjMjull HaaPtTIMi. 1 I.'-': -;. San Francisco, Majn 26.The extent . ... Samara done to the Japanese res- i . . hara tiv a so-called mob . haa r!. -o ta the Washington au thorltlc. Several pane of gla were broken by three union picaet, wnoso object wa not t attack ie Jap, but ' kit. - man who were ordered not to patronl the , Japanese . reetaurant iMTPRSTAtE CONTEST IN ORATORY AT EUGENE .....''..'V"...-.! ntaata tn Pha JaaraaLt '' University, of Oregon, Eugene, May 15 -rTho big IntersUte triangular ora torical contest between the Universities of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will ba held In Eugene June ,21, during com ? nrii.It waak Henrv McKlnnev. the monu"!" " ---- - - : . . . northwest fullback of the season of 106. will be Oregon' -representative. The representative of Waahington and Idaho ST OOt ye l mwwn. , mrV fiOULD IS AFRAID SHE WILL BE POISONED v .laariil BDaclal Borrlet.) A T vaw York, May S6.-Mr. X Howard Gould -mad th tate X ' ment to General Bingham thl afternoon that he lived in con W: tlnual dread of poisoning. She X showed letters of warning writ X ten to her, and said h had been unable to discover their author ship. GOVERNOR TO CLOSE CAMPAIGN CALLS GENERAL . ; ., INFAIJT CADET Sherman Bell Resents Arraign . ment by Successor In the Colorado Militia. , ' (Jneraal gpveial gr1e.l -Denver. Col.. May 25.--AdjuUnt-Oen-eral Bulkeley Well of the tat of Col orado, and former AdJuUnt-Oeneral Sherman Bell, one of Roosevelt a Rough Riders, . who , wa , In command of tne General Shermaa Bell. Colorado mllltla during th b war of 1903. are engaged n . ,n Raira dmlnltratlon made by Wella in a recent repon wu . " clal dflclt of I1T.000 left over from Bell' admlnlatraUon.- - tt'.J, - Bell, who 1 naiurauy uu--"-- call hi uce.or ; kindergarten ca- det ana inumun u , - i.trfria "war" WeU nowea cowardice In holding. ". . ,Tt..i vAvsitinn ,-fif Miners 01 in we vrther a., en - tnillUTT DllsHJ 1131 vm- -- charge that weu. a P' V'- Smuggwr-unwn mine, iu " - . . " . .... ramidiated an agree- rluV iniDeviiuii . th. ai7ted nrevlou to meni wu.i-u ------ .7...,. sending troops nw inav ... . taoinaa tha compact which irtrouVhrio be in th. nature of promle by the mlneowner to pay the .a .1. tmnnl. .' . expense u - 'r - -. t. COPS UL OUT . T Police Are Given Inspection and Handed Boquet by Mayor - and the. Board.' ' ufi-mf Annual their sum- roiuanu m . ------ ----- mer uniform today and went through the ordeal of a semi-annuai iuim .-.. and Police Committee men B, L. Sabln, Tboma O. Greene and D M. DOnough ox tne imcuuh The Inspection was -made In the main . ... . . . .k. innnr . Tenth and Da- (iriii nau a. v..- " : via streets. Chief Grltsmachef had tne entire force of 110 men in ne, com manded by Captain Moore. - - , tha anutnment ' Inspection. Moore put the company throagh several plattoon and .auao movemenia, wii.u, considering the fact that one third of the force are-new membera. were exe cuted remarkably welt i'"'-';'i!; At the close of the Inspection, Mayor Lane addressed a few remark to the men. congratulating tnem upon fine appearance and thanking them In the name of the city for the faithful dis charge of their duties. ! . ' With the smallest ponce xorco oi any city In the United State, considering It population, Portland' crime record IS as lOW : as inai OI wiynjujr iu i-a- country," - said the mayor, "and this excellent record 1 due to the faithful and fearles manner In which you have gone about your wor., . , - COMMENCEMENT WEEK .AT DALLAS COLLEGE (HpeeUl Dtopateh to The JMrnal) Dallaa, Or., May ,,25. -An