The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Marquaa Grind
."Mra, Warren's Profeealon'
"The Singine Girl
"A Contented Woman
Wicked boDOon"
,, ..,.....,, BOuB leuueaare
It ! becoming quit a fad of lata for
epicures to take down their phones, can
Mr. Sargent of tb Sargent hotel, Grand
and Hawthorne avenues, and ear "Oct
vp a dinner for myself and friend (or
friend, as the case may be), for this
venlng. We'll be over at a o'clock'
or such other hour as may be .con
venlent, Mr, Sargent, formerly with.
the Arlington club, ta doubtless one of
the most competent caterers In the
United States. His fame Is not eon
fined to the coast alone, but Is recog
Msed from Ban Francisco to New York,
and there is not a day but that tourist
and traveler acquaintances and those
who hay heard of his ability find his
new and elegant hotel on the east aide
of the river there to regale themselves
with the . choicest delicacies western
America ' . affords. .' Twenty-five - new
baths have been Installed In richly fur
nlehed suites that bad not' heretofore
been thus supplied, and now there are
but a very small number of apartments
In which there la not ne luxury -of
bathe, toilets, hot and eold 'water and
telephone service. Indeed there la hot
a hotel In all the west more delicately
and completely appointed, nor la there
a table west of the Atlantlq superior to
that to be found at this large and
lendldly equipped establishment. Six
ectrle carllnee pass the bouse, afford'
Ing easy access to any Dart of Portland.
The Sargent Is the home of t,he aristo
crats East Side club. .'--: ' - .; ..- "
, Tb preliminary bearing of George W.
Sever was continued yesterday after
roon until Tuesday morning by United
States Commissioner J. A, Bladen.
James H. Parka, deputy federal mineral
Inspector at Goldfleld. was on the stand
yestenlay. and said the mining company
of which Bever Is manager and vice-
president possesses only a prospect and
not a mine. Parks testified thst he
would not give 11 cents a share for
stock In Bever's - company. He said
that Instead of being in the heart of the
uoianeia district the company's prop.
eny is xour miles away.
Dr. G. Ik Tufts of the Reform Bu
reau 'will speak Sunday night, at I
.o'clock : at Kenllworth Presbyterian
church, corner of Gladstone avenue and
East Thfrty-slzth street. This eerviee
will be In the Interest of the local-op
tion election to exclude saloons , from
precinct 41. The question to be dls Mr. Tufts Is whether the
' saloon is , a legitimate business or a
crime. '' In either event he will contend
that It has no businees la a residence
precinct.;- :.'"' v
' A musical and literary program of
exceptional excellence will be given
next -Monday night, May t7, at the
Sailors' Friend society, ; lit Flanders
street. Among the talent ngaged for
the occasion Is Mrs. Waller W. Bruce,
a graduate of the ' Chicago Dramatic
school and a new resident o -Portland.
Mrs. Bruce is a native Oregonlan. v The
Candidate gambles All Around
Question of Campaign Funds,
But Does Not Answer.
Fireworks broke forth at a Republl
can rally which was held on Thurman
street, near Twenty-third street, last
night, when Thomas C. Devlin depart
ed from the even tenor of his speech
In ' which h) discussed city improve
ment ; measures and . denounced the
charges which had teen made against
him, relative to the manner in which
he secured revenue for conducting bis
campaign, "' -:, .,; .'' ...:.;.
Mr. Devlin? however, 'did not offer to
make a statement in answer to Mr.
Montague's question, whether or hot he
was willing to publish an account of
expenses at the primary in the present
campaign. He dodged the Issue by say
ing that If It was asked of him, the
same aooounting should be demanded o
other' candidates, -v .
Mr. Devlin said in part: ' . ' '
"At the night of the primary I was
not indebted to any pereons or corpor
ations or any Interest la this city to
the smount of five cents. And I will
say further that neither the liquor nor
corporation Interests assisted or con
trlbuted to my campaign. .
"Hinoe the primary I have expended
no money whatever In the interests of
my election, the campaign now being
left entirely in the hands of the Re
publican, committee." . v
While Mr. .Devlin denied receiving
money from publlo utility or any other
corporation, he did not attempt to an
ewer any of the other questions asked
by Mr. Montagus. Instead, be proceed
ed to . discuss elvlo Improvements-and
some of the proposed charter amend
menta. v.-ov. '- w
Attorney . R. E. Moody presided at
the meeting, Which was attended by
only a handful of voters. Beslaeg"Mr.
Devlin, JrPrKavanaugh," candidate for
city attorney on the republican ticket,
Councilman Robert A. , Preston, ' and
George Howell spoke. -. .
of conditions in his section of the state
Is believed to be well fitted for the po
sition, Hs will assume his new duties
next week, j
Articles of incorporation of the Law
vers Mutual Library association were
filed In the of floe of the county clerk
this morning by A. Sweek, George
Bateeon, and Seneca Fonts. Their pur
pose is to exchange books among law
yers. Capital stock, f 1,300. . x -
Owing to Inability to secure the Mult
nomah club grounds for this afternoon.
the baseball gam between : the city
council and assessors has been post
ported until Saturday, June 8. This
will civs more time to talk it over.
Arthur Burnett, a Portland laborer.
filed a petition in bankruptcy this morn
ing In the United States district court
His liabilities are placed at I89S. and
his assets at $190.
Steamer Jess Harktns, for Camas,
Waahougal and way landings, dally ex
publlo are cordially invited to this eon- eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
cert. There
will be no admlaalon I ock I p. m.
Through the efforts of Postmaster
J. W. Mlnto and the chamber of com
merce, a direct routs ms be as
tabllshed between Portland and Eureka
soon. Senator Jonathan ' Bourne Is
working In the interests of . the mall
route at Washington and recently had
a conference with the second assistant
postmaster-general regarding . the pro
posed route. '
Dr. Walter L Howard, chronlo. nerv
ous and Special diseases, electricity and
electric light treatment Commonwealth
building. ,r .;
W.A. Wise; T. P., Wise. H., A. Sturde-
vant, dentists, Third and Washington.