elaborate program i ha , been prepared for the week of commencement by the faculty of Dalla college. The exerciee will ThnnniT. Mav 30. with a lecture by Dr. Kimball of the School of Theol ogy of . Willamette university, ana ciub Wednesday, June 5, with . the alumni reunion and banquet ; The program In full follow: 'L' Thursday,- May IV lecture by- Be. H. XS Kimball. D. P., dean of School of Theology, Willamette university, v . - Friday, May 81, anniversary of the Phlladelphlan Literary .odety. ' Saturday, June 1, anniversary of the Utopian Literary society., i.. Sunday. June 2. 11 a. m..' baccalau reate sermon by President C. A. . Mock. S p m farewell service of the Toung Men', and - Toung Women' Christian association; p. m ermon before the Chrlatlan - association by Bev. L. D. Driver. D. D. ' ' ' . Monday, June t, annual address to Literary societies by Governor George m - f-katnhaeltlll i V- , V ' 'V ' v Tuesday, June 4," a. m., meeting of tha hoard, of trustees: J p. m.. neia worts; 8 p. m., annual musical recital. 4 Wednesday, ; June; 8. 10 a. m., eom- iv m. .' claaa dav exercises: w - ' - 4 p. m., annual business meeting of the Alumni association; 8 p.m.. annual re union of the ; Alumni association and banquet , , NEWSPAPERMEN ARE TO , PUY 0N LEAGUE GROUNDS rha nina- - nice vounc men - 1 ..... attamnt tn nnhold tha baseball lev iiu w . - w honor of the Ore gon Ian are expected and have promised to appear at tne vaugnan street ground at 9:30 tomorrow morn l.'.iui arraat tha fate which has been decreed for them at the hands of The Journal nine. The game wm be caiiea promptly on time. Providence permitting, (ipd will surely be finished by 11:30. If not an intermission Will be taken. Th publlo la Invited to witness the speo . li iii.ii. "' ' . "T HEIR CHESTS 1. 0. 0. F. LAYS CORIIERJTOIIE Ceremonies Mark Progress of the New Building for Aged ' .. Members, , Masons today laid the corner atone for the new Odd Fellow horn at Kenll worth in the presence of a large number of, spectators. Grand Master W, T. Williamson of the Masonic order, Con ducted the laying of the stone. In It waa placed a email oopper casket con Ulnhig document of the day, copfea of Portland daUle and periodicals, names of officer and committees connected with the ereotlon of the new home. ; . . (wm. Pim nf the Maaonlo u i a i4u v,.w' .- . order made a few appropriate remark regarding the symDois ox mo wwn,. and pok of th long pactlce of the Maaonlo order In performing them. .. He wa followed by Grand Mater Rlchrd Bcott r the I. O. O. F..ftWho . alHraaa nn "The HOItlfc He told of 1U bearing on the atablllty of wctety and how it wiiuoncw character'-He emphasised particularly that the home waa made up of the - oclation of -childhood more, particu larly than tnoa i 'r,": .... ii.. atAna hail bMIl l&ld tnl Tlltor, numbering about B00. were In vited tO Otner ouaainea va -"- w ra'raahmanta were served. Tn . .11... L..iMi.n wara lnsnected by .t.itnra . and the convenience of utw . There are- evn acre In the tract . . .v.. rA Vallhwa. now occu- ""l "'. r" 1 holldlnM. The building for which the corner-ton wa. a a --a. M Uak htpr1 It Wall CO0t approximately U.600 when oompleted. It 1 to DO m : - tori, high. ... .v. ,. a. MMan thara ara u ui. uuwi. - men. II children ana w !;. ...