Mala lOit. Painless method used.
Why pay morel Metxger fits your
eyes for It ill Wash. St. cor. 7th.
formerly at 111 Sixth, street
"Jt Conttrvatlw Cuitodlan"
' PAYS '
4 Per Cent.
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
' Corner Washington -.-.
; . - V BAPTIST, . T
Arleta Ear. John nantatan. neater.
cunoi, iu a. n. -nnior union, a
X. P. V., 7 p. m. : preachlnc at 11
p. ; a.
x. r. v., T p. a. ! praecblag at 11 a. m. aaa
p. m. if Itmf Edmunde, faelfie eoeat Boa-
oar eeoooi mtaaloaaxy.. . . -
Third V.ruvi.u ,m.u an Kaott Stfeft!
Rev. sL M. Bliaa. naator. Bnadar school. 10
a. m. t Draaehln at II ak. and T:80 S.
HlsblaoiJ Albarta and Sixth streets, flaaday
ebool. 10 a. m.: B. v. p. p.. Id, b.1 preaea
Ing at U a. m. by A, U. Joboeonl 7:6 p. nn
by John Beotcco. .-t--t --. - t
- Sail wooA Taooma anit Maranttr trfta!
Swrre A. La.rn. Soodar arhool, 10 a.
praachtaf at 11 a. m. and T:S0 p. m.
vaivaryEaat Elfhta and Oraat treat I bmt.
Nearly the entire supply of James
town stamps has been sold and Post
master J- W. Minto has ordered a seo
ond supply. The stamps are unusually art, Fifth and Taylor streets.
pretty In design and make an attractive
showing. Many sets have - been pur
chased by stamp collectors. The de
nominations are 1. s , and 6 cents.
Bummer school or ' metalwork opens
May 19. - For particulars. Museum -.of
Capitalists. Twenty-three sere for
sals as a whole. Western Oregon Turst
Co 291 Stark street , ,
Saturday night is the big pavilion
at Eighth and Hawthorne, an excep
tional opportunity ; to hear the story
and import of the earthquake In Ja
male la tft ha aH van tn tha mihllA nf
Portland. Jh speaker was an eye- er Cohen, 111 Ith. the Kodak store.
witness of ths earthquake. Hs will
Special 10c, 15o and tOo lunch, 11:10
i to 1. Oregonlan . uonzectlonery, , lsl
Sixth street
Eastm.-Ji kodaks ' and supplies. -1
present the subject but one.
' R. J. Fltsslmmons and -Charles Mil
ler, who pleaded guilty to the charge
of stealing 26 pounds of chewing to-
, bacoo from a store on union avenue,
were sentenced to six Vnontbs each In
ths county Jail by Judge Cleland In
the circuit court yesterday afternoon.
"The Great Now" and "An All-Ab-
sorting Purpose" will be the; subjects
of Rev. A. J. Folsom af the First Con
gregational t' ureh Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. Folsom Is ths new su
perintendent of ; home missions for I
Orsgon, ; -.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist has
moved nis omoe to boi-4 Buchanan bldg.
'"Christlaa Science and Religion," Sub-1
public forum meeting, First Chris-1
tlan church. Park and Columbia, tomor
row night George R. Thompson, first
speaker. ; Publlo invited to participate.
Tha Independent Voter, is ths sub
ject of an address by Rev. Clarence
True Wilson, D. D., at ths T. M, C. A.
nau at i: jo p. m., Sunday. ;
W. T. Fogle, editor of the Forest
Grovs Times, has been appointed United
; States commissioner by Judge Charles
B. Wolverton,,: Mr, IJqglj Is weU known
TT'td ' politicians in all' parte of Oregon,
and because of his Intimate knowledge
Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety coal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 781.
Woman's Kxchanre. lit Tenth atreat
lunch 11:10 to t; business men's lunch.
Levy's Muslo House, 111 Fifth street
Photo mounts. Woodworth, leH 1st
D, Chambers, optician. Iff Seventh,
Berger signs 184 Tamhlll phone.
Good f 1.80 shoes. Marks Shoe Co.
Bark TobIs for rlfenmatlsn. '
Beck Jeweler 101 Alder. "
Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth.
Nurseryman Pilklngton, ft Tamhlll,
Summer dresses. Madam McClur Co.
Beautifying eresms. flee Mms. Hudson.
Klser scenlo photos. Imperial hotel.
Metsger fits youf syes - for II.- 141
Lawrence Black. Blbla aobooL 10 a. evj
preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. n.
iBninuH. aaeone and Maaaa atraaia. rraeai'
Ins at 11 a.' m. ami 7:45 . m. br Kev. B.. O.
Cook; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; Junior meeting,
8. n. B. x. p. v., e:4B p. m.
race MODUrlila: Gilmaa Parker. Bttateter.
Serrlcee at 11 a. an. and 7:80 e. ra. The Btn
Batler soat O. A, R., will attend tae morning
servicae in a boar,
Oantral Kaat Twonflafll and Ink my atreatat
Rev. W. T Jordan. At 10:90 a. m "Onr
Dayitf Beat"; Young Peoplt'a meeting. SW
p. m.t Sttaaay acAeoi, u m.i at s p. m-. eraa-
rallatle servlcee. K .
univeraur fart Rev. A. n. waita. eonaar
achool at io a. m. mornloc worahlp, 11 e'eleck,
aarmoa. "ProbUms of Caorck Enlarnment" i
eTenlng aenrlca at 8 o'clock, aennon, "The Core
iot Mtiancooiy." -
" Tint Tha White Temole. corner Twelfth
and Tailor atreeta: Bar. 1. Whlteomb BrooKher.