-.. Aged member, of th. order widow. . . i ara tint able tS Mr for 'themelvee are cared for by the order at thl place. i " enlarge the buUdlng and build new one. a the demand f or hemgrowa. WILC EXAMINE INTOU ALBERT 0LEM AN S SAN 1 1 Y ..v. nu... tnail-vear-old youth whT.hoVand klll mother county JaO. at t, o'clock Jb. afternoon to determine wnemer w The sceclallaU who will conduct th examlnauon are w. Andrew C. Smith ana vr. -. Young Oleman wa. nrougu l" a u.iana thia mornlpg by Sheriff White of Clumblcounty.The . a va Viavi rn IlttllX m week ago. but wa. postponed on account of th abaence from the city; of two of the allenlaU. LOSES VALUABLE PIN : v ,.. WHILE ATTENDING PLAY Io on of the front seat, at th Hel lig last night a man with hi wife were occupant, and Incidentally lot val uable pin which the woman wore In the .a a ... tha alraaa ODen. ' ion Wiwwu n-w IT--; He told hi. wife of it and bedlscov- . ..... h. .loan waa a-one.. Whether or not It we. .tolen they are unable to tate At any rate, a report m iwi wa. made at the box office of the Hel lig thl. morning, but the pin ,aa not found. Xv li ' METAL-TRADES 'ARE IN . SESSION K PORTLAND Member, of the Pacific Coat Metal Trade.' association are in session at ... ts.-.1.- hntal tnda.V. Twelve mem- bers are attending the meeting and rep resent the Important nrms in tne ro-ww line along the coast The object of the meeting la, to discus, trade condition, and develop a permanent organisation. GOT SUSPICIOUS WHEN ' ASKED TO SELL HOME "yr,y . , ' ':?y (Rnartal TMapateb te Tha Journal) -V SpokUne, Wash.. May- 6. Mrs. Malda T. Caraon, widow, has brought ult a .. to aa -rhlfh aha claims wa XO HPM t-i-w" - - . loaned by her to a man who pretended to be an English neir. jurs. vran been under the treatment of, a clairvoy ant, who Introduced her to the stranger, "Professor' Burton Became a-apoi-aiB-j In love with the widow and eecured the money by saying h could Invest It so that It would bring her large returns, . . a .,. a AutM h.W .l.l xie Dorroweti- a- a.amuin. im .a t,. Mntal 'Thar to Bell her home she began to suspect and finally had him arrested. . "ivijsv:',v HOPES TAGGART WILL - . GET SHARE OF TROUBLE Wi T.HM.t flr-ewtlat Hai-wIi V , (fJUUIIiai rhlcaso. 'Mav 26.A telephone call .k. tin a,, nt Mra. 1. H. Shield, at Highland; Park, a sister of Mrs.iTag- garfr. " brougn tne oiiwinn ni-a aunnfdsed to be Mrs. Shields: - "I aa'M arltMiaf I 'anTtlTl IU EKErL IM -iltJla-. JUlO r Z. . .' an - a. l llr.aa BUS B .--'-' - ' Taxgart is not here. . I can ay for her that h will never see the captain nor tn aea him. .1 hone he is sick as the report say, and hope he Will get U ne snouiu 1 ynyui misery, v He ha. cau.ed enough' for other. STATE BANK EXAMINER V STEELE TAKES OFFICE . .:" . ... ... r.l.a....h tn Vhm YAtrrn.1 1 ' I ISDaViai .ny..u a . - .., ... . r fav J a mra fitrala ra- . . DtUOlU, Xrfa., - " - " cently appoiniea minn twraiuw u m sUte executive board, took the oath of office today before the secretary of state and filed a,8o.ui. pona.-: y-y l&N FRANCISCO MAY - HAVE BEER TOMORROW ;S-K'i" 5.;' .,4'.'5 mmmmmmammmm : . Tg...,. .TMira.l ftnrrlal garvira.1 ' San Francisco, - May 2S. There are indications that San Francisco will not have to go without beer tomorrow. A committee of striker wllt confer with the employer thl afternoon and both sides believe a inuiemtui wm m ii fected. :f.i-..'i--;v":v-r; Saw Negroea Under Lamp. , tM.1 B.r lra - Washington. May 28-An ex-deputy sheriff testlned In the Brownsville In- ir Ha. .that ha aaw rntn flva to vr-ii - , - . seven men In the uniform, of American soldiers carrying gi ins, unaer a , street lamp. He could Identify one a a negro. mT. TWO KILLED Ifl Si JOSE FIRE Incendiaries Cause Death of Men , , . arid Twenty Horses by,lg-. niting Buildings. ' , (Joernal Bpaelal Saritee. ,. . . w.w sWnrk of In- : Ban woao, vaw --' , cendiarle here thl morjlng .resulted In the death of at least two men, anu nrAhahiv aix or elffht the, loss of 20 One horse and th utter deetructlon of three buildings. - Th ponce ar word ing on the ca .and believe that .they will have the Are Hend In cutody with in a iew hours. ' t ' , ; ' . John McDonald and an unldentlfled . .K..iti-.a nt tha conflacra- tlon, which destroyed Frederick Brown feed tore, , Laverty simbi-b Union lodglng-hous. With a number of other people the men who were killed were In the lodglng-houee when the flame brok out So far but th two bodle have been found, although It 1 expected that It will be ahown that lx or lght victim were claimed by the flre when the ember hav cooled auffl clently to permit the clearing away of the debrl. Th horse, killed were In Laverty'. stables. , When the blase wa xtlnguUhed th Uremen dUcovered a bucket of oiled rag. Into which a lighted candle had , a-.-t.ut h - tha Incendiaries. : It 1 ..i.a .K.t . . mtmhitp nf theaa time fuse had been arranged and that the one dlecovered haa acciaenuy gone oui before accompiuning u purpose. loiiifflliii FRAMING CASE Western Washington f Men ; Settle . PlarTf or Opening Portland Gateway. to PROCEEDINGS THROUGH COMMERCE COMMISSION Xhelr Object to Get Car, of Harri- : nuui( if Ther Can, Since , They Can't Get Them of Hfll Word of " Commissioner Lana Give Hope. y t-.a.-l.l Tht-Ht-atatk h fkA 3-M-M-ll. Tacoma, Waah.. May 16. Lumber manufacturer of wtrn : Waahington ar holding . a meeting In Seattle thl a.nii ia nian their line of cam paign In the fight for the opening of tha Inrtlan4 anatawav. Which Will take place before the Interstate commerce commission in waaningion, u. h 11 ' - .".".; a.' . "K an .v.. m ja 4Va a lituklnflp iiimnerman Of Mf ruiu av v w th ta will attend the Waahington .ia v. litfriK.. tfitaraata. 11.1 K V. MUMW ; Tha announcement that tne wortnern Pacinc will oppose tne opening 01 tne Portland gateway has aroused the man a...tiirara Th : declare the defense offered by the road, the shortage of car on th Harrlman ana wu unes, is no a M W . . . 1h. M .Int At tilt Portland gateway would end the mo nopoly on lumDer snipmenw now uom h th. Mill llnaa. Harrlman has Stated v. ia i. fimr nf arrantine . the change In rate and handling of ear requested y the manuracturers. m mmiA that TJnrthrm PaclflO officials have refused to Join with him tn fixing upon a through rate rrom lacoroa to the eaat via Portland. T-.aratata rnmmtrM uommissioner Franklin K. Lane J haa Indicated by -,ritta- atatamanta to the iumoermen . ttt. that ha tutllavea the VI na.itiu.wM -" - - - lumber manufacturer will be satin fled with the outcome or tne nearing, mean that hla nnderatandin' Of condl- .1... la ath ' that ha dOAS nOt belleVO the Northern Paclflo can successfully oppose the granting or an oruer in .a th. iiimhM Intaraata. ''y ,'..; : va, iu. . ... .: .. . -. - The meeting m eeatue toaay is tor the purpose or comparing a aim concern ing the car shortage of th different ui. -A rnm thia daeidlna' MM to the lllllia, .a .a a line of argument to be followed"ln the presentation of tne iumoermen . case. m t and n. TL Palmer. North ern pacinc official, " wlU ' represent the road. Attorney James m. ainion ot m.A anatln 10. flrlfntha of Seat tie will epeak for tne lumoerinen in 4 ttl.Uliia aa . tne neanng.;' .; -;rrM. : - a -a a fifiVFRNOR MEAD AT Wl W W mmm - - - SUNNYSIDE BARBECUE ii, . 1 " 1 ." . ""'-V,i '.:!& V". J.r tll....a. 