1). D., naator. Uornlng worahlp. 10:30, eermttt
by Dr. J.1 W. A. Stewart of Bocfacater, Nw
Yora7"The Common Lot"; Bible achool. 12:10
P. m.; B. I. PrTJ. aarrlce, 0:80 p. leader,
Mies Nellie K. rnrnlah; popolar nlnr serrlce.
:0 p. m., Br. i. W. A. utawan win pnarn
"Tha Rtara and tha Man." BDechU mouc
by the Temple quartet and -choir. X
Second Keren tn and East Ankeey eTreemi
Rev. fitantoa C. Laoham. naatot. BarTlcea at
10:80 a. m. and T:80 p. m.i Bible achool, 12 m.
Young People's anion, 0:80 p. m. -
Baalar-Street Betweaa ' Twentr-Srst aad
Twanty-aacond atreeta. Sunday achool. a. m.;
preaching at 10 a. m. by Bar. John Benrslen.
St. Johns B. A. Leonard, paator. Bnaday
achool, 10 a. m.f sennoa, 11 a. m.j B. P. x.
V.. e:SO p. m.i aermoa, T:80 p. m.
Chlneae lfiaaloa S52V4 Oak street Bonaay
ecbool. T p. m.i preaching la Chlneae, B p. ro.
f irst uerman rourth aaa iiu airmui ow.
Kratt naator Bandar achool, S:4S a. m.i
preaching, 11 a. m.; Vetraf People' a aniMng,
I D. m. s areolae nrearhlna. T:0 o'clock.
Second German Uorrla a tract ena soaney
arenue: Bar. r. Bneermaan. paator. ' Bandar
achool. :5 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.; Tonag
reopwe meeting, I p. a.; ereaing prwacuius,
Beat rortT-fooTth-fltreet Mlaaten At the
home ef F. L. Bunting. 1210 Eaat Yamhill
treat at I s. m. Serrlcee led by Bev. B, u.
Cook. . . - '
Lenta Ninth arena; near Moont Scott ear
line, at home of William Knee land. Preaching
at 8:80 p. m. by Bar. Jobs Bentilen.
Mount Olire erenth and Ererett; Bev. B.
B. B. Johneon, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m.
and S p. m. . . . , '
':.C ; i 1 txtxvtraxkX.
UUpab Eaat Thirteenth and Powell atreeta;
Bar. Jerome B. McOlade, D. D. Preaeblnf
at 10:80 e. m. and 8 p. m. Prealdent H. 11.
Crooks of Albany college will apeak on "Chris
tian Education" at e p. m.
niriciamnth and Cta a tree tat ' Bee,
Ban-Kara Btllea Sir Jr., D. 1). Serrlcee, 10:81
a. and I'M . m.: Sunday school. 13
rourth Flret and Glbba atreeU. Prealdent
BT. hi. Crook a of Albany eollece wUI apeak on
Christian Edocation" at 10:SO a. m.i nonaay
echooi. ia m.s . P. B. C B. anion meeting,
:80 p. m.; at T:4B p. m., preaching by Bev,
IP MnAlata. .- Snaclal mtialc.
Hawthorne-Park Tweirtn ana can i-arar
atreeta: Bar. B. Neleon AUao. snnnar ecumi.
. . .A nA . ,.M .
IS m.i eerrices ei iu:ov a. w. anu .ov w wi
v p. a, ct. .. e:B0 n. m. -
rerbee Bellwooa atreet' ana. uanienoem are
aet Bev. Harry u. rraii. rreaenma;, u
a. m. ana t:bo p. m.: eanaar acaooa, jiv a. aa.i
nrutlan Endearor. S:SO B. m.
Piedmont Cleveiane : arenoe ana inru
mtrMt- .. I. Mrron Booaer. ' machine at
11 a. m. ana ( .ov p.. n.j ounua kuw, wu
''wMtmlnatae Kan Tenth and Weldler atreeta;
Ear. Henry 'L. Marcotte. Serrlcea at 10:30
a. m. and TIM p. m.t ounaaj acnooj, i m.f
X. P. 8. 8. B., 6:45 p. m. - '!
Flrat Twelfth and Alder atreeta i Bar. Wit
Hem Hiram foalkea. At 10:80 e. a., "Grace
ihnondine": anion rally of the city Chrlatlao
nUMmr aodatiaa at e:18 p. m.: sanaay acnooi,
12:80 p. m.i preaching at T:S p. e, , tople
m.i aermoa at 11 a. m.j eerrice at T:80 p. m.i
claaa uimtluj, 12. IB p. in.) Epwortb league,
:80 p. m, j
Central Raaaell and Karbr atreeta) J, t, Ab
ba tt, paator. Herrlces by puter at at a. m.
and 7:ilO p. m.
Chlneae ML. tun Chan Sing Kal, pastor.
Pnarblng, 11 a. m. awl 7:80 p. m.
' MontarlUa H!btar and Uoble atreeUi Bar.
Harold Oberg, paator. Baoday achool, 10 a. m.i
Kaater aerrioa, 11 a. m. Jnulor league, 8
p. m.i Kpwortb league, :4S p. u.I preaching
aerrlce at 7:80 p. ai. . 1 1
Lenlt-W, K. Ingalla, paator.; Praacnlug at
11 a. m.' and 7:80 p. m. ;
MontarllJa Oragun- and Hubbard, H. Oberg,
paator. r rescuing 11 a. m. and 7:80 D.
Mount Tabor Jamee kloere, paator. Preach.
ing at ii a. m. aad 7:80 o. m.
- Patton Michigan arenue aad Carpenter. II.
T. Wire, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
i:o p. a.
Vaocoerar Arenne Preatblng at 11 a. si.
aaa p. m. ,. - .
Woodiiwn . H. Dewert, paator. : Preeehlug
a. ii a. u. ana i.w n. m.
tVoodatock W. T. Kerr, paator. Preaching
ai ii a. u. ana I. BU p. a. . -
r Norwegiao-laBlah mtrtaentk and Darla, O.
V. ' P11". rreachiog at ll a. I
, .OU P. BB. -
Swedlah Borthwlck and Beach, Bar.
eon. paator. Preaching at U a. nv aa
p. ai.
Tin. Oermaa riftaenta and Hort' O. A.
Waaaa, paator. . Preaching at 11 a. ga. aad
i:o p. a. . f.
Uecond German Stanton and Bodner. H. B
Meaa, paator. , Preaching at 11 a. m. and T:S4
Japancee Mtaalon 121 North Fifteenth.
r reacn id at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
tnireralty Park O. A. Walter. 7 seatoe.
viTiL-a a. ia a. m. ana i'bv e. m.
inreiwood Bev, a H. Woolarr, peaeSr. Bnn
day achool, 10 a. m.i memorial aerrlcea, 11
a. m., topic, "The Lord Belgneti" junior
p. m. wpwurtn league, 7 p. m.1
preaching at p. m, Special muel by duet end
' Sanday aebeot, 10 a. m.
mimiimiBii i
L JO. K.
, topic
Cheater Paul Cates.
preaching, 11 a. m.. toolc.
J. K. 0. B 2:80 p. m.i S, K,
p. m.i preaching, 7:30 p. m
at en. ....
Orkley Oreen Oay atreet and
boulerard; Ber. I. Bowereox, paator. ..At
11 a. m.. Breach In . aableet. "Wladom Frotn
Ood"i 7:80 p. a., anbject, "Ooi Onr Bread
Olrer"! Sunday tcbool at 10
u. c. at e:ou p. m.
m. K. L.
Flrat Enxllab Kat Sixth and Market atreeta
B. A. fiiewert. paator. Preaching at 11 a. m.
Sunday achool, 10 a. m. Young People' al
liance, 6:40 p. m.i erening eerrice, 7:48 o'clock.
rirat Oermaa Corner Teatb and Clay etreeui
Theodore Bcbasec, paator. Suaday achool at
:80 a. m.i aermon at 10:48 a. m, and 7:18
. A- 7 e. m.
Memorial Eaat Sight
p. m.i Y. P. A
0. Hoorer, paator. Preaching at 11 a. a. aad
iteenth end Tlbbettai U
p. m.i Sunday achool, 10 a. a.j Young t'eo-
pie weeuuf , l p. , m.
cmrgTiAgr torairoB. ' :
Flrat Church of Cbrfart, Sclent let Scott! ah
Rite cathedral. Morrlaoa aad Lownadala atraeta.
yha. I ferrlce at 11 a. m. and S p. a anbject.
.wl Ancient and Modern Necromancr. aa hfaaniee.
' I laaa anit RvnM.lun"i 1.... mIum! -. A
aiumineT aerrice. waanaaaay erasing, a -eioea.
Second Klka' tenpla, Btark. between Sixth
and Serenth atreeta. Berrleea at 11 a. a.
and I , a, aubject, "Ancient and Modem
Necromancy, or "Ueamerlam and Hypnotlam"
acoooi, 11 a. a. weaseeaay aeeung,
P. SI, . r-; , . ... .i. . . I,
'- nrrrxB stxrasyj nr tnanrx. -
Flfit Eaat rirteeath end Morrlana streetai
Ber. H. C. Shaffer. Blbla echeet et IS au m.i
ennon at 11 a. a.i earaos et 7:80 a. m.i r.
P. S. O. B.i 7 p. m. - .. ' ' .
Badleal -Slxtk and Mechanic atreeta Bev. CL
f. Blanflbard. .B"ndy eeaeal, IS a. m. ermoa,
11 a. am. and f:80 p. a.
rre-Cefbdral of Bt Btepbea-tse Mai In-
.uinniii ana vtay atreeta; Her, a. M. Bal
aar, near. uoj eommasloe, 7:80 e. a. gaa
day 'School. 0:48 a. m.i mornlna ... .1 . it
vtriuca, erening eerrice, i;u o'clock.
xrimty nineteenth and Ererett atraetat Dr.
A. A. liorrleca. rector. Berrleea, S a. a.i
prayer and eddraaa, g e' clock Sanday school!
vitfu a, a.
SL Darid'a Eaat Twelfth and Ralmaat
aireerei Becior, ner. ueorge B. Vaa Watera,
v.. u. noiy ommanioa. s a. a. I Bora
ing prayer, i litany and aermoa at 11 aaiacai
v.wuuie " v aua RUBHa, I ;oj o CIOCS.
. All Salnta Tw.atr-eecood and Beed atreeta
snnday school. 10 a. m.1 ereolne aarvlea. r-Jta
wauiuu ww mi, ax v. ;oamoeta.
mJS:'uA9W, e-OnlreTalty Park Bar. W. B,
Powell, chanlaln. Sundae achaoL-a:lB au a.i
. . ,Bu pwuta i id n. ai. ...
Good Shepherd Seilwood atreet and
eourer ereuue, Alblnai Ber. Joha - Uawsoa.
Buaaay aonoot. :a a. m.
St. J oh a
Powell la
eerrice and
St. PanJ e Woedmerei C L. Pera-.
, w vuarae, auDoay acnooi. e:4a
1 09tA of Oar Father Corner ef Taahm aed
ereath atreeta Rer. W. O. Bitot It., mlala
tart Rev. T. L. Eliot. I). D aalaiata.
Serrleae II U e. mv Rev. J. O. Oorby e the
Church . of Good Tiding will Breach.
Sanday achool, S:48 e. a.i kfsderrartee, 11
a. a.: adult aUaa. 11 BO a. m. . V ij
6:80 p. a. ,r-- . t " -'
Cbnreh ef the Btranaera .Wi , ..a
Oread eveaoe Bee. 8. Bart Da Bole, liarai.a
jerriee. njdS e'cloek. Chriat in the Storm"
Bonday ecbool. 11 a. aermoa, 7:80 a. m "I
Meaaage foe Today." Sarrlcea for aetee every
Bnnday morning.'