'a IK. Tm .1 I Wuh. Mav SK flnvrmor Mead attended the annual barbecue here yesterday and addressed tne peopie. AArireaaea were aiso aiiverea or Messrs. Monroe, of Spokane, and Meigs, . of Mr.rth Valrlma. u Thuradav ntaht a ban que t was given at the Sunnyalde hotel by the commercial, ciup w sonor w un rovernor. Lee A. . Johnson was toast- master. ' . OFFICERS ON TRAIL - .OF TRAIN WRECKER J' . . I .TMirnail Snrrlal Harrlpa.l Lo Angeles. May 25.. Th sheriff aaA..aD ,iiav. that tha mnn . who th. Bmitharn PanlfM train Tianr Glendala will be In custody before night Evidence uneartneu oinuo inn wroua in dicates that the wrecker started for Tm Aaaalaa Immediatelv after the deed was committed. Offlcer are on hi trail and say they have an excellent de scription OX mm.' , .. A. N. WRIGHT. JEWELER. : rDIES AT WHITE SALMON A. N. Wright the well-known Jeweler of thl city, died at Whit Salmon, .111 rtVlnrlr this mom Tl BBIIlUa tvii, a - 7 lng. Mr. Wright bad been 111 for om time and was taken to White Salmon a few days ago In the hope that he might be benefited. - -No arrangement for th funeral have yet been mad. At a conference between the executive Council of the American ireaeraiion ot I ahnr anil renraaentatlve . Of th Sev eral rnJlwav brotherhood tt waa de cided that a bill hould be Introduced at the next session of congress deprlv t nnurti Inferior to the United SUtes supreme court of the power to doclsre unconBtluyonai any act, ?--"" OEGICEn SAYS he mm Man Arrested for Death of Girl Tells Conflicting Stories , About Murderer. - 1.l lu nl.l H.rr Ira. ' tri-ihiir.t i. t. Mav 26.- Henry - n.-irar tha aiianantKi. alavef of Amelia -i. Btaffeldt, has confessed to being a wit ness or the killing. He declares a iau. , dark Slav stabbed her. Detective are , searching New Tork and It la believed the man described will be arrested to- , day, A thumb print on the knife han- die was taken In wax. Becker wa taken to the morgue and sank on his knees, 'declaring:- "Poor girl. If I could bring you back to life I wouldn't harm a hair of your neaa. . , , , Becker etorie conflict - , SMALL BOY IS NEARLY DROWNED IN SLOUGH, einkanl TamriKitll . amalf luiv waa nr1 rtrnwnail In the almiarh hat warn Est Second and East Third and East Morrison ana ltast waaningion sireeia . . A'-ln-tr thia iftarnnnn Tha hlap dredge Is , filling the low ground In v mi. aiairivi. anu mo wnun urniuij - covered with six or eight Inches of v . water. X large crowd of boy wm chasing carp In the shallow water, when tna i'jmnn.ii iaa ran into a iu-iuoi nun and wa nearly dead when G. W. Bever ..tnA..y... In tl.hlnr hint Atlt ' .. A t tei . .VUvuvu .m ....-. a . . ... .. .. - - aaveral minutes of vtarorous work th ' boy was resuscitated, tn wa. laavn , to the home of hi. parents t 27 Eaat Belmont . .. . ,:,' '' .' : ' ,.:-'v.. . '" t One New Caae. ' ' Ana' K.w -..a nt anln.l manlnaHtla ' appeared In the city yesterday and the victim wa. promptly removed to fit" . Vincent', sanitarium ' for treatment ' The case la under the observation of Dr. wnoeier, ciiy nea-im oiiicer. . . AT THE THEATRES j "Mrs. Warren's Profession" at HeUtg The attraeUoa at the Belllg tkettre, roar tseath end Waablnftoa streets, tonight and to bmitow (Snodax) nlfhts will be the brilliant aetrMa. Base Cochlan. and her ceDabla company ef playere la Banuud Shaw's drama, "Mra. Warren's rrefeeelon." Beau . are selling at theatre box office for both sights, Henrlett , Crosman Next . Monday. The ' ehannlnf actnaa, Henrietta Cmamaa, and ber excellent company ef players will pre sent Er-Mf Denny's farelcal eemedy, "All-of-a-8od-ea-rersy." at the Halllg theatre, roar- uaaui aaa wasninfioa iimia, pcxi amraiy. Tnewlay and Wednesday nights. May ST, 29 ea . Maata ara anw atlllna at theatre box office for the entire entar-nat. - , . Annie Bossell Next Week. 