Soeday achool. la m. eeraoa, 1M p. saT
TrTl.tli, and it alii ataT E.,, O K 6?
in charge. Bonday achool, 10 a. a-1 n. a. oaa reopiat eerrtce el
ind sermon at U a. a. . '' ' . ,-;
a. a.
' " f . ..'? BTaiTUAXIBT. '' ;v
Rev, John Slat a.- a-.i n a...
:1 aharp, W. a W. hafl. Eleventh a...
Awer atreet ender the aniplcee of the Pro
tect Ire flDlrltaal aaaoeUH. Tk.
Iraa ..... Humt. ..ii. . .iT .TT.V I k.n " r . ai. a n. u, W.
10 a m. ' acauoi, i aieaaag-ae oy aone aedinms.
K. ll.A'fl l-. U ' - I ' 3 4 : '"' ' - '
atreeUi Bar. 1. B. H. aim peon, rector. At
a. aaj, ooiy eommonioai 10 a. a., Sanday
acnooi ll a, m., holy communion aad aermon i
morning aerrlee and aermoa at 11 a1 dock
et. Matthaw'e Flrat d rian,,k
tier. w. a. M. Brack In rh.r.. ani..
uhtal a.ia - . . - . . m .
. " aw, ice aaa aermoa, 11 a. m. ,
Tw bui wimi , ;aw p. m
iue unurcB or our Barlor Woodstock.
wasnington street corner
formerly at 111 Sixth street
tm m 'DOGB mml
Mr,tii. tha tnearahle.
Faltoo Bev. A. B. Barkholder. 'Bonday
achool at 11 a. a.! Cbrtetlaa Endeavor, 7 p. m.
aerrlce, 7:48 p. .- . - .- v - j ,
Ma.ahaii.RTpeei atarenau ana norta nerea-
terath etreeta: Ber. V. W. Maya. ssneay
ecbool. 10 a. m. preaching, 11 a. a. and 7:80
. m.i X . t. D. tfc u., o;ao p. uu .
Unnnt Tabor Belmont and Prettrman streetai
Ber. Edward M. Sharp. Berrleea at U av a.
and T-SO I. m. - ' S:: '
Anabel KeV. ueorge rr. inm, ,r. oauaay
Bhnnl. 0-45 a. a.! church aerrlce. llwo a. m.i
Young paopie-e eocieiy, iw V. " e.ruiua
aerrlce, 7:45 p. m. - '- ' . .
Sell wood Corner sear aerenieeaio ana epv
kane arenue; Rev. 1). A. Thompeon. paator.
Snnday ecbool. 10 a. m.i preaching at 11 a. m.,
br. J. E, Wllaon of Portland academrr repre-
aentlng the ' Anti-Saloon league, will apeak;
erening eerrice, onion memorial at af. I.
ebnrch. m
Third Eaat Tnlrteento ana nne etreeta: nev.
Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. Preaching at
10:80 a. m. and 7:43 p. m.i erening topic.
'Why Prayer la sometime unanawerea.-'
Vereon Beat Twentiern ana wygam.. rreaen-
Ing at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. by Bev. O. A.
Blair: Snnday achool, IS m. i ;
Montarllia iter. J. A. v. Mcuaw, acting
paetor - Sunday achool, 10 a. m. preaching
at 11 e. at. and 7:80 p. B."",i:-: iV' ;.;
. 1CETH0W8T. 1 ' 7
TaytorJitreet Dr. Francia Bargette Short.
Claaaea, :80 a. m.; aermoa. 10:80 e. BW by
the oaator; Sanday echooi, 12:15 p. m.1 En-
worth league, 6:43 p. m. et 7:48 p. m "Our
Mother," or Our Center of Comfort." .
Seilwood Fifteenth ana Tacoma atreeta; KtV.
It. Wagner. , ounaay acnooi, iu a.
If you are hesitating as to what to do with your money: whether to
muc ii auuunu your premises, carry it on your per
son or deposit it In bank, how isthe time to take a
good look on both sides. 7 On one side you" will see
J ;' A.---?- - ei te e a a.
aeUlgcr, inconvenience ana pOSSlDie poverty. Wftlle aermon at ll a. m. and 7:80 p. m.j Sunday
on the other are safety, convenience and prosperity. "8tr.iLl..rffi
You don't need any glasses to see these things, only StFrUBZSw nFLfrm
a 111UC ;cooimon BCnSC, BO Sex UP On Uie tOP rail and I P- m- eunaay acnooi. 11 a. m.; eiaaa meeting,
i e. . .. r. . . . -. ... . .. 1 12:15 n. m.. Junior hMurue. S o. m.
jump asvxar S.S you CanOn tne DanK SlOe. ; ' , Grace Corner of Twelfth end Taylor etreeta!
Whether you have much or little money we. will loTso
make you welcome In this bank , and accord you
courteous treatment and food service. We will "Oomi
guard ybur treasure safely, watch your interests .carefully and help J-bW'KiV minJ'Zui
Tl -.T.t-- a 1C1 - . - . . . 1 and Shea. . . r . :
I P. m, ereneong and aermoa.
. ; oovaxiaATiovAi.
rnlrereltr Park leia n,a. . n- a..
j i i a. m., Bonaay acaooa, J. IS.
v.vus, uawiniaaueui, eerncea at U e. a.
Laurelwood Har. D. n n i. tn .
kunday achool, Mrs. W. Iagalla, eaperlntendent;
" rmoni ,., loang People's
Miaelaalppi-ATenoe Mlaalaatpnt areane and
aT rCaaMyna, arg-aaaar T KSf V IIIIaPH I . Ilnshae aa.n.
day scbooL 10 t. m.i rmL it m
'7'' U race ef Our Lord e'eaoe Chriat" i Obxle-1
Viae ITmlaaaHB
Uiaaaa WUUVSTW. S U. HS.
fiunnyilde-Corner of East Tayioe aad Beat
Tblrty-foarth atreeU: Bar. . j. Suab. paator.
Serrloee at 11 a. m., topic "On t Ood'a
wmwai uuu
topic, "Memor
achool, 10 a. m., S. C. Pur, eaperlntendent:
senior Ubrlstlan Endaarar. T a. m.,
variaiuu ajnoeavor T p. m. X ' .
- Haaaalo-street Eaat Blereeth aed Haaaalei
,.u, aaua. sunv. lamna a 1,1 un .
Sunday echooi. 12 m.i Chrlatlan Ksdaaan.. ii
p. m.: erening eerrice, 7:40 o'clock. "Uea of
the Kingdom" WyaUff. "
ataaiaoo and ParkJ Bev. Daniel Starer
aaaiatajit paator. Marnmg aermon. "The Great
Now," br Bar, A. 1. Folaom. . 10:80 a'ebwTk.
"'7itDWith.,r?)02,' ."A -Ul ABBorttag-
8unday echooi, M:15 p. m., F. H. Whitfield,
auperlntandent; Cnloa 0. K. meeting et Flrat
Highland Eaat Birth atreet north and Pre
eott; Hn. rn.JL Bollinger. Snnday acfaeol. 10
vgaen, aaperintendenti Jan lor Ea
dearor, 1 1 p. m.) . P. 8. a B., 8:45 p. m.i
tie"; 7:45 p. a, topic, !Tmpeat Toaeed."
Bwedlih Tmmannel Nineteenth aaS trala.
. . nf.Kn. .1 a. n. iu m. m a. .
Sunday ecbool. S:48 a. a. ' T
aarWCfMB Srtloa Kaat i Taatl, ..1
imu, an, w. tiaenea. Bosnar aehaai. araoi
Pantacoatal aerrlcea at 11 a. m ana a
V D la m.HM. b . , v '
Betanla Danlah Union areane and Mnepta
treat; Rer. Godmund Grill. Berrleea at 11
a. m. and S p. m.i Sunday school. 12:18 a. m.
St Jamea Engllah West Park and Jeffer
son atreet; J. Allen Leas, paator. Sunday
acnooi, -10 a. a.; aerrlce at 11 a. m. and S
tint Oat aaa Tenth and e.Mr .i, , e
0. Hefner. Sermon at 10:45 a. m.i m,ttiZ2.
tloa and oommanloei it I n. m i T. B) a n m
7 p. a. Sanday school. :S0 a. a.
T. at a A.
Fearth and Tamhlll At a mit. a
only te be held at I n. m. Dr. nilT.. nw
viusea et fortlaad.
Wllaon will lecture aa ''J
Bew Pfearch Sodetr Elemth
aireeia; ater. airaa vroceaaa.
asi Alder
a an uee . at
U a. a., "flplrltoallty." Sunday echooi, 10
Cherch ef the Good Tldlnea .
Eaat Eighth atreet., Brj. D. CbrbyTmlni
ter. Sunday school, 12 a. I aarm . tu
sxTrn sxttx onrrxa.
Ball 301, AUsky baUduutt T. M.
paator. Serrlcee it 11 a, n.
400 Alieky bolldlag. Third aad Mi
e et 11 :W a. m. and 7 p. m,i
10 a. m. 1
Han dOO Allakr
i achool.
O. A. B. hall, northaaet aaraaa
Morrlaoa streets. Serrlcee at 2:20 a. blT
vrew nau. ins Bwoona atraet. B r nr
"flplritoal Work and gnlrltaal Lrilna.-l . T7
p. m.t lecture oa Tbe Women of the Bible"!
I .fit hater leaacvmaa a 9 am aaa '
araima rcaaw m V aV. IU
St Johns Penmsolar a ranee and Kilnatrtck
Cntrereai Maw Tbouhtaaaamhia ar.ti w.
X, Mulkay baUdlag, Second and Morrlaoa atraeta.
nwuy, laeiure ai u e cioca, "Ths iUoalaa-
uoa oi tae aoui xuroogh Phalcal." ,
rental atlaelon ass .Flrat mtrmt rw -
D. Wataoa wlU elooe hi special meeting by
preaching at and p. a.t aubleet toTafter.
r" "". oi uoriea aa txeinao
..a am aecoao voming. ... ,v
atreet; C. Buecben, pastor. Berrleea at 10:45
t:w p.
e. m., Oermaa!
(cnooi. :so e.
m, . English; Bonday
Norwegian 45 North Foarteeath atreet; Bev,
J. it. Nervlg, paator. Sunday aerrlcea at 11
e. a. and 7:80 p. m.t Sunday school, :45
a. a. . v t . .. .
St. Paul German Eaat Twelfth end CHoton
streets! Ber. A. Kraoao. Morning eerrice at 10
a. m. sranuif eerrice, s p. a.i Bonday ecaooL
:S0 a. a. Bible claaa, Tburaday, 8 p. m.
Trinity German, Mlaeoori Synod Comer WU
llama arenue and Seilwood street; J. A. Rim
bach, paator. Serrlcee at 10 a. a. aad 7:90
p. m.: eunaay acnooi, w:io a. a. -.
Eton's , German (Mlaeoori Brood) Chapman
and Salmon atreeta; W. H. Behrene, paator,
oio aaimon acreei. eerncea ai lu:io ml m.
and 7:45 p. m.; Sanday ecbool, S:15 a. a.
Rerrieee la Enguia flrat end third Sandaya,
I iU p. Bl. ' . ...
.-::'!.!'.-.; OHBISTXaV.
Central Katt Twentieth and Beat Salmon
treeta; Kev. j. w. unormiey. D. o. At 10:45
a. m.. Dreaenine. toDie. "J he War of Halve
tion"! Sunday achool. 12 a.i Senior Endeamr.
6:80 p. m. at 8 p. m., memorial aerrlcea.
ueme, - w atcninen, nuat ox me 1 night r
Rodner-Arenoe Rodney arena and Knott
tirat: Her. w. Eimo itntnnaon. At S:45
a. m., Bible achooli at 11 a. m, commnnlon
and aermoa, 7:30 p. a.: X. F. S. 0. E.. 6:45
p. m
Mount Bcott Berrlcee la ball et Sera Park.