'wr I 1 ... r. , allf M..t th. rivnua a aa - a..iai r. wm. . fascinating aetraM. Annte B-asall, as Park la Shakeaneare'a delightful eomedy. "A Mldaam- . viahi.'lw..n . tk. n.llla thaatra. roartenth and Waahtngtoa streets, next Tbnra- day, rruay ana sararaay biitd, mmj . and Jane 1, with e apaclal price na tinea Satnr day. Seat sale opens aaxt Teeaday. . . Sunday Matinee at Marqnam. ttHm-mM. am neffiwiniw-l W - Htm Aft After - "-a w trm - " - - boob and Bight at tba Marq van Grand tbcatra. Fwrnarir tna doom -wm omtk ob obhwj.' bow tb aaAjrMDnt opens It a thto 4f ml . - frv. msHnaa tnrrrwrnmw mttT ITU IWV avaaw !-" ,a ' nooa will be "The Singing Girl.!' which will aave Its jaat Brweniauou wiawniw evening. . ,-'--"'. The Sta-oners. ." . ..2 -i ... . ' .II aatl nak tha Saa a " PnillUir Big-. -a - " . I arlll ha heard la "Tlia innviav viiw. .rv ' , StroUers" at the llarqnam Grand theatre. ThVa Is e naleal eoa-eny in won- acored aaceeaaes is Seattle. Salt take. " . . i ...I t. Portland. "The Strollers" was played here by thia company laat winter. ... . a . . u.l..l aniaarte a nil . 4hA at which time u niu.iv.. company were greeted by enthnalaatlc an- dlences. . .--... .-,.,., Last Time "A Contented Woman." . . '. -n...aiiia tha anaaaemetit of "A Contented Woman," which haa provided real amusement to hundreds ''"", tne week. win cloae. The y ia one i - wt-t which the male and female popnlatkm teteatlng and the piay " auaraa, r... . "The Dairy Farm" I at . the Baker. ' Bealnnins with the matinee perrormance w own?nV-t.nuln, entire E "a tSal pl "snch whole, uaaer. . -"".!", .., th.t it will ha Iplea .U to. "BaVeTpana. TheeUy KraP r"nc- whereTW prodnceoC . . Close of the Empire.: ' . . - s.. Kmulra will be k?Tt hTm"m.n"sr0cVc,W.ny home of ei-".'..,;rtt- will remain ears, ao . " . .. Lwiokod tlont are eoircerncd.ntll "lJmcit If-IL weak WlU t the bill tonight. Th. SSSTwStt T2S? bW.U,aSwad at thl. U.t per- formance, , ' ' . , r-- . "Wedded Bnt No Wife," . aotelty U promlaed at the atVd for the flrat time hi - ''hr. i"la Uratnre. Illartv h.r own rftitmiiB-iK--rT:,r. .... .tnHaa Bermond Whltaaer anu PH? now of the Seaman Stock company at the nil, now u l" "... .... a., mmnint tO ' Empire, will join -no p- " r ". play leada next week. - ' , ' 'Knobs o' tennessee," .'.i.fc. snnilav afternoon and sight wHl .-be .: the' laarthre., of tbe; tar mug malodrama. ' l the remaining per- Star theatre. Se, ,h,. -ho rte- S? very'fulTuriii th. paat weak. ''. Grand Tandeville. Always at the Grand n be fonnd la imndevllle. - ThU week's bill la PiCP; Ifaa and there ar. three aketcbe. on th. pJ)W i whlf h hare made repntatloni on MmT STitr of th. eaat. -The aketchM are itiSfnraitl by a number of aonr and dance hn VlU bV Speared nntti tomoTow tight, with the nanal Bundaf performatvee-. . "The Counterfeiters." Tonight, tomorrow .matinee- and night are rJr at chaneea to ae. th. Allen Stock eom-. iy at the Lrrte in th. thrilling melodrama , r-Tb. Coimfertelter-.' Ml Vera. Pelton and th. other oopnUr playera of th. company are -.oJn to adrUg.Pln thl. bill. There Is an .Snndane. of good, clean comedy., Beaarved Mats may be ordered by telephone., ' ' "Polly Primrose." " r . -.Tntmrrow morning at the tyrle the .ale ef ear. open, ft th. dHghtfol comedy-drama "Pollr Prlmnw." which the Allen Stock com ranr will gl at that theatr. next week. b alnnlng Mt-nday eTcnlng, with matinee. Tn-. day Thuraday, Saturrtnr and Sunday. Yo I iron t want te ;