8 p. m, ; Snnday achool. 2:80 p. a.
IPoodlawa Sunday achool. 10 a. aa. l Breach,
Ins. 11 a. m.t Chrlatlia Endeiror. f a. ai i
errlcee at 8 p. m. . ' ' .
rint corner park ana commhi etreeta t Bar.
B. S. Murkier, minister. At 10:80 . m.
preaohlne tnplc ..''Penple .Who Make a Charee
Go") Bible acboot 12 m.t 7:45 n. m.. anm
forum meeting; Oeorr B. Thorn won will onen
in aifcoaaion en woriauan ocieace and Kail.
Aarent rjecena atreet. Between Han and
Lincoln Serrlce at 11:80 a. a. and"f p. mn
prate meetlhg; Sanday achool, 10:80 a. a. -
glut Corner Eaat Tenth and Sherman atraeta.
Rer. A. A. Winter. Sundar achooL 10 a. m.i
aerrlcea at 11 a. ra. and 7:80 p. a. -
Second Fargo and Kerby treeta Bev.' B.
Haitbee, paator. , Sunday achool at 10 a. a.t
preaching at 11 a. a. and 8 p. a. ...
Bt. Jona e irannoe enn jown atreetar He
I. J
you wiu our aaviee ana muuence., oian an account tooay and st. johVe-r. t. Tonne, oaator. ' Sunday
open the way to your business success." Savings accounts and time J"-?1: i?,m!if?-Lparc,nt L1.:..1'!-!
, - - , - . . . ' . . . P. m., APwviia league. I p. a., evening aer
nennsitB draw liberal interest when deoosited in tni arrrtner hanV tuon by c. c. stratum.
jm ' ' -Til hi . ' " '' '
, .-
hi tt
EDWorth Irrlna- and Twentr-thlrd. E. H,
Bryant, naator. . Preaehlnjr at 11 a. bl aad
7:80 p. a. a-,.'.-1-' - -.-".:. .,-
sooth itih BeeoBd atreet, Forestere hall;
Rev, X. F. Mow re, paator. . Sunday achool, 10
1 a. a.) preaching at 11. a. m. and 8 p. a.;
ipwonn learue., i p. m. . ...('.. ... ,., '.I
- centenary Met and Pin,. W. H. ' Beppe,
paator.' Preaching 11 a. a. end 7:80 n. m.
! Trinity :orDar of East Tenth and Grant;
1 iaalg Xe SnUh, see toe, loadajc seaeeej M a.
; Cor. Twelfta aa4 Taylor sts.
Sunday 'Service
10130 JL SC.
wThc Common Lor
'. Sermon by r .
Dr. J, W. A. Stewart
a - Of Rochester, N. T. '
. 7ia r. iL" -- .
.; Dr.' Stevrart, Preacher, i
Fine itusio ty Tempi Quartet
. and Cliolx.
t Eveiryon Welcome
At ; ths First ' Presbrtertaa church
Sunday evening at 8:15 sharp will be
held a bis mass meeting and rally of
all tha Christian Endeavorers in the
city, ; Rev. B. H. Llngenfelter of Se
attle, an enthusiast In Endeavor work,
will make the address of tha evening,
taking tor his aubject "Christian En
deavor Conventions,' and dwelling par
ticularly on the SeatUa convention.
Special - muslo has bees arranged for
and elaborate plans laid for a rousing
time. A mixed chorus of soma SO
voices will help make the preliminary
song service a suocess. Herman daus-
senius, well known to Portland people,
will be one among tha soloists of the
venlng. - -t- ; v.
All ths Endeavor snciaUas of the dty
are Invited to coma either In a body or
send delegates to this meeting. It Is
Important that every society in the city
be well represented so that full partio
ulars of the Seattle convention may be
gained. Friends or the Endeavor move
ment are also cordially invited.
(Special BUpateh to The JonraaL) '
Chehalls. Wash., May 15 Decoration
day will be observed ln Cheaalie- with
the usual patriotic program. Members
of the O. A. R. and W, R. C and friends
will assemble at a, m. and go to ths
cemetery, where tha graves will be deo
orated. The foUowlng program will be
rendered at the cemetery i s Muslo by
the Training School band j address.
What- of Our Ideala," TJ. S. Harmon t
reolUUoa, "Tha Silent Grand Army," by
Mrs. w. R. iTrummond; music -
The afternoon program will be at
rled out at tha opera bouse, aa follows!
Call to order by Post Commander A. 8.
Bliss; reading of orders by ' adjutant;
prayer, Rev, E. E. Prancls; salute,
Training School band; flag salnta, five
young women; "Old Glory," Clark Har
mon; muslo, band; oration, Mrs. M. W.
Briggs; song, male quartett; "America,"
muslo, band; benediction by Rev. Z). A.
Maciten8ie,"s'!.t,'(..:.-; ;,-: .. - ;, :.
(Journal Special Berviee.) " '
Omaha, Neb., May 25. Six thousand
pieces of literature were distributed In
Nebraska today ' by the Oregon girls.
Newspapers at Juleeburg, North Platte,
Kearney, Grand Island, Columbus and
Fremont had given notice of tha ex
curslon that ; brought erowda. -Tha
Omaha Bee sent a representative J00
miles up tha line for photos and Inter
views. There was singing at each sta
tion. The girls were taught by Sister
Ann of the Benedictine mission, i Port
land, who is with the party. A hard
rain was falling yesterday morning and
tha western Oregon (frig wag deJljhtaoe
1 1 in i i
SB. V. 9. TVLTQm, atataropaU,
j , ii r ,
and want to gtt weU tha
beat thing for you to do ia to
throw your medicine away
and go to Dr. N. J. Fulton,
Natiiropatxi, who treata all
diaeaaea without medicine.
"Sha curea many patlenta
who hava been treated lor
montha with medicina and
who have' about given up
hope of being 'trntdrSJ-
- Such dlseaaea aa rheuma
tism, la grippe, atomach and
bowel complainta, goiter,
paralyaia, female complainta,
nervoua diaeaaea, aha treata
without medicine, and curea.
Examinations and trial
treatment free. .
Dr. N. J. Fulton
Oormes Clay, ame bloek from BL
(kV. eejr, erne from Xtth vtree, ear,
a from eTaff ersom cevt Tolspkoaa)
, Btnia aiaa.,
, ; j
AsnrgzaisatTa. :
lath and ' rT7tf
Trrr t
1 Tonlaht . , .
S:15 o'clock.
Laat Time
Tooirruw Nubt.
Ia Bernard Shaw's atech UiacnaaeA f-1. '
rRirs. WArren's Prcksslcn
PrteeeUrwer 'Floor, ll.BO ami fl.OO. f ,S
eony, $1.00. 75e, SOe. Gallery, , I.e.
Seato Belling at Theatre Boz-Orflee.
ktoaaay, Taeaday. Tedneeday TXlghta,
. . Kay 37. gs, gp. ,
IS Crnest Denny 'e Pellshtfal Octnedy
Price Lower floor, fa, 1.60! balooar, ft.
7fie, 60C gallery, SOe. v SeaU Belling at theau.
Marquam Grand
V..'."" Phono siatB lot '
All Veek, Betarday pad Swaday KaUaae,
PreseBtiag . Victor Berbert's Q reelect Oeaie
-y-,:-. ' Opera, ; : ,
i "inronro oit,;i';'
PBIOISi S, SOe. 7e, Katlaeae, Ste, 10,
Bos Office Opes 10 s. a. te 10 p, a.
Monday, May 87, "The Stroller."
Phoae Hala a
00, L. Bake. ICsv.
Time ' Tofilaht The - Oreateet PoUctieaJ
Satire Brer Wrlttaa Hort'a
'':;.r,-" a eovT7jrTxs woKAjr."
- A arreeel ef laachter. Briaht aoateej ea
ber. Bus direction Arthur atacklay. staf
laee Batnrday. ..,... . , tr
Bvenlng prices, SOp, tB, Sfle.' afatlnee. 19m,
lOe. Neat week. Starting Tomorrow atatlaee
"The Dairy gum.". ....-;
Ith aad TaMlaa fhaalM
htorrleoa I,1UIUC IUH1IC . Bil 1IT.
kinvroN W. BAWAN, Haaager,
.Laat Week of the Saaaoa.
Be mas Itock Company la the Oraat Metro-
' pnlltea WeWrem,
..... taCJU) LOB0O1T.' '
A thrilling tale of life la the world's a
tro nolle. Stage dlrectioa eg Mr. Herbert Aah-
tOB. 1 ..''' I '
Mattnee Barorday. Kltbt arle,' 10a, SOo,
Do. toe. UaUoeaa, 10. SO. .
r Those Mala (III. '
This Week (She Allen gtock OontMey Pre-
eenUng the Blshly BeallaU Male- . :
dramatic Sneceaa, , s
Ifatlnaee Tuaadar. - Thorwlar. aaraedar' aad
Sanday. Price 10c. oe. Brery eveeiag eg
S:l. Prices 10c, SOe nand SO.
Beaerved seate by phone. Mala e68S. OffleS
epea froa 10 a. a. to 10 p. a.
las! Night Race
Big Time tonight
BTamtfaa; TO Slsreaa,
soar axATsa.
Haal Rld4B
Kataiate TBesisye. ,
TkBiedays, s. Satnrdaye
aad SuBdays at 1:10.
Priees IS aad M eeoea.
Xvery Xveaiac at t:ls.
Prieee 10, SO sad SOe.
I ear Beete by Pbeaa,
S:,, WXXX OP MAT M. , .
TBadevOle de Laaa,
Headed by.
MlasaB Qrao dray A Co
Sally MaHneae aad Every Zvealag.
Prices: Matinees, not taclsdlag Saadaye
or - Holldaya. 10c; Bvenlng. Bandar end
Holidays, 10. SUe, and Bos Beau Sue.
Circes Bay,
Corner 25th and Ralegh
MAY 28-29-30
Performances 2 and 8 p. m.
Oaks Rink
Special Music
t-Mxmxjrm cam mzna.
Wa trill clean or dye absolutely free
of - eharge every : f ourtB, . garment re-
alwaul. - wnr axamBle:
ladles' suit, Jaekel
ey pair of gloves.
3B fomttb
g-eao'ei gvl.
ironaexs, Boat aad
V ee os lawoat.
Bring ns your clothes. Ton may be
ths lucky fourth. . v -
BOB, aserl aeretrtli Bteee. Those 604.
It feaeet EHavtrUai 30 ASTONlimna ACaoili
lA Canal ,H Jumai Urea g mmrtmg 4efafef
llrsllsa Tialtsrt
N tetkleai tesik lleara
leer el Trala WU4 laaakj
ItTBt sf rerfsrsstl Btpktsti
v BSClIal 8UU ail HUBS
fltMt jMHBIett ttaefalaM
Marvelous ftektzil
aVrtf-y tTdoat eWytS
Claws! sdTSil Feaees
Dr. ' Sendereoo'e Oompooad Bsvta
v and Oottsa Boot Pllla. The beat
and only reliable remedy fur Daw
- LAX ED PtHlODS. Core the Boat
a .a ia a.
Price g pet bos. aalted la Plala wrapper.
Address Dr. T. 1. P1BBC8. 1S1 gtrst aueeC.
PerUaad, Oregoa. ., .
COP oz
V 5A(RH b::(
POrtTLAND. Cnrc C : i.
; induces!
'. m m-Jk 3 al
Vvvwit4. i i .
C - ""